Defeats Shamrock in by One Minute Nineteen Seconds. 13 BETTER ON EVERY POINT Takes Lead at the Start and Is Never Headed Rival Companies Interfere With Marconi Wireless Service. Storm Strikes Sandy Hook. New York , Aug. 20. In a. glorious whole eall breeze , over a triangular courbo , toil miles to tha log , the Meet- looted cup defender , the Uollnnco , ncaln allowed her heels to Sir Thomas Llptou'a chnllenger , taking the second race of the cup series of 1903 by the narrow margin of ono minute nnd nineteen - teen seconds. It was as pretty and ns hard fought a contest as has over been sailed off Sandy Hook , and had the wind not fallen during the last ten minutes , the record for the course , throe hours , twelve minutes and fif teen seconds , made by the Columbia two years ago in her memorable race against the Shamrock II , would have been broken. As It was , the Ho- llanco sailed the thirty miles within two minutes and thirty-nine seconds of the record , which speaks wonders for her speed in the wind that was blowing , The Reliance's victory , nar row as It was , would have oven boon mailer had not Captain Wrlnge , the flklpper of the British ship , bundled the start , sending his craft over the line nineteen seconds after the last gun , and handicapping her to that extent. At every point of sailing the defender's superiority was tlemon- etrated. She gained ono mlnuto and .flfty-one seconds in windward work , forty seconds on the run to the second mark , and forty-five seconds on the close reach for homo. Believe Cup Is Safe. Based on the magnificent showing eho has made in the two races already Bailed , it Is the belief of many experts that the cup Is safe and that it will take something bettor than Fife's lat est creation even to budge It. An assemblage of excursion vessels , nltnost as large ns that of last Satur day , poured down through the Nar rows nnd out Into the broad Atlantic to witness the vanishing glory of the challenger. Just before the finish of the race the wind died down , but Hell- anco went across In nmplo time to win. There followed the usual riot of whlstlea , the clamor of bells , the exultant - ultant shouts of patriota nnd the booming of cannon. Shamrock was about a mile astern and crossed four minutes nnd forty seconds Inter to a repetition of the riot which had wel comed Hollnnco's victory. Then the great observation fleet started at top Bpeed , not waiting to follow the racers ! n. And it was well that it was so. Before half the fleet had reached the upper bay a green-gray squall out of the northwest , raising a curtain of epray as It came , struck the fleet , bringing jrrlof to many excursionists nnd carrying a'.vay yacht and steamer awnings and top hampers generally. [ Had the equall found the racers and tha fleet out on the ocean race course the day might have chronicled a ereat marine disaster. Marconi System is Interrupted. The experience of two years ago aemonstrnted the uncertainty of all wireless tulegraphy , but no ono was prepared for the utter collapse of the system. There were four competing systems , three of which were most active. The atmosphere above the tri angular course was beaten into a hopeless confusion , so that the Mar coni system , with all its careful preparation , was available but for a elnglc message throughout the day. It would not have been so exasperat ing if the rival companies had been honestly striving to send their own bulletins , but much of the interfer ence was obviously malicious. Storm Strikes Sandy Hook. A terrible northwest wind and elec tric storm struck Sandy Hook shortly after' a p. m , and the Shamrock III and the Reliance and a fleet of half a dozen fine yachts were In great dan ger for a time. The yacht Eureka breaking from her anchorage , was blown violently " .gainst a coal scow nnd carried the scow before It. It eeemed for a tlmo that the two boats Trould crash into the Shamrock III which lay almost in the path of the tale , not 100 yards away. Two steam yachts , the Giralda nnd the Alllta , an chored further In the horseshoe , were torn from their anchorage and came V Into bow and stern collision. The bowsprit of ono crashed through the Btorn of the other , and the two , thus locked , drifted before the wind dan gerously near the challenger. The tug Cruiser saved them , pulling them apart nnd away from the other boats. The Reliance lay In a position more out of danger. TAFT TO SUCCEED ROOT. Wright Is Designated for Governor General of the Philippines , . Oyster Day , N. Y. , Aug. 20. Secretary - tary Root , under date of AUK. 10 , pre sented his resignation formally to the president. The resignation was ac cepted by the president , witn inc un derstanding that Mr. Root contlnuo ns secretary of war at least until J , n , 1. Governor General Willlum H. Taft of the Philippines will succeed Secre tary Root as secretary of war. President Roosevelt announced that ho would appoint General Lulie IE. Wright governor general of the Phil ippines , to succeed Governor Taft when the latter becomes secretary of war. General Wright Is now vice gov ernor general. Mll1C V.AKfAV C " , Land Forces Guccc.sful'y ' Hold the Fort nt Portland. Portland. Mo. , Aup , lo.Tho ! attack on 1'orlhiud by Admiral HnrUor'a com- lilted North Atlantic Hoot liosnn irompUy at midnight. Yossols from .ho Hoot entered the harbor. At least two landings were madu. At 2:25 : n. in , n heavy cannomullng from the ships and fortifications had been In progress over two hours. Fort Problo , : ho acknowledged key to the defenses , WIIH surrounded by landing parties , who were fought buck by all the land 'orccs massed for the defense of that point. A launch and cutter were cap- Lured by the Port Problo forces. CONVICT FIRST LYNCHER TRIED. Wlnfleld Daker Given Indeterminate Sentence for Assault on Sheriff. Danville , 111. , Aug. 2G. Wlnllold Baker , formerly of the mountains of Kentucky , was convicted In the cir cuit court of assault to murder Sher iff Whltlock. Ho was sentenced to a term of from ono to fourteen yearn. This IB the first conviction nnd trial of a member of the mob that attacked the Danvlllo Jail the latter part of July , after having lynched the negro James Motcalf , and burned his body. The trial bf eight others accused of bolng In the mob was begun. Lynchbaum Captured at Indianapolis. Indianapolis , Aug. 20. James Lynch baum was captured here by Andrew Young , acting sergeant of the Royal Irish constabulary , and detectives. Ho had been pursued from County Mayo , Ireland , across the sea nnd through mnny'largo cities of the United States. As soon ns extradited ho will bo taken back for trial for attempting to mur der Agnes McDonnell In County Mayo In 1894. Ho escaped during his trial last September , was recaptured and again escaped. Extradition will bo op posed. Pursued by Armed Posse. Marshalltown , la. , Aug. 2G. An armed posse Is In pursuit of a man who entered the homo of Laura Lnrl- son , at Albion , nnd criminally assault ed her. Miss Lnrlson , who Is forty years old and lives alone , fought her assailant for an hour , when she became - came exhausted nnd the fiend accom plished his purpose. Thp ofiloorfl be- Hove they know who her assailant Is nnd if he Is caught there may be an attempt at lynching , ns the people of Albion are greatly excited. Krlegerbund Elects Officers. Tcrre Haute , Ind. , Aug. 20. Del * gates to the Krlcgorbuml of North America encampment voted unani mously In favor of consolidation of all German societies in America com posed of men who have served In the German army. If the action of the Krlegerbund Is Indorsed by other bodies ies , It will mean a national society of 30,000 members. The election of offi cers resulted as follows : President , ' I William Vnch of St. Louis ; color bearer - er , Wllhelm Yung of St. Louis ; secre- tnry , M. Langeman of Cleveland ; treasurer , Martin Gnss of Chicago. Rich Gold Strike In Mexico. Mexico City , Aug. 20. Rich gold fields have been discovered about 100 miles west of the city of Oaxaca , and twelve miles from the town of EJutla. The ore found is said to assay up to ? 50,000 a ton and so great is the local excitement that cavalry has gone to guard the claims. The ledge is said to be 150 feet wide. Flag Raised on Iowa Building. St. Louis , Aug. 20. Iowa's flag was raised above that state's building at the world's fair grounds by Miss Mln- nlo Bronson of Iowa. Short addresses were made by W. T. Shepherd , a mem ber of Iowa's commission and chair man of Its building committee , and President Francis of the exposition. French Steamer Given Up for Lost. Marseilles , Aug. 20. The French steamer Admiral Guoyon , of 3,110 tons , which sailed from here July 15 for Saigon , by way of Colombo , Ceylon , which port she left Aug. 11 , has not since been reported , and has been given up for lost. There were fifty- seven persons on the vessel. CORN CROP MUCH IMPROVED. Cereal Makes Favorable Progress In Nebraska and Kansas. Washington , Aug. 20. The weather bureau's weekly summary of crop con ditions follows : ! ' Portions of the south Atlantic states experienced heavy rains , while the Ohio valley , the greater part of Texas nnd the Rocky mountain and Pacific districts are suffering from drousht. On the whole the corn crop has ' made favorable progress , especially j over U.o central and western portions of the corn belt , the most decided ad vance bolng reported from Nebraska and Kansas. In the upper Ohio val ley corn is suffering seriously for ) In , which Is also ncedod In portions of Illinois and Missouri , and much of the crop In Iowa will suitor unless ram falls soon. The reports Indicate that early corn will bo safe from Irost by Sopt. 15 to Oct. 1 and lave corn from 1 Oct. 1 to 15. 1 Considerable spring wheat lomalns ' to be cut In North Dakota , but har vesting Is practically finished else where in the spring wheat region. In ' southern Minnesota murh grain In 1 shock Is dump. In South Dal.ota , Ne braska nnd Kansas the weather bus j been highly favorable for threshing. Files Mortgage for $5,000,000. Guthrlo. Okla. . Aug. 20. The Fort Smith and Western railway filed with the territorial secretary a first mort- i gage for f5.000.000 In favor of the i Mercantile Trust company ot Now 1 York. Nominated for Supreme Bench bv Acclamation. JONES AND WEDER FOR REGENTS Nebraska Democrats In Session nt Co. lumbus Nominate the Snmo Ticket Put Up by Populists at Grand Island. Kansas City Platform Endorsed. Columbus , Nob. , Aug. 2li. The Horn- ocrntlo state amvontlou met nt 8:30 : last night nnd placed In the Hold a fusion tlckot. hoiidud by Judge John J. Suillvan for associate Justloo of the supreme court , nnd named \V. O. Jones of Adatna county nnd 13. O. Weber of Saunders county for regents of the Btnto university. The conven tion , soon after convening , was noti fied that the Populist convention at Grand Island had mimed those men on tholr ticket , and the announcement was received with wild enthusiasm. Soon after the convention came to order State Chairman Hall named George L. Loomls as temporary chair man. Mr. Loomls made a loiiRthy ad dress , arraigning both the state and national administrations , and predict ing victory hi Nebraska this fall for the fusion tlckot. The temporary organization was made permanent and Mayor Rood of Kansas City. Matthew Wyvnll , a Cor nell university student , guest of Mr. Bryan , and Mr. IJrynu himself ad dressed the convention. Following these speeches Chairman Loomls an nounced that nominations were In order. The nomination of the ticket took but n short tlmo , nil the candi dates bolng named by acclamation. The platform reaffirms the Kansas City declarations , nnd opposes the pro- poseil asset currency legislation by congress .On state Issues It nrralgiiH the present Republican administration for extravagance In expenditures , for failure to enforce the oil Inspection laws of the state , and for permitting corporations to dominate Its policy. It also takes to task the last legisla ture for Its railroad legislation nnd for Us failure to pass laws to protect the farmers of the state against the grain truat. POPULISTS PICK SULLIVAN. Nominate Him Ahead of Action by the Democrats. Grand Island , Nub. , Aug. 20. W. R. Weber , chairman of the Populist state central committee , called the state convention of Populists to order nt 7:30 : last night. Ex-Governor Poyntor nominated Judge Parsons of North PWtto for temporary chairman. Ho was elected nnd later made permanent presiding officer. Judge Parsons paid a compliment to the Denver confer ence nnd the convention proceeded to the nomination of a ticket. Judge J. J. Sullivan was unanimously ronomlnnt- ed and W. O. Jones and E. O. Weber were named for university regents. The platform adopted reaffirms alle giance to the principles of the People's party , "as expressed In Its national platforms , but recognizes that the elec tion this year Involves no national politics. It does , however , Involve the right of the people to have the su preme court of the state kept frco from the control of evil Inllnnncos. " It condemns the action of the Repub lican state convention In its selection of a candidate for supreme jirlgo , "selected months In advance by the railroad lobby , " and protests against the domination of corporate Interests In the court which finally determines the rights of the citizens to his life , liberty , property and the redress of his wrongs , vrslng the ppoplo to "prevent these selfish IntorMts trom subvert ing our highest Judiciary. " It also endorses the efforts toward higher education and advocates the In terests of the state university and the agricultural department of that insti tution. Panic In Newark Theater. Newark , N. J. , Aug. 20. During s heavy thunder storm the lights in Blaney's theater were suddenly extin guished nnd the audience , composed chiefly of women and children , became panlc-strlckon and rushed for the fire escapes , many of the women fainting and being trampled upon. Florence Kctrlgel , aged six years , fell from a fire escape platform and was probably fatally Injured. Despondent Girl Is Dead , Bloomlngton , 111. , Aug. 20.Alien Sample of this city killed herself by firing two bullets Into her breast Despondency over lov affairs Is re sponsible. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Ltixntivo Brome Quinine tablets AU druguists refund the money if i f ilstoouro I . W. Grove's nigiwtui is ii oiich box. 2."c Notice of Incorporation. Notice is hereby KJruu that n corpora tion boon orguni/-rt under and by viriuof the laws of Nebraska , siiii corporation to bo known us thu "K'k ' horn Valley Telephone Company" whoM ) principal plnoo of business snail lie nt the city of Norfolk , county of MadiKnn , and stutn of Nt-bni'ka Thu general nut are of the business to bo t'lincactt'd by paid cnrpcnation , is the erectini' , co struc'tliiR , nmintnhiint : and operating tolnphomi sys'-oms and oxobangCH , switches , toll linni and the buying , selling and leaning of telephone Hystems , switches , toll lines and appai- The authorized capital stock of said corporation is ( $100 000.00) ) ono hundred thoapund ilollurB , divided into (1,000) ( ) one thnnandtha-Q'i whosa pir value shall h1 * ( $100 00) ) one hundred dollars each , and all stocks subscribed for shall 1x3 hsacd nudiildfor | tMi . , ol thu liimul nf ar ctoix , linn all nlul ( i HIU * i ll.ilun tally iMiil up mill mm IIHM.-.KU > a , Tw nty five thiiiiHund ( lullurH ( $ „ > , > , lX)0Kot ) ( ) ) llin Hi > til.a.'i | > Hiil Htoi'lt ch.ul l > o IHMIKI it'i pn fnrrou t-lnik , upoii which u ilivlil ii'l ' of ton (10) ( ) pur com pir ituiuitn , piiyulilu soiiil uniitmily Hlull bt < puttl in llou of nil tui-tlur divuloiiiiH , or niton nt in tun piolltH of the huMliU'Hn to IKI comluuti'd. The Haul profurrod Mnok shall bo u Una linn ngaliiNt. nnd upon nil of the prop rty and MHROti ot Hunt o fi | trillion , mid the dividends of minh protrrroil 10 I ; Mmll Ini l.i mldtlion a lion upon ud uhnrgo against the not incoino liuroof , Scvonty-fivo thousand dollars ( $75 , 00 00) ) of mild capital stouk Hhall bo IH uod us roinmon stock upon whtoli 'hern hull bo iiuyablo un dividends all the rollts oarnoil by tlin oorporutlnn ever ml above the divldond of ton (10) ( ) nor out. per annum as ulmvo doslgimtinl , pen the mild iiroferrod ntook This corporal ! n t-liull beuiu buslnoHS u the ICth day of July , HIOII , and oou- Inuo f ir a n riod of twenty ( SO ) yours , vtth poworand right of r < < nowul. The indohtodnotn of said corporation hall not ut any time u.\o > Tl ( ono hulf ho amount of Its piUd up o.ipltnl stock The hiiHlnohS all'alrs of said corpora- Ion shtill bo uoii'luotod ' by a Ixmnl of Ivo ( fi ) dlrootors , who shall bn ihomm iy tlio stockholders nt the annual ni"ot.- nit of the corporation on the Tliinl Wodnosdny in Doomnhur in HIM h year , ind who shall olcct as provided In the irtiolofl of incorporation , a pr. ldoiit. Ico-proi-idont , secretary and trtivumir. Until ihnir suooessnrrt are oltotod and inalilled the directors and olllcors of his corporation shall bo us follows : Directors O A Tjiiiknrf , Gee 1) ) lhri toph , 15 Duke Nnvon , P O. Dings ind I. S Miihnu. Officers K. Doko Nuvon , President ; ? eo. H Obristoph , Vici'-Presidi'iit ; I. S. Mulmii , Suorotixry mid Treasurer I S. MAUAN , Oio : H Ointisroi'ii , G. A. LiriKAiiT , Incorpnrntors , THEY COME FOR HUNDREDS OF MILES TO SEE HER , Nothing so Wonderful in the Days of Specialism. Dr. Caldwcll. The success ot JJr. ( Jnlilwtill is iitirili- ited to her special hiu .y of spuoluliNin ) Uulilsuill , Miuluiit , ) > liiliintliroiiHt | mil physioum of widu reputation , Imv- ng given her entire liiuu and pruonco to t line of hpuuml diM'iihus , which on iblcs her from long rxporioncu in Imixll- UK these trouble * to uurtuuily eume cirwaid as u inustor spi-cmliM. Hoi nullity for nmsturing discuso , liur ilnlity to diagnose , and hur plan ot ruatinunt iH not I'Xcollud by few ether iliysiuiuiis. Dr ( J.ildwe.11 , although u I'OUIIK woman in life , u plain woman , ind onu who in usuil to thu ups ami towns in lit'o , puts herself on n love ! with ht rpiitiuntH and douH not proUnil to practice thi ) old plan of fiiNhioii , winch is to look WHO and Hity nothing. Sim knows disouso ; Hho knowH where to look for diticiiHu , and the spot wliuru lee , it tid , and moHt of all she knows from experience , from whutHlio IIIIH done in rliu pant , nht > oiui cortiunly do for others in the future. It , is hii\ii \ by Dr. ( Juld- well's fricuilH that , bho can diagnose a fliHeaHO of any patient without unking thpin a single ( ] iiuNtinn , Unit h"ing the cine , Hho is not hlutly to doctor them lor the wrong atlmunt ; HIU ! will no take an iiiciinihlo diioiuo and lead tin [ iiitiunt to Doliovo that Hho can CHIT tht'in when there in really .no liopo for them. Her basin * us i largo and sin : UIH plenty to do , ovnn , at times , mori than HIU ! can do , without taking incur- iblo ( HnoiiHcH and duo iviiiK her pati ntK. Dr. Oiihlwoll JH n griidnato from onit ot the bi'Ht HuhoolH in America. Shu IIIIH [ tract iced her profession in HOIIIO of the principal hoHpltals in tliiH country Her fipoi'ialty comprinnH that chins ol diseases which the ordinary hnmo does tor fails to euro , such a female disnitHOH lii'iirt difieaFUR , discaHPS of children nnr the many special disoiiHOH of hiddri tiaturn. Her praotico i montly amoiifj the plain , hard working pcnplo who nn unable to como to her eity olllcn foi treat niont ; KIO I'M roiiKniiablo in hoi ohar OH and very lenient with thoR ( who are not able to pay. She is nhnrit' ' olile , nnd it is said lias never beci : known to refuse to treat a patient whr is worthy and in need A nnmbpr ol thn important , nasos that wo Iiornbj tnko the liberty to publish , whicl : mik'lit bn of intercBt to some whii wisl to know more of Dr. Caldwell's gn-ai work : Sophia Krau , Albion , Neb , cured ol a bad flcin dlRnnno. Mrs. Lnln Towslny , David 0 > ty , Neb. onrrd of female trouble and femnli Mrs O W. Killinn , Wakoflold , Nob. cured of n tumor and liver and stomaol troubles. Mrs , E A Studor , Wayne , Nob. , cured of female and norvouH trmlilns. Mrs. O. Linn , Iloskins Nob. , onrod of ovarian trouble and bladder trouble. F J Rob , Albin , Nob. , cured of bion- ohial trouble , oidnrged liver and dropsy MM. Minnie llndat , O dnmbns , Nub , cured of ski/i dinoaso and kidney trouble Mrs. W D. Burr , David City , Nob. , cured of pkin diicoHo , nervousness ami los of appctito. Mrs Ohsis Mu > r , W.iyno , Nob. , cured of dropscy , kidney and liver troubles nnd nervousness. She had boon tronbli'd for years. Mrs O. W. And-irson , Norfolk , NH > . , cured of Koneriil debility , enlarged liVitr Mid pun in cliRKt. Mrs John Htunmn , Honton , Nd ) . , cnrc.d of bladder trouble nnd ooiibttpa- tion. tion.Mrs Mrs S. P. Amiek , Ttkanmh , Neb. cnrnd of tnuior , womb trouble , loss of appntito and constipation. QIIAS. A. McKIM , M D. O. Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. Graduate Chicago V"torinary College. Assistant State Veterinarian. Ofllco : nrunson'fl Livery , South Third Street. 'Phono 185. In S. vS. H. Nattiie IIIIH provided a tonic united to ovcty miuiicmcnt of thu system when in a debilitated , inn down condition. It coiilaiiin no hitting iniiienil.t or hut irt a pluiimmt vegetablepiopiiintioii. . Ymi find no holler remedy for tcmitijr up thonervi-s and lirinjjinjr ii-fiwiliinjr , u-stful .sleep when in iUow Htato of health , or sick and \voin out with voile orvoiry. . S. S. S. ililpiovort the I hiwo no liimliitnoy IiirncnimnnmllnK your H.ll.ll. npjielitv , indrt the dini'S- " " lh" 'I'1' ' ' Hnrlnw tonio on the nmrknt. I imvn imnit 1 1i ill ritlil .einfo.ccs . the 11 it. i * _ . . .1 . . . * J * .I * . * ' * * f. . ' * * * 5. IO IB 1lltlOlIt ) ) * , i'tiwiu u the fust dose. It nets Onro " ' " . Hamilton ft. Go. , . ptinptly in ( MiHcsof rhionio dy.spep.sin , indi e.-ilion and all filoimu-h troiihles. and does away with tliLMineoinfoilahlu fullness , nausea , shottnu.ssof hiciith ' drowsinesd and iti//.iness that so often eonie after eating. S 8. vS. is not only the best tonic lint possesses alterative or pniifyini' propei ties , nnd if theie is any liiinl , lininor or poison in the blood it seaiehes it out , and lemoves it. Many times a low stale of health is duo to a bad condition of the blood and ean only be tentcdicd by a blood purifier nnd tonic combined , or such a lemedy as S , S. VS. If yon sulTer from debility , insomnia , nervousness , loss of appetite , bad digestion , or any of the symptoms of a disoideted blood , nothing will so soon put your blood in jjood condition , invigorate and tone up the eyatem us S , S. S. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , ATLANTA. GA. H Our Seasonable Goods Inoludo Lawn Mowers , Garden Hose , Garden Tools , Gasoline Stoves. w Refrigerators , Ice Cream Freezers. , ' KM YOU MUST NOT FORGET Tliiil.vo . uro cunslaiilly { fi-owiu ' in Ilio arl of making lim > I'holos. ami our products will al ways bo found to embrace Uio and Newest Styles in Cards and l'ini.sli ( Wo also carry a line line of Moldings suitable for all kinds of framiii } , ' . I litSS COLLEGE THIRD YEAR. Conservative Management , Thorough Equipment , Commodious Rooms , Superior Instruction. t Fxill Business Ccmrses. l It will pay you to attend this School. Mo va- I cations. Enter any time. Address , C. H. BRAKE , Norfolk , Neb. ; ; . .TRY THE. . Daily News.lob Department ANTI- DYSPEPTIO Arc n Positive Cure for Indigestion. Constipation , Pcavcrs , Foul mid weak Stomachs. A noted doctor of Chicago stated that he believed n Mc. ) box ol Slocum's Worm Cake would give more relief than ? T > 0 worth of ordinary doctor's fees. Price SOcls. by mall ony- | R. v. SLOCUM 725 W. North Avenue , Chicago , III. You I Cannot < : Push \ a Man < You cannot drive purchasers to any particular store. You can win them by convincing arguments. A convince-1 ? argument at tractively displayed in the ad vertising columns of this paper will reach the eyes of hundreds of buyers in this community. KGGHRS STAIHFLOOR Stains nml flnMics floors at 0' > or"tluni . Bo SWad Bo Oil ! Bo Vail Ktmh nw > l.Ml | . ntid drlos over night " > It cun tx > used nuxt iimrnluK Hate Piiie HOOFS look like Uvood , Wtethcr Fainted or not. EQUALLY GOOD FOR HARDWOOD FLOORS ! Ash us for DooUatom Treatment of Tloors. Manufacture. ) by Detroit White Lead Works , ttniJ s-U by ft Jobbers Gtmeruily GO YEARS' EXPERIENCE ' MARKS DESIGNS ConvniGHTs &c. 'i nnd ( Ir-n-lptlon rnny ' "ii free nfiiMhrr nn iiiroiitlon H prntmbljr tMtiMilnblo. Comuiitulca. ii.ini ! HANDBOOK " " I'Hti'nti nt'iit fren. ( iij-'i-ncy tor norurini. putoiitn. I'jiti'iiu inki'ii thniUitli Miuni ft Co. rcuulve tf Hl notice , M'ttiout ' clinrue , In tlio Scientific Jlincricatu A tmnitnomcly lllu trnlo < l wcoVlf. I.arvcst rlr- rulatton of any xrlontlUn jnurnal. Term * . ( J a rc'ir : four months , ( L tjoljbyull nowvdealera. MUNN & Co,3GlB ' ' New York UrancU Offlco. OS V 8UVuhtn toii , I ) . U.