The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 14, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Til 15 NOHKOLIC NltJWS Fid DAY , AVdl'ST M , 180 . r
\ \ . N. HUMS , I'lllitlxlirr.
II Mnhtlnhi'il 1S.S7 I
Kvory lny cat-opt Humbiy. Hy onr-
rlflr per \ vH. . 16 cent * Hy Mi U I101"
jrcnr , $ G.w >
Tllo Now * KslnbllHlK'.l , 1M.
TinJoiirniil , KnliihllNlioil. 1SS7.
Mvory Krtdny. Hy nmll per your. JI.KO.
Hpoollll Notlro.--AilVlllion HUhm-Hp-
tloim t" thu Noivn-Jotitnul will no
tnkon until Orlotxir 1C lit Ihn rule < > r
$1.00 pur M'.ir. Olil mibHorlhoiii miiy
luivo thi ) bi-iioilt of thin rain Ity pay-
iu r'H tn ilutn at the niKiihir
, ui iirli-o mill ono your In
ThfH Hioflal | tiffor will ho
withdrawn Ortobor If. .
Kntrrml at thn tiimlolllro nt Nor
folk , Nrh. , in < bi'ronil i-lntm ninltor.
TclophoM'H1 Kilitnrlnl IH'pni'tinciit ,
No. l ! ' . ' . li'iNhu'MH ' ' Oilloo unit Job
HOOIIIH. N. . . : iSli. !
Republican Judicial District Conven
To thi > rminhMemi f Irelort of HIP Nln'li Jmll-
cUlillKtrlrt nt Stltrnthn :
Notlaoli hereby l\ n llmt'ii ri'linhllrni ; Jnill-
rlnl ciiiiTi < i.tiii'i ' will Im hiOtl Hi Norfolk , N < > -
hriicln.ou II c Tthilnyof AimnM , HHIII , ill II
o'clook . m . l-.rlliopurnonn of niimliiiitlnu n
" ' . , . , , . " -
Tin l of Urn Jiullcln.
| iitiitiMin i ' ni' J ( inii ' iim * > i > ii > i tt- + - -
trlrt ntul thi1 nniiMictliin of xuph DUHT Ini'l
nwii nmnny ii'i'iilnrljr roino Iwtfoto II. Thn HOV
ornlc untlri'il mid illMrlrt ntoi'itllt ml to tin
fnllowlntf rnpr. KBiilntliiii.hiiU'iliin Ihn voln of
J. II , Mlcko ifoviimor ) In Voromlicr , U'12 ' :
AnUlo | > < < lS\Vn , > un
Knox 1 |
j'li'rce I' ' ! Tot ill t *
Mmll.mi , 171 _ _ . _ .
ItT Fi'c" mine iliMTliy iTiu rommTttio tlmi M-
nrotlrn ho iillowml In unhl roii\i nlloll , hut llml
thi > ilcli'Kllti'K i rcfcut .ho iillownil In cnct tha
lull TOte of tin- comity rnprnm'iitwl hy thoin ,
Hy orilcro' Mm committee ,
Hi rrntnry. Clmltmiin.
If ( Ji'iH'ral Mlles n-ully iiHplixm to
the dcniticr..1ilc noinliiatlon for tbc
prosldcncy ho IH not likely to per
mit anything HUe the coinniandor-ln
chltsfHhlp of the Grand Army to Hldo-
track bin ambition.
' ThoHO pntrlotH who were arrnnn-
liiK a wit't bjil for Mr. Itryan to fallen
on In the event of the ix-orpinl/atlon
of vho ( lomocrntlc party have rccolvoi
nothing hut pains for tholr trouhlo.
It IH now aliened that Mr. Uryan
would mipi irt drover Cleveland he
fore ho wi.uld the nominee of the
re-rgaiil/.ed ( ) poptillKl party whlcli
further nor i to show thai he IIIIH
boon mostly llko all ether demaera'.H
in that all ! .o tloslroil of the popnllHt
parly wore t'lo votes of the members.
A typographical error In the now
law adoptc I by the Into legislature
rohitliiR 'io ' ! ' .o desertion of his wife
and children by the husband and
father , places no limit on the pun
ishment ho Is entitled to rouolve , and
porhnpti the printer who made I ho
error Is moro than half right In doing
away with limitations , because some
of Vho CUHO < are so aggravated as to
' " ' 'almost derervo llfo Imprlsonmont.
The llttlo word 'not" was omitted and
the pahaltis published Is "to ex
ceed ono yeir. "
The comr.iorclnl travelers nnd job
bing men n < looking for a good fall
trade In Ne'.irnska , and they will not
bo disappointed. Kvorythlng leads
to 'ihls hell 'f. The farmers are cor-
taln to have some crops to harvest.
If they aiv big crops they will re
ceive loss money per bushel and If
they are stir 11 they will receive- moro
per busliulin any event they will
have money and prolHablo money
coming In. Then everyone In the
state who has wanted work , I'c Is
safe to sa.\ . has received It , so that
there Is no class of people who wiu
bo destitute of moans to buy what the
merchants . ivo to sell and vho mer
chants who .ire wldo awake will prepare -
pare to cai for all the custom coin-
in } ; their way. The outlook Is for
another ye : of prosperity , and per
haps greate- prosperity for the west
than any of tie ! prosperous years vhat
have preceuL'd it.
It may appear ridiculous , but It
seems to bi > true that there are people -
plo in Norfolk who believe that there
nro men at .1 companion In the city
who are greater 'iluui the city itself
and if ghvn half a chance will tie the
city and Its administration up hand
and foot an > l keep thorn slaves to a
selfish purpose. The argument is
being made that if the council should
accept the contract offered by vho
electric ligl.tlng company it will bo
surrendering to that company public
facilities an I doing away with mu
nicipal ownership , when no such
question ent.'rs Into the deal. The
proposition of vho lighting company
is to pump the city water , nothing
moro , and it is merely for the council
to dotormliu whether it wants the
company to buy the coal and do the
engineer an' ' fireman s work or buy
Vho coal themselves and biro someone
else to do the necessary work. It
Is also within the province of the
council to terminate the contract any
time the city acquires ivs own light
ing plant. The city docs not sur
render an I. ta of title to the system
and It Is marely for the council to
determine as good business men ,
which offers the bes'c returns and Is
the most economical for the city.
The lighting company offers to do the
work for what has boon paid during
the past throe years , and in addition
offers twelve additional arc lighvs.
The company may bo able to make
something from the contract , and If
so nothing Is lost to the city , on the
contrary If the city can make some
thing like ? GO o month out of the
proposition It would Hcem to bo n
biiHliii'RH-HUe mutter to accept It. It
IH more Hie money than sentiment
that coiintM wl'di Iho average tax
payer. If he can be saved Homo taxes
or add facilities to thn city without
extra cost ho would show the part
of wlHdom by being for It.
A New York fashion letter an
nounces the Hl.\le of woman's head
gear that will prevail this fall anil
wln'ter and It Is noted that the poor
llttlo birds that have been pitilessly
killed and stuffed with excelsior or
some similar stnlllng material are
again to be used In catorlnu to the
demands of the most tendur hearted
and humane of ( Jod'n creavlons
woman. It was supposed that when
the announeoment was made that the
milliners had met and decided that
they should deal no moro In Vhose
llttlo stuffed carcasses that the mat
ter would bo soltlod but what are
they to do when fashion dictators miy
ihat birds shall bo worn and when
those who would follow the laws laid
down by these dictators Insist on be
ing In style and up-to-date ? It may
remain for the men to organl/.e and
protest against a taste vhat anthor-
1/.es this destruction of the feathered
creatures , or perhaps there are good
and righteous women in all portions
of the country who will rebel against
' .he fashion makers and refuse to
sanction the slaughter of birds by
refraining from their UHO as orna
ments. No doubt a largo number may
wear thorn merely becanso they have
been killed and tholr refusal will not
restore them to llfo and joy , not con
sidering that a demand for next sea
son's slaughvor will bo based on the
number sold this season. Those who
admire the birds allvo , enjoy their
songs , and reall/.e their value as de
stroyers of noxious Insects may bo
Impelled to ask a law preventing the
wearing of birds on the hats , but
there are not many women , let It be
hoped , who need such a law , reall/-
Ing the slaugh'tor and damage that
snob a fashion Involves. One of the
birds particularly mentioned In the
fashion letter IH vho blue bird , that
earliest and most welcome harbinger
of spring , which has been decreasing
In numbers so noticeably during the
pasv few years.
Closing Prices of Grain Established
by the Chicago Board of Trade
Before Closing at Noon.
Chicago , AUK. .11. Spoclal to The
Nowa : Following are the closing
prices on Chicago grain markets to
day :
Wheat St'iitombor , SI ? ; December ,
81 % ; May , Sly , .
Corn Cash. 52V4 ; Soptoinbor , 52 % ;
Doco-mhor , Til ! ; May , 511V4.
OatH Cash , : ! ! % ; Soptoinbor , INiVsI
December , 110 % ; May , I'.S'/J.
Yesterday's Quotations.
Chli'iiK" , Avj ; . --fiulcr the Ic
of Nvhfii ! tin p-iilu miii'Ufts riiK'il Mnmg
tmliiy , SepU'inlii'l' win-ill olniiK | lit IV/tll'H ' , ! ?
hlKlicr , Sritt'mtirr | corn wnx iii | n friii'tloii
mul oiitH ui ' ( fn" ! , ! ' . I'ruvlsliniH cloM'il Ir-
MTiiliir. 'lie Si > | itciiilit < r iiroiliit't lichiK from
Sl.'if lower tn "nhigher. . Closing prices :
Wheiit-Seiit. . SIV : I > ec. . S'-'V ; May. 81.
furn Sept. . . ' - 'siDee. ; . . ni : M' ; Miiy , . " : t' < | .
Oats Sept. , ; H 4r ; Dee. , Ktttse : May , IlSXe.
I'urU-Sept. , $ ii.t.i : : ; Ort. , III.O.'i ; May , KI.'J.
l.iinlSejit. . . JS.ll.'i ; Oct. , iJT.T'J'i. '
Hlli < - Sept. . S7.W : Ool , . JT.STi.
fhliMKii I'a-sli I'rlcesNo. . " red wheat.
K'.V : Nil. II ii-il wheat. SUilSl'/je ; No. 'J
. | ; wheat , XI'ilMe ' ; No. T spring whent ,
"li'tisiie : No. luiril wheat , "tiilTUV : N < > - ' <
j luiril wlieil : , I'lo : Nu. ' . ' easli eoru , fillu'l'ii1 ;
No. ! 1 atli fiirti , Mil. I'.ji' ; No. 'J yellow
corn , jiio , No. 3 yellow torn , r > "ilVSu.'Vi. ) ; > ;
N-i. . ' CIIAI ) nats : t- ' e ; No. 'J whltu oats ,
No. : t wuito oats , a.jiiiio. ( :
Chicago Live Stock.
Chleat-o. AIIK' . llt.-Catlli IteeelptH. B.n
InclnilliiK I" * ' westerns ; strong . UK1 hln
er , Kt'iitl ' to prime steers , $ . * i. 04j\'iT.'i ; pool-
to liieilliun , $ : t.TViiK ) ; stoet.ers anil feed
ers , ifJ.riOCii-l.'JO ; cown. $ l.r > 04i l..r > 0 ; hi'lfel-N ,
$ : J.UM ( 1.7.1. eanners , Jl. KiC..tK ) ; hulls , $ ' . ' .0l )
J'J.ritVilll.T.I ; Texas 8teer < < .
western steers , $ : t.-.Vi.t'M.
UORSUeeelpts , toilny , .Vi.lXK ) ; tomorrow ,
- O.ixn ) ; aetlve , Ue ) lower than avoni
'I'liui'Mlny ; nilxi'tl anil hntehers , $ .1.H ( > 5j,1.'il ;
pioil lit eholee heavy , $ , i.i"iiiri.-tl : ( ; ron
heavy. JJ.lHKi/.V.t ) : IlKht , $ ri.L'vnn.70 ; hulk
of wiles , $ : i.l.X l" > . : i" ' . Sheep-llecelptu , 1
IKK ) ; Mieep steady , lainhs uteudy to strong ;
Ktittil to elioleeethers , $ : i.iii.7.1 ; ( : ; fair tc
eholee mixed. f'.Mlli.'l.'J.I ; western sheep.
$ : i.J.Vnt : 7.1 ; native lainhs , JH.'J.KijO.OO ; west
ern lainhst. . . ' < ur > . 15.
Kansas City Live Stock.
Kansas City. AUK. IH. Cattle llecelpts ,
fl.lUKi' htntiiK- native steers , $ l.HXiiCi.riri ( :
Texa-i ami Indian steers , $ ' . ' .4 ( ii.lKJ ; ; Texas
CIIWK. 'f''tKKii .tK ) ; native cows and lielfers
Sl.riifril.40 ; stiii-Kers and feeders , $ 'J.8.1i (
100 : Imlls , Jl.lHKtia.10 ; calves , I'.T iu.SO
western steers S'J.ltOii-l.SA ; western cows ,
ILlXKnlMX ) . lloKS-Ueeelpts. U.tXI ) ; weak
to .1e lower : hulk o ( sales. S-Vu'.KJt.'i.-
heavy. S.1.17'-/iiri.0 : ! ; paekers , SS..TxiiTi.-JO
medium. J,5.o'.1.40. : : | IlKht. $ S.t.V : .VM ; plea
SI.7.1i.1.uO. Sheep -Hecelpts , 11,000 ; stront ;
muttons. $ 'J.SO'u-l.7.1 ; lamhs , $3.00 < i.1.7S
wethers , J'.Mtyl.'O ; ewes. $ l.80ii-1.73 !
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Onml'ii. Aujt. lit. Cattle Hecelpts
Sin ) , lo'ulSc nlcher ; nutlve steers , Sl.i' f
D. ; > 0 : cows and lielfers , $3.lKXiil.L'o ; westrn
steers. $ .10 < vm 50 ; Texas steerit. * 'J.7o < i3.K ( >
western cows nnd liflfers , $ . ' J.l a. ; can
ners. Sl.WKjr-.M ; utoekers and feeders
$ -.5lXija.K ) , calves , $ -'iO l5.00 : hutls. SHIRS
etc. , j'.CXKji-I.UO. llo s.-llecelpts , (1,000 (
lOc lower , clusftl strottK : lieavy.
mixed. J5.10 | fl.l5 ; llpht , J5.15UO.I5 ( : ; pigs
$ .1.1.Vtfi..M ( : hulk of stiles , * 3.HXijr > .U
Sheep-ltecelpts , 10.500 ; steadwesteri ;
ycurlliins. $ : i.-.Mu3.C5 ; tvetlicrv. f3.00fla.35
ewes , SJ.W4i3.10 ; common anJ stockera
} 2..c/iiJM ) : laiuha ,
St. Joseph Live Stock ,
St. Joseph , Aue. 13. Cuttle Hecelpts , 1 , .
BOO ; lOo higher : natives , $4OOii < 5.CO : cows
and lu'lfors. $ l.GOffiN.S3 ; stocker * and ( ceil-
era , $2.'J9iH.lU. Hog8-Uecel7itB , 7,730 ; 10
13c lower ; IlKht. $5.15 0.40 ; medium and
heavj ,
Man Convicted in Gocbcl Case
T cstifics Against Powers.
Witness Produces Signed Document
In Trial at Georgetown Declaring
Affidavit of Innocence to De False.
Feud Jury Unable to Agree.
GcorKi'tcnvn , Ky. , AUR. 14. On the
wltnrRB Htiuiil for thrcu bourn the con
vict , Henry Youtncy , ave very tlnni-
aglnK tUHtlinony UKaliiHt Caleb 1'owora
In the ( Joi'bel coiiBplrncy CIIHO. He
tcHtlllcil that In January , 1001 , ho
ulsiied n aJlhlavIt for 1'owerfl as to
hltt Innocence to prcHent to the He-
publlcnn juilKCH of the cou/t of appeals
to Bocuri1 a reversal of the llfo sen
tence given Powers. Ho Bald that at
the time he sinned that aflltlavlt both
Powem and hlniBelf knew It to bo false
and that before he would consent to
nlllx his filgnature he ( Youtsey ) re
quired Powers to sign an agreement
waiving the truth or falsity of It , and
also agroi'luK never to let It become
public or to use It openly In court and
o return It to him. He nayw the alii-
avlt wan not returned by Powers
ml , he ( Youtsey ) kept the written
Kreetnent He produced the agree
ment In court with Powers' slBiiaturo
ttached and the affair created unite
sensation. Youtsey's wife has been
or two years the Innocent custodian
f this document. Fearing that ho
would lose It In jail , to which he was
cut from time to time , Youtsey sealed
t up In an envelope and sent It to her ,
vltli Instructions not to open It. She
\ept It until he sent for It to go be-
ere the grand jury , and unnwaro of Its
haracter , she restored It to him , and
t was opened In the presence of 'the
Feud Jury Still Out.
Cynthhuia , Ky. , Aug. M. The jury
n the Jett and White case , after four
lours' deliberation , reported that it
md not reached a verdict. It is the
opinion of all that a hunt ; Jury will
Hov/'s Tbls ?
Wo off or ono hundred dollars' ro-
vard for any case catarrh that can-
ot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
T .1. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , O.
Wo , i,10 undersigned , have known
\ J. Cheney for the last 15 years , and
olleve him perfectly honorable In all
sliioHS transactions and financially
bio to carry out any obligations
nado by their linn.
Vest & Traux , Wholesale Druggists ,
'olcdn , O. , Waldlng , Klnnan & Mar-
in. Wholesale Druggists , Toledo , O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in-
ornally , acting directly npon the
lood and mucous surfaces of the sys-
em. Testimonials sent free. Price
5c per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Hall's family pllly are the best.
Saved From Terrible Death.
The family of Mrs.'M. L. llobblt of
largortoii , Tenn. , saw her dying ami
vero powerless to save her. The
nest skillful physicians and every
omody used , failed , while consump-
lon was slowly but surely taklns her
Ife. In this terrible hour Dr. King's
w Discoveryforconsumptlonturned
lespair into Joy. The itrst bottle
> iought immediate relief and Its con-
Iniiod use completely cured her. Its
ho most certain euro in the world for
ill throat and lung troubles. Guar-
inteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial
lofiles free at Asa K Leonard's drug
Domestic Troubles.
It Is exceptional to find a family
where there are no domestic rupture ?
) ccasionally , but these can bo les
sened by having Dr. King's Now Life
Pills around. Much trouble they save
> y their great work In stomach and
Ivor troubles. They not only relieve
vou , but cure. 23c , at Asa K. Leon-
ird's drug ycore.
Potent Pill Pleasure.
The plus that are potent In their
action and pleasant In effect are De-
Witt's Little Early Risers. W. S.
Phllpot , of Albany , ( la. , says : "Dur
ing a bilious attack I took ono. Small
as it was it did mo moro good than
calomel , blue mass or any other pills
1 over took and at the same time it
effected mo pleasan'cly. Little Early
Risers are certainly a good pill. '
Sold by Klesan Drug Co.
Consumption Threatened.
C. linger , 211 Maple street , Cham
paign , 111. , writes : "I was troubled
with a hacking cough for a year and
I thought I had consumption. I tried
.1 great many remedies and was un
der the care of physicians for several
months. I used ono bottle of Koloy's
Honey and Tar. It cured mo and I
have not been troubled since.
Klesau Drug Co.
Eat all You Want.
Persons troubled with Indigestion
or dyspepsia can eat all they want
If they will take Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. This remedy prepares the
stomach for the reception , retention ,
digestion and assimilation of all the
wholesome food that may be eaten ,
and enables the digestive organs to
transform the same Into the kind of
blood that gives health and strength.
Sold by Kiesan Drug Co.
"I had diabetes In Its worst form , '
writes Marion Leo of Dunrcatli , Intl. ,
"I tried eight physicians without nv
lief. Only throe bottles of. Foloy's
Kidney Cure made mo a well man. '
Foloy's Kldnoy Cure Is a medicine
free from poisons and will euro any
case of kidney disease that Is beyom
the reach of medicine.
Klosau Drug Co.
DeWItt Is the Name
When you go to buy Witch Haze
Salvo look for the name DeWItt on
every box. The pure , unadulterated
Witch Ilu/.t'l IH tiHod In making Do-
WItt'H Witch Hanoi Salvo , which lethe
the host Halve In the world for cutH ,
iiiniH , hrulHCH , bolls , i > ( v.emii and
illos. The popularity cif DoWltt'H
Witch lla/.ol Sulvo , dim to I In many
tiroH , IUIH called nuinoroiiH worthless
otintorfoltH to bo placet ! on the mar-
( ft. The genuine boars the nanio of
3. C. DoWItt & Co. . Chicago.
Sold by Klesau Drug Co.
A Physician Healed.
Dr. George Ewlng , A prominent phy-
Iclan of Smlth'H Grove , Kentucky ,
or over thirty years , writes hU per-
onal experience with Foloy's Kldnoy
'uro : "For years I had been greatly
othorcd with kidney and bladder
rouble and enlarged prostate gland.
used everything known to thy pro-
csslon without relief , until I com-
tienced to use Foloy'fl Klanoy Curo.
After taking three bottles 1 was on-
Iroly relieved and cured. I prefierlh'J
t now dally In my practice and hcurt
ly recommend It to all phyH'cl.m ' >
or Hiich troubles. I have prtuu'rlbcd
t In hundreds of cases wlvh perfect
KIcsau Drug Co.
Save the Children.
Ninety-nine of every hundred ills-
'UHOH that children have are due to
llsordors of the stomach , and these
llsordors are all caused by Indigos-
Ion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is Just
is good for children as It Is for
ulultH. Children thrive on It. It
< eeps tholr litvlo stomachs sweet and
ncourages their growth and tlovel-
ipiuent. Airs. Henry Carter , 75 Cen-
nil St. , Nashville , Tenn. , says :
'My little boy Is now throe years old
uul has been suffering from Indigos-
Ion ever since ho was born. I have
uid the best doctors In Nashville ,
nit failed to do him any good. After
islug ono bottle of Kodol ho was a
veil baby. I recommend It to all
sufferers , " Kodol digests what you
at and makes the stomach sweet.
Sold by Klesau Drug Co.
Foley's Kidney Cure.
Will euro Drlght's disease.
VIM euro diabetes.
Will cure stone In the bladder ,
ill cure kidney and bladder diseases
Foley's Kidney Cure will euro all
llseases arising from disordered kid
leys or bladder.
Kiesau Drus Co.
Many persons in this community
ire suffering from kidney complaint
vho could avoid fatal results by us-
ng Foley's Kldnoy Cure.
Kiesau Dnu Co.
Wonderul Nerve.
Is displayed by many a man en-
luring pains of accidental cuts ,
vounds , bruises , burns , scalds , sore
'eot or stiff joints. Bu'c there's no
iced for It. lUicklen's Arnica Salvo
will kill the pain and euro the tronbl
t.'s the host salvo on earth for piles ,
too. 25c at Asa K. Leonard's drug
A Very Close Call.
"I stuck to my engine , although
every joint ached and every ne.-ve
was racked with pain , " writes C. W.
Dellamy , a locomotive fireman of Bur-
Ington , Iowa. "I was weak and pale ,
without any appetite and all run down.
As I was about to give up , I got M
jottle of Electric Bitters , and after
aking It. I felt as well as I ever did
in my life. " Weak , sickly , run down
[ icople always gain now life , strength
and vigor from their use. Try them.
Satisfaction guaranteed by Asa K.
" . Price 50 cents.
Quick Relief for Asthma Sufferers ,
Foloy's Honey and affords im
mediate relief to asthma sufferers in
the worst stages and If taken in tlmo
well effect a cure.
Kiesau Dru. ; Co
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
This preparation contains all of the
dlgestants and digests all kinds ol
food. It gives Instant relief and rievei
fails to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. The mostsensitive
stomachs can take it. By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics lia"c been
cured aftcreverythlng else fulled. la
unequalled for the stomach. Child
ren with weals stomachs thrive on it.
Cures all stomach troubles
by E. O , UKWITT & Co , , Ghlcagc
sSli timesthuSOc.
I You cannot drive purchasers
; to any particular store. You
can win them by convincing
arguments ,
o A convinc&g argument attractively -
! , ' tractively displayed in the ad-
I' vertising columns of this paper
will reach the eyes of hundreds
; | of buyers in this community.
After the njre of 45 or 50 , when the vital powers are naturally weaker ,
It Is noticed that a httrt of any kind heals slowly nnd ofteu a very insignifi
cant .scratch or bruise
on , Jno no
becomes ( l bad lllccr or pnin or inconvenience , and I should have forgot-
Sore At this time of ton ahout H hurt It not boKun to InUuino and Itch ; It
i it . -I . , , . (1 , would bleed n. llttlo. then ncab over , but would not
lilt ; warty jjrowllin , hoal. This continued for omo tltno then the Cancer
lllok'S find pimples thnt j'ofran to oat nnd spread , until It wa aa larRo nn a
Have been „ . . the l , l ' " "f dollar , when 1 hoard of B. B. B. and clptortnlned
on body to Kive Jt fnir trial , and It IB remarkable what a
Illmost from birth begin wonderful effect It had from the bejrinnlnir ; the iora
; . , < lr , . . , , . o.,1 /.ci.r bniran to heal and after taklnir a few bottles dlsap-
iniiainc ano IChlcr , , ) oar0ii entirely. This was two year * affo i there are
Utld before Very long still no signs of the Cancer , and my Renoral linnltl
arc large cnUng ulcers. ° ° tlnueB K' ° - Mrs. B. SlfcnEK , Wyaconda , Mo.
Whenever n sore or 'ulcer is slow in healing then you may be sure
something is radically wrong with your blood. Some old taint or poison
that has been slumbering there for years , is beginning to assert itself ,
and breaks out and becomes n bad nicer nnd perhaps the beginning of
Cancer. These old sores are rooted in the blood , and while washes , soaps ,
salves , etc. , keep the surface clean , they are not healing. A blood
medicine to purify and strengthen the polluted blood
and n tonic to build tip the general system is what
is needed , nnd S. S. S. is just such a remedy. No
poison is so powerful and no germ so deadly
that this great vegetable blood remedy cannot reach
it , and ulcers of every kind quickly yield to its wonderful cxtrativc prop
erties. If you have an old sore or ulcer , write us all about it , and medical -
cal advice or any information you may desire will be given by our physi
cians without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIfIG CO. , ATLANTA , GA ,
Schlitz Means
The best materials the best that money can buy.
A brewery as clean as your kitchen ; the utensils as clean.
The cooling done in filtered air , in a plate glass room.
The beer aged for months , until thoroughly fermented , so
it will not cause biliousness.
The beer filtered , then sterilized in the bottle.
You're always welcome to the brewery for the owners are
proud of it. per sale by
And the size of it proves that Wm. G. Berner ,
know the Norfolk
people worth of
The Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous 1
A week at '
Make A New
Bath in the World
Ask AnTicketAg
tow Ra tea
Married or Single , in Northeast Nebraska.
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