The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 07, 1903, Page 12, Image 12

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    NOUKOI.K NMWS : ] M11IAY ) , AVdl'ST 7 , HIM.
Throng hoiiI
Under the now ownernhlp it
Complolo Now Hrivlen him been In-
stalled. Kvery modern rimvoiiloiirit.
New Carpel * ,
Now Decorations ,
New Furniture.
L , A , BARTHOLOMEW , Owner.
C. II. VAIL , Manager.
Has just , boeii opttnrd by Mrs.
losoph Schwarf/ I.'in South
Fourth strmt. All soils of
Fancy Embroidery Silks ,
Sofa Cushion Covers ,
Kto. , are for wilo. A
depart menl , also , for
Embroidery lessons given. Mitn Kiln
Sohnnmohor a lnlM in this hraniih.
Brainard & Armstrong Silks ,
The Harpist
Will furnish nnisio for dancing parlies ,
private parties , oto. Address tlll'J I Nor
folk avenue.
Ostuopatlilc Physician.
iiPPH biilli iirutn anil clil'nuld micc'CKur
truutml Illniul IIPO of ilniKR or knifo.
Olllon i\t ronlilmico , liv.l North KHli Hluvt.
Phone , No. U.M Noitroi.h
Mrs , Sadie Hart Millet
Graduate of Amuripan ehool ofOaiuo
pn hy , nndor founder of the KMOIICIV
Uoeidonco and otllco , ! I07 Madison Avn.
Hours irom 1) ) a.m. to > l p. in.
If you have a buggy or vehicle of any
hind got your tires ri'sut on ono of
Henderson's ' Tire Setting Machines !
It sots tlioin cold. It does the work
hi a few minutes timo. It Iteojis the
ditih of wheels just right. It does the
work perfectly. It is a wonderful im-
provoinont over the old mot hod.
Norfolk , Neb.
Armory Hall
Second tloor of the O'noy
building , corner First Htrwit
and Norfolk avonun.
This Hall with its splendid
lloor , good light and ea-.y approach
preach , is now available for
Dances , Socials , Fairs oto , etc ,
For torniH and dates iuquiro
104 South Fourth Street ,
H. R. Ward has gone to Omaha to
spend Sunday.
A. Degner was a passenger for
Wlsnor this morning.
Mrs. C. V. Gibbon of Lincoln is the
guest of Mrs. C. F. Shaw.
Mrs. J. 1C. Ilutchlnson of Oakdalo
was In the city 'ihls morning.
O. F. Ullgcr. veterinarian , wont to
HogklnR this afternoon on business.
MIfMt Uirena Creal loft last ovonliiK
for NoliKh for a few days' visit with
relatives and friends.
Mrs.V. . H. Shippco returned last
night from Albion , where she had
gone to a'itond the funeral of a
Misses Kdna Dtirland and Edith
Parker have returned from tholr trip
to Boston and other points oast.
Miss May Durland Is just now visit
ing In Omaha and will return to Nor
folk within a day or two. Miss Laura
llnrlainl Is still visiting
friends and rela.ilhes.
Dr. A. MlltloHladt , donllHt , IllMhop
block. ToloplmiH. 00.
Attention T. P. A.
Thorn will ho a mooting of Ilio T.
I1. A. . 1'onl Iat the I'acillo hotel par-
lorn Kittunlay afternoon atI o'clock
All moinhern are roquimlcd Vo ho
( ! , 10 Oreeiie , 1'roHldetit.
Otto Tapport , Hecrolary.
Stnndlnuo no Recorded up Till
Noon Today.
The vote at noon today wan :
Mi'H. I'JItdo ' Desmond. NoiTolU. . I7.I50S
Miss Lucy Shaffer , Ko. Norfolk. I7..TJI
MlHH Miuid Tannuhlll , Warnor-
vlllo l.itr.ll .
Mrs. ( ' . II. Vail. Ilio Oxnard. . . ILSI
Minn .lonnlo AvoryUa'illo Crook , fill
AVIi.v .Sfiiiulil WoVorIit
\Vork IH aelhlty In nmio plmHn of
onr life. I.IIV Is manifested In aotlvl-
t.v , and Iniirthlly would be stagnation ,
which would l ' Tata ) to lift1.
In ( In1 universe \vhoro\er thwe IH life
there Is activity. Tills IH true In the
vegetable , Ilic animal and Ibo human
worldn. 'I'lils at'llvlly Is a necessity
which rmiH through all organic life ,
The life that IH not crowned with en
nobling \\ork of some kind , either for
one's own llvellhiMid or Tor the good ol'
others , IH an empty Mfo an nlinornnil
\\'ork Is natural ; Idleness unnatural.
Work builds up , and Inactivity tears
down. Idleness IH a violation of onr
helm ; , llenee It Is unmoral ,
There are manifold reasons why we
Hhoilld work and no reason why we
should not. Those who arc not obliged
to lalior for their dally hreail should
choose work of Home kind In oh < dlenco
to the universal law that we see run
ning all creation.
lie who was of the opinion ( hut "the
man who does not work should not
eat" realized Hie demoralizing Iniluenec
of a life spent In Idleness. American
IiOiiUcil IilUo llor Fiillii'r'M Work.
A certain surgeon had three lex am
putation cases In a week. The unusual
luunhi'i' of serious and similar opera
tions naturally cruised talk In the sur
geon's household , and his little dangh-
ter WIIH greatly Interested. A few days
after the last operation the sijr/joon's /
wife and daughter were runinniglng In
the attk * . In a trunk was found a
daguerreotype depleting a girl of about
eight years of ago. The portrait
through a peeullarlly of pose showed
only one lew of the subject , the other
beliiK doubled up under her In a man
ner truly feminine.
"Whoso picture Is that , mamma ? "
asked the surgeon's daughter.
"Mine. It was taken when 1 was a
child not much older than yon are
now. "
"Hid you know papa tlicnV"
"No , dear. Why do you ask ? "
" 1 thought maybe- yon did "cause
you've only pit one let , ' . "
TinMuni ainilr IIIN rollln.
The Macedonian was sent to the
Hrooklyn navy yard to have a new
nuiHt put Into her. Old .lack Rtaily
bossed the yard then , and Captain
Hudson was commandant. When the
job was llnishcd and the ship was
about to sail .lack called on the com
mandant. "Captain , " he said , "I've
axed you few favors In my time , hut
I'm Koln' to bother yon with one now.
\Yhen old .lack pies to Davy .limes'
locker he wants you to send him below
In a box made out of that old mast.
Will you do It , sir ? " The mptuln
promised. Old Jack died not long after
ward , and Hudson was as good as his
word. The mast was cut down and
sawed Into boards , and the honest soul
was burled In a collin made of thorn.
Ton 'IVmplluur.
Miss Arabella I'avton had Ion , ? since
Bald goodby to her youth , but nobody
had accused her of doing It with resig
" \Vha"t were yon thinking of to start
Cousin Arabella off In that merry-go-
roundV" asked Mrs. .Icnnlngs at the
county fair. She had Just received her
dlvw.y and disheveled relative at the end
of a trip on the Hying horses.
"You needn't look so severe at me , "
said Mr. Jennings reproachfully when
Cousin Arabella had been deposited on
n settee and left to recover her equilib
rium. "She heard a woman say the
machine was enough to scare anybody
out of ten years' growth , and after
that she was possessed to ride In It. "
Wily to UlMilny 11 TrouNNoaii ,
An Arabian bride Is arrayed In all
her dresses , one over the other. She Is
perched on a high stool , so that they all
hang down over It , and one by one
they are taken off with much display
mid admiring comment from the
guests. The last is , of course , tlfe most
beautiful. The bridegroom Is hidden
In some corner where he can see Ids
future wife's dowry , which , however ,
ho may not touch.
Servian frm-lty.
Tljo Servians have long been notorious
rious for the cruelty exercised by them
In the punishment of political prison
ers , They are conllued In subterranean
cells , with just enough air to keep
them alive. , The fortress at llolgrado
contains a deep well , dating back to
Roman times , which Is believed to con
tain the skeletons of many of these
The News has for Bale 700 to SOO
pounds of eight point body typo at
15 cents a nound , In cases or tied up.
Cases , $1.00 a pair. . This typo has
boon used in tjie colulnns of The News
and Is a bargain at the price offered.
A Norfolk Barber Shaves a
Man in 17,2 Seconds.
U. M. Klnncc Sweeps the Whlnkcrs
off the Fncc of Charlie Mnrqunrdt ,
jr. , In Lc s Time Thnn It Tnkcs to
Tell It Mcdnl up.
Homollilng nnhpto In the way of
a world's record WHS made In Norfolk
voHlcrday afternoon when II. M. Kin-
HIM' , a 'iotiHorlal arllsl In tin1 shop of
f. 10 , Hail ford , shaved Mm faro of
Oharllo Manpiardt , jr. It look the
harbor Just I7.U Hoeonds aflor HID
hlado of his rn/or was set In motion ,
lo KWeep every single whisker ( hut
was on It , ol ! the face of ManpmnK.
Ineldonlally II shaved the record
tlmo of the world Just 10.8 seconds.
The best over done until Mm Nor
folk man performed yesterday , was
In as seconds , by a barber down In
( ii'orgla. The 1'ollco ( ) a/elto ban a
nrl/o cotnpotllloii on for Mils turn ,
mil Klnneo has will In his tlmo.
\ $ af > modal Is offered. Kiunebody
will bavo In I'ttrry to heal It.
The operation lasted just Ion ; ;
"iioiigli for a sharp nr/or lo be drawn
down ono cheek , up aiiothor , under
,1m chin and across Ilio upper Up ,
The time was hop ! by a slop watch.
Wanted Two or Ihreo appronMe.oH
for fall millinery work. Call at my
itoro for particulars.
Miss 15. .1. Mender.
Mrs. Kri'd Terry is numbered with
the Hick.
Mrs. Nelllo Miler of Omaha Is vis
iting her paronvs , Mr. and Mrs. O.
I ) . Munson.
Mr. and Mrs. lOiigeno Wheeler ot
I'lorco were I ho guests of F. A. Kill-
nor and family the llrst of the week.
Clove Reeves watt over from Mad
ison Krhlav.
T. D. 1'reece sold his dray business
to ICd Knorst Monday.
Fred llenslon was down from
Meadow ( ! mvo I'Yiday.
Horn , on the I'.lsl , a ( laughter 'co
Mr. and Mrs. Krod I'Jyl.
Loren ? Thomsen of Tililua visited
his brother M. U , Friday.
.laeob Mtiollor In building a now
house on his farm on Deer creek.
Carl .lohannsen and Manila Thorn-
sen were down from Tllden Monday.
Rev. Mr. MIesIer of Columbus
preached in vho Lutheran church
A daughter was Lorn to Mr. and
Airs. Undolph Hlolch last Saturday
lightning killed MUteon head of fat
steers belonging to .Inlin Ilughos last
Friday night.
Fred Koester , clerk in "a drug store
at donna , vlsi'ecd with his parents
here this week.
Mrs. Win. Decker and children of
Innian wore visiting nvlatlves lion1
the fore part of the week.
.1. 11. McAllister , a Holt county
ranchman , and brooder of Ualloways.
was here on husiiiess Saturday.
Goo. W. Losoy went to Innian Sat
urday to look after some cattle he
has on Maas & . Hrechler's ranch.
Henry Stuck wise-It , who lives south
east of town , suffered a stroke of pa
ralysis , Saturday , bat is getting
some belter.
C'has. Probst moved into the Sehrel-
ber house in Highland park Thurs
day , having recently bought tin.- prop
erty from Henry Fnchs.
Krnost , the ( i-year-old sou of Her
man lOylt fell twenty-Vwo feet from
a tree while after a bird's nest , and
broke his log below the hip.
Mrs. F. 11. h. Willis and daughter
Miss Jessie , Mr. and Mrs. .lohn Ot'i
and Mr. ami Mrs.V. . H. Daniel loft
Wednesday for a pleasure trip to
I.os Angeles and other points on the
I'acillo coast.
of ( In- Heart ,
la wounds of the heart Itself the es
cape of blood is never In large quan
tity , and the lethal consequences arc
tine to the fact that the escape of blood
from within its cavity or cavities into
the surrounding sae of the pericardium
mechanically Interrupts the alternate
contraction and expansion by which
Us pumping action Is maintained. Ac
cordingly the results of the wound of
the heart are usually Identical with
those of gradual suffocation. Ameri
can Medicine.
A New Book Descriptive of Omaha Is-
utd by the North-Western Line.
Ono of the most attractive railroad
publications that his been seen In
quite a whllo Is the booklet descript
ive of Omaha , Council muffs and
SouthOnioha , now being distributed
by the passenger department of the
Chicago and North-Western Ry. It
Is a very interesting publication , giv
ing a mass of Information as to the his
torical , civic and commercial growth
of the cities named , all gotten up In
excellent taste , handsomely Illus
trated and bound la an attractive
The North-Wcstorn Line Is to bo
complimented on the spirit evidenced
In producing this publication , which
It la to bo hoped will bo of much value
to those cities to wlirwt * Interest the
llttlo voltimo IH tlovotod.
A copy of the booh may bo scoured
on receipt ofcent. . Htiitnp m < nt to II.
C. C'hoynoy , ( loiiora ) Ag&ul , 1101 Far-
mini HI. , Omaha.
G. A. R , National Encampment , Snn
The : i7th Annual irncanipmont of
the ( iraml Army of the Republic will
lake place at San Francisco , August
17th to 22d , Inclusive.
Department Commander Kslello of
II. . " Nebraska CI. A. R. Invlteii all old
ciimrades and their friends to turn out
and accompany the Nebraska , c.otitln-
gi-nl on the outgoing trip , an ho in
aiixloiiK to obtain an good a roprcson-
tit Ion for Nebraska IIH posi'.hlo.
The olllclal train will leave Omaha
A'iiiHl 1 III ) . Bloopers and tlcketH
should bo secured over the Union Pa-
clllc before that dale.
The Union Paclllc will spare no of-1
foil to glvo the veterans and tholr
frii-nds Ilio best norvlco and a mo4
corifortablo trip across the contlnoii' |
Unusually liberal arraiigomonlH lor
ald'i trips and slopovorn covering all ,
points of Interest on route and in
Ca'lfornla. '
For further Information write or
call on .1. IJ. KlBoffor , Agent
See the JapanoMo ; > . : ' . . . .o.-eem at
Huffman & VIolo's.
Two Cbldrcn of Mrs. J. II. Watson
Have Each a Drokcn Arm , Fract
ured Identically Alike.
Misfortunes by vho p.iir vhdted the
t'liiiily of ,1. II. Watson yesterday af-
in on. Starting from her homo
it of ( ho city with a child \\-ho
,11 was broken , Mm. Watson ar-
i\ed in Norfolk with two children
, ho had fractured bones for the d-u- )
'nr ' ' , ( ) sol. A little U-yoar-old tot had
ml en an arm In play. Mrs. Watson
luted to Norfolk. She lifted an inuit -
uit child , but a few weeks old , into
1 buggy and turned to pick up the
ij ired one , when the baby fell out
. i.l fractured Idenvleally the watno
i 'lie that had been broken on the
the cJdor child.
Sr , iff ThU Shoe SiiU-NiniuiN Theory
Fits Viiur Cane.
"The ( itie&tion of which foot to lit
llrst is an important one to us , " s.ild the
shoe salesman. "It may seem strange to
yon , but it is rarely that we do not ex
perience pome trouble in fitting one
foot while the other U easily -overed.
A popular belief obtains that the ! , .ft
foot of every person is the hardest tr
fit , and consequently many shoe clerk ;
always try a shoe on that foot llrst. It
Is not true , however , according to mj
observation , that there 1st any Inilcx'.iih
rule as to which foot to try llrst. It i-
true , nevertheless , that In a mi.orlt\ ; |
of eases If you succeed In lilting t'le ' lei't
foot you will have no trouble with t'u '
right. My practice is to try both f vt
before I pronounce a pair of shoes a
perfect lit. Then I am stir of aiMlnj. . '
any mistake growing out of P"ciillar
Hies of foot formation. No two per
sons have feet formed exactly alike
and the shoe salesman who thinks s <
and Is governed accordingly will nuvt
with many complaints.
"For some time I pondered ovoj * the
problem of lilting shoos to feet. Mid < <
peclally as to why the left foot Im.ild
bo considered the standard by w'dch '
to be governed. The only ration \ t ! > < >
ory I have ever been able to ov < .l\e I
a very simple one when you come tr
consider it. Nine out of ton pi-r-ioii
you meet are right handed , as we sav
About one person In ten , or perbain the
per cent is even less thin : that , u es his
left hand. If you will observe p r o-i'--
who use the right hand when th'-y ' are
standing and talking they Invariably
rest their weight on the left foot. And.
vice versa , a left handed perstnrill
rest bis or her weight on the rl-ht ; foot.
The result Is that with right handed
persons the left font Is probably a frac
tion larger than the right foot , and the
shoe clerk must Inevitably find this to
bo a fact sooner or later. " New Or
leans Tlmos-liemocrat.
He Mel IIn Match.
The Russian marshal Snvaroff wai
famous as a Jester and was fond of
confusing tl'e men under his command
by asking them unexpected aixl ab
surd questions. lint occasion.illy he
met his match. Thus , one bitter Janu
ary night , such as Russia only can pro
duce , he ro le up to a sentry anil de
manded :
"How many stats are there in the
sky ? "
The soldit-r , not a whit disturbed , an
swered coolly ;
"Walt a llttlo , and I'll tell you. " And
ho deliberately commenced counting ,
"One , two , three , " etc.
When he had reached 100 , SuvaroT ,
who was half frozen , thought It hinh
tlmo to ride off , not. however , without
Inqnlrlng the name of the ready reck
oner. Next day the latter found him
self promoted.
A ITarlem mother who has twins and
Is perforce obliged to study the pe
culiarities of the species alllrms that
never has she punished one of them
they are both boys for a misdeed but
that the other committed the Identical
offense at the very llrst opportunity.
Moreover , If one asks a question , es
pecially In regard to an unusual hap
pening , In the absence of tluvothor his
brother almost Invariably repeats the
query and very frequently In the same
Her twins are not bad boys , but
the mother says that she Is satis
fied of the fact that twins require as
much attention and make as much
noise as four ordinary children. New
York Times. >
There are more things in the Lumber
I business than arc dreamed of in your Pliilos-
ophy , Horatio , and just exactly those have
been studied by the Chicago Lumber Company -
; pany until they arc versed in it all. If you
need anything in the way of
> Tell the Chicago Lumber Company all about
| it. They will fill the bill a bit better and a
| bit more reasonably than elsewhere in Nor-
I folk.
50 L\imber Company j
W. II. nUOIIOL'Picsidont. . '
ALEX. REAR , Vice President.
E. W. HUTCashutr. .
The Oldest Established Bank'in Northeast Nebraska.
Capital , $100,000,00 , surplus , $20,000,00 , ; :
' DOCS 3 General BoyH'mid Soils JBxchange. Interest Paid
Ol ! ' "ne Deposits. Drafts and Money
. Banking BllSinCSS Orders Soldon any Point in Europe. A
Gotionxl Steamship and Foreign. PassaRo' Transacted.
The Citizens National Bank. .
OAPITAI , , $50,000. SUUI-MTS , 10,000.
liny mid Soil KxcluuiKo on tliie Country nnd all parts of Europoj Farm Loans. '
ASMUHV. . II. JOHNSON CKAS , S. liuiooi : F. McQiviiRN C. M. SWANK
? O
Sweetwater Bock Spring. ,
U Scranton Hard Coal. r
'PHONE 61.
Get What You Ask for at. . .
\4 \
ALL ORDERS are Filled Promptly and with Care. Onr
goods are FIRST-CLASS in every particular. Wo know pre
cisely what is wanted by onr customers.
We Aim to Give You the Best Value for Your Money ,
flaln St. , between 2d and 3d. Telephone No. 41.
Colorado pos sessns some of
the finest fish ing and hunt-
ing grounds on "earth , t li e
dense forests * being the nat-
urul covert for < spiffoP'V elk , deer , and
other gauio. Its myriads of streams teem
with mountain trout ; its lakes , while
also f nil of attractions for the angler ,
are also the hannt of millions
of gesso , ducks , and
other wild fowls.
Splendid Train Service' , to Colorado
Accommodations provided for all
clusses of passengers.
During the summer.
Full information nmy boolitaluoil l y nildros
J.B. ELSEF1LR , Agent.
. .TRY THE. .
Daily News Job Department