T11K NOHKOIiIC NKWS : I'MUDAY ' , Al'Cll'ST ' J , IJKMI. 11 ARE YOU ONE ? who is MilTerlng good deal from headaches , nervousness and other painful niid ills- treeing symptoms ? It inny lie that j'our eyes uro the. ciuifto of nil. Wo correct thu eyes , remove the cause und nutiiro does the curing Bettor see us nhout it boforc it is too Into , Dr , Marquardt , Ophthalmologist , As Good as Gold ! The Elkhorii B. Ai S. Association will make yon n louu to build or buy , 011 favorable terms. T. E. ODIORNE. Secretary. MILLARD GREEN , DRAY AND TRANSFER LINE PIANO MOVING A SPEOIATY. Ofllco & Itoslilnnco , n | | _ l > p "PHONE 58. " "U L. L. REMBE , Steam and Hot Water Heating. First Door South News Office. POINT FORGET THE Per Cent < 20 t i Discount on WOMEN'S , MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S OXFORDS , We Keep Open Evenings until 9:00 : o'clock. PALACE SHOE STORE STAPENHORST & CO. , Proprietors. We give tio'sots on Oaickering Piuno. The Weather. Conditions of the weather as re corded for the 24 hours ending at 8 n. m. today. Maximum 78 Minimum d Average Gi Rainfall : 88 Total rainfall for month 7.09 Barometer , . 29.7-1 Forecast for Nohraska : Generally fair tonight and Saturday. FRIDAY FACTS. The Ludwlg Koonlgstein music studio die will reopen Monday morning , after four weeks of rest. n. Meyers & Co. , who hurned out In' Norfolk last spring , have com menced an action in the district court to recover $1253.33 from the Aetna Insurance company. A largo gang of section men are ho- Ing employed today on the Union Pa cific track , where It crosses Norfolk avenue , In raising the rails to some extent. While using the long distance'phono to Omaha yesterday morning Train Dispatcher J. J. Welch of the North western at Fremont was knocked from a chair hy a holt of lightning which struck the wire , and laid for some time on the floor limp and lifeless. Ho was unconscious for about flvo mlmitoH. lit falling his lu < nd struck n radiator and spittoon , mlslng a hlg hump , hut ho was otherwise uninjured. A contract for hulldlng u now hrlck hlock has just heen ohtalned hy Nor folk men. Reynolds & King will do the mamm work upon It and U. Might the carpentering. The contracts wore secured ubovo lililn from linns In Omaha , Scrlhner and several other towns. The wind eaiuo down fioin the north this morning with an apparent deter mination to make u cons'ldcrahlo re duction In temperature and reminding the people that winter Is not many moons to the north , and chasing down after the good old Humiwr time like the Uellanco after the Shamrock. Mr. and Mrs. 0 , 11. Sailer very pleas antly entertained a company of ahout forty friends at their homo , corner of KooiilgsU'ln avenue and Touth street , last night. Six-handed euchre was a fonturo of the ovenlng'H pleasure , a delightful supper following the cards. The day was a wedding aunt- versay for the host and hostess. A quantity of , the face hrh'k for the United Slates court house has arrived and Is holng today hauled to the silto. The material Is heautlful to look upon and will make an Imposing front for the second and third stories of the new structure. The mammoth steam derrick is helng put Into place today and heforo many hours the heavy ma terials will all he swung upon this. Manjuls Reynolds , who was hadly hurt In an accident with a pony and cart a few days ago , Is conslderahly hotter today. In the mix-up Marquis had several tooth hrokcn off. Ho foil forward from his seat In the cart and for a time It was thought that the pony had kicked him. Now , however , it is thought that ho foil upon a holt and hroko the teeth upon Its sharp edges. Alhort Struhe and Fred Shaffer of Plalnvlew wore heforo County .ludgo Williams at Pierce Wednesday charged with having burglarl/od the hardware store of Hrown & Sorensen at that place. They were both minors. The crime was committed last month , the boys being released on bond. Slriibo behaved during the time lie was out on ball , hut Shaffer had stolen $0 from another hey and was inlxod up In other lawless acts. Strubo got ton days In the county jail and Shaffer was sent to the reform school. The general merchandise store of Miller & Hergor at Pierce was damaged - aged hy lire Wednesday morning In the sum of ? 1.500. The back end of the building was destroyed and the contents of the front part were dam aged by smoke and water. When the firemen arrived on the scene the flames were leaping into the air twenty or thirty feet , but with the new sys tem of waterworks they were quickly controlled and the people were pleased with the service. This Is the third fire of the year , all three within a rod or two of each other , and it Is almost certain that all were of Incendiary origin. The firm carried $1,500 in surance on the stock. The building Is owned by UeWltt Eager of Dull. Attention. Those of our old employes who de sire positions during the coming cam paign must apply at once , as numer ous applications arc coming In from outside towns and all places will be filled after September 1 , 1903. American Heet Sugar Co. The first oysters In town. Served In any style. John Freythalor. Manager Wanted. Trustworthy lady or gentleman to manage business in this county and adjoining territory for well and fa vorably known house of solid financial standing. $20.00 straight cash salary and expenses , paid each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Ex pense money advanced ; position per manent. Address manager , CIO Motion nidg. , Chicago , 111. WENT HUNTING WITHOUT LICENSE William Strong and Randolph Krake Lose Their Guns and Will be Arrested by Ralney. William Strong and Randolph Krako are each minus a first class shot gun and are liable to be minus a hit of cash to boot for violating the state game law which requires a license for shooting In outsidle counties. The pair of shooting irons were confiscated last night by State Deputy Warden J. A. Ralnoy and the arrest of the two men will follow as soon as warrants can bo made out. They are both resi dents of Norfolk and were caught shooting , It is said , in Pierce county , by the deputy. Ho has written to Pierce for the warrants and will sell their guns at that place , In accord ance with a section of the statute. Resides the guns , Ralnoy brought In a jack rabbit which had been killed. It is said that Krako and Strong will fight the case and George Carter , the' state game warden , will ho on hand to try the cases. The law provides that It shall bo unlawful for an person to fish or hunt within this state without a license ; provided that any person may fish and hunt within the county of his actual rosldenco without a license. The fine for violation shall not exceed $50 , or Imprisonment not to exceed thirty days. Ofco Tappart's residence for sale or rent. Inquire of John Froythalor. Dr. F. G. Walters succeeds to the practice of Dr. Klesau. 'Phono , of- flco and rosldenco 18. Excessive Moisture Threatens Health of the People. DRAINAGE IS DEST PREVENTIVE. Precautions OB to Diet Essential , and Decaying Garbage Should be Dis posed of Dry , Cool Weather May Prevent Epidemic of Sickness. The people of Norfolk and the people ple of other towns and the country of this section are right now confronted with a most serious problem In san itation and the preservation of health , and all that can h < > done should h < > done to prevent an unusual amount of sickness and an Increased number of' deaths. > There Is no disguising the fact th.it tins continued wet weather of ( lie spring and summer that has tilled the cellars and soaked the ground ami created pools and ditches full of sui face water Is decidedly against the general health of the people and ( he problem of doing something offecthi' Is oiio that pnx/les those bestlnformed as to the laws of sanitation and health On this subject a reporter for The News this morning Interviewed l > r P. II. Sailer , who Is of the belief that the only certain way to prevent dls ease Is u thorough system of drain age , which the city evidently liieKs. and which It may lie Impossible to hi- auguratc In time to do much good this year. The city administration has been doing much along this line , thai Is proving effective , but the lack ( if previous administrations has hunched It all up Into ono big problem that is a poser and the season Is bringing out the faults of drainage as no pie vlous year has done. If It Is Impossible to correct the fault at this tlmo , Dr. Sailor considers it nf next Importance to ho careful as to diet. The humid weather tends to re duce the. vitality of people and maUe thorn ready victims to disease germs that are produced by stagnant water and decaying vegetation. Such germs find ferlilo germinating places in fruit and vegetables that have begun In decay , In milk thai has commenced to sour and In stale bread all of which should be rigorously prohibited , es peclally to children , who are more susceptible than adults. This roduc tlon of vitality is the reason of so many summer colds , and the colds leave Ihe system open to attack from more serious diseases. Decaying vegetation and refuse should not bo permitted to accumu late about the premises. Vaults and cesspools should receive careful at- tontlou and every possible precaution taken to prevent the germination and spread of disease. Many people have an abiding faith in the liberal use of chloride of nmo to overcome germ diseases In damp places and purify the almosphero about the house. The doctor was a lilllo Rkoptlc.il as to the general ef ficacy of this substance. While con ceding that It kills the germs It touches , ho has not much faith In the effect of the smell It gives out hi ov-1 creaming the germs In any largo area , and still It might bo used. It can cer tainly do no harm. Disinfection with formaldehyde-sulphur might likewise be of value toward the destruction of germs , and In a season such as Ihls It Is not only allowable but desirable that such methods of promoting health should he given a trial. Fermentation and germination are favored by hot , moist weather , and perhaps Iho best thing thai could hap pen for the health of the people sit uated as are those of Norfolk , Is for the drying up of the moltmiro to take place during cool weather such as now seems likely for a few days. This Is just the contrary of what is needed for the development of the corn and other crops , hut the people might bet ter stand the loss of a harvest than Ihe loss of health and perhaps life. Mrs. N. A. Daniels , having pur chased a home In Omaha , directs mete to sell her lots , corner Norfolk av enue and First street , being 100 feet on the avenno and 170 feet on the street. Both buildings newly papered and painted. City water , good dry cellars , cistern , fine shade trees at a very slight cost there can bo thir teen bedrooms , there are nine now just the place for a boarding and rooming house. Will bo sold cheap. J. E. Simpson , Agent. AUDITORIUM OPENS THURSDAY , Norfolk Theatre Season Will Start 3 With "A September Messen ger Boy. " The theatre season for Norfolk will begin next Thursday night when the Auditorium will onon with "A Messen ger Hoy. " Propri' f r Dunlovy has not been In the city for some tlmo and the bookings that nro to follow can not Just yet bo obtained , but ho Is ex pected by the first of the week. The Initial play of the year will bo put on by Sweet , an actor not unknown In Norfolk , having played hero two years ago In "A Jay In Now York. " lie is said to have a much hotter company now than then , and patrons will no doubt turn out well for the first night at the playhouse. Notice for Bids. Bids will ho received by the under signed for digging a ditch on north sldo of Park avenue from First street to the Northfork river , as per plans and specifications to ho seen at the olllco of II. A. Pasowalk. All dirt to be delivered on ( ho dyke near Iho 0. St. P. M. .t O. railway hrldgo or other places the same distance. The street and alloy commit tee reserves the right ( o reject any and all bids. All bids must be In by 12 o'clock noon , September 2 , lUOU. Street and Alloy Conunlttoe , Per II. A. Pasowalk. For sale Two second hand Nor folk furnaces will bo iiold cheap. Ap ply at The News ofllco. ARRESTED IN A SALOON ROW , Frank Dedermnn Wanted to Run the Whole Bar , But the Proprietor Objected Strenuously. Trouble In a saloon last night re suited In the arrest of FranU Deder- num. who will be on trial tomorrow alternoon before .ludgo HayeH Frank came to town and tried to start HOIIIO- Hilng. llo went Into the HII'OOII ' and thought ho'd run the Joint. Heforo he knew It , ho was In trouble with the proprietor and a lively mill seemed inevitable. Frank Is said to hiivn pulled a club with which to null his mini , when another party stepped up from the roar and stopped the stick. Frank landed on the sldownlU outside , Night Watchman IMlger came along and then the fireworks. i Frank Is ifot an unknown Individual | ' ' In police court and Is said to make i trouble frequently. j j I i Credit to Norfolk. The Catholic cemetery In this city enjoys the unique distinction of hav- lyg In the Father Kertsen monument , which was unveiled Monday , the most magnificent memorial to the dead ever .erected > In this county , If not In north- I ern Nebraska. The shall Is of St. Cloud granlto with Bedford coping and grave guard and Is wholly the ! p ' design and workmanship of M. M. Stanuard of Norfolk , which rollects i great credit on him , as bo secured the contract In open competition with local as well as Omaha and Chicago tlrius. The govoni'iienl Inspector of the federal bulldini' . now In cours'o of erection ill Norfolk , Inspected the monument tlmroughly ind pronounced t it perfect before It was accepted. i Messrs. ( larrelt , executor of the es- ; | ! ' tale , and Kiilher Bartholomew , the parish priest are to bo congratulated | ' their success In erecting this noble shall In the memory of the honored dead. Madison Star-Mall. SONS OF HERMANN TO BANQUET Will Dine Daniel J. Koenlgsteln In Farewell Meeting Tonight Notable - able Guests. The local lodge of the SOUK of Her mann will hold a furowull meeting tonight In honor of Daniel .7. Koonig- j Hteln , who IH to leave the city for LOB Angeles early next week. The meetIng - Ing will bo hold ut the lodge rooms and following the .social session will come a magnificent banquet which has been prepared. Mr. Koonlgstoln I has been a grand trustee of the order and stands high among members of the order. Members from out of town who have arrived for the meeting are : Fred Volpp , of Wayne , the grand pres ident ; John Schmldler , of Stanton , ex- grand president : Charles Hhodo of Columbus , grand trustee. THE BEE HIVE Arbuclcol , Lion ind XXXX eoiToe at ilio Bee Hive , lOc. lToilinarters ! for oed biiLter at the Bee Hive. The Bee Hive don't sell spoiled eggs , but we candle every egg we sell in town. Igg-0-See ( lOc a package at the Bee Hive. Force lOc a package at the Bee Hive. Bell coffee at .the Bee Hive. THE BEE HIVE RQSENTHAL & KRASNE , A NEW ART NEEDLE STORE II 8 just hfnii opnuod hy Mrs. Joseph Scluvart/ liO ! South Fonrili street. All HortH of Fancy Embroidery Silks , Sofa Cushion Covers , Etc. , are for sale. A department , also , for HAIR DRESSING MANICURING , SHAMPOOING AND FACIAL MASSAGE Embroidery lessons given. Miws Ella Subnumohcr fiHHintB in this branch , Brainard & Armstrong Silks , ItAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.tAAAAAA ' ' ' ' ' , & I | * ? < ' ! > J ) w- 4 * l Read 4s S The ' I Ad e i a ยง 'W.H.RISH , ! 7 f s : v 4 f Plumbing , 'i | Steam and Hut | | Water Fitting. I > . . . .All Kinds of Pumps. . . . | ? 4 r YOUH WCMlv SOLIOrri'JI ) . jf * > 'Phono No. 97. | G. R. SEILER , MRHND SALE STABLE , COIt.NKU HUAAKPH AVIC. AND TllIHI ) KT. Telephone , No. 44. Head Ache ? I'orlmps you need Itcltcr IIHVC your eyes te.sletl. K.W.WILLIAMS GRADUATE OPTIUAN. 12 Itlshop Illock. * A | 1 1 1C' on WILL HUM ) YOU A ON EAHV PAYMICNTS. OOMK AND XKK UH. ( J. H. DURLANJ ) . Secretary HERE IT IS MA'AM ! That bug of Hour you ordered is nt your door when promised in < xt time you'll probably onh rdoiibln thetuu ] > tity for linn Ton Hour ban u hltlovuy of phiiiHiiig people , NN Inch makes it n wel come visitor Everybody inul bin wife knowti the superior quality of Don Ton Hour. Sugar City GerallVIills. There are more things in the Lumber ; ; business than are dreamed of in your Philosophy - ! ! ophy , Horatio , and just exactly those have j ; been studied by the Chicago Lumber Company - , ; pany until they are versed in it all. If you I ! need anything in the way of Tell the Chicago Lumber Company all about it. They will fill the bill a bit better and a | bit more reasonably than elsewhere in INor- | folk. j ; Chicago Lumber Company | | NORFOLK. NEB. f W. II. BUOHOLZ. President. Norfolk ALEX. BEAU , Vice Presidoiit. E. W. ZUTX , Cashier. National Bank The Oldest Established Bank in Northeast Nebraska. Capital , $100,000,00 , - - Surplus , $20,000,00 , ! I DOCS 3 General Buys'and Sells [ Exohnngn. Interest Puid - . . on Time Deposits. Drafts and Money I ! BllSineSS Banking Orders Sohlou any Point in Europe. A | Uouonxl Steamship and Foreign Passiigo.Busluefs Transacted. DIRECTORS A. BEAR , F. P. HANLON , F. J. HALE , W. II. RUCHOLZ , WM. XUTZ , N. A. RAINBOLT , S. S. COTTON. 0. A. LUIKAUT , riiKHitiKNT. W. U. JOHNSON , OASHIKII CIIA9. S. HltlDQlJ , VICE I'UESIDKNT LKO PASKWALK , ASS'T The Citizens National Bank. . , $50,000. Sunri.us , f 10,000. Hay ami Soil KxcUauKo on this Country and nil parti of fiuropo. Farm Loam. DIRECTORS OABL ASMCS W. II , JOHNSON CHAS. 8. IlniooB F , MCQIVEBN 0. M. SWANB Q , A , LUIKAUT T , F , MKUUINOKR L. SESSIONS