The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 21, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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    Transmisslssippi Convention
Opens at Seattle.
Committee Report Recommending
Union With National Irrigation Congress -
gross IB Discussed at Length Thur-
ber Talks of Oriental Trade.
Seattle , Wash. . Aug. ID. The four
teenth annual session of the Trans-
mlsslsslppl congress opened In Seattle
under the mast favorable auspices ,
and the loaders say the meeting prom
ises to bo the largest and most produc
tive of 'good since the organization of
the congress. The opening session
was occupied largely with the reading
of papers and the discussion of the
yarlous subjects which they called
forth. Ono of the most striking ad
dresses of the day was that of F. D.
Thurber. president of the United
States Export association. He sup
ported the protective Idea of President
f McKlnley and urged the necessity ot
wider markets. He declared that the
great theater of commercial activity
in the future Is destined to be the Ori
ent. He said that the organization of
trusts Is the Inevitable result of devel
opment , and that their present evils
will In time be righted by the same
growth. United States Senator Reed
Smoot of Utah was among the speak
ers.Tho delegates were slow In assem
bling arid It was nearly 10 o'clock
when Donald O. Fletcher of the local
' committee on arrangements called the
j assembly to order. Mr. Fletcher stated
I that the president of the congress.
J John H. Klrby of Houston , Tex. , had
' / boon called suddenly to New York on
Important business. He therefore
Introduced Walter Oresham , former
president of the congress , as temporary
ary president. Mr. Qresham spoke
. briefly , expressing confidence In the
future usefulness of the organization.
He then Introduced Governor Henry
McBrlde of Washington , who , In be
half of the state of Washington , deliv
ered a brief address of welcome. Fol
lowing Governor McBrlde Mayor
Humes welcomed the delegates on be-
yC balf of the city of Seattle. Thomas
Richardson of New Orleans then read
n i the annual address of President Klrby.
| f'I ' " At the afternoon session two Important -
. ant addresses were made. W. R. Rich-
ardson , secretary of the National
Good Roads association , spoke on
"Good Roads , " and Thomas Richard
son took for his subject , "Immigration
and Its Distribution. "
The report of the committee on the
advisability of merging the Transmls-
slsslppl congress with the National Ir
rigation congress was taken up and
discussed at some length.
Three Battalions of Troops Make At
tack on Insurgent Band ,
battle Is reported to have occurred
in the neighborhood of Monastlr.
Three Turkish battalions attacked 1-
000 Insurgents and after the tight had
raged for six hours the Turks were
repulsed with the loss of 210 men
killed and wounded. The insurgent
loss Is not given.
Reports received hero from Con
stantinople and believed to bo authen
tic confirm the previous statement to
the effect that when the Turkish
troops recaptured Krushevo they
slaughtered the entire Christian popu
lation without exception , and It Is
pointed out that among those killed
wore the employes of the government
tobacco establishments , which were
under European control , as the pro
ceeds from these establishments were
assigned to the payment of the Turk
ish debt.
According to a report from Uskub ,
Mlchaellovltskl , the Bulgarian leader ,
was killed In the fighting at Krushevo ,
while Boris Sara faff , the noted Insur
gent chief , has been surrounded at
Frassbalkau , the southern part of the
Monastlr vilayet.
It Is reported that an Italian squad
ron has been ordered to concentrate
in readiness to sail for the Turkish
Forty-three battalions of Turkish re-
erves in Europe have been called out.
Chinese Warship Collides With Cana
dian Pacific Steamer.
Hong Kong , Aug. 19. The Canadian
Pacific's steamer , Empress of India ,
from Vancouver , for Hong Kong , col
lided near this port with the Chinese
cruiser Huang Tal.
Tha warship sank an hour after the
collision. The Empress of India saved
170 of the crew of the cruiser. The
captain of the Huang Tal , who refused
to leave his ship , and thirteen of the
crew were drowned. The Empress of
India was badly damaged amldshlp.
Bulgaria Mobilizes Army.
Rome , Aug. 19. Private advices
from the Balkan peninsula received
here state that Bulgaria has practically -
ly mobilized an army , as the troops
under arms In the principality now
amount to more than 70,000 , which Is
double what Is considered as the ponce
effective. Tha Bulgarian government ,
however , Is unwilling to venture for
the time being on any hostile move
ment against Turkey , as It does not
wish to lose the support of Russia. It
hopes , however , that public opinion In
Russia will force the government to
help Bulgaria against Turkey and the
dispatch of a Russian squadron to
Turkish waters encourages the Bulga
rians In this view.
Reliance Is to Allow Challenger a Min
ute and Three.Quarters.
New York. Aug. 19. The Hollauco
and the Shamrock III were measured
In Erlo huBln by C E. Mower , the otll-
clal measurer of the Now York Yacht
club. As the result ot his inousuro-
meats , It was announced at the yacht
club that the Rullancu would allow the
challenger ono minute and forty-live
seconds over a thirty-mile course. It
was found that the Shamrock til was
slightly longer on the waterllno than
the American boat , but the latter was
found to have nearly 2,000 feet moro
sail area than the challenger , and it
was this enormous sail spread that
taxed the American boat so heavily.
The announcement of the tlmo allow
ance In favor of the challenger caused
llttlo surprise at the yacht club , as It
was the very general belief that the
Reliance would provo considerably
larger all around than her opponent.
Stockmen From All Over the Coun
try to DC Present at the Opening.
Plttsburg , Aug. 19. The new Herr's
Island stock yards , which have just
been completed at a cost of more than
$3,000.000 , will bo formally opened
Monday , Sept. 7. with A. J. Cassatt ,
president of the Pennsylvania railroad ,
as the special guest of honor. Ten
thousand Invitations have been sent
out for the opening and preparations
are being made for the care of 25,000
The new yards will bo controlled by
the Union Stock Yards company , and
Simon O'Donncll , vice president and
general manager of the now company ,
Is making arrangements to bring a
number of stockmen from various
parts of the country to Plttsburg for
the opening.
Gasoline Explodes , Girls Stampede ,
Trampling Each Other Under Foot ,
Boston , Aug. 19. The explosion of
tank of gasoline In the basement of a
slx-Btory building occupied by several
manufacturing concerns on Worm
wood street caused a fire which de
stroyed every combustible foot of the
building , meantime precipitating a
panic , In 'which scores of employes re
ceived Injuries. The monetary loss Is
? 150,000 , covered by Insurance. Im
mediately following the explosion 250
girls at work on the sixth floor , stam
peded for the stairways and screaming
and fighting , made their way to the
ground. In the struggle many fell
and wore trampled upon.
Double Tragedy In Cleveland.
Cleveland. Aug. 19. A mystorloui
hooting which blotted out two lives
occurred here early this morning. A
patrolman walking on Broadway
heard two revolver shots In the direc
tion of Ashbel street. Following the
sound he stumbled over the body of a
well dressed man , about twenty-four
years of age , with a revolver lying
near him. Close by lay the body of an
attractive young woman. Both wore
dead , the woman shot through the
right temple , and the man with a bul
let hole behind the left ear. No ona
In the neighborhood knew either of
the dead people. The police Incline to
the theory that It was a case of mur
der and suicide.
Kansas Files Amended Bill.
Washington , Aug. 19. The amended
bill ot the state of Kansas In the case
Instituted by that state against the
state ot Colorado to restrain the latter
state In the use of the water of the
Arkansas river for Irrigation purposes ,
was filed In the United States supreme
court. The amended bill makes seven
teen of the leading Irrigation compa
nies which secuie water from the Ar
kansas river parties to the suit ,
whereas , In the original bill , the state
of Colorado was the only defendant.
It Is alleged that the entire flow of
water In the Arkansas has been appro
priated by Colorado and by corpo'a-
tlons organized under the authority ot
that state.
Rabbis Elect Officers.
Philadelphia , Aug. 19. Owing to the
volume of business yet to bo transact
ed by the convention of Orthodox Jew
ish Rabbis of America , the session will
be prolonged until tonight. Rabbi
Sheresvskl of Boston introduced th
question of Zionism. The matter wai
referred to a commltteo with
tlons to report to the next session.
Officers were elected as follows : Rabbi
A. O. Olesser , Cincinnati , president ;
Rabbi Philip Israelite , Chelsea , secre
tary ; Rabbi B. Abromovlts , treasurer.
Kills His Assailant
Farmlngton , Mo. , Aug. 19. Toba
Francis shot and killed Leslie Ross at
Deer Run. Ross was under bond for
trial for shooting at Francis about tea
days ago. Today they met and Ross
stabbed Francis , when the latter shot
Paper Makers' Strike Ends.
Holyoke. Mass. , Aug. 19. The big
strike of the Holyoke paper makers ,
which has been on since June 15 ,
came to an end last night , when the
paper makers' union voted to return
to work tomorrow morning and de
clared the strike off. While the 3,500
operatives originally affected had been
reduced by secessions to the mills , It
is conservatively figured that over 2.-
500 men and women vrlll be affected by
this vote.
Vote Against Increase.
Jefferson City. Mo , , Aug. 19. The
members of the state railway commis
sion heard the report from the express
companies doing business In the state
In regard to raising the rate schadule ,
and voted against the plan to Increase
charges In Missouri.
Venezuelan President Practices
Extortion on Merchants.
Cause Is Their Refusal to Repay Taxes
Already Paid to Rebel Government
at Cludad Dollvar Doej All In Mis
Power to Destroy Commerce.
Port of Spain. Aug 19 Authentic
Information was received announcing
the Imprisonment of French , German
and Italian merchants at Cludad Boli
var , Venezuela , which port was recent
ly captured from the rebels by Presi
dent Castro's troops , for refusing
President Castro's demand for the re
payment of taxes already paid to the
do facto government. President Cas
tro demands the payment of arrears
for the period of occupation of Cludad
Bolivar by the revolutionary govern
ment. The amount demanded exceeds
$65.000. The merchants refused to
recognize President Castro's decree
abolishing Cludad Bolivar as a port of
entry and decline to ship goods via
Carupano. The Venezuelan gunboat
Miranda went to the district of Nutrias ,
exacting from the merchants forced
contributions and fines amounting to
another $50.000. It Is reported that
President Castro has threatened to
annihilate- the commerce and expel
the foreign community of Ouayana , on
the Orinoco. A reign of terror pre
vails throughout the district , owing
to the extortion , throats and barbar
ities of the party In power.
Convict Shot to Death In Cell.
Rawllna , Wyo. , Aug. 11) ) . James
Williams , a convict , was shot to death
In his cell In the state penitentiary
by Ernest Goodsoll , night turnkey.
Reaching through the bars , Williams
seized Goodsell and wrenched his Ueyi
from his hand. After a struggle
OoodBPll succeeded In drawing his revolver -
volvor and shot Williams In the head.
Williams , who was serving a sentence
for grand larceny , escaped from the
prison June 5 last , but was recap
Locomotive Boiler Explodes.
Albuquerque , N. M. , Aug. 19. The 1,1 i lie onglno pulling the enst
bound limited on the Santa Fo ei
ploded at the Magulro mine , three
miles from Klngman. Engineer Fitch
was blown 150 feet and Instantly
killed Fireman J. II. Bland was soil
ously Injured , one leg being crushed
and his face scalded by steam. The
boiler was blown Ii'10 ' Icet ahead of the
trucks. The train was not damaged
and no one else was hurt.
Eight Joint Smashers Fined.
Wichita , Kan. , Aug. 19. Eight wom
en concerned In the smashing of n
Joint last week were arraigned In the
city court. All pleaded guilty to as
sault. They were fined $8 each and
costs. Those fined were Mrs. Dora
Wardell , Mrs. Mitchell , Mra. Lake ,
Mrs. Braden. Mrs. Wyckoff , Mrs. Free
man and Mrs. Rogers. The complaint
was filed by Attorney Amldon and the
women woio charged with assaulting
T. H. Mahan. The attorney and his
client were forced to heat a retreat
amidst a shower of eggs , thrown by
the Irate women , who had Just finished
their work against the saloon. The
men had gone to look after Mahan's
Interests In the saloon.
Lumber Is Burned and Ranches En
dangered by Fire.
Spokane , Wash. , Aug. 19. A great
forest fire Is raging near Elk , about
twenty-five miles north of this city.
It Is reported that 1,000 acres In a belt
of white pine and cedar has beer
burned over already and unless rain
falls the loss will be very heavy. A
hundred men have been fighting the
flro since Sunday night , but they are
powerless to control It. It Is estl
mated that from 12,000,000 to 15.000-
000 feet of tlriber has been destroyed.
Some ranches are also In danger.
More Hopeful Feeling In Colon.
Colon , Aug. 19. The statement
made In a dispatch from Foreign Min
ister Rlcos to Senor Herran , the Co
lombian minister at Washington , an
nouncing the rejection of the canal
treaty , and which was published here ,
to the effect that the Colombian con-
Cress may probably furnish a basis for
the resumption of negotiations with
the United States government , has
caused a mure hopeful feeing In some
quarters with regard to Its ultimate
fate. The whole Isthmus Is awaiting
anxiously the future action of the
United States.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Brotiio Quinine tablets.
All ( IruKKistB refund the money if it
fails to cnro. E. W. Grove's signature
is on each box. 2 > o.
Notice of Incorporation.
Notice is hereby given that a corpora
tion has been organized under atirl by
virtue of the laws of Nebraska , said
corporation to bo known as the "Elk-
horn Valley Telephone Company"
whoso principal plaoo of business snail
be at the city of Norfolk , county of
MmllBoii , aud state of Nebrafka
The general nature of the bnsiiiPfls to
bo transacted by said corporation , is
the erectinc , constructing , maintaining
and operating telephone systems and
exchanges , switches , toll HURH and the
baying , soiling and leasing of telephone
systems , switches , toll lines and nppiu-
atns.Tho authorized capital stock of said
corporation is ( $100,000.00) ) ono hundred
thousand dollars.dividod into (1,000) ( ) ono
thonand tharet , whose p > xr value shall bo
(1100 ( 00) ) one hnndrod dollars each , and
all stocks subscribed for shall bo issued
and paid for ivt the cnll of the honrd of
director" , and all mock limited HHbo ) | |
fully paid up ami liou-uMhuntuiiiu.
Twonty-Ilvo thotifland dollar * ( fJi-
000.00) ) of the ttaldZoapltal tttook ahull ho
i imi > d ni prtifornul Htock , ux | > n whluh a
divuloiiil of ton (10) ( ) pur cent pur
annum , pivyiililn sctnl nnmmlly shall ho
paid in liuu of nil turthor dividends , or
itttort'Nt In tno prollcn of the lmslnenn to
bo coiuluotod.
Tin ) said preferred htoolt Khali ho n
iirot lluu agaiiiHt , and upon all of the
property ami luHotn of paid onrp irutlon ,
mid the ilivldonitH of tmnh preferred
Htouk ahull bo in addition n lien upon
and uhnrge against the nut income
Seventy-five thoutmtid dollar * ( $7r > , >
000 00) ) of Raid oapltiil Ntouk nliull ho in-
Hiiod an common Htock upon whiah there
shall bo payable IIH divlili > ntln all the
protlta earned by the corporation over
mid above the dividend of tun (10) ( ) pur
cent pur annum an above ( loRigtmtt > d ,
upon the said preferred stook
Tliln corporation Hhall begin hiiHliietm
on the 15th day of July , HHK ! , ivnd oon-
tlnuo for n ptrlod of twenty ( SO ) yearn ,
with power and right of renewal.
The IndubtodneaH of said oortxiration
Nhall not at tiny tlmo oxouod ono half
the amount of UH paid up oapltul Htock.
The businufiH atValm of mild oorpura-
tion Hhull bo conducted by a board of
five (5) ( ) dtrt > otorH , who Hhall bo rhonoii
by the stockholders at the annual incut-
ing of the corporation on the Third
Wodnumlay in Dooombur In ouch year ,
and who Hhall oloot M provided in the
artiuloH of incorporation , a president ,
vlco-prodidoiit , ooorotnry and treasurer.
Untl < ihoir nnocoHHor are elected nnd
q null Hod the dirootorH aud otlh'orn of
thin corporation Hhall bo an follows :
DirootorH O. A Lnlknrt , Oo. H
Ohrlstoph , K Duke Naven , I' . O. DlngH
and I. S Mahnti
Olllcors K. Duke Navon , Prosldonti
Ot-o. 11 OhriHtoph. Viot'-Pn > Hident ; I. S.
Muhaii , Scorotnry and Treamiror.
I ri MAHAN ,
Or.o H. Oiiuisrorii ,
O. A. Lt'lKAUT ,
Nothing so Wonderful in the
Days of Specialism.
Dr. Cnldwell.
The success of Dr. Oaldwoll in attrib
uted to her upt'Ulal stu ly of HpcoiullBin
Dr. Gahlwell , Htudont , philanthropic
ami physician of widu reputation , Imv-
ing givuii her untiru time and pniotico to
u line ofpound dineasuB , which un
ubltm her from long expuriuncu in handl
ing those tronbluti to oortuuily coinu
forward an a mtwtor npuuialiHt. Hitr
faculty for maHtoriiiK tliiitmso , h r
ability to ( liugiio o , and her plan of
treatment itt not excelled by fuw other
pliyaioiiinti. Dr. C.Udwoll , although a
young woman in life , a plain woman ,
Uiul ono who IH used to the upH and
down * in lift ) , putH herself on u luvul
with her patiuntH and does not prott.nd
to practice the old plan of fatthiun ,
vvhiuh is to look wine and Hay nothing.
She knows ditioaHO ; she knows where to
look for diHuitst ) , and the Hpot where
located , and moat of all she kuows from
experience , from whutHtio has donu in
the past , she can certainly do for othiTH
in the fnturo. It in mud by Dr. Oiild-
well's friends that idio can diagnose a
dlHuiiHO of any patient without asking
tilt-in u nin lo qiii'Htion , that bfiiig the
case , Him is not likely to doctor thum
for the wrong ailment ; nho will n o
take an inuarablo ditoaso and load the
patient to oeliovo tlmt she can cure
thorn when there IH really 110 hope for
them. Her busiiifHs la largo and she
IIUH plenty to du , ovuu , at timoB , more
than she can do , without taking incur
able diseases and doc -iving her pationtH.
Dr. Caldwell is a graduate from ono of
the host schools in America. She IIUH
practiced her profession in Home of the
principal hospitals in this country.
Her specialty comprises that class of
diseases which the ordinary homo doc
tor fails to cure , nuch UH female disoaBOR ,
heart diseases , diseases of children and
the many special diseases of liiddon
nature. Her practice is mostly among
the plain , hard working people who are
unable to couio to her city oflloe for
treatment ; she IB reasonable in her
char , es and very lenient with those
who nro not able to pay. She is olmrit
able , and it is said lias IIOVPT boon
known to refuse to treat a patient who
in worthy and in need. A number of
the important cases that wo hereby
take the liberty to publish , which
might be of interest to some who wish
to know more of Dr. Caldwoll'n great
work :
Snphia Kran , Albion , Neb , cured of
a bad Hlcin dlsnaso.
Mrs. Lulu Towsley , David City , N b.
oared of female trouble and female
Mrs. O. W. Killlan , Wakefield , Neb. ,
cured of a tumor and liver and stomach
Mrs. E A. Sturter , Waytie , Nob. ,
cured of female and norvonH troubles.
Mra. O. Linn , Hoskiui. Nob. , cured
of ovarian trouble and bladder trouble.
P. J. Ron , Albia , Neb. , cured of bron
chial trouble , enlarged liver aud dropsy
Mrs. Miunio Rndat , Columbus , Nob. ,
cured of skin disease and kidney trouble.
Mrs. W D. Burr , David City , Neb , ,
cured of skin disease , nervousness and
loss of appetite.
Mrs. Chas. Miller , Wayne , Neb. ,
cured of dropaey , kidney and liver
troubles and nervousness. She had
been troubled for years.
Mrs. 0. W. Andurson , Norfolk , Nob. ,
cured of general debility , enlarged
liver and pain in cheat.
Mra. John Banman , Bontou , Neb. ,
cured of bladder trouble aud constipa
tion.Mrs. . S. P. Amick , Tekamah , Neb.
cured of tumor , womb trouble , ions of
appetite and constipation.
( MIAS. A. McKIM , M. D. O.
Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist
Graduate Chicago Veterinary College.
Assistant State Veterinarian.
Ofllco : Brunson'a Livery , South Third
Street. 'Phone 185.
The most lonlhsoinis ami repulsive of nil
living thing * j , , the .serpent , and the vilc.nt and
iiMwtdcuriulliiKof all hutiinii disease ; ; i * Contagious Illoml 1'oiHon The
serpent HinkH its fan iuollo , | , ksll IU1(1 ( . instantlvtlu- , e
thronuU the entire body. Contagious lilnml Poison. begin. . , ! , ir wll I , i.Ule .
u ccr , oou ciinlnmnntcfl every cltop of hl , od , . , . , ! . .prc . l * throughout t e
w e wvHlciM. . Pnmful .swellings appear in the groins , a , cl rash and
copper colon. . ! splotches b.eak . out on the hody , the mouth and throat
become ulcerated , an. the hair ami eye IIIOXVA fall out ; , , , these symptoms
are mild compared to the wivtclniliiuHH and milTcring that oomo j , , the laUor
Btnps of the disease when it attacks the bones and tmue vital patts of the
ft "i , " , CoilljW iw Hlood Poison is seen in all its hideous.
ess. 1M he deep
enling abscesses and sickening nk-ers and tumors nhow
he whole system is cotrtiptcil and poisoned ) and unless t el iuf comes soon
this setpent disease tightens its coils and cruslu-s out the life. The only
antidote for the awful vims is vS. VS. S. It is naturo'a vomody , com.
posed entiiely of vegetable iiigtetlitnts. 8. S. S.
destroys every vestige of the poison , purifies the
blood and icmoves all danger of transmitting the
awful taint to others. Nothing else will do this.
Strong mineral lemcdics , like tncrniry and potash ,
dry up the sores and dtivc in the disease , but do not cure permanently ,
Send for our home treatment book and write us if in need of medical
advice or upcdul information. This will cost you nothing.
H Our Seasonable Goods Inoludo
Lawn Mowers ,
R Garden Hose.
Garden Tools.
Gasoline Stoves ,
W Refrigerators ,
Ice Cream Freezers.
Thai , wo are conslanUy rowin i'1 ' 'ho ' art of
making Kino Photos , and our produc/ts will ; il-
wny.s ho found to embrace the
and Newest Siyles in Cards and Finish Wo also
carry a fine line of Moldings suitable for all
kinds of framing.
+ + + +
Conservative Manacjement ,
Thorough Equipment.
Commodious Rooms ,
Superior Instruction.
Fvill Business Ccmrses.
It. will pay you to attend this School. No va- \ . '
cations. Enter any time.
C. H. BRAKE. Norfolk , Neb. i
. .TRY THE. .
Daily News Job Department
, - - S E AT > VYO R M Sr
You cannot drive purchasers
to any particular store. You
can win them by convincing
A convincag argument at
tractively displayed in the ad
vertising columns of this paper
will reach the eyes of hundreds
of buyers in this community.
Arc n positive Cure for Indigestion.
Constipation , Fcuvcrs , Foul and weak
StoiuacliB. A noted doctor of Chicago
stated that ho lxlieved a 50c. box ol
Slocum's Worm Cake would give
more relief than fT)0 worth of ordinary
doctor's fees. Price SUcts. by mall
ony- | R. v. SLOCUM
725 W. North Avenue , Chicago , III.
Stales and OnMiag Qoora at
ODD operation.
Ho d Ho Oil ! Ho Vail
Ea ' ! > applied and dries over
'yjyj night 8 it-canlwusud
next morning
Mes Pine Floors look like Hardwood ,
Whether Painted or not.
Atk us for IJooklot on Treatment of Floor * .
Manufactured by Detroit White Lead Works ,
tnd sold by
n"ifn A Jobbers GonoraHv
Anrnno ondlnn A eketch and dcwcrlnllnn mar
qulcklr lucertHln our orliilim free wliellior an
liiVPiitlnn li prnbnblir PntPntablo. Cotiimunlcn.
tloimtrlctljrcxmtldeiitfal. HANDBOOK oul'ateuti
tout fron. Oliletl Hiiencf tor ucuruiK luttunts.
I'ntenU takoii lliruuuh Muini & Oj. rooulye
tfXkW notice , without clmrite , tu ttio
A handaomelr Illuntnited WMiktr. I.arsMt dr >
culm Ion of mnr icIenUUo journal. Tornia , 13 a
yean ( our raonttu , L. SaldbriUI newadealoni.
' ' New York
'llrauch Ufflce. GB V Bt.W ihlniiton.D.O. *