THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL. PART ONE. ° * * * . ife > t NORFOLK , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , JULY 81 , 1003 , PAGES 1 TO 8 , A Bad Mix-Up Occurred In Norfolk Avenue. HE USED HIS CLUB SEVERELY. C. W. Mlhllls , Cab Driver , Was Knocked Down Three Times by Carl Pllger Wouldn't Stand for Abusive Language The Stories. [ From Saturday's Dally. ] C.V. . Mlhllls , a cab driver well Itnown ih Norfolk , lies pretty badly wounded about the head as a result of a mix-up which took place in front of the Oxnard hotel last night. The pounds are from the bllllo of Night Vatclunan Carl Pllger. The stories given by the two men vary a llttlo , but on the whole they coincide pretty well. The trouble scorns to have started when Pllgor Stopped the cab and unhooked one of -tho tags. There wore several mon in the cab who had scon the trouble on "Wednesday night and who made caustic remarks at the policeman for his conduct upon that occasion. Ho resented .it and when the carriage , started away , told the driver to stop. Ho wanted to arrest one of the occu pants , Mihllls stoppQd shprt and Pil- ger unhooked a tug. This angered Mlhllls and ho got down from his box , rOhookOd the strap and proceeded to toll Pllger exactly what ho thought of anyone who would unharness his horse. "I have driven a hack for ton years , " he said , "and no one has ever yet done that. " Words followed Mihllls grabbed the policeman's up held hand , Pllger made a swing with his club , the cabman drew back and was sent , an instant later , to the .ground with a stunning blow upon the head. He got up , was dizzy , started lor Pilger and received another blow that felled him. Again ho struggled his feet , made for the policeman and a third time was knocked down. .As" ho got up this time one of his .friends held him away and Pllger -walked away. The man in the cab who was to liavo been arrested was not taken nor was Mihills arrested then. A war rant will be sworn out today against him. "I saw , " explained the watch man this morning , "that to take him would be to knock him senseless 'and "beat him all the way to the jail , so I let him go. " PI Igor's Story. Pilger tells it in this way : "To begin with , I'l knock the block off of every man that gets sassy. I won't stand for any abusive language. Mi- hills had been hollering in front of the Oxnard. I told him , tvith these other fellows , to keep quiet. Ho came at me abusively and I let It go. Ho started off with a half dozen travel ing men in the cab and they made cutting remarks. I wouldn't stand for It. I stopped the hack and tried to find which ono had spoken. I un hooked a tug. The fellow r thought it was , denied that he had said any thing. Mihills came at me and said that ho allowed nq one to meddle with his friends and would whip any one who did. Ho grabbed my left hand and when I made a motion with the club , he let go to strike mo. Before - fore ho did , I nailed him and knocked t him down three times with the club. I didn't arrest him then because I saw that it would mean knocking him senseless and fighting him all the way to the jail. Today I will swear out a warrant. "For years they have abused the nlghtwatch. I won't stand for it. When I tell a man to shut up , he'll shut up. I won't make any allowance .for booze. " Mlhill's Story. "I've driven a hack for ten years , " said Mihills' as he lay on a bed this morning. "The boys were sere at Pllger on account of the other night , and they joshed him. I didn't hear what they said. My idea was to get away fast and avoid trouble. He rushed up 'and put his gun in my face , calling to stop.I stopped short and he unhooked the tug. I got down , hooked it up again and told him ' what I thought of him. I didn't think I made a motion to strike him. He struck md with the club three tlmos and when I got up I was dizzy. Na turally , I wanted revenge after he had struck me. I didn't strike him once. If he had talked to me I would not Hiave done anything. I have never had trouble in Norfolk before , and have driven a cab ten years. It was just the same as Wednesday night , when lie struck John Snick without provo cation. He didn't say I was under arrest nor did ho .arrest me after wards. " Mlhllls' head , on cither side , is cut , his eyes are bruised and his knee "hurt. Most Beautiful Valley. A trdmp printer floated Into the don of the editor of thoWisner Free Press during ono of the smothering rain storms that were making Nebraska famous a month or so ago. After dry ing himself by the editorial stove , and warming his insides with Free Press vltuals , ho sat down and wrote the following : "Thoro Is no state In the union throughout which the writer has traveled that has moro pictur esque rural beauty than Nebraska. My travels over the country embrace moro than half of the states and tor- -Vfl/ rltorlos , a , . % / . . , have soon the grandeur of it. mntiln , the glor ious beauty of Mta. llood and Ranlor , the splendor of Pike's peak , the Grand canyon and Grand rlvor scenery 'of Colorado , the grotesque scones of the Yollowotono ; the valley of the Shcnandoah and the environments of the Hudson , I have never soon moro varied and extended beauty over the \vholo surface of the country , than the Elkhorn valley as It presents it self to mo at this season of the year. " WIDOWS BY THE CAR LOAD , Coming In From Iowa to Flic on Range Land In Western Nebraska Counties for Cattlemen. ( From TucBdny'8 Dally. ] The attempt to discourage the prac- tlco of cAttlornon in enlisting the ser vices of soldiers' widows toward ac cumulating largo slices of Undo Sam's domain does not appear to have had any very positive effect according to the following special from Rush- vlllo : The letter of Commissioner J. II. Flniplo , holding that the widows of deceased soldiers or sailors filing on the public domain under section 2307 , United States revised statutes , must in good faith establish and maintain actual rcsldcnco upon.tho claim and without this a title cannot bo pro cured from the United States , has sot a number of the local boomers to thinking. Hundreds of soldiers' widows , who have never seen the lands filed , upli , have placed tholr homestead entries upon lands in this county and given an agent a five-year lease , with a power of attorney to sell the lands as soon as final proof is mado. This state and Iowa have been canvassed for widows and this spring they have been shipped to this place from Ham burg , la. , by the carload. ' All of their expenses are paid and promises of a dividend are hold out to them at the expiration of five years , but the local agent , with an assistant that operates at the other end of the line , pockets the moneys left after paying transportation of widows and their board. The moneys arc furnished by ranchmen who are desirous of continuing their largo ranges after the government has re moved their Illegal fences. WOULD HAVE KNOCKED MUCH , If Pavement Had Been Laid , Shoe- men Weld Have Set Up a Con stant Rapping. [ From Monday's Dally. ] "If Norfolk had decided to pave , " said a shoemaker today , In speaking of the hard street proposition , "It would have kept our llttlo hammers going pretty fast from morning until night. I don't mean that we , as a body of tradesmen , would have "knocked"on account of the sufaced avenues that Is wo wouldn't have' knocked In the ordinary moaning of the term. The rapping we would have done would have been the kind brought about through Industry and business. With streets , in other words , the shoemaker wouM have been kept busy putting on half soles and patching up holes in the leather and tacking on new heels after they had b'een once worn off. "You see pavement is very harden on solo leather. People who tramp around on brick all day long , week in and week out , wear many more shoes than those who trod upon Mother Earth. It is thca that you got the gait of the or.tlnuty Individual , and the extiaordlnary as well. Yoii can toll from the shape of their heels Just exactly how bow-legged they are , or whether they are at all or not. "Wo didn't vote the paving bonds , but if we had , it would have meant something doing for the shooman's awl. " "How's that ? " was questioned. "That's awl , ' ! said the shoeman. FRAMES ON FEDERAL BUILDING , Work on the Building From This on Will Go Very Rapidly , Say the Officials. [ From Saturday's Dally. ] Work at the government building is beginning to loom up. A frame work of the iron trusses now stands high in the air , all ready to support the second story of the structure. The delay in Iron has made the chances for getting the building finished by the first of the year , less favorable , but Superintendent Will iams thinks that If there are no moro slow drags on the material , ho will with a good force of laborers , yet have the now postoffice ready to send out letters by the beginning of Jan uary. The work from now on will go very rapidly. WOMEN GIVEN CHANCE AGAIN , Civil Service Examination Will be Held for Them Tomorrow MornIng - Ing at the High School. Civil service examination will beheld hold in the high school building to morrow morning at 9 o'clock for the purpose of giving examinations to four young women who were barred before through error. The board in this city consists of B. C. Gentle , Mia" Valley Garlinger and C. L. Anderson. F. A. Gotch Takes Four Falls in 32 Minutes , MET 80NNEN8CHEIN AND DWYER A Crowd of Something Less Than 100 Persons Assembled In Armory Hall for the Fun Gotch Will Meet World's Champion Soon , [ From Monday's Dally. ] In a fast llttlo match of catchas- catch-can wrestling Saturday night , F. A. Gotch , who was booked for the tournament , made four falls with local wrestlers In 32 ! HO minutes , the limit alowcd being an hour. Herman Sonnonscholn and Frank Dwyer were the local athletes WHO wont up against the speedy Gotch. The sport was hold In Armory hall , The first fall obtained by the visitor was with Dwyer in 12 minutes , ( Int. This was a superb contest in which cleverness and science were brought prominently out. In the next , Gotch throw Sonnohschcln in 7:50. : This was an equally pretty match. Then Dwyer went down in C : CO and' Sonnoiv fichcln in 5:50 : , making the actual time in all 32:30. : A crowd of something less than 100 persons gathered for the fun In Armory hall. The match startotl at 11 o'clock and was finished at 'about 1. Afterward. a bit of clover boxing was put on , among local handlera bf the gloves. Gotch Is great at the work. Ho weighs about 210 pounds and is light as a fox on his feet. He. stayed with the world's champion , Jenkins , for two hours and Is matched against him for another date this fall , so that Nor folk sportsmen had an opportunity to see something out of the ordinary. Sonncnschcln and Dwycr wera both good. Without systematic training they did wonderfully well to hold the champion for over a half hour , actual wrestling. After the match , Gotch challenged anyone In the city , except Sonnon scholn or Dwyer , to a match In which ho would bring a fall within three minutes. Ho was not taken. It was the best match at wrestling yet seen In Norfolk and the crowd was universally pleased with the event. A Challenge. I hereby challenge H. T. Sonncn scheln to a wrestling bout , two out of three , catch-as-catch-can , for $100 a side. My money will bo put up as soon as Mr. Sonnenscheln signifies to accept the challenge. Frank Dwyor. THE MOONLIGHT SCHEDULE. Hours During Which the Streets of Norfolk Will be Lighted by Gas and Electricity During August. [ From Monday's Dally. ] The people of Norfolk generally understood that the street lights utv dor the now contract are run on the moonlight schedule , midnight service , but not all of them know Just what such an arrangement Implies. The Western Electrician has Issued a lamp schedule for the present year that will govern the companies and the city authorities in the matter of street lights. The schedule is cal culated on the following basis- Light ono half hour after sunset and ono hour before moon sot. Extinguish ono hour after moonrlso and one hour before sunrise where the 'all night service Is used. Allowances of one to- five minutes are made for variations from actual time , In order to preserve unlforlty in the division of the hour into six parts. Central tlmo adopted. Under this system the following schedule Is given for the month of August BO that people may keep tab on the light situation and know whether or not the required service is being given. On the first the llghts-Avlll bo lit at 11:00 : and extinguished at midnight. After the first no service will bo be given until ths 10th , when the lamps will bo lit at 7:30 : and extin guished at 9:50. : The hours of lighting ou subsequent days will bo as follows. On the llth from 7:30 : to 10:30 : , throa hours ; 12th , 7:30 : to 11 , three and a half hours ; 33th , 7-30 to 11.50 , four hours and twenty minutes ; 14th , 7:30 : to 12 , four hours and a half ; 15th , 7:30 : to 12 ; 10th , 7:30 : to 12 ; 17th , 7:30 to 12 ; 18th , 7:20 : to 12 , four hours and twenty minutes ; 19th , 7:20 : to 12 ; 20th , 7:20 : to 12 ; 21st , 7:20 : to 12 ; 22nd , 7:20 to 12 ; 23rd , 7:20 : to 12 ; 24th , 7:20 : to 12 ; 25th , 8 to 12 ; 2Cth , 8:30 to 12 ; 27th , 9 to 12 ; 28th , 9:50 : to 12 ; 29th , 10:40 : to 12 ; 30th , 11 to 12 ; 31st , 11:20 : to 12. September and ether months will bo practically a repetition of this schedule , the setting of the sun and moon and the rising of the moon gov - ornlng. Team Won $116. The Fremont running team brought back fl5 In prize money from the state firemen's tournament , which is a fairly good showing though it did not win the championship. Members and friends of the team say that It had to work against the officials as well an the other teams on the first day , when two of the timers were mon from York. There Is nome ( lit- foronco of opinion with regard to the Judgment and tlmo announced lit the championship race , but as Fremont IH not trying to flootho defeat by knockIng - Ing on the winners , everyone hero concedes Stanton all the laurels of victory. Froiuont Tribune. STANTON WELCOMES VICTORS , Fire L.iddlcs Who Took the Cham * plonshlp Dolt and Other Trophies Given Cordial Reception. ( from Momlny'n Dally , ] The Stanton running team which carried homo the championship bolt in the regulation honu race during the state firemen's tournament was glvon a cordial and noisy dumonntratlon when It reached homo Saturday noon. A report of the proceedings ways : "Thoro were banners giving each race won , the tlmo made and the ftSjouiit that the state record wan lowered. Tholr follow firefighters were out in uniform and with cart decorated for tlio occasion. There was a brass band , flftgfl and giant Qraokors. The crowd of several hun dred citizens also contributed to the noise. "Tho laddled were place * ! In car riages and driven over the town under escort , finally stopping at a prominent four corners , whore an Improvised speakers' stand had been erected. Mayor Schlndler welcomed the con- auercra and presented them with the key to the city. Chief Al Marks waa carried to the platform amidst tumult uous applause and responded In a modest fashion , giving most of the credit to the boys who so gallantly obeyed his commands and responded to hla training. Other speakers and music folowedi" Norfolk's neighboring city on the east has a team of racing firemen of which It as well as all the surround ing country may well bo proud , and if the team is a fair sample of the material of which the department Is constituted the town has an organiza tion that would bo an honor to a city of many times the slzo of Stanton. They are not only swift on tholr feet but perfect gentlemen and they have a chief who may bo destined to break world records ns well as those of tho'state because It Is said by those who have seen him do It that ho Is- a llttlo the swlftuBt and slickest at malting a coupling of anyone the * , vorid can produce. The running team Is strictly a matter - tor of local pride. There are no Im ported professionals among them. Ten of the thirteen members were born In Stanton. All but Chief Marks" grew from childhood there and Mr. Marks has made Stanton MB homo for the past seven years , refusing flattering Inducements to go to other and larger towns because ho liked Stanton and desired no other place for a home. Their record at the tournament was highly commendable. Three records were broken and they carried away more of the money that had been offered for purses by the people ple of Norfolk than any other team attending thetournament. . The boys deserved an enthusiastic reception and the people of Norfolk and other neighboring towns are pleased to know that they got it. The record made may bo taken as assurance that the Stanton * team will endeavor to hold that bolt for the coming two years which will entitle t to permanent possession , such as Fremont sought this year. FREE DELIVERY REQUIRES WALKS As Soon as They dre Furnished , the Free Delivery Will be Forthcoming Everywhere. [ From Monday's Dally. ] Postmaster John R. Hays walked to South Norfolk .this morning to in spect the routes of the city mail car riers. Patrons who have no side walks have been complaining because they were not on the routes. Under the provisions , sidewalks must bo provided for the carriers before mall can be delivered. Mr. Hays has de cided that a sidewalk must answer all the qualifications of the city ordinance. The residents expressed tholr willingness to build such walks and the free delivery will be forcom- Ing. "If the new car line had been In , " said Mr. Hays , after ho had re turned from his very warm Journey , "I should have ridden along the route. " IN HONOR OF POPE LEO XIII , Impressive Memorial Service Was Held at Church of Sacred Heart This Morning. [ From Monday's Dally. ] In memory of the late Pope Leo XIII , a Very pretty service was hold this morning in the Church of the Sacred Heart , of Norfolk. At 9:30 : o'clock the solemn requiem mass bo- gan. Rov. Father Walsh , of this city , delivered an excellent sermon , and was assisted in the service by visit ing priests. Upon an occasion which rarely occurs within the lifetime of a generation , the service in memory of the beloved Pope Leo was unusally impressive and strikingly beautiful , withal. Frenzied Clouds Broke Loose Just After Noon , PUNCTURED WITH LIGHTING , Clouds Made Fncoa at the Fair Wea ther Flng This Morning and Gave It n Slnp Just After Dinner It Lasted 16 Minutes. fFrotn Tucmlny'n TJally.1 After six dnyH of clear Hklos , dur ing which the atmosphere IIIIH at ottco boon baking and smothering and mil- try , the local hoavotiH opetiod up for fair ut : ; ( ) o'clock thin nftornoou and gayo Norfolk n lasHlng that was BO- Voro. Within llftoon minutes it wan all over and the HtitiMhliio ciUno prom * onndltig out again In a munniur ntitllu serene , The water foil hit ] tin instant , but while It dropped It citnio an hard as over It could and dIU ltd level Inwt to fill the. ralu BUABO to tuo Hut It. There \vn lighting In the tttorra mid It plnycd all itrouml tlur town with a g < rod bit of Bpltit. It was no far off rumbling thunder ! U < o the hind you hear In Hip Van \\Mnltlo playn > but the mrrt that hanctst away llku a canon cracker at your fuel and oiit you shrinking to a corner simul taneously with the Hash. The strccta wuro cleared Instantly whan the HhrowLsh rainstorm broke and teamsters made frantic gwtAwayw to locate shelter. No Htrauiifl of water , but furious fount churned out the ciiiven and In IHH I < than no Unto at all , almost , the streets were turned to puilillc\s. The faint clouds began to mal < o at the fair weather flnfl Homo tlmo before noon and shortly after 1 they \\'cpt down upon the city frothing at the mouth , wrapped In anger that could not bo calmed. The reputation of the whlto Hag 1 wtlll sustained , however , Hlnco fair wca- thor follows this afternoon and it would have boon silly tq burden the ropes with a signal which could hold HO short a tlmo And above all , the "cooler" portion of today's prediction , has already como true. COST HIM $10 TO FISH , Said Ho Was From Missouri and That They Would Have to Show Him About It. [ From Tuenday'B Dally. ] "I'm from Missouri and you'll have to show mo , " said D. Gardner , who really comes from Wltchlta , Kan. , when a man on the river bank stated that ho couldn't fish in this country without a license. Gardner wat5 searching for the gamy swimmers ot the Northforlc with n hook and lino. Living in another state , ho was violat ing the law of Nebraska and it cost him Just $10 In Judge Hayes' police court for the fun that ho had. The worst of it for him was that Deputy Warden J. A. Ilainoy happened to bo near and Just to "show him" the man "from Missouri" the official took him up to court and swore out the complaint. CARL ASMUS JW1 LIKELY DIE , Old Settler Is Not Expected to Live Until 6 O'clock Tonight. [ From Tuesday's Dally. ] A telephone message from Omaha states that Carl Asmus , ono of the old settlers of Norfolk and well known throughout , this section of Ne braska , Is not expected to live until C o'clock tonight. Mr. Asums was operated upon this morning. Ho had been suffering for some tlmo with gall stones and kidney trouble. Heart , trouble prevented the administering of chloroform and an anasthctlc was njeeted into the spine. His wife and -daughter , Mrs. Ludwig - wig Koonigst.oln , are at the bedside. Mr. Asmus Is sixty-four years old. Nebraska Epworth Assembly. The Epworth assembly at Lincoln has proven very popular with a largo number ot Norfolk people who have enjoyed an outing of several days each summer during the past few years and listened to the fine talent that the programs offered. This year it is announced that a better and more attractive program than ever will bo offered. The as sembly is not after the money that can bo made , but will use the money received for the entertainment of its guests. The patronage for the past few years has been so successful that enough money has been provided to purchase now grounds , and the in come of this and succeeding years will , go toward tholr improvement and maintenance. Speaking of the coming assembly the Lincoln Trade Review says : "Lincoln's great midsummer moot ing , the Nebraska Epworth assembly , will bo hold this year from August 5 to 13 , inclusive. The assembly , which has grown to the largest proportions of any summer gathering In the entire - tire west , has this year purchased its own grounds , and the assembly will meet in the now location this season. The grounds are admirable for their purpose , exceeding even the Lincoln Park grounds formerly used by the assembly in suitableness for camping and assembly purposes. Permanent liiiprovomoiitH are being made which will fldil to the comfort of the thoii- minds of attendants. The auditorium IH n permanent structure that will Heat five thousand people comfortably. Oil 10r linprovoimmtfi In walor and mutilation have boon mndo which will glvo the camporH moro comfort in thoiio HnoH than they have heretofore enjoyed. The nmioinhly people have provided a iilno-day program that will appeal to the people of thin Htato and will bo ono of the host programs over presented by the anHumhly. " The AHHombly daton are Augtwl G to 13. The "Souvenir of Talent , " n hand- Homo booklet full of attractive pic- tiiroH and matter descriptive of Kp woth Lake Park and the AHHoitihy talottl , may bo had by addroftulni ; President L. O. Jonoo , Lincoln , A SLAUGHTER HOUSE SMELL. Odor That Almost Paralyzed The News Office Yesterday Was a Frightful Reality. [ From I'uoMilny'fl Dally , ] The nlr Unit WIIH wafted through the vludowfl of The NOWH ofllco you- tenlay ftfienwum wn Uulcfi with a jiorftimo tltnt would drive a noavougur or n carrion crow to milefdrti Whora It ciuno from or vrhlthor It W itt or What it wns IUIH not Ixwu dcttirmliiM , but that It WIIH cttiumt for n moinoiit bo denied. The whulovw worn closed and the fnrco rtwelUmnl , but It continued to manifest ItnHf. It w u + not iv dream , but an opprowtlvo , por- titrating reality , and It cjult Just hi tlmo to prevent Borotal iwoplo from ofl'fttlttK their dliiiitjTH iw n Buerlflca to Its ephemeral and Imlltttlngntehahla but iverful i > pranonco. Ittnn na It nil the HmburHor , HtalO h < ? r , luiJr fcatthorw , rttbbor InioUi , chlchcu lit- wards and dead eats In lha city WOTU H'lng cremated In ono grand funornl pyre , and then Homo. The people wild wera In the vicinity with their torlea nro glad that it haw gone hope , Blncoruly that It will txjvur ru- turn. Whatever else may be evidence * ! by such stench , ono thing la certain , ami that IH that iwoplo nra frequently negligent o'fLnanltary conditions and the laws nflhonlth and cleanliness- prescribed by the city ordinances ami the Htato lawH , For Instance It la contrary to the ordinances to main tain slaughter IIOUSOH of any charac ter In town and there te likely to Ira trouble accruing to' those who have boon doing no , which will bo a warn ing to others to read up and nbldo Hy the regulations made and provided. WOUNDED CABMAN SUFFERS YET , C. W. Mlhllls Has a Knee From the- Fall Which May Give Him More Trouble. [ From Tuesday's Dally. ] ' C. W. Mlhllls , the cabman who was badly beaten up by the billet of Of ficer Carl Pllger on Fthlay night , suf fers cosldurnblo pain still as ho Hoc under the physician's care nt his homo on the Heights. The wounds about the head are healing fairly well , with the exception of ono ugly hole which Is considerably Irritated , but the main trouble comes from hia knee which was sOvoroly hurt when he was knocked down , and there is Homo worry about this. Mrs. Mlhllls , It Is said , has Inter viewed an attorney and was told that she could recover damages from the city. No warrant has boon sworn out against the cab driver by the offlcer , as was stated would bo done on Saturday afternoon. No official action has boon taken whatever. "It Is not known , ' " they say at police court , "whether a warrant will bo worn out or not. Probably not. " RINITY CHOIR GOES CAMPING , Members Will Enjoy Outing for Sev eral Days and Will Hold'Services Sunday. [ From Tuesday's Dally. ] Members of Trinity choir loft tills morning for an outing at the Yellow Banks , where they will camp for something over a week. ThosO in. the party wore : Rov. and Mrs. J. C. S. Wollls , Misses Loulso Wellls , Ethel Hartley , Lola Llndlcum and Kathrlno Shaw ; Messrs. Ralph and Carl Lulkart , Harold Morrison , Fritz Asmus , Charles Gerecko , Gene Huso. Services will bo hold at the camp on Sunday morning and It Is expected that quito a number of Norfolk people pcoplo will attend. FOUND HIS BICYCLE AGAIN , Leaning Against the Government Building , Where Some Thief . Put It. [ From Saturday's Dally. ] Earl Ovorton , the Western Union messenger , is riding around with his telegrams again today. Ho has found his wheel. 'It was stuck up against the office at the government building , no ono knows how or whon. In carry ing a message to the building yesterday - day afternoon ho recognized his machine - chino and was the happiest boy ln _ Norfolk after that. The wheel was stolen on the prev ious day from the telegraph office and a vigorous search failed to reveal the missing bicycle. j