FUR N ) UFOLK NEWS : KUI1U Y. , IULY HI. IITO Congregate at Vatican for the Coming Conclave , SHORT SESSION IS PREDICTED. Cardinal Gibbons Received With Cor diality , but Not Considered a Papal Possibility D | Plctro Talked of aa a Dark Horco. Home , July 28. Almost all the car dinals of the couclavo huvo now ar rived. There was a lengthy meeting of the congregation , which was notable for the cordiality with which Cardinal QlbbonB was received. After the meet , inc the cardinals received numerous visitors at their various residences. In well informed circles , Cardinal An- Kclo dl Pletro , jtrodutary of the pope , is talked of as a candidate , in case Oreslia , Hampolla , Gottl or Vannutclll Is unable to secure the necessary votes. Should Di I'letro bo elected , 4 ho would , it Is said , ho the representa i.f ? . tive of the Uampolla-Qotti faction , and yet would ho fairly acceptable to all. Cardinal Michael Loguc , arch bishop of Armagh , who , with the ex ception of Cardinal Gibbons , will bo the only English-speaking cardinal in the conclave , arrived from Ireland. Ha said ho believed that the successor to Leo would bo quickly chosen. In his case , perhaps , the hope Is father to the thought , as ho said ho did not look forward with a great degree of pleasure to being shut up in the vat- Icnn during the present hot weather. The following is a list of the con victs who escaped : Hay Fahey , life ; S. J. Caso. life ; J. II. Wood , life ; Fred Howard , fifteen years ; Mlko Miller , twelve years ; II. Kldredge , thirty years ; J. Thcron , fifteen years ; E. Davis , thirty-three years ; J. J. Alll- BOH , four years ; J. Murphy , four years ; A. Seabis , twenty-five years ; J. Rob erts , twenty years ; R , M , Gordon , forty-flvo years. Speaking of Cardinal Gibbons , the Irish cardinal paid him a glowing trib ute , though , like all the prelates here , he held out no hope that the American cardinal had the remotest chance of election. "Indeed , " said Cardinal Loguo , "I think Cardinal Gibbons would be a subject for commiseration if the se lection should devolve upon him. for no American would care to spend the rest of his life confined within the precincts of the Vatican. " ULSTER WELCOMES THE KINO. Edward Unveils Statue Erected In . Honor of Queen Victoria. Bettast , July 28. The welcome ex tended to King Edward and Queen Alexandra at the capital of Ulsuur was marked by the same enthusiasm which has followed their progress though Ireland. The city was elabor ately decorated and thronged nnd the streets were lined by 10,000 troops , 2,000 bluejackets and 0,000 police. The lord mayor and corporation awaited their majesties at the rail road station and presented them with an address. Upward of flfty other ad dresses were presented. The king , In reply , said his highest ambition waste to follow in the footsteps of his moth er and make the well-being of his people ple , the prosperity of Ireland and the maintenance of the peace of all na tions his constant aim. The royal procession was then formed and trav ersed the streets to the city hall , where the king unveiled a statue erected in honor of Queen Victoria. Collides With an Iceberg. Philadelphia , July 28 The British tank steamer Baku Standard , from Tyno , arrived here with a hole In her bow as a result of a collision with an iceberg. The tanker , Captain Lucker , reports , was steaming slowly over the Grand * Banks off Newfoundland during a dense fog at 4 o'clock last Monday morning when an Iceberg about 200 feet high loomed up dead ahead. The engines were reversed , but before the oteamcr could be diverted from her course , the boat struck the submerged portion of the iceberg. A small hole was stove in one of the forward com- pastmcnts below the water line. The pumps were placed in operation and the water was kept down. Stock Market Shows Improvement. New York , July 2S. In spite of two additional failures on the Stock ex change F. S. Hooley & Co. of this city and William Bassett of Boston the stock market showed very general Improvement and the situation as a whole was viewed with more cheerful ness. The Hooley failure was regard ed as .an Inevitable sequel to that of W. L. Stow & Co. , which came last t Friday. The failure of Mr. Basse was wholly unimportant one of the day's Incidents. No Trace of Missing Bankers. Plsgah , la. , July 28. No trace has yet been found of E. C. Hutchlnson , cashier of Hutchlnson's private bank , and the assistant cashier , Harry Smith , who disappeared when the bank closed its doors last Wednesday. The accounts of the bank are now he- Ing checked. The shortage so far dis covered Is placed at $28,000. Only $71 was found In the bank vault. Two Dead and Two Dying. Jackson , Ky. , July 28. Reports re ceived hero state that in a fight on Long creek Govan Smith was shot through the breast by John Hall and as ho lay on the ground ho pulled his revolver and shot Hallthrough , the brain. Both men expired almost Im mediately. On Hunting Creek John Stldman and Alex Craft engaged In a fight and both will die. ALLEN SOUNDS KEYNOTE. Makes Principal Address at Populist Conlorcnco In Denver. Denver , July i8. ! About fifty leaders of the 1'eoplo's party and other pout , leal movements wore present at the St. James hotel when the contoronce of political reform loaders was called to order by J. A. Edgorton , secretary of the 1'opullsl national committee. Mr. Edgortou spoke briefly , outlining the work that it is hoped to accomplish by the conference In the amalgama tion of the various reform forces of the nation into one party , Mr. Ed- gorton was uiado the permanent chair man of the conference , with Milton Park of Texas us vlco chairman and J. 11. Caldurhead of Montana secre tary. The day was taken up In the work of organization and short ad dresses , TIio principal speech wan made by former United States Senator W. V. Allen of Nebraska. Beuutor Al len favored a reorganization of the reform forces which should embrace the various factions now embracing practically the sumo political doc trines and differing mainly in regard to methods. At the evening session a commlttco was named to draft resolu tions and an address to the puoplo and to report to the conference this afternoon. The commlttco Is as fol lows : Ex-Senator W. V. Allen , chair man ; J. S. Fetter , Illinois ; J. M. Mul- lett , Texas ; Judge Frank W. Owera , Colorado ; Dr. II. II. Rccmolln , Ohio ; H. B. Hewitt , Kansas , W. A. Poyuter , Nebraska. The chairman , vice- chairman and secretary were made a committee to nominate a committee on organization to rcundcrtake the work of forming anew now party out of the reform forces of the country. TWO KILLED IN EXPLOSION. Six Other * Injured as Result of Cylin der Head Blowing Out of Engine. Now York , July 28. Two men are known to be dad and six injured , one perhaps fatally , as the direct re sult of the blowing out of a cylinder head of an engine attached to a pump in the Jacob lllcchert Brewing com pany's plant at Alexander avenue. One hundred and ttlty men were at work at the time and as soon as the englno stopped working the ammonia flowed from the pump , the fumes spreading to all parts of thu building. Patrolman David J. Goss was overcome - como by the fumes while rescuing oth ers and his Injuries may prove fatal. The dead are ; Otto Smith , engi neer ; John Vinsky , fireman. Upstairs the smell of the fumes car ried warning and the employes rushed to the roof , a narrow stairway delay ing the few who were overcome. FIVE LOSE LIVES IN ALASKA. Boat Floating Down River Strikes a Reef and Is Capsized. Seattle , July 27. News comes from Valdez on the steamer Excelsior , which arrived hero at midnight , of the drowning of Miss Lou Wheeler , Au gust Rehl , Henry and Paul Woldrner and Burt Ford , In the Copper , at the mouth of the Chltua , one of its tribu taries. L. J. Perry and Messrs. Barry and Dr. Russell were with the party , be ing in an open boat floating down the stream. As the boat neared a projecting reef , the occupants attempted to get out and in doing so the boat capsized. Labor and Advertising Their Topics. New York , July 28. Labor and ad vertising were the themes discussed by the Furniture Association of Amer ica at last night's session of its an nual convention. The principal ad dress of the evening was made by Da vid M. Parry of Indianapolis , presi dent of the National Association of Manufacturers. 0. D. Baker of Bos ton told of trouble he had had with labor and urged some kind of united action to prevent encroachments on the management of their business. TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD. Robert Anderson , a negro , was shot and killed near Vicksburg by Miss Annie Strong , daughter of a white dairyman. Stephen Shanks , seventy years of age , ex-county treasurer , committed suicide at Frankfort , lud. , by throw ing himself In front of a Clover Leaf passenger train. An extraordinary rainfall has inun dated Chefoo , China , resulting In nn enormous loss of life and property in the native city and heavy damage to the foreign settlement. Almost without exception the rail way systems in the southwest have placed large orders for locomotives , most of them to be delivered by the time the crops are to bo moved. Robert J. Burdetto , in his first ser mon as pastor of Los Angeles , Cal. , Baptist church , declared prosperity is in the air , hut Moses and Joseph were as rich as Morgan and Schwab are now. Peter Wolf is dead after a lingering illness at his homo in Hooslc Falls , N. Y. Ho was well known among farm machinery manufacturers throughout the country. Ho was seventy-seven years of ago. Chairman Procter of the civil service commission , In reply to Charles Emory Smith , former postmaster general , denied that his ( Procter's ) relatives have places in the classified service. The department Is held guilty. Thirteen persons have been killed and a score Injured in a railroad acci dent at Glasgow , where an excursion train from the Isle of Man crashed Into the buffers at the station. Two cars were telescoped in the crash. Hot" Wave at St Louis. St. Louis , July 28. Another Lot wave has swept orcr St. Louis and the maximum temperature was 93 degrees. Two prostrations were reported. Thirteen Convicts Escape from California Penitentiary. ATTACK GUARDS WITH KNIVES. One of Them li Killed and Another Mortally Stabbed Take Officers of Prison Along as Shield and Safely Pace Gatllng Gun. Folso.m , Cal. , July 28. Thlrte.au des perate prisoners confined lu thu Fol- Bom penitentiary mudo u Bucceuflful break for liberty at the breakfast hour. After a fierce fight lu the cap tain's olllce , during which u turnkey was fatally stabbed , a guard killed and another ulllcer badly wounded , the convicts seized a quantity of arms and ammunition , and using the warden and other officers for a shield from their pursuers , iniulo good their es cape. It Is believed they nro mak ing for the Bald mountain. State ml- lltla , ordered out by Governor Purdue , have gene to the scene. The wounded : C. J. Cochrane , turnkey , stabbed In the back , may die ; William L. Cotter , a guard , cut In the abdomen and died after 11 vo hours ; W. C. Palmer , cut In the head. The break occurred about 7 a. in. The convicts inndo Immediately for the ofilco of the captain of the guard , 11. J. Murphy. There they seized War den Wilkinson , his grandson , Hurry Wilkinson ; Captain Murphy and sev eral other olllcors and guards. A dcs- perato fight took place. The convicts were armed with knives nnd ra/ora and with those they assaulted Warden Wilkinson and his officers. The \vnr- den's clothing was slushed Into shreds with a razor , but the blndo did not touch the llosh. Turnkey Cochrano fought the convicts with a chair. ruinIng - Ing blows upon them right nnd loft. Finally ho was felled by a knlfo thrust In the back. Guard Cotter wan cut lu the abdomen so that his entrails protruded , whllo Palmer waH severely cut In the head. The lloor of the of fice was covered with blood. The oillccrs were easily outnum bered and soon relieved of their arms. Then using the officers aa a shield , the convicts started for the armory post on the outskirts of the peniten tiary grounds. They passed a Galling gun on ono of the walls , but the guards were afraid to turn It on the convicts. When the armory post was reached , officers there attempted to Interfere , but were quickly overpow ered. Then , after further fortifying themselves with rifles , knives , pistols and ammunition , a dash for the coun try was made. Convicts , each armed with rifles , matched on either pldo of Warden Wilkinson , who was threatened with death If ho mudo an attempt to ea- cape , and the oillccrs weie told that If any of thu pursuuis took the life of ono of their number that they would retaliate , lifo for life. At Mormon bridge , about a mlle fioin the pcnlten- tlaty , the warden , his son and Cap tain Murphy were released and sent back. The others were carried along with the convicts. Further on the convicts went to n fanners house , seized his four horse team and wagon , gutted the house of everything of value , took the farmer with them as u driver and headed for Bald mountain. Evidently it Is their intention to reach Alabaster cave , sit uated near this mountain. All the convicts uro still at large. Among the officers carried off by them Is General Overseer McDonough. Some fears are felt for his safety , as he bears the especial ill-will of the convicts. Governor Pardco ordered company H of PlacervlIIe to the scene. The several hundred remaining pris oners made no attempt to get away. One Killed and One Wounded. Plucervllle , Cal. , July 28. According to a report received hero a fight be tween the escaped convicts from Fol- Bom and a posse has taken place near Pilot Hill , in which Fred Howard was killed and A. Seabis wounded. Both are convicts. The convicts arc said to have scattered and to be making for the surrounding woods. A com pany of rnilltia is en route to Pilot Hill and should now be in the immedi ate scene of the fight. Before the fight took place , the convicts , who had picked up a number of citizens en route and compelled them to Join their party , had plundered the general mer chandise Btoro at Pilot Hill kept by S. D. DlehL Will Be Lynched If Caught. Logansport , Ind. , July 28. An un known negro attempted to assault Mrs. J. S. Watts , wife of a prominent farm er near hero. Threshers on the farm heard her screams and started after him , chasing him several miles and firIng - Ing a number of shots at him. He es caped into the swamp country and Is believed to be badly wotrided , as blood was left on his trail. Farmers are organizing to continue the pur suit. All are securing weapons and n lynching Is expected to follow the negro's capture. Mob Pursues Colored Man. Farmlnston , la. , July 28. A mob of farmers began searching for a negro named Clark , who is accused of hav ing assaulted a white girl by the name of Gertrude Hess , on Sunday. The negro used a razor and the girl's life hangs in the balance. The mob is now In the region of Medlll and.re ports received hero state that they have surrounded the negro In a hol low , and it is only a question of a ihort time before the negro la lynched. WHEAT EXPORT IS STOPPED. Will Not Allow Jnpnn to Qot Further Supplies from New Chwang. Poltltii ; , July 28 The lliiHHlim ad- inliiiHtiiitlon of Now I'llviui K hun fctojtped tint exportation of whout to Juputi The export of nruln from Clil- nope ports lu llloiul ; , but the UUHHIUIH | heretofore huvo Ignored the law. During the punt week the JupunoBn obtained niiiny Hit I p loads from Now Chwang , apparently preparing for war contliiKonclcu. Gonorul Konrodru- vlti'h has boon plncod In chur o of nix armed commercial houtn and the navigation of the Line river , which lit construed hero as another ulna of Hun- Bin's Intention to retain New ClnvuiiR uud thu ehurgf1 of the river. Washington , July 28. Whllo there IIUH been a lull In the Munehtirlun no- cotlntlunn during the IIIHI week , It IB stated that up to thin point imtlnfuc- tory progrcmi hits licon made and ( hero In every reamm to hellevo that boforc the 1st of September next u treaty will bo ready for iilguuturo , which will define the trade oppnrtunltlcR of the United Btuten In Manchuria. An authorized statement on the situation IB n follows : "Tho quontlon of open- IIIK new Uu'ulltlen to trndo lu Man- churlu has been , In miliHtniica , natlH- fuctorlly arranged with the Chlneno government and nothlnu remains to hu Bottled except the duto when mild Jo- culltlon can ho opened. ThlH will ho nubject to the rutllleutlon of the treuty In which the opening Is agreed upon. " LRUNKEN MEN ASSAULT GIRLS. Taken from Escorts Near Omaha ana Brutally Treated. Omaha , July 28. Alice ( lurd nnd Ooru Onborno , agi-d Hlxteen youra each , were tnkeii liom their escorts near BOIIKOII and brutally beaten and Dsuulted by u crowd of men and boys. The Oshoruc girl was lepeatedly as- mulled and IB now In u HOIUUU ! condi tion. By a heiolc light on the purt of the Gurd girl the men lulled to ac complish thulr puipoHo with her , though she was terribly hiulBod and bouton She attributes her oKriipo to the drunken condition of the mob and the fact that she was attired In black and epcapod In the durkncsn during the struggle. Five men have been charged with the eilme and two nrroBtod. They have been Identified by the Osborne girl. The ncctiHod men are Frank Mull' k. two Wiseman brothorH , John Itoonoy nnd u uiuu named I'unett. GRUDGE ENDS IN A TRAGEDY. Two Arc Fatally Wounded and Two Seriously Injured Near Rolla , Mo. llolln , Mo. , July 28. In a Hlmolliig affray at Arlington , twolvu miles Bouth of Holla , lour persons weio wounded and two of them will prob ably die. The fight was the lemilt of un old grudge. The wounded nro : Perry Andres , a nuldo on the GuRconudo ilvor ; J. W. McDowell , Ed McDowell , CJns Todd. A remark alleged to huvo been made by Andres about ono of the Me- Dowtlis pioclpltatcd a genetnl fight , In which guns were drawn and ten or moro shots fired. Andres Is nhot through the chest and the ball IB lodged In his nhoulder blade. Physi cians state that ho can not recover. Ed McDowell sustained u sevi-io In jury of his bond , and James McDowell , it ia stated , will trit recover. Sentenced for Bribery. St. Louis , July 28. Judge Ryan passed sentence on five former mem bers of the house of delegates , four of whom wore convicted on charges of bribery and ono of perjury In con nection with municipal frunchlHO deals. Following uro those sentenced : John A. Sheridan , bribery in connec tion with Suburban street railway deal , live years ; T. Edward Albright , bribery , suburban deal , five years ; Jer ry J. Hnnnignn , bribery , suburban deal , five years ; Louis Bceker , per jury , suburban deal , four years ; Emll Hartmunn , bribery , city lighting bill , six years. All filed appeal bonds In the sum of $10.000. Report on Railroad Accidents. Washington , July 28. The report of the Interstate commerce committee on railroad accidents In the United States for the three months ending March 31 last shows that during that quarter 300 persons were killed and 2,834 In jured in train accidents. Other kinds of accidents , Including those sustained by employes while at work and by pas sengers In getting on nnd off cars , making the aggregate casualties 827 killed nnd 11.481 Injured. There were 1,650 collisions nnd 1,181 derailments - ments , causing $2.492,005 damage to cars , engines and roadways. Vessel Pounding to Pieces. SL Johns , N. F. , July 28. The Brit ish steamer Monterey , when went ashore near St. Pierre Mlquelon , Is going to pieces , owing to a fierce gale which Is raging. The steamers Grand Lake and Algerlne have left here to assist in salving the cargo and freight ing the cattle aboard to Sydney. The Monterey has 50,000 socks of flour aboard which cannot bo saved. Ecuador to Be Represented. Guayaquil , July 28. The govern ment of Ecuador has appointed com missioners in different sections of the country to prepare the exhibits for the St. LouiB exposition. A special expedition will go to the Amazoulc nnd eastern regions with the same ob ject. Ecuador promises to make a good display at St. Louis. Jett and White on Trial. Cynthiann. Ky. , July 28. The first day of the second trial of Curtis Jett nnd Tom Whlto for the murder of James B. Marcum was without special Interest. But twenty-four of the thir ty talesman responded to the sum mons of the court. New Yht Fully Demonstrates Its Superiority. TRIAL RACES DISPENSED WITH. Challenge Committee Decide ? to Dm- continue Further Contents ' With Constitution nnd Columbia All Oat- "lifted With Choice. Newport , 11. ! . , July 2H. After Mon day's nice betwoun the Holluneo , ihu Cotmtluiitun and the Columbia , In which ( hu loriuur itKiiln demuiiHlruted her miporlorlly , the chiillengo com mitted of the Now York Yacht club no looted the Holluneo UB the defender of the Amerlcu'u cup. It wan ulno do elded to dlHcontlnuo the trial ruccn. MOUHTH. Morgan of the Columbia uud llelmont of the CoiiHlltutlon woio per fectly mitlHllodltb the clioleo of the committee. They are both of the opin ion that the llolluiu'o In ( hu fautetu of thi ) trio. Of the showing of the three boats during OKI IIOUBOII the Itelluneo In lulrly entitled to bo the defending YOBBO ! . In every rueo nho him crnBHod the llnltth line uhcud , and IIUH lout but few rureH on ( line ullowuiui'u. It lit probable ( ho doleinler will pn > < eed to Bristol for a Uioiotigh overhauling. Valet Jones In Gnlveston. Gnlvcston , July 28. Viilel Churl < F. Jones In In ( liilvonton and Is nur- prlnod ut the reportii emunutlng from New York nn to his dltmppeuruneo mid the unntieceRiiful offnrtH to locuto him. Ho Btuted emphutlenlly to Rovorul friends ( but he would not return to Now York to figure UB a wltnonH In nny further proroedlngB nr develop ments lu ( ho cane of Albert T Patrick. Jones la well mippllod with money , til- though ut present he Is not In any labor. Alleged Stranrjler Arrested. Mount Vernon , N. Y. , July --Map- - tin Ebelt , ulHO known UB Kchiiofer , huabnnd of the young woman whoso body WUB found In a Hewer on the out- Bklrtn of the city , where It hud been thrown after fiho had been strangled to death , wus brought to Mount Vernon - non by Chief of Police Foley , from Whlto Plains , where ho wnB arrested. The police have succeeded In tiaeliig , Ebelt and IIB ! wlfo ulnioHl to the BOI where the body WUB found. Verdict on Brush Creek Disaster. GreeiiBburg , Pa. , July 28. After de liberating until midnight the Jury empanelled - panelled by Coroner Charley Wynn to InvoHtlgnte the dlRUHter thnt befell the BruHh creek vulley , July 5 , reached a unanimous verdict ut Jeannette ho death of eighteen of the victims , the Jury found , was due to n "flood caused by 'nu unusimlly heavy rain. " Clumge of Venue Not Granted. St LoulB. July 28 Judge Doiiglnn ovonuled the motion of attorneys of former Delegate Harris Faulkner for u elmiiK' ' * nf venue and bin h ° coiid trial on the charge of perjuiy In connection with the suburban Irunchlse dual wau proceeded with. Auto Injures Prince Chimny. Mczleres , France , July 2H.-l'rlnro Joneph of Chimny , whose former wife eloped with Hlgo , u Hungailan mu sician , In ISltO , mot with a serious auto mobile urcldont near the village of Rouorl while trying to nvold u lycllflt. The automobile was overturned and Iho machinist wus killed. The prlnco was BcrioiiBly Injured. To Allay Anti-Semite Hatred. St. Petersburg , July 28 By order of the chief piosecutor of the holy synod , the bishop of Klshineff has In structed the clergy of his dloccso to exert their influence- the members of the orthodox churches by sermons In their churches and personal ml- monition to allay the anti-Semitic re- HgloiiH butied. Shot In His Own Door Yard. Nlobrara , Neb. , July 28. A mysteri ous shooting occurred bore last night. William Merrill was shot in his own door yard by a person or persons un known. The coroner's Inquest Is now taking placo. The dead man leaves a wlfo and two grown children. SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. The largo Eighth street market hoiihe In Wilmington , Del. , was totally destroyed by fire. Loss , $100,000. Nine mines of the Amalgamated Copper company In Rutto and the Anaconda smelter are to open Aug. 20. Nearly 5,000 men will reluru to work. A conference will be held at Chan- tauqua , N. Y. , on Aug. 10 to 15 , at which the recent manifestations of the mob spirit In this country will be discussed. William C. Arnold , a well-to-do farmer - ' er , was taken to jail in Uniontown , Pa. , charged with the murder of his Infant son. His wife , Mary Effle Ar nold , Is also charged with murder. Lightning struck the chimney of S. J. Walters' sawmill near Grand Bay , Ala. , and caused the boiler to explode. William Carter , Alfred Washington and Lewis Johnson , all colored , were killed A report by the chief Industrial Inspector specter of Austria shows that the la bor situation In that country is great ly depressed , many factories running on short time and the families of the Industrial classes suffering. It Is stated that preliminary arrange ments have been completed by which the Missouri Pacific and 'Frisco sys tem plan to build a joint line down the west side of the Mississippi river from Memphis to Baton Rouge. KIDNEY TROUBLE CURED , Gcrioral Health Greatly Improved by Po-ru-na , --T- " T t t > t" "f" " ' MRH. M. J. DANLEY. Mr . M. .1. Dnnloy , Trenmirnr of llu lloheccn Ixxlgo , I. O. O. ir. , writ/in from lit ! ! PlrntntriM'l , N. , MlnnnnpollH , Minn. : 111 wnn nllllctcd for Hovornl yearn wllli kidney Ironhln which bceiimo qulto Her- iotiHfiUlcnUHMl ( inocotiflldnrnhle anxiety. / xpent huntlrctla of dollnm trying to tie curctl , hut nothlnff gave mo any permanent relief until I tried I'crttna. It took lens tlinti three months anit only ten hot/let tn effect a permanent cure , but they were worth more than in ninny hundred dollarn to mo. I run fully rimtored to health , know ni < ltln < r ueho nor pain nnd enjoy llfo. " Mrw. M. J. Diuiley. Thin exporlcnco linn boon repented ninny tlrm-H. Wo hear of miuh CHHCH Hourly every dny. Mrn. Diuiley liiul cntnrrh of the kid- iieyn. AH POOH IIH HIO ! took Iho rlghd remedy nho inado u quick recovery , A I'roinliii'iit .Sinilhtirii I.inly' * Ill < ir. MIHH Lauru HopkltiM , of Washington , I ) . O. , nleeo of lion. E.G. IlnphltiH , ono nf the largest Iron iminufuoturcrH oC lllrmlnghum , Aln. , wrlten ( lie following letter eominendlliK Periuin. KhoHiiyH : "lean cheerfullyrccnmmcnil Peru * tin for Intltffcstlon nml xtatuiicti trotihlo and an a # owtonic. . ' ' I.mini Hopkins. Peruiiiu'iireHcutiirrh wherever loeutuil. Peruna In a Rpeclllo for the cnttirrhnl ( InningoinontH of women. AildruHfl The Ponmii Medicine Co. , ColumlniH , Ohio , for frcso book on cuturrli written by Dr. y. 13. llartman. Golcllerc Hcntore Order at DarwIUo. Iiunvllle , III. , July 2S. Two ( oinpo- nlen of militia were ordeied bud ; to KprltiKlleld. CompunleB II and I of the Seventh reglmei t will remuln un til It IH believed nil daiiRer of tronblo In piisl. There IIHH been no edcnro tbiil another ontbreiiU In cont'-mplat- I'd , but tlucatfi ure belni ; made or T.but will hiippnn when the troops l"nve. Thr Jill nnd the police stutlor * uro helm ? innnlrnd. Woman Jail Breaker Captured. ( iulhrla , Oklu. , July 27. DOIII r. . x * un ullcKcd horHuthlul , has been re- ralured | ) anil placed In Jull at Wiitim- KI'I , alter BiieccBafully eluding tin1 nfll- cem hlnio 1.VJ8 , when Hhu ' " ' ui' < l tioin the ( onnly j.ill : il Knirli > r. Tbe wi/nian / WUH lei HI xi ml yarn a nn mbi r < > l u HUIIK " 1 t < rrilory m Digests what you cat. This preparation cont.uiH nil of the dlgcstunts and di 'i'sts all kinds ot food. JtKlvus instant relief and never falls to cure. Jt allows joti to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. Hy Its use many thnnsai'ds ' of dy puptna ha'-u beco cured after everything else failed , la unequalled l < > r the stomach. Child * rcn with weak stomachs thrive on it. Cures all sta-nacfa troubles I'rup.'ui'd m y by I ' I i H i rr ft f'n , i 'idcaga ' iuiii ) ' ' ( "tuirihliH tui.fstlR&Oc. elzo. Between St. Louis and Kansas City and OKLAHOMA CITY , WfiCHITA , DENISON , > SHERMAN , DALLAS , FORT WORTH And principal points In Texas and the South west. This train Is now throughout and la mtulo up of the finest equipment , provided with electric lights and all other modem traveling conveniences. It runs via our now completed Red River Division. Every appliance known to modern car building and railroading has been employed tn the mako-up of this service , Including Cafe Observation Cars , under the management of Fred. Harvey , Full Information us to rates and all details oi a trip via this now route will bo cheerfully turnlshed , upon application , by any lenri * MnUtivo of the