10 MIU MJIIKOLK NUWS KJtIDAV , AHIUST 7 , ! ! ) ( ) ! ) . THE NORFOLK NEWS \v. \ . 111 M : , II VII \ . lirNtnttiMiiMl 1SS7 1 Kvory day CM opt Hnndny Uv i ni rlor pi'r wooU , i : > 1-oitin. Uj mull i'ni \VKKKI.V MJU.s-.IIM U\\l. : . The Now * , l iilnlilliili ( l , ISM. Tim Journal. Kutnlilli'lu'il , 1SS7. Kvnry Krlilny. "y mull P My mr , fl fin. Rpnulnl Nolloo AiUiim-u milmrrln- tloim to tin ) NI WH- Join mil will Im tiiUou Until Ootolior Ifl nt the rnto or $1.00 per your. Did milim-i I born tuny Imvo tlio luniullt i thin into by PMJ- Inn ntionrniroN lo diito nl the loKiilnr mihHcrlptloti pilm ami no your In ndvant'o , Thin Kpoclal offer will lie wttltilrawn Ololior l . Kntoroil at the pontoUlm nt Noi- follc , Noli , tin IHOIMIIII ! eliiHN mat lor. Tolopliono1 Kdltnrliil liopnrtinoiil , No. Si. llimlni'HH Ollli'o anil Job Ititoinn , No. 1IS1 ! Republican Judicial District Convun- lion. To ( lie ropiihlldin ivWtor * nf llm NlnUi Jndl- clnltllnlrlrt or NiliniNkn Notion IB liuroli ) k'lvi'ii lluil n ropiOmnin judi cial rotiMMillon will Im linld nl Norfolk , Ni - lirnnkn , mi tln > I7tli tin ) of AimuM , IW.I , ill II o'clock n. in , Fol lln' pnrpitHit of noinltmllim 11 rniulldnfofor JiuUo < > f liui Ninth jndliMiu dl tflot nnil tin' liaiiHiii'llou of "iirli iillmr hum IIPM n * m y roMtilnil * IOIMO In'foin II Tim HII\- ornl C'MlllHtnof mud dUtrli'l mi'iMilltl'Ml In tln > following riMiniMMiliitlon , linn-don Ilir vnlo if .1 II. Mlnknv ( iroMTtiorl In Souimlw , Ml ) . ! ' AllUlop" . mVnjli. . l < Knox . I" ! , . I' , Total . . 171 Tl i rt > Oi.innii > i.iliMl li > tli" I'oimnittii' lluil im prokli'H lie alhmnd In mid roiiu'iilloli , lint lluil the ( tohwntPN pri"i > lit ! > ( > allimod In oimt tlio full votiMif tin' riiillity rni'loHnntrd li ) Iliinii. II ) onli'ro' tlmroinndtlt'H. tll.o. F. Ho\U , J. fl. lUltsiJH. Sorrnturjr. Cliiilriiinn. FA rrs AIIOUT NKMUA SKA. Tlio ooniputltUm for tlio normal HCliool location In roHpnimlblo for tin' coinpllu'ilon of seine InlortwlliiK facln ami HKWOH alionl Nolirasltii Inform utlon no ICHH IntoroHtliiK IIOIMIIIHO cm liorthul In tlio iirKiimonlH nilviuiroc In linlmlf of ono of the compoHnu Cltll'H. \Vo Imvo heard a great deal o ! north 1'latto and south IMallo In No Imiskii poll'ilctt and of tlio rlvor conn tk'H ami the Moinl-arltl n' lon , lint thuro lit much mlMapiirehiMiMlon an lt > what UIOHO torniH really Minify. According to tlio laul COIIHUH Ne bniHlm has a population of 1,0)8,5 ! ! ! ) Of thin number I'.Ki.SSO uro sionth ol the IMatto river .while fiTUi.V. ) are north of It , the nxc.oss of population north of the river lioliiK 80.7711. Not wltlmtandlnt ; ( his dlstrlhntlon of pop illation , the stale at ( lie prononl tluu has , oxcln.slvo of vlio cupltol , llfle ( > n Htato liiHtltntlon Hiipported by imhllc rovonuoH , of which eleven uro nouth < if the 1'latto rlvor and only four north. Kor the Htuto Institutions sou'ih of the IMuttu the last lo is- latnro npproprlatod $7,707.i0.pi , while for these north of the river It up proprlutod ? ; i7.ti:0. : ! : although the assessed valno of property tiixod to supply the state rovonuon north of Mio I'latto rlvor Is ever ton millions more than that muitli. The center of NehruKlux's popula tion nt the proHont tlmo IH computed to ho hotwoon Osceola , In Polk county , and David City , In llntler county , so tlia't ono half of the pop ulation lies on ouch Hldo of. a line drawn north to south hoUveon these two counties. The geographical center - tor of the state , liowovor , falls within the limits of Ouster county , lint cal culating the population on each side of u line drawn north and south through the geographical center , only uhont 170,000 people nro found west of it und about OOS.flOO east. The clmractor of the soil In the western part of the state is such that the population center Is hardly likely at any tlmo to approach much closer to the geographical center than if docs now. In fixing the location of a normal school designed to accommodate the largest number of people nnd to bo most readily accessible not onlj for the present , but for the future as well , the state board will Imvo to take into consideration all these pertinent facts. The marvelous changes In Nebraska since its -admission to the union arc apt to bo matched by the changes of the1 next quarter century , but the dovolopcmont will bo ulcmg detlnlto lines that can already be discerned. Omaha Deo. THE ATHLE'I fc'S HEART. In tinlloviliin Mim It Is Strong liml Well Dti > l < iii'il. A prominent member nf the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania Med ical school has made a study of the heart action of athletes , lie has ex amined a large number of men in nth- lotles , especially rowing men , and ho has come to the conclusion that no man In perfect health who has boon proper ly trained is injured by rowing , but that , on the contrary , his heart is so strengthened that , with a moderate amount of exorcise after ho has tinlsh- ed his rowing career , there Is no rea son , so far us the heart and lungs are concerned , that ho should not live to a very old age. "Tho heart , " said he , "Is both a very delicate und a very strong organ that Is , If It isell developed It will stand an enormous amount of Mraln without any permanent injury , but If it is not well developed it Is very easily weak ened. Violent exercise , like rowing , places a great deal of strain on the heart because when the body is being exerted It requires so much more pres sure to force the blood through the body. Like any other muscle that Is worked , the heart under the added la bor becomes larger , and most athletes have extra large hearts , Just us they iil > > bine l.it'Mcr miim'K < s throughout the l.i.d . . ) "If the Nduln N put upon the heait suddenly II dilate * It bccomcx larger , but mil mole muMCiihir and thai IM Ihe daiiKi'i- iilhli'llcn If a man cvoivl- * lirudimlly then IiN heart a No IIICIVMKCM In nlxe gradually beemino the miiMcleM become lar.-er , and thin N a perfectly normal condition. It Mlmply muium ( hut the athlete lmn a Hlronger heart than the nvcruKo and can cope with the exti'ti l ni In that IM put upon It. A man nccdx a laiger heart lo row a race , ami If gradual exeirlw IIIIM HO provided him with one then he can wifely nndei'Ko the most Hevere touts. "It IH Ihe Maine way with Ihe lungs , and they m\mt bo developed gradually nnlll they can undertake the extra work. A man with his beait and lungs well developed IH In no danger , no mat ter how hard the race , lie may com pletely Keel over nt the end of the race , but It will likely lie from sheer exhaus tion , nnd Ills heart Is so strong that the effect Is mil at all Injurious. He will bo as good as ever In a few moments. ' -Philadelphia HecorrL TinI'riillli - of n Ili-lulTT Clillil. At times It cannot be denied the qm t- tloim of children become Irksome , but who would wish a child to ask no < i < ics- llonsV Julius Sturm tells In one of his pretty fairy tales how a grandfather , driven Into Impudence by Hie constant questionings of his grandchild , ex claimed , ' ! wish your tongue were out of Joint ! " Hut when unexpectedly his wish was fnllllled and Hie child became dumb how he Joyfully exchanged one of the two years which an angel bad prophesied he was ye | to live for the privilege of hearing the little one's prat tle again ! THE MARKETS. Prices of Produce Prevailing In Chi caQo Todny. Chicago , Aug. 7. Special lo The NOWH : Following uro the closing prices on Chicago grain markets to day : Wheat September. 7'i ! ) ; } ; Uecoin her , SO'Ji ' ; May , 8U % . Corn September , R'J' ' ; December , til ! ; May. liu : ) ' , . Outs September , ItlVi ; December , : ! CMay , ; , 117 % . Yesterday's Quotations. AUK. It. Thc'io WIIH only n moil- 01 lit i' amounl of Imslni'Mi In Hunilii ami piovlxlon pIlN toiln.i nnil rtir ; a latlur llcnrnlH m'HSlimlluilt rlosi-il ilionj ; , Si-p- li'ialiiT bi'lnt ; ' fft'i , ! ' higher. Soploiiilivr oiiin WIIH inicliniict'il , iiaiH wi'io upi' ( , bill pi-o\lKlin i \ \ -io li'/jfili'/jU lower. Olos- ( UK pilucti : Wlii'iil Scpl. , S0"c ; Hep. , Sill : Mny , 8.1 % . Corn K.-pt. , .VJ'i.1HIT. ' ; . , Mr ; .Mny. rrj-c. OutN-scpt. . : ii'V ; Hoc. , ; iii/o , : stny , ; IT- % . ru 1 1. Sept. , sfia.iTV'j ; Mny , $1:1. : 1. I.MUl Sept. , . * ! 7.1K ) ; ( let. , J7.70. HlliH Sopl. , $7.117 ; Oct. , $7.77 ; Mny , ? ( ! .00. ClilciiKO CiiHli I'rlccKNo. . 'J red wheat , file ; No. ; i i cil whcnt , .Ml > , , p ; No. i : splint ; wlifut , HUiifCJo ; Nu. ; i HpibiK win-lit , 7iIt MV , No. ' - ' liniil wlient , 7.s ' ; No. .1 Imul whcnt , 77 Vie ; No. ' - wish corn , .V.'c ; No. II enuli corn , ti'MirW-e ; No. 2 yellow eora. * 'Hie ; No. .1 yolliMV corn , fhloj No. - oiiHh onlH , 'Uii/iiil'.V ; No. 1hllo 1 ! oiitu , ; t.JiUo ( ; ! ; Nu. 3 white 011(8 ( , H Chicago Live Stock. , AllK. 0. Cuttle Itccolptt. , 0,000 , tiictiulliiK WKI ' 1'cMins nnil ; MKestoins ; Kooil to prlnii' steei-H , f'.KV'firi.M ) ; poor to imMllmu , $ ; i.aVi > t.lH ) ; HtoclJi-i-H nnd feeders , $ 'j.r. < Vdi.i ; : ( , cows , $ i.r.Xat..o . ( ; iicifon.M > O 4t5 * ; eiiniicM , $ l.r.0ic..70 ; liulls , J'j.'JOiJ 4.10 ; enhes , s'J..MK(7.KI , ( ; Toxiix fed stoerw , Jll.nOi'iW.Trijeatern Hti'vrs , $ ; i..pOT-l.riO. UOKSUi'i'clpls , today , 1IXK ! ) ; tomorrow , 'JO.OOO ; lefl'oM-r , .I.IKX ) ; HMMIIRO Nlinde low- ur ; nilted nnd bnlclii'is. ? l.ur.5To td ; B' > i'd ' to choice hcnvy , $ "i ilOliri.riO ; roiiRh homy , $ 'i.ix ) ; iieht.i.tVv70 : ( ( ; buiu or miles , ? r.ir. . SK > .40. Sin-up UrrolplK , 10XX ( ) ; sheep low er. Inuilis. HltMiily ; KOOI | to cholcpethers , $ : t.4V.ii.r.O ( ; ; fnlr IP choice inUcd , $ 'J.&Oij 3.IOcstern ; nliecp , $ ; t.KVaiS5 ( ; ; iintlM Iniubd , $ : i.L'.VJiil.lXI | ; western lambs , $5.00(2 ( Kansas City Live Stock. KntiMis City , A\IK. -Cat IUHeeelpts , 5.71K ) nnllM'H ; ; irK ) TexmK cnhes , VO nil- tlve.s , iiOO TeMins ; bnlehef SHUT \\caU to 11)0 ) lo\\ei ; utooKciM und feedeis moie nc.- the , bniely stendy ; choice export * and dressed lieef steers. Jl.rtKyr/.SO ; fair to Ifooil. fa rtv(4.70 , ( ( ; htockt'it. nnd feeders , .l.'i lJ.iri ; western fed steers , $ a4i"ii4 ( > l.3 ; ' 1'exus nnd Indian Htceis , $ I _ > , ' . > ; iJi-4.00 ; Texas cows , J'J.lHMj'.liOj native cows , $ l.ll.i l ( H ) ; imthe helfet-s , $ l-HVcl. ! ; ; eanncrx , $1.00 ® ilS , balls , J.OO'j.l.cnhes ; , J'.UOJt'i. 10. lliiKS-HeeelplH , tl.KH ( ) ; stendy to 5e. hljjU- er ; top. S. , . i , " ; bulk of sales , ? 0.ir..ir:0 ( ; : ; he A.v , J or-- ! , -JOj mixed packurs , $ S.12 ( jQ 5.1 ! . * , ll ht , J-VlTKiir , . lo. j orders , $ .1. UVtfi. ( 15 ; pllts. J.r.t.Vio. : 10. Sheep -liecelpts , ' . ' .NKt ; steady ; unlive bimba , jfa.lXKuri.'ri ; western lambs , $ .MHKiV ( U ; fed owcx. $ 'JVIH'l 75 ; Texas clipped yeailliiKs , $ .IK > 5 ( > | .70 , Texas Clipped sheep , $2.0.V .1i.JOj btoi-Koik UUil * South Omaha Live Stock. South Omaha , AUK. ) . Cnttli' liecolpts , 1SK ) ; slend.N. lower ; nntl\t' .steeis , $ I.U ) 5i5. : cowh uiul heifers , fi.tK ; > j-l.40 ; wett- ein steeis. l.rO'jt-l.-lO ; western cows and hclfeis , fi'jr a.'O ; cioiners , $ l.iOii'.W ; ; btoeki'is and feeders , JJ.tHViN.OO , cahcs , $ 'Jrxvur. w. bulls , btiiBs , etc. , fJ.U'iit-t ( 0(1. ( llous-IteielpLs , 5MKI ! ; steady , stionner ; hpu\y , $ 'iX ( > uf.10 ; mixed. $5.05i(5.10 ( ( ; light , ? .V10ijo ( ! . ' ; pltf. $ "i.lOi ( t5 ; bulk of siile.s , $5X5.10. ( Shrep-lteceliits , a..VW ; steady : yeiulluBs , ft.7WU..10. : wethers , faiVXiiaiVS ; uwos , S'.riOit.'t i,0 ; comiaoa nud stocUeis , ta..T. ItMO ; Limbs , $1..VX5.70. ( | St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph , AUK. I ! . ( . 'attic liecelpts , L , - filXl. steiulv tKlo lower ; nil\cs , $ a.7 < * i { { R.JtTi ; co\\s and helfi-is , J1.75V-I S5. storkers and fccdeis1. $ J.M > ui.STi. : liliesUecelpts , C.II04 ; steady : IlKht , $ "i.ltVu.V4r > . medlaiu uad heaxy4.t'OOl.V.5. ' ' Shuep-Uucelptu , 1- luirer. How's This ? Wo offer ono hundred dollars' reward ward for any case of catarrh that can not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure V. .1. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , OWe Wo , the undersigned , Imvo knowi V. .T i henoy for the lust 15 yours , urn lioliuvo him porfoc/tly homirublo In al business transactions and llnanclallj able to carry out any obligations made by their linn. West & Trauv. Wholesale Druggists Toledo , O. , Wuldlng , Klnnnn & .Vnr vln , Wholesulo Druggists , Toledo , O Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In toinally , acting directly upon th blood and mucous surfaces of the sys torn. Testimonial ! ) sent free. Prlc 7fip per bottle. Sold by nil drnggls'Ji , Hall'B family pllly uro the best. Much Loss is Occasioned by Storm in Colorado. TOWN Or LAPAYBTTE TLrODED -Uij- ( Chunks ef Ice Slny Stock , Wreck Buildings nriJ : Dcst.oGropj In Naljhbo.hooU { of Grocicy Hall to.itl TtQfflc Dlockytl. Denver , AUK. 7. Details of the torin , whldj prevailed alonr it < i i I'll Hlopo of the Iidcky mn'inia ' n in 'olorudo unU soulhein \\j.nini ; , how It to blue been mm h m < > tt t > ere than i\t llrht "repiirli',1. , In nnn eclloiiH the hall full WUH unpri < i ili-ai d. In tlio iielKhborlioiid ol ( ii < il < y ml ICulon , In the iiorthi > in pan of ' 'olunulo , cl'iinUa of Ice mi.i-unni , in oino IiiHtaiKc ten Inches In ! ivMi. 'ell , und the duimiKO wrounh ! v.iM.I leiiHO. Sheep were iitrncU d i' < l In 10 I'orrulu anil cuttlo nud horn' iv ro everely Injured. Kiirm IUHIXI-B und uiniM were wreclted and < mtw utti r y wiped out of exlHteuce. m , u ( Jrfi ey a man named Johnson \\UH NM < re y hrulRel und rendered iimnf m ioii' < ly the hall. Near Unfa > eiti fnln icro were two .ilorniR , the s > < ud fol nvlng the Ilrst within llltccn nuiitea. . ml with grouter neveiliv The ( reels of tlio town were lie li > 1. rel urn partially III led with \uiti - and .roes . und slirulihery tlrlppi'i ] f' ' > H ge. Many wlndown wenI'roliin ' 'ho crops In the counlry Hiitru uidlnj ; vere doslioyod. Hull lav 01 to ; ronnd In many plnren to a ib ilh of wo feet. The damage In and < i nnid ul'uyellc Is entlmnted at $ Jimmo n soiitliern Colorado the ramlall was ery heavy , approaching UKi i rupnr ioim of a cloudburst In seveml u ! i > OR Railroad trulSlc was stopped i n the ! lo Cirumlo for Homo lime1 1 > . \ \\IHI ! uts. 'i'he Santa l''u ' w.ia also si i iotisly ffeclcd. A Physician Healed. Dr. ( icoi'ge living , rt promiii' ' ' i > ln ieltin of Smith's drove , ivi > tmU\ ir over thirty yearn , writes b pi i ciml ox'porionco with Kole\ ' > K'.lirv 'ure : "l''or ' jeurs 1 hud been * < MI iiithered with Uldney and I I n'l'i i rouble and enlarged pnM.itc gbnii" used evor.v'.liinp ; Uno\\n to t1 pm esslon without relief , nnlil 1 run lenced to use Folo.v's Kiine > Cnn \fter taUIng Ihreo hollies 1 \ \ i . in rely rellev ( > d and cured. 1 PH .nil" now dully In my pruellce ami lu > irl y recoinnund it to all ph > - - clan or such troubles. 1 lm\o pro < , ciib d I In bundled * of cases \\l.li . jierliv t UCCOSH. " Drmt C'o Quick Relief for Asthma Sufferc > ' Kolej's .Honey and Tar afl'ot 1-i l-n ledlule relief to usthma sulfc . IN in ho worst stages and if taken i'i time \oll offecv a cure. Klesau DHIJ ; Co Domestic Troubles. It is exceptional to Hud a famll > vhore there are no domestic rupture * ccuslonally , but these can bo less oned by having Dr. King's Ne.v l ile Mils around. M.uch trouble they save iy their great work In stomach and Ivor troubles. They not only relieve on. but cure.2.ric , at Asa K. Loon mi's drug s'.oro. Many persons in this community xro suffering from kidney complaint vlio could avoid fatul results by us- ng Foloy's Kidney Cure. Kiesan Drttij Co. "I had diabetes In Its worst form , ' vritos Marlon Leo of Dunreuth , hid. , ' 1 tried eight physicians without n - lot' . Only three bot'iles of Foloy's \ldnoy Cure made mo a well man. " Foley's Kidney Cure is a medicine roe from poisons and \\ill cni-e any case of kidney disease that is bo.veud ho roacU of medicine. 'Klesau DIT.Ko. ' . Wonderul Nerve. Is displayed by many a man on- luring pains of accfdental cuts , wounds , bruises , burns , scalds , sere feet or stltf joints. Uu't there's no leeil for It. Bucldon's Arnica Salvo will kill tlio pain and euro the trouble t's the best salvo on earth for piles , too. : > 5c at Asa K. Leonard's drug store. Foley's Kidney Cure. Will euro Mright's disease. Will euro diubct js. Will cure stone In the bluddoi. Will euro kidney und bladder diseases Kolcy's Kidney Cure will euro all diseases arising from disordered kidneys noys or bladdor. Kiesau Drus Co. A Very Close Call. " 1 stuck to my engine , although every joint ached and every no.-vo was racked with pain , " wrltos C. W Uollnmy , a h ; omotlvo ilremnn of Bur lington , Iowa. " 1 was weak and pale without any appetite nnd all run down As I was about to glvo up , I got 'j bottle of Electric Hitter ; ? , and aftet taking it. I felt as well us I ever dh In my life. " Weak , sickly , run down people always gain now life , stromjtl and vigor from their use. Try thorn Satlsfnctlon guaranteed by Asa K Leonard. Vrlco 50 cents. Saved From Terrible Death. The family of Airs. M. L. Bobblt o lini'Korton , Tonn. , saw her dylna ; aiu were poworlet's to save hor. The most skillful nJiyslclans and ovorj remedy used , failed , whllo cousnmp tlon was slowly but surely taking he- life. In this terrible hour Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption turne.l ' despair Into joy. The nrst bottle hi ought immediate relief und its con- tinned use completely cured her. Its the most coivain euro in the world for all throat and lung troubles. Guar anteed bottles fiOo and ? t.OO. Trial bot'Uos free at Asa K Leonard's drug store. Consumption Threatened , C. linger , 211 Maple street , Cham- pali n HIild's "I v , ai Irouulod With a hacMiiK ( oiiKh fur it ) < > , ir , tn. | I lliniiHlil I hud consumption. 1 trli i i - ' . many ti > mi'dli'M ' ami w.t tin lei ib" ran' oi plusulaiH lnr \ < iil lliililll I II ' ' < l nil 'jullll' n | | nlo.V < lloni \ and T.ti It cni' ' > il nn > uiid I m\i in'i bc ( n triiiili'i-ii Klnce Kb in Dnr ; Co for an inferior beer } Sclilitz beer costs twice what common beer costs in the brewing. One-half pays for the product ; the oti.cr half for its purity. One-half is spent in cleanliness , in filtering even the air that touches it , in filtering the beer , in ster ilizing every bottle. And it pays the cost of aging the beer for months before we deliver it. If you ask for Schlitz you get purity and age , you pay no more than beer costs without them. Ask for Hit Dtevitry Untiling. For sale by Wm. ( , " . BcTiicr , Norfolk Digests what you eat. This propant'on ' ronlaiiH all of the dlgestants " ' "I clluc td all kinds ol food , llglvesln t int i el icf and ncvei fails to cure , ll- allows joti to cat all the food you want. TliemoHseiuitive stomachs can take it. ly } itsuse inanj thousands of djsneptics lui"e been cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled fur the stomach. Child TCII with weak htouuu'lis thrive on it Cures all site.ssacSj V.roM3jSes I'rona.cd on I v l > r f. < ' I > Wi rr & ( 'o. , Clhli-nRC . bUft i'oiit"lnsauumiblbu50c. RAILROAD TIMl TABLES , Clili'iK : iiinl ISortltut Htorn. NOUKOUv rJTY STT1ON. . I\ST. : AHHIM : . DIP Mil. Dnuilm I'limoiiRor . . . . I > :13 : a in. 0fiiiui : Vouliurn Wiiy KroiKht. . . 1:10 : p m Uoncstoi'l KtoiKht . ll.OO pm MM ! Ill * Venliuro NVny Froluht. . . in am. . 8-n ntn He must Pol I'H fonci'r . 12.0 : p m..12'U : um NOUFOLK. JUNCTION SIATION. KAHT Vl'.llITU. IIU'AUT. * 0malm I'nps. , mniu lino. . . tiiOJum Oniiilit UiiesouKor , Hotnv tiwl line . ( > :10ani. : . O.SOnm Cliicafio liltnltod . 12:70 p m.M2 : 10 p m * WHX FrplKhi , innlu Hue . ) : ! > i > m Stdclc 1'rolulit. ninin line . 0 ! ! 0 | i m * Wn > FrVl' ' ' . Kom'fti'i 1 line 7Ui : p in ItiPiioatcol Krcifilit , Hone- stool line . 9K : > pm W1MT. Way Krotijlit , mniu lino. . . 7:00 : a m Vnrillitrn Krniulit . SWUm : Dunestni'l PnesoiiRor . 11:55 : a m. . 12:10 p in Loun I'ino Pnttounor . 12 20 p tn * \Vn Froiulit , mnin liuo . r > :50 : p in HlncU HillB l > af Bn ! or . T.SOpm. . TiMlpm Freight trxiua u'o linlilo to bo annulnaitli - ont lotion , tboy < lo not coinn tuftatiou plat forms Hud Btimo do not curry IwKijnKn. H. C. MATUAU.AKOHI. 1'iilon I'nvlllu. . * ( 'olmiibns Arruniniiilntliin . S 'Ml p m Omaha , Port Minimi Pacillu Const . . . . 10-.U1 a ni NIIU-III. Ar.Bivi : . * ( \ilnmlinii Accninnioilatiou . 11:15 : a in Omaha , Dnnvornml I'ncido Coast . Ptl.'i p m ConnortH at No'folk with C. < fc N. W. . cnum unst anil north , \\ithtlinCpSL f. M..tO. ( or point * uottli and eai-t. .1. H. Kt.BBFi'KB.Aeeut. ClilfiiKO , St. I'lllll , MtliticaiiollH mill Oinului sor'iii nri'ABT. * ° icmx City nml Omnlia 1'aEfonKor. . . 0:30 : a in Sunn City PiiBfO.jcrr . 1:00 : pin WHS ! ' . AHB1VK 'yiuiix City Pib i'n nr . . . . . : ! > 0 a m Sioux City ud Oinulm PafBdPKor . 7:25 : pin Connect ) * at No . Ik with C. A. X W. , si > inc nnit anil uitrtli , n " "v it h tln < U P. for imlnth south. _ inl .1 H. Ki.srPFl'jt. AKent. "uaily'except Sniulay. BUSINESS DIRECTORY , . d. B HERMANN , CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Nil. 117 I mirth trout. 'INSKEEP'S MILLINERY. Cheapest and Host. Norfolk A\emic. J.W , EDWARDS TIII : ! ' > " $ ji ? * ! l w lk Cuaranteid. n ' ' * CornoroC Hrunspli A\u. and Fouitli r ALWAYS TIRED MEYER RESTED To be tired out from Imrtl work or bodily cxcici.su is natural nnd rest is the remedy , but there is nn exhaustion without physical exer tion nnd n tired , never-rested feeling a weari ness without work that is unnatural and shows come serious disorder is threatening the health , One of the chief causes of that "Always-tiled , never-iested condition" is impure blood and bad circu lation. Unless the body is nourished with rieh , pure blood there is lack of nervous force , the mus- , , . , . . . . . . . . . . ClcS bccoiliu weak , the dl- For ever four yonrn I tmflorod with gonornl debility . , - caunliiK thorough breaking clown of my system. My Ueslion iiunaircd , nnd cousin , who had boon bonotltod by B. B. B. , told ma , . . , , . ml disorder ; , , , m about it. I trlod It nnd it ourod mo , I heartily ro- general occurs commnnd B. B. B. to nil who mar fool the need of a llirouirhout the system , thoroughly good blood tonlo. Yours trulyf M118 , JOB1B A. 1UU TAIN. Debility , insomnia , ner- 44 W. Ninth Bt. , r ' vousncSH , indigestion , dyspepsia , loss of appetite , strength and energy , and the hundreds of little ailments we often have aiedue directly to n bad con dition of the blood and circulation , nnd the quickest way to KcL rii ° f them is by purifying and building UP lc blood , and for this purpose no icmcdy equals s. S. S. , which contains the best ingredients for cleansing thebloodnnd toningttp the system. Itis.ivegetableblood purifier nnd tonic combined , thatcnriches the blood , nnd through it the entire system is nourished and refreshing sleep comes to the tired , never-rested , body. WJESWJf T SPECIFIC CO. , ATLANTAf GA , A week at ' n 4 $ ouih"Dakota Make A New an1 Of You " * Good Hotels-Finest Plunge Bath in the World Golf- Tennis -Tallx-Ho Drives-Dancing- AakAnTicketAgt GIVEN AWAY I\liiiTiotl \ or Single , in Northeast Nebraska. The Norfolk News wishes to increase tlie circulation of both The Daily News and The Weekly News-Journal. In order to do this and do ih effectively , this paper will on OCTOBER 15 , 1903 , Give Away , FREE , a Handsome Driv ing Horse , a Kino , Ivubber-Tired lUinabout , and a Complete Set of Harness to the Lady Receiving the Largest Number of Votes in this contest'up ' until 12 O'CLOCK NOON on that day. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING to vote in this contest. I low will you go about it to secure this magnificent prize ? Here you are : SUBSCRIBER'S BALLOT. The Norfolk News : ' * Enclosed find $ for subscription to The Norfolk Daily News , The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal , ( ErnfoOno Not Wiintod. ) With it I cast votes for f Nebraska , us my choice in The News rt ) I Torso and lluggy Contest. * Received above amount & * * 4 * * * < ® 3" $ < 2 > < ! ! > < 2 > < ? * 3 > FREE VOTE. , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Xft w I The Norfolk News Popular Prize Contest , NO , 16 , I hereby vote for } f ? Tobrat.kft , as my choice in X o < The Norfolk News Free Ilorno and Bngtfy Contest. | ( Thin Coupon , whoii clipped from The News tind properly filled oat counts for ONK VOTE , if deposited before Saturday t , noon , August 15 , 1903 ,