The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 31, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , JULY 81 , l < )03. )
This Is the Hoawm when tlio Ice
man becomes olio of tliu most Inde
pendent pcoplo living.
If you wouldn't euro to bo Iho Ice
jnnn , ) io\v would you like to bo
nplolor i\t n nldo show ?
Tlio llroinon have undoubtedly
lind a good tlmo , mill It Is certain
tlmt tlio nmjnrlty of tlio people of
Norfolk liuvo appreciated tliolr visit.
It Is perhaps iBourco of satisfac
tion not to bo prcnt , when II Is
popular to cut open ( lie bodies of tlio
Btvat and toll tbo peolo | wlmt tboy
flnd Inside.
Tboy slioiild at least bavo n latcb
Btrlng tlmt hangs outside on Hint
door to Manchuria. Tbls would prevent -
vent sonio of tbo trouble that bus
been occasioned.
Tbo Interest ( if tbo public Is very
llUoly to soon turn from Home and
center In tbo orient , wbero war
clouds are gathering tbat tbreaten to
burst at almost any momuut.
Tbo tournament Interrupted tlio
.Rrowtb of Norfolk as far as tbo
building operatloiiH wore concerned
for a few days but It In at It again
now more vigorously tban over.
If tbo funny men keep at It tboy
will lead people to bellovo tbat tbo
Kansas farmers really do resort to
extreme measures to not help In carIng -
Ing for tbelr Immense crops of grain.
Tbo tumbling of stocks In Wall
street lias tbus far bad no other ef
fect ( ban bringing ridicule upon tlio
Jlnnnelors wbo are among tlio losers.
Tbo business world lias not felt oven
n sllgbt tremor.
1'orlmps tlioso wbo bavo believed
tbat tboro would bo no corn crop ow
ing to tbo lateness of tbo season , will
now bo willing to take It back for
tbo tlmo being. Tbo prospects for
tbo corn barvcst are excellent.
Utah Is one of tbo four states In
which there has not been a lynching
slnco 18S5 and the only western
Htato. Surely the state of tbo Mor
mons has some credit coming.
If a person Is not able , for busi
ness or other reasons , to go on a
Bummer outing , It does not In any
manner make him endure bis environ
ment more cheerfully to read the
announcements of summer resorts.
1 Milwaukee desires to entertain the
coming national democratic conven
tion and 1ms placed Its bid early.
Milwaukee no doubo considers that
tbo llroworks taking place about tbat
tlmo will further contribute toward
making her famous.
When they get through uncovering
tbo rottenness In Missouri's olllclal
circles , It Is apparent tbat there will
bo but few of them left without a
stain on their character. Tlio gath
ering In of "driftwood" appears to
bavo been a very popular employment
down there.
There is something satisfactory
coming from tbo fact that John M.
Thurston fell Into tbo sea at Coney
Island the people who honored him
nt one tlmo bavo learned that bo is
still alive , and must bo prospering it
lie can afford to go to Coney Island ,
oven to fall into tbo sea.
Two persons wore seriously wound
ed at Jackson , Ky. as the result
of a shooting scrape over a poker
game. When Jackson fails to keep
before tbo people with its disastrous
pistols duels it will be tlmo to send
missionaries to the Fiji Islands to
civilize the other heathen.
The warm and dry weather has
come to Nebraska when it was most
needed and tbo corn is bumping .along
nt that well known Nebraska gait
that promises a bumper barvcs. Now
Is the tlmo to buy a Nebraska farm
and help the oldest inhabitants stand
up for the best state in tbo union.
General Miles evidently forgot to
consider that horseback riding was
the president's favorite stunt and
that bo bad at bis command some of
tbo finest animals in tbo country , so
tbat it was not a serious matter for
him to plan and take a ride that
would at least average up well with
tbo general's.
It will bo no trouble to find a man
for second place when tbo proper
tlmo comes. Ordinarily it may not
bo a largo honor to bo elected vice
president and bold that offlce but to
make tbo race with President Roosevelt
velt and bold tbo oillco under bis
coming administration will bo an
honor canal to the best ol them.
The one drawback to a firemen's
tournament as well as other racing
meets , Is tbat all the teams entered
could not be winners , and tbo losing
teams cannot somehow manage to
feel as cheerful over the outcome as
the winners. But to make them all
jwln would rob the meet of Its rivalry ,
and therefore Its Interest , HO ( hero
you are.
Katilorn people wbo spend much
money In traveling around to nee.
things that are 'beautiful are In
formed that from this time on until
frost Nebraska furnishes about the
most beautiful scenery and country
that they could care to look upon. It
would repay them to take a trip out
to lireallio the energizing air and see
the country.
Statistics show that Pennsylvania
produced 8,511,101 pounds of stool In
1002 , while In 1800 , tbo year In wblcb
Mr. Bryan first made an appearance
above tbo national political horizon ,
tbo production was loss tban half
that , or In exact Ilguros,3iir , : , ri29tons.
Perhaps tbo occasion of this In
creased production was Mr. Bryan's
appearance and then again It may
bavo boon because bo was prevented
from remaining after bobadappeared.
Today Is tbo anniversary of tbo
capture of tbo daring confederate
leader , Oonoral John Morgan , who was
taken just forty years ago. Morgan
created more of a stir and fear In
some quartern than had the ontlro
confederate army and bis capture
was a great relief to tlio people of
Kentucky , Ohio and Indiana. Major
George W. line , with a small com
pany of cavalry , has recently been
credited with tbo capture of tbo
Dodge county , tbat a few years ago
had two of the strongest and best
populist papers In the state now has
no sheets representing that party.
Tboy bavo gone the way of numerous
other publications of Hko faith
throughout the state and bavo left a
hole In tbo political situation like a
person leaven who places his linger
In a mill pond and withdraws It.
Populism does not appear to bo able
to withstand republican prosperity ,
oven as well as pure and undolllcd
Nebraska as a farming state Is at
tracting favorable attention from
eastern people and many of them arc
preparing to get rid of their high
priced and more or loss run down
farms and como to Nebraska to take
some of tbo cheap and fertile lands
tbat this state has In such abundance.
The drouthy conditions In the Now
England states will undoubtedly bo
a factor In causing a movement to
ward the west and Ncbraslra may ox-
poet to benefit to a considerable do-
grco from this.
Perhaps those who know all
about running a newspaper bavo
never tried It when a firemen's tour
nament or other Important event Is
on and there is an extra amount of
work in the oillco , while each and
every employe thinks that it should
bo an occasion for him to have a
good time , and to cap the climax to
endeavor to Install a now system in
tbo oillco coincident with the event.
If you can stand such a test It will
bo granted tbat you know all about
running a newspaper.
Mrs. Leslie M. Shaw wife of tbo
secretary of tbo treasury , may not
bo exactly loyal to her sex , but she
certainly has a vein of humor In her
make up. According to an eastern
paper a young man of humorous bent
ono day exclaimed in her presence :
"What could be moro dreadful for a
wife after mendlngherhusband'scoat ,
to mm in ono ol tno pocitets a love
letter from another woman ? " "For
tunately , " said Mrs. Shaw , "that
could never happen. Tbo woman
would llml the letter first and then
she would not mend tbo coat. "
Tariff revision is a growing Idea
among the democrats to tbo exclus
ion of tbo old free trade argument and
that for a tariff for revenue only. They
undoubtedly hope to catch a largo
number of republicans on the scheme
as they did when tboy sprung the
deal for free and unlimited coinage
of silver at the ratio of 1C to 1 , but
many of them have grown wise and
fall to see In tariff revision anything
different from what tbo democrats
boon attempting to foist on tbo
country for a number of years and
succeeded magnificently nndor
Grover's last administration.
Nebraska Is developing something
of a reputation herself , in tbo wheat
raising lino. In 1SDO the yield of
wheat in the state was but 10,000,000
bushels , while it Is estimated tbat
the yield for this harvest will not bo
less than 80,000,000. An Increase of
SOO per cent in thirteen years Is n
gratifying showing and Indicates what
Nebraska soil Is capable of accom
plishing under development. This
development , by the way , Is yet In
Its Infancy , and there arc thousands
of acres waiting to glvo up a yield
toward tbo feeding of the world. It
Is none to eflrly to take up some of
the land bargains offered and share
in the profits Incident thereto.
Just now the scientific world Is in
tensely interested In tbo discovery
of n now metal radium which Is
said to give off light and heat without
losing quantity or quality. R is said
to have boon found of fnoKtlmainit
value In curative powers , especially
for hllndnoMH ; but now comes a scion-
ti , ; ' who claims that It Imn harmful
propoit ! H. That It will produce a
running Here In tbo llesb , and tbat
mice shut In a box containing It
quickly succumb. Porbaps many of
tbo stories told about It and phe
nomenon attributed to It are fakes ,
but It Is certainly a wonderful mineral
If but a portion told of It IB true and
Its development will bo watched with
Interest both by scientists and people
ple wbo know nothing of science.
Tbo season Is almost hero when
tbo politicians will begin to lay
awake nights wondering If they have
sulllclont Inducements In sight to at
tract tbo farmers from their fields to
attend tbo party conventions and cast
their ballots. Tbls year , as In many
others that arc past , numerous agri
culturists will find It moro to tbelr
profit , If not to tbolr liking to remain
by tbo crops and permit those who
have moro tlmo at tbelr disposal to
look after politics. Next year It Is
believed that It will bo different.
Farmers bavo found that they bavo
bad many and Increasing advantages
under a republican administration
and It Is a matter of general belief
that all of them will take tbo tlmo
necessary from tbelr work to get to
the polls and endorse the administra
tion of President Roosevelt.
Tboro are a largo number of people
ple who will agree with Col. Bryan
that "tho democratic party Is rich In
principles. " It has principles galore
for every occasion and some of
the as conlllctlng as can bo. In 1892
Its principle was for free trade.
In 189(5 ( It wanted the free and un
limited coinage of silver at the ratio
of 10 to 1 without tbo aid or consent
of any nation on earth , and In 1900
It wanted the people to take a stand
against Imperialism when there was
none and militarism that bad not
been thought of. Any party as pro-
Jlllc of principles as this certainly Is
deserving of all the credit accruing.
But when It Is summed down to a
right fine point it will bo found tbat
all tbo principles of the party point
in the saino direction and that Is
opposition to anything that the re
publican party favors.
Even though tbo cardinals do issue
a Joint note to tbo powers protesting
against the loss of temporal power on
the part of the pope , It Is not believed
tbat many of tbo great nations will
unlto with 'them In restoring such
power. The church and the state
cannot bo united in this modern ago
as tboy wore In the past. Modern
people recognize tbat too much
trouble resulted from such a combina
tion to care to again give it a trial.
They do not care whether It Is the
Catholics , or Methodists or Presby
terians wbo would attempt to secure
control of national and state affairs ,
they will have none of It anil this Is
particularly true of this nation. Tbo
churches will bo encouraged and
no attempt will bo made to prevent
them from growing and prospering ,
but tbo people of all denominations
will Insist on their right to a say as
to how the country shall bo governed.
It is far better as it is.
From this time on will bo a strenu
ous season for the game wardens who
try to enforce the laws against the
destruction of game blards. It Is re
ported this early from sections of tbo
state that hunters are out after the
young chickens that are barely
feathered out. The little birds make
a temptingly savory dish , but it Is
almost a crime to shoot them as
tbolr undeveloped wings and Inborn
fearlessness makes them an easy prey
for the leaden missiles of the con
scienceless hunter. They are In
creasing In numbers and If the pro
tective laws are rigidly enforced for
another season or two there would
again be game worth while on the
prairies of Nebraska. Ono hunter can
do more to decimate the number of
birds at this season of the year than
a dozen could accomplish after It be
comes lawful to bunt them , and In the
Interest of tbo other eleven this ono
hunter should bo suppressed.
Almost every paper recently brings
news of ono or moro negro lynchlngs ,
race wars or other conflicts between
the two races , and tbo trouble is not
confined entirely to the south , either.
It Is a condition of affairs that maybe
bo calculated to cause the most
thoughtless person to stop and won
der where it will end. Up to this
time , while some of the reports are
of white men lynching negro women ,
there have been no reports of negroes
lynching white men , but it is not im
probable that this will como in tlmo.
Certainly tbo negroes bavo as good
right to lynch criminal whlto men as
the whlto men have to murder
criminal negroes , and It may bo ex
pected that they will retaliate In kind
In the not far distant future. It la to
be hoped , however , that the whlto
men will bo brought to their senses
before the tlmo comes , and that all ,
whlto anil black , will bo given the
privilege of fair and Impartial trials.
Perhaps ono of the mistakes of Mr.
Bryan In attempting to bold his pop
ularity has been bin neglect of the
horseback route to public favor.
Grover Cleveland has at least never
resorted to rough words and Insulting
phrasoii In speaking of tbo "now" de
mocracy. Ills criticisms have been
dignified and results are proving tbat
bis opinions bavo been about correct.
There nro vast numbers of republi
cans who will bopo that the Cleve
land democrats will not succeed In
reorganizing the party. The Bryan
party ban been "easy" and there Is
no tolling what might develop through
another reorganization.
It Is getting pretty close to home
for Omaha to Indulge In a m'ad dog
scare and It Is to bo hoped that the
excitement Incident thereto will not
bo contagious. There nro too many
dogs In Norfolk to bo healthy should
rabies break out among them.
An exchange confers this title on
a distinguished citizen : "Missouri
Pacific Section Foreman Worthen. "
With a few Ds , Ls , and other alpha
betical suffixes , ono might readily
take It to refer to a distinguished
eastern professor or scientist.
There are n whole lot of events
that are worse and moro unsatisfact
ory to all concerned tban a firemen's
tournament. The people of Norfolk
are glad the boys came to liven tbo
old town up a bit , and hope they may
como again.
A Dodge county farmer defended
himself from becoming n victim ol
a hold-up scheme on the part of a
couple of strangers by Having a shot
gun bandy and knowing bow to use
it. With moro of that sort of farmers
In the country there would naturally
bo fewer hold-up men.
General Miles should not assume
that because tbo people of the coun
try have honored and will honor one
rough rider that they are In a mood
to honor every rough rider wbo
comes along. Then , too , It Is differ
ent from riding right Into the heart
of the country's enemy and riding
just merely because you want to.
It Is stated that tbo punishment be
ing meted out to the financiers In
Wall street is because of too much
water In tbo stocks. It has been
a year of excessive moisture in
Nebraska and Wall street may have
felt tbo results from that , but no
punishment has yet been dealt out to
the man who Invested In Nebraska
Forty thousand soldiers of the re
bellion are passing away each year
and In another decade the man who
will take part In parades and other
events for the old soldiers will be
past seventy years of ago. Many of
them are already past that age , and
only those who joined the army at a
tender ago are what might be called
young old men.
Kansas , tbat a few days ago was
In the throes of a terrific flood caus
ing loss of life and property , Is now
possessed by hot winds tlmt threaten
tbo crops which wore not drowned
out. That Is a change of weather
conditions so radical as oven to
astonish the Nebraska weather man
who Is up to somewhat similar tricks
himself , occasionally.
It Is probable that there will be at
least ono tradition dispensed with In
connection with the pope's office If
tbat ring cannot be found. In this
latter ago of the world a small cir
cumstance like that will not bo per
mitted to Interrupt the proceedings
of as great an organization as tbo
Roman Catholic church has become.
Mr. Morgan Is probably willing to
concede that though ho does not like
tbo anti-trust position of tbo adminis
tration ho might bo rendered perfect
ly harmless In producing a panic to
its discredit. It is also evident tbat
however strong a man may become
In the financial world bo Is never too
strong to assume a dictatorship , as
some other financier or combination
of financiers may readily cause his
An exchange tbat devotes consid
erable attention to fashions says tbat
" the handkerchief waist Is another
pleasing novelty. " It has been real
ized for some tlmo tbat fashionable
women were attempting to make al
most any scrap of goods answer fern
n waist , but It was never believed
that they would make a handkerchief
do , and perhaps ono of these Inch
square , filmy articles tbat have boon
popular , nt tbat.
It Is safe to say that not one man
In a hundred who raises corn knows
'all the uses to which this valuable
cereal Is put. A professor of tire
agricultural college at Ames , Iowa , Is
authority for the statement that US
different manufactured 'products are
made from corn , and when bo says
different manufactured products , ho
docs not mean different brands of
corn meal and starch , but products
that nro entirely dissimilar. Ono of
tbo recent manufactures from corn Is
rubber. It Is wonderful product and
Its Importance Is growing constantly
through Yankee Ingenuity , until few
realize In wlmt form of manufactured
product a bushel of corn may bo re
turned to thorn.
Norwegian authorities nro con
siderably alarmed because so many
of the people of that country appear
to favor America for n homo. Last
year 28.000 Norwegians left their
native land , the majority of thorn
coming to America. While this num
ber of people Is not enormously largo ,
when It Is considered that the country
has but 2,000,000 Inhabitants some
reason for the apprehension of the
authorities may bo understood.
It Is now announced by Editor Tib
bies and Chairman DoFranco tbat tbo
coming meeting of reformers at Den
ver Is not for tbo purpose of organiz
ing a now political party , but to rally
the populists of tbo country , and par
ticularly the west , around tbo flag.
Tbo principal object of the meeting
as outlined Is for the faithful to brace
their foot to withstand the suction
tbat would make them Grover Cleveland -
land democrats nt tbo next national
convention of that party and provide
a soft spot to fall In If the tlo that
now binds them to democracy Is
severed In this manner. It Is hoped
to form a basis for a third political
party that will wear , at least until
they have something worth again
fusing with for the democrats or
other party. Whatever tbo result of
tbo conference It will bo watched
with some Interest by tlio politicians
of the country as indicating the di
rection of the polltlclal breeze.
The Fremont Tribune proves an
alibi for that place and attempts to
reflect on Norfolk when tbo alibi
Nebraska City must shoulder the
whole load. There Is ono difference ,
however , between this city and Fre
mont , and that Is that Norfolk has
plans under consideration for resur
recting Its "electric mule. " The Trib
une says : "Clippings from tbo Mil
waukee Sentinel yesterday fluttered In
on the elitor like snowflakes on Christ
mas day. The clippings were all alike.
They told of a traveling man who
visited Fremont nnl at the lepot took
a street car that was hauled by a
lone mule which , In the absence of a
driver , the traveling man was obliged
to agitate into action. Wo dislike
very much to spoil so good a story ,
but our love of the Eternal Truth
compels it. If any traveling man from
Milwaukee thinks he bad any such
experience in Fremont bo was , mani
festly , filled with Milwaukee famous.
If he bad such an experience In Ne
braska it was probably at Norfolk or
Nebraska City , where mule motors
are in use. Fremont can prove an
alibi for it pulled up its-street rail
way tracks a few years ago , after its
electric mule died. "
Some people are given to wonder
at tbo bold fraternity has upon men
who are affiliated with secret organ
izations. Some of the ignorant and
superstitious attribute this power of
holding men together to tbo evil one ,
whom they believe to bo worshipped
In the secret meetings , or the fear
that is taught to the members to pre
vent them from divulg'ng tbo secrets
Those fully informed know that it is a
bond of brotberhool , frequently moro
notable than that of the family cir
cle , which binds men ono to tbo
other in n firm and lasting fraternal
A remarkable evidence of this fra
ternity is furnished from Now Jersey
where , in a hospital at Plainfield , Wil
son S. Frederick is struggling back
from the jaws of death. Mr. Fred
erick Is a Mason. On tbo evening of
January 27 , last , he was caught in
a wreck , pinned down under a heap
of splintered wood and iron and the
skin slowly roasted from half his
body by hot steam. His sad plight
was discovered by Dr. Pittls of the
hospital force , a friend and fellow
Mason , who worked heroically to res
cue him from his perilous situation
and succeeded , but considered that
ho had brought him forth only to dlo ,
because it had been held by physl-
clans and scientists tbat a person
losing more than a third of his skin
was doomed to die , regardless of
what might be attempted , and Mr.
Frederick bad lost at least half of
his natural covering. His doctor was
not to bo influenced by this belief ,
however , and while understanding
tlmt the work would bo arduous and
demand many sacrifices , determined
to make the best
effort in his power
to save bis helpless and suffering
Skin-grafting was tbo ono hope hcd !
out , and the doctor at once presented
the matter to the master mason of the
ledge to which ho and tbo patient be
longed. The officer presented It , In
turn , to the ledge at the next meeting ,
when was exhibited a touching and
altogether noble spirit of unselfish
fraternity , the members , ns ono man ,
offering their " services and agreeing
to submit" the operation of remov
ing from twontyto _ thirty pieces of
skin irom thelr portions."Ono bun-
Mother's Ear
r/M.1 ,
Send ( or free umple.
SCOTT ft HOWNK , Chemliti ,
ij 1'eatl Slrect , New Yotk.
joe. and # 1.001 all dnigguU.
dred and six men offered themselves
to the surgeon's knife and when
Frederick emerges from the hospital
one-half of the skin of bis frame will
bo from the bodies of others a
cuticle patchwork of over 3,000 pieces-
given by men living miles apart who
traveled without pay or profit to
testlfly under tbo knlfo their sense of
true fraternity.
Drutnl Panlnliinmt to Which Women'
Were Once Subjected.
The bmnk , or scold's bridle , or gos-
sip's bridle , was neither more nor less
than a muzz ! . It was In general use
In Great Britain from the sixteenth to
the eighteenth century , and In Scot
land ns well women were muzzled for
certain offenses , some nt Iciist of them
more Imnglnnry than real. The Instru
ment of torture , even n dog's leather
muzzle , is uncomfortable ; how much
more the scold's muzzle ? It consisted ,
according to a high authority , Mr. W.
Jcwltt , of n kind of crown or frame
work of Iron , which was locked upon
the bend , nnd it was armed In front
with n gag , n plate or n sbnrp cutting
knife or point , wblcb was placed in tins-
poor woman's mouth so us to prevent
her moving bur tongue , or It wns so
placed that if she did move it or at
tempt to speak it was cut In a most
frightful manner. With this cage up
on her bead and with the gag firmly
pressed nnd locked aguIiHt ] her tongue
the mtscmblc creature , whose sole of
fending perhaps was that she raised
her voice In defense of her social rights
against a brutal nnd besotted husband
or bad spoken honest truth of some
one high In otllco In her town , was pa A
raded through the streets , led by a
chain by the band of a bellman , tbo
bendle or the constable or cbnincd to
the pillory , the whipping post or mar
ket cross , to bo subjected to every con
ceivable Insult and degradation , with
out even the power left her of asking
for mercy or of promising amendment
for the future , and when the punish
ment wns over she wns turned out
from the town ball or the place where-
the brutnl punishment bad been In
flicted , maimed , disfigured , bleeding ,
faint and degraded , to be the subject
of comment nnd Jeering among her
neighbors nnd to be reviled by her pcrx
Bccutors. Fireside Magazine.
AVJiy Men Eat Too Much.
Eating is the greatest of nil our
standard amusements. A great num
ber of people obviously eat n great
deal moro than they need , nnd it Is en
tirely credible that n large proportion
of the moderate enters might thrive ns
well and look ns handsome nnd work
ns hard and live ns long on n very
much restricted diet. But would the
Joy of life continue unimpaired for
them ? The native born might raise-
plenty of children if they could sub
sist for 11 cents a day , but would they
think life was worth living on 11 cents
worth of food n day ? No , they
wouldn't. That is one thing that alls
them. Harper's.
Stop'ioa Votliiw For Daniel.
A funny story Is told about nn old
time doctor who , writing a letter , ask
ed a judge , "Judge , isn't e-q-u-i the
way to spell equinouiical ? "
"Yes , I think it is , " said the Judge ,
"but here's Webster's Dictionary. It
can EOOII toll you. "
He tried to find tbo word , but gave
it up at length , and exclaimed , "Well ,
sir , I've always been a Daniel Webster
man , but any man wbo will write as
big a dictionary as this nnd not put in
as common a word as cqulnomlcnl
cnn't get my vote for anything here
after. "
Stniniiia Jic-fiJiMl.
The one Indispensable quality of suc
cess In these days of tremendous com
petition Is stniuina. The young ninn
wbo lucks that will never pet far. lie
will soon be forced out of the race and
sidetracked. Those wbo have possess
ed It have conquered innumerable dlf.
flcultles. Success.
I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor
for thirty years , ft is elegant for
a hair dressing and for keeping the
hair from splitting at the ends. "
Hair-splitting splits
friendships. If the hair
splitting is done on your
own head , it loses friends
for you , for every hair of
your head is a friend.
Ayer's Hair Vigor in
advance will prevent the
splitting. If the splitting
has begun , it will stop it.
$1.00 a bottle. All drulifi.
If your drtiRclst cannot supply vou.
send us ono dollar nml wo wllVoipreia
you a bottle. Do uro and give the nimo
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J. C. AYliu CO. , Lowell , Mass