The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 31, 1903, Page 9, Image 9

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"Ji. I -LJ" ;
Burlington Extension to Sioux
City Postponed a Year.
The Proposed Line Would H.ivo
Opened New Territory to Sioux City
Oobblng Houses , to the Detriment of
Omahn Union Pacific Buys Engines.
Omalja , July 31. Special to The
Mows : It Is announced today that
the Burlington directory has decided
to postpone the building of the line
from Ashland to Sioux 'City for an
other year. This will prove a disap
pointment to Sioux City and many
towns along the proposed line , which
had been figuring that the new road
would prove advantageous to them.
Omaha Is not shedding any tears over
the announcement. While the road
ns proposed would have developed a
few points for wholesalers of this
city , It would have opened up much
of their territory to the Jobbers of
Sioux City. It is believed hero that
the announcement to postpone for a
year means the virtual abandonment
of the Burlington extension to Sioux
Union Pacific Buys Engines.
Omaha , July 31. Special to The
"News : The Union Pacific has placed
an order for thirty new passenger en
gines for service along its lines. The
increasing passenger trufllc over the
overland route demands additional fa
cilities , and the company In per-
suanco with its aggressive policy is
preparing to meet the requirements.
Voungson Follows Arthur to Grave
After Naming His Successor.
* Meadvllle , Pa. , July 31. A. B.
Youngson , grand chief engineer of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers ,
who has been ill with Bright's disease
at the city hospital since Juno 20 last ,
is dead. Previous to his death ho
named M. II. Shay of Youngstown as
his successor.
Mr. Shay is in the city and will re
main until after Chief Youngson's fu
neral. The nomination of Shay to be
assistant grand chief was made under
Bectlon 12 of the constitution , which
" makes delegates to the last national
convention eligible to nomination. L.
S. Graham of Cleveland , first grand
engineer , declined the nomination on
account of falling health. The nomi
nation of Slxiy will go before the three
remaining salaried officers of the
grand international division for con
firmation , and In case of confirmation
ho will serve as grand chief until the
next national convention , to bo held
In Los Angeles , Gal. , in May , 1904.
Meeting of Directors In October to
Vote $250,000,000 Bonds for
New Lines.
New York , July 31. Special to The
News : Directors of the Rock Island
road will hold a meeting In Davenport
October 8 for the purpose of authoriz
ing the Issuance of $230,000,000 in
bonds for Improvements and new
Two More Indictments Found Against
New York , July 31. Ex-Congress
man Drlggs appeared before Judge
Thomas In the United States circuit
court , Brooklyn , and pleaded not guilty
to two Indictments which were recent
ly found against htm , with privilege to
withdraw his plea and to demur. The
last Indictment found against Drlggs
is the seventh and brings in the name
of George W. Beavers , now under in
dictment for alleged bribe taking and
wanted by the federal authorities.
The indictment says that the Brandt-
Dent Co. , manufacturers and sellers
of automatic cashiers , sold such ma
chines for $125 each , which was all
the machines were reasonably worth.
There wera other allegations In the
indictment that George P. Miller , at
that time an agent of the corporation ,
"contriving and Intending to cheat
and defraud the United States by un
lawfully inducing and procuring
George W. Beavers , an officer of the
postofQco department , to eocnro from
the government a contract for the
salt of cash machines , did thua effect
the sale of a largo number of said ma-
Ofilnei at a cost of $150 each , "
Troop * Unabto to Cope With OtHher *
Balm. IXuBeian TranAcaucoala , July
81. The'dree in the ( Utenslrfc petroleum
loum works at Balakhamy , whlth are
bellevod to hare boon of toconfllary
origin , are still raging , TW mTUtftry ,
It is reported , am unable to cope vrith
the strikers. Matters are BO threaten
ing in the Balakbamy district that
foreigners are fleeing to the coast for
Danger of War Averted.
Vienna , July 31. The Allegcmolna
Zeltuna asserts that British mediation
at Tokio and French mediation at St.
Petersburg for the moment has avert
ed the danger of war , if it has not
opened the way to & Russo-Japanase
Prisoners Who Escaped Trom Folsom
Have Not Been Seen Since Monday.
Phicorvlllo , Gal. . July 31 Although
hundreds of heavily armed men nro
now engaged In the search for the
tWMlvo surviving prisoners who es
caped from the Folsom penitentiary
on Monday morning , the outlaws re
main masters of the situation. They
hayo succeeded In eluding their pur
suers and tire ultimate escape of at
least a portion of the gang seems high
ly probable. Since the fatal fight at
Pilot Hill on Monday night , In which
ono of the convicts was killed , the
others have not been seen , unless the
story of William Oroon , a cowboy , who
says ho met two nrrned men In Placer
county and later Identified them by
photos. Hven thlp iftcmls but a slight
clew , though It Is being followed by
the officers. The conviction IB grow
ing that the tleolng men are headed
for the Slorra Nevada mountains , and
are being aided by ox-convicts who
reside along the route. The people
through this section of the state are
greatly alarmed , notwithstanding the
presence of many peace officers and a
company of mllltla , These residing
In Isolated localities orn In dally dread
of attack by the fugitives , who are
believed to bo short of food and am
Ballagh Merchant and Two Children
are Dead From Eating Canned
Bin-well , Nob. , July 31. Special to
The News : D. W. Ward , a merchant
at fialagh , a small country town near
here , and his two challdrcn arc dead
as the result of eating canned sar
It Is supposed that the little fish
gathered poison from the can in which
they were packed.
With Posse of Armed Citizens They
Are In Pursuit of Negro.
DOS Moines , July 31. Sheriffs Hu-
nolt of Knox county , Missouri , and
Davis of Appanoose county , Iowa , with
a posse of well-armed citizens have
gone to Brazil , a small mining town
five miles from Centervlllo , whore it
is reported that Clarke , the negro
wanted at Kahoka , Mo. , for assaulting
Gertrude Hess , is in hiding.
Sheriff Hunolt encountered a negro
whom ho positively asserts was
Clarke near Centervlllo and com
manded him to halt. Ho received a
shot in reply and engaged in a brief
and ineffectual pistol duel with him.
Two Burned to Death.
Old Orchard , Me. , July 31. M.-s.
Helen L. Martin and Mrs. E. A.
Slovens , sisters , wealthy residents of
East Grafton , N. II. , were suffocated
and their bodies burned to a crisp In
a fire which destroyed the Sea View
house , a small summer hotel contain
ing twelve guests. Their room was
on the thlry story. Mrs. E. D. Hooper
of Paris , Me. , who occupied a room
on the same floor , barely escaped suf
focation , after making her way to the
second story , where she was found by
firemen. Several other inmates es
caped in their night clothes.
Trial of Senator Sullivan Begins.
Jefferson City , Mo. , July 31. The
case of State Senator William P. Sul
livan of Christian county , charged
with having solicited a hrlbo of $4.500
In connection with baking powder leg
islation at the recent session of the
legislature , was called before Judge
II. C. Timmons of Barton county. The
defendant noted exceptions to all adverse -
verso rulings preparatory to appealing
in ease of conviction. Judge Tim
mons then set the case for Aug. 19 ,
owing to the Illness of Morton Jour-
dan , attorney for the defendant.
Three Killed by Lightning.
Lynchburg. Va. , July 31. Three
persons were killed and more than a
score injured by lightning at Nowhopo
church , Appomattox county. The
dead : Paul Gowen , Charles Austin ,
Aubrey Wingfriod. Among the more
seriously Injured are : Eugene Turn
er , Nathaniel Morris , Tom Coleman ,
Napoleon Patterson. A mooting of
the James River Baptist association
was In progress and a number of men
took refuge from the storm under on
awning near the building.
Foreman Murdered at Midnight.
Pueblo , Oolo. , July 31. Leroy B.
MtifitOTflon , a foreman at Cbo etodl
works , woe murdered Shortly after
midnight , while lying asleep. Suspic
ion reeta on a man who was & mem *
tor of the employes under him. Mae-
terson had trouble with sorao of the
employes and discharged three of
them. It te thought that In revenge
for this the deed was committed. The
weapon used was a shovel and bo was
struck three times on the head , frac
turing the skull.
Twenty-Five Injured In Collision.
Anderson , Ind. , July 31. By a col
lision on the Indiana Union Traction
llnoa In this city twenty-flvo persona
were injured. While none waa fatally
hurt , the following were seriously In
jured : Louie Burnsteln of Chicago ,
Internally ; Elmer Spauldlng , motorman -
man , log bruised ; Miss Marie Porter ,
Alexandria , log broken and spine
hurt ; Miss Nettle Parker , Marlon ,
Ind. , back hurt ; Mlsa Lee Williams ,
Vine Grove , Ky. , leg fractured.
Third Requiem Mass Surpasses
AH Previous Services.
All Save One Participate In Imposing
Ceremonial Special Prayers Are
Offered for Divine Help In Selection
of a New Pope.
Rome , July 31. The hist tilbule
WUB paid to the Into Pope Leo \vltli
thO tlllld glOUt UMllllUIll lUUHH lA'lf-
braled In the Slsllno chapel ol the
Vatican , and the luiu-tloii was nu least
coit'iiionlous and Imposing than the
other t\\o. While tiu-re watt perhaps
fewer portions piosont , there was a
K.eitcr display of gorgeous unlloiniH.
Of the Blxtj-two caidlnalu now in
Homo , all attended the mass except
Cardinal Cretonio , prefect of the con
gregation of sacred relics , who waa
ill. The pk'turo presented by the pro
cession of cardinals , in violet robes
and rod capes bordered with emluo ,
escottcd by noble guards In scarlet
uniforms and with drawn swords , the
Bceno being softened by the clouds of
Incense and the chapel resounding
with the strains of the Incomparabla
Slstlno choir singing "Llbera mo
Domlne. " made those present feti as
though lifted into another world
In the churches of Homo today be
gan the offering of prayers to the Holy
Ghost to assist and enlighten the car-
dlrmls to choose the right man to sit
In the chair of St. Peter.
The cardinals visited the cells w'llch
they are to occupy during the con
clave and it can not be said that they
returned very enthusiastic over the
Idea of being confined , perhaps for
some time , In what arc rightly termed
"colls , " which are without running
water and necessary ventilation It
was feared that the health of some of
the older and more feeble cardinals
will bo Impaired. The cardinals 'will '
enter the conclave at 5 o'clock this
Those who know the sacred college
host consider that Cardinal Rampolla
will command the largest number of
rotes on the first ballot. Ills strength ,
It Is believed , will bo about twenty-
five votes , but oven with this large
number to start with It is thought ho
will have difficulty in making head
way. His strongest opponents now ap
pear to be Cardinals Serafino Vannu-
tclll , with about twelve votes ; Gottl ,
with ton , and Oroglia , with eight. The
remainder of the votes will bo scat
tered among the lesser candidates ,
more as marks of personal favor than
with much Idea of ultimate success.
Forty-two votes are necessary to elect.
The majority of the diplomatic body
accredited to the Vatican are of the
opinion that if Rnmpolla does not sue-
coed , Gottl will bo elected.
Celebrate Mass of the Holy Ghost and
Repair to Their Cells to
Begin Conclave.
Rome , July 31. Special to The
News : After celebrating the mass
of the Holy Ghost the cardinals this
morning received their Instructions
from the temporary head of the church
and repaired to their cells to begin
the conclave that will result in tire
election of a pojie to succeed Leo
Before the cardinals withdrew to
their cells Cardinal Ferrata withdrew
his name as a candidate for the papal
American Officers Visit Royal Palace.
Lisbon , July 31. . Admiral Cotton
and several officers of the American
fleet , accompanied by United States
Minister Bryan , paid a visL to the
royal palace at Ointra , which is four
miles from Lisbon. They were re
ceived by Prince Alfonso Henrlqucs ,
the Duke of Oporto and brother of the
king , who presented thorn to Queen
Marie Amelia and the queen mother ,
Maria Pla. They received a very cor
dial reception.
Girls Make a Disturbance.
Now York , July 3 L Nearly 2,000
ytmng women , who oompoeo the Wrap
pers' union , ore on strike for a nlno
hour day. A crowd of Uw > ctrikora in-
raded cmo shop where the women had
refuaed to quit. They overturned
wing machines and scattered partly
finished garments around the floor.
Police re * rveB bed to bo called to
quell the disturbance trod Boveral
were orrcated.
Striking Bonermaker * Accept Offer.
8 * . Paul , July 81. Tbo striking boil-
comakers oa the Omaha fjyetem sent
a oommltteo to General Manager Tren-
helm to notify him that the boilermakers -
makers would accept the company's
offer of J3.00 per day for ten hours *
work in the St. Paul and Sioux City
8hop3 and J8.4C per day in the round
houses whore the bollor repairing is
doue. The etrfko therefore la off.
Creditors Will Be Paid In Full.
Council Bluffs , la. , July 31. W. B.
Rofld , trustee of the Pisgah , la. , bank ,
which failed last week , stated that the
assets of the institution considerably
exceeded the liabilities and that cred
itors would be paid in full
Opponents of Dpokcr T. WaBhlncjton
Raltie Dleturbnnce nt Doston ,
llOBton. July ; il An attempt on the
part of half a dozen colored permum
oppcmod to Hooker \ViiHhliinton ,
pieHldeiit of the TiiskoKnu IriHlltirte ,
to ask ( menIons ! at a meeting which
ho was addressing at the /Ion ehuivh
nlruont resulted In a licit and twenty-
IIvo policemen worn culled In to n.u < 'li
the dlHturlmncc , several nrnnitii were
made , 0110 polleomun lecelveil a deep
stab from a hatpin , whllo a mini tmld
to ho one of HIOHO opposed to Mr.
Washington reeelved nevenil iimir
cuts and lq now In the hospital. After
the arrests Mr WiiwliliiKton WHH al
lowed to pneoed and spolio for nearly
two hours. Hoth frictions nt the clnno
of thc > innntltiK IflHiied Htulenieiitrt Mr.
\VnHhliiRton said In his statement that
the colored people of Ilostnn nhntild
not be hold responsible for a few riot
ous Individuals , while William Mini-
roe Trotter , ono of UIOHO who worn
arrested , slated that the cause of the
rlollnj ; was the absurd ruling of thn
chairman , Mr. Unvln , in ordeilng the
arrest and ejection of any person
who hissed or manifested any objec
tion to the Bx | > aknr of the evening. It
In said the disturbance won prerip-
ranged and after the uietitlni ; Mr.
Trotter and hln frlonda admitted that
they went there with the Idea of ask
ing Mr. WuHhliiKton a number of quern-
tlons nnd to resent any attack that
might bo made on thn Now England
representatives to the recent Afro
American council at Louisville.
A Member of the Commission Arrives
In San Francisco and Extolls
Uncle Sam's Islands.
San Francisco , July 111 Special to
The NOWH : Dean ( ' . Woicestor , a
member of the Philippine cnmmlHsimi.
ban arrived bore. In an Interview he
gives a glowing account ol the con
ditions of the inlands.
Ho Htates that the diseases that
weio threatening early this spring
have been entiioly mipproHHed and the
people are enjoying unusual prosperity
under the United States government
management of affairs.
Chamberlain Declares lrreconcilabte& |
Will Be Deported if Necessary.
London , July .11. In the house of
commons , replying to a bitter attack
on the government's policy and Lord
Mllner's administration of South Af
rica by Mr. Markham , In the eourse of
which ho charged that affairs were
growing wnrho , Colonial Secretary
Chamberlain defended at some length
the administration ol South Africa ,
lie said the greatest difficulty was not
the lec'onelllation of the Doers and
the llrlton , but the reconciliation of
the P.oers with the Doers. Mr. Cham
ber lain said that if It was found that
the work of pacification was retarded
by irrcconrlllablcs , the government
would not hesitate to usn Its strong
power to deport the mischief makers.
King Edward at Galway.
Otthvay , July 31. King FMward and
Queen Alexandra continued by motor
their Inspection of some of the wildest
and most picturesque regions of Ire
land. The start was made from the
little town of Leenano , on the shore
of Klllarnoy bay , where the mayor ,
the local rector , the parish priest and
a deputation representing 20,000 in
habitants of the wild Connomara
mountains presented an address. The
royal party drove off In motors
through the beautiful lake and moun
tain country , everywhere greeted loy
ally by the Inhabitants.
Baseball Results.
National League Drooklyn , C ; Now
York , 4. Cincinnati , 15 ; Chicago , 0.
St. Louis , 4 ; PlttBburg , 10.
American League Philadelphia , 12-
C ; Washington , 1-5. Detroit , 0 ; St.
Louis , 1. Chicago , 10 ; Cleveland , 0.
Boston , 1 ; New York , 12.
American Association Toledo , 3 ;
Minneapolis , 18. Louisville , 11 ; Mil
waukee , 5. Columbus , 4 ; St. Paul , 7.
Indianapolis , 2-4 ; Kansas City , 0-3.
Western League St. Joseph , 0 ;
Colorado Springs , 6. Kansas City , 1 ;
Denver , 0. Peoria , 9 ; Omaha , 0. Mil
waukee , 3 ; DCS Moines , 4.
Cup Challenger Again Wine.
Atlantic Highlands , N. J. , July 31.
In n eea rougher than any she had
eyer raced In before and wind which
at tlmoa blow more than twelve miles
an hour , Shamrock III experienced her
moet severe racing trial , and acquit
ted herself aa became a candidate for
the America's cup. Her performance
In eight miles of windward work , In
which she beat Shamrock I by elx
minutes , was a surprise.
Barrlngton Trial Postponed.
St. Louis , July 31. The coso of P.
Beymour Barrlngton , charged with the
murder of James P. McCann , was
called for trial In Clayton , but waa
postponed until Aug. 10 , by consent ,
as the physician attending Barring-
ton reported that the prisoner was
too ill to leave his cell. The physi
cian thinks Barrlngton will have re
covered by the time sot for the trial.
Death of J. J. Cotton
Butte , Mont. , July 30. J , J. Cotter ,
loading counsel for the Hclnzo mining
Interests , died of paralysis. Mr. Cot
ter came from DCS Moines , la.
Republic is Threatened With
Uprising in Eastern
Rural Guard Una Deeti Mobilized and
Volunteer * Called to Supprcsb
Them Government Callo Rising
Uni.iportnnt ,
Havana , July III. In splto of the an
HOitlcm made b > Sumir Wro , Hectctaiy
of ll j tutor lor , tlutt Urn Killing of
three moil innl Urn nurture ol a lonrlli
man , their leinlei , who hud attempted
to eiuiHci an UiilnliiK | In the vicinity of
llayamo , prinlriro of UnnUngo , oiteet-
ually ended the only Hetnlilunco ol an
lipilHlng In Cuba , the IUIIIOIH ol' upiltt-
IngH In eiiHtern ( Julia wuro fully con
firmed In the government repottti ru-
celvod I rum the governor mid ulhur
olllclalu of Sun tin co province.
TheHe are to the effect ( hat tilnco
the light Sunday last sixty armed and
mounted men have ; appeared outside
vlllngeii In the Canto river district ,
proclaiming a r evolution and demand
ing the payment of the former mem-
berH of tire revolutionary army. The
loader of the revolutionary party IH
narneii rupo HO ita \ brother or on
of the ImmlltH killed by the rural
guard on Monday.
flonoiul Rodriguez , romranndnr-ln-
chief of the rural guard , Iran ordered
the mobilization of all the rurul iimnln
in eastern Cuba and the governor of
Santiago province ) linn boon Inndnoted
to onllHt an many volunteers an maybe
bo deemed necoHBiiry to co-oprjUo
with the mounted troops.
Secretary of the Interior Yero nays
there IB no doubt that the authorities
will bo able to eopo niicreiml'ully with
the Rltmttlnn , an all reportn , he acldii ,
agree that popular sentiment Is with
the government of I'renldent Pnhna ,
and that thono who have risen In ro-
belllnn mostly belong to the wanton ,
lazy clans of Puerto Principe.
The repented uprising In I ho prov
ince of Santiago has not been eon-
firmed either by government or other
reportn General I era , commanding
the rural guard of the eaRtern din'trlet ,
has telegraphed that ho proceeded
from Dayarno to Canto Del Papo nnd
returned without seeing or hearing
anything of the reported uprising.
Growers of the Vine on the Pacific
Coa&t Have Entered a Combina
tion to Regulate Prices.
Sun Francisco , July 111. Special to
Tlrc > NOWH : Hop growers ol the I'u-
clllc coast have held a riieclliiK hoio
which lesulted In the fnunntlon > l a
trust to control prices nnd boost other
Inter CJHtH Ol tllO
More Arrests at Idaho Springs ,
Idaho Springs , Cole , , July 21. Tha
coroner's Jury In the CUHO of Phillip
Flore , the Italian union miner , who
was found fatally Injured near the
scene ot the blowing up of one of the
buildings of the Sun and Moon mine
Tuesday night , returned a verdict that
ho "came to his death as a result of
an attempt on his part and others to
blow up the buildings of the Sun and
Moon mine. " AltV" i h Flora was sup
posed to have been killed by a bullet
from the pistol of the watchman at the
mlno , an autopsy failed to establish
the fact , and olllclatlng physicians In-
cllno to the belief that ho was killed
by the explosion. Two more members
of the union were arrested. Doth are
Italians. The men who were driven
out of the town by the business men
are In Denver and have engaged at
torneys to look after their interests.
Oklahoma Town Fire-Swept.
Oklahoma City , Okla. , July 31. Fire
started In Holmrt , Okla. , In the Phoo-
nlx theater , on the south side of the
square. Four blocks were destroyed.
The loss will reach $200,000. The
Citizens' National bank and six other
brick buildings were burned , and both
sides of Main street for nearly two
blocks ore in ruins. During -the burn
ing of the telephone exchange , AsatBt-
&nt Manager Hughes dropped dead
whllo fighting the fire.
Among the buildings burned are the
Racket store , Edwurra Bros. ' depart
ment stores , Jumbo clothing store ,
Mack's cafe and Wojr & Dunn's hard
ware store , the largest Institution in
the town. The flro la supposed to
have been Incendiary.
Major J. W. Johnson Dead.
Bt Louis , July 31. Major John , Wyatt -
att Johnson , ooo of the last Confeder
ate officer , la dead hero. Major
Johnson was dghty-throo yearn of
ago and sorred with distinction during
the civil war on the staffs of General
Tilghnian and General Bemborton.
Hie commission as major Is said to
have been the first issued by Jefferson
Daris as president of the Confederacy.
President WanU to 8e the End.
Oyster Bay , L. L , July 31. President
Roosevelt's guests nt luncheon vroro
the Postmaster General and Mrs.
Payne and Immigration Commissioner
William Williams of Now York. The
president , It U understood , Impressed
upon Mr. Payne the desirability of
concluding the postal investigation at
as early a date as practicable.
Organized to Consider Matters Affect
ing Doth Urnnchen ,
Washington , July Ml. The first
meeting of the ion < > rul pulleyboard
WUH held hero. There went present
Admiral Dewoy. Hear Admiral Taylor
11 Mil Captain Plllnbury , Commander
Iliirnelt , Mnjnr ( Itineral Corbtn Hrli-
adler ( letieral Randolph and Urlgadlor
( lenornl lIllHH Admiral Dewey wan
eleetcid pnmldent and Coin in under
Unmet i iieeretary. Tlmrn wan illHcuiv
nlnn of thn coaling nnd naval mtatlonn
In Culm with alew to determining
whether they should bo Riirrltinned by
the rirrny or by marlnoH. Secretary
Hoot already hail tulicin Klepn to plara
troopii at niiaiitariiirno and llnhln Hon
da and Home of the naval olllrern ur
not well ploimed at hlH art Ion Secre
tary Hoot In lolly nildrc-Hfied the board.
naylriK Uiat ho believed good resulto
would como from Itii dollhcrutlnriH on
qucntlotiH affecting both branches of
the wirr force of I lie nation and that n
joint board wan bettor than routine *
ofllpliil communication ! ! . He hoi Invert
that Urn ciuoHtlonn to bo brought be
fore the board and ronnldered In tlm
of ponce would remrlt In a bettor un-
dornlundlnK and rnoro effeetlvo co * > p-
rrntlon and dofenee of thn rountry
In tlrno of war. Thn board adjourned
subjec't to the mil of the chairman.
Grfliul Jury nt Washington Find In * '
dlctments Todny Against A. W.
M.ichen and eight Others.
Waidilngton , July 'II. Special to
The NOWH : The grand Jury found In
dictments ( hlH mmiilng In Ilic postal
liainlH cdUHpliaey CH.HC , Implicating
A \V. Miiehen and eight others.
Bend Joint note of Proteut.
Port of Spnln , Island of 'irlnldnrt.
July 31. pjiRHoriKors who have Jimt
arrived liom Caracas wiy that In con-
floqiifiic'o of the Incident whleh oc-
ciinod lust Monday at LuC/iiayrn ,
where , ns 11 result of liletlon between
the KiuilHh | ; consul ami the local an *
thorltleR , the exequatur of the conmil
WIIH withdrawn , thn diplomatic corps
at Caracas met and derided to send a
Joint note protest Ing nKulnnt the ac
tion of the La ( rimyrn authorities and
the withdrawal of the exequatur of
the Spanish ( onsul. They took this
action , It In said , not for the pur
pose of iiKslHtlru ; the Spanish claims
before the rnlxcvl tribunal , but beeaiiHO
of th" prfvdotit which would he estab
lished and because they eonslderod It
contrary to the protocols made with.
the powers and signed by Mr Dowen.
the United States minister , acting a3
the leproHontallve of President Castro.
Protection for the Miners.
Tacoma , Wash. , July 31. The Y * .
ken rounc'll decided to allow the mln <
crR a prior Hen on no per cent of the
output of the Klondike mines. The ,
new tilling. It IH believed , protecto !
men employed upon mines against the
acts of some employers who have no
scruples to adopt all means In tholr
power to avoid pitying the men. i
Mercury Drops to Fifty.
Minneapolis , July ! ! 1. The mercury
dropped to the fifty mark In this city ,
making a new local low record for the
month of July. Lisbon , N. D. . report
ed thlrty-Blx degrees. At Devil's Lake
It was thirty-eight and Aberdeen , 3.
D. , thirty-five.
The blockhead nnd the ponlus nro
nkjn In sit least one respect both were
born that way.
The New York Dally News plant
and good will will ho sold at auction
on Aug. 21. Frank A. Munsey Is the
principal stockholder.
The 1,200 pork butchers and oleomar
garine workers In the Kansas City
packing plants have been granted a 25
per cent Increase of wages.
Heavy rain fell In all the counties
of the Kansas corn belt. The hot
weather had not damaged the corn ,
but the rain waa urgently needed.
Rev. J. L. Alsworth , the pastor oC
the Presbyterian church of Capo
Glrardeau , Mo , , was drowned whllo
bathing in the Mississippi river there.
, A dispatch from Constantinople says
that Russia has asked permission oC
the sultan to allow several Russian
warships to pass through the Darda
nelles for the far coat. <
Judge Gray decided to accept his ap t
potntment as the fifth member of the
Alabama coal strike commission ,
which Is to settle by arbitration 'tho
dispute of Alabama mine re over vra&oa. |
Ten striking workmen were killed
and eighteen wore wounded aa the re ,
eult of a volley fired by troops at Mite *
hnllovo , on the TiflU-Batoam railway , ]
The strikers attempted to stop trains. '
The jury hi the case against Chlet
of Police King and Detective Joel At
kinson of Colorado Springs , charged ; !
with secreting witnesses and BO pro
tecting a criminal , brought In a verdict
of guilty.
Fire destroyed the works ot the Phil
ip Carey Fire Proofing company la
Jersey City and the Jarvls tobacco in
spection depot , In which were stored
200 hogsheads of Kentucky tobacco. .
Loss , $100.000 ,
The Great Central railway's sheds *
and docks at Grinsby , England , have
been gutted by fire. The sheds wereti
filled with machinery and an Immensei
quantity of barley. The damage' '
amounts to $500,000. /