The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 28, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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    M l < ) JMHFOMC NEWS : FRIDAY , AUGUST 28 , 1903.
Norfolk Man Was in International -
national Yacht Race.
Plumbing of the Famous Madeleine
Cost About $2,000 Upton Has
Spent Millions ntul Cup Doesn't
Look Worth $1.-18 Others There.
While Sir Thomas Upton and Cap
tain HIIIT , with the Shamrock 111. mid
the cup defender , Holluiicu , uru prac
tically unknown quantltUm to nn\ny
people In Norfolk except from IIOWH-
pnpor dcscirliitloiiH , tluro nro n few
who take uioru tliiin n passing Inter
est In tlio races between HIOHO two
wonderful yachts hccaimo tlioy nro
fninlllur with tlio ways of racing and
with KOIIIO of the people , thmiiHolvoH ,
who liuvo to do with the ovontH.
L. L. Humbu In ono who. as far hank
as 187B , wan connected with the Inter
national yacht race and who did u
Hhnro oC the work In winning thu cup
for the Ainoilcaii bout.- That WUH the
season when the ConntuHH of Dufforln
nttomptod to lift the cup , hut wan tin-
nblo to gain It against the Hoot fool oil
Madeleine , who showed her lioulu to
thu Canadian crow In Htunnlng shape.
It WIIH In the plumbing Hint Mr.
Honiho did | IH ! portion of thu winning
of the cup. Ho WIIH at thnt tlino In
Now York mid for wceko ahead of
the race ho practically llvod on the
Madololiu > , putting In n thousand pipes
and gelling her In shlp-shapo for the
running. Merely the plumbing of the
big boat cost $2,000 but she won the
"Tho challenge cup , " BayH Mr.
llonibo , " IH an ordinary looking af
fair with no bottom to It. It doesn't
look as though It would bo worth more
than $1.-I8 at a IIro Halo , yet Sir
Thomas Llpton ban Hpont millions In
trying to got It without RO far ov < m
bolng able to take hold of the haiullo ,
which mori'ly shows that ho Is the
prlnco of all true sportsmen.
"Those boats , when you got Into
the Intorlor. arc most romarkahlo.
ConHtructod on the most HclontllU )
prlnclplos , thuy wet tlio heart of any
man boating fast. In the weight , for
Instance , thuro IH an Interesting feature -
turo and an enormous waste of money
when the wind drops.
"To mnUo the boat heavy for strong
winds , tons of little plates of lead are
put In the bottom. Tlum when the
wind gets light tbo wolght Is no longer
needed and over tbo little plecos are
dumped , Into the sea. There aroprob-
nbly thousands of tons of this metal
right there In the harbor , which tbo
yachtsmen have thrown overboard.
"Tbo mammoth sheets of canvas
which are used for the sailing are
wonderful. The whole snrfnco of It
Is stretched on ono single mast , which
la Increased to a great length by
splicing at odd tlmos. Now and again ,
In i\ race , the crow would shoot n big
sheet to the top In one particular fashIon -
Ion , hoping to catch thu broozo. Then
the canvas would begin to Hop In the
air and down she would como again ,
to muko way for something olso.
"Captain llarr , who Is still defend
ing the cup , Is a tall slender follow
who doesn't got In the way of much
atmosphere. He's a sportsman If ono
over llvod and ho knows his business.
Ho Is simply Invincible. "
Mr. Hombo thinks that If Captain
narr were transported to the Shamrock -
rock III. nml the Britisher put on
the Hollnnce , that llarr would still
win the cup. in ether words , It Is
tbo same principle that applies In
horse racing It Is the Jockey and not
the animal who , in many cases , wins
the raco.
Col. Simpson Saw the Puritan.
Another Norfolk man saw ono of
the famous races. This was Col. .T.
K. Simpson , who , hi 1SS5. wns In Now
York for the running between tbo Go-
nesUn and Puritan. The Goneska
was owned by Sir Ulchard Button and
wns sent over hero by the Iloyal Yacht
Squadron to lift the cup , The Pur
itan , built by Kihvnrd Burgess , de
fended It and won.
Mr. Simpson
describes the sccno
of the racing in a vivid way. "Hun
dreds and thousands of "
people , ho
says , "crowded around for the ovent.
i-own town , around the newspaper of
fices , the streets
were packed with a
solid mass of humanity for blocks
When tbo bulletins would glvo the
Puritan an advantage , the mob would
yell It's lungs out , until you couldn't
hear yourself think. Then when the
Genoska would get ahead , there would
bo a momentary sllenco and then an
awful groan. All trnlllo of wagons ,
street cars and everything else In
this district was stopped off short
completely during the race.
"Tho Now York World put np u
pair of yachts in tbo window , about
nvo feet high , and with these kept
tbo crown informed. The llttlo boats
were kept moving just as the big
ones , out on the water , and thousands
of people packed into the crowd to
watch it. "
Watching Today's Race.
Probably at least three prominent
people of Norfolk are watching the
racing In Now York this afternoon.
These nro W. H. Johnson , D. Bnnm
and P. A. Ueolor , nil of whom nro in
the metropolis on business tlUs week.
It is reported from Hawaii that the
minds of the children of those islands
grow much faster than American chil
dren and thnt many of them are at
least two years ahead of children on
the continent of the Hanio ago In men
tal development. It looks very much
as though Home Hhrowd llawall.ins
were endeavoring to make n reputa
tion for tbo Islands IIH a health resort -
sort to nttrnct Home of that wealth
that IH going to Kuropo every year.
The Dryan Faction Has Charge of
Things Democratic In Ohio for
this Campaign.
Columbus , O. , Aug. 27. Tom Ii.
.lolmmin , of Cleveland , wan nominated
yufltorday for governor by the demo-
ocrntlu Htato convention , and the
.lolniHon program wan carried out HO
completely that every man on the
Johnson slate wan nominated by nc-
clainatlon except John H. Clarke , who
WIIH nominated on tbo Hccond ballot.
The name of John L. Xlmmernmn , of
Sprlngllc'd ' , WIIH not presented for the
gubernatorial nomlnatelon.
The ticket IIH named follown :
Kor Governor Tom L. Johnson of
Per Lieutenant Governor Prank
H. Nlles , of Toledo.
Per United States Senator John
II. Clarke , of Cleveland.
Per Supreme Judge 13. J. Dump-
Hey , of Cincinnati.
Per Attorney General Prank S.
Moiinett , of ColumbiiH.
Per State Treasurer V. J. Dabl ,
\ViiHhlngton Court House.
Per Auditor CharlcH A. Kloob , of
{ Wapakonota.
Per School Commissioner J. H.
Secrlst , of Ottawa.
Per Member Hoard of Public Works
T.V. . JOIIOH , of Ironton.
Per endorsement as candidate for
United States Senator to miccced
Marcus A. Hanna the name of John
H. Clarke of Cleveland was presented
by Newton I ) . Haker , of Cleveland ;
of 13x-Coiigrcssman John J. Lontz , of
Columbus , by C. 13. Helchor , of Iron-
ton , and Hon. Gaylord M. Saltxgabor ,
of Van Wort by A. P. Sandlos , of Ot
tawa. Clarke was successful on the
second ballot , which was :
Clarke , ! l)5 ! ) ; Lout205 ; Saltzgabor ,
There were Homo dissenting Xlm-
merman voles on the motion to make
the nomination of Johnson unanimous ,
but the Xlmmermon men quit alter
tbo selections for governor and sen
ator were made. Still , the opposition
by various obstructive movements
kept the convention In continuous ses
sion for about seven hours.
While minority reports were pre
sented by tbo commuter's , the only
fight that worried tbo Johnson nun-
agors was on the senatorshlp. The
minority report on rules and order
of business , which was Intended to
omit the endorsement of a senatorial
candidate , wns defeated by n vote of
211 nyes to 4-10 nnys , anil that wns
considered a test vote between John
son and Zimmerman after all the con
tested seats had boon decided In fa
vor of the former.
On naming the man for senator the
Johnson men were divided among
themselves. Mayor Johnson and Ex-
Congressman Lent/ have been very
close personally and politically for
years , but a most Intensely bitter fool
ing existed between them today , at
least on the part of Lent-/ , who openly
nccnscd Johnson with favoring lor
senator n man who had voted against
Uryan. The Zimmerman men had In
tended voting for Clarke , the Johnson -
son candidate for senator , as they
said ho represented their views , but
when Lentx opened a fight on John
son on the senatorial candidate the
Zimmerman men resumed their ob
structive tactics and voted for Lontz
for senator , thns driving the Johnson
men to the second ballot.
University of Notre Dame Will Spend
$1,000,000 For Cultivation of
South Ilentl , Intl. , AUK. 27. Special
to The Now.s : It IH learned on Rood
authority that the Inrgo tracts of land
recently purchased by the university
of Notre Daiuo will bo converted Into
vineyards for tbo production of grapes
to bo used In making flno wines.
More than usual Interest Is manifest
ed lu the announcement owing to the
general belief that tbo Roman Cath
olic church at largo Is backing tbo en
terprise , which will bo supervised by
friars recently expelled from Franco.
The plan Is believed to bo a method
of retaliating against the French gov
ernment for Us attitude toward the
church. Tbo friars are members of
the brotherhoods , which were the pro
ducers of the choicest wines , and are
considered the moat export men in
the world In the cultivation of vineyards -
yards and tbo making of wlno. It
Is said that the university Is prepar
ing to spend $1,000,000 In the estab
lishment of the vineyards.
.no Itloti Mnn'H IMulnt.
I don't BOO what good my money docs
mo. I cau't oat. 1 never saw It In Its
pntlrety. I dross no butter than my
private secretary and have a much
smaller appetite than my coachman. I
live In a big barn of a bouse , am pes
tered to death by beggars , have dyspep
sia , and most of my money Is In tbe
hands of others , who use It mainly for
thflr own benont , New York Press.
Some people are so conscientious
about loving their enemies that If they
haven't any they are perfectly willing
to make a few. Philadelphia Uccord.
Boats Fall to Finish Within
the Time Limit.
Wind Strengthened at the Start and
ProopectB Were Good Ten Miles
out the American Doat Was a Mile
to the good and the Race Was Close.
Now York , August 27. Special to
The NOWH : The Hollanco and Sham
rock failed to finish the course today
within the tlino limit anil the event
was called no raco. The Hollanco was
ahead at the llnlsli of the Hailing.
They came to within threo-cpiartorH
of a mile of tlio city.
The race today was over tlio wind
ward and leeward course. At tlio out-
Hot the wind freshened and prospects
for a flno run were excellent.
The two boats started at exactly
11 o'clock for the third race of the
International cut ) Horlcn and within
a half hour the Hellanco bad taken
a lead if fully a half mile ever her
llrltlsh challenger.
The race conlnucd a beautiful ono
and very close. After they had gone
ten miles out the Hellanco wan lead
ing Shamrock HI by a inllo.
Sir Thomas Llpton Hald this after
noon In response to a telegram hop
ing that ho would win tlio yacht race :
"I have not lost hope , and I shall
tight and die hard. If I cannot win
I will take defeat In the proper spirit. "
Sir Thomas In response to a query
as to whether ho had asked to have
a four-cornored nice between Sham
rock HI. , Hollanco , Columbia and
Constitution , said that ho had not
made any Hiich suggestion , but that
If Much a proposition should bo made
ho would undoubtedly consider It.
History of America Cup.
Now York , Aug. 22. Special to The
News : Klfty-two years ago today the
racing yacht America won the Inter
national trophy cup for the llrst time
and It is anticipated that tbo race to
day will bo ono of tbo winners to
again keep tlio cup on this sldo of
the water.
Tlio following Is the history of the
cup and thu races since international
yacht racing was Inaugurated.
18C1 America won tlio Hoyal Yacht
Squadron cup In the regatta around
tlio Isle of Wight. Cup afterward
called America's cup. Cup presented
.Inly 8 to the Now York Ynotit club
by tbo owners of Amarlca.
1S70 .lames Ashbury made the first
attempt to lift the cup with his Cam
bria. Ho was required to sail against
a Hoot , as In tlio race in which the
cup was won. Of the yachts partici
pating , the Cambria was beaten by
all except the Idler. The winner of
the first race was the Magic. America
also was entered.
1871 For the first time two repre
sentative boats only were raced. Mr.
Ashbury , challenging for the Royal
Harwich Yacht club , had his Livonia
beaten by the Columbia.
1870 Canada attempted to lift the
cup by tbo Countess of Dufforln , which
was beaten by the Madeleine.
1881 Second attempt on the part
of Canada also unsuccessful. Atalanta
beaten by Mischief.
1S8G Royal Yacht Squadron
challenged with Gonesta , owned by
Sir Richard Sutton , builder of Heaver
Webb. Puritan , built by Edward Our-
goss , boat her.
18SG Northern Yacht club chal
lenged. Lieutenant W. Henn's Gala
tea sent over. Beaten by Mayflower.
1SS7 Royal Yacht club of Scotland
challenged with Thistle , owned by
James Boll , beaten by Volunteer.
1S9H Lord Dunravon's Valkyrie
beaten by the Vigilant.
1895 Second attempt on tlfo part
of Lord Dunravon to lift the cup. His
Valkyrie III beaten by Defender.
1899 Royal Ulster Yacht club of
Ireland challenged. Sir Thomas Lipton -
ton made the attempt with Shamrock
I. Beaten by Columbia.
1901 Second attempt of Sir Thom
as Llpton , with Shamrock II. Again
beaten by Columbia.
1903 Third attempt by Sir Thomas
Llpton , with Shamrock III. Cup de
fended by Reliance.
Johnson In Control.
Columbus , O. , Aug. 2G. The prelimInary -
Inary meetings of the Democratic
state convention resulted In favor of
Mayor Tom L. Johnson of Cleveland
In his contest with John L. Zimmer
man of Springfield for the guberna
torial nomination. Mayor Johnson
bad uncontented control of the Demo
cratic state committee last year at
Sanduaky and the committee selected
then In Its call for this convention ,
provided that the credentials from all
the counties were to bo first submitted
to the state central corinltteo. Pur
suant to this now requirement , the
state central committee that was se
lected at Sandusky last year met and
passed upon the contests , that affect
145 of the 690 delegates , In favor of
the Johnson men.
Four Persons Poisoned.
Louisville. Aug. 26. Mrs. Fnnnlo
Land probably will die and her daugh
ter , Miss Mattle Land , and Enoch and
Palmer Goto are seriously 111 as the
result of poison. The poison waa ad
ministered by some ono as yet un
known to the police , the indications
bolng that it was mixed with the cof
fee consumed by the quartette when
the young men took dinner with Mrs.
L nd and her daughter. A younger
daughter was the only ono present
wiio was not poleonod.
Reports From All Societies Chow
Great Gain In Mem'jeisMp ,
Milwaukee , Aug. 2G. The national
convention of the National Fraternal
congress mot In tlio Masonic temple
in thin city , several hundred delegates
attending. President Langiltt , in his
annual report , stated that almost 20-
OCiC.OOO of the best people of this or
nny other country are directly Inter
ested In the SUCCCBS and pcrmanonco
of the fraternal syiuom. The mem
bers are grouped In ICG societies and
the present nito of distribution Is con-
dldorably In excess of $1,000,000 per
week. During the pant year , the presi
dent stated , tlio reports from all the
societies show that the gain In mem
bership has been phenomenal , exceed
ing 12 per cent , with a yet greater In
crease In assets. President I > angfltt
also spoke of successful legislation In
the various state legislatures during
the past year. Ho suggested various
topics for discussion , citing among
others the St. Louis exposition , which ,
ho says , will afford a magnificent op
portunity to present to tlio world the
fraternal system. Dr. Oronhyatoka of
Toronto made a brief address. Rou
tine business occupied the remainder
of the first day's session. St. Loula
will likely get the next convention.
Negroes Spirited Away by Officers ,
Who Fear They May Be Lynched.
Chicago , Aug. 25. To prevent a pos
sible lynching a Chicago colored man
and woman were spirited away from a
crowd Eiirroundlng the Jail at Batavla ,
III. , last night and locked up In the
county prison at Geneva. The pris
oners had been arrested after a series
of violent encounters between resi
dents of the village and participants
In the picnic of the negroes of the
Qultin and the Bethel chapels. About
3,000 colored men and women made
up the picnic party at Mill creek , two
miles south of Batavla. The negroes
took possession of the lawn of Mrs.
George Burton's place and when she
ordered them to leave , she was re
peatedly struck by two of the negro
City Marshal Kellcy arrested the
two women , but was at once attacked
by a crowd of 200 negroes , who suc
ceeded In releasing the prisoners ,
leaving Kelley unconscious upon the
Later In the day Sheriff Robert
BurUo of Geneva , with a posse of lor-
ty-flve citizens , arrested three of the
negroes , William Allen. Harry Bell
and Fanny Shelby , taking them from
a train at Batavla , after a desperate
battle in the railway coach and on the
depot platform. Roth Bell and the
Shelby woman were locked up In the
town jail until the gathering of a
large crowd of citizens caused the city
ofllclals to order their removal to Ge
Civil and Military Authorities Tak
Part In Procession.
Rome , Aug. 2G. The funeral ot
Monottl Garibaldi , the oldest son of
the patriot , who died last Saturday ,
was held here and evoked a great pop
ular demonstration of sympathy. For
hours before the cortege was expected
the streets were crowded wJth people ,
packed so densely that vehicular traf
fic was blocked. The body was car
ried from the house and placed on a
gun carriage by a party of Garlbaldl-
ans In their striking red shirts. On
the coflln was laid the red shirt , cap
and sword of the dead general , and a
quantity of flowers. The procession
wns of a military character and waa
followed by four artillery wagons , car.
rylng magnificent wreaths and fresh
nowers. All the civil and military
authorities of Rome attended the fu
neral , the king being represented by
Vlco Admiral Morln , the foreign min
ister. The troops of the garrison of
Rome were drawn up In the squares
and rendered military honors as the
coflln passed. Many workingmen's so
cieties and various boys' societies , in
which Menottl Garibaldi , took an interest -
terest , took part In the procession.
Five prisoners , Including Carlos Mo-
Connlck , the boy murderer , escaped
from jail at Tucson , Ariz.
The International cricket match at
Toronto was finished Tuesday , the
Americans winning , 277 to 130.
By an explosion of gas at the Altoona -
toona ( Pa. ) gas works three laborers
were burned , two perhaps fatally.
The mall stage between Canyon City
and Whitney , Ore. , was held up on
Dlxey mountain and all the mail taken.
Flro destroyed the Auburn hotel at
Auburn , Gal. , and Daniel Christy and
W. Bert Malther were burned to death.
The Now York warehouse of P. W.
Engs & Sons , whisky distillers , wns
gutted by fire , causing a loss esti
mated at 1175,000.
The police have arrested Mrs. Al
bert Williams , John Burrlg and
George Dill at Bralnard , Minn. , charg
ing them with having murdered Mrs.
Williams' three-year-old daughter.
Major Scrlvon , acting signal offi
cer of the army , has been informed
that telegraphic communication Is
now established In all parts of Alaska
covered by the signal corps lines.
Miss Mary Jenkins , the seventeen-
year-old daughter of William A. Jen
kins , an architect of Denver , foil over
a steep cliff on a mountain climbing
expedition at Decker Springs , Colo. ,
and was killed.
Guests of the President.
Oyster Bay , N. Y. , Aug. 25. Ex-GoT-
ernor Murphy and Senators Keen and
Dryden were guests of the president.
II. H. Kohlsaat of Chicago was among
the president's guests at luncheon.
M. Y Life Illdtt , OMAHA , NCIIR.
The Urrnt. most firmW nuMUhecl ami beil equipped Commercial and Shorthand School In
Omtha. Moilerncourietofttudr Eip rlenced le cher Individual Inilructlon Strlcidltclplina.
Practical melhodi Fireproof hulldlng Y M C A adjacent Athletic * Fully equipped gjrmnat.
I urn. Illth cla > < entertainment ! Graduatei aniited to pinllloni STUDENTS PUKN1SHBD
North Atlantic Fleet Off Maine Coast
and Army Is Defending.
Rockland. Mo. , Aug. 25. All the bat
tleships , cruisers and other vessels of
the combined North Atlantic fleet , ex
cept the collier Marcelltis , have left
the harbor for the attack on Portland.
Portland , Me. , Aug. 25. So far as
the defending forces are concerned ,
the war maneuvers have developed
nothing but a watching and waiting
game. Almost all the mines have been
placed In position and by evening
every ono will be in perfect working
order. Major General Chaffeo has
strengthened by entrenchments the
most vulnerable point , the approaches
by land In the rear of the forts , and
In so doing has rendered Fort Preble.
which Is the keystone of the defending
system , almost Impregnable.
Riot Case Begins at Danville.
Danville , 111. , Aug. 25. The riot case
was begun In the circuit court before
Judge Thompson with the trial of Win-
field Baker , who Is charged with mak
ing an assault on Sheriff Whltlock
with intent to kill. It is charged that
on the night of the assault on the jail
Baker was the ringleader at the door
of the Jail ofilco and demanded the
keys. Ho had n big revolver In each
hand , and It Is said , when refused the
keys , fired two shots at Whltlock.
Urge Gray for President.
Scranton , Pa. , Aug. 2G. The Lack-
nwanna county Democratic convention
adopted a resolution recommending
George Gray of Delaware for the presi
dency of the United States. Judge
Gray was president of the coal strike
commission which brought to an end
thu great anthracite strike In this
Liver Pills
That's what you need ; some
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Gently laxative.
\\.uttjcturinnuHt.irlio or beard a beautiful
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I A. 0. ONO , A. M. , LL. D. , Pros. , Omaha ,
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I Endorsed by First Nnt'l
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$10.000 In ( toll Top Desks , Hank Fixtures and
M Typewriters. Students can work for board.
Send for free catalogue , bound In alligator ,
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Roud it and you will attend the N. II. 0.
Digests what you eat.
This preparation contains all of the
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Cures ali stcKnanh troubles
Prcpa.fd only by K.O. Ui\VrrT&Oo. : , Ohleagc
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Between St. Louis and Kansas City and
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Every appliance known to modern cat
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In the wake-up of this service , including
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Full Information as to rates and all details oi
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She Has Cured Thousands
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Practicing Aleopathy , Homeopathy
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Will , by roiinott , visit profoeeloually
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the otuKirtui it : IB at hand
DIt. CAl.DWEI.Ll'mitsliBr prr.ct'ca to the
epoclnl treatment of dim QBPB of tlio eje , ear.
uof . linmt. him n , lon.nio ( libouees , cllfneoa of
cli lilrou aim nil chronic. norvou nuil snrglcnl
illtoaH B ol n oiiraole nature Kurly coiiBnmt-
tlini , bronchitis , lirorxhlnl catarrh , ' 1101110
catxrili , lioncla ho , conf tiimtm , Biomacli and
bowel troubles , rlipumalism nonralviit , eel-
n icn , Hiiitlit's tll niK > , kiilnt > y < Ui > onpes. < IiKjaEOB
of the > 1 vei am 111 elder , ( lizzniei-e no" ousnofs ,
imllKO tl n , obotity in'nirnptoil n ritiou ,
Blow growth in eliildro . mid all \\-ne tine clis-
o ro in niulis , dofo inilio rli Meet cnrva-
urool the | iiiio. ( li-onf-cn of tin ) train , parnly *
sis , lioart dlepiuo , dropsy , BWolliiiPo * the limbs ,
tintiiro , "pen sores , pain iti tlio bouoi . granu
lar enlurKumniits mid all longstanding die-
eases properly iroa'o 1.
ISIiiml mill hkln I'l
rimplos. b'otrlies , eruptions , liver spots , fall
ini < ( > ' the hair , bad complexion ocz iiin , tbroat
ulcers , l o' e | alne. Madder t.oublrs , weak
back , burniiiK urine , pa Bine urine lee oftoM.
Tbe oiTocts of constittilional sickrocs or tbo-
trfL nij ; of too mueb injurious n.eclicltio rocolvoa
te Tli IIR trontmont , proir jit relief aiid a cnr&
for life.
DispasoB of women , irrejnlar menBtruntionr
fallli g of tlio oml > , boatiuB down pains ,
fo a o irplacemniits , luck of sexual tone ,
l eno rrliea. sterilltor b rrennofs. c ntult
Dr Caldwell aiul Bbe will i-liow tliem tbe canne1
of tlioir trouble and the way to become cured ,
Cnncnin , Goiter , FlHtuln , I'lltK
an'1 onlarRoJ glands treated with the subcu
taneous inject on method , absolutely without
pain anil IU < nut the loss 1 1 a. drop of blood ,
is one of her own discoveries and is really 1119
most scientific metho'l ol ttiiu advanced age
Dr. Cnlilwnll has practice ; ! her profession in
some of the largest boepi als tbroiielmat the
country. Sh ? 1m ) no suporl < r i > tbo treating
and diagnosing diseases do ormltios , etc. She
has lately of otied an olllco in Omnbn Nebraska ,
where i < lie will ppou'l ' a portion of each week
ttoati B hnr many patlt * ts. Nn incnrablo >
cases arcoptod for treatment Consultation
exaniirjntion and advice one dollar t tboeo IB
torested. "n. ORA CAI.DWKI.IJ & Co
Ohlcngo 111.
Address a'l ' mail to Doe Building , Omaha
AD bjolut < ipeclflc nd antiseptic prtp >
ration for all klndf ol
A < ur cur * lor Honrstr.ett , Tonsllltlj , Qulnir ,
In amed , Ulcerated and Catarrhal SoroTbroat.
A preventive of Croup , Whooping Cough and )
Endorsed bj the Most Eminent Throat Special-
Itts In the country.
Should b > pt In eTery borne. Price 28 Cent * .
llerff dloluo Co. , Del Maine * , Iowa.
. . . .TRY. . . .