fS < 3 ! = WHEN JONES HOSE UP Jxmc > s Martin ( > > l > r < 4jW , try tilt X. .Ucnurr = = = = = = = l had gtrvn hlniKelf away an n Yanlav the Instant he landed In Kng land , und he hatl left a broad trail lie hliul him as he Khnvly traveled nboul and tlnally tmmght up In a ( own li < lUilglum. Whunuver ho could Und n listener , whether on train , Hleamer 01 at Uio dinner table ho begun with the battle of Lexington nnd brought thu glorious Yankeu nation down to tin butUo of Santiago , lie npared no OIIO'H feelings In telling bin Htory ; but , on thu contrary , he did not claim any | iarllc < ular credit fur the Jones family. lie rnulil Jtmt as well have declared ( hat General Join's wan In command at Hunker 11111. but he modestly kept the family In the bat'Uground. Then Jones made odloim oonijmrlflomi HH hit traveled. Everything In the llnu of trains BCL-nery. hotels , public worltH , "YOU A1IU A irUXliUUll YKAlltl IIUIIINU run TIMIM , " BAID JUNK * . etu. , played second fiddle to what ho could point out at home. In Paris , where hu got Into a row with his land lord over hla bill and waH taken to court and lined 10 franca , ho liad thu hardihood to observe ( lint n pollen Judge In the States would have made an all day CUBO and $10 line out of It , lie hadn't tallied himself out when ho reached Belgium. lOveu before lit ! had reglHtwed hu said to the landlord : "Your old hotel hero la on the worst Blto in town , and the mun who hnllL it evidently thought It was Intended for a stoiehouso ' Lord , man , hut you ought to see Nome of the hotels In America ! Why don t you run over there some day and get u new Idea or two ? " There were French , Kngltah and Geriniin tourists stopping at the hotel. Sonio had encountered .lones before , while all had heiud of him. They de- tenulned to put up a Job that should lay ( ho boaster low. One afternoon , as ho sat alone on the veranda wondering why the OJnltod States had not absorbed Belgium and taught the barbers how to give egg shampoos , four or llvo Individuals etrolled up In a careless way and , sit ting down near him , seemed to Invite conversation1. Ho was ready and will- Ins. "Gentlemen , " he began , "I have now scon n pretty good slice of what you call Europe , and I must say I don't think much of it You are a hundred years behind the times. " "Who you vims , any way ? " demand ed a solid , broad shouldered German who had been pitched upon for thu part. "Sty name is Jones , " wns the quiet answer. "Und who vhas Jones ? Vims you soiuo president or sheneral in your country ? " "Not a bit of it. There are 42,853 Joneses In the United States , and none of them is of any particular account. There ate enough of us to cut a dash if wo made up our minds to It , but wo are too modest. " "I pellet I Imf met some Shoneses In Shermany. " mld the German after a pau&e , "und I don't like 'em. " "Don't , eh ? That's too bad. I thought the Jnnebea were pretty well liked wherever you found 'em. What seem ed to be the trouble with your German Joneses ? " "He vhas too mooch brag ? " "I seo. Well , the family , as a family , always thought well of itself and didn't cares ho knew it. 11 hope ; however , that nouo of these German Joneses rnudu any statements he couldn't back up. " "I pellef , sir , " said the German ns ho h"I his head to the words , "I pellef Jones \hns eomo liars ! " Jones of America half btarted up and sat down again. After a long breath he eoftly inquired : "Uoea that Include the Jones family of the United States ? " "He docsr "And mo ? " "Shust BO ! " "Then , sir , it Is my duty to ray coun try , to the Jones family and to myself to teach you differently , and hero goes ! " Jones reached over and struck him In the face and next minute had been h > challenged o flght a duel with sworrts. had gone as the conspirators planned , Jonca nm t tnkn n inldnlgln lilt or ntop hln brag. Itut tliorovnu IK flhake In his voice im he bowed a I u/ouud and replied : "My cumpllmVntH , gentlemen , and I will bo on time. The Jones family niaj Inuo cheated In a horn ) trade , but thrj are not tlaru. I rise to the ocniHlun- thiU In , I will rise two hours earlier Uiun tiHiiul tomorrow imrnilng. " It had been "up to Jomn , " and Joint had h < i < n ciiunl to the occasion. Tin ; f'onHpIrntnctt wcro nonplused. It mlglil be , however , thai. Jones' nccirplnnce ol the rhnllrngc WUK tttmply a bluff on lilt par ) , nnd a movtlng place WUH duly arranged and vuconds chooen. It wan given out for Jones' tuinvlll that ( he ( lonimn was a ttkllU'd tiwurdtt- man who would kill him after three or four pauses , but ho went to bed whis tling "Yankee Doodle , " and they couldn't triukn him out. Ho was up half an hour ahead of a rail next morn ing , and there WIIH general astonish ment at the heartiness of his apatite and hlu Jocular demeanor. " 1 never let anything Interfere with my breakfirst , gentlemen , " ho ex plained , "and I anUclpatu a good time lighting this duel. It must bo better than going to a circus. " When . ( ones arrived on the ground , ho wiui told ( hat an ample aiwlogy from him would bo accepted by his opponent. "I never apologize for being called u liar , " IIH answered , "and nothing on earth can stop my talking about the glorloim United Slates. " The affair wont ahead. It was the play of the German to pink and disarm Jones , but It ruvcr came to that. The Yankee hardly knirw a rapier from n clothes polo , but no sooner was ho "on guard" Uian ho began to sweep , Rwlpc , cut and thrust In such an awk ward and vigorous manner that his opponent feJl into confusion , gave ground and , all of a sudden , got six Inches of cold steel in his shoulder. They tried to scare Jones over the frontier , but he rode hack to the hotel with his hat on his car and n Key West dgur between his teeth. When ho had got his heels to a proper ele vation on the railing ol' the veranda , he resumed : "I don't want to pile it \ gentle men , but even In your way of lighting tluela you are half a century behind us In the States. " Onr OliUt West Itnxtktleld , Mass. , claims the distinction of having the oldest hotel In the United States. It was built In 1700 by Caplaln David Illlchcock , who was Its bonlfaco for llfty-onc years , and during his tlmo ho entertained many distinguished guests. General George Washington stopped there Oct. 112 , 1780 , on his way to Huston and entered in his diary , "Wo were fed on the best the town affords. " A short tlmo afterward Martha Washington spent the nhrht there. In 171)0 ) President John Adams drove Into ( own with his coach and four , and Landlord Hitchcock gave him the "best room In the houbo. " Jerome Bonaparte , who was appointed king of Wcitphalla in 1807 , spent the night there with his American bride , Mlfs Kllzaljcth Patter- M > n , In 18O1 , and tradition shows the place whore hlH coach ran Into a fence and demolished It. General Lafayette on his visit to America In 1S1M stopped there , and .many other notable personages have partaken of Its hospitality. The WuyHide Inn , made Immortal by Longfellow , antedates the West Hrook- lleld house , but It never had a continu ous career as a hotel. Saw Outof ' 1'hfin. The late Augustln Daly , In splto of the gloom that ever seemed to envelop him , had his put story , which the few persons who were nt all Intimate with him personally must have heard over and over again. It was about a big Jcr- soymtm who , casting his eye along Broadway for a "likely show , " was at tracted and tempted by the highly colored - ored posters announcing a spectacular piece called "The Forty Thieves" and determined to spend the evening in the theater where it was offered. He went to the box olllce , laid down a five dollar bill and asked for one of the best seats. A punched coupon and ? 3 were handed him. When he asked what the ticket cost and was told $2 , it was evident that he had not calculated higher than half a dollar. "Two dollars to see 'The Forty Thieves , ' eh ? " ho repeated. "Yes , sir , " courteously replied the Uckot seller. "Please do not block the window. " "Well , keep your durned sent ! " ex claimed the Jerseyman , picking up the M cimngo. "I don't think I care to BOO the other thirty-nine ! " Philadelphia Ledger. IH Hennou For Many and various and weird are the reasons given by servants for wanting a change of place. Hero Is a tulo told by George Grossmlth , which adds a rare and wondrous instance to the long and eccentric list His butler , who had been with him for nearly twenty years , went to him one day and said , "If you pleabc , sir , I want to leavd" Mr. Grossmlth was sorry and asked the man his reason. "I would rather not say , sir , " was the mysterious reply. This was uncomfortable , and Mr. Gros smlth pressed the question again. "Come. " he said , "you huve been with me for so long and have never com plained before. Surely I have almost a right to know why you wish to leave. Your secrecy Is unpleasant , and I must really beg of you to tell mo your reason * son for leaving my service. " The but ler thought a moment and then said : "Well , sir , as you insist , I must tell you. But I don't want to. ( A pause. ) * The fact Is , sir , I'vebecn with you now for close upon twenty years , and I'm Blck of the sight of you and all your family I" New Orlcaas Times-Demo crat. SENATE ETIQUETTE. It Cnino Xcnr Mnklntt lloonrtvlt Mbtn A vic proiMwit wmtcil in solitary grandeur in Uie seriate chamber , whllu Uio crrtfinoiiy of a prraitlrnllal inaugu ration to wtiich Iu ) IUIH bocn invited us im honored inutit Is going on otitsldit , surely imsuiits n upcclnclo with an ulo- nn'iit of luunur In 1L Few persons know how near Tluxxloro Itoosevelt came to playing mich a pnrt on the 4th of March , UUL. ) Thu senate stickles KO for minor details of etiquette that the most Btniiuous reformer would hardly venture to transgress Its rules , nnd they require that a formal motion to adjourn sluill bo put before a day's session can come to an end. After his inauguration as vice president in Uio ttenato chamber Mr. HotRU elt took the gavel and , when the routine business was luilvluil , tlirvctiHl the sergeant at arms , ns usual , to proceed with the corutntiny of Inaugurating Mr. McKln- \y \ no pnsldi > nt It was tliiui In order firr some senator to move an adjournment , but In the runfuslnn nobody Krcmcd to have ills wits about him , and the whole assem blage , Including the senators , quitted Uio chamber for the cast porUco , where the oath was to bo administered and Uio address delivered. In a few min utes the vlco president found himself alone , with a fair prospect of remain ing BO until the day's performances were over , but it chanced that Senator Heitfold missed his hat while passing through the corridor and came baclj to look for It Fneu to face with the vice president ; It occurred to Uio senator that something must bo wrong , BO with the utmost gravity ho moved "that the senate do nw adjourn. " Mr. Rnosevolt , with equal solemnity , put the motion , declared It carried and proceeded in Mr. Heltfold'u company to the place on the prrsldenUal stand which had been reserved for him. Francis E. Leupp in Century. ILL NATURED BRUTES. Eiuliirniico unrt CnrrylnK I'mvor tlic Only CJooil Traltn In Cmuuln. ABvo ha\X' racers anil cnrt liorseg , BO the Arabs and the natives of north- eastcru Africa huve brmls of camels severally adapted for riding and for carrying bunions' . It Is to the fast rid ing and racing camels that the name dromedary ulono applies , so that this term the Greek equivalent of "racer" ImlluatoM merely a breed and not a particular hpeeles. All the camels of Arabia aud Africa , as well us those employed In Indlil , be long to the single humped species , which Is a lightly built and long limbed animal In comparison with Its double humped relative , the Uactrlan camel of central Asia. Not improbably some of the herds of the latter species which are found in the neighborhood of the Gobi desert are the descendants of aboriginally wild animals , but the Arabian camel is quite unknown In a wild state , and wo arc even ignorant of its birthplace , although it Is quite likely that this may have been north Africa or the neighborhood of Uio Ara bian desert. For traversing desert tracts camels are absolutely Indispen sable. Their broad cushlonllko hoofs proclaim them essentially animals of the desert , and a camel Is absolutely helpless on a wet autl slippery Inclined roud. As if conscious that man cannot do without them , camels are sonio of the worst tempered and ill imtured brutes In creation , and , save for their en durance nnd the heavy loads they can carry , no ono has a good word to say In their favor. If a camel can bite a mounted traveler whom ho may bo passing In a narrow rend , he will never fall to avail himself of the opportunity , and the bubbling nolso made by a "mast" camel at night will destroy the rest of an entlro camp. London Illus trated News. Why Wullle Went. From Scotland comes the following story concerning an enthusiastic curler who invariably wore nt the game a cap wlth _ comfortable worm ear JJaps : Ar riving ono day without his headgear , ho was greeted by a friend : "EhVullle , tnon , what's yero auld lug wanner ? " To which Uio other replied lugubri ously : "I hao na' worn it seenco ma acci dent" ' . ; Accident ? A'm sorry tao hear o't. What was It , then ? " "A mon offered mo a dram , an' wl' they dashed llnps I dldna bear him. " "Ma conscience ! " said the other. London Globe. Not Nice. "What a nice , big boy you are , Tom my , " said the pleasant faced neighbor. "I'm big all right , " said Tommy , "but I ain't nice. " "Don't you want to bo called nice ? That's very strange. My Qcorglo Is never happier than when people allude to him as a nice boy. " "An" I can lick him with ono hand tied behind me , " said terrible Tommy. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Ho'd lie Leavin' . "Now , 'tis Ol do bo askln' yo , " sold Clancy , "av yea sees a dawg growlln' wld 'Is rnout' an1 waggln' wid Is tail , which Ind wud yo bellovo in ? " "Thot'a easy , " replied Moriarty. "Shuro , Ol be leavin' th' front Ind , Clancy. " Baltimore News. Suiplcloaa. "Tho elopers have returned to ask for your blessing. " "Blessing , eh ? How Qo they want it ? In the form of an allowance or a cash deposit r1 Life. To Interest a man talk about himself to Interest a woman talk about some body sno wishes wcro talking to her In stead of you , New Yojk Press. Karl7 lUaliiK Not AJirnr > n Virtue. TlioiumidB of people have no cliolca whatever about their hour of rlfiimj in the morning. Later or earlier , that hour IB Ibccd for tliem by the nxjulro- mt'ntx of the oiOci' , the sliop or U | classroom , by the time table of th ral- road , by the arbitration of their em ployers or the nccusslUes of their em ployee * . Hut In the cuses manifold where personal liberty is enjoyed it should not be thoughtlvssly restricted elinply because of Uio domestic trailV- tlon thnt eiirly rising deserves pmlao and bite rising blame. HroiRfiiut may often be n movable feast without materially disturbing the routine of an orderly housekeeping day. Invalids , mothers whoso rest has been broken by teething babies and , above all , rapidly growing children , should have their sleep out. Nature demands this , and violence Is done to her when sleepy people are rudely aroused from their beds. Enrly to bed is the single safe prescription to insure early to rise. Wo need to repeat It over and over to our hurrying , anxious , tolling Amer ican men find women : Heat , rest and again rest. Do not think time ill spent that Is spent In repairing the ravages of our well nigh Incessant activity. The Fir-Mi I'nntutulutr. Most pnntomlmo characters were originally borrowed from the Italians , The llrst real English pantomime was produced nt a theater in Lincoln's Inn Fields In 1720. It was called "Harle quin Executed , " and Its subtitle was "A New Italian Comic Bceuo Between a Scnmraouchc , a Harlequin , a Coun try Farmer , His Wife and Others. " The performance wns very successful. About the middle of the eighteenth cen tury the character of pantomime per formances \vau completely altered , chlelly bccnuso of the genius of the fa mous GrimaUl , who made the clown the Uret Ognro of the pantomime. Grt- maldl llrst appeared at Sadler's Wells theater , wheru ho played the part of a monkey. He was actively engaged on the stage for forty-nine years , and at the dose of his stage career he took a benefit at Drury ! > ano theater , which realized nearly 1500. He also received 100 from the Drury Lane fund. This was In June , 182S. He died in 1S37 nud was burled In the churchyard in St James' chapel , Pcntonvlllo hill. - London don Standard. The White Man In Africn. "Tho footprint of the white man Is like the footprint of the elephant , " saj'8 a Swuxl native proverb ; "it re mains in the ground. " Another proverb : "White men are like and yet unlike quails. When you see one in your country you will soon BOO a Hock. But the quails leave you again , the white men never. " Comparing Note * . "So Mr. Suiilax told you his heart was broken when you refused him , " Bald Maud. "Yes , " answered Mamie. "The Impudence of him to offer mo damaged goods the next day ! " Wash ington Star. "To toll you the truth" "Sh-sh-sh ! Don't try it , old man ! George Washington did that once , and look at him now he's dead ! " Baltl- tnoru News. Very Iteinarkabln Curu of Dlurrlioen , "About six years ago for the first tiuio in my life I had a sudden aud severe attack of diarrhoea , " says Mrs. AHco Miller of Morgan , Texas. "I got temporary relief , but it came back again and agalu , and for six long years I have suffered more misery aud ugouy than I can tell. It was worse than death. My husband spout hundreds of dollars for physicians' prescriptions and treatment without avail. Finally we moved to Basque county , our present home , and ono day I happened to see an advertise ment of Chamberlain's Oolio , Oholora and Diarrhoea Remedy with a testimonial menial of a man who had been cured by it. The case was so similar to my own that I concluded to try the remedy. The result was wonderful. I could hardly realize that I was well again , or believe it could be so after having suf fered so long , but that one bottle of medicine , costing but a few cents , cured me. " For sale by Kiesau Drug Oo. Two llottlos Cured Him. "I was troubled with kidney com plaint for about two years , " writes A. H. Davis of Mt. Sterling , la. , but two bottles of Foley's Kidney Oaro effected a permanent cure. " Kiesau Drug Oo. No False Ulttliu * . The proprietors of Foley's Honey and Tar do not advertise this as a "sure euro for consumption. " They do not claim It will cure this dread complaint iu ad vanced cases , but do positively assort that it will euro in the earlier stages and never fails to give comfort aud relief - lief in the worst cases. Foloy's Honey and Tar Is without doubt the greatest throat and lung remedy. Refuse sub stitutes. Kiesau Drug Co. Junt About DeiUliiie take a Little Early Riser It will cure constipation , biliousness and liver troubles. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are different from other pills. The do not gripe and break down the mucous membranes of the stomach , liver and bowels , but onre by gently arousing the peoretlons aud giving strength to these organs. Sold by The Kiecan Drug Co. Working Night ana Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made Is Dr. King's Now Life pills. These pills change weak ness Into strength , listlessness into energy , brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25o per box. Sold by Asa K. Leonard. The Foundation of lleulth. Nourishment is the foundation of health life strength. Kodol Dy spepsia care Is the ouo great medicine that enables the stomach and digestive organs to digest assimilate and trans form all foodi Into the bind of blood thatr nourishes the nerves aud feeds the tissues. Kodol lays the foundation for THE OUTCROPPING SHIN DISEASES OF BAD BLOOD And while not always painful arc aggravating beyond expression. With few exceptions they arc worse in spring and summer when the system begins to thaw out and the skin _ _ . . ' _ _ _ _ _ * .Buffered with Eczema of i is reacting and making and face for over n year , It was not only extra efforts to throw of ! annoying nnd painful but very un sightly , and I disliked to go out In the the poisons that have Btroots. accumulated during the I tried nt least a dozen BoapB and salvBo and became very much discouraged winter. Then boils nnd until I road in the paper of the curoa pimples , rashes and performed through the use of 8 , 8. 8. I had Itttlo faith at flrat but determined eruptions of every con to give It a month's fair trial at lanst. X ceivable kind make am pleased to state that I soon noticed a , sufficient decide slight Improvement to their appearance , and me to keep it up. After the use of six bottles my Bkin Eczema andTctter the was as smooth aud soft as a baby's. This was u year ago and I have never had any trouble since. twin terrors of skin MISS GENEVA BEIOQS. diseases Nettle-rash , 010 80.7th St. , Minneapolis , Minn. Poison Oak and Ivy , and such other skin troubles as usually remain qniet during cold weather , break out afresh to torment and distract by their fearful burning , itching- and stinging. A course of S. S. S. now will purify and enrich the blood , reinforce and tone up the gen eral system and stimulate the sluggish circulation , thus warding off the diseases common to spring and summer. The skin , with good blood to nourish itry remains smooth and soft and free of all disfiguring eruptions. " * Send for our free book on diseases of the skin and write us if you desire medical advice or any special information. This will cost you nothing. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , ATLANTA , GA. health. Nature does the rest. Indi gestion , dyspepsia , and nil disorders of the stomach and digestive organs are cured by the use of Kodol. Sold by The Klesau Drug Oo. Man-Er-Vine tablets. The nerve tonlo for men aid women. Build up the system and make you fcol bright and chootfal. The Klesau Drug Oo. Sound kidneys are safeguards of life. Make the kidneys sufo withFoloy's Kid ney Oaro. Kicsan Drug Oo. Will lluy It Hack. You assume no risk when you buy Chamberlain's Oolio , Oholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. Kiesan Drug Oo. will refund your money if you are not satis fied after using it. It is everywhere admitted to bo the most successful rem edy in use for bowel complaints and the only ono that never fails. It is pleasant , safe and reliable. HronchltlH for Tu euty Year * . Mrs. Minerva Smith of Danville , 111. , writes : "I had bronchitis for twenty years and never got relief until I used Foley's Honey and Tar which is sure to cure. " Kiesan Drug Oo. When Other Medicines Hiivo Failed tahe Foloy's Kidnpy Onre. It has cured when everything else has disappointed. Kiesan Drug Oo. For a lazy liver try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver tablets. They iu- vigorote the liver , aid the digestion , regulate the bowels and prevent bilious attacks. Forsao by Kiesan Drug Oo. Catarrh of the Stomach. When the stomach is overloaded ; when food is takuu into It that fails to digest , it decays and inflames the mucous meuibrauoexp03ing the nerves , and causing the glands to secret muoiu , instead of the natural juices of di gestion. This is called catarrh of the stouianh. For years I suffered with catarrh of the stomach , caused by in digestion. Doctors and medicines failed to benefit me until I used Kodol Dyspepsia euro. J R. Rhea , Ooppoll , Tex. Sold by The Kiesau Drug Co. Thla Cllmuto IH Good enough for anybody with weak lungs. The patient need not travel. He can Kot well hero with the help of Allen's Luug Balsam , taken frequently when coughing and shortness of breath after exercise serve notice upon him that serious pulmonary trouble are not far away. Allen's Lung Balsam is free from any form of opium. Nlfjht WHH Her Terror. "I would cough nearly all night long , " writes Mrs. Ohas. Applogato , of Alexandria , Ind , "and could hardly iet any sleep . I had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood , but , when all other medicines failed , three ? 1.00 bottles of Dr. King's Now Dis covery wholly cured mo and I gained 58 pounds. " It's absolutely guaranteed to cure coughs , colds , la grippe , brou- ohitis and all throat and lung troubles. Price COo aud $1.00. Trial bottles free at Asa K. Leonard's , A Surgical Operation. is olwayp dangerous do not submit to the surgeon's knite until you have tried DoWitt's Witch Hazel solve. It will cure when everything else fails it lias done this in thousands of cases. Hero is one of them ; I suffered from bleeding and protruding piles for twenty years. Was treated by different specialists and used many remedies , but obtained no relief until 1 used Do Witt's Witch Hazel salvo. Two boxes of this salvo cured mo eighteen months ago and I have not had a touch of the piles since. . H. A. Tiadale , Summorton , S. 0. For blind , bleeding , itching and protruding piles no remedy equals DeWltt's Witch Hazel salve. Sold by The Klesau Drug Oo. Foley's Kidney Cure purifies the blood by straining out Impurities and tones up the whole system , Cures kid ney and bladder troubles. Kiesan Drug Co. Co.No No inau or woman iu the state will hesitate to speak well of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver tablets after once trying them. They always produce a pleasant movement of the bowels , im prove the appetite and strenghten the digestion. For sale by Kiesau Drug Co. Co.A. A. R. Bass of Morgantown , Ind. , had to get up ton or twelve times in the night , and had a severe backache and pains in the kidneys. Was cured by Foley's Kidney Oaro. Klesau Drug Oo. When you feel constipated , have soar stomach or biliousness , try Berg's Swoo Laxative Gulps. They do the work. 10 and 26 cents. The Kiesau DrugOo. Ilrutully Tortured , A case oaino to light that for presist- ent and unmerciful torture has perhaps never been equaled. Joe Golobick of Oolusa , Calif , writes. "For 15 years I endured Insufferable pain from rheum atism and nothing relieved mo thounh I Mod every thing known. I borne across Electric Bitters and it'ri the greatest medicine on earth for that trouble. A few bottles of It completely relieved and cured me. " Just ns good for liver and kidney troubles and general debility. Only BOo Satis faction guaranteed by Asa K. Leonard , druggist. No Pity Shown. ' For years fate was after mo con tinuously" writes F. A. Gnlledgo , Ver bena , Ala. "I had a terrible case of piles causing 24 tumors. When all failed Buckleh's Arnica salve onrod me. Equally good for burns and all aches and pains. Only 25c at Asa K. Leonard's drug store. How are your kidneys ? It Is danger ous to delay when the kidneys are sick. Kidney-Ettes ore the most wonderful cure for all kidney and backache com plaints. The Kiesan Drug Oo. Trent Your Klilnrvit for Klienmatlsm. When you are suffering from rheuma tism , the kidneys must bo attended teat at oiico so that they will eliminate the uric acid from the blood. Foley's Kidney - noy Onro is the most effective remedy for this purpose. R T Hopkins of Polar , Wis , says , ' 'After unsuccessfully doctoring three years for rheumatism with the best doctors , I tried Foley's Kidney Cure and it cured me. I cannot speak too highly of this great medi cine. Kiesan Drug Co. Cholera Infautum. This has long been regarded as one of the most dangerous and fatal diseases to which infants nre subjict. It can bo cured , however , when properly treated. All that is necessary is to give Cham berlain's Colic , Oholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil , as directed with each bottle , and a cure Is certain. For sale by Kiesau Drug Oo. A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach , a bad digestion , a bad liver. Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure con stipation , biliousness , dys pepsia , sick headache. 25c. All druggists. Want your moustnche or board a beautiful brown or rich black ? Then use BUCKINGHAM'S ' DYE Golfers OCT < . or D yo < 5j T on R P Mln. A CO NMMU N H. An ( tuolata pcclde and antUoeptlc prep aration ( or all kind * ol BTSORE THROAT. BIMPLY A GAHQLB , PEBPEOTLY HABMLE8&I A ure cnr ( or rioamces * , Torullltls , Quinsy. Inflamed , Ulctratcd end Catarrhal SoreThroatJ A preventive ol Croup , Whooping Cough emj Diphtheria. PUUIFVINO HEALING ROOTniMfi Endorsed 07 tno Mo t Eminent Throat SpoalalI I Itts In the country. Baould be * ept In every noma. Price 2D Cent * ) Uerg Medicine Co. . Des aioluet , Iowa. | raxative grorao Quinine Cures a Cold in One Day , Crlpui2 Days onevcry box. THIS WILL INTEREST MOTHER Mother Gmy's Sweet Powders for Children , suc cessfully used by Mother Grayfor years a niirfe In > the Children's Home In New York , Cure Fevtrleh- i\caf. Hud Stomach , Teething Disorders , mm a nml regulate the Bowels and destroy Worms. Tlioy are f o pleasant to the taste and harmless as rnllk. Child- NOW READY The'Many Adventureslof FOXY GRANDPA Including nil tbomorry pictnrcBcon- taluod in Uio two volumes , entitled AdvontnreB of Foxy Grandpa" nnd "KnrtborAdventurMot Foxy Grand. p& . iMV to IHO ono day at lunch i "What do yon think of a series of comic drawings dealing with n grand- fntlier and his two grandsons ? " 'Let the grandfather bo the clover ono of the trio. In moat of the other caeeo the young folk have boon smarter than Hlood | people upon ' whom they played the r Jokea. Let's reverse it. " The next morning ho came to my of. Hco with sketches for half R aozon " ' . The snccofla of the series In the New York Herald was Instnntauooni , for "ri10' "Foiy ara * ' ? nffiSwr"ri10' , ? The jolly old gentleman , dear to grown people as well as children , might " 1 the Mr- EDWARD MARSHALL. To Grandfathers Who Are And To Those Who Are To He , I Merrily Dedicate This Book. "BONNY. " Sent Postage paid on receipt of ONE UULLiAIt In currency or postal order : no checks received , L. E. HAMER8LEY CO , 40 Wall Street , New York.