The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 17, 1903, Page 9, Image 9

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President Directs Commissions
for Officers.
'Leonard Wood Succeeds Young.
Summer Will Succeed Davis The
Move Means Big Change in Martial
Affairs Nol Unexpected.
Washington , July 17. Special to The
News : President Ilooaovelt this morn
ing directed that commissions bo prepared -
pared for Young as liontounnt goncral
to succeed Nelson A. Miles ; for Leonard
Wood as major general to succeed
Young ; and for Snnmor as major gen
eral to succeed Davis.
This will make a big ohaugo in the
army affairs. It has been expected for
some time.
Indications That Pythian Grand
Lodge Will Recognize Order.
! Iowa Falls , la. , July 17. The Indica
tions are that the long-sought recog
nition of the Rathbone Sisters order
by the Knights of Pythias supreme
lodge may be granted by the next ses
sion of the supreme lodge , and In
auch an event a long campaign in be
half of the movement all over the coun
try will have been successful. Friends
of the auxiliary have been at work
patiently to secure admittance to the
Pythian order on the same basla as
the Eastern Star in Masonry and the
Rebekahs in Odd Fellowship. It is
now believed the sentiment of the su
preme lodge Is In favor of this recog
nition and that the next session will
take action.
Cites Two Editors for Contempt In
Criticism of Decision.
Jefferson City , Mo. , July 17. Upon
Information filed by Attorney General
Crow , Chief Justice Robinson of the
supreme court Issued an order to John
'J. CundlC , editor of the Sedalla Capi
tal , and J. M. Shepherd , editor of the
Warrensburg Standard-Herald , directIng -
Ing them to appear before the supreme
premo court on July 22 and show
cause why they should not bo pun
ished for contempt of court for pub
lishing an article attacking that body
for a recent decision. The decision
was in the case of R. H. Oglesby vs.
the Missouri Pacific Railroad com
pany , which the supreme court re
versed and decided for the railroad.
The article in question is said to have
charged corruption of the court and
attacked the court In strong language.
| Oklahoma Outlaws Surrounded.
Oklahoma City. July 17. The gang
of outlaws who recently killed Mar
shal Cross was located by posses near
Sterling in a very rough section of
the country. It Is reported that the
outlaws are surrounded nnd a battle
will probably result. The outlaws
have sworn that they will never be
taken alive.
White Man and Negro Woman Die
Today in Indian Territory.
South MoAlester , I. T. , July 17.
Special to the News : Everything is in
readiness for the double execution today
of Oharles Barrett nud Dora Wright , a
colored woman who killed a child. Ef
forts in their bolmlf wore unavailing.
Governor Mickey Names Delegates.
Lincoln , July 17. Governor Mickey
announced the personnel of the dele
gation which will represent Nebraska
at the coming session of the Trans-
Mississippi congress In Seattle.August
18 to 21 , as follows : H. M. Bushnell ,
M. Well , C. H. Rudgo. A. L. Gale , Lin
coln ; Warren Ingersoll , B. B. Bruce.
Omaha ; R. F. Hodgln , Tecumseh ; D.
T. Hayden , Omaha ; John F. Hanson ,
Fremont ; Howard Van Dusen. Scrlb-
ner ; George W. Post , York ; Peter
Youngers , Geneva ; Joseph Barber ,
Red Cloud ; C. E. Adams , Superior ; B.
O. Hosteller. Kearney ; Frank M. Cur
ry , Sargent ; H. P. Shumway , Wake-
Kansas Harvest About Completed.
Topeka , July 17 While there nro
porno Kansas counties which need
more outside help to harvest the
wheat , the larger part of the harvest
is completed. Men who como from
the east during the next week will
run the risk of not getting any work.
A week ago places could be filled for
many more than could bo procured.
I Osteopathiets In Session.
Cleveland , July 17. Five hundred
oateopathlsffl are in this city In attend- the seventh annual conven
tion of the American Osteopathlc as *
Eolcatlon. Dr. Nettie 1L Bailee of
Denver read a paper on "Congenital
Dislocation of the Hip , " In which the
methods of Dr. Lorcnz and the osteo
paths were compared.
' Strangles Knapp Found Guilty.
Hamilton , O. , July 17. Fred Knapp ,
the solf-confeasod strangler , has been
convicted of murder la the first de-
tree , Knapp was convicted of the
f. murder ot his wlfo , Josephine Goddard
. Knapp. To the Burprlsfl of everybody
there was no recommendation of
mercy and Knapp must co to the elec
tric chair ,
Americano Swept to Russian Island
In Storm Are Sent to Prison.
Snn Rnfnel , Cnl. , July 17. George
McCamlsh , whoso relatives live here ,
has written them from n Huaslan
prison nt Vladivostok appealing for
help. Although the letter was written
and mailed six weeks ago , it has Just
reached here. McCamlsh and two
other Americans sailed from Yokohama
hama with permission from the gov
ernment of Japan to hunt for animals
in the Kurrlo Islands.
They wore caught in a gale and
swept toward the Russian Islands ,
where they eventually went ashore to
get water and other supplies. The
Russians suspected them ot scaling
and put them In Jnll. There they
have since remained , half starved ,
shut off from any appeal to tLo rep
resentative of the government nnd
doomed to long terms of Imprisonment.
An effort will be made to have the
authorities at Washington act in the
Several Members of the Fifth Portu
guese In fantry Arrested.
Berlin , July 17 Special to Tlo
News : Several oiuoors of the Fifth
Portuguese infantry have been arrested
for conspiracy against King Oharles.
Man Is Shot by the Father and IB
Probably Fatally Wounded.
Indiana , Pa. . July 17. Margaret
Barkley. aged eleven years , daughter
ot John M. Barkley. a farmer , was
assaulted last night by Frank Will , a
tramp , while she was returning to her
home. The child's father , accomp
anied by a number of others , found
the tramp secreted In a house near
by and In attempting to escape be
wa § probably fatally shot by Barkley.
To prevent a lynching by Indignant
farmers who came In from the sur
rounding country for miles tround ,
the wounded man was brought to In
diana and placed In the county ( all
The girl's condition le serious.
Valued at $3,000 and Taken from
Customs House.
New York. July 17 A report is cur
rent in customs circles here that &
package of diamonds , valued at $3,000 ,
had disappeared from the public
atores. where the Jewels were being
The package wns received last week
and wns taken to the division where
precious stones are appraised The
examiner , tt is said , did not complete
his work , and the package was left In
the cage over night , When business
wns resumed In the morning the pack
age Is said to aave been found miss
Collins o'n Trial at Union ,
Union , Mo. . July 17. The trial of
George Collins on the charge of hav
ing murdered Detective Schumacher
was begun bere. William Rudolph ,
who recently escaped from the St.
Louts Jail and is still at large. Is also
charged Jointly with Collins with the
murder. Upon the commencement of
the trial the point was raised whether
evidence connecting Collins with the
robbery of the National bank at Union
shall be admitted as competent testi
mony. After a long wrangle between
the attorneys for both sides , during
which the jury was removed. Judge
Davidson took the matter under ad-
Poisoned by Stranger.
Bowling Green , O. , July 17. George
Umsels of Latchn , a farm band , Is
dead , and his employer , John Carr , Is
dying from the supposed administra
tion of poison in the hands ot a
stranger who began farm work for
Carr last Friday. On Monday the
stranger cooked the noonday meal ,
which Carr nnd Umsels ate. Tha
stranger Is said to have disappeared
and neighbors say that last night the
itranger farm hand returned to the
farm Ujouse and with a shotgun stood
off whoever approached the jtfaco ,
ransacked the house nod left.
Meet In Omaha Next Year.
DCS Moles , July 17. The grand
lodge meeting of the colored Masons
of Iowa cJosed here today with a pa
rade. Isaac Brown of Marshalltown
was elected presldenL The next meeting -
ing will be held In Omaha ,
John Burkholder woe shot and killed
tt Gyrene , Mo. , by his son-in-law. Wil
liam Harrelson. Harrelson recently
eloped with Burkholder's daughter.
Major William B. Hooper , who
lerved vlth the union army in tbo
civil war , is dead rtt Snn Francisco.
He was the lessee ot the Occidental
Three Indictments were returned
by the federal grand Jury In Brooklyn.
Two are believed to have direct bearIng
Ing on tbo postoSlco department cash
reelster scandal.
Chicago and Alton officers announce
an increase of pay to conductors ,
brakemen and switchmen , similar to
that recently granted by the Illinois
Central and the Burlington.
During on altercation at Columbia ,
Mo. , between George Sanders on one
aide and Bon Maycs and Ills son on
the other over the cutting down of a
bee tree , Sanders was shot infl
killed , . _ _ . _ . .
IS 1 ffl III
Slight Change for the Worse In
Pontiff's Condition ,
Patient IB Revived ) but Continue * to
Show Symptom * of Greatest De
pression Doctors Postpone Third
Operation Until Last Moment.
Rome , July 17. The pope's condi
tion > thla morning IB oven leee eatla-
factory than yesterday und ho suffered
from much uneasiness and dttllculty
In breathing until relieved to icrnu
extent by an Injection of caffetn Ttm
new crisis In ttio pope's condition
presented Itself yesterday when the
doctors wore confronted on the one
hand with the apparent necessity bt
another operation , and on the other
that ,1(10 danger of such an operation
In the patient's present enfeebled con
dition might prove fatal , This di
lemma was canvassed by Dr. Lapponl
nnd Dr. Mazzonl during the day. At
their earlier conference there was
eome prospect that the operation
might not occur and the doctors left
the sick room without arriving ata ,
definite determination as to when It
would take placo. They expressed
the belief that R delay nntll today
would serve a useful purpose In per
mitting n. larger extraction of terum
In the case the operation was un
dertaken. Meanwhile the pope con
tinued In a state of great depression.
Thanks to a fairly good sleep the phy
sicians were able to Issue a bulletin
showing that there had been no vital
change In the normal progress of the
disease , although the same serious
rapidity of respiration ns was noticed
in the morning had again begun to be
apparent. So severe had the latter
become that one present In the nick
room described the pope as literally
panting for his life's breath Later
the pope waa sufficiently at ease to re
ceive Cardinal Rampolla. and his holi
ness conferred upon him the enlarged
authority made necessary by the pres
ent Illness for the executive adm'nis-
trntlon of papal affairs.
Preparations for Pope's Death ,
Paris , July 17. According to a dis
patch from Rome , preparations for
the pope's death are continuing1 at
the Vatican. The sisters of the order
of St. Vincent de Paul are placing
mourning hangings In the court of
Charlemagne. Cardinal Oreglla has
decided that no unauthorized person
shall set foot In the ratlcan during
the conclave.
He Heard Mass on Festival of St Leo
This Morning.
Roiro July 17. Special to The News :
The pope is somewhat hotter today.
Ho hoard mass this morning on the
festival of St. Leo.
President for Financial Legislation.
Oyster Bay. N. Y. ( July 17. Presi
dent Roosevelt Is deeply Interested In
proposed financial legislation. As a
student of atYalrs ho has noted for a
long time Uie necessity of financial
legislation of a remedial character
and ho expressed to Senator Lodge of
Massachusetts his deslro that early
action on the subject should be taken
by congress along the lines of his ro-
cent messages and speeches , Indeed ,
It can be said he hopes action will bo
initiated at the extra session of congress -
gross , which ho will call on Monday ,
November 0. Senator Ledge passed
the day with the president at Saga
more Hill. Ho Is a member of the
Alaskan boundary commission , which
Is to begin Its sessions In London
early In September.
Belknap Named for Governor.
Louisville. July 17. A second day
of picturesque political maneuvers In
the state convention of the Kentucky
Republicans failed to culminate In the
final grand surprise of a winning dark
horse , whose coming had been hinted
at and whose followers set tbo po
litical managers to guessing. Colonel
Morris D Belknap of Loulsvlllo , a
wholesale merchant , widely known
throughout the country , received the
nomination for governor on the first
ballot. Hie delegates , contrary to pre
dictions , stuck to him , though how
much of their tenacity can bo charged
to the announcement by former Gov
ernor William O. Bradley that ho waa
not a candidate , can only hi conjec
Guests Loco Jewels.
Kingston. N. Y. , July 1C. No casu
alties resulted from the fire which do-
troyed the Mountain Inn hotel at Pine
Hill. Nothing waa saved and several
thousands of dollars worth of Jewels
were lost. The loss to the owners
and the guests will exceed $75.000.
The fire was caused by an explosion of
a lamp , which waa used on account of
the elertrlc plant becoming : crippled.
Chinese Go to Mexico.
Guaymaa , Mexico , July 17. An Ensr-
llsh tramp steamer landed 1,400 Chi
nese hero. The steamer came direct
from Chinese ports. During the last
thirty days fully 3,000 Chinese have
arrived here. Tha large immigration
Is due to favorable Mexican ( migra
tion laws ,
Platt Amendment Agreement IB Held
Over by the Senate ,
Havana , July 17. The souato rail-
( led all the treaties with the United
States excepting the 1'latt hniond-
inent treaty , Thu semite ratified the
treaty signed February 10 , grunting
the United States sites at Gunman-
aiiio nnd llahla Honda for naval and
coaling stations , the agreement lean
ing the areas of the said BtatlonH ,
which was signed July 2 , and alno the
treaty conceding to Cuba sovereignty
over the Isle of Plnus , The only
treaty remaining miratlllcd IB the no-
called pornmnuut treaty , covering all
the provisions of the Platt amend
ment. The fact of BCcurliiB the naval
stations completes all that the United
States haa boon desirous of obtaining.
The Isle of Pines treaty and the perm
anent treaty wora both carried out on
the Initiative of Cuba.
E. C. Crowoll of Seattle Thought to
Have Murdered Woman.
Seattle , July 17. Spoolnl toThoNowH :
A sensation is on hero. Mrs. Annlo
Mull died suddenly Monday and her
Infant ; daughter thirty-six hours later.
K 0. Orowoll , who was engaged to
marry the woman , haa boou nrroHtod
for poisoning them both.
Bonner Bprlngk Sanitarium at Bon *
ner Springs , Kan. , Destroyed.
Conner Springs Knn. . July 17. Four
persons fc > et their live ; In a lire which
destroyed the Uoi.ncr Spnngs sani
The dead are : Captain J A Me-
Cluro. Junction City Knn. , a former
utorncy for the Union Pacific railroad
Miss Jnnle Campbell , patient. Iota.
Knn Mrs A , A Cook , pntlent. Law
rence. Kan Dr A E Rogers , the
The fire wn first discovered nt 2
o'clock Thirty minutes later there
was nothing except the foundation
standing The building was three
ttorlea hlpb and contained thirty
rooms Losa was nbout 130,000.
Teamsters May Shut OH Light to Win
Kellogg Strike.
Chicago , July 17. When efforts of
the striking u-amsters and their yia-
pathlzers failed to prevent the Deliv
ery of freight trora the Kellogg
Switchboard company to railroad
warehouses , President Albert Young
of the Teamsters' National union de
clared he would darken the city un
less the strike wore settled. He an
nounced that ho would vlelt the Chicago
cage Ed'.son company today nnd de
mand thnt It shut off the power of
the Kellogg plnnt Should ho receive
B refusal he declared that ho would
shut off all the Edison company's nip
piles nnd force the company to shut
Baseball Results.
National League Chicago. 2 ; Bos-
Ion , 4. Cincinnati. 4 ; Philadelphia 1
Plttsburg , 10 , New York 4. St. Louis ,
4 ; Brooklyn , 5.
American League Philadelphia. C ;
Chicago 11. Boston. 11 ; Cleveland. 4.
Washington. 3 ; St. Louis. 4. New
York. 2 ; Detroit. 10
American Assoclntlon Milwaukee.
2 ; Louisville , 1. St. Pnul. 8 ; Toledo ,
7. Minneapolis 8 ; Columbus , C. Knn-
tas City , 12 ; Indianapolis. 3.
Western League Dos Molnes , 2 ; St.
Joseph. 0. Qmaha C ; Kansas City , G.
Attendant Makes Fatal Mistake ,
St. Joseph. July 17. Major Andrew
Russell , for many years prominent In
mllltla work of Kansas while a resi
dent of Loavcnworth , was killed at the
state hospital for Insane here by the
accidental administering of a dose of
carbolic acid Instead of medicine. O.
T. Leflwlch. one of the most faithful
attendants of the institution , gave the
poison to the patient , and In five min
utes he was dead.
Showmen as Harvest Hands.
Bloux City , la. , July 17. The har
vest fields of South Dakota looked RO
much better to the tentmen of the
Foropaugh & Sells Bros , circus , which
waa touring that atato. that about 200
of the men deserted the show and
took to tbo fields. As a result when
the circus reached here today it became -
came necessary to hire about 100 boys
of all ages to assist in putting up
the tents.
Rescue Corpse from Mine ,
Hanna , Wyo. . July 17. The work
men In the mine today reached a
point below the seventeenth entry and
recovered the body of Felix McKenna.
n pumpman. This Is the third body to
bo recovered since- the explosion.
Twelve People Arc Burned.
St , Petersburg , July 17. The steam
er Nadojka , plying on the Volga , has
boon destroyed by fire near Nyjnl
Novogorod. Twelve persons were
burned to death.
Circus Train la Wrecked ,
Pana , 111. . July 17. The first section
of the Wallace circus train was
wracked at Sholbyvlllft , Twelve em
ployee wore badly injured. Ono Is tx >
to die.
Twelve Kilted In a Mine.
Portland , Ore. , July 17. A special
from Vancouver , B , d , says twelve
people wore killed In a coal mine ex
plosion at Cumox ,
State Department Receives Re
ply from I zar & Govcrnmcnc ,
Informi United SUtet That KUhlnefl
Communication Will Neither De Re
ceived Nor Considered Now Be
lleved Pretest Will Not Be Bent.
Wnehlngton , July 17 , It wua learned
thnt the state department hue re
ceived reply from UusHln atntlni ;
thnt It neither would rt'colve nor con
ildci the matter of the Jewiph peti
tion on the itiuject of the KlRhencft In *
oldcnt. This Information came In the
form of a cablegram from Mr Ulddlo.
the American chnrgo at St Petersburg -
burg , to whom was committed the
delicate task of Inquiring ul the Rus
sian Government ne to Its attitude
with respect to the presentation of
the petition ( t Is believed thnt this
will end the matter and that no fur
ther eteps will bo taken by this gov
ernment to bring the views of the
petitioners to the attention of Russia ,
although na yet no consideration has
been given by the president to the
couroo to be pursued In the light of
Russia's response to our Inquiry. The
reply that Russia would mnkc to nil
suggestions on the subject of the Klflh-
neff massacre was forecasted very
clearly by the Associated Press some
weeks ago In an authorized state
ment , when the public wns definitely
Informed that UiiBela regarded the
affair as un Internal matter , ns to
which eho , In the exercise of her own
sovereignty , must refuse to rocolvo
ruRRestlonp from nny other govern
ment or outside source.
ManchuHan Question Settled Satisfac
torily to the United States.
Washington. July 17. The Munchu-
rlan question has been settled eatla-
factorlly to this government. Assur
ances huve been received from the
ChlncBo government that It will , In
the near future , open , an treaty ports ,
several ports now closed to the
' . The Russian
world's trade. govern
ment hue convoyed formal unsuranco
to the United States government that
It will not In any way oppose such
opening. While the ports to uo opened
are not yet specified , it Is gathered
from the communications received
that they nre Moululen. the principal
Island port of Manchuria , ant ) Tn
Tung Kao , at the mouth of the Yalu
river Although no t < et tlmo ) s men
tioned In the promise to Jpon the
ports. It l believed this will follow
soon nt'ter the Russian evacuation In
The state department Is highly
gratified at this outcome , tooling
that It hap secured not only for Amer
ican commerce but for the com
merce of the world at largo , n very
substantial gnln
Are 200 Shooters nt tlio Michigan
Monomlnio , July 17. Special to The
NOWB : One of the most notable tour-
unmontH yet begun hero today. There
are 200 shooters.
London Press Comment ,
London , July 17. The few morning
papers which comment on the state
ment that the state department at
Washington has recolved assurances
from the Chinese government that It
will shortly open several ports to the
world's trade , congratulate Secretary
Hay on tbo success ho has gained on
the administration of the principle of
"the open door" In China , and while
expressing great suspicion that Rus
sian diplomacy has left some trouble-
come conditions In reserve , they are
inclined to believe that Secretary Hay
Is too shrewd to bo put oft with a
mere paper concession.
Barrlngton Hearing Bet for Monday ,
St. Louis , July 17 The preliminary
hearing In the case of Frederick Sey
mour Barrlngton. charged with the
murder of James P. McCnnn. Is set
for next Monday before Justice Camp
bell. Sixty-one subpoenas have been
Issued for witnesses who will appear
for the state. Nothing Is known of
the line of defense. Many vlsltora ,
especially women , call on B'arrington
Victim of Bullet Dead.
Bloomlngfon. 111. , July 17. Irving
Hosenfleld , the clothing merchant of
Mason City , who with his partner ,
Julius Frank , wore shot last week by
a customer , Edward Barton , a horse
trader of Springfield , la dead at a hos
pital In Jacksonville. He come to
Mason City from New York five years
ago. Prank is yet alive ,
Drtam May Not Save Him *
Baltimore , July 17. An Indictment
boa been found by the grand Jury
against Prank Manoley , the young
woodworker , who saya ho shot his
wife while dreaming ho was attacked
by a burglar. Manoley passes most
of his time rn his cell reading the
Just about" the time you conclude yea
ore down and out your feet strlka
something that will bold you. Atcol-
son Globe , _ * _ _ . -E.
London Pnper Snyo America Has An
nexed Islands Ceded to Britain ,
London , July -According to the
Dally Chronicle , the action of Amer
ica In annoxltiK the Islands off Borneo
raises an uxcoodlngly delicate qtion-
lloti , and the HrltlBh foreign olllcu haa
iiHkod WiiHlilngton for un explanation.
The Inlnniln , tmyn the paper , are n
group of Bovmi which originally bo-
iCTgi'd to the Rultnn of Buhl , from
whom they punned hy a charter in 1881
to the control of ( ho British North
Borneo company. Tlio American ntdo
of the question , un given by the
United BtutoH otnhauny , In that th i
Islands are utidoiihUMlly American by
right of conquest , havlnx bolouRoil
to the Phlllpiilww. The courno taken
wna to demonstrate Amcrlcu'u right
and oHtnbllnh a morn clearly defined
line hclwdon the Amorlcnn posncn-
nloriH In the Philippines ! and Sulu p.ore
nnd the torrttorlcn of the British
Borneo compnny ,
Fully 10,000 arc In Detroit Today at
National Convention.
Detroit , July 17. Special to The
NOWB : The Hoooml day'HjBCHHlon of the
Kpworth League began at BunriRo with
prayer. Nearly 1,000 delegates worn
present. Four separate conferences
wore hold tills morning. There are
18,000 leaguers in the city.
Drops Dead While Speaking at Ban
quet of Engineers at Winnipeg ,
Winnipeg , Man. , July 17. P. M. Ar
thur , grand chlof engineer of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive KnglneorB ,
dropped dead nt midnight whllo speak
ing at the banquet closing the annual
convention of the Brotherhood of
Locomotive cnglnoors , which has boon
In session hnro for the Innt tow daya.
Mr. Aithtir had Junl arisen to respond
to a toast nnd repented the words :
"It may bo rny parting words to marijT
of you , " when ho foil backwards nnd
expired n tow minutes afterwards.
Abner McKlnley Stricken.
SomiTHOt , Pa. , July 17. Abnor Me-
Klnlny , brother of the Into president ,
is dnrijjoroimly 111 at hlfl summer res
idence hero. The physicians attend
ing him are Krcntly alarmed and re
port Unit Mr. McKlnloy Is not far from
death's door. It upp nrB thnt Mr. Me-
Ktnley'n Ulnosn did not assume n seri
ous form until yesterday. A danger
ous symptom devclopod when a pnlrt
ntriirk him In the hack of the bead ,
rendering him helpless. A paralytic
ctroko IB the greatest fenr. His rel
atives have been sent for.
Attack lo Delayed.
Solndnd , Venezuela , July 17. Ths
attack on Cludad Bolivar by the Ven
ezuelan government troona has been
dofcried at the request of United
States Consul Henderson , Herr Brok-
man , the Gorman consul , nnd the
bishop , who transmitted to Progrcsso.
through Ooneral Gomez , the com-
mander-In-chlef of the government
telegram asking him to
forces , a long
bo magnanimous and show mercy to
all If the revolutionists surrendered.
Priest Goes Insane.
Cedar Raplda , la. , July 17. Rev.
Father Lldtly of Stone City suddenly
went Insnno while waiting at the Mil
waukee station for a train. Quito a
crowd was collected around the depot
nnd Rev. Llddy's sudden seizure cre
ated a panic ns ho ran to and fro ' '
Bhoutlng and gesticulating. The au- j'
thorltlea took the unfortunate man in
charge and he waa taken to Anamosa. ]
He will bo sent to the Catholic hoa- *
pltal at Dubuque for treatment. I
Owen Mosher of Lynn , Mass. , shot ,
his wife , Georglnnna , and then killed !
himself. Jealousy.
A kettle full of counterfeit ? 5 gold ,
pieces was captured by officers In a *
brick yard at St. Joseph , Mo.
' Alvln Pasco of Glens Falls pleaded
guilty of setting lire to the Adirondack
woods.l Sentence wns deferred.
W. B. McKlnley , mine foreman at
Belle Sumtrp , Ala. , was shot and killed \
by Bob Sawyer , a negro. A crowd ot
armed citizens is In pursuit.
The remains of a man dragged out - ,
of Lake Michigan have been Identified ,
as those of Edward P. Nielsen of Chi
cago. The police believe ho was mur.
President L. M. McAfee of Parkvlllo.
Mo. , announces an offer from Dr.
Pearson of Chicago of $25,000 on con-
dltlon that $75,000 additional be
Fire caused by an explosion of a
can of gasoline severely burned seven
persona and destroyed the building ot
the Appleton Shirt company and _ ot
the Appleton Bteam laundry. The lo'ss
lg 918,000.
The citizens ot Peroville , N. T. , ad-
mlni&tored a coat of tar and fmthero
to Underwood , who a year
ago waa tried for the murder of J. B.
Teotor. Underwood drove hia wife and
three children from homo.
A mob of striken gathered around
the factory ot the Kellogg Switch
board company at Chicago and at
tempted to wreck the building. Many
of the windows were smashed and
damage amounting to $2,000 was donate
to the plant before the crowd was dis
persed by the police.