'IIM XOKKOliK NKWS : MM DAY , At'M'ST H , 1JIOI ) . r r fe SHOE SALE ! STOCK OF SHOES Belonging ; to Blotcksy Bros. , of Jefferson City , Iowa. Bought the iLj Lw AND WILL NOW Such prices you have never heard of. The stock comprises everything that you ever saw in the shape of shoes. Large and small , and any width. Come on , come everybody. We can fit you all. This is the largest and the best selected stock ever brought to Norfolk. This is no humbug sale , but will guarantee every pair or money refunded. This stock will be sold at less than half what you can buy it for from other shoe stores. Our competitors are sore , but we did not come here to please them , but ourselves. This tre = mendous sale is now on. Look for the big cloth sign painted red , saying : V We also carry a big line of men's and boys' shirts , pants , overalls , blouses , socks , neckwear and gloves. Also about 100 pieces of dress goods , also ladies' wrappers and table linen at prices you never before dreamed of. ii7i-i i r onr/\/Ti/ WHlLb SIOCK I YOURS FOR BARGAINS , IN THE BEELS BUILDING , Norfolk Nebraska CORNER MAIN AND THIRD ST. ,