The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 14, 1903, Image 3

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Will Resign as Secretary of
War In January.
Department Has Settled Many Mat
ters of Importance Family Reason *
Cause Of Change Root to Resume
Law Practice.
Oyster Bay , N. Y. . Aug. 12. Kllhu
Boot will resign aa secretary of war ,
the resignation to take effect about
thu 1st of next January. Ho will bo
ucceedod , unless present plans mis
carry , by JuclRO William H. Tuft , uow
governor of the Philippines.
It has boon known for some tlmo
, " that Secretary Hoot Intended to re
| i tire , but ho did not wish to leave the
* } department until the general staff
till was In operation and other mat
tern wore well under way. It Is un
tieratood that the matter of his sue
reason has boon discussed and while
not official , It Is thought the position
irlll bo tendered to" Gorornor Taft.
"While Secretary Root Is In London ho
vlll remain In communication with
the war department , and matters per
taining to staff and other matters will
bo referred to him. If the sittings of
the Alaskan commission extend be
yond Dec. 1. It Is Hkoly that the sec
retary's resignation will bo accepted
at that tlmo. It Is believed hero that
there will bo a great deal of delay In
consideration of the Alaskan boundary
case and that the United States com
missioners may bo detained in London
several months. Secretary Root's do-
elre to leave public llfo Is based large
ly on personal grounds. Ills family
does not like the llfo In Washington ,
and the secretary also desires to return -
turn to his law practice In Now York.
Questions pending In the war depart
ment relative , principally , to the Isl
ands and the establishment of a gov
ernment In Cuba have boon accom-
pllshod during Secretary Root's ad
ministration. The reorganization of
the army under the Rcneral staff plan
Is now under way nnd the secretary
feels that ho has accomplished the
work that ho was called on to do when
ho became secretary of war.
That Governor Taft will bo Mr.
Hoot's successor there can bo little
doubt. Ho Is familiar with many of
the problems which the secretary of
war will have to mot and solve , ho Is
a warm personal friend of the presi
dent , who has an abiding confidence In
him. and It IB understood that he would
welcome the change Involved. Of
course his appointment as secretary of
war would necessitate a new presi
dent for the Philippine commission.
In all probability General Luke Wright
vould succeed to the presidency of
the commission. Some other changes
also would be Involved In the appoint
ment of Governor Taft as secretary of
var , but nothing definite concerning
them can be said at this time.
Protective Leaji-e Members and Their
Prosecutors Are Both Arrested.
Georgetown , Colo. . Aug. 12. The
warrants Issued against members of
the Idaho Springs Citizens' Protective
league by order of Judge Frank Owers
of the district court , upon application
of the attorneys for the Western Fed
eration of Miners , were servdl upon
forty-seven members of the league at
Idaho Springs and the persons served
were arrested and brought before
Judge Owers in this city. After a
brief hearing they were placed under
bonds to Ueept the peace and notified
to hold themselves in readiness to ap
pear before Judge Owers on notice.
These warrants wore issued as a re
sult of the expulsion from Idaho
Springs of a number of union minors
after the blowing up of the building of
the Sun and Moon mine recently.
Among those who answered to writs
were the mayor of Idaho Springs ,
members of the council , the city attor
ney , the city marshal , the postmaster ,
presidents of banks and leading mer
chants and mine operators.
Fourteen of the eighteen miners
driven from Idaho Springs returned to
that city from Denver , having learned
of the injunction issued by Judge
Owers In their behalf. Five of the
men were arrested immediately ,
charged with complicity in the blow
ing up of the Sur and Moon trans
former house. They were placed in
Jail , where they still remain.
Another development in the labor
troubles was the filing of suits against
twelve members of the citizens' league
by the miners who were transported.
In all twelve suits were filed , each
asking for damages In the sum of f 10-
Catholic Foresters in Session.
Dubuque , Aug. 12. The interna
tional biennial convention of the Oath-
ollc Order of Foresters IB In session
hero. Mayor Berg's address of wel
come was responded to by High Chief
Ranger Thomas Cannon of Chicago.
Over 300 delegates are present. The
flght for the next convention Is be
tween Boston , Erie , Tacoma and Port
land , Oro. Interest centers in the elec
tion of officers today. The proposition
to exclude liquor dealers from the or
der will be defeated by the convention ,
but the dealars will bo put In the haz
ardous class.
- "
< * * r
Stone to Succeed Arthur.
Cleveland. Aug. 12. W. S. Stone of
Ehlon , la. , division No. 181 , has been
elected to fill the unexplred term as
raml chief engineer ot the Brother-
hooil of Locomotive Engineers made
vacant by the deaths of P. M , Arthur
and A. n. Youngson.
Rlalto Qraln Company In Trouble.
St. Louis. AUR. 12.- Suit waa ( Hod
In the circuit court by Attorney Dour-
laa Robert of llutto , Mont. , roprosmit-
IIIK Roy Tuttle of that city , to recover
$1,850 aliened to have boon Inveul K !
with the Rlalto Grain nnd Securities
company of St. Louis , and upon order
of the court , deputy sheriffs attachd
and took pOB8oanlon of the offlcaa ot
the coucorn. The Rlalto OrAtn and Be-
curltles company was orianlied hist
year , with a capital stock of $25,00.
Attorney T D. Harlan , representing
the company , says Ita rosoun
amount to $70,000 and that clal in
filed against the company ngurejp'to
115,000 , all of which have boon paid.
President Hugh C. Dennis and Bocro-
tary W. D. Mahauoy are out of the
Automoblllst Rides to His Death.
Fort Plain , N. Y. , Aug. 12. Henry
F , Spauldlnti , an enthusiastic automo-
blllst from Woat Orange , N. J. , en
route to Chicago , rode to his death
four miles east of this vlllajo. Ho
was on the tow path of the IDrlo canal.
Owing to the muddy condition of tao
path and while turning out for a line
man's rig , his automobile swerved
more than ho Intended and man and
machine pluneod Into the water. Two
linemen rushed to aid Spnuldlnc. but
In their excitement let BO entirely of
a rope , ono end of which they had
thrown to the drowning man. The
body was recovered badly entangled
In the rope which had been thrown
Mall Clerks Want Steel Cara.
Kansas City , AIIB. 12. Postal clerks
of Missouri , Kansas , Colorado and
New Mexico , In convention In this
city , passed a resolution calling upon
the i-vcrn".irnt ; to force all railroads
to build stool fraina mall cars. Ac
cording to the statement made In the
convention , old and rotten mall earn
are responsible for the death of half
the railway postal clerks that are
klllod each year. The spo 'ors said
that In many Instances the mall cara
are so rotten that they lollupse HK
eggshells as soon as they Icavo the
Allen's Shortage Is $110,000. ,
Boston , Aug. 12. In a circular Is
sued by the police giving a description
of Wlllard S. Allen , absconding treas
urer of the Preachers' Aid Society of
the New Kngland Methodist confer
ence , the amount of the embezzlement
Is given as $110,000 , a figure consider
ably In excess of former estimates.
Following the clue furnished by Lewis
S. Gates , who reported having seen
Allen at Rochester on Thursday , the
Boston police believe they are square
ly on the track of the fugitive.
Citizens Attack Labor Leaders.
Birmingham , Ala. , Aug. 12. Joe
Halller , district organizer of the Unit
ed Mine Workers of America , was
shot and seriously Injured In the arm
at Horse Creek , and B. L. Oreer , vice
president of the Alabama United Mluo
Workers , was so > i'rely beaten by a
crowd of angry citizens after they
had organized a small local at Em
Endorse Hearst for President.
Denver , Aug. 12. The convention of
the National Building Trades councils
adopted a resolution endorsing W. R.
Hearst as candidate for the nomina
tion for president of the United
States and W. S. Waudby of Roches
ter as the appointee for United States
labor commissioner on tha retirement
of Carroll D. Wright
Believed to Have Been Drowneo.
Glovcrsvllle , N. Y. , Aug. 12. George
H. Evans of Johnstown , N. Y. , and
Miss Florence Brown of Now York ,
summer guests of Canada lake , arc
missing. They left Fulton's hotel
Monday In a rowboat to search for
pond lilies. Later In the day their
| boat was found afloat In the lake , with
ono oar missing. In the boat was the
j young woman's sacquo and a man's
| sweater. It Is thought that they have
been drownod.
Wreck on the Wabash.
Blooralngton , 111. , Aug. 12. The de
railment of a Wabash fast freight
train at Roddick , III. , resulted In the
Instant death of Albert Huckstcp , en
gineer , of Chicago , and the serious InJury -
Jury to the fireman and a brakoman.
The train was about to cross the In
terlocking track connecting the Wa-
bosh with the Three I road , when the
derailment switch was found against
the former train.
Flyer Goes Into Ditch.
St. Louis , Aug. 12. Reports received
at the headquarters of the Missouri ,
Kansas and Texas Railroad company ,
state that the flyer due In St. Louts
at 7:52 : a. m. was partially derailed
two miles south of Scholl City. The
baggage cars , accommodation car and
chair car left the track and turned
over. The train was well filled with
passengers , twenty-one of whom were
Escapes from Penitentiary.
Lincoln , Aug. 12. Fred J. Wardlow ,
a convict serving ten years for man
slaughter , escaped from the Nebraska
penitentiary. A wagonload of convict-
made brooms was driven through the
prison gates and It Is suspected Ward-
low hid himself under the wagonbcd ,
riding on the running gear. Posses
are scouring the country near the
prison. It is feared Wardlow Is armed.
Jockey Rogers Killed.
Seattle , Wash. , Auc. 12. Guy Rog *
ers , well Known as a quarter horse
rider on But to and Denver tracks , was
killed at tins Meadows whHe riding
John II. Carr In a five furlongs race.
The horse got away among the last In
the break , and In tl-o light for the rail
Into tho.turn Carr fell , with Rogers
Turks Making Ready for Mur
der of'Christians ,
Macedonian Committee Denies He-
ports of Alleged Atrocities Commit
ted by Bulgarians Insurgents Blow
Up a Bridge ,
Bolla. Aug. 12. The representatives
of the revolutionary committee an
nuuneu that the revolution broke out
In the vllayot of Adrlanoplo on Mon
day. Adrlauoplo forms the seventh
revolutionary district , with Chlof Uhlr-
djlkoff and Captains Ikonomuft and
Madjaroff lu command. The repre
sentatives of the comiulttoo also pub
lish a contradiction of the alleged
atrocities committed by the Bulga
rians and accuse the Turks of attempt
ing to prepare the mind of Kuropo'for
the eventual nmssacro of Innocent
Christians , General Tzonchoff. presi
dent of the Macedonian commltt o ,
has nddrosscd an appeal to his adher
ents to assist the Insurgents In Mace
donia oven by revolutionary means.
Ixindon , Aug. 12. A dispatch to the
Times , dated Solla. Bulgaria , says that
the towns of Krunhovo and Krltchovo
arc still tu the bauds of the Insur
Palace Officials Alarmed.
London , Aug. 12. The Times prints
a dispatch fiom Constantinople which
says that the palace olllclals there am
distracted because of the continual re
ci'lnt of bad news and the necessity of
dispatching fresh troops. Bulgarian
outrages are of dally oecnrrunee , ac
companied by acts of cruel.y equal to
the worst deeds over attributed to the
Turks. It Is rumored hero that the
Turkish troops lu Macedonia have hi
come so demoralized by their failure
to receive pay that hundreds of them
are deserting and soiling their rlllen
to tusurgeulH In order to obtain pro
Sheriff Gives Up Chase of Folsom
Fugltles Whose Trail IB Lost.
Sacramento , Cal. . Aug. 12. Sheriff
Reese has practically abandoned the
hunt for the escaped convicts known
to have been lu this dlv last Friday ,
Including Ray Fancy , a notorious high
wayrnan. Sheriff Rceso feels It Is nsr-
less to further pursue an organized
chase for the escapes. The ,1vo con-
flcts fleeing through the Corral Flat
country are believed to have eccapod
to the Devil's Basin region , a rocky
and heavily timbered section , affording
good shelter and protection.
Pope Has Fainting Spell.
Rome , Aug. 12. A week has elapsed
since the election of Plus X and ho
has been already overcome by the un
accustomed strain of his pontifical
duties. He fainted while at mass.
His collapse Is considered to bo due
to heart weakness aggravated by fa
tigue. It constitutes the first victory
of his entourage. Even though he dis
appointed some people , they urge him
not to concede audiences to all comers
and to render himself less acccssiblo.
Dr. Lapponl recommended the pope to
take a complete rest. He has or
dered all audioncas postponed.
United States Authorities Bring Ac
tion Against Cattlemen.
Topeka , Kan. , A12. \ . Three suits
were filed in the United States dl.strict
court by the United States attorney
against big cattle ranch firms In west
ern Kansas , charging them with hav
ing government land under fcu-'e. The.
Circle Land and Cattle company. In
Sherman arid Wallace counties , Is
charged with having M.OOO ai res un
lawfully fenced , the C. P. Dow.-y CU- ;
tlo company 8,000 acres in Cheyenne
and the Mills-Wood Cattle company
about ton sections. Ton or twelve
other suits are In com so of prepara
tion against western cattle men for
the same offense. This land Is all In
the Dodge City , Wichita and Wakee-
noy land oillco districts. The penalty
Is a heavy fine If found guilty.
Saunders Succeeds Lee.
St. Louis , Aug. 12. V. C. Saundcra
of St. Louis was elected to succeed
John A. Lee , former lieutenant gov
ernor , as manager of the Interstate
Merchants' association.
Yellow Fever Is Increasing.
Orizaba , Mex. , Aug. 12. The yellow
fever instead orf diminishing here , as
was lu ped , Is Increnslng , even In the
surrounding villages. Yellow fsver
exists in Montarey.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Brome Quinine tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
is on each box. 25c.
Notice of Incorporation.
Notice is hereby given that a corpora
tion has boon organized under and by
rlrtuo of the laws of Nebraska , said
corporation to bo known ns the "Elk-
horn Valley Telephone Company"
whoso principal place of business snail
bo at the city of Norfolk , county of
Madison , and state of Nebraska.
The general nature of the business to
bo tramactod by said corporation , is
the orectintr , constructing , maintaining
and operating telephone systems and
exchanges , switches , toll lines and the
buying , selling and leasing of telephone
systems , switches , toll lines and appar
The authorized capital stock of said
corporation is ( $100 ( XX.OO ) ) ono hundred
thousand dollarH.dividcd intolUOO ( ) ono
thousand Bhnrp.i. whoso par value shall bo
( $100.00) ) ono hundred dollars each , and
all stock subscribed for shall ) > o issued
iiid | aid for nt I hit onll of the Ixinni of
illntutori , and nil xtnnk t-nuoil Minll bo
fully paid up and nou-anMHmthiM
Twniity-nvt ) thouhunil iiollutH ( W ,
XW.OO ) of thn flniilkonptti l Htock nlmll INI
IrtMUid iu prtifurrwi Htock , uK > u whloh u
[ livid nd of ten (10) ( ) pur cent pur
itunum , M'iytblo noinl unnualljr shull ho
| iald in liuu of all lurlhor dividends , or
inturtwt in the prolltn of the bUhliu-Hn ( olio
lie romluutod.
Thu Hnid preferred Ntook nlmll bo n
llrnt lion ngalnnt nnd upon all of thu
property and nnHotit of fluid o > rp irallon ,
mid the dlvldi-ndH of minh preferred
it to It ahull bu in addition n lion upon
nud charge agaluxt the not Income
i hereof.
Hevonty-llvo thousand dollar * ( f7A-
1)00 ) 00) ) of mild oapltitl Ntook shall bt Is
nueil UN common Htouk upon whloh 'bore
nhittl 1)0 ) payable IIH dividends all the
prollt.H iMirnoa by the oorx | > ratloii over
und.ubovn the dividend of tonIOpor ( )
emit per annum as ubovo .dcniKiiiUcid ,
upon the iiald preferred tttnek
ThU corporal ! n hluxll begin huitlnomi
on tint tfith day of July , 100)1 ) , and con-
linuo for n p riod of twoniy (20) ( ) yonra ,
with power and right of r.mewul.
Thi > indohtodnoHS of nald oorx > rutlon
rflmll not at any time owed one half
thu amount of UN paid up capital Htock
Thu htiBinoHs affairs of said corpora
tion fhall be eoii'luotiid by n board of
five (5) ( ) directors , who shall bo chosen
by thu stockholders at thu annual incut-
tiitf ef the corporation on the Third
Wednesday In December In on"h jear ,
and who shall elect OH provided In thn
articles of incorporation , a president ,
vieo-pro dent , soorotnry ami trriiMirur.
Uutl1 hi ir HUOoi'KsorH are elieted ixnd
< inallfled thu dlrootors and oflleorn of
thiH corporation shall he us follows :
Directors ( J. A Lulkarr. Oi > o H
OluiHtoph , 10 Duke Navon , P U. Dings
and I. S Malmn.
Olllcors K Duke Navon , President ;
( loo. H Ohrls'oph , Vice-President ; I. H.
Mahau , Secretary and Treasurer.
Ur.o H ( imusmi'ii ,
( ! . A. LriKAiir ,
Nothing so Wonderful in the
Days of Specialism.
Dr. Cnldwcll.
The MICCCSS of Dr. ( JaldwuH in attrlb-
lit ( id to nor spuuliil Htu iy ot HpfUiallHtn
Dr. ( Jiildwoll , MucUint , | > hiliuiiliroiBt | )
mid physician of widu reputation , Iniv-
iiiK nivuii hur untiro tlmo mid pruotico tu
a line of npouiul diHuahcs , which on
ablus hur from long uxporioncu in liuiidl-
ing thoHU troubles to cortuinly conut
lorwiird as u muctur tmooialiHt. Hoi
faculty for miiHtoriuK ( linuiiHO , her
ability to diiiKiiOHO , and hur plan ot
treatment is not excelled by t'ow otlior
pliysiciiuiH. Dr. ( Jiildwoll , altlioiiKli a
young woman in lifo , a plain woman
and ono who is nsud to the UJ > H am
dowiiH in lifo , puts herself on u luvo
with her putionts and douH not pratum
to practice the old plan of fashion
which is to look wino and say nothing
She knows disease ; she knows where to
look for diseasu , and the spot where
located , and moat of all she knows from
expurionco , from whntsho has donu ir
thu past , tthe can cortuinly do for others
in the future. It is said by Dr. Quid
well's friouds that she can dingncst ) i
disease of any putiunt without imkinf
them n ttiiiKlo qucHtion , that twing tin
Ho. she is not likely to doctor then
for thu wrong ailmuut ; she will n o
take an incarublo dit-caso and load th
patient to oolievo that she can curt
thorn when there IB really ino hope fo
thorn. Hur btiHiiuHH is largo and she
has plenty to do , ovou , at tirnoa , more
than she can do , without taking incur
able diseases and doo-iving her patients
Dr. Oaldwoll is a graduate from ono o
the bent schools in America. She ha
practiced her profession in sotuo of the
irincipul hospitals in this country
lor specialty comprises that class o
diseases which the ordinary homo ( looter
tor fails to euro , such as female dlHWist'H
heart disoasoH , dismifies of ohildron am
the many special disoaROH of hiddoi
naturo. Ilor praotico is mostly among
the plain , hard working people who nr
unablu to como to her city oillco fo
treatment ; shu in rmihormblu in her
cliar PH and very lenient with those
who am not able to pay. She is obarit-
able , and it is said has never been
known to refuse to treat a putiunt , who
is worthy and in need A number of
thu important cases that wo hoitjby
tnko thu liberty to publish , which
might bo of interpBt to unmn who wish
to know moro of Dr. Culdwoll'H great
work :
Sophia Krau , Albion , Neb , cured of
a bud pkin discnso.
Mrs. Lulu Towsloy , David City , Nob. ,
cared of female trouble and female
Mrs O. W. Killian , Wakefleld , Nob. ,
cured of a tumor and liver and stomaoh
Mrs. E A. Stader , Wayne , Nob. ,
cured of female and nervous troubles.
Mrs. 0. Linn , Hoskltm , Nob. , cured
of ovarian trouble and bladder trouble.
F. J Iloh , Albift , Nob. , cured of bron
chial trouble , enlarged liver and dropsy.
Mrs. Minuio Rndat , Columbus , Neb. ,
cured of skin disease and kidney trouble.
Mrs. W. D. Burr , David City , Neb. ,
cured of skin disease , nervousness and
loss of appetite.
Mrs. Chas. Miller , Wayne , Neb. ,
cured of dropsoy , kidney and liver
troubles and nervousness. She had
boon troubled for years.
Mrs. 0. W. Anderson , Norfolk , Neb. ,
cured of general debility , enlarged
liver and pain in chest.
Mrs. John Bauman , Beuton , Neb. ,
cured of bladder trouble and constipa
tion.Mrs. . S. P. Amick , Tekamah , Neb.
cured of tumor , womb trouble , loss of
appetite and constipation.
JIIAS. A. McKIM , M. D. 0.
Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist.
Graduate Chicago Veterinary College.
Assistant State Veterinarian.
Oillco : Bruuson's Ltvory , South Third
Street. 'Phouu ISO.
Catarrh hcjjlun with n stubborn cold In the head , Inflammation ornorc-
ncn.1 of the niL-mbtivne or lining of the none , ( ll'icliitije ; of imicun matter ,
lienilachi't , nenralnia anil ( lilllnill Invuthlii ) ; , ntiil even In thin early Bta c
In iilriuiHt Intolerable Hut when the filthy Hccrctioiin hejcin to drop Imclt
Into the throat and Htoiiincli , and tlic blood hecomc.t polluted and the contarninntcd
. l . * * conllmml linnilaolm , my ohnnki ( mil
liv thu ciitiirrlinl tiitU. irrown
i > im. uuiirriiai nownimiU
nimiU , my iin wa lw y topnnit up , my fir i < th
Oil , tlieil the linltercr ) > * ( > loknnlnir nml dliiriutlnir odor , ntl I aouKhml
nullTiwlml n l' i tly. I hnnrcl of 11. II , B. mud oomtnnnofiil to u
, l "lltl * ft"r t' Hnir "VnrnJ bottlxi I w ournd and
tHfUilStllll' and Hiokcil- ' ' n r ir ilnon hml thn lltfhtnut nyiin'toin of tli *
Jill' ul"- Ml n MAUYIi. HTOIIM ,
' dim-UNO Ciitnrrli iq .
ill } , tliHuiHt IH. Worthwoit Oor 7th and Vail * iiu.,0t. Jo.nph , iflo.
It affects the kidneys
and .stomach as wolf art other partH of the body. It i n conntitiitionil :
disease and art inhaling mixtuies , Halves , ointments , etc. , arc never more
than palliative or helpful , even in the lirfrinniiiK 'f ' Catarrh , what can
you expect from such treatment when It becomes chronic and the whole
system nilecled ? ( July such n remedy ns 8. S. S. can teach this obsti
nate , deep-seated disease and pur e the blood of the
catairhnt poison. S. S. S. purifies ami builds up the
diseased blood , and the inllamcd membranes arc
healed and the excessive secretion of mucus ceases
when new , rich blood is coming to the diseased
parts , and n permanent curtis the result.
S. 8. H. is Kiummtced puiely vcj'dnlilc mid n icliable remedy for
Catarrh in all stu ca. Write if in need of medical advice ; this will cost
you nothing. ,
ATUmr * . G * .
HOur HrivHomiblo Ooodx Itiuludo
Lawn Mowers ,
R Garden Hose ,
D Garden Tools.
Gasoline Stoves ,
W Refrigerators ,
Ice Cream Freezers.
R E 0. E. MOORE. I
Tlnil wo are consbmily tfi'o\viiitf in llio url of
making Kino IMiol.o.s , and our products will al
ways ho found lo embrace Uio
and Newest Styles in Cards and Finish We also
carry a line line of Moldings suitable for all
kinds of framin < ' .
Conservative Management ,
Thorough Equipment ,
Commodious Rooms ,
Superior Instruction. ; ;
FviH Business Covirses.
It will pay you to attend this School. Nova- I !
cations. Eifter any time.
Address ,
C. H. BRAKE , Norfolk , Neb.
. .TRY THE. .
Daily News Job Department
Arc n Positive Cure for Indigestion ,
Constipation , Fcavers , Foul and weak
Stomachs. A noted doctor of Chicago
stated that he believed a 50c. box ol
Slocum's Worm Cake would give
STOMACH WOItM. more relief than f0 worth of ordinary
doctor's fees. Price SOcts. by mall
_ - _ S E AT3 W OR M Sr |
ony- R. v. SLOCUM
725 W. North Avenue , Chicago , III.
" You ; ;
Cannot %
a Man \ \
Up a : ;
T1 ' ! !
1 ree. : :
; ; You cannot drive purchasers ; ;
| to any particular store. You
\ can win them by convincing < >
| arguments. 1 !
\ A convincrag argument attractively - \ \
tractively displayed in the advertising -
' vertising columns of this paper ; ;
J will reach the eyes of hundreds ; ;
of buyers in this community.
Stains and flntvhea floors atone
ono operation ,
DoSUadllolIlloVai !
Easily applied and dries over
night s it can be used
nuxt morning.
Hate Pine Floors look like tlafdwood ,
Whether Painted or not.
Ask us for Booklet on Treatment of Fkwrs.
Manufactured by Detroit White Lead Works ,
' and told by
Dealers & Jobbers Generally
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