The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 14, 1903, Image 2

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    THE NUllFOMC NEWS : FRIDAY , AUGUST 14 , 1903. Y
Climax of Terrible Massacres
May Occur at Any T'tnc. '
Bashl-Bazouks , tin Scourge of the
Country , Perpetrate Horrible Outrages -
rages One Hundred and Fifty In
surgent * 81 * n In Battle.
London , Aue. 13. The Dully Mall
print * a dlsp-tch from IlelRrnde ,
which saya that the Macedonian In
urgents never appear In ereat num
bers , but In scattered detncbnuMitK ,
thus baffiln'- the Turkish troops and
.voiding opi'U encounters. They confine -
fine themselveB mostly to the destruc
tion of villages and crops , expecting
In this way to compel the populace to
Join the rebellion. The Turkish Bol-
dlers are powerlcni to deal with these
mall bands , but to show that they are
active , they occasionally loot peaceful
Chrlntlan villages and perpetrate the
most Urrltile outrages under the pre
tense of combatting the InmirgentH.
IHmhl-nmouku have become tbo curse
of the village * . They rob and murder
indUcrlmlnately and anarchy reigns.
A climax of terrible massacres may
occur at any tlmo. Kvon nt Belgrade
the Mohammedan * arc beginning term
rm thrmRolvtK. The TurkB now
threaten recour e to dynamlto. AB
far as known the following villages
Lave been destroyed : Korschu , NHde ,
Narakov , KoHlnetr. Schelevo. Rskls-
chu. Hakltz , LIchnHderes , Vladovo. OB-
trove , Sorovltch and Jezer. On Tues
day the rebels failed In an attempt to
et flre to Monastlr. The correspond
ent regards 'ho Bltuatlon BB desperate.
The Turkish authorltleB at Unkub
have distributed 6,000 rifles to the
Mohammedrn population , which al
ready threatens the ChrlBtlans with
massacre. The revolt Is spreading.
Rebels Die In a Dattle.
Constantinople , Aug. 13. One hun
dred and fifty revolutionists were
killed In the fighting at Sorovltch. ac
cording to official Turkish advices.
The same dispatch , which hns been
communicated to Ilusslan nnd Aus
trian ombuHHloB , stated that the Insur
rectionary movement Is Increasing
dally. Illlmu Puslm , Inspector general -
eral of the sultan's Macedonian re-
formB , rrpoits that the young men In
all the Bulgarian villages are fleeing
to the mountains to join the Insurgent
bnudfl. Many among the Bulgarian
peasantry wished to remain neutral ,
but were compelled by threats to help
the revolutionary committees.
Fl'ty People Laid Low by Eating
Beef Sandwiches.
'Washington , Aug. 13. A remarkable
case of ptomaine poisoning Is reported
from Ashburn , Vn. , some twenty
miles outside of Washington. A largo
number of , rsons had gathered to
attend the snlo of the dairy farm
owncA by Senator Stewai. of Nevada.
The senator rft'rvei' to the prospective
buyers n light luncheon , consisting jf
coffee , ham and beef sandwiches.
Shortly nfterwnrds nt least fifty per
sons were taken violently 111 .uffer-
Ing from ptomaine poisoning. Ono
after another tl > y fell to fie ground ,
writhing In agony. Horsemen were
dlspnu'hcd In all dtrectio for doc
tors , nnd n i.umbertpondod nnd
took prompt mcnsun i relieve the
Buffering. The doctors state their pa
tients nro out of danger , although
many still are quite 111. An Investiga
tion developed the fact that the beef ,
which bad been purchased In Wash
ington and kept In cold storage on the
farm for soverul days , wns the cause
of the trouble.
Government Auctions Them Off to
Highest Bidder.
Nbw York , Aug. 13. At the auction
ealo of the diamonds smuggled Into
this country by Mlchuul Leinkrnm ,
Joseph Ooodmnn & Son of Memphis
were the successful bidders , paying
124.000 for the entire lot. The diamonds
mends , several thousand In number ,
were appraised by the government ex
perts at $24.900 , not Including the duty
of 10 per cent. Michael Lolnkram ,
who , when leaving the Kron Prluz
"Wllhclm , had the diamonds In a Han-
nel bandage around his waist , was ap
prehended by Treasury Agent Theo-
bald. Lelnkram was convicted nnd
sentenced to two years' Imprisonment
nnd to pay n fine of $6,000. For mak
ing the seizure , Theobald will receive
$8,000 , or one-third of the price for
which the goods were auctioned.
Contract Let for Canal. ] t ,
\VnBhlngton , Aug. 13. The secretary '
of the Interior hns approved the award
of contract for the construction of an
Irrigating canal to connect the
Truckee and Carson rivers In Nevada
to Charles A. Wnrren & Co. of Snn
Francisco , nnd the B. B. & A. L. Stone
company of Oakland. This Is the first
definite action taken by the depart
ment looking to actual construction
under the reclamation net. The proposed -
posed canal will bo , , thirty miles In
length. It Is oxpec'tc" ! to reclaim
about 300,000 acres of arid lands In
western Nevada nnd eastsrn Califor
nia , Including the old forty mile desert.
Arrested on Murder Charge.
MuBcatlne , la. , Aug. 13. Bert Sheppard -
pard of Oskaloosa , son of W. N. Sheppard -
pard , a wealthy coal operator , was ar
rested here , charged with killing Ar
thur Meade in West Liberty , la. , sev
eral months ago. He says he la in
Qinerol ln lU He It Not CandliUU
for Q. A ! R. CommandertMp.
ColoiniUi WprlugB , Ant. 13. General
Nolfon A. Miles , < > u hli wny to the
imtlonnl O. A. II. etirauiimiunl , Htoppcil
over at Colorado HirliiK tor novorul
lionru. lie WBH tendered u rucapttlon
by a nr ul crowd of voUirunti uuil nit-
rwnrd by the cltlceui. Ho wan u-
peMudly chi-ercd. Bom of tlio vet-
ran * churii'ii him iu "our next Dem
ocratic1 pruHldcnt. " He wiu iiHkod If
hu would conRcut to auy movement to
plai'fl hli niiniu lirforo the nuxt Demo-
crnllc con vontlon. He until : "That la
a mibjeet on which 1 liavo nothing to
uy. "
The general dented thnt ho was a
candidate for the office of commander-
In-chief of the 0. A. It. Ho unld that
he hoped to havn the honor of noral-
nntliig General John C. Illnck for the
poRltlon , nnd If thin wni not nccordi-d
him he would second Oenornl HlacU's
Nonnun Muck , of the nntlonnl Demo-
cratle eominlttcn , who In nncndlng the
utnmcr here , and Mm. Muck enter *
tnlnud OcniMiil Ml let ut dinner. After
the dinner a recaption wag tendered
General Mllrg at the Antlorn hotel by
the c-ltlzenn. At the reception wai
Governor Cummlnn of Iowa. Mr.
Mark , when ankcd liln opinion of the
movement , unld : "flenernl Miles cnn
be looked upon nn n formldnblo cnmll-
date , and would niako n good preul.
dent , If elected. "
Canadian Cutter Chase * American
Boat Suspected of Poaching.
Erie. Pa. , AtlR. 13. The Silver
Spray , a flnhlni boat owned here , came
Into port In i\ badly unaltered condi
tion , iluo to an encounter In mid-lake
about noon with thn Canadian revenue
cutter Petrel. The Canadian author
ities have had troublii with American
fishermen for yearn , who were poach
ing on their aide of the lake , and the
Petrel IB hept constantly on the look
out for them. At noon ulie came upon
the Silver Spray on the Canadian sldo
of the lake , and at onca orderad Cap
tain Chrln Chau to ntop. The Petrel
IB u strong steel eraft , and , It IB Bald ,
attempted to ram tlio American neat
before nho could comply with the or
der to atop. Captain Chun decided to
attempt to oacnpo and Htartrd ahead
at full speed. The Petrel then opened
flre with nil her guns , and about twen
ty Bhots struck the Silver Spray. The
fact thnt no one was killed Is mlrncu-
! IOUH. When Captain Chau got across
the boundary line thn Petrel KKVO up
I the pursuit. Captain Chau will report
the affair to the state department at
Washington , as he says ho was only
looking for some of his nets which
had drifted from thin sldo toward the
Canadian shore.
Officers Arrive and Cut Him Down
Before Life Is Extinct.
"Whltesboro , Tex. , Aug. 13. An at
tempted assault on Mrs. Hart caused
the arrest of eight negroes , seven of
whom were rolcasod. The other was
held for identification. About 8
o'clock last night n mob took posses
sion of him and hanged him to the
limb of a tree. He had not bccomo
unconscious when olllcers arrived from
Sherman , nnd making Ir wny
through the mob with n rush , cut the
negro down. He IB being hurried to
Shermnn , but there Is talk of going
there to take him from jail. After the
negro had been taken from the mob
Its members began terrifying the col
ored people , guns being llred promts-
i Jusly In the negro settlement. Te'r-
rilled negroes were compelled to leave
town immediately , and all out-going
trains were filled with negroes.
Two Laborers Are Killed and One
Fatally Wounded.
Qlendlve. Mont. , Aug. 13. Three
masked men attemptel to hold up in a
Northern Pacific freight car six la
borers en route to the wheat Holds of
the Dakotas. The laborers resisted
the demands of the robbers and a gen
eral tight ensued , resulting In the killIng -
Ing of Thomas McGowan of Philadel
phia , who was shot through the right
lung , and an unknown man , whoso
body wns found in the car later In the
day. W. H. Menshlng of Perhnm.
Minn. , was shot through the neck and
perhaps will die. The robbers es
caped uninjured , but two of them
were arrested later.
Flood Sufferers Appeal to Carnegie.
Topekn. Knn. . Aug. 13. It is prob
able that Andrew Carnegie will bo
appealed to in behalf of the flood suf
ferers of Wyandotte county. K. P.
Snyderof tbo Kansas City ( Knn. ) flood
committee called on Governor Batloy
and urged that menus be found for reMoving -
Moving the distress. J. w. Kadford ,
state grain inspector , furnished fig
ures to show that 3,000 people are
homeless. Governor Itallcy refused
to take the Initiative , but said ho
would Indorse any statement of con
Itlons which might be made by the
mayor nnd members of the relief com
Warden Allagood Testifies.
Mlllcdgovlllo. Ga. . Aug. 13. The tak
Ing of testimony by the Georgia priaon
committee In the cnso of excessive
cruelty charged ngalnst Warden Alia
good has been completed. Warden
Allagood'i testimony was a denial o
Miss Do Grist's charges of Imprope
proposals. He admitted whipping be
and said the punishment had becom
necessary because of her Insubonllna-
tlon. Ho put her to work In the fields
after her punishment , he said , because
he wnnted her to realize "what an
easy time she was baring In th
house. "
Island of Jamaica DC astatcd
by Hurricane.
Thousands Are Destitute and Home
less Lots of Life Is Heavy , With
Fifty Fatalities Already Reported ,
Mostly Seamen.
KlDKHtou , Jumnlcn , AUK. 13. The ef
fects of the hurricane uptm Hie Inland
of Jamaica were greater than at first
believed. Port Antonio , on the north
coast , was completely overwhelmed.
Only nix houses wore left fitandlnn
there. The United Fruit company'B
wharves , ofllces , hotel and plantations
were utterly demolished. Five of tho'
company's stoamoro weie driven ashore
but nro lying In easy positions. Port
Maria , another , town on the north
const , also Buffered ulinllarly. The
const IB strewn with wreckage of locnl
Balling voiisels. It U feared that the
loss of life bus been henry , fifty fa-
talltlen having already been reported ,
principally among at-amcn. The en
tire custom end of the Island nan been
devastated. Villagcn bavo been wiped
out , thousands of the peasantry ren-
doied houittlutm and destitute , wander-
InjC about necking food nnd shelter.
The destruction of the banana planta
tions haa been complete and the fruit
trade Is paralyzed for the next twelve
months. Hundreds of prosperous fruit
growers have been brought to bank
ruptcy nnd ruin. The property loss
IB estimated at $10,000,000.
The Norwegian ateamcr Snlvatore
Dl Glorgll was driven ashore at An-
notta bny nnd lies In a dangerous po-
nltlon. Several Balling vessels wcro
wrecked on the north side. It Is still
atormy and threatening nnd there arc
fears thnt there may be n rcncwnl of
the fltorm. Thousands of houses in
Kingston were damngcd. The wharves
were battered and several coasting
vesBcla were mink In the hnrbor.
Trndo IB prnctlcnlly nt n standstill.
Jeffries Continues to Be a Two to
One Favorite.
Snn Francisco , Aug. 13. Hotting on
bo heavyweight championship bnttlo
continues to bo light , contnuy to ex
pectations. Jeffries remains n 2 to 1
avorlto. A report from Los Angeles ,
ho home of Jeffries , states thnt the
champion is n 3 to 1 choice there.
Jeffries , accompanied by his brother
Jack , Hilly Dolnney and Joe Kennedy ,
B now quartered at the rooms of the
Rollanco club In Oakland , where they
will remain until Friday evening.
Last night ho was in the gymnasium
until 10 o'clock. His work consisted
of boxing ton rounds with bis brother
fack and Joe Kennedy , skipping the
rope 1.200 times and finishing with a
clog dance. Then h had a rub down ,
and retired , sleeping nine solid hours.
All the hard work Is over now at the
Corbott camp. The ox-champion
punched the light bag for a few rounds
nnd then sparred with Sam Derger
and Yank Kenny.
The advance sale of seats for the
contest Indicates u $60,000 house.
The Austrian Lloyd steamer Posel
don foundered on the Syrian coast.
Her passengers nnd crew were saved.
A wide stretch of country in tbo vi
cinity of Omega , Cnl. , Is being swept
jy forest tires. Much damage is bo
ng done.
Chnrles Jarrott , th motorist , was
married In London to the Countess of
Rosslyn , the divorced wife of the Earl
of Hosslyn , the actor.
The Conhulln and Pacific railway ,
which runs from Samlllllo to Coahulla ,
Mexico , went Into the hands of re
ceivers nt Trenton , N. J.
The Marietta hotel In West St.
Louis , burned Wednesday and the sev
enty occupants escaped with their
lives , Manager Harry White and his
mother suffering Injuries.
James Dollard , formerly a rough
rider with Buffalo Bill , shot and fatal
ly wounded Frank Bryant of the Free
Sliver saloon nt Lander , Wyo. The
shooting wns without provocation.
Dispatches from Belgrade , Servla ,
announce that three members of the
cabinet , renresentlnc the radical elc-
ment In Servla , hnvo resigned. This
is regarded as a sign of victory for
the mllltnry party.
A League Island trolley car was
struck by a locpmotlvo on the Pennsyl
vania railroad crosslnR near Phlladel-
phla and Motormnn McGovorn wns
killed. United States Marinas Morris ,
Davis , Barrett and Jones were In
Corn Is making good progress In the
central nnd western belt , but Is less
promising in the upper Ohio valley
and middle Atlantic states , according
to the government's weekly crop re
port. Spring wheat harvest U delayed
by rains.
The re-egtnb'llBhment of the army
canteen probably will be recommended
by Secretary Root In his annual re
port. Department officials and army
officers are unanimous In Its favor be
cause of th vile saloons which suc
ceeded It
Three Hundred Chinese Killed.
Amsterdam , Aur. 13. Three bus-
dred Chinese were killed In a recent
battle with the Dutch troops at the-
tillage of Poeloentesfah , In the mid-
* le of the Island of Sumatra. Th
Dutch lost an officer and sli men
killed and an officer and fifty men
trounded. Th y captured the
Odds In the Betting Continue at 2
to 1 In Favor of the Big Cham
pion , Jeffries.
Snn FrnnclHco , AUR. 13. Special
to The NOWH : TltoiiHnndfl < if sportIng -
Ing men from nil over the country nro
KiithurliiK In this cl'iy for thoK \ \
light between Corhctt nnd Jeffries to-
morow night. Corbctt Is Btlll train
ing today nnd the betting continues
this nftcrnoon nt i ! to 1 odds In favor
of the champion.
Hurry Forben nnd "Frnnklo" Nell
nro In flno nhapo for their twenty-
round tmntnm weight go tonight.
"They fight at the Mccbnnlc'fl pavilion ,
where the big bout comuH out to
Bulgarians Have Massacred all But
Twenty of the Inhabitants of
Turkish Klttina.
Sofia , Aug. 13. Special to The
News : Bulgarians hnvo massacred
the Inhabitants of tbo Turkish vll-
Inge of Klttina. Only twenty out of
the entire city escaped. The scene
Is tilled with horrors Indescribable.
Explosion Cause * a Panic.
Philadelphia , Aug. 13. An explosion
of powder nt the United States nrsennl
at Frnnkfort , a suburb , cnused u panic ,
In which four girls were severely In
jured. Many employes leaped from
the windows down n fifteen-foot em
bankment. The building wns only
lightly damaged.
Feud Case Ready for Jury.
Cynthlano , Ky. , Aug. 13. In the trial
of Curtis Jolt and Thomas White ,
Judge L. P. Fryer , commonwealth's
attorney of this judicial district , took
the Bland to make the final speech In
the case. The case will go to the
Jury today.
Democratic County Convention.
To the Democrats of Madison
County , Nebraska : The democratic
electors of Madison county , are here
by called to meet In delegate con
vention In Bn'Ulo Creek , Nebraska ,
on Saturday , the 22nd day of August ,
1901 ! , at one o'clock p. m. , for the pur
pose of electing delegates to the dem
ocratic state convention to be held
in the city of Columbus , Nebraska ,
on 'tbo 25th day of August , 11)03 ) , to
elect delegates to the democratic ju
dicial convention of the ninth ju
dicial district , and for the further
purpose of placing in nomination the
following candidates on the county
ticket :
One candidate for clerk of the dls-
tVlct court.
One candidate for county treas
One candidate for county clerk.
One candidate for county sheriff.
One candidate for county judge.
One candidate for county superin
One candidate for county assessor.
One candidate for county coroner.
One candidate for county surveyor.
One candidate for county commis
sioner , first district , nnd to transact
such other business as may properly
come before the convention.
The basis of representation of said
convention shall be one delegate for
every twenty votes or fraction there
of cast for the average vote for the
candidates on the state ticke'c nt the
general election In 1902 , and one del
egate at large for each township and
wnrd , as follows :
Norfolk , 1st ward 5
Norfolk , 2nd ward 7
Norfolk. : ' , rd ward C
Norfolk , 4th ward I
Norfolk , outside 7
Madison ( city ) 7
Madison ( outside ) 4
Union 5
Shellcreek 4
Warnerville 3
drove 3
Schoolcraft 3
Highland 3
Falrvlow 4
Emerlck 3
Valley 3
Kalamazoo -I
Ba'ctle Creek 5
Green Garden 4
Jefferson 0
Deer Creek 3
Total 94
It was recommended by the com
mittee that all caucuses to select del
egates should be held not In'cor tnnn
Thursday , August 20. 1903. It was
further recommended by the commit-
lee that In the county convention no
proxies should be admitted , but thnt
the delegntes present should have
power to cast the entire vote of the
All duly qualified electors who be
lieve In the principals of the demo
cratic party and Intend to affiliate
themselves with said party In support
of said principles are entitled and
are hereby requested to participate
in the primaries and convention
herein called.
By order of the committee , 1st day
of August , 1903.
Fred II. Davis ,
J. II. Mackay , Chairman.
Notice of Primary.
Notice Is hereby given that a cau
cus of the democratic electors of the
First ward of ibo city of Norfolk ,
Neb. , Is cnlled to meet in city hall
on August 20 , 1903 , nt 8 o'clock p.
m . for the purpose of electing flvo (5) ( )
delegates to represent said ward nt
the democratic county convention to
bo held nt Battle Creek on August
22 , 1903 , and for the transaction of
such other business aa may properly
come before sale ] caucus.
J. H. Mackay.
Member Central Committee ,
First Ward.
Notice of Primary.
Notice IB hereby given that a cau-
N. Y Life nida , OMAHA , NP.HR.
Tlir Unfit. mo t firmly nullliliml and bet ! mulpptd Commercial mi ) Shoilliand School In
Otntti * Moilrrncoutttiof .uidy Uiperienccd traders Individual iniiruciion Sliiclilliclplln * .
t'ricilcal inrihoilt I'lreptonf Inilldlnj Y M C A iljaeent Athlcllci Full ) equipped lymntf
luni. IIUli clan * ( iiiUMalninmU Griiliiktei attlilml to potllioni STUDENTS CUKN1SIIBD
WollK TO I'.ARN 1IOAIU ) WHILE ATTENDING Send (01 ( Calutogut.
CIIH 'of the democratic electors of the
Second wnrd of the city of Norfolk.
Neb. , IH called to meet u'i Albert Deg-
nor'B Btoro In said city on August 20 ,
11103 , nt 8 p. in. , for the purpose of
electing seven (7) ( ) delegates to rep-
rcHcn'i Bald wnrd nt the democratic
county convention to bo bold nt Bnt
tlo Creek , Neb. , on August 22 , 1903 ,
nnd for the transaction of such other
business ns mny properly come before
snld caucus.
Cnrl Wilde ,
Member Central Committee ,
Second Wnrd.
Notice of Primary.
Notice Is hereby given thnt a cau
cus of the democratic electors of tbo
Third ward of the city of Norfolk ,
Neb. , Is cnled 'to meet at Anxclger
office In said city on August
20 , 1903 , at 8 o'clock p. m. , for
the purpose of electing six ( C )
delegntes to represent said ward at
the democratic county convention to
be held at Bottle Creek on August
22 , 1903 , nnd for the transaction of
such other business as may properly
come before snld caucus.
F. D. Krantz ,
D. J. Koenlgsteln.
Third Ward.
Notice of Primary.
Notice Is hereby given thnt a cau
cus of the democratic electors of the
Fourth wnrd of the city of Norfolk ,
Neb. , Is called to moot at Junction
hose house In said city on August
20 , 1903 , tit 8 o'clock p. m. , for
the purpose of electing four (1) ( )
delegates to represent said ward at
the democratic county convention to
bo held at Battle Creek on August
22 , 1903 , and for the transaction of
such other business as mny properly
come before snld caucus.
Fred Koerber ,
Member Central Committee ,
Fourth Ward.
Notice of Primary.
Notice is hereby given that a cau
cus the democratic electors of the
Outside precinct of the city of Nor
folk , Neb. , Is called to meet
In city hall on August 20 , 1903 ,
at 8 p. m. , for the purpose of electIng -
Ing seven (7) ( ) delegates to represent
said precinct at the democratic
county convention to be bold at Bat-
'tie Creek , Neb. , August 22 , 1903 , and
for the transaction of such other busi
ness as may properly come before
said caucus.
F. D. Krantz.
Member Central Committee ,
Outside Precinct.
Sick Headache ?
Food doesn't digest well ?
Appetite poor ? Bowels
constipated ? Tongue coated ?
It's your liver ! Ayer's Pills
are liver pills ; they cure dys
pepsia , biliousness.
25c. All druggists.
Want your moustache or beard a beautiful
brown or rich black ? Then use
jO T * . OF DHUSQiSTt , OJR'J _ HU. A CO. , N mj , N H
A. C. ONO , A. M. , LL. D. , Pros. , Omaha.
PROF. A. J. LOWKY , Prlnc.
Endorsed by First Nat'l
Itankiuid businessmen.
$10.000 In Uoll Top Desks , Hank Fixtures and
ffl Typewriters. Students cun work for board
Henu for free catalogue , bound in alligator
finest ever published by a Business College
Read it and you will attend the N. H. O.
Between St. Loots and Kansas City and
And principal points in Texas and the Smith
west. This train Is now throughout iiinl I
1 made up of the finest ( Hjulpmont , provide
, with oloctria lights and all other moiter
I traveling conveniences. It runs via our nun
i completed
I Red River Division.
1 Every appliance known to modern rn
building and railroading has been employe
| In the make-up ot this service , Including
Cafe Observation Cars
nnder the management of Fred. Harvey
Full Information ns to rates nnd all dutnllnc
a trip via thli new route will bo uhunrfull
tarnished , npon application , by any retiru-
tentative of the
She Has Cured Thousands
Given np to Die.
Practicing Aleopathy , Home
opathy , Electric and Gen
eral Medicine.
Will , by request , vlilt profe elonnlljr
oturuing every four uoelcg. Consult her wh Is >
the oiiportnult ) U at hand.
DR. CALDWET L hmltB her pmefca to tL
pocliil treatment of ( ItatneeB of the eo , ear ,
mm. throat. IniinH , fenuilo dleonsoBdleeaeoa of
children and nil chronic , uorvon * nud enrglcal
HBOUBPB of n curable uaturn Karly consnmn-
lon , bronchitis , tironrliliil catarrh , clirnnic i
mtarrli , hernia ho , cnmtijmtio . Biomacli and -
xmol troubles , rlimimatitmi neuralgia , ecl-
Rtlca , ltiluht'8 < llBRHn > , k ! < liioy dleoaeoB.dlroaeoB
if the liver aud lilndiler , dizziness , nervousness ,
ndlROHioti , obesity interrupted 'n'rition ,
low growth in chtldro" . mid all wasting die-
Oftfoo in adults , doformltio club-feet cnrvn-
uro of the iilno , dlfeanos of tlio hrain. paraly
sis , ueartdlseato , dropsy , swelling of the limbs ,
trlrturo , npon sores , pain in the bones , grann.
ar enlargements aud nil long-standing dis
eases properly treated.
lilood and Skin l > lseaneB ,
Pimples , b'otclies , eruptions , liver spots , fall
HB of tlio hair , bad complexion , eczema , throat
ilceru , bone pains , bladder tioublns , weak
lack , burning nriiio. pa sing urine too often.
The effects of constitutional sickness or tbo
.aking of too much injurious medicine receives
searching treatment , prompt relief and a euro-
for life ,
Diseases of women , irregular menstruation ,
'ailing of the womb , bearing down pains ,
Wu'.o replacements , lack of sexual tone.
I oncorrhea. sterility or barrenness ,
Dr Caldwell and she will fhow them the cause )
of their trouble and the way to become cored.
CancerM , Goiter , Fistula , riles
nnl enlarged glands treated with the subcu
taneous injection method , absolutely without
[ lain and without the loss nf a drop of blood ,
is one of her own discoveries and is really the
most scientific method of this advanced age
Dr. Caldwell has practiced her profession in
Borne of the largest hospitals throughout the
country. She hai no superior in the treating
Find diagnosing diseases , de'ormitloa , etc. She
ImB lately ripened nn olllco in Omaha Nebraska ,
here he will spend a portion of each week
treatg her many patients. No incnrabln .
cases accepted for treatment. Consultation
uzaminntlon and advice , one dollar tu those ID
torosted. PR. ORA CALDW KLL & Co
Chicago. Ill ,
Address all mail to Dee Building , Omaha
Neb ,
An ibioluU tptclflf and intl-teptlc prep
aration for all klndf ol
A ur cur for Hoar * ttti * , Tonillltl * . Quln y.
In-lamed , Ulcerated and Catarrhal Sere Throat ,
A preventive ) ol Croup , Whooping Cough anj
JEndorMd by the Moit Eminent Throat Special * '
liti In toe country.
honld be kept In every homo. Price 85 C ntfc !
Uerjr lledloln. Co. , Dea Molnea , Iowa.
. . . .TRY. . . .
t /HUNT / AI > I > IAU :