The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 28, 1903, Image 9

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    PAHT TWO XOUKULK , NM'MUtA.sKA , FRIDAY , At'tU'ST Us. l < ) ul ; PAGES 0 TO. 12
B |
Three Railroad Wrecks This
Morning , and Trolley Cars.
Three Trainmen In Missouri Many
Soldiers Killed and Wounded In
Italy Hundred Cattle In Wisconsin
Collision , Besides Injuries.
Valley Park , Mo. Aug. 28. Special
to The News : Two engineers and
ono brnkcman nro dead as a result of
n , bad collision which occurred hero
this morning between two freight
trains on the Missouri Pacific road.
Collision In Wisconsin.
Silver Lake , WIs. , Aug. 28. Special
to The News : The Wisconsin Cen
tral's fast passenger train collided
with a stock train this morning. Ono
hundred cattle were killed and four
trainmen are badly Injured.
Trolley Car Collides With Truck.
Kansas City , Aug. 28 , While run
ning to a fire In the west bottoms a
hook and ladder truck was struck by
a trolley car. Three firemen and two
passengers were hurt. The Injuries of
the passengers were slight. The fol
lowing firemen were Injured : John
O'llcllly , face cut ; John Redmond ,
back sprained ; Bryant Fitzgerald , arm
opralned and cut.
Many Soldiers Killed.
Udlne , Italy , Aug. 28. Special to
The News : A passenger train crowd
ed with soldiers collided hero with a
freight train this morning. Fifteen
soldiers were killed outright and sixty
were badly wounded. The train caught
flro after the collision , but the flames
were soon extinguished.
Maj. McLaughlln Not Yet Successful
in Getting Enough.
Washington , D. C. , August 27 :
From unofficial , sources It Is learned
at the Interior department that
Maj. McLanghlln now reports that
he has secured the signatures of
500 Indians to an agreement for
cession of s , portion of their reserva
tion In Gregory county , S. D.
Under the act of congress before
the agreement can become legal It
will be necessary to obtain the sig
natures , of three-fourths of the male
member's of the tribe. There are
nearly 900 adult male Indians , and
there still remain at least 100 affirm
ative signatures to be obtained.
Maj. McLaughlln has a record of
being most successful In persuading
Indians to come to terms with the
govenrment In such matters ns that
upon which ho is now engaged , and
It is predicted at the interior depart
ment that lie will succeed in this in
stance. Maj. McLaughlln is now mak
ing a house to house canvass to se
cure the necessary signatures. Every
adult male Indian interested is to bo
seen and given an opportunity to per
sonally express his views as to the
cession of the lands In question.
Capture of Long Island More Import
ant Than Destruction of Fleet.
Portland Me. , Aug. 28. The day's
developmoits In the war game were
considered the most since
the hostile fleet first appeared off Poit-
land. The navy made a grand coup
In the capture of Long island In the
forenoon , while the army made a spec
tacular play in the destruction of all
of the seventeen of the opposing ships
that attacked the coast deiensos In the
afternoon. The navy , however , seems
to have a little the hotter of It , for
strange as it may seem the capture
of Long island was considered raoro
important than the destruction of the
seventeen vessels. Long island has
been declared out of the game until
tonight at 9 o'clock. The big search
lights will not be working , which will
bo of great value to the navy. On the
other hand , after sunset the destroyed
ships went back into commission
A fleet of sixteen warships was re
ported early this morning off Iliggins'
beach , at the extreme end of Capo
Elizabeth , with lights out. A landing
party from Old Orchard was reported
marching toward the harbor defenses.
The patrols were doubled.
Reduction Plant Goes Into Trust.
Colorado Springs , Colo. , Aug. 28.
The Telluride Reduction company
conveyed its Colorado City mill to the
General Metal company of New York ,
which has Just been organized by
Charles S. Flnncy , representing prom
inent eastern capitalists. Manager II.
\V. Fulierton of the Reduction com
pany's plant tendered his resignation.
" C. I ) . Groves , superintendent , has
been appointed to succeed him.
Building Trades Unions May Unite.
Indianapolis , Aug. 28. Hefore ad
JL journing the piesldents of seven na
tional building trades unions issued a
call to the larger building trades' '
unions of the country to send three
representatives each to a conference
to be held hero Oct. 7. It Is hoped
at this meeting to effect the formation
of a national federation of building
Missouri Mine Operators Go to See
President Mitchell.
Kansas City. Aug. 28. The mem
bers of the coal opeiators' committee
to confer with John Mitchell , presi
dent of the United Mine Workers' ,
with a view to averting n ntrlke that
threatens to close every Missouri coal
mine on Sept. 1 , have departed for
Chicago. The representatives of
the union coal miners continue to as
sert that Mitchell ami the national
council have no authority , except of
an advisory nature , to interfere with
the threatened strike In Missouri. The
operators are acting upon the theory
that Mr. Mitchell has full authority
to act and he will bo ask oil to order
that the Missouri mine workers do not
go on strike pending arbitration. The
operators believe that President Mitchell -
ell will Issue an order next Monday
against a strike , pending arbitration.
Elections Being He d In Servla Today
Will Favor Radicals and He
May Yet Go.
Vienna , Aug. 28. Special to The
News : A dispatch from Belgrade
says that the elections In Sorvla today
will undoubtedly result In an over
whelming victory for the radicals ,
and the conflict between them and
the army will then become acute , ren
dering King Peter's position all the
more unenviable. His recent threat
to leave the country , It Is believed ,
may soon bo translated Into reality.
The outlook for Sorvla Is Indeed
dark. The country seems to bo driftIng -
Ing Into anarchy. The result of the
ministerial crisis shows that the king
Is completely In the hands of the mil
itary Camrllla which placed him In
State Convention at Ceo Molnes Nomi
nates Weller for Governor.
DCS Moines. Aug. 28 , The Populist
state convention named the following
ticket : Governor , L. II. Wcllcr of
Nashua ; lieutenant governor , S. T.
Harvey of DCS Molnes ; judge of supreme
premo court , J. A. Lowenberg of Ot-
tumwa ; railroad commissioner , Walter
McCullah of Davla City ; superintend
ent of public instruction , Hilo Bunco
of Stuart.
The convention nominated the
ticket without contest , but there was
a spirited debate over the platform.
Ono faction , headed by Howard Rose
of Chaiiion , desired to ullniinuiu liio
demand for the referendum and con-
flue the party's appeal on
this line to the Initiative. The con
vention decided to endorse this plank
providing for the initiative alone and
to use t..e phrase "Initiative and refer
endum" elsewhere , thus satisfying
botli Bides. The platform : "We en
dorse the Omaha platform of 1892 ;
we favor the adoption of the Initiative
and referendum In all elections of
staio and national character ; we de
mand that the right to elect both as
to who shall be public officers and
what shall be the public policy in gov
ernment shall bo conserved to the
people and that all forms or systems
Invasive of this right shall bo re
pealed ; WP recommend that the foregoing -
going he made a pirt of the national
platform at the next national conven
tion. "
Phynlclans Charged With Robbing
Poor House of Drugs.
St. Louis , Aug. 28. Dr. Kmanual
Urban , a physician at the poor house ,
and Dr. T. P. Knapp , formerly physi
cian at the female hospjtal , were nr-
rested by Specinl Officer Durney of
the health department. They are
charged with stealing drugs from tho1 I
poor hoiiB drug store and are held at' I
the Four Courts until a further invrstl- i
gallon is made , and until another
physician at the poor house Is arrested. |
Brewery Engineers Strike.
Bt. Louis , Aug. 28. Sixty-five engi
neers and 110 firemen went out on a
strike at the several breweries
throughout the city. They demand
an increased pay for the engineers of
about $3 a week and 30 cents an hour
instead of 25 cents for the firemen.
It Is Thought That by Another Year
the New Line in Idaho Will be
Bolso City , Idaho , Aug. 28. Special
to The News : It Is confidently ex
pected that by this time next year
northern and southern Idaho will bo
connected by a now road to be known
ns the Lowlston & Owyhee. The road
is to extend from Hnntlngton , Ore. ,
to Lewiston , Idaho , a distance of 200
miles. It will connect at Huntlngton
with the Oregon Short Line , that point
being also the terminus of the Oregon
Navigation. Construction is to begin
nt Huntington , and It is expected that
by May 1 of next year CO miles will
bo completed and in operation.
The now road will open up a rich
mineral , agricultural and stock coun
try. It will tap the Seven Dials min
ing district in Idaho , where a number
of extensive mines hnvo developed ,
and nro waiting transportation facil
ities to begin extensive operations.
Tremendous Rise at Kansas
City Looks Dangerous.
Hundreds of Men arc Incessantly at
it Today , In Their Efforts to Pre
vent a Repetition of the Flood Dis
asters of the Late Spring ,
Kansas 'City , Aug. 20. Special to
The News : The Kaw river rose olght
feet yesterday and hundreds of men
are working incessantly today to snvo
the bridges which threaten to go out.
Rivers Rise to Unusual Heights and
Results May Prove Grave.
Kansas City , Aug. 28. Uuproocdcnt-
edly heavy ilns north and west of
Kansas City have caused the Kansas
and Missouri rivers to rise suddenly
to unusual heights and the results
may prove grave. A bulletin Issued
by the local weather bureau an
nounced that the Kaw river would
rise from live to seven feet at Kan
sas City in the next forty-eight hours
and a rise of equal magnitude , it Is
stated , is coming this way down the
Missouri. The fact that the Missouri
will rlso ulfo Is causing anxiety hero ,
ns it is believed It will retard the flow
of the Kansas river at the mouth of
the latter stream , and endanger the
temporary bridges as well as the rail
way yards and heavy business Inter
ests In the west bottoms. If the
bridges go out it would cripple the
traffic of the big packing houses and
cut , T communication except by boat
between the two Kansas Cities. The
Kansas river here rose three feet In
ten hours and Is still rising rapidly.
At Lawrence this stream rose four
feet during the night , p id nt Topeka
it is also up about four feet.
At Manhattan , where the Big Blue
empties Into the Kansas , the latter
stream has risen seven feet In the
past twenty-four hours. At that point
the Blue has broken from its banks
and is cutting across the country , tak
ing a short course to the Kansas river.
Many farms are deep under water. At
Stockdale , eight miles north of Man
hattan , the Blue Is slightly higher
than during the great Juno flood.
Farmers continue to move their stock
and household effects to higher places.
Several small washouts are reported
on the Union Pacific east of Manhat
tan. A severt-foot rise in the rivers at
Kansas City may be the climax of the
presently \ \ \ \ wtor , but the conditions
favor more rain in this section.
Tornado ct Beaver City.
Beaver City , Neb. , Am ? . 28. A se
vere wind storm with the violence of
a tornado , dirt much d-imaso In this
town and vJclnitv. T o Methodist
church wan parti : r.rcd.ed , together
with the houses of , Tojph U. Hoferlng-
ton , A. Sh"lonberscr ! , Dr. Gardner ,
Peter Rovr.- > aid : C. Xoss. Much stock
was Injured.
Confesses to Glowing Up Bridge.
MIssoula , Mont. , Aug. 28. 'Snm Co
hen , a middle-aged man. who says he
is from Spokane , confessed that he
blow tip tin- Northern Pacific bridge at
Livingston last month. When arrest
ed near Arleo ho was trying to buy
Secretary Hitchcock Will Send Man
Not In Service to Indian Territory.
Washington , Aug. 28. The determi
nation of Secretary Hitchcock to send
to Indian territory a man not connect -
nect d with the department of the In-
terlor to Investigate conditions there ,
Is understood to bo for the purpose of
supplementing the work of the secre
tary himself and of other representa
tives of the department In that terri
tory. Since early last spring the sec
retary has been giving personal atten
tion to the sltuatloji In the territory
and a number of inspectors and other
officials of the department have been
engaged In the effort to ferret out
frauds and protect the interests of the
Indians , Several officials who al
ready have been detected In question
able transactions have been sugunar-
Ily dismissed , while the resignations
of others have bean requested. The
secretary takes the position that It
does not promote the public Interest
to publish the names of dismissed of
Mother and Two Children Drowned.
Nodnway , la. , Aug. 28. Mrs. Will-
lam Sanburn and two children were
drowned hero and half a dozen other ,
persons had narrow escapes from the I
same fate. The waters of the Nod-1 |
away rose so rapidly from a cloud
burst that Mrs. Sanburn took the fam
ily to the roo' of the house. An Im
provised raft was manned and reni
out after the family , which consisted
of the father and mother and four chil
dren. When the family was plnrud
on the raft It was started toward the
shore , but the current was too strong
and carried it Into a tree , where It
was overturned. Two of the men
each took a child and swam to shore ,
half a mile distant , the other men
catching the limbs of trees and saving
themselves , but the mother and two
children were drowned , and their bed
log have not yet been recovered.
Detectives Arrest Man Clint gctl With
Victimizing Mercrn IB.
Louisville AUK. 28. A "lake direc
tor ) " swindle of national proportions
iiiul by means of which $1(100,011,1 ( him
been tuhoji from merchants all over
the country , Is alleged by the local do-
teeth-en as the ground for Iho urroi.t
of Jacob W. Gelst. ( Joist , who claimed
to represent tuo National Gir/.ultoor
of New York and Chicago , wan
Into custody hero , charged with hav
ing obtained money by mine pretenses
from live local firms. According to the
olllcorn the men go to morclnmtn to
solicit advertising In n national btinl-
ness directory and rating hook. If
an order Is signed by the merchant It
Is raised In amount. The live local
flruiH were swindled In amounts rang
ing from $2fi to $100. The olficerH
claim the scheme is being worked all
over the United States and ISuropu.
Working for the Education of the Col
ored Race , They Eschew Polit
ical Matters.
PouHncoln , Kin. , Aug. 28 , Special
to The NOWH : A negro educational
congroHH to continue two dnyn wan
formally opened hero today unilor the
presidency of C. W. Lewis. The congress -
gross has for I In chlof purpose , us
explained In the opening address , the
furthering of negro education. It will
eschew politics , and will deal entirely
with the educational problem witli the
general purpose of elevating the negro -
gro race.
Some men of promlnunco who are
expected to address the congress are
.1. W. Lyons , register of the United
States treasury ; Dr. I. I ) . Scott , ed
itor of the Southwestern Christian Ad
vocate of New Orleans ; Hlshop .1. W.
Alsltork of Alabama , and Dr. .1. M.
Huckley of Now York.
Englishman Dcats American Player In
All Three Sets at Newport.
Newport , N. Y. , Aug. 28. L. Doherty
of 1C Mi ; In ml defeated W. A. Lamed of
Now Jersey and to his title as tennis
champion of Knglund added that of
champion of the IJultod States. The
scoio was 0-0 , li-'l , 10-8 In Dohorty's
favor. Ily defeating Larned Dohcrty
completed the clean swoop which ho
wnd hit ) brother have made In this
country this season. Uelweon them
they ho\fl \ Inth the singles and the
doubles championships of the United
States and England , no well as having
won thci Davis International trophy
without the assistance of anv other
player. The two brothers hold a
unique position In the history of the
game , a position that no others havu
over approached.
powers Speaks In His Own Behalf.
Georgetown , Ky. , Aug. 28. Hoforo
an audience packing the Scott county
court house to the doors , Caleb Pow
ers , on trial for complicity In the as
sassination of William Goebi'l , spoke
for two hours In his own defense.
Powers said that ho was taking ad-
rantugo of the privilege accorded him
by law to speak for himself because
of the fact that twice adverse verdicts
had been returned against him and
because he had grown tired of lying
in jail for three years with the
knowledge of his Innocence. Ho
charged the officers of the common
wealth with political persecution and
with abandoning the prosecution of
all the persons charged with the killIng -
Ing of Goebol , with the exception of
Taylor , Howard , Flnloy and himself.
Circus Train Is Wrecked.
PIttshurg , Aug. 28. The third sec
tion of the.Darnum . A- Halley circus
train , composed almost entirely of
sleeping cars , for the performers , was
wrecked at Wlldwood , Pa. , on the
Plttsburg and Western railroad , and a
serious accident was narrowly averted.
As this section of the train was pass
ing on the northbound tinck a freight
train on the southbound track got be
yond control of the crew and came
dashing down the grade. Just as the
last of the sleepers was almost clear
the runaway train jumped the track
and ono car crashed Into the rear
sleeper , damaging the car badly. Sev
eral persons were injured.
Lynchehaun Granted Continuance.
Indianapolis , Aug. 28. Another con
tinuance of two weeks was granted in
the hearing before United States Com
missioner Moores In the matter of
granting extradition papers for the
return of James Lynchehnnn to Ireland
ni a fugitive from justice. The con
tinuance was granted at the request
of counsel for the defense. The court
room was crowded with prominent
local Irishmen. Commissioner Mooies
announced that ho did not consider the
documentary o\ldcnco submitted by
Ihe representatives of Great Hr tain
evidence of conviction In the llrltish
courts as required by the extradition
Revolutionists Blow Up Trains.
Sofia. Aug. 28. The enstbound dally
express from Budapest to Constantinople
ple was blown up near Bulall Burgas ,
about twenty-live miles south of Adri-
nnople. Seven persons were killed
and fifteen Injured. Dynamite bombs
were used and every car was smashed.
Apparently the outrage was the v/ork
of revolutionists who traveled on the
American Fleet Will Head for
Mediterranean at Once.
Word From Constantinople Says That
the Assassination of America's Vice
Consul Will be Investigated and the
Assassin Punished Forthwith.
Nloo , Krauee , Aug. 28. Special to
Tim NOWH : The American squadron ,
under command of Admiral Cotton ,
will sail tonight for the Mediterranean.
Constantinople , Aug. 28. Special to
The NOWH : The governmentin | > mlMoii
Immediate Investigation of the IIHHIIH-
( dilation of the American vlco consul ,
and the punishment of the guilty pur-
Orders Fleet to Turkey.
TVumiliiEton , Aug. 28. Prompt and
rigorous action Is being taken by tlui
Uulted Slntim government to neeuro
the puulHhmctit of thorn1 portions Im
plicated In tli' ' asauBHliiatlon of Unit
ed States Vlco Consul William C.
MuuolHHi'ii at lleyroot , Syria , Sunday
I.ttit. Minister Flolnchnmn at Con
stantinople , who reported the fact to
the slate department , has been In
structed by the state department to
demand a thorough Investigation of
the mutter and the punishment of
thoHn Involved In the crime , and the
European squadron , consisting of the
Brooklyn , Wan I'raiirlHco and MurhluH ,
has been ordered to lloyroot to support - j
port the demand of the Uulted States
should this bo found necessary. This
lattermeasure , was dotetmined upon
an a result of the conl'orencoH which
have hoen held over the telegraph and
telephone wires between the officials
here with the president ut Oyster Buy.
The latter felt that no time should bo
lost in dispatching Admiral Cotton's
squadron to Turkish waters and Ito j
gave Instructions to Acting Secretary i
Darling that immediate orders bo
tiven Admiral Cotton to proceed at
once. The prosldentY determination to
loco no time In getting the squadron
to Beyroot was also due In part to in
formation received by Acting Secre
tary Ixomls of the state department
from the president of the American
board of missions of Boston , indicat
ing that an attempt had been made to
burn the ICuphrutos college building
nt Harpoot. This dispatch mild :
"Informat'in just received that nn
nttcmpt had been made to burn the ,
Kuphrntos college buildings. Condi- |
tlons increasingly alarming. Great t
anxiety felt for tl o safety of Amer
ican citl/ons there. "
Acting Secretary Ixiomls last night
cabled to Minister FlolHchnmn nt Con
stantinople to make Immedluto de
mands on the portc to take adequate
measures for the pr > tot'tlon of nil
Amorleans at lloyroot and to prevent
any. attack on the college buildings.
Acting Secretary Loomls received a
rather remarkable cable-gram from
Minister FIclHchman , In which the lat-1
tor stated that he had called at the
Turkish foreign office at Constantino-1
pie to Inquire nbonj the assassination
of the United Stairs vice consul and
that the minister of foreign affairs
emphatically denied any knowledge of
the report. Ho also attempted to dis
credit It. The cablegram gave no
other Information. Under the cir
cumstances the state department ofil-
clals are Inclined ( o believe that the
Turkish foreign office Is not In touch
with the situation at Boyroot.
Admiral Coi'.on's instructions are to
sail at once. It Is probable ho will
go alu-nd to Beyroot with the Brook
lyn , leaving the ! achias and the San
Francisco to follow. It Is estimated
that the Brooklyn , going at full speed ,
can rrueli Beyroot within six days.
Turks Kill American Concul.
Washington , Aug. 28. The state de
partment has received a cablegram
Irom Minister Flelhchman at Constan
tinople , announcing that William C.
Magolsaen , United States vlco consul
at Boyroot , Syria , was aasasslnated
wlillo riding In n carriage.
The American minister immediately
brought the crime to the attention of
the government and domnm' ' > d notion
by Turkey. Acting Secretary Loomls
cabled Minlnter Fielachman , Instruct
ing him to dt mand the Immediate ar
rest and punishment of the persons
Ciillty of the murder.
No demand for money indemnity for
the man's family has yet been made ,
but that probably will follow. Magels-
sen was appointed from Minnesota.
Six Bandits Held up and Successfully
Robbed Depot and Passengers
at McFarland , Kan.
McFarland , Kan. , Aug. 28. Special
to The News : Six robbers , heavily
masked , hold up and successfully
robbed the railroad station hero at
midnight. They also robbed a number
of passengers who were In the wait
ing rooms nt the time.
President J. Hampton Moore of the
Republican league Issued a call for a
meeting of the executive committee
of the league , to be held at Chicago
on Oct. 1.
H * Ships on n French Bark Without
Knowing Its Destination ,
New \oii. Aug. as.- The America !
boy wlio tiled to om'iipo fioin tln
French Imik Miucrluil do dmilaut , al
leging Hint ho Iiiul been "Hhuiighulod , "
was taken Irom the vonm-l by Collector
of the I'oit Slrnnnliiin , who had iouo ;
out to HOII on the revenue cutter
( lioHham lo ICHCIIO I ho boy.
The boy IH named Hugh Thompson ,
IH idxteenonrH , old and Is Iho Him of
R sailor. Alter ho had been taken In
chnri'ii by the roveuuo olllrois younjt
ThoinpHon Hi ld ho hud not been forci
bly tnkeii to the bout , but hud gotio
with Iho cotim'iil or his father. Ha
nald , however , tlmt ho thought bo wa
to nil Ip on a const or and when hn
found that Iho Miirechal do ( Jontnitt
wan bound for v'oUohaiuii and that ho
would ho uliHonl for many immthu ha
wanted to return to bin homo.
Reliance Is Fully Two Miles Ahead of
Shamrock When the Gun Is
New York , Aug. 28. With the Roll-
unco less than u third of a mile fiom
the llnlHh ami the Sliiimiock 111 hull
down on the hod/on , hilly two miles
astern of the gallant defender , the
fourth race of the pioHont scrl ( n for
the America's cup WHS declared off
because of the expiration of the tlmo
limit of five and oiio-half hours , as
happened on Thursday liiHt. Although
officially it was no race , the defeat
administered lo the challenger WHS HO
Igiiomlnoufl that whatever lingering
hope icmaliicd In the hirantit of the
friends of Sir Thomas's boat van
ished. The Knllnnri'H victory was
In every way more derisive that
of hint Saturday. The Shamrock was
outsailed , outpointed and out footed
from start to finish.
The Hellance heat Iho Shamrock
hopelessly In Ilio Illtoou miles of wind
ward work , rounding the outer mark
twelve mlmitoH and thirty seconds
ahead of her , a gain In actual time
of eleven minutes , tweiity-nlne seconds
ends , and down the wind she steadily
Increased her load.
The real Interest of the day was not
against the Shamrock , hut was In the
exciting struggle of the Reliance In
the last half hour to reach the finish
line before the rogntta commltteo
fired the gun which should announce
the expiration of the time limit. Hud
the Hellance finished fifteen mlnutoa
earlier than It did It would hnvo boon
three straight wins for the defender ,
and ( lie Shamrock would have gone
buck to Knglund ono of the moat disas
trously defeated challengers In the
history of the cup contests.
Fully as discouraging as tho. sailing
qualities displayed by the challenger
was the manner In which she wna
handled. The Yankee skipper tiot
only out-maneuvered his rival In the
spectacular battle for his position nt
the start , which ho bus done every
tlmo they have met , hut worse still
for the down-hearted Hiippoiters of
the Shamrock , Captain Wrlnge ro-
, pptttc-d his blunder of Tuesday. Ho
crossed the line In the wake of the
Reliance with a handicap of sixty-ono
of the precious seconds , for which De
signer Fife has sacrificed so much sail
spread for time allowance. Both boats.
It Is true , went over In the smoke of
the handicap gun , but where both are
handicapped , it is only the sternmost
craft which actually suffered.
The course was laid fifteen miles
dead Into the wind and return. At the
end of the first hour the Shamrock
was beaten and the interest waned.
After rounding the llout for the run
home and Betting big balloonors , the
wind , which had strengthened to six
or t.oven knots , died down and the
towering clouds of canvas drifted
lazily down nn ocean lane n mllo.wide ,
between two divisions of the excur
sion tleet. ICven In light nlr It was
astonishing how the defender slipped
through the placid seas. The gap be
tween her and the challenger steadily
widened , until two miles separated
them. Half an hour from home , when
the spectators hud abandoned any Idea
that the finish line could bo reached
in tlmo , the wind suddenly freshened
and the Reliance cnmo bowling down
nt n merry clip. But the wind had
come too.late , and when still a few
hundred yards fiom borne , the gun on
the tug Navigator boomed across the
water. The excursion boats held on
until she crossed the line to give her
a rousing welcome and then scamp
ered for Now York. Sir Thomas , who
heretofore , has always followed his
champion Into the Hook , sent bis
steam yacht Krln ahead at full speed ,
ns if to drown out the memory of the
Inglorious licking ho got. The next
race , which will bo Ilka the ono at
tempted yesterday , fifteen miles to lee
ward , or windward , and return , will bo
sailed on Saturday.
Oct. 18 Is Nebraska Day.
St. Louis , Aug. 28. The committee
en ceremonies has designated Oct. IS ,
1904. as Nebraska day at the World's
fair , the assignment being made at
the request of Nebraska's commls-
nlon. Chief Coburn of the live stock
department of the exposition returned
from DOB Molnes , whore he attended
the state fair and conferred with mem
bers of the Iowa commission in refer
ence to their prospective exhibits of
llvo stock at St. Louis next year.