The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 31, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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    TUG NOV.KOl.K NEWS : Kill DAY , Jl'l.Y 111 , 11103.
Crops About Norfolk Were
Thirsty for Water.
The Guage Measured In all About .55
of an Inch Beets Were Getting
Dry Weekly Crop Bulletin From
Weather Bureau.
[ From Wednesday's Dnlly. ]
Another rain storm of furious ten
dencies fell upon Norfolk at 10:110 : last
night and thoroughly drenched the
city. It lasted but a short while , but
while It lasted It was dropping about
the limit of water and many < v man
who wan just getting homo was
soaked to the skin before ho could
reach his sheltering roof.
The rain guage shows but .fiu of
an Inchbut those fifty-five hundredths
made record time as they journeyed
In. Streets this morning wore dotted
with little pools and some of them
will no doubt remain for days tote
to come.
Crops around Norfolk were getting
rather In need of moisture so that
the water was not amiss. Sugar beets ,
according to Manager Unndlck , were
pretty thirsty and the rain that fell
helped the ground In general , with
the exception , of course , of small
Crop Bulletin.
The following summary Is given
out by G. A. Loveland , director U. S.
department of agriculture , Nebraska
section , for the week ending July 27 :
The past week has been warm and
dry. The mean dully temperature
has averaged 1 degree above the
The rainfall was confined to scat
tered showers , generally amounting
to less than a quarter of an Inch.
The past week has been an excel
lent ono for haying , harvesting and
thrashing. Winter wheat Is about
all cut and the oat harvest Is well
advanced ; thrashing of winter wheat
has progressed rapidly in southeast
ern counties and is just beginning in
western ; tno yields reported continue
disappointing and arc less than were
generally expected. The condition of
spring wheat In northern counties indicates -
dicates that in many counties the
crop will bo below average In yield.
The few oats thrashed in the southeastern -
eastern counties indicate a fair to
good crop , and prospects are gen
erally excellent. Corn has grown
rapidly and the early planted Is now
generally in tassel ; in southeastern
counties rain is needed for corn and
pastures. Haying Is general iml the
crop Is abundant. The second crop
of alfalfa Is being cut , with a fair to
good yield. Potatoes have been In
jured somewhat by the dry weather
and the crop is not as good as seemed
probable earlier In the season.
E. O. Bartholomew , son of the Oxnard -
nard proprietor , stopped over night
in Norfolk.
J. H. Craigor , formerly of this city
but now of Dos Molnes , Is greeting
friends In Norfolk today.
Mrs. C. E. Tackard nnd son , Will-
lam , of Cameron , Mo. , are In the city
for n visit at the homo of her brother
Robert Utter.
Tracy & Durland sold a half sec
tion of land five miles west of Plerco
yesterday , to J. W. Allison , of Os
mend , at $22 per acre.
Miss Mary Horlskey of O'Neill Is
visiting her cousins of Alliance , Neb. ,
at the home of their uncle , Joe
Iloriskey , of West Madison avenue.
The work of tearing down the
burned portion of the Ilees building
has been resumed , and the charred
jkw boards and timbers will soon bo re
There are a number of trees .about
the city that can well spare their
lower branches In the Interests of pe
destrians who use the walks under
The walls of the Macy photograph
gallery are well up In the air with
prospects of an early completion , and
when finished Mr. Macy will have one
of the finest modern studios in the
Farmers continue to haul largo In
voices of building material Into the
country and the Nebraska country
J\ homo wll soon be as modern , conven
ient and comfortable as any In the
Miss Annlo McBrldo returned Sun
day night from her visit in Denver
and left yesterday for the Yellow
Banks where she will bo ono of the
campers of the Trinity church choir
Thrashing about Norfolk has begun
on winter wheat and farmers report
n yield of about ten and a half
L bushels to the acre. The wet weather
Is to blame for the small amount of
o grain. It ought to bo thirty bushels.
Carl Asmus , according to a telephone -
phone message received by his son-
in-law , Ludwlg Koenigsteln , was .still
alive at 10 o'clock this morning. At
that time ho .was yet unconscious and
In about tl'io same condition as yester
day. It was Impossible then to know
a the outcome.
J. D. Larrabeo and wife left for
Chicago at noon today , where they
i will remain n short time while Mr.
" Larrabeo reports to his house , the
Champion Machine company , and will
then go to Coldwator , Mich. , to visit
their parents. They $111 bo away
about t'wo ' weeks.
The inarrlago of Miss Lena Krahn
to August S toff tm wlH bo eolobrnted
tomorrow nftprnoon hi Christ Luth
eran church at1 o'clock. Miss Kruhii
IH the daughter of C. H. Kralni. Madl-
son nvo itvi'iuie , initl Mr. Stoffen IH a
tonchcrvoll known In thoclty. They
will inako thi'lr homo horo.
Thi > storm of last night served to
purify the air ami remove that mil-
trlnusH until today It has hoou a pleas
ure to broutho deeply and oxtoiiHlvely
of tha vitalising ozone that ha been
brought down from the north by the
cooling breeze. It IH a rare July day
and ono worth waiting to BOO.
The civil Horvtco examination for
positions aH clerks In the Norfolk
postolllco were held thin morning at
the high Hchool building. Minn Klvn
Masters and Miss Alice Cole were
the candidates. The civil service
board consists of 1) . C. Gentle , Miss
Valley Garllngor and C. U Anderson.
This examination was given because
Superintendent Llewelyn , of Omaha ,
denied examinations to anyone but
men for the carrier service some
months ago. Another examination
will bo held within the not distant fu
ture and applications may bo llled
with the board at any time.
Thousands of the Insects are Working
In Spots About Town and Soon
Make a Lawn Look Sick.
[ From Thursday's Dnlly. ]
Frank Davis Is one Norfolk cltl/.en
who now understands exactly why a
portion of his lawn has been looking
so run down and bad this season. Ho
had an Idea that something ailed the
grass , but WHS not aware that so much
ailed It as ho found out on Investiga
tion yesterday. Ho concluded that It
was about to die anyway in a six > t
about 12 feet square so that ho might
as well begin his ] > est mortem at once.
He found In the first place that the
surface of the ground was loouo and
shifting like a carpet , and he found
further along that the sod would roll
up in about the same manner as a
carpet , while underneath was dis
closed a mass of grub worms that
was a caution , and would have been a
welcome sight to a boy on llshing
bent. Almost every square inch of
ground supported Its grub , and they
were gathered up by the quart. They
had eaten all the grass roots off close
to the surface.
This is undoubtedly what alls num
erous other lawns about town , and
Mr. Davis and others would bo pleased
to have some one toll them how to rid
their lawns of the criters without dig
ging It all up and replanting It , only
to have another generation of grubs
work the same havoc to the new
With a Million on Deposit the Lead
ing Bank at Doyelstown Goes
Doylcstown , Pa. , July , ' ! 0. Special
to The News : The leading financial
institution of this place has failed.
With a million dollars In deposits on
the books the bank could not make
it and Its doors have been closed.
All Cardinals Present at Last Mass
for the Deceased Pope , Cele-
bratcd this Morning.
Rome , July 30. Special to The
News : The last requiem mass for
the deceased pope was celebrated this
morning in the SIstlne chapel. All
the cardinals were present.
Head of Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers died nt Meadvllle ,
Pa. , this Morning.
Meadvillc , Pa. , July 30. Special to
The News : Grand Assistant Chief
Engineer A. B. Youngson , of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
died at his home In this city this
A Delightful Breakfast.
[ From Wednesday's Dnlly. ]
A very delightful breakfast was
given this morning to their many
lady friends by Mrs. II. C. Matrau ,
Mrs. W. II. II. Hagey and Mrs. C. E.
Doughty. Guests were invited for 10:30 :
o'clock and were received at the homo
of Mrs. Matrau , South Fourth street.
Here they wore pleasantly entertained
for an hour , a descriptive card contest
featuring. In this each lady present
was "written up" by others In the
company and some very clover cards
resulted. Mrs. Jacob Bamn's work
was voted the most unique and she
was given a dainty prize. At noon
the ladies were ushered Into the home
of Mrs. Doughty , where a toothsome
breakfast was served in three
courses. A half dozen pretty young
women assisted in the service.
This afternoon the same Hostesses
are at home to another company of
friends , invited for .1 o'clock.
Letter List.
List of loiters remaining uncalled
for at the postofllco at Norfolk , Nob. ,
July 28 , 1903 :
Mrs. Laura Brown , Leo Gordon ,
Mrs. Mary Harken , Mr. Chas. Hinds ,
Dr. J. Jacobs , Miss Agnes Leonard ,
Mrs. T. R. Long , Mrs. Emma Pratt ,
Mr. Otta Rockow , Mr. Tom Thompson ,
Mrs. Lilian Vouto , A. O. Ycager.
If not called for In fifteen days will
bo sent to the dead Jeter office.
Parties calling for any of the above
please say , "advertised. "
John R. Hays.
, Postmaster.
Will be Pulled off at Armory
Hall Tuesday Night.
Norfolk Wrestler of More Than Local
Note , Backed by Friends , Will Meet
Frank Dwyer , Champion of the
Dakotas , For a Match ,
[ From \Vcdiic ! > dny's Dnlly. ]
Frank Dwyer , champion of North
Dakota and South Dakota , has re
sponded to the conditions laid down
by 11. T. Sonnenscheln of this city
for a match , and the two athletes will
moot In this city probably next Tues
day night.
"You may Ray today , " mild Mr.
Dwyer to The NOWH , "that 1 agree to
meet SonneiiHCheln within ton days
and to finish the match within an
hour and thirty minutes , actual wrest
ling time. I will meet him at the
News olllce tomorrow morning at 10
o'clock to complete definite agree
ments and to put iij ) the money. The
challenge was for $100 on a Hide"
The match will be best two out of
three falls , catch-as-catch-can wrest-
ling. Dwyer and Souiionscheln both
know the game and each went
Gotch Saturday night.
The Hport will bo pulled off at
Armory hall , which will bo especially
prepared by the boyH of Compan > L.
Two rings will bo Ilxed , In one of
which , HB a preliminary , will lie a
battle royal. In the other will bo
the wrestling proper.
A battle royal Is as these who hnve
seen them know , about as much fun
as anything around the ring. Four
darkles will be put nt the corners ,
each wearing heavy gloves. At the
gong they will all start to bump each
other , Indiscriminately , and the hint
man on his feet gets the prize.
Members of the militia comimny are
thinking of Htartiug an athletic club
in Armory hull and are Interested In
this go because of the Impetus It will
glvo the move.
Tournament Finances Will Yield a
Nice Profit to the Norfolk Fire
[ From Thursday's Dully. ]
The executive committee that had
In charge the arrangements and the
finances of the state tournament re
cently closed here , hold a meeting
last night to wind up the business and
pay the bills contracted. A number
of obligations wore met , but thorn < ire
yet outstanding several small ac
counts so that it is Impossible at this
time to give a statement of the flu-
ances , hilt the members of the com
mittee enthusiastically declare that
the amount left on baud after all the
bills have been paid will be something
to make the department treasury swell
All the largo accounts have been
paid , and there cannot be a largo num
ber of small ones yet to meet so that
the committee knows pretty nearly
"where it Is at" regarding receipts
and expenditures and It Is uuolllclally
estimated that the amount left on
hand to be turned over to the de
partment will not wobble away very
far from the half thousand dollar
The unusually good gate receipts ,
the large number of concessions and
the conservative management of the
committee has made this showing pos
sible. With bad , weather , or other un
favorable circumstances it might have
been the other way , but it wasn't and
the committee Is pleased.
B. II. Luikart is hero from Tllden
to visit his parents.
Mrs. C. P. Hodman and children ar
rived from Omaha at noon for a visit
at the home of .1. , T. Allbcry.
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Reynolds and
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Mount and daugh
ters went to Doncstecl yesterday , re
turning this morning.
Mrs. Mao S. Wheaton left this morn
ing over the Union Pacific for her
home in South Omaha , after a visit
of ton days with her parents , Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Simpson.
A number of Norfolk young people
went to Tilden last night to attend a
party nt the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Warren of that place. Messrs. J. R.
Fain and L. P. Pasewalk and Misses
Lillian and Stella Luikart constituted
the Norfolk party.
Miss Mabel Klnnoy of Chicago ,
niece of Messrs. C. S. and W. H.
Bridge , Is visiting at their homes for
a few days. She Is on her way homo
from Colorado whore she has been
spending her summer vacation. Miss
Kinney spent a winter In Norfolk sev
eral winters ago.
The Little Folks Sowing circle gave
Miss Gretchen Ilulff a surprise yes
terday afternoon In honor of her
fourteenth birthday. The society for
the time being formed itself into a
company for the greatest amoimt of
amusement obtainable and they had
It without stint or limit.
Invitations have been Issued by Mr.
and Mrs. W. II. Hogrofo of Stella , this
state , to the marriage of their daugh
ter Ruby , to Mr. Edwin II. Luikart
of Tildon , which Is to take place on
Wednesday evening , August 12 , at 8
o'clock. Mr. Luikart Is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Luikart of this
city and well known In Norfolk.
A letter received from Max Asmus
from Omaha last night informed his
brother In law. Luduli ; Kennlrloin , of
thin cllv. that Carl Annul > was ntlll
alive In an Omaha hospital The doc
lor had unine hope at that time Mr
Annum ban not come out from under
the Influence of the anesthetic yet
"If anything HelH In , " writes the son ,
" 1 shall let .von know. "
Henri Hrowor Hledsoc , , baritone , as-
HlHli'd by Charles Edgar Hmlth , violinist
linist , will give a recital at the llaptlst
church tonight , admission free. Mr.
lllcdsoo comes well recommended ° IIH
a vocalist and ( hose who will attend
will undoubtedly appreciate his Hing
ing. Tomorrow night he \ \ ° ljl glvo
another recital lfl the Hecoud Congre
gational church at South Norfolk.
DCS Molnco Man Will be deforce of
the Game In Auditorium or
Armory Hall.
I From Tltwmliiy'H Dully 1
Thn following agreement was signed
by the two contestants , llwyer and Son-
iHMischeln. for the caU l as-catch can
wrestling match which Is to bo held
In Norfolk next Tuesday night :
This agreement made and entered
Into this twenty-ninth day of .Inly ,
! ( ; , between Frank Dwyer of Fargo ,
S , O. , and II. T. Hoiinemtcheln of Nor
folk , Neb , to meet on Tuesday evenIng -
Ing , August 1 , I tin , ' ! , for a match of
eatcli-us-catch-ciin wrestling , to bo
liulled off at Norfolk , either at the
Company L hall , or at the Auditorium.
Match to bo according lo Police ( la-
/.elto rules , ns follows :
To meet on a mat , regulation sl/e.
Three falls , two best out of three.
Rolling or Hying falls not to count. A
straight pin fall will count from the
tap of the gong. Strangling hold
barred. Actual wrestling time lo
llnlidi this match IH ono hour and
thirty minutes. Dead time counted
when off the mat.
The agreed upon Is hereby accepted
that Gun Sherman of HOB Molnes , la. ,
will bo referee , and on his decision
Mr. Lyndo will turn ( tin stakes which
amount to $200.00 or any amount
more which Is held by any other slalio
holders of Dwyer's or SonneiiHcheln'H
money. It Is also agreed ( hat Mr.
Dwyer will accept C. 10. Hartford , for
time-keeper on the mat , and 1C. II
Kiuiffmanu for time-keeper off the
mat. Signed by
Frank Dwyer ,
II. T. Sonnoiisclieln ,
In presence of : Contestant.
F. ( ! . Lymlo ,
M. IVnttH. I ) .
Columbus Woman Harvested Nine
Hundred Quarts From a Quarter
Acre of Ground.
[ From Thursday's Dnlly. ]
The News has repeatedly argued
that there Is good money In growing
small fruit in Nebraska , If the pornon
trying It knows a little of the science
of fruit culture and is not afraid to
work. Reports from various parts of
the state sustain this belief. The fol
lowing from the Columbus Journal
shows what one woman accomplished
the past Mention :
"The raising of vegetables and small
fruit is becoming more popular every
year in this community. Utilizing the
ground to more profit , cutting up the
largo farms Into 10 or 80 aero lots ,
all indicate an increase In our pop
ulation. Many pcoplo have found the
value In raising strawberries both for
homo use and for the market. Mrs.
E. .1. Young , north of town , who has
been very succesful with fruit grow
ing , this year picked 000 quarts of
strawberries from her patch of loss
than one-fourth of an acre. Of course
there is a lot of work In attending
berries but if you can produce such a
crop as that , there is a good living for
many people who are wiling to work ,
and it Is an excellent trade opening
for women who wish to earn a living. "
Guns , Ammunition and Provisions Be
ing Collected and Czar's Troops
Rigidly Inspected.
Moscow , July 30. Special to The
News : Information has boon re
ceived that there is unusual activity
in military circles , though not com
ing direct from government officials ,
and the preparations being made have
an undeniably war-like appearance.
The government is Just now storing
immense quantities of guns , ammu
nition and provisions in southern
Russia whore they will bo handy In
the event of hostilities with Japan.
The Czar's troops everywhere are
being rigidly inspected anil their re
quirements to place them In the field
minutely noted.
There Is rushing activity in all mil
itary departments and there appears
to bo no doubt but that the govern
ment contemplates an .early and vig
orous campaign.
Strikes Telephone Line and Burns a
Hardware Store This
Burwoll. Neb. , July.30. Special to
The News : Lightning struck a tel
ephone wlro at this place this morn
ing at an early hour. The bolt entered
a hardware store In which the central
office was located , setting It on flro
and the building was destroyed.
The loss Is estimated at five thous
and dollars.
Rev. Franklin Balcer , Formerly
of Norfolk , Does it.
Illustrated Hln Sermon With Billiard
Cue and Dnlln , Deck of Cards , Base
Ball .Bats and Other Features of
Sporting Life. (
( From Tlnirmlny'n Dullj 1 I
Ifev. Franklin Maker , formerly im
tor of Hie Second CotigrccaUmial
chuch of thlH city , ban created mime
thing of a Hommllou In Eureka , Cal ,
as IH Hhown by Urn following account
clipped from the Dally Standard : ,
An alfar and pulpit adorned \\lth u
hllllard cue and ball , a deck of cat ( In ,
a bowling ball , : i fonllmll a ll-dilm ?
pole , a IHIHO ball and bat , a dire box
and a croquet mallet was the unusual
High ! proHeuted at ( ho Congregation ! ) !
church hist nlghl lo the largest crowd
that IIIIH gathered In a Eureka church
for many moutliH.
Itev. Franklin lluker attempted lo
prove last night that many sporlH and
amusements coming under ( he ban
of the church are In themselves not
only harmless but are healthful e\ei-
cltieti for both mind and body. The
reverend gentleman took the position
that there WHH absolutely no harm In
billiard playing and Illustrated his
remarks with the cue and ball carom-
Ini ; from the hoqiiel holder lo the
altar hlhle ami making mnsHo idiots
without tearing the nlNu1 chilli.
He Hhullled mid cut a deck of cunln
with the export hand and vowed that
whist waH most Intellectual and Unit
all card gameH were beneficial. Ho
tmld , however , I hat when widely
ladlcH gave euchre parlies and hung
up prl/es for their lady frlemhi to
play for they were doing JIIH ! an
wrong aH their ImslmndH who plnyod
poker at a dollar unto.
He Hel/ed a dice box and shook niz-
zle-daz/.le , avowing that II wan harm
less when playing parcheHl and kind
red games , but WIIH KiimhlliiK when
mon shook lor a cigar , lie familiarly
handled gnu and rod and extolled the
rqiortH of shooting and Ilidilug. lie
objected HerloiiHly , however , lo men
using the Sablmlh day lo Indulge In
these sportn but mild ho would con
sent to a mini going fishing or shoot
ing on Sunday II Iho man would come
lo church morning and evening , llo
thought that lesH than one year of IIH !
HcrmonH would make the man quit
Hpnrtlug on Sunday.
Mr. Maker Illustrated all the var
ious games and Hports with the par-
auheniallu which adorned Ills pulpit
and then turned his attention to danc
ing and theatre-going : Moth of those
amusi-menht found a warm advocate
in Mr. Makor. Ho mild , "dancing Is
objected ( o ou account of the position ,
yet you allow your daughter lo go
driving with a young man In one of
these nniTow-Hcatod buggies , whore
Ihe contact IH much cloHor than In
dancing. "
Mr. Maker mild ho had attended the
performing of "Cnpt. Swift" al the
lugomiir last Friday night ami added :
"If you hud been there , my hearers ,
you would have thoroughly understood
my text , 'As yo HOW HO shall ye leap. "
llo also said that If ho romalued hero
another term ho would put on the play
of "The Christian , " by Hall C'alne ,
taking the part of "John Storm" him
Mr. Maker last night urged the es
tablishment of a Young Men's
Christian Asoclatlon In this city. He
eloquently depicted the advantages to
the youth of such an Institution. It
Is sincerely to bo hoped that his seed
fell upon fruitful ground and that a
movement to that cud will bo started
nl ouco. There are few tow ? . ? In the
United States as largo as EureKa
which have not a branch of the Y. M.
C. A. and It Is an Institution which Is
needed hero.
The S. R. O. sign was out early itt
the Congregational church la > ti night
and many wore turned away. It Is ev
ident that Mr. Maker Is a practical
Christian and the old hidebound tra
ditions have fallen away fro.11 him
He Is growing in popularity all the
time and the seating capacity of the
church will soon have to bo Increased.
Locked InVHlt n Mnnine.
The writer was oiioe closeted with a
pattnnt whom he bud no suspicion ot
being mud until the latter got out of
botl , turned the key of the door and
preferred a mild request to the writer
to have h'.s throat cut , handing him at
the same time an open poeketUnlfe ,
which ho produced from underneath
his pillow. I objected to the knife as
being too small for the purpose and
bogged to be allowed to go for my case
of amputating knives , with which , I
explained , the operation could bo per
formed with greater neatness and dis
patch. Ho unlocked the door at once ,
binding rue over to secrecy and urging
me to lose no tlmo In returning. I drove
homo , reported the case to the authori
ties and came buck with assistance ,
lie was secured with great dllllcultj
anil sent to the asylum. London Tit-
The IlnMirr.
"I made nn angel cake that waa ele
gant and ono that was awful , " said
Mntul. "This Is the'third , and it will
decide ns to whether or not I an bo
considered an expert. " *
"I could tell this was the rubber , "
said Ilnrry as Lo tried the cake. "It
tastes like It. "
Because you arc bolter than the man
you dcsplso docs not moan that you
are not worse than these who dcspiso
"you. Now York Press.
Good Health
Lion Coffee
lfl all coflco no frlnziriff of
CBHS or glue to conccnl dc-
fccta nnd cheapen its quality.
Fresh nnd uniform , rich
in flavor , because always in
scaled packages never in
City Council Meets Tonight to
Levy Assessments.
No More Plank or Board Affalro Will
be Permitted nnd Councllmcti Will
Endeavor to Force Property Own-
is Who Have Been Slow.
The Hldewiilk question ban Ihln
Hprlug and Hummel been of more than
irdlmiry Inteiest ( o the elll/.ciiM ami
liiopcrly owtienl ol Norfolk , and the
council ami city olllelals have iitaileit
In with Ihe determination of havlni :
Norfolk inn' of the best Hldewullu'it
clllcH In Ihe slate and will succeed IK -
yond a renHoiiublit doubt They ox-
| iecl all public spirited cltl/.ciiH lo help
them without urging , and for tliojm
who have heretofore done nothing ,
either through urging or coaxing , they
will endeavor lo HCO II they cannot bo
miidn to keep up their end of Mm
Ati a Hlarter limy have adopted an
ordinance prohibit lug Ihe count met Ion
of plunk and board walks and hero-
alter they must bo made of Inlck ,
Hlnm > , cement or other permanent ,
malerlnl that will be ol advantage lethe
the city ami the pcoplo using the
AH a cluiHer following IhlH ordinance
they huvo commenced legnl proceed-
lugH against curtain properties mid
pioi-Tty owuei'H compolllug tin1 fix-
lug | i of wulkH , and a special meeting
of the council will be hold tonight at
8 o'clock lor Ihe purpose of le\in > j
special assessments against the prop
erties below described for the pur-
IIOHU ol building now walks A num
ber of the owuoi'H have anticipated
such action and have built the \viilKn
demanded nluco the uotlco WIIH flrt
published , ollr.'l'H will bo expected to
make a showing tonight or have I he
asHesument willed for levied against ,
their properties.
Notice lo Properly Owners.
Notice IH hi ri'by givi'ii that n special
meeting of the city council if Norfolk ,
Nob. , will bo hold nt H o'clock p. 111. ,
July ! ! ( ) , lOOil , for the pnrpoM ) of iniik-
! HK hpi'dul iifiHuuMiiontH ngaimt the lots
below doffribcd fcr the constiuctlon of
now Hicluwn'kH ' ( airing paid lotnj :
oiuciiNAL 'lows or NOitrouc. '
Hlock 1 , lots 10 , 11 , IS ! , lit , 11 , Ifi , 1(11 (
Hlock 2 , lots it , -I , fi , (1 ( , 7 , 8. ' . ) , 10 , 11 ,
12 , li ! , II.
Block a , lots 1 , 21,5 ! ! , 0 , 7,2t. :
Hlook-l , Jots 11 , IS ! , 1 , Hi , 17 , 18 , I'J ,
20 21 "i !
hlock" ? , lots 1 , ! ! , 10.
DOItSHY I'IAfll ! .
Hlock U , lotHJ , ! l , half ot lot -1.
Hlock 1 , lots fi , ( ! , 7.
Hlock a , lots a , ! t , -i , r > , o , 7 , 8.
Hlock , lots I , fi , 7 , 8 , 1) ) .
Block .1 , lots 8 , ! ) .
Hlock ! ! , lotfi 7 , 8 , ( ) , 10.
Hlock ( i , lots 1 , 8 , ! ) , 18 , 14 , 10 , 10 , 10 ,
Hlock fi , ! ! , 10.
Block 4 , lots' ) , 10.
Block 7 , lot 1.
Block 8 , lot ( S.
Block 1 , lots a , a , 4.
Block 2 , lots ! ) , 10. Sub lot 8
Block a , north half of lot 1.
Hlock 1 , lotB U , 4 , 0 , 7 , 8.
Block 2 , lots 8 and u % lot 2 nnd south"
end of lot 1.
Block , lots a , 4 , 9.
Block 3 , lota la , 14 , If ) , 10.
Block : ) , lots 1 , 2. 1 , 4 , 5.
Block l.lnts 1 , 2 , i.1 , fi , C , 7 , 8 , 0 , 10.
Block. , , lots 1 , 2 , 1 , 0 , 7 , J ) , 17.
Block ( i , lots 1,2 , 4.
Block 7 , lot 8.
Block 8lots 0 , 10.
Block 2 , lots 1 , 2.
Block l.lota 15 , 10 , 17 , 18 , 0.
Block l.lots 1,2 , a , 15 , 10 , 17.
Block 0 , lot C.
Block 7 , lots 2 , a , 4 , 5 , 0.
Block 12 , lots 8 , 8.
Block 1 , lot , Dorlnnd's 1st nddl-
Block 10 , lots 1 ivnd 14 , Durlnnd's 1st
Block 0 , lots 0 nnd 1 , 0. S. Hayes'
Attest : . M. O. HAZEN ,
S. R. McFAHLAND. Mayor.
LOST. A tailor made jacket , black ,
lined with black farmer's satin.
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