o THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , JULY 17,1003 , Y Norfolk Play House Purchased by A , J , Dunlcvy. THE CITY WILL BE BENEFITED. Ttlclcn Mnn Uoupht ; the Thontro From Mr , Bonll Yoatenlny nnd Will bo Here Tomorrow to Tnko Inventory. Plnys Will bo Qood. The Norfolk Auditorium has boon pnrohnKod from A. H. Hcall by A. J. Uunlovy of Tlldnn , and the now proprietor - priotor will take Immodlato pOHBOHnlon , The deal wnfl completed yesterday at Tildon. Mr. Uunlovy will bo in the city tomorrow to look over his newly acquired property ami take an In ventory , In thn transfer of Norfolk'n theatre from Mr. lU-all to Mr. Uunlovy , the city will bo bonoflttod. Mr. Dnnlnvy Is H man who will without a doubt pro vide Unit olnM at tract lonn for his IIOIIHO nnd the ratcH to Norfolk poopln who do- Hirothouno of tlio bnil ling will prob- nbly not bo out of roach. The house WIIB built ever three yonrn ago and was purchased by Mr. Honll last year. SATURDAY SITTINGS. B. Meyers has returned from Sioux City. City.Mr Mr . A. L. Diinltivy IB in the city to day from Tildon. Mrs. M. D. Tyler and non Kenneth hnvo returned from a visit In Onmha. Ohiw. Fonsko of Battle Crook was transacting business in Norfolk today. MrH. H. L. Whltnoy and daughter Boinioo are guests of Jmlgo and Mrs. Powers. 0. L. Robertson of Foroston , 111. , IB in the city for a visit with his brother , W. M. Robertson. Mrs. William Loavltt in visit ing at the homo of her won , Rov. F. W. Loavitt , in Went Point. Mrs. Quo. Spear and baby daughter loft yesterday for Olarks , Neb , , for an extended visit .vith her parents. Mr. and Mr . Charles Leonard of Farmer , N. Y. , are expected in the city tonight to visit Mr. Leonard's brother , Asa 1C. Walter P. Powell , formerly of this city but now of AHhland , Oregon , was inarritMl in that city on July 4th to MrH. Boyd. The old front has boon taken out of Bill Borner's place and the work is under way of replacing it with a modern plato glass front. A game of baseball will bo played in the park north of the city tomorrow afternoon between a club from South Norfolk aud ono of up town. Mr. and Mrs. James Dover , who live near Madison , Jmvo boon visiting at thu homo of thnlr daughter , Mrs. R. M Upton , 1103 Madison avonuo. Work on the foundation of I. M. Maoy'H new brick block is under way and umkos'a showing on South Fourth street north of the government build ing. ing.L. L. M. O.iylord has moved his olllco two doors south on Fourth street , where ho will maintain it. until his regular olYlcfl is thoroughly overhauled and re paired. S. E Ilowins and wife , formerly of Norfolk but who have boon lately living in Kentucky , ivro in the city visiting friends and looking after property in terests. President Khrhcrdt , of the Congress Construction company , loft ot noon to day for Now Orleans , where ho goes to Btart construction on a now government building. Messrs. Barnes and Williams of Ainu- worth , are in the city this morning in thu interest of the normal school loca tion. They mot with good encourage ment throughout Boyd county. Mips Edith Morrow , who Is visiting in Sodro Wooloy , Wash. , has been offered fored two excellent positions iu schools there aud will accept ouo of them. She will not roturu to Norfolk until Juno , 11)0-1. ) Ij Mr. and Mrs. McDaniols of Texas are | | guests at the homo of Dr. aud Mrs. O. j S. Parker. Mrs. MoDnuiels is a cousin ! . " of Mrs. Parker. Dr. and Mrs. Parker jjavo a family dinner on the lawn lost evening iu honor of their guests. Now that the firemen's tournament la approaching , thn weeds ever the city should bo-cut and the streets put into the best possible condition. Many thousands of people are expected for the .racing , and Norfolk should put up hoi best front , R. M. Upton has just returned from Atkinson , where ho went ou the big laud excursion. Sixty persons wont from Norfolk nud Fremont , together. Eighteen of them were from Norfolk. Laud is soiling fast nud mnuy people tire crowding into the place. George Wantliu returned yesterday from Wisconsin , where ho has been for the post three mouths in company with a number of other Northwestern train men sent up to help out during the rush there. They are returning to resume their regular work with the Northwestern during the rush of stock nnd grain shipping season which will soon open. REPAIRING THE SMOKE STACK , Trees Have Become Troublesome In Region of Pumping Station. [ From Wednesday's Daily , ] In order to overcome the Interference of growing trees in the drawing of the chimney , workmen are now busily en gaged upon the mammoth brick siuoko Btnck nt the city pumping station , extending - tending the tower some twenty feet hlghor Into the nlr than It him ever boon before. For BOIIIO time the immense trees nt the Matlou have been growing around thu plant nnd ( hey hnvo become HO thlek and tall of Into that the breezes which ought to piny down the duo nud keep tin ) fires going , stop on the out skirts nnd rent among the branches , A largo scaffold him boon thrown up about tlio stack nnd the workmen just uow nn tearing elf nbout eight foot of the structure to remove nil old crack , Thou It will Ira built up , again , twenty fret hlghor than originally. Fireman Grnul , who runs the works , has complained - plained frequently of the condition , lie him been nblo to keep ono pump goIng - Ing only by using both big boilers nud ho IH glad of the relief. DEATH RECORD. [ From Wednesday's Dnlly.J Infant Child. A U-days-old babe of Mr. nnd MrH. G. .ToiiHon , of IIoskhiH , died nt that place. Minnie Gall. The funeral of Minnlo Gall , the 10- months-ild child of Mr. nud Mrfl. Her man Gall , was hold this nftoruoon from thu homo south of thu city. Nlocoof Rov. J.C. S. Wcills. Rov. . ) . 0. S. Wellls locoivod n tele gram last evening announcing the sud den death of his llttlo niece , Kathryue Duoll , nt Bolso , Idaho , nud the Boriouw condition of n nephew. Quick diphthe ria wns the cause. Mr. Duoll IB nn Episcopalian clergyman nnd IB nt pros- out iu Chicago , while the household goods of the family wore packed ready to move Into Chicago. Miss Marjorie Wollls of this city , is visiting with Mrs. Duoll now. Mrs. Daoll will bo remem bered ns having visited In Norfolk. A message from Mr. Daoll In Omaha this morning announces that ho is on route homo from Chicago aud that ho will bring the remains of his llttlo daughter back east for burial. Woills Duoll. A message late this afternoon an- nouuoos that Woills Duoll , the llttlo boy , is also dead. FOR TAR-MACADAM PAVING , Very Inexpensive , It is as Good as Asphalt or Bettor. Mayor Hn/.au has received n circular concerning n now nnd improved system of paving which is nt the same time comparatively inexpensive. It is used in the consular reports of the govern ment of Ontario aud the paving material IB known as tar-macadam. It is being used very extensively In that section of the country , nud is replacing many other materials. The tar-uiacndam is said to have two advantages ever either asphalt or vltri- Uod brick : the cost IB from ouo third to one-half that of asphalt and it Ismoro enduring than either. It is as noiseless as asphalt , easier ou horses and almost dustk'83. The paving for Norfolk avo- uuo would bo paid for in ton yea s , and the strain would bo unnoticed by prop erty ewers , while the values would bo greatly Increased. GERMAN LUTHERAN MINISTERS , They Are Holding n Conference in Norfolk This Wook. [ From Wednesday's Dally. ] A conference of Gorman Lutheran ministers from all ever northeast Ne braska is being held iu Norfolk and will close tomorrow. Among those present are : H. Hilport , Wisuor ; Gntkutcot , Wayne ; IIofluB , Fierce ; Holstoiu , Mar- tinsburg ; John , B.v/.ilo Mills ; E. Just , Ainsworth ; F. KorBtor ; Morz , Plain- view ; Matuschka , Randolph ; A. . Ollon- burg , Bloouifiold ; Schallor , Altona ; H. Suhulz , Houiugford ; F. G. Wiugos , Concord. Oaudidates , who graduated this year , are : Messrs. Batz , Bolosou , Baumgarteuor ; nnd Robert of Norfolk. Last night n comuinulou service was hold In Christ Lutheran church. Rev. A. Morz of Plainview , preached the sermon. Confession service was hold today at which Rev. J. Holstein prouohed. Notico. To whom it may concern and particu larly to Oriu J. Showes. Bo It known , that L. E. Dnrlaud hav ing on the-Ith day of November , 1901 , purchased at public sale at the treas urer's office iu Madison county , state of Nebraska , of the then treasurer of said county , for the delinquent taxes of 1900 , the following described property , taxed for eaid year in the uaiuo of J. Showes , to-wit : North cast quarter lot G , Pascwalks addition to the city of Norfolk - folk in Madison county , Nebraska , the said purchase being evidenced by cer- tmento ot tax ealo No. f > OG and the taxes on said laud for the years 1001 and 1902 having been paid by the under' signed ou said certificate. Therefore notice is hereby given as required by law , that the time of the redemption of paid real estate for said tax sale will expire ou the Gth clay of November , 190Ii , and that immediately thereafter , the said L E. Durlaiid will apply to the treasurer of said county for a deed to the above described property. Dated this first day of July , 1903. L. E. DUULAND , Owuer of certificate. By Mapes & Hazen , her attorney. Letter List. List of letters remaining uncalled for nt the postofflco nt Norfolk , Nob. , July 14 , 1903. T. P. Callaghan , Miss Maude Davis 8 , Mrs. Mary E. Former , Mrs. EvaM. Gnut , Miss Kittle Lyons , Mr. John Me- Govern , Mr. Thos. McGoven , Frank Nerbnner , Mr. Ray Rash , Frank Simms , H. A. Smith , MM. Elta Wilson , Earnest White , Mr. Homer Wilson , Mr. H. L. Wlkhnm , J. Van Ness. If not called for In fifteen days will bo Bent to the dend letter office. Pnrties calling for any of the above please say advertised. JOHN R. HAYS , P. M. Tramp Who Stole Razors Couldn't Stay Away. HE IS A FIEND FOR MORPHINE. HnvlriR Mndo HisQot-Awny the Night Doforo , Roy O. Blanch , Falls Into His Own Arrest Had Stolen From Two Norfolk Stores. [ From Batuulny'a Dally , ] After ho had cut Norfolk for fair with thu bunch of razors that ho had stolen from the hardwarostora of John Friday , aud after ho had mudo n clean get-away from the police , who searched for him in vain all of the night buforo , Roy O , Blanch , a tramp.'priutor and shop lifter , walked back liito the city at 8 o'clock last night , just because he couldn't stay away , nnd fell Into the arms of the police. Where ho had been or whether ho had really boon outside of the city limits at all , is not known * . Regardless of his hiding plaoo , however , the follow inada a mistake when ho tried to pass Officer Pilgor last evening. When ho was taken to the police station , the tramp was found to carry In every pocket some Bert of article that must have boon stolen. Ho had n largo variety of oyeghusos which ho hud taken from the pharmacy of G. B. Christoph , n bunch of poker chips thnt had boon much used and n hypodermic syringe with which his arm had boon pricked into n porous lump thnt looks like a shredded wheat biscuit. The prisoner was taken before Justice Elsoloy this morning , pleaded guilty to the charge of petit larceny and was given thirty dnys iu the county jail. Ho was taken to Madison this afternoon by Chief Knno. Blanch stole razors and cutlery from the hnrwaro establishment and various articles from the drug store , afterward selling thorn about town. Ho was lo cated Thursday and evaded arrest. The shop lifter is a morphine fiend of the worst typo. The uilnuto ho wns lauded behind the bars of his cage , ho began to beg for morphine. This morning in court ho threatened , when ho was sentenced , that ho "would go cra/.y" If they locked him up. Ho was looked up just the same but had to bo given nn injection of his drug before very long. Little , thiu aud hollow eyed , the morphine fiend looks like n klepto maniac of the roughest kind , and the police are happy ever the catch. MONDAY MENTION. 0. H. Reynolds is In Omaha today. Manager J. N. Bundiok of the sugar factory loft for Omaha nt noon. A. H. Winder is west today ou busi- ness. J. W. Humphrey returned yesterday from Hot Springs , S. D. William Stewart of Omaha is spend- a few days with Ralph Birohard. Miss Jounio McGorinick loft this morning for a week's visit in Omaha. There will bo a mooting of Damascus chapter , No. 25 , R. A. M. at 8 o'clock tonight. Mrs. 0. II. Vail , of the Oxnard , visited over Sunday with friends in Tildon. . Mr. and Mrs. D. Rees are enjoying a vibit from their nephew , W. A. Hall of Lincoln. Miss Faio Buruham of Tildou wns iu the city today , onrouto homo from Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bnrtou of IOWR , nre vititiug their daughter , Mrs. George B. Ohristoph. Mrs. A. J. Durland roturued last evening from n vibit with Mrs. T. F. Meuimiuger , nt Madison. W. I. MoFnrlaud of Stanton , clerk of the district court , visited S , R. MoFar- laud iu this city Saturday. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. S Scott nrrlved last night from Stanton. Mr. Scott is in the uow Boston Shoo storo. Mrs. II. E. Owen has returned from Holdeu , Kansas , where she has bceu visiting with her husband. Miss Frances Davenport returned from a visit with her sister , Mrs. A. Pilgor at Madison , last night. The largo scale at tho. coal office of H. E. Hardy is being raised n foot to day , on account of the water beneath it. W. H. Bncholz nnd Dr. A. Bear will leave shortly for Baltimore , where they go to attend the uatloual convention of Elks. Misses Ruth and Dora Birchard re turned Saturday evening from a visit at \Vnyno with their auut , Mrs. J. G. Minos. Miss Helen Maylard returned Satur day evening from a ten days' visit in Sioux City with her aunt , Mrs. George Davenport. Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. McDonald and children of Pieroo visited yesterday with Mrs. McDonalds sister , Mrs. II. L. McCormick. Miss Terry , who 1ms had the position of trimmer at Inskeep's millinery store during the season , has returned to her home in Omaha. F. W. Wright , with the Scranton schools , was In the oity yesterday with his bride. He wont to Tokamah last week nnd wns married. The ladies missiouery society of the Congregational church will meet with Mrs. Osborue tomorrow afternoon , start ing from the church at 2 :15. : Three candidates were voted into the Elks Saturday night. They are : M. C. Von Rhoden , of Orelghton ; L. R. Pheasant aud H , B. Skeen , of Pierce. 0. E. Bnrnham is in the city today from Tildon. Ho has just returned " " " " " " - P B „ „ „ from Lincoln , where MM. Bnrnhnm is qulto. Hlio expects to como homo Aug- UHt 1. A oouipiiuy of fifty persons enjoyed n plonio enppor on the luwti of Judge and Mrfl. I. Powers Saturday evening. The clear moonlit night added beauty nud pleasure to the fuu , For three days next week there will ho Homothlug more than usual doing iu Norfolk. Thou the dromon from nil parts of the ntnto will be here to help uinlto things interesting. The two honvy showers wlitoh fell yuBtorduy morning hnvo qulto elf ot- ivoly cooled oil the air. They rounded out n week of early morning sprinkling that has mndo things comfortable in the city. city.Tho The S. S. S. club , nn organization of Bweot sixteen femininity , hold initiation Saturday night at the homo of Mlsa Era Oarpontor , Twelfth and Phillip avonuo. Miss Oora Luiltart and Miss Opal Mad- Ben were the initiates. Glare Blahel/loft this morning for Omaha , after a week's visit at the home of Ills parents , Mr , and Mrs , O , A. Blnkely in this city. Mr. Blukoly is now with the Postal Telegraph com pany in Omaha , us operator. Ho has an excellent position. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schooniokor , who have boon visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Weatherby , re turned to their home in Omaha yestor- day. They were accompanied homo by Mrs. Sohooumkor's mother , Mrs. War- rick , who will remain for a visit. II. 0. Pershlng has purchased and will hereafter edit the Madison County Reporter at Newman Grove. Ho started iu by getting a pointer from the editor of the Albion Argus it was his daugh ter , Miss Irene Poynter. They were married Wednesday of last week. Harry Rombo , who has boon suffering for weeks with a very severely nifeoted knoo.wlll bo token to Omaha tomorrow for treatment. He will be accompanied by liis father , L. L. Rembe , and Dr. P. H. Saltor. Every effort will bo made to save the limb. It was injured four years ago by the falling of a horse upon it. Foreman Thomas , of the state hos pital grounds iu this city , Bays that BO far as ho knows , nothing at all has yet been done toward the reconstruction movement. Immediate action was prom ised over a week ago by a Lincoln of ficial , and the people had almost begun to believe in the sign. Just now they are holding their breath and waiting. The wedding of Ilov. Herman Spier- ing and Miss Louise Loeschor was cele brated at the Christ Lutheran church last evening at 7:110 : o'clock. The bridal party will make tnoir homo in Camp bell , 111. , where Mr. Spioriug has charge of a German Lutheran church. The church was beautifully' decorated for the nuptial ceremony and a happy feast followed. Rev. J. F. Poucher left the city to day for a two weeks trip. He will first stop at the international Epworth League convention in Detroit , will later visit Louisville , Ky. , and finish with n few days at the homo of his father iu New Albany , Ind. During his stop in Louisville Mr. Poncher will call upon Mrs. Rtco Hegnu , author of "Mrs. Wugs of the Cabbage Patch , " and of "Livey Mary. " Mr. Pouoher has n letter of introduction to her. FOR WEST POINT GADETSHIP. Examinations in This City For The Appointment , August G and 7. [ From Wednesday's Dally. ] Congressman J. J. McCarthy an nounces an examination for the appoint ment of a cadet to the U. S. military academy at West Point , which will be held iu this city August 0 and 7 , be ginning at 11 ft. m. August 0. The ex amination will bo iu the Pacific hotel Candidates must be of good rnora character , possessing sound physica health , unmarried , bona fide residents of the Third district and between the ages of 17 and S2. All of the common branches will be covered iu the examination. Fo further information a letter should be addressed to J. J. McCarthy , M. O Pouca , Neb. Kathrine and Wcills Dcuel. [ From Thursday's Dally ] Rev. J. 0. S. Weills received from a Boise newspaper a telegram this morn ing stating that his daughter , Mrs Donol , with the remains of her two lit tie children , Katliriue and Weills Douel would bo down from the mountains to day. From the mesenge it is inferre that during their camping trip in tli mountains , the two little children wer suddenly attacked with quick diphtho riarud that even before they could b returned to their homo the disease had taken their young lives away. Every circumstance of the sad affair seemed to shape itself to render it all doubly hard to boar. The father , Rev. Charles Deuel , was in Chicago preparing a now homo into which to bring his babies. The camping trip was ono of outing and pleasure rather than n place for sickness and sorrow. And more than all , the two going together , leaving the heart broken little mother childless , besides being so pitiful in itself , recalls a week something over two years ago in this city , when Mrs. Deuel , herself , lay at the point of death and when , within six days , she lost her mother , her sister and her grandmother. Friends In Norfolk , of whom there are many , will extend their universal and sincere sympathy at this moment of Irreparable loss. CALIFORNIA TOWN FIRE1 SWEPT. Quarter Million Loss at San Luis Obispo. Son Louis Obispo , Oal. , July 16. Special to The News : Fully a quartet of this city was destroyed by fire at | an early hour this morning. Loss $250,000. Police are Looking for Crooks Next Week. ARE NOW PREPARING FOR THEM. Suspicious Looking Characters Have Already Begun to Arrive There Will bo Beggars , Pickpockets , and Everything Elso. [ From Tuesday's Dally. ] Chief of Polioo Kaneis preparing fern n busy time in his department during ho visit of the firemen from all over he state next week. Already numerous hugs and crooks of all sorts and typos , voarlug the toughest looks that the arth owns , are dropping into the city u nearly every train and there will no oubt bo a crowd of thorn to handle. "There will bo pickpockets , hold-up men and ovorythlug else In the profes- ioual crook business , " said the chief ; hia morning. "Wo are planning to alcocare of them , though. " Onacocountof the influx of "crooked" ndlviduals , oflloials are now wishing hat they might have a few extra police who are good at the work , for those liree days. Already there are cripples , > eggars and suspicious looking chnrno- ors getting lodging about town. Just now the attention of officers is etng directed largely toward the dog without a tag and many n day are dy- ng. "Every dog has his day , " says the hlof , "and this is that day. " TUESDAY TOPICS. The census enumeration will be nlshed tonight or tomorrow morning. Miss Hazel Rish left today for Win- iietoon , Neb. , where she will visit for a hort time. Charles Madseu has gone to Chicago , St. Louis and other points of interest or a short vacation. Tno little 4-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs Herman Gall died yesterday after noon from whooping cough. After a separation of fifteen years , L. S. Beemer , of this city , is enjoying a visit from his brother , William Beemer , f LaFayette , Ind. Miss Nolle and Master Roy Dorsey , of St. Joseph , Mo. , who have been visiting at the homes of 0. J. Lodge , of Warner- ville , and J. Dorsey , of South Norfolk , iavo returned homo. Mrs. Sadie Butler , who formerly ived in Norfolk , is in the city for an extended visit with Mrs. 0. H. Vail , at ih < 3 Oxnard , and Mrs. O. L. Hyde , tlrs. Butler now resides at Morning Sun , Iowa. Miss Arvillo Mason left today for Youngstowu , Ohio , where she goes to visit Mr. and Mrs. Scofield , who 'oruierly ' made their home in Norfolk. She was accompanied by her niece , Helen Lobdell , and her nephew , Ray Lobdell. A change has been made in the as sistants to Rev. Father Walsh at the Roman Catholic church in this city. Father Henry Muyfeu , the former as sistant , ha ? baeii given a church at Valentine , Neb , and Father F. O. Drisco succeeds hero. D. Wink of Neligh , deputy grand master of the Odd Follows for the Thirty-first district , was iu the city to day hobnobbing with the members of that order. He installed the officers at TiUen last night and will install at Meadow Grove tonight. "The people this year are drinking more pop lhau they over have before , " said R Blatt , who makes it in all colors , this morning. "The thirst for the liquid keeps us humping all the while aud our bottles are out on dress parade nearly every minute. " Twontyttwo young persons gave a surprise party to Miss Otelia Pilgor bast evening In honor of her twenty-second birthday. Refreshments were skived aud a pleasant time of it made , at the family home , Soutn tflftn. A number nf brick layers from Chicago cage were discharged at the govern ment building yesterday because they couldn't wait until after hours to get drunk. The iron columns have not yel arrived and authorities at the building are getting nearly frantic over the lomj drawn out delay. Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Lodge entertained a largo party of young people at their homo near 'Warnervillo , iu honor of their niece , Miss Nelle , and their nephew Master Roy Dorsey , of St. Louis , Mo Dancing and games were features o the evening's amusement. Miss Maude Tauuehill gave a number of humorous readings , which were very much en joyed. Refreshments were served at a late hour. John Johnson and Jess Wiun o Neligh were in the city today to see about getting a concession aud making arrangements for the operation of a gasoline launch on the waters of the Northfork during the dates of the state fireuieu'B tournament next week. They have not yet decided to bring their boat but are favorably impressed with the prospects for good business. . The ! boat is twenty-eight feet in length ant will carry fifty people. Among those who would heortil ; favor the organization of a pan-Helleul society is Mrs. F. M. Sissou , Kappa Alpha Thota. Mrs. Sisson has kept in constant touch with her sorority eve since her college days and she is de lighted with the idea of reviving Gree ! spirit with an association of this sort "College days are always pleasant , ' said Mrs. Slsson , in speaking of the pro posed movement , "and to thus have th association of them returned would bo commendable in many ways. " Do You Want p Camera ? Boys and girls , hero Is a chance to BO THE OLD RELIABLE POWDER o Absolutely Purer _ , 'THERE NO SUBSTITUTE uro a good camera absolutely freo. Wo will give you a Brownie camera , made by the Eastman Kodak Co. This amera is not n toy , but is a reliable and courato instrument making" pictures J x2J Inches. , which are ns sharp and lear as pictures made by most $10 and 1C cameras. Send us three now subscriptions to ho Weekly World-Herald , prepaid for no year , nnd we will at onse mail you , lostnge paid , a Brownie Camera. The subscription price of the Weekly World-Horald Is $1.00 per pear. Address , WEEKLY WOULD-HKUALD , Omaha , Neb. OUGHT TO BUY GRAVEL PIT , Citizen Thinks City Should Invest for Bettor Streets. [ From Thursday's Dully. ] "Tho city ought to buy a gravel pit , " aid a citizen this morning , "aud from t get stones enough to put in a hard ystem of streets in Norfolk. For the money we * pay out every year In stone crossings , we could get seven or eight car loads of material that would fix the treets in permanent shape. " "First , however , we ought to have a swerage system , and for thnt I would aver the voting of § 25,000 bonds , If need be. Some good contractor ought o take hold of it. " This morning the sides of the business portion of Norfolk avenue were opened vith plow and shovel and the water allowed to drain off. Along the sides of Norfolk avenue , \ between Fourth and Fifth , weeds are ; rowiug 'in some spots , which ought to > e cleared before the jam of visitors arrive next week. "TOUGHED" FOB ABOUT $87 , Gus Selin Says Someone Cut a Hole in His Pocket Last Night. [ From Thursday's Dally. ] Gus Selin was "touched" last night ? ' * for about $ -87 , all told. Eighty dollars " of it was in a check , which may not bo .ost as payment has been stopped at : he banks , and the other § 7 was cash. He claims that in a bar roam some one / out n hole iu his pocket and took the money. This morning a uiau named - Maloney was locked up on suspicion. Malouey was iu jail ou the previous night and promised to leave town. There is uot enough ideuce to convict. Disturbed the Peace1 James Wheeler , a "peanut boy" on ono of the passenger trains running into Norfolk , became too noisy last night and had to be looked up. He was fined $7 in court this morning ou the charge of disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace. ' MINISTERS GOING HOME , 4 - * ? German Lutheran Conference Fin ished Work Last Night. [ From Thursday's Dally. ] The German Lutherairiniuisters who had been in Norfolk for their district conference during two days , left Nor folk this morning for their homes over northeastern ISebraska. The closing service was held in the Christ Lutheran school house last evening. A largo number were presaut nnd candidates wore admitted into the ministry. The writer is a lover of good dancing and wo are conceited enough to think that wo are somewhat of a judge of x \o dancing and for that reason wo have no hesitancy in requesting our friends to witness the performauce of The Dale Theater Co at the opera house tonight. Mr. Francis McCarty will outortain you with eomo of the finest dancing ever scon in Madison. Mr. McCarty is undoubtedly - doubtodly ouo of the best dancers on the American stage and is so considered , not alone by the patrons of the theater , but by the profession itself. The entire company is good and should receive lib eral patronage the rest of the week. Madison Star Mail. BLUEBEARD KNAPP CONVICTED , Man Who Strangled Five Wives Must be Punished. Hamilton , Ohio , July 10. Special to The News : Strangler Knapp recently arrested ou the charge of killing his wife , after which It wns developed thnt he had murdered five wives , most of them by strangulation with his hands , was this morning convicted of murder 1 and will bo punished accordingly. The firemen's tournament nnd the j doings of the Royal Tiger club next J week will furnish plenty of eutertalu- s A mont in Norfolk nnd the people who < know a good thing when they see It or i hear it announced will bo here from miles around. ;