The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 31, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 THE NOR FOLK NKWS ; FRIDAY , Jl'LY 81 , 1H03. r
> \ . N. IU "K , 1'ulilMior.
dy oNi-opl Siuulny y < ' " '
Kvcrv < \y
rloriHT wcoK. U eontn. l y " > H l't > r
your , 1C on. _ _
tlm H . tl o Sow -J urnnJ will ) > < ;
tnkcn iiiitll Ootolior 10 at t 10 rnto
mm IH" vimr O M M b erll. rH niny
imvo ho &II.-IU of IhlH rnto by imy-
- date at tlio i K"1'
nrronrnKi-H Jo
' ' "Mil OMO yi'Hl
ntiTiRcrlltllnn lil'U'O "
58\Tuici. T if i-iwi-iiil - oltor will b
\vltlulrnwn CK-tolinr 1' ' ' .
Knterod nt tlio m.Htoilloo nt Nor-
folU , Noli. , Hwoiiillima ninlt r.
Telephone * :
and Joli
. luminous Olllco
No. 81 !
IlooniH. Xo. 32 ! ! . . . _
Republican Jutliclnl District Conven
To tlio rvjinlillemi elector * of tlio Ninth Jiidl-
° '
rlnl will > ' h'M . ' ! , ; .
, ,
at U
the 7llulny if AnK M , IW3
tirimkn , on
. /clockV m , for Mm , mrpo o of , , on | m'l ' K "
. of lin J " ' [ '
rnnillilnlo ( " Jn.Uo _ NliilJ ;
Ulrt.nmUlin trmiKBOtlim of .
nwilnrh rome tioforo I .n KM
tu * n tuny
5Sl 'll'trlol nromUlt " ' "
cim tfoof MM ' ' J
. mtMloH. ImnMoii t > > " "r
following n > | > roi. <
) in Nov.-mN r , Hu :
J. II Mlcki'V ( governor
Antelope . HWiijiin .
Mndloon. _ _ ' 'I _ _ _ . - , - -
iiilnTfiythu cuimumco Hull :
imiYl" nllowi-1 < I" Ml' ' * eimu-ntlmi , Imt tliM
bo nlloucd to caM llio
tlio dolck-al I'troout
fnll volK of Hi" county rnprnmndixl by tliein.
ItynrdiTo' the commit too. . , .
ClmlrmM > .
_ _
If this Is followed by HOIHO inoro of
that warm wcntlior , you will not need
n Htulhoacono to hour thnt corn grow.
It Is announced Uwt oysters will ho
with the people again In August , ru-
gnrdleaa of the fact that no "r" Is In
the mime.
Governor Cumiulns of Iowa appears
to ho In training so that If ho Is called
upon ho can inaUo that race for the
vice presidency without bolns handi
capped by not knowing how to start
The locations' of those now normal
schools are at present worrying the
state hoard having the nmtor In hand.
There are so many god towns on the
list that Is Is dllllcnlt to decide be
tween them.
It now appears that even the mak
ing of a republic out of Culm has not
been successful In removing that dis
position to "revoluto" which has boon
a distinguishing characteristic of the
people of that Island for some years.
The bloody .religious riots In Per
sia have again ijroved to some people
that there arc races too Ignorant and
heathenish to be entrusted with ro-
llKlous beliefs. Religion seems to
make more trouble among such per
sons than a lack of religion.
Taking up the cue presented by
eastern college men , a number of
Omaha high school boys have entered
the Dakota wheat Holds for gymnastic
training with stacks and forks' and
bundles that will amount to some
thing further than a more waste of
The weather clerk Is again out of
favor Ho has Inaugurated a spell of
early fall chilliness that neither the
corn crop nor the people have de
manded , and there will bo protests
early If ho does not at oneo twist the
little gauge toward something more
Those Denver populists should have
placed a codicil on that declaration
of principles In the interest of their
Nebraska brethren who are -already
bound to endorse a democrat for the
highest olllco coming before the people
ple this year. They should nt least
not Imvo made it obligatory for pop
ulists to declare for the Denver prin
ciples before next year.
If western Nebraska Is successful
In developing forests and Irrigation
ditches the entire state will present
a front to the commercial world that
will cut a considerable llguro In a
business sense. The agricultural sec
tion of the state has been gradually
but certainly encroaching on the
"Great American Desert" through nat
ural processes , and with a little arti
ficial aid that desert will soon bo a
thing of the past , oven on the ex
treme west.
The burning desire of the society
women of New York to do something
original for their dinners and thus
give them a sort of notoriety , has led
to some strange devices being em
ployed. One of them recently had the
menus for her guests printed on twen
ty-dollar gold certificates , which Is
about the limit. To the people with
little money at their command It
looks like foollnsh extravagance , but
It was undoubtedly declared a cute
scheme by others having so much
money at their disposal that they are
at sore straits as to how to use It
without devoting It to good and char
itable purposes.
This Is the 100th anniversary of the
birth of John Ericsson , a Swede ,
whoso Inventive genius served to rev
olutionize the methods of naval con
struction and warfare and well served
the country of his adoption through
the construction of the famous
"cheese box" the Monitor of the war
of the ri'bi'lllon that navi < hattlo to
tin- terrible rebel ram. Merrlmac , which
wan nccompllHhliiK mich Nad havoc
In the union navy anil Heouied to ho
ImpervlotiH to iiHHiuilts until the Mon
llor with Its Htool revolving turret was
placed In oominlHulon and wax HUP-
ct'SMful In retiring the Iron clad
monster. Slnco then not only the
navy of thu United StntuH , but HIOHO
of the world have boon built on the
plan originated or miggOHU'd by 13r-
ICHHOII'H Monitor , and no modern war
vesHoln are complete without ono or
more revolving Htool turrets. The In
ventor's imtno IH highly honored by
hlH countrymen and by the people of
bin adopted country.
The popullHtH who have declared
against fusion are deslroiiH that their
convention at Grand Inland Hhould ho
the llrHt to nominate .ludgo Sullivan ,
well knowing that ho will bo the dem
ocratic candidate , as that IH hlH pol-
Itlc.H , but consider that getting In
their work llrst will somehow relieve
them of the responsibility of again
declaring for fimlon In NobniHku.
Some of the inoro precise can HOO no
dlfferouco between nominating the
man the democrats have olllclally de
clared for and ascertaining whom they
will favor and then naming their man
before his own party has a chance to
offclally muictlon the lire-convention
choice. The only way people can bo
convinced that they are opposed to
fusion Is for them to name an out and
out populist , without waiting for the
aid or consent of any party on earth.
Senator Allen and Ex-Governor Poyn-
tor will bo compelled to speak in a
very small voice about that Denver
conference ) and Its action until after
the coming state conventions of the
two fusion parties.
Prices of Produce Prevailing In Chicago
cage Today.
Chicago , July III. Special to The
News : Following are the closing
prices on Chicago grain murketn to
day :
Wheat Cash , 1\\ \ ; September ,
"S'ta ' ; December , 7S-74 ; May , S0"'a.
Corn Cash , 51 \ \ \ September , 5L"/i ;
December , 5Hi ; May , 51' ' } ' , .
Oats Cash. IWV. ; September , ; ! I1 % ;
December , III , & ; May , ; ! CV& .
Yesterday's Quotations.
Chicago , July ! iO. Triiillng In ttio Rrnln
pltfi was nKiilu nt'tl\p tiulny ami whtiit win
strong the proator rmrt of the iluy , Sop-
toinbvr closing WQ'X.e ' higher. Soptoniher
corn closed utiutinnuiMl , outs were up H ®
ytc , while nruvUldni ) won < from f > e higher
to 10e lower. Clonlnc prices :
Whrnt-Sppt. . 71VV : I'ee. . 70 % : Mny. 81H.
Corn Beiit. , fl2 < Hc ; 1 > i-o. . 6'.V ; Mny , f 2\\f.
OiilHJiil.rTie : Sept. , MV ; Dec. , ill o.
J'orU-July , Sl TO. Sept. . I.1.PO. Mny.Kt.OO
Liml-July. $7 IV. ; Sept. , $7.U7 ; Oct. , $7.0:2 :
Rlns-July. $7.0' ' ; Sept. . $8.12 ; Oct. , $7.07.
ClilniKo CiKh 1'rleon No. - retl whent ,
8KjSle ( ; No. 3 reil wheat , 77V/iTfOe ; No. 2
iprlnR wheat , SHMtc ; No. 3 MirliiK whent.
7SiS182o ; No. 2 hard whent , 77We ; No. 3
hard wheat , 7VTi77c ( ; No. S cash eorn , ClU c ;
No. 3 eanli corn , fi'Jo ; No 2 yellow corn ,
BnVc ; No. 3 yellow corn. ! > 3e : No. 2 cash
ontu , SKCt-'I'-V : No. - ' white oats , 37 < 3-IOc ;
No. 3 white oats , 3Kiifie.
Chicago Live Stock.
ChlcnRO , July 30.-Cattle Receipts , n.OfK ) ,
tnclmlltiK " | tl < > Ti'MinH ; ste.uly to lOo lower ;
cooil to pi line steers , $ .VHYnri.ii ) ; poor to
medium , Stt.lXXiM.liO : stoekors anil feeilers ,
$2.MVJi-l.iO : ; rows anil hi-lfers , ? 1.2.Vi-l.7r ( > ;
eanners. $1 2.Vi2. , ( ; liulU. $2.XKJ-I.OO ;
calves , S2. 0iT ( 00 ; To ns uteer * . $3.50415.00.
HopK Itecelpts ttMluy , 2IK" ( ( ) : tomorrow ,
tSt K ) ; left over. 7,000 ; opennl steady ,
closed lower ; mUed and Imtfhers , $ ri.l.Vi {
6.00 : Rood to choice heavy , $ : i.HV7Tfi.Ki :
rough heavy , $ l.NVd5.25 : llRht. $5.3.Vij 7ri ;
bvilk of Mile * . $ o.2.Vcf. > . Sheep-Heeelptu ,
iriKiO ( ; stendy ; good to choice wethers ,
$ : t.OiyLf3.IM ; fair to choice mixed , $2.75y3.r)0 ;
western sheen. $3.oW3.05 ; native lambs ,
$3.2. > 5IO.Oi ) ; western lamhs , $ I.MViiO.OO ;
Kansas City Live Stock.
Kansas City , July 30.-0iittt-rtowlpt ! : (
7.WHI : steady to lower ; choice lierf steersi ,
$ l.7. > Sffi.2.V fulr to irood. sa.7Mt-l.7r. ; stockers -
ers and feedeis. $2 MViM a. > : weMtern fed
steers. $3. < X > 'fi-l t > 0 ; Texas nnd Indian steers ,
$2.1034.110 * : native cows , $ i.75Q-i.oi > : native'
heifers. S2.25iW.0rt ( : cnnners. $ l.i : > 5i'J.r 0 ;
iwiK $2.CKVjt.7ri ; : calves , $ -j.xvnr.'jr ( > . HOB *
Uecelpts , 7.HK > ; opened steady to lOo
higher , closed weak ; top , $ . " . -10 : hulU of
sales. $ > ( iTr > .25 : heavy , $5.07MiW5.20 :
mKed packers , ? ri.l. . 7r..30 ; llislit. $ S.2."Q
B.85 : pigs , J.l.rWViir. . tO. Sheen necilptI , .
OOO : steady : native lainlK. ja.l.'Kff.'i.sri ;
western luinl * . $3.0Offn.r,0 , : fed owiu. $2.00
ffl.tX ) : Texas clipped sheep. $2.7.Sl.lW ;
Btockfrs and feeders , $2.7iVtj3.0rt.
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha. July SO.-Cnttle Ue > celpt .
1.000 : steady , stronuer ; native steers , $4.00
U5.3.V cows nnd heifers. $3.0O'i-l.2.V wext-
trn steers , $3..VKii4.M ) ; dinners. $ l.oOi4j.rA ;
ttockers nud feeders , $2. , ' > OJ14.X1 ; calves ,
riSTKOS-Ox ) : hulls , stncs , etc. , $2.2.V | . | .00.
HOKS Hecelpts , O.WX ) ; steady , easier ;
heavy , $ r > .OtvC | . < i.lO ; mixed. $5.0Ojjv".Or. ;
iltht , $ ; plKR , $ n.iHVii5.10 : hulk of
tales , JMXVItS 10. Sheep lloeetpts. O.WX ) ;
Heady : yenrllngs , $ .1.7vri4.3 ; wethers ,
J3.OCvn3.70 : ewes. $2.rO'i3.2.1 ; common nnd
itockers , $2.001ta.lO : lambs. ? 4.W > a5.13.
St Joseph Live Stock.
St. Joseph , July 30. Cattle Uecelpts , 1.-
500 ; btrotiK to lOc higher : natives , $4.00 ®
3.40 ; cows nnd heifers , $2.75 < 14.W ; stocUcra
nd feeders. $2.75R4.15. HncHecelpts. .
5,407 ; steady to 5c higher ; llsht , $ r..l55t
5.45 ; medium nnd heavy. $ I.OMi5.ln. Sheep
Krcelpts , 740 : steady to 2ric lower ; top
nathe lamb * , $5.50 ; top cwci , $3. 0.
Two Drowned In Lake Michigan.
Chicago , July 31. By the overturn
Ing of a small rowboat on the lake
front Fred Oilett and Albert Monsen
employes of the Western Stone com
pany , were drowned. Two companions
of the dead men narrowly escaped a
similar death and were completely ex
haustod' when members of the life
saving crew rescued them.
Spain and France.
Madrid , July 31. Premier Vllln
verde has published an official note
declaring that no alliance exists he
tween Spain nnd France , but that a
good understanding exists which mny
possibly servo as a basis for some
thing more In the future.
Death List of Lowell Disaster
Now Nineteen.
Property Loss Is Estimated at Over
$100,000 Searchers Probe Debris
of Ruined Territory for Additional
Victims of Big Explosion.
Lowell , Mann. , July 31. A Ions line
of hearsca , moving slowly through
Lho ntroetn wan a pathotlc reminder of
Wednradny'H terrible cataatjx > pho at
WlggliiHvlllo , when an explosion of
many tonn of nltro-glyccrlno ami gun
powder miuffod out nearly a Hcoro of
lives , painfully Injured more than
douhto that number of persona , neat-
torod half a hundred bulldlngH over a
space of novonil noroR. The number
of dead HUuidH at nlnetcon , but maybe
bo Incroaflod to twonty-ono at any mo
ment , by the death of two\ the vie-
tlma nt St. .Tohn'n hoapltnl.
All day nenrchorn probed through
the dobrla for any unknown vlctlmn
of the tragedy. A small cut of cloth ,
later Identified as the lapel of a coat
worn by one of the victims already
known , nnd n human eye were the only
gruesome reminders unearthed.
Every portion of the mined territory
has been carefully covered.
The olllclal report of the TewlJBbury
selectmen places the losa In the Imme
diate vicinity of the powder magazines
at more than J100.000 , and as this will
fall largely on the householders , much
hardship will result.
Too Much Speculation In Stocks Is
Cause of Failure.
Doylestown , I'n. , July 31. The fol
lowing notice waa posted on the door
of the Doylestown National bank :
"This hank closed nnd In hands of
the comptroller of tlio currency. "
The posting of the notice caused
considerable excitement In the town ,
ns the deposits of the Institution nro
Inrgo. The bank Is ono of the oldest
In the state. The president of the
bank la Henry Leer , a prominent law
yer and candidate for Judge on the
Republican ticket. The statement Is
sued by the comptroller of the cur
rency saya that the failure of the
bank was brought about by specula
tion In stocka by the present officers
and n number of the bank's customers.
"Tho losses , " said Deputy Comptrol
ler Kane , "win ausoro tno entire sur
plus and capital stock of the bank.
In other words , the total loss will
amount to $215,000 nnd It devolves up
on the directors and stockholders to
make up this deficiency. "
Governor Yates Denounces Lynchers.
Sprlnglleld , III. , July 31. "The men
who composed the mobs which at
tacked the Jails at Belleville and Dan
ville , and who In the former city took
out a defenseless negro who was a
prisoner there and hanged him , and
who at Danville made a similar at
tempt , and who did capture and ban ?
and then burn a defenseless negro
who had Killed another man , are noth-
ng but anarchists , " declared Gov-
rnor Yates in an address to the Sev-
nth Infantry , National Guard , now in
amp of Instruction at Camp Lincoln ,
besides denouncing the recent mob
bing of the Jails at Belleville and Dan-
llle , which he declared waa a dis
grace to civilization , Governor Yates
poke in glowing terms of the alacrity
vith which the Seventh regiment had
obeyed the order to proceed to Dan-
Illo for riot duty and the excellent
vork they did in suppressing the mob.
Subpoena for Mrs. Kclley.
St. I.ouis , July 31. A-subpoena was
ssuod by Circuit Attorney Folk call-
ng upon Mrs. Blanche Kelley , wife of
Daniel J. Kelley , the legislative bale-
ng po'wder agent , who Is now at Nlag-
Out. to before
ara-on-the-Lako. , appear
fore the St. Louis grand jury on Aug.
Cas a witness. The subpoena could
not be served , as Mrs. Kelley could
not be found.
Practically all the best fishhooks In
the world and nearly so of all quali
ties are made at HoddlU'h , England.
The annual output Is probably 500-
000,000 hooks , about 10.000.000 per
week , ranting In size from enormous
nnd ferocious looking shark hooks to
the tiniest hooks for'very small trout
tiles , with a "bend" diameter of about
one-sixteenth of an Inch , a thousand
of which will not more than ttll a
good sized thimble. The price varies
as much as the size , ranging from a
few pence to two or three pounds per
$100 Reward , $100.
The readers of this paper will bo
pleased to learn that there Is at least
ono dreaded disease that science has
been able to euro In all Its stages and
that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is
the only positive euro now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being
a constitutional diseaserequires a con.
stltutlonal treatment. Hall's Catarrah
Cure Is taken Internally , acting di
rectly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system , thereby destroy
ing the foundation of the disease , nnd
giving the patient strength by build
ing up the constitution and assisting
nature In doing Its work. The pro
prietors have so much faith In Its
curative powers , that they offer ono
hundred dollars for any case that It
falls to euro. Send for list of testi
monials. Address ,
F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , O.
Sold by druggists , 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
for an inferior beer ?
Schlitz beer costs twice
what common beer costs
in the brewing. One-half
pays for the product ; the
other half for its purity.
One-half is spent in
cleanliness , in filtering even
the air that touches it , in
filtering the beer , in ster
ilizing every bottle. And
it pays the cost of aging
the beer for months before
we deliver it.
If you ask for Schlitz
you get purity and age ,
you pay no more than
beer costs without them.
Ask for the
Brewery Sattliiif.
For sale by
Wm. G. Herner ,
mid Is'ortliwrntorn.
I\ST. ARitivn. D
affoiif-'cr . ts(3am. ; ( 6:03am
VenllKrony Freight. . . l10pm ;
Doneatetl Fiulglit . 0:00 : p m
VordlKroVB > - Frelsht . 10nm. 8:15 : am
liouoBtool 1'iucni.Kor . 12iuO p m..120 p m
'Omiilm Pries. , main line. . . 0:05 : a m
Omiiliu PaeeouKer , HULO
Hteol line . tV.lOnm. . G:30am :
Chtcniro Limltod . 12iO : p m.,12:10 : p m
Way Freight , main lice . 0l : ! > p m
Hiocw Freluht. main line. 9 SO p m '
\Viy , FrVht , lloupeteel lluo 7:20 : p m
HcnoMeol FrdKht , Done
Mori line . 0:15pm :
\ VHJFrelKht , mivin Hue. . 7:0n : n m
Vnrdifrrn Kri'iKht . ' S:00nm :
onetto'l I'nB eU or . 11:55 : a m. 12:40 : pm
LoiiB I'ine PastoDKor . 12 20 p m
* \ VnFrriKht , mnlu Hue . . 5:50 : pm
Hlmk Hills PatsetiRor . " :30pir. : . TiMiini
FrniKht tr-ius n'o liable to be nuuuleditli -
not i otlco. they do not ct mo to nation platforms -
forms ami tome do not curry hnKRnRp ,
II. C. M AIR a1. A Rent.
Union 1'Hcillc ,
. .
Culumbns Accommodation . 3 SO p m
Omiihii , Douvoraud Pacific CoEft . . . 10Mam : )
'Columbus Accommodation . 11:45 : am Denver anil Pacific Crast . 9:1 : j p m
Connects itt N'o folk with C A N. W. . point ;
\vret and notth , \\iththoC.St P. M. i O.
fur points north and fast.
J. H. KLHEFFEH , Attcnt.
t , 1'uulMinneapolis nnd Oinahii
SiouT City and Oinplm PatsonRor. . . 0:30nm
Sioux City PtBsotRor r.OOpm
Sioux City Pfisscrtier 100a : m
Sliinx City and Omhhn Paffmigo' . . . . 7:25 pm
Connects nt Norfolk with C. t N W. , going
\\o t and north , a with the 0 P. for r'.inu
KMith nd J. H. ELSKFFEU , Agent.
except Sunday ,
No. 117 Fourth Street.
Cheapest and liest. Norfolk A\cnue.
Corner of
Ave. and Fourth
.TRY. . . .
o o
Colorado pos sesscs sonio of
the finest fish i"B " " < ! " "t-
ing grounds on earth , the
for / the
bolnK mit-
ural covert for elk , deer , and
other game. Its myriads of streams teem
with mountain trent ; Its lakes , while
also full of attractions for the angler ,
uro alFO the hnnut of millions
of gosse , ducks , and
other wild fowls.
Splendid Train Service to Colorado
Acoc mmodatiouB provided for all
classes of passengcra.
During the summer.
Full Information mny ho obtained hy nddros
J. B. ELSEFf IE , Agent.
Married or Single , in Northeast Xelraska.
The Norfolk News wishes to increase the circulation of
. . . , Complete
Set of Harness to the Lady Receiving the Largest Number
of Votes in this contest up until 12 O'CLOCK NOON on that
day. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING to vote in this contest.
How will you go about it to secure this magnificent prize ?
Here you are :
Every subscription paid for one year in advance will entitle subscriber
to 1512 votes.
Every subscription paid for six mouths in advance will entitle sub
scriber to ! ' ( > votes. . t
Every subscription paid for three months in advance will entitle sub-
criber to 78 votes.
Every old subscriber who pays arrearage" will le entitled to six voles
for each week paid.
Each copy of the paper will contain a free ballot which will be'counted
provided it is voted within the time limit specified on the ballot.
Every suoscription paid one year in advance will entitle subscriber to
fifty-two votes.
Every subscription paid for six mouths in advance will entitle sub-
scribpr to twenty-six votcp.
Every subscription paid for three moths in advance will entitle sub
scriber to thirteen votes.
Every old subscriber who pays arrearages will bo entitled to fifty-two
vote ? for each year paid. Votes for fractional parts of n year will be
issued in proportion.
Each copy of the paper will contain one free ballot which will bo
counted provided it is cast within the time limjt specified on ballot.
The Norfolk News :
Enclosed find § . for
subscription to
The Norfolk Daily News , The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal ,
( Erase One Not Wanted. )
With it I coat . votes for
, Nebraska , as my choice in The News
Horse and Buggy Contest.
Received above amonnt
I The Norfolk News Popular Prize Contest ,
I hereby vote for . .
* . Nebraska , as my choice Ju
The Norfolk News Free Horse and Buggy Contest.
( This Coupon , when clipped from The News nnd properly
filled out- counts , for ONE VOTE , if deposited before Saturday
noon , August 8 , 1003.
< & :
s frsfrsfrs SKfrs-s rnKj e