The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 14, 1903, Page 9, Image 9

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, , . .
Jeffries and Corbctt Both in
Pink of Condition.
Sale of Seats Is Phenomenal and It Is
Expected Attendance Will Exceed
Twelve Thousand Nell Is Best
San Francisco , Aug. 14. Special
to The News : Will science triumph
over brute force or vice versa at Me
chanic's pavilion tonight ? Will Cor
bett , the idol of admirers of scientific
boxing methods , succumb to Jeffries ,
the Ideal rough and ready lighter ?
These are questions asked and an
swered In the affirmative by sportIng -
Ing men. Some good judges of mat
ters pugilistic are of the opinion that
Corbett's science will earn for him
the title of heavyweight champion
nnd the right to collect 'the winner's
share of the big purse , but the most
shrewd observers say they are con
vinced that the former boilermaker
will again defeat the man who won
the pugilistic crown from John L.
Ring Career of Jeffries.
It was Tom Slmrkoy who gave
James J. Jeffries bis start in life.
This the sailor did In a twenty-round
battle in San Francisco May u , 1898.
He was born in 1875 in Ohio , but
had spent the greater part of his life
In California. The record of Jeffries'
principal fights Is as folows :
1897 , T. Van Buskirk , San Francisco ,
2 rounds , knocked out. May 19
Henry Baker , San Francisco , 9
rounds , knocked out. July 17 Gus
Rublln , San Francisco , 20 rounds ,
draw. Nov. 30 Joe Choynski , Los
[ / -w Angeles , 20 rounds , draw.
\ 189G , Feb. 28 Joe Goddard , Los An
geles , 4 rounds , won. March 28
Peter Jackson , Los Angeles , 3
rounds , won. April 22 Pete Ev
erefi , Los Angeles , Srounds , won.
May C Tom Sharkey , Los Angeles ,
20 rounds , won. Aug. G Bob Arm
strong , New York , 10 rounds , won.
1899 , June 9 Robert Fitzslmmons ,
Coney Island , 11 rounds , knockout.
Nov. 3 Tom Sharkey , Coney Is
land , 25 rounds , won.
1900 , April G Jack Finnegan , Detroit ,
1 round , knockout. Mayll James
J. Corbett , Coney Island , 23 rounds ,
1901 , "Hank Griffin , Los Angeles , 4
rounds , won. Sept. 24 J. Kennedy ,
Oakland , 2 rounds , won. Nov. 15
Gus Rublln , San Francisco , 5 rounds ,
1902 , July 25 , Robert Fitzslmmons ,
San Francisco , 8 rounds , knockout.
Career of Corbett.
James J. Corbett was born in San
Francisco , September 1 , 185G , and
consequently Is 9 years older than
Jeffries. The complete record of his
fights after he attained prominence
is as follows :
188G , Billy Welch , San Francisco , 1
round , won. George Atkinson , Snn
Francisco , 2 rounds , won.
18S8 , June 30 Frank Glover , San
Francisco , 3 rounds , draw.
' 1899 , May 30 Joe Choynski , Fair
fax , Gal. , police intorferred , con
test postponed. July 29 "Dave"
Campbell , Portland , Ore. , 10 rounds ,
draw. June 5 Joe Choynski , San
Francisco , 4 rounds , won.
1890 , Feb. 18 Jake Kilraln , 'New
Orleans , G rounds , won. April 4
> Domineck McCaffrey , Brooklyn , 4
' rounds , won.
1891 , May 21 Peter Jackson , San
Francisco , Gl rounds , draw. Oct.
8 "Ed" KInney , Milwaukee , 4
4 rminils won.
1892 , Fob , lu "Bill" Spilling , Now
York , 1 round , won ; "Bob" Caffrey ,
5 New York , 1 round , won. Sept. 7
John L. Sullivan , New Orleans , 21
. rounds , won.
1894 , Jan. 25 "Charlie" Mitchell ,
Jacksonville , Fla. , 3 rounds , won.
Sept. 7 Peter Courtney , Orange ,
, N. J. , G rounds , for benefit of kin-
1897 , March 17 Robert Fitzsimmons ,
v Carson City , Nov. , 14 rounds ,
. knocked out.
I' 1899 , Nov. 22 Tom Sharkey , Lenox ,
| > A. C. , New York , won.
1900 , May 11 James J. Jeffries , New
York , 23 rounds , knocked ou'c.
San Francisco , Aug. 14. Never In
this city has more interest been taken
in a pugilistic encounter than is now
manifested regarding tonight's con
test between James J. Corbett and
James J. Jeffries. Betting , however ,
bas been comparatively light , at the
prevailing odds of 2 to 1 on Jeffries.
The attendance promises to exceed
12,000 , nnd so fast have the tickets
been sold , notwithstanding the big
prices asked , that additional seats
have been placed In the pavilion.
When the time is called tonight there
is not likely to be an unoccupied seat
In sight of the ring. Jeffries Is at the
Reliance club in Oakland , where ho
will remain until a few hours before
the fight. Ho certainly never looked
more fit in his life. Ills muscles
Btand out hard and firm over his mas-
Blvo system and his skin is of that
ruddy hue that characterizes the per
fect typo of physical fitness.
Trainer Delaney said : "Jeffries is
as fast as he can bo , his wind Is per
fect , his condition Is the finest It ever
uas , nnd If ' "oibett whips him he will
bo the woiii'.er of the IIKO. Jeffnoa
himself figures that he will take the
measure of the Olympian In nbnut ton
round * . In hln opinion the mill nuiv
go fifteen , but not more than that. "
When seen at his training num-teis
In Alanu'da. Corbett said : "I would
bo willing to lose one of my arms If
I can defeat Jeffries. I know that he
Is a big. tough follow , but rothlng can
dlseouuiKo mo. If the betting weio
100 to 1 In favor of Jeffries. It wouH
make no difference. I have been doing
everything 'hat mortal man could dT
for the last fifteen months to get Into
condition for this fight and now thn'
I have finished my work. I am
atlafled. I nm fit to make the fight
of my life tonight , nnd If I don't win ,
I never could or never can win against
the man. "
Nell Defeats Forbeo.
San Francisco , Aug. 14. FranUlu
Nell of San Francisco won the ban
tamweight championship of the world
last night when ho landed a loft swing
In the pit of Harry Forbes stomach in
the second round of n scheduled
twenty-round fight. Forbes , by virtue
of holding the championship , was n 2
to 1 favorite in the betting , but Noll.
In spite of that fact , had many local
supporters. Forbes , who appeared to
be In splendid condition , was much the
showier boxer of the two , but ho could
not land effectively.
Both Murderers Will Spend the Rest
of Their Lives In Penitentiary
of Kentucky.
Cynthlann , Ky. , Aug. 11. Special
to The News : Jett and Whi'io have
been found guilty by jury of murder
In the first degree. They are sen
tenced to life imprisonment in the
Kentucky state penitentiary.
Texas Express on Rock Island
Wrecked Near McFarland , Kan.
Topeka , Kan. , Aug 1-1. The engine ,
mail and baggage cars of the Texas
express on the Rock Island , which
leaves Topeka at midnight , went
through a brldgo across Hcndrtcks
creek near Alma at 1:30 : a. m. , killing
Fireman John Leygett of McFarland ,
Kan. , and Injuring Engineer John Me-
Eileen of Kansas City.
The baggage men and express men
jumped when the shock came and
were swept by the waters on tree tops ,
from whence they wore rescued at
daylight by a fisherman named Will-
lam Graves. Graves also found the
engineer unconscious , tangled in the
limbs of a tree.
The engine is in the bottom of the
creek , out of sight. Ono car Is dan
gling from the end of the bridge , and
another Is lodged on the bank at the
end of the bridge , and another Is
lodged on the bank of the stream ,
partly under water.
That further loss oflifo did not fol
low Is duo to the narrowness of the
Btream where the disaster occurred
A. cloudburst had filled the cre ° k and
weakened the bridge.
Anti-Trust Meeting at Capital.
Washington , Aug. 14. An anti-trust
meeting , which packed the new Na
tional theater to the doors , was held
hero last night. The speakers in
cluded Henry George , Representative
Shober of > ew York and Representa
tive Van Dusen of Nevada. II. W.
Sherman , president of the Central La
bor union of Washington , presided.
Attorney General Knox and President
Roosevelt were arraigned for alleged
failure to vigorously enforce the Sher
man anti-trust law. Representative
Shober spoke of William R. Hearst as
the man best equipped to lead the
people In the battle against the trusts.
No New Trial for Murderer ,
Salt Lake , Aug. 14. The supreme
court affirmed the verdict of guilty of
murder In the first degree against
Peter Mortensen and refused to grant
him a n w trial. Mortensen was
found guilty of murdering James R.
Hay , secretary of the Pacific Lumber
company , and burying his body in an
open field.
Teamsters Form New Organization.
Niagara Falls. N. Y. . Aug. 14. The
Amalgamated Brotherhood of Team
sters and Helpers , newly formed here ,
and representing 150,000 teamsters in
the United States , have selected In
dianapolis for permanent headquarters
and Cincinnati as their meeting place
next August.
Lords Agree to Irish Land Bill.
London , Aug. 14. The house of
lords agreed to the Irish land bill In
the form finally approved by the house
of commons. The latter bouse accept
ed all the amendments except two un
important measures , and it now only
awaits the royal assent to become law.
Chinese Troops Are Defeated.
Hong Kong , Aug. 11. The Chinese
Imperial troops have been defeated
by rebels at Hwel Chow Fu , In the
southern province of Kwnng Tung.
Imperial reinforcements , consisting of
3,000 Qerman drilled troops , have ar
rived at Canton.
Kansas Yield of Wheat.
Topeka , Kan. , Aug. 14. In a bulletin
Issued by the state board of agricul
ture the wheat yield of Kansas Is
placed at 9i',270,000 bushels.
Killer of Russian Official Meets
Death in Weelc.
Would Pay That Amount of Damages
to Widow of the Russian Consul ,
In Order to Prevent Interference
on the Part of Russia.
Constantinople. Aug 11. Special
to The News : Assassin Gendarme ,
who killed the Russian consul lunl
Sunday morning , swung In the hang-
innu'.H noose tliltt morning , just nix
days after committing the crime. As
n way of preventing any Interference
on the part of Russia , and of preserv
ing peaceful relaMoiiH In a diplomatic
way. the government has offered the
consul's widow $80,000 damages.
All Huropo was stirred by the kill
ing of the ofllclal , and KUHHII | de
manded Iminedlate punishment of nil
who \\ore In any way connected with
the crime.
Early Arrivals of G. A. R. Dcleg tes
Already Filling San Francisco.
San Francisco , Aug. 14. Several
hundred members of the ( iiand Army
of the Republic have been added to
the advance guard already In the city
awaiting the opening , next Monday ,
of the 37th national encampment.
The majority of these arrivals re
corded their names at the bureau of
registration and Inforinat'on. ' Thu list
shows that they came from twenty-
eight states and territories. Accom
panying them were piubably three
times as many tourists , relatives of
the Grand Army men and members of
allied orders , who are taking advan
tage of the low excursion rates to visit
The parade will be the most Imposing
ever seen In this city , the great pa
rade of the Grand Army on Wednes
day being confined to the veterans
who bore arms for the union In the
civil war.
Ge.ieral Hutchlnson Urges Plan to
Heal Breach.
Rochester. N. Y. . Aug. 14. The
Union Veterans' union , encamped In
this city , elected these officers : Com
mander-in-chief , General B. F. Hutch-
Insou , Rochester ; -deputy Commander-
in-chief , General D. W. Gould , Chelsea ,
Mass. ; second deputy commander-ln-
chief , Colonel Richard L. Gorman. St.
Paul , Minn. Commander Hutchlnson
addressed the veterans on the split
In the organization and recommended
that an invitation bo extended to all
the companies throughout the country
to join the union. The Woman's Relief -
lief union is also in session in this
Negroes Leave Whltesboro.
Whltesboro , Tex. , Aug. H. Al
though promised protection by the mu
nicipal officers , negroes are leaving
here In large numbers nnd If the
exodus keeps up Whltesboro will soon
be without a colored resident. The
mob , foiled In an effort to mob a ne
gro , warned the negroes to leave and
several negro men were severely
Dollard , Who Shot Bryant and Beat
Stringer Yesterday , Will Likely
be Lynched.
Landers. Wyo. , Aug. II. Special
to The News : James Dollard may
be lynched. Dollard yesterday shot
a man named Bryant and badly beat
up a man named Stringer. Stringer
died today as a result of Injuries and
Bryant is dying now. Feeling Is very
Open the Rooms of Leo.
Rome , Aug. 14. Tha pope Is quits
well. He took a long drive and walk
In the Vatican garden nnd then re
ceived the Austrian ambassador , who
presented his credentials. Mgr. Cagi-
ano , the major dome , accompanied by
Cardinals Rampolla and Moctwi ,
opened the apartment of Pope Leo ,
breaking the seals put on at the time
of the pontiff's death. I'hey found a
considerable amount of money , It is
stated , several millions of francs , be
sides other valuables.
Turka Destroy Village.
London. Aug. 14. The Dally Mall
prints a ulspatch from Belgrade which
says that the Turkish troops destroyed
the village of Leskovatz and fourteen
other places in the district of Uskub ,
nnd that the Insurgents have burned
the villages of Nakoletz and Kranl ,
Inhabited by Albanians , and the Turk
ish vlllayet of Kashantl. It is stated
that when the insurgents captured the
Turkish mall a few days ago they car
ried off $125000
Collision at a Crossing.
St. Louis , Aug. 1-1 , - An Incoming
Missouri Pacific suburban train struck
the rear of a Choutcuu avenue street
car nf Vandeventer avenue crossing ,
Injuring three passengers seriously.
An unknown man was picked up un
conscious from a fractured skull. It
Is feared he will die. The end of the
car was badly damaged ,
D. M. Tarry la Speaker at Chiiii *
tauqun Confoicnce.
( 'iitiutnunuii , N. Y , AUK. 11.D. . M.
1'inry. president of thn National An o-
it.ltlon of MamiKK t HUM'S , delheied
one of fhu IIIOHI Important uddinMHCM
In lure the conference on Ihn "Mob
Spirit In Ameilca. " Mr. Pair ) npoko
on "Mob-.Spirit In Organ I/.od Labor. "
lie , ild , in part : "In tills country
lu the IIIHI veur there have been many
mobs of i.HTorent 1 Indii. hut to my
mind the dauKeroun of them In
the mob of organized labor. No man ,
I lake It. can object to any kind of an
ansoclatlon , which IH organized for
lawful and beneficent punioHO * , but
organized labor , as It IH conducted to
day , < 2tulH convicted by Itn own le..d-
era on a lawxa organization. In t'-at
It sot'kn by physical force to override
Individual rights and KH continually
railing aBalnnt thn lawa and denounc
ing courts and public olllcluln for in >
forcing tliOHo lawn , It fulfllln all the
requirement * ! of the definition of mob.
ocracy. Unllko the lynching been nnd
the vigilance committees It In what
might be termed R standing mob. tinder -
der fair dlHclplInn by KH offlcem , and
nmdy upon ocrnulon to commit the
overt aeH ( of outrage and destruction
which are the outward manifestation
of the mob spirit. "
Teddy Roosevelt , jr. , Will Probably
Pass Through Norfolk on
August 20.
Omaha , Aug. 11. Special to The
News : Young Teddy lloosovolt , Jr. ,
will pass through Omaha and lu all
Illu-llliond , Norfolk , also , on August
2n , enroutu to Deadwood , where he
\\lll upend a week before returning to
Balkan Revolt Is Declared to B
Spreading Fast.
Athens , Greece , Aug. 14. The Mace
donians in Greece petitioned Premier
Ralll lor permission to cross the fron
tier with arms In ordur to Join their
brethren In Macedonia. M. Italll re
fused to grant the purmiHHlon , and
counseled them to re nm In quiet. Reports -
ports from government agents In vari
ous districts of Macedonia are of a
disquieting character. They nay that
the outbreak Is Hteadlly progressing
and Is steadily extending northward
from Monastir nnd also toward Salon-
lea. Adherents are dally joining the
Insurgent bands. Krushcvo Is ntlll In
the hands of the Insurgents , who bavo
also captured Kllsuru.
New Viceroy Is Appointed.
St. Petersburg , Aug. 14. A now
vice-royalty , comprising the Amur dlH-
trlct and the Kwan Tung province ,
baa been established. Heretofore the
Amur district has been controlled by t
governor general. A ukase signed by
the czar and promulgated Aug. 12 ap
points Vice Admiral Alexieff , aide-de
camp general to the czar , as viceroy
of this far western territory. He will
bo vested with supreme authority In
all the branches of civil administra
tion , tha direction of which will no
longer bo In the hands of the ministers.
Jamaicans Appeal for Aid.
Kingston , Aug. 14. The destitution
In the hurricane-stricken districts Is
appalling. Thousands of persons ,
homeless , starving nnd illy-clad , are
hurrying to the towns to obtain shel
ter and supplies , but as all the
churches and public buildings have
been demolished the misery Is In
tense. A meeting held at Port An
tonio appealed , with the governor's
approval , to the generosity of the
American people. Foodstuffs and
lumber are urgently needed and as
sistance was Implored.
Vice Admiral Cervera Resigns.
Madrid , Aug 14. Vice Admiral
Cervera , who surrendered to the Ami
lean fleet off Santiago do Cuba , has
resigned the position oT chief of staff
In the navy to which he was appoint
ed In December , 1902.
Iowa Guardsmen In Camp.
Cedar Rapids , la. , Aug. 14. Th
Fifty-third regiment. Iowa National
( lunrd , went Into camp for eight days.
Colonel Dews of Cedar Raplda is in
Professor W. J. McGee , In charge of
the bureau of American ethnology of
the Smithsonian Institution at WashIngton -
Ington , has resigned his i > osltlon.
Dispatches from Santo Domingo saj
that a plot to murder General Alejandro
Wes Y Gil , the president , has been
discovered and that there have been
many arrests.
Germany has begun active worl <
upon Its general Installation In the va ,
rled Industries building at the World's
fair. This is the first work of the
kind by any foreign participating na
Angered and disappointed by n
change in her mother's will , Mrs. C. C.
Shelby , seventy years old , wife of Colonel -
onel Shelby , n veteran showman , com
mitted suicide at Paterson , N. J. , by
cutting her throat.
The whipping of women convicts in
Georgia was forbidden nnd the dis
charge of Warden Allagood ordered 4jy
the legislature of that Btate , following
the investigation of the punishment ] I
lulllctcd by him ou Maiulo Do Crist.
Crazy Knnsati Fires Into Crowd
of Hive Thousand.
Is Himself Killed by a Policeman.
Citizens Enjoying Uarul Concoct nt
Wlnficld Scatter In Mad Panic from
Wlnlleld. Kun. , Aug. H Alfred
TwlRK. aged thlily ycuiti , HiippoHcd to
he lunatic , appealed on I lid principal
klreet luHt night with a double bar
reled HhntKiin and llred both Hmnt'n ;
dHlhotntely Into a ciowd of 5,000 people
ple , who wine llHlcnlug to a band eon-
cert. Ho Killed three pcmoiiH , fatally
Injured three and Hliol twenty olhern ,
of whom HX ! may din. Twlgg wait him-
unir killed by a policeman.
The dead : Sterling Ulce , n carpen
ter ; Diiw.soii TlllotHon , a burlier ,
bralnn blown out ; I ) , llowmnn , a car
penter of Oxford , Kan. ; Alfred Twlgg.
The Injured. Mm. John llaiuurd ,
shot In necK , Jamim ClurliHon , back
and aim ; II. 10. Oliver , Hhouhler and
hack ; Clyde lleod. hip ; J. It. Story ,
client and knee ; William Williams ,
knee ; ChnrlcH Tlmnnin , Knee ; C'lmrlcH
Hair , knee ; ICImur FaritHWorth , bow
els ; ( Jllii Carter , head , Arthur Ilium
ford , bund ; Wllllum Conrhumn , mm ;
William Moore , aim ; Archie Hurd-'tte ,
ficnlp ; Klnier Davis , ncnlp ; ( Maud
Wagoner , uhoulder ; Hiununl Compton ,
arm and U'g ; Benjamin Rldgeway ,
The band had JUH ! finished playing a
waltz when Twlgg stepped out fioin
an alley a half block distant , anij do-
Ilbeiatc'ly taking afm at the band
Btand , llred two shuts. II. 13. Oliver ,
a bund man , fell at the first shot , but
the crowd , not realizing what had hap
pened , rushed toward the killer , be
lieving that there had been an acci
dental Hhootlng of HOIIIO kind. An the
crowd cloned In the crazed man < lln
charged two IMOIC shots at them ,
rauslni ; a Hintteilng In every dliec *
tlon. With the eiowd fleeing , the man
flood firing at random In every direc
tion. Men and women howled and
Hhloljfil and ran , but no one seemed
able to stop the frightful carnage , un
til Policeman George Nichols eon-
frontpd TwIgK and filed a bullet Into
his head. Before life expired the de
mented man drew n revolver from ) IH |
pocket and fired a shot In Ills own
body. The dead and dying wore by
this time scattered all over the street
and the frightened people , believing
that the Hhootlng was coming from
every quarter , Bought safety In flight.
It was fully an hour before they real
ized what had happened and recovered
Riifllclently to take care of the In
Twlgg was a miller by trade , having
learned his trade twelve years ago
In a little town fifteen miles north
of this city. Ho came to Wlnlleld
shortly afterward and has been an
employe of the linden mills , where he
worked for a number of years. The
hoys around town commonly referred
to him us "Crazy Twlgg , " but no one
thought him dangerous. Later ho
went to New Mexico , returning in time
to enlist as a soldier In the Philip
Flames ( n Kansas City Threaten to
Take the Entire Plant , but
are Extinguished.
Kansas City , Aug. 11. Special to
The News : Fire 'threatened the Ar
mour plant In Kansas City this morn-
Ing. The blaze was extinguished with
n small loss.
Lake Firemen Charged With Mutiny.
Chicago , Aug. 14. Because six of
Its members are In Jail In South
Haven. Mk-h. , charged with mutiny ,
the Marine Firemen's union has de
clared war ou the large passenger
steamer Eastland , nnd says It shall
not leave port until the men have
been leleased. Six firemen quit work
while the boat was In the middle of
Lake Michigan and refused to perform -
form their duty , because they were
not served with mashed potatoes at
dinner. Glenn Watson and William
Watson , who are charged by the olfl-l
cors of the boat wltk being rlngloud- !
ers , were put In Iruns and their four !
companions were driven below and. .
kept prisoners until the boat reached !
South Haven , when they were all manacled -
acled and marched to jail.
Damage Suits Against Labor Unions.
Chicago. Aug. 14. Damage suits ,
against labor unions and im 'sera of !
unions aggregating $80.000 weio filed
In Chicago courts. John M. Stiles ,
painting contractor , who alleges that ,
his business has been ruined by labor !
unions , sued the painters' unions for
$50.000. The Kellog Switchboard and
Supply company filed two suits , each
for $15,000 , against unions Involved
In the strike which terrorized Chicago
several weeks ago and Is still on.
Lord Salisbury Is III.
London , Aug. 11. Lord Salisbury la ,
seriously Indisposed according to Information - ,
formation received direct from his ,
family at Hntlleld house. The late |
premier Is greatly exhausted and phy- '
alcluus are in attendance. '
Unlcn Men Cullad Out , j / V/cilern
Ccdtrnllon of N , , . i.
Ctlpplo Crook , Cole , A jc. 11.
I'nlon mliierH workliiK i "to drain *
n ( i tuiiiu'l were culled nt by llmlr
executive tilllcern. The mi ml , which
will iltaln most of the bl i. , ties of tile
dlritrlit , would be compl. < < \ In unullt *
er wek ill Ilio lain of | , oiiroH lioio-
tofoin maintained. Thu . n .0 WIIH or-
dcind lu cuiineiiiieiice u Ilio relimal
of Superintendent Iliilnl . ld ( ; < ) u > urn-
piny only union men.
"We will complete ( hut tunnel If It
tnlu i the United States uiny to pro-
led the woik , and If It IH neeeHHary
for im to put on our wo king elothon
and do tlm luhor 0111 telvcH , " ualil
President Hnmiiul of tint Id
I'liHii Mining company , v. ili-h bun tlm
contract for building the tunnel.
It IH not unlikely thin rich mliio
ownei-H and hlRli salaried mlncm will
BO into the bit ? hole to In1 e llm placo.i
of thn men called out. T eie uro now
about 4.000 men In the dlnlilct. Thu
ownein havn announced t n'lr determi
nation ( o rcHUinn woik IIH teen IIH men
can be necmed , profeinee holnic
K'lven to former employes The own-
em charncterlxo the autliM of the Dill-
corn of the Western Federation of
MlnetH In calling the ntrli e In the ab
sence of any grlovanceu us "arbitrary
( i-iil unjimtlllahle. " ami ai.nnunce ( hut
"all men applying for \\oik will bo
protected to the hint dugio. . "
Grace Bclsckcr , While Riding a Horse ,
Wns Instantly Killed This
Morning at Grant. ' ,
( Irani , Nob. , Aug. II Special to
The NCWH A little
: 7-year-old
girl , Grace UelHekur , whii" riding a
horse near bore , was struck by llgh'c-
nltig this morning an I Instantly
killed. . >
Panic Prevails Among tl > c Populace.
Evoke Divine AM.
Rome. Aug. 14. Vemiv. A Is again
causing I nt en no alarm In thn sur
rounding region , eruptions of the vol
cano being very heavy. Kiom a froMi
opening at the base of t ! e principal
crater two streams of lava ire Issuing ,
which , within a few hour.- covered a
wldo tract of ground. On Htroam lu
going swiftly towards the village of
Ottajano , t ) n direction tii'.en by the
famous eruption of 1872 P'inic pr' > -
valln , the population crowding the
churclirtt to pray or cattieiing In open
spaces for safety. IJxpertt , however ,
nfllrni that no far there IH no reason
to fear a serious disaster.
Colonel Meade to Be Retired.
Washington , Aug. 14. Jly order of
the president , Colonel lto'ert L.
Meade of the United Stt.te.-t marine
corps will bo retired Oct. 3 next. In
bin present grade. Because of a dlsro-
Bpoctful letter which Coli neil Meade
recently addressed to the n.ivy depart
ment , the president took a I vantage of
the law , which provides when an
officer In the army or nnrlno-corps
shall have reached the ae of sixty-
two years he may he retlre.l on his
own request , or by order o. the presi
Invoke President's Good Offices.
Yokohama , Aug. 14. A special dis
patch from Peking to a local paper
here says that Prince Chins has se
cured Ilussla's consent to the Invoking
of President Roosevelt's good offices
in connection with the Mauchurian
Two miners are dead an I three In
jured as the result of an e ip'-islon of
powder at the entrance to a mine at
Coal City , Ala.
Safeblowers secured from the post-
office at Sherman , S. D. , $1.300 In
notes , $300 In cash and $15in / : stumps.
The robbers left no clue.
B. Frank Gllkeson. forir r chair
man of the Pennsylvania ht ue Repub
lican committee , died at hi ; home at
Bristol , Pa. , of paralysis.
J. V. Painter , aged slxty--lght. well
known In business and fina-cial Inter
ests throughout the counti . , died at
his residence in Cleveland.
It Is reported that the Kestone Car
Wheel company of Plttsb r Is In
cluded In the consolldatlo : of eight
large car wheel plants nov. terming.
Henry Ives Cobb , special architect
of the new Chicago postoflk . was dis.
missed by Secretary Shaw on
charges of negligence and .business
like methods.
William Dooley. who Is wanted In
Montgomery. Mo. , on a ch. re.3 of as
sault with intent to murder , was ar
rested In Springfield. 111. , by detec.
tlves. Ho admits the charge
Estimates of the hop crop of the Pa.
clfic coast , based on the pre-int condi
tion of the fields , Indicate that the to.
tal will approach 153.000 bales , as
against 170.000 bales last > ear.
Iiondequolt. the American challenger
for the Canada cup , won the fifth and
deciding race of the strles from
Stratbcona defender of the cup , thus
wresting the trophy from across the
A cablegram received nt the office of
the missionary society of t le Metho
dist Episcopal church In New York an
nounced the death of Rev. John Gil
bert Cleveland , presiding el ! er of the
Eendal district , Japan coul-cucj.