The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 04, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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    Till' ' ! NOHKOI.K NK\VS \ : I'MflDAV. KKI'TKMIH'lt ,1 HlOit
Boundary Commission Met
This Morning in London.
History of the Case Which HasCaused
Trouble Between Britain and the
United States for Many Years.
Secretary Root Heads.
London , Sept. a. Special to Tlio
News : To commission appointed un
der the treaty concluded lust .lammry
between Grcnl Ilrltaln and the United
States to settle If possible the long
standing dispute over the Alaskan
boundary met this morning al the
Urltlsh foreign olllco and formally or
ganized. Those present Included the
three British commissioners Lord
AlversUmo , Sir Louis .lotto ( lieutenant
governor of Quebec ) and Mr. A. U.
Aylesworth , K. C. and the three
American commissioners Secretary
Root , Senator Lodge and Senator
Turner. In addition there was pros-
cut a greal array of counsel to present
the two sides of the case. The ques
tion at Issue was not entered into to
day , the Initial session bohfg devoted
lo the work of organizing and the ex
change of courtesies.
The Alaskan boundary dispute is
one of long standing. Since 187U Can-
nda has been calling attention to the
question year after year. In 1S9S a
joint commission of English ami-Amor
lean representatives tried to settle the
quarrel , hut failed.
The territory In dispute covers an
area of upward of 20,000 square miles.
For tlio most part it Is mountainous ,
but it Includes valuable gold mines.
The quarrel centers around the ques
tion of the whereabouts of the boun
dary between Alaska and Canada.
Originally , Alaska was Russian terri
tory. In 1825 the boundary line was
< lcfined , on paper , by a treaty between
Hussia and Great Britain. In 1SC7
the United States bought Alaska from
the czar , and then the Canadian-Alas-
lean frontles hegan to be peopled. As
the boundary line by the 1825 treaty
had never been properly surveyed ,
disputes arose between Canada and
the owners of Alaska.
Throughout almost its entire length
the disputed territory adjoins Hritisli
Columbia on the west side. The re
maining portion in dispute adjoins tlio
famous Yukon territory , and Includes
the eastern boundary of the coast strip
from the vicinity of Knkatat bar to
the one hundred and forty-first me
So far as the latter Is concerned the
ownership of towns like Skagway and
Dyea famous in the great Klondike
gold rush Is In question. The Klon
dike , indeed , is directly affected by
the quarrel which it is now hoped will
be settled. The Ingress and egress
to tills area are by way of the Lynn
canal. The Americans claim that this
canal , plus a belt of territory thirty
miles east of It , belongs to the United
States ; while Canada demands that a
great portion of the upper part of the
canal , together with a slice of terri
tory to the east , be recognized as part
of the Dominion.
Eastern Roads Would Equalize Between -
tween Gulf and Atlantic.
Chicago , SP < > ' . 3. Trantc officials of
tfce western railroads hold a meeting
In Chicago to consider the plea of east
ern exporters for an equalization of
export rates on flour as between the
gulf and the Atlantic ports. Ky an ar
rangement with the steamship lines
southwestern roads are enabled to
make rates which attract the bulk of
the flour shipments to Galveston and
New Orleans. Lines of the gulf ports
claim that territorial division entitle
them to a differential over the Atlan
tic ports , but lines through Chicago
and St. Louis and from there eastward
are loth to lose traffic which they sco
slipping away from them. No doflnlto
solution of the question was reached.
Attorney for Edmund H. DrlnQB
a Brief Outlining the Defense.
New York , Sept. 3. Counsel for ex-
Congressman Edmund H. Driggs , who
is under indictment in connection with
the postofflco frauds , has filed in the
"United States circuit court , Brooklyn ,
a brief as to the constitutionality un
der which the indictments were found.
The point is made that the statute of
limitation shall be liberally construed
in favor of his client. The contention
is that Driggs did not qualify as mem
ber of congress until Dec. 4 , 1S99 ,
while the money or check from the
cash reglitor company mentioned in
the cacc was given in May of that
year. _
Scorpion In a Collision.
New York. Sept. 3. The Metropol
itan steamer H. M. Whitney , bound for
Boston , was In collision In the East
river with the gunboat Scorpion. The
two vessels struck at a point In the
rlvor well toward the Brooklyn shore.
The Scorpion struck tlio Whitney on
the starboard bow and drove two holes
in the vessel , one about seven feet
above the water line and the other
about two loot above. The Whitney
wit back to Its pier , where it dis
charged Its freight andjiassengers.
Japs Seize Steamer.
. London. Sept. 3. The Tien Tsln
correspondent of the Standard tolo-
sraphs the report that the Stanley Dollar
lar has been seized by a Japanese man-
of-war , because it did not have the per-
Blision of Korea to trade In lumber.
Tells National Atsoclntlon of Mer
chants About Currency.
Chicago , Sept. 3. Two hundred busi
ness men from nil pirta of the country
listened to Secretary of the Troamiry
Blinw talk on the business outlook at
n banquet plvcn nt the Auditorium ho
tel by the National Ansoclnthm of Mer
chants and Travelers , Lyman .1. Dago
nddronsod the association on the name
subject Just before his retirement from
tlio treasury department. In his dis
cussion Secretary Shaw declared that
whnt was needed was not nn elastic
dollar , hut rome provisions by which
automatically the aggregate volume ot
dollars should Increase whenever nnd
wherever more dollars are neeilod nn 1
would an promptly rctlro when not
Bryan Speaks In Ohio.
Columbus , O. , Sopt. 3.V. . J. Bryan
wn the guest of Iho Ohio statn board
of agriculture and delivered a nonpartisan -
partisan address at the state fair
grounds , .lohn II. Clarke of Cleveland -
land , endorsed by the Democratic state
convention for Unl - d States senator ,
spoke from the same platform. Mr.
Bryan left later for Marlon , O. , where
he addressed a Democratic moetlnj.
Six Hundred Bodies Recovered.
Victoria , Sept. 3. Further advices
from Che Koo state that the loss of
life there as a result "of the cloudburst
and Hoods was greater than loportod.
Over 000 bodies wote recovered , one
being that of an American bluejacket.
The loss in the Chinese part of tha
city exceeded ? 2,000,000.
Uprising Not on at Manistlr Thous
ands of People Confronted by
Sofia , Bulgaria. Sept. . ' ! . The Insur
gents In the district of Adrlanople ap
pear to he less active. The Turks are
pouring In In an overwhelming force
end the revolutionists are taking ref
uge In the mountains. The Bulgarian
leader , Oergicoff. has been wound P. !
nnd has fled to Burgas , Bulgaria. The
insurgents , It is reported , have rap-1
lured Ihe seaport of Ahtaboty , near
Vasiliko , on the Black sea. and the
Turkish population has fled to Con-
Rtantinople. The Insurgents have or
ganized a local government at the
captured seaport and are giving ships
their clearing papers and sanitary
The report published by the Dnovntk
of a general uprising In northern Mace
donia Is denied both In ofllelal and rev
olutionary circles. Well informed
persons , however , assert that the re
port was correct , but that Its prema
ture publication disarranged the plans
of the revolutionists , and therefore it
Is denied. According to reliable reports -
ports from Monastlr , thousands of Bul
garians In that vilayet are confronted
with famine In addition to Turkish
The Dnevnlk continues to report nu
merous outrages on the part of the
Turkish soldiers in a number of vil
It Is re-ported that thr Turkish com
manders are adopting Lord Kitchen
er's tactics in the Trnnsvnal by male-
inc f'-lves In the Kiklllssl district nnd
elsewhere with the Idea of destroying
or driving the Insurgent bands over
the Bulgarian frontier.
Mayor Low Reviews Ea3le3.
New York , Sept. 3. The fraternal
Order of Eagles had their parade be
fore going into session to continue
their convention at Tammany Hall.
Mayor Ix > w reviewed the parado.
There were over 2,000 members In
the various lodges which formed the
procession , with a number of bands ,
and the distinctive apparel of the
lodges gave a picturesque appearance
lo the marchers.
Silver Coins for Philippines.
Philadelphia , Sept. 3. Under escort
of a strong guard 10.405,000 silver
coins , aggregating ? 928G50 , were
shipped from the United States mint
to New York , where they will bo
placed on board a steamship and
taken to Manila. The coins wore
packed in 40 heavy wooden kegs ,
each weighing 300 pounds when filled.
It was officially announced the further
coinage of money for the Philippine '
islands would be temporarily suspend
ed until the mint employes caughl up ,
on the coinage of minor and subsidiary
money for the fall trade in the Uniled
States. J
Pennsylvania Democrats Name Ticket.
Harrisburg , Pa. , Sept. 3. The Democratic -
cratic state convention nominated the
following tickcl by acclamation : Aud
itor , Senator Arthur G. Dewalt of Lo- j
high county ; state treasurer , Senator
Joel G. Hill of Wayne county ; Judges
of the superior court , ox-Judge Calvin
Heyburn of Armstrong county nnd
John A. Ward of Philadelphia. The
platform adopted is briefer than the
usual Democratic declaration of prin
ciples and Is devoted entirely to state
Raseball Reeults.
National League Chlcaso , 5 ; St.
Louis , 1. Brooklyn , 4 ; N-JW York. 1 ,
Plttsburg , \ : Cincinnati , 1. Philadel
phia , 1-3 ; Eoston , 3-2.
American League Chicago , 2 ; St.
Louis , 1. Detroit , 4 ; Cleveland. 2.
Washington , 3 ; New York , 11.
American Assocla'lnn Lorlsvlllo , 7 ;
St. Paul , 4. Columbus , 4 ; Milwaukee ,
2. Indianapolis , 2 ; Minneapolis , 1. To
ledo , 7-S ; Kansas City , 6-13.
Cattlemen Finish Their Work.
Kansas City , Sept. 3. The cattlemen
finished their work and left for tholr
homes. When asked to statp who the
incorporators of the Independenl
Packing company are. they said 11
would nol do lo give Ihe public this
information at this tluio.
Explosion on Austrian Steatvcr
Kills Captain and Crew.
Black Sea Vecsel Catches Fire nnd
Has to Be Beached Belgrade Hears
That Town of Adrlanople Has Been
Blown Up and U Burning.
Constantinople , Sept. 3. Tliroo ex
plosions occurred on the Aimtrlun
steamer VusUapu FOOII after leaving
the Bulgarian port of HurtiiH , on route
for Constantinople , by which twenty-
nine persons perished. The vessel
caught lire and had to bo beached.
A telegram conveying this news was
received by the ngi-nt hero of the linn-
narltin Levant line , to which the von-
sol belongs. The telegram said the
Voskapn had boon I'esltoyed ' In the
Black sea. The contain and ofllcora
of lht steamer and six of her crew
were killed , a total of twenty-n'.no
lives being Kist. The VniUinn sailed
from Varna. Bulgaria , and after calling
nt Burgas , gt"umod through the Black
eoa to Constantinople , \vhon Iho throe
explosions took place. Tim deck of
the v " " > 1 took flic and s'n had to b < j
run ashore nt Mlnorovn bay , eighteen
miles port o Burcas. whore she U still
burnlnc. The opinion IR expressed
that the Hii'wlnn revolutionists were
responsible for the explosions.
The porto has sent a note to thr > for
eign embassies and legations Inform-
hiK them that according to police In
formation the Bulgarian agitators arc
projecting outrages against the om-
bassles , legations and other public
In Constantinople. The
note says thr Ottoman government baa
taken precautions and requests the
hoHtlB of the foreign missions to do
London. Sept. 3. Special dispatches
from Constantinople published bore
( Inscribe the destruction of the stenm-
> rVaskapu as a revolutionary outrage.
They state that Iho bomb was timed
to burnt while the steamer was off
Constantinople , but owing to the ves
sel being twenty hours late In starling
from Varna , the explosion ormrred off
Mlsorvn bay. Among the missing and
supposed to have been blown over
board Is IWr Lonrtvay , belonging to
the head office of the steamship com
Adrlanople In Flames.
Vienna , Sept. .1. The Belgrade pa
pers are again spreading ( sensational
rumors that a portion of the town of
At''ianople has been blown up it ml
that tlio other pnrt Is burning. No
confirmation of these reports Is ob-
talimblo here.
Drainage Tunnel Completed.
Cripple Creole. Colo. , Sept. 3. The
drainage tunnel that will uuwater
many of Iho principal mines of the
camp below their present lowest work-
Inge , has been completed. It IB 4,070
feet In length nnd cost $80,000. Work
was started Jan. 23 last. The portal of
i 'ho tunnel Is near the Intersection of
Arequa gulch and Cripple creek , at
nn elevation of 8,870 feet , and about
330 feet below the water level. The
objective point of the tunnel Is the
COO-foot lo\el of the El Paso mlno.
Deputy Sheriff A'sasslnated.
Eldorado , Ark. , Sept. 3. Dallas
Hunter , a deputy sheriff of this coun
ty , was assassinated about four miles
west of town , while on the road from
his homo to Eldorai'o. Bloodhounds
are on the trail of his assailants. It
is believed that the killing was Ihn
result of an ohl feud , Hunter having
been a close friend of W. P. Lee , who
was assassinated July 0 last.
Killed at a Heur.lon.
Baxter Springs , Kan. . Sept. S.
James Murphy , a business man ol
Cherokee. Kin. , was shot and killed
at the soldiers' reunion at Camp Lo
gan by Special Officer Allen McLean
Murphy and McLean quarreled ho
cause McLean attempted to arrest a
companion of Murphy.
Smooth Swindler Arrested.
Marshalltnwn , la. , Sept. 3. The ar
rest of F. 13. Myers , alias Marson , at
Muscatlnc , has caused a sensatloa
here. Marson Is one of the smoothes
confidence men In the country. HP
poses as a singing evangelist and promoter
meter of gigantic manufacturing on
No Decision as to Ships.
Washington , Sept. 3. The adminis
tration has come to no doclsion re
yarding the disposition to be made o
the American warships , which are now
calling to Beyroot. Whether th
Brooklyn and the San Francisco ro-
ftialn in Turkish waters will depend en
tlrely upon the report which Mlnlste
Lelfdimsm makes concerning ; the sltua
tlon In Turkey and the necessity wide' '
exists for warships to protect Amer
lean interests.
Notice of Incorporation.
Notice is hereby given that u corpora
tion has beuii organized under and b
virtua of the l.tws of Xobraskn , HIIJI
corporation to bet known as thu ' 'I5k- !
horn Vnllpy TMophono Co.ipiu\ ; "
\vbo e principal pln e of business null
b nt the oily ot Norfolk , county of
iMadison , and fitiitu ot NVbr.takii
Tim general nature of tl.o ImsinoFh robe
bo triin iuttcl ! by said corporation , is
tlin orectiiic , constructing , nmintiiiniiiu'
and operating telephone syVoms and
exchanges , switches , toll lin rujil the
buviiiK , selling and leasing of telephone
sybtoms , switches , toll lines andnppiv-
The authorized canital i-tock of Kidd
corporation is ( $100 000.00) ) 0110 hundred
thousand dollars.divlded in to'1,000) ) onq
thonand slurei. whose par value Hhall b °
( ? 100 00) ) one hundred dollars each , nnd
all stocks subscribed for shall bo leaned
urn ! I mil lor ut Mi > ri'l ' ot tin IXMI.I ol
uxolor- , unit nil NI.I.I I > MU I thillio
ully piitd up and mm iisvi * . < < , at
Twenty-five thousand dollar * ( fi ,
XH ) 00)ol ) thu mddJo.iptMl Htoek Mi.UI be
MI d us preferred Mori ; , upon which u
ivid nd of ton (10) ( ) pur cent pi r
iiimni , p.'iyublo Bt'ini annually nlmll bn
mid in lieu of all turlhur divtdcnuH , or
ntenst in tlio pivlltn of thu huMtiCM to
o conducted.
The Kind preferred ( .tool ; slmll ho u
rM lien against and upon all of the
miprty anil ussntn of said o rp itntion.
nd tliu dividend * of Huc.h piolcrrcd
to I ; slmll bu in addition a ben upon
nd charge iigntnm the nut Income
101 oof.
Sovonty-flvo thoiiHivnd dollar * ( $75-
00 00) ) of Hilid capital stock Hliull tie isled -
led im common * toe It upon whluh I hum
mil bit puyahlo as dividends nil tlm
rollts eiirmut by tlio corporation over
nd iibovo the dividend of ton (10) ( ) pot
ent per annum us ulnno deHiKiiittod ,
pen the Kaid prutVrrud Htnuk
I'hiri corporation hluill bt'Kln biiNtncHH
n tlm 15tli day of .luly , IDOII , nnd con-
inno for u p rlod of twenty u'O ) jiuvrn ,
vltli power and riphl of roimwal.
'I'hu IndolitediiohH of Hiild ctioraloii ( | (
mil not. at any time e\oi > ed olie half
ic amouni of Its paid up c.tpttal Nt < i' ' I ;
Tito huninccs aU'idr.-t of Hitld oorporu-
ion slull bo con lueli'd by a board of
ve ( f > ) diieetorw , wln Hhall ln < hoHi'ii
y llio HtoekbdldoiH a' tin * annual m-'ct
> i ; cf tlm corporal inn on the Thitd
Vednesday in Iom < iiib > r in en h jear ,
ml who shall elect ns provided iii I he
Hides of incorp'initlon ' , u proaideiil ,
i''n-preKidt nt , Huerolnry and tr < ii'iirci
UiilH ihi'ir Minci'twiii-i are eheind nnd
uiililied thu diroctoiH and dHlcevH ol
IUH corpuratlnn Hhall be us follnwn :
Ulrmitnrs ( i A Ijiilkurr ( Jen 15
liriMoph , Vi Duke Naven , 1' O. Dings
nd 1. S Malmn
OilleiTH H. Duke Niivnn , 1'reiident ;
ieo. H Ohiistoph , Vlce-I'ri'Mileiit ; I. S
luhaii , Seoretarv and Treasnnir.
Or.o B ( iiuti roiMi ,
( J. A LriKAiir ,
Incori onvtors
Nothing so Wonderful in the
Days of Specialism.
Dr. Caldwcll.
Tlio hucccbs of Dr. Ualilwull is alirib
uluil to lior njicouil ntu .y ot npenluli.-iiii
> i ( JuliUu.'H , f-tiidmit , pmlanihiiipHi phyMulun of wide reputation , huv
ug given lier entire tune and practice t
i line ot hpituml diseases , wliiuh en
ibles her from long cxpmitinco in hiinill
ng lliDSO troubles to certainly iioine
cirwunl us n inu-ler hpee.iullHt. llei
acuity for nmsUuin dihiniM ) , hei
ibility to diagnose , and her plan 01
rentmont IH not excelled by fmv othui
ihyHiomiiH. Dr. O.ildwull , although u
young woman in hfo , a plain woman ,
uid ono who IK Uheil to thu up * am >
towns in bto , puts hursulf on u Itivit !
wiih her patients mid linen not protcnn
o practice the old plan of fashion
which in to look and Hay nothing
Slio knows dist'iiHo ; shu knows wliiuo to
ook tor disuasd , and tlio spot when
ocnled , and most of all nho knows from
xpcrionco , from what she has done ii
he past , filiu can curtamly do for otlieit-
n the fut Uro. It JH siud by Dr. Ould
well's friends that she can diagnose n
lisoaso of any putiunt without anlunp
hum u singltt question , 'lint buin ( * the
use , hho is not. likely to dotitor them
uir the wrong ailment ; sha will n o
take an incurable ( iM'a-o and lead th >
Utient to ueliovo that she can cure
ilium whim there is really ,110 hope ioi
: hom. Her ! > UMIIC ss IH largo and sh >
lias plenty to do , even , at times , mon
'ban ' shu can do , svithnut Inking incur
ible dlHo-iiM'S mid dec iving her patient *
Dr. Oaldwell is a graduate Ironi mm ol
the boat schools in America Sli- ) bus
practiced her profession in some of the
[ H-incipul liospitals in this country
Ik-r hpooialty compri > .es that clus ot
diseases which the ordinary homo doc
tor fails to euro , such us female diKc-aBoc ,
heart diseases , discasi s of children and
the many special diseases of hidden
nature , I lor pruotico is mostly among
the plain , hard working pooplu who im-
unatilo to coiui ) to her city nllleo for
trratmont ; she is reasonable in bur
char es and very lonii-nt with those
who nro not nblo to pay. She is nhurit
aide , and it is said has never bomi
known to refuse to Ireiit u p.itinnt who
is worthy and in need A number of
tlio important cases that wn hproby
take the liberty to publish , which
mit'lit bo of interest to some who wish
to know more of Dr. Caldwell's great
work :
Sophia Kran , Albion , Neb , cured of
a bad skin dipnuso.
Mrs. Lulu TowHloy , Duvid City , Nub. ,
cured of female trouble and fetimlo
Mrs O. W. Killian , Wakofield , Neb. ,
cured of a tumor and liver and stomach
Mrs. K A. Studer , Way no , Neb. ,
cured of female and nervous troubles.
Mrs. O. Linn , Hofkins. Nob. , cured
of ovarian trouble and bladder trouble
F. J Hob , Albiu , Nob. , cured of bron-
ohial trouble , enlarged liver and dropsy.
Mrs. Minnie Hudat , GolumbnsNol _ ) . _ .
cured of skin disease and kidnny'tioiiolo
Mrs. W D. Burr , David Oity , Nob. ,
cured of skin disease , nervousness and
loss of appetite.
Mrs Ohas. Miller , Wayne , Nob. ,
cured of dropsey , kidney and liver
troubles and nervousness. She had
boon troubled for years.
Mrs 0 W. Andnrson , Norfolk , Neb .
rvirod ofonfirnl | debility , enlarged
r and piin in chest.
Mrs John Hiuninn , Ufiiton , N b. ,
cured of bladder trouble nnd constipu
Mrs S. P. Amiok. Tokiuinh , Nub
cured of tumor , womb trouble , loss of
appotlto and constipation.
S. A. McKIM , M. D. O.
Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist.
Graduate Chicago "Veterinary College
Assistant State Veterinarian.
Ofllco : Brnnson's Livery , South Third
Street. 'Phono 183.
8nofnhi manifesto itself in many ways 8wi'llinj : of tinnhinda of llic
neck and tbioat , Oatatihvi.ik eve'i , white swelling , olti-nHI\osotoii and nb-
Hcc set'ikin emotions , lo-isof slunnthnnd IIMIM li-snnd jnintH.
11 hi n inisetable disease and tiaeeahle in almost eveiy instance to some
family blood taint
Seioftihi in bird in the Rorofiilii nmimirnd on tlin hnnd of mjr
llttlo uruiidililld wliitn only HI motith *
It one , itt ttiuiHiniUi'd old , mid MirtMil | niiiUlly ever hiir body.
fiom paii'iit to child , The dlii < mtm nnxt ulliioKiHl tint iiyon mid
wo rniirtid xho would lone linr Nli ht. Km-
the Kccdii atu planted in liiout iiliyiiloliniH v/oro oonniiltod , hut
infancy and unlcsH the could do nothlliK to rolinvo tlm llttln In-
tiocnut. It WIIH thitn thiit wo dnnldud ta
blood is ] ) uucd and pn- try B. II. H. Thnt iiindlolun lit onoo initdii
jificd ami evuiy atom of u Hpnndy itnd uomiilnto curn. Mho in now
liidy , nnd him never hnd nliru
u voiinif u
the t ai nt i cmovcd Sci of- of the illMounn lo ml urn.
iilu is ante to develop al M118 , UUT1I HKHKI.Y ,
luO Mouth Mil Utriint. Hullnu , Kan.
sunn. ' pel iod in your life.
Noiemedy 1'ipialn S. 8. 8. us a enteforHciofnla. Hclean.sen and bnildn
tip the blood , make.-t it tieh and pnte , and tinder the tonic elTectn of this
gtoat lllood Hemedy , the gonoiiil health nnpiovcs , the di e.-itive oinann ate
stien tliened , and theie in a iiailnal ; bill sute leltttu
to health. The deposit of tnhoicnlar matter in the
jointn and jl.itihi ; in catiied oT ( an soon as the blood
is te.stoted to a noimal condition , and the .soie.t , ctnp *
lions , and other symptoms of Scintilla disappear.
8. 8. 8 is jtnaiantecd pniclv vegetable and hatmlcs't ; an ideal blood
ptttificr and tonic that icmovesall blood taint and builds up weak conslitti *
lions. Our physicians will advise without , chaise , alt who wtiti : tis about
their case , llook mailed fiee.
* < > * * * * * * * * < > 4
Our SniiMOIlilhln ( iiioilH liiclildo
Lawn Mowers ,
Garden Hose ,
Garden Tools ,
Gasoline Stoves ,
Refrigerators ,
Ice Cream Freezers.
Thill we : ire conslunl ly < ; n\\iii ) in llic ; iH of
making l-'inc I'hotos. mnl our proihicts \ \ ill al
ways bo found to embrace t.lie
and Nowesl , Styles in Cards iiinl'KiiiisliVe also
carry a line line of Moldings snilablo for all
kinds of framing.
; ; Conservative Management ,
Thorough Equipment.
Commodious Rooms ,
Superior Instruction. |
Fvill Business Ccmrses.
I It will pay you to attend this School. No va-
I cations. Enter any tirnc.
C. H. BRAKE , Norfolk , Neb. 1
. .TRY THE. .
Daily New Job Department
TAl'lSVOKM. . Arc a Positive Cure for Indigestion ,
Constipation , Fcavcrs , 1'oul amivoak
Stomachs , A notediloctoi of CluL-ngrj
stated that he believed n f > 0c. box ol
Slocum's Worm Cnkc would tjivc
more relief tluui f. > 0 worth of ordinary
doctor's fees. Price SOcts. by mull
ony- | R. v. SLOCUM
725 W. North Avenue , Chicago , III.
You cannot drive purchasers
to any particular store. You
can win them by convincing
A convinc > < j argument at
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nulrKIr nTLTtntn iinr o ; > iitt < n frco whether an
liiiumlmt la pr ilmbljr rutcimblo. Communion.
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Patent tnkfii ihniUL'li MUIIII & Co. receive
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