The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 17, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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Patient Is Now Practically Kept
I Up on Stimulants.
Hopeful FoellnQ of Past Few Days
I Qlvos Way to Alarm Morning
Hours Bring Relapoe nnd Pontiff's
i Hours Now Seem Numbered.
Rome , July H. "While there Is Ufa
there la hope , " was all the consolation
that Dr. Lapponl could give In ad
mitting that Pope LOO'B condition was
"very grave. "
The pontiff has Buffered another relapse -
lapse and he lies this morning In a
more critical condition than at any
time since the middle of last week.
The semi-comatose condition In which
he fell at midnight and the confused
etate of his heretofore lucid mind on
Lit awakening at an early hour this
vy * "vj f
morning , accompanied by still greater
depression than during yesterday , are
regarded aa symptoms of the gravest
nature and as pointing to an imminent
' dissolution.
V' Dr. Mazzonl expressed the belief
that unless the disease toj * an unex
pected turn there was no reason to
apprehend death for two or three days.
This statement , however , did not re
lieve the anxiety of those who know
what powerful stimulants are being
constantly administered. Some at
tribute the pontiff's ejctreme weakness
to the excessive mental and physical
efforts undertaken In receiving vis-
itora , hearing mass , etc.
For the first time since his Illness
the pontiff asked to have the shutters
almost closed , as the light hurt his
eyes , and'at the same tlmo , contrary
to his custom , he begged to bo left
os quiet as possible.
Another noteworthy symptom of his
weakening condition was the docility
with which he took his medicine and
nourishment. Previously , Indeed dur
ing his whole life , Pope Leo has been
against prescriptions of doctors or
anything which had the aspect of be
ing forced upon him. His feeling of
fatigue and indifference was Inter
preted as a sign that his vitality was
fast diminishing.
Dr. Lapponl has succeeded in rean
imating the pope with stimulants. He
also gave him a little nourishment.
The patient's breathing is again dif
ficult Ho says he feels very tired.
At the American embassy it was
stated no request hod been received
for Information regarding the pope's
condition. King Edward has In
struct the British ambassador , Sir
Francis Bert , to telegraph twice daily
the state of his holiness.
The Trlbuna printed a statement
that the pope's real ailment was can
cer of the liver. Dr. Mazzoni charac
terizes the statement aa a stupid false
hood witHout an atom of foundation.
, Pope Is Sinking.
London , July 14. A dispatch from
Rome says : "Tho pope Is rapidly sink-
Ing. All his relatives have been sum.
moned. It Is reported that he has relapsed
lapsed Into unconsciousness. "
To Bar Foreigners from Manchurlj.
St. Petersburg , Jury 14. According
to tbo newspaper Novlkral , published
at Port Artnur , Russia has Informed
China that she is compelled to ex
clude foreigners from Manchuria and
postpone the opening of Mancburi n
ports owing to the presence of Eng
lishmen and Americans who , In dis
guise , are engaged In espionage. Rus
sia , according to the paper , promises
to open the ports sis years hence ,
when the country has been tranquilIzed -
Izod and settled.
Che Fee , China , July 14. General
Kuropatkln , the Russian war minister ,
and his staff , who have been present
at the conference at Port Arthur of
the Russian minister to China , M.
Lessar and all the high Russian offi
cials in north China and Manchuria ,
at which the Russian position la tbo
far eaot was dibcuaaed , loft Port Ar
thur on their return to St. Petersburg.
Plot to Avenge King Alexander.
Bucharest , July 14. It la said that
too Servian authorities have un
earthed a conspiracy to avenge the
late King Alexander. A lieutenant of
a frontier garrison has been arrested ,
charged with making threats against
Colonel Maschln. A search of the
lieutenant's quarters dluclosed evi
dence that twelve officers had formed
a laaguo to take vengeance upon the
> > Bain Revlveo Corn Crop.
Lincoln , July 14. The long spell of
excessive heat and dry weather In
southeastern Nebraska was broken
last night by a generous fall of rain
and a drop in temperature. The rain
fall was general and comes In time to
fevlve the corn crop , which was suf
Majority Favor the Treaty.
Bogota , July 14 A rough canvass of
the Colombian senate seems to show
that most of the members are favor
able to tbo Hay-Herran caual treaty
without amendment.
Slayer of Roxbury Thought to ttava
Murdered Woman.
Now York , July 14. In the optnton
of the police the murderer of Charles
W. Roxbury , the tea expert , who \taa
Jatally beaten late Friday near hrs
homo In The Ilrunx , concluded lfh
crime by putting his woman uooom-
pllco to death.
That n second crime , and one pf a
revolting nature , has boon committal ,
the officials Bay there IB every roaoon
for believing. A careful Boarch ot ttw
entire city Is being made to dlBooroY
whether any young woman la mle0to .
Another search Is being made , oiwl
that over a territory wider than flw
city , for the body of a murdocod
There la but a vagne clue open
which to bawj n search for the wtmv
an or her body. This la the dJODoHp-
tlon furnished by the young wom n
with whom Roxbury was w.a4hlng
when he was assaulted by a man and
The bundle of woman's clothing ot
fine texture , eoaked with blood , wlxlch
was found near the scene Is the tnrals
for the belief that the mxin who mur
dered Roxbury killed bis companion
later to destroy all evidence aKahvst
Three Men Killed and Two CRteci
Seriously Hurt at Laflln , P *
Wllkesbarro , July 14. Ala ln < lOT
Moore , Joseph and Arthur Oray
killed , Thomas Halnaa and
Twist seriously injured. , and
buildings destroyed by an explosion at
the Laflln powder workn. The force
of the explosion shook every hxroao m
the town of Laflln.
There were three tnilldlngB , cacn
about 100 feet from the others. The
explosion occurred m what is called
the press , In which Ore powder was
compressed Into a solid maaa. The mem
killed were tn the p osa mill tct the
time of the explosion and no < pn can
tell what caused it , though there rs a
theory that It was caused by friction
of some of the machinery. The force
buildings wcro demolished and the otv
lno and boiler room , situated $ long
distance away from { bo scene of too
explosion , also were wracked.
The bodies of Uooro and Vrttxnr
Gray were found under the debris and
were badly burned. Joaeph Gray waa
found 200 feet from the mill , his body
literally blown to places , scattered
hero and thero.
Thirty People Drowned and Several
Killed by Lightning.
Berlin , July 14. Tbo highest floods
known In the region for many years
are reported from Silesia. Nearly the
whole town of Troppau WPS under
water for many hours. The crops ot
the entire district have boon dc-
Btroyed and traffic at several points
on the Schaenbennen-Troppau railway
Is Interrupted owing to the destruction
of bridges and embankments. In the
Sudeten valley all the villages were
flooded so rapidly that thirty of the
Inhabitants were unable to escape in
time and perished. Fifty bouses were
destroyed. Even the town of Breslau
Is reported In danger and firemen have
been called out to repair the dykea
protecting the city from the overflowIng -
Ing River Oder. The surrounding
country has become one largo lake.
Terrible hall storms have devas
tated the country along the lower
Rhine. The damage to tlio wine crop
Js Incalculable. Several persons were
killed by lightning.
Hides In Burning Bam.
Perry , la. , July 13. Frightened be
cause he had sot fire to his father's
barn , Abner Carpenter , Jr. , five years
old , hid away In the haymow of the
burning building and was consumed
by the flames.
Tbo Kxcbange bank of Care , Mich ,
of which Charles Montague IB presi
dent , has suspended payment.
Francis G. Adams IB dead at bla
home near Co sackle-on-tboHudBon.
Mr. Adams was one of the pioneers to
California in 1849.
The political crisis In Japan resultIng -
Ing from the resignation of Premier
Katsura has been settled and the pre
mier has resumed office.
A terrible cyclone ravaged the
French possessions of Tonquln. Ono
hundred and fifty natives were killed
and many villages laid In ruins.
Attorney L. E. Conner shot J. R.
Crews , a furnlturo dealer of Falrfleld ,
111. Flvo shots were flrod , three tak
ing effect. Crews may recover.
The conflict between PresidentNord
of Hayii and the chamber continue * .
A etate of slego has bean proclaimed
and the national guard has boon sum
moned to arms.
Mrs. James Alton brolto down tbo
door of Charles Quail's saloon at
Whoatland , Ind. , forced her husband
to leave the saloon and then smashed
the mirrors wlfh baor bottloa.
Four deaths from tetanus of boya
ranging in age from eight to sixteen
years occurred In Harrlstrarg , Pa. ,
Monday , resulting from slight wounds
Inflicted on the Fourth of July from
toy pistols.
United States Minister Bequpro has
cabled the state department from Bo
gota that the Panama canal treaty la
dragging along before the Colombian
congress. Ho docs not Indicate Us
chance of ratification.
Mankod cattlemen visited a small
flockmaster near Gillette , Wyo. , and
dynamite his sod house , windmill
and watering tank. He was bound tea
a post while the work of destruction
was going on and when the cattlemen
departed tlioy admonished him to
leave tbo country.
Catastrophe Overtakes Chris
tian Endeavor Convention.
Eight Thousand Persona Ana Durletl
In Canvan Folds Denver Woman IB
the Most Sorlouoly Hurt Delegates
Qlve Praloe for Escape.
Denver , July M. . The Wg TVnt En
deavor , whcro the Christian Endeavor
convention haa been hold for the pant
lour dayR , was blown over whtlo more
than 8,000 were attending the pro
ceedings. The Injured numbered
nearly a scare. , but , fortunately , none
of them was seriously hurt. Mrs. Jon-
ale M. Thornburg of Denver waa the
most seriously Injured , her noao being -
ing badly gushed and her acalp suff-
rrlnc aovoral wounda.
The presence of mind of A , al. Rain-
aoy of Chicago , who sprang to a chair
and called to the people to hold up
the canvas and poles , undoubtedly
prevented many from suffocating. An
tt was many women fnlutod and were
extricated from the fobla af the can
vas with much difficulty. A feature
that showed the religious nature af
the participants was seen when the
majority were extricated from tbo can
vas folds. Led by an eastern dele
gate all gathered around in the open
air and an Impromptu prayer aarvlco
was hold In the opan air.
The convention was In full progposn
and although there were signs of ratn
and some wind was blowing , no
trouble was anticipated. . The sides of
the tent were up to admit air and
this enabled the squall to lift up
the big canvua aa tf It ware a bal
loon. The gust of wind thai turner !
tha tent over came BO enddanly that
no preparation could bo mndo to fore-
otall the consequencea. Tbo wind
ewopt under tbo tent , the roof of
which Immediately belched out llfco
an Immense BOIL The smaller guy
ropes were palled from their places
and In a moment more the big poles
wore drawn from the ground.
Immediately the 8,000 persons were
In a panic , which was heightened by
the screams of hundreds of women.
It was then that Mr. Ramsey sprang
to a chair and called loudly an the
men to hold up tbo canvas and catch
the largo supporting poles as they
fell Hundreds of men sprang to their
feet and successfully carried out the
Chicago man's suggefttion , and thus
averted a calamity. Women who had
fainted and these suffering from sllgbt
Injuries were quickly removed to the
hospital tent
The injured : Mrs. Thornburgh ,
Denver , very serious ; Mlsa Powers ,
Trenton , Neb. , knee Injured , body
bruised ; J. C. Peters , Alomosa , Colo. ;
Miss Mary Ellis , Denver ; Mrs. 1. N.
Johnson , Denver ; K. C. Patterson , Al-
amosa ; Miss Etta Ward , Chicago.
The closing meeting in Tent En
deavor was devoted to consideration
of great problems of the day affecting
the nation , and was one of thu most
Interesting and enthusiastic of the en
tire convention. Delegates from for
eign countries outlined "What Wo
May Learn Along Social , Industrial
and Religious Lines. " Rev. P. J.
Horsefleld of Bristol , England , the
last speaker to bo heard on that sub
ject , was Just closing his remarks
when the tent collapsed , terminating
the meeting suddenly.
At thu Central Presbyterian church
banners made by Christian Endeavor-
ere in oriental countries were pre
sented to state unions showing as
large as 10 per cent Increase in mem
bership in Uie past year. Thfl first
prize went to the Nevada union , The
other state unions receiving banners
were Colorado , Ohio , Utah , Oregon ,
Alabama , Maryland , Wisconsin , Okla
homa , Indian Territory , Indiana , Mis
souri , Georgia , Alaska , Washington ,
West Virginia and New Mexico.
Gould Talks of W a bash ,
Plttsburg , July 14. . George J. Gould ,
who , with a party of Wabosh and Mis
souri Pacific officials , spent the last
thirty-fllx hours Inspecting lha Wabash -
bash extension to this city , tn an In
terview said : "It is our purpose to
weld the Wabash road Into ono grand
system before long that will reach
from Ogden , Utah , and El Paso , at the
Mexican border , on the west , through
Kansas City , SL Lsuls and Plttsburg
to Baltimore. "
Negro Assailant Disappears.
Madison , Ga. , July 14. Cleveland
Kelly , the negro who attempted a
criminal assault upon Mrs. Will Rot > -
crtson of Newborn several days ago ,
has disappeared. Ho was hist heard
from going In the direction of a
swamp , with a pease of determined
men on his trail. The men returned
a few hours later stating they bed
lost Kelly In tha swamp and bad aban
doned all efforts to captura him.
Baseball Results.
National League Cincinnati , 8j
New York , 4. PHtsburg , 3 ; Boston , 8.
Chicago , 4 ; Brooklyn , 0. St. Louis , 4 ;
Philadelphia , 6.
American League Woshlngf&n , 4 ;
St. Louis , 2. Now York , 3 ; Detroit , 4.
American Association Minneapolis ,
0 ; 8t. Paul , 3.
Western League Omaha , 2 ; Kan
sas City , 7.
Cloudburst and Tornado.
Newport , Neb. , July 11. A cloud
burst and a heavy windstorm pre
vailed here. The storm was accom
panied by hall , which broke hundreds
of windows. Seven buildings were
wrecked by the wind. No loss of life
was reported. There Is great destruc
tion of crops In thojojrolng districts.
Police Anticipate Strike Rlota Today.
Switchman May De Cnllod Out.
Chicago , July 11 NumorouH claflhoa
xitwoon Uiy loam is torn and thu pullce
are luulctimlod today , when the tnovo-
nout of freight ooimneucoa from tlio
Cullogg Switchboard uud Bupply earn-
mny to the several freight dopota.
The KollnKK cum puny , \wluxw 1,000
employes have bean on utrllui for the
last two mantlin , anuounocxl tliat
freight would be Bant through the
picket lines commencing this after-
loon , and all the extra police on the
West Side are being held tn reserve
for the BtniRglo that la oxpoctud. The
railroads will taku all the freight that
s Bent to them. The chief of nolloo
will furnish protection to the \vaguna
soaring It. Once on the platforms of
tholr freight \vurQliouaoa , the railroads
will ROC that tlio freight Is cared for ,
Bonding It to Its duntliuutan oven If
all thalr freight handlers ) go out.
Grand Master Frani < Riuvloy , na
tional president of the Swltchinw'B
union , arrived from Buffalo and huld
a two hours' conference with Presi
dent Cnrran and uomo of tha team-
Dtora. The switchman have b en
asked to rofuno to bundle the cur of
this Terminal Transfer company and
the cars In any freight yards where
the KcillogR company may ncnd loads
of freiKht In the future , Hawl < y refused -
fused to ntnto whether the switchmen
would enter th conflict.
In Anxiety to Qet Out of Reach of
Fire Land In Excavation.
Now York. July 11. Fifteen persons
have boon hurt by faltlng Into thu sub
way oxcavntlon at Lenox avonuc and
Ono Hundred and Twenty-fifth Btrvut ,
after Jumping from a burning trolley
our on which they had a thrilling ride
for several bloclca , while the molnr-
man was making deaparato efforts to
reach a fire engine bou u.
The car was filled with about ofghty
paasongora , mostly women and child
ren. When they dlscoverod the fire
many tried to Jump , hut the motonnan
put on full power. Ho had not guno
two blocks before tha car was envel
oped in Uamoa. The car came to a
stop right over th excavations for
the eubway. The passengers piled off
on top of ono another. The planking
over the hole collapsed and about
twenty-five persons were carried d'own.
Those at the bottom wore severely
bruised , but only ono was In a serious
St. Loula Woman Gets Ten Yearn for
Killing Her Husband.
St. Loula , July 14. The sealed ver
dict of the Jury , read In court , finds
Mrs. Minnie Cummlnga , charged with
killing her husband , Dennis Cum-
mlngs , April 13 , 1003 , la guilty of mur
der In the second dogroo. Tbo pen
alty was fixed at ten years' Imprison
ment In the penitentiary.
Mrs. Cummlngs will , on July 20 , be
tried for the alleged murder of her
third husband , Edward M. Harris , who
died October 5 , 1001. His death was
first termed fluiclde , but a later inves
tlgatlon , after the death of Cummlngs
led to an Indictment charging murder
In the second degree.
Collins Trial to Proceed.
Union , Mo. , July 14. George Collins
who was brought here from St. Louis
today to be tried on the charge of
having robbed the bank hero last De
cember , waa arraigned in the circuit
court this afternoon. Hla attorneys
requested a continuance on the
grounds that Collins hod boon tn Jol
out of the county and they had hod no
opportunity for consultation with him
and prepare for his defense. The
court overruled the motion for a con
tlnuanco and the case was sot for
trial tomorrow. William Rudolph
Collins * partner , who escaped from
the St. Loula Jail recently , Is still at
Crawford Why do lovers sit and sit
and Kit In blissful slleiiw ?
Crabshaw Because , us a general
thing , there Isn't room for cither of
them to get a word In odgxjways.
Jinlco. _
Hon. A. O. Blair , minister of rail
ways , has resigned his position In the
Canadian cabinet.
Thomas Chalmers , one of the found
ra of Praser & Chalmers , Chicago
died Monday , aged eighty-eight years
Marie Gibbons , the st.xtcen-year-old
daughter of Judge W. J. Gibbons of
Chicago , was drowned at Camp Lake
near Kenosha , Wls.
Soledad , which Is a strategic position
opposite Cludad , Bolivar , on the Orl
noco river , has been taken by Vene
Euelan government troops.
Some 20,000 skilled mechanics In
the skilled trades went to work Man
day under the modified plans of the
New York Employers' association.
Miss Lavinla Wheeler is dead in
Oakland , Col. , at the age of 102 years
She was In full possession of her fac
ultlcs up to the moment of her death
Heritage & Hurst , woolen manufoc
turers of Monson , Mass. , filed a peti
tion In bankruptcy. The liabilities
amount to $48,4GS , and assets to $27 ,
Tbo executive board and officers of
the Iron Molders * International union
are in session at Cincinnati. Trade
demanda and grievances affecting
ever 7,000 men in all sections of the
country will bo considered.
In the United States circuit court at
Wilmington , James Smith , Jr of Naw
ark , N. J. , took the necessary oath be
fore Judge Bradford as receiver of
the United States Shipbuilding com
pany for the district of Delaware , and
eave bond In $50,000.
President to Appoint Him As
sistant Secretary of War.
New York National Gunrd General to
De Root's Aid Present Incumbent
Realgrvo on Account of III Health
of Hlo Wife.
Oynter liny , N. Y , July 14. At the
coufori'iico between 1'reflldont HOOBO-
veil and Secretary Hoot It was do-
clOod to upiHiInt Hoburt Shaw Oliver
of Albany to bo unnliitinit nocrutnry of
war , vlco William Gary Hunger , ro >
Blgnod. Mr. Hannor haa dooliKM to
rellro 011 nccount uf the IH health of
bin wife.
Onnaral Oliver linn had a military
career of illnUnctlon. IIo served in
the civil war aa a voluntnor ollloor
and Bulineuuntly ( | nerved aa aa olllccr
of the regular army ufltabllRhmout In
both the Infantry and cavalry branch-
OB. For many youru h IUIR boon
identified with tbo national guard of
Now York and IH a brigadier goueral
In command of the htigudo with liuiul-
qtiartorit at Albany. General Ollvor
IB ciiKagud in the iron hunlnnnn.
It ban tint heun dotlnttuly dorldoil
when Oononvl Oliver will IIBSUIIIO hl
low otnco. but OH Cnlunul Banger do-
Hlrua to rol''xmlah ' his dutlus an noon
IIB poBHlbtu the probabilities are thin
Gonorn.1 Ollvor will ndnrUiko thorn aa
aoon us ho can arrange ! IH affairs.
The appointment of General Oliver ,
t can bo nald , IH a ll ( > natlRfat'tory to
Swiatorn PUitt and Depow , who woie
consulted regarding It.
Judge Brewer Says There Will Do Re
action Against Mob Law.
Milwaukee , July II. "ISvory man
who participates In tbo lynching or
the burning of a negro la a murderer ,
puru and simple. "
This opinion was given by Associ
ate Justice Bi ewer of the United
States supreme court , who la In the
city on private buolnuHH.
"Ojf course , " explained Judge Brewer
er , " "there may bo extenuating circum
stances which would vary the dogicc
of Uio crlmo but the ljrM lffil-jnP
tlclpalors in the crimp ctyj _ ' be ueld by
any court In the land foT'murdor In
the aatuo flogrcb as If the crUno was
committed by an Individual. TUoro Is
going to be a reaction against the
atrocious crimes with which the pa
pers have been filled. The feet that
the people are now Interesting them
selves in the dlscuBslon of thin prob
lem makua manifest the fact thai
there IB a tendency toward a change.
I expect that it will come BOOH. "
Five Buildings Destroyed , Entailing a
LOGS of $35,000.
Odell , Nub. , July 11. The worst fire
in the history of the town Htaiix-d
about 10 15 and burned for an hour In
splto ot all efforts to bead It off. The
town la without any means to cope
with a rtro of such magnitude and It
practically burned Itself out. It strat-
od In tbo Durtee llvory barn from an
unknown aourco and spread with
griMt rapidity. The total IOBH Is esti
mated at $35,000 , partly Insured. The
following are th places destroyed :
Durfeo livery barn , together with sev
en boraes ; Charles Walker & Co. ,
lumber yard , John Fyerbend , general
etoro ; Dr. Woodward , olflce ; Henry
Kaabarek , furniture.
Death of General Lane.
Philadelphia , July 11. General John
Q. Lane of this city died at the homo
of his son-in-law at Atlantic City ] N.
J. General Lane fought throughout
the civil war at the head of an Ohio
regiment. Ho was wounded a nm-
ber of times and early In the war was
brovetted brigadier general for con-
Bplcuoua service. On one occasion ,
with 800 men , bo blocked the advance
of the confederate army under General
Hood , and rocolved credit for saving
the union army of the west.
Convention Week at Detroit.
Detroit , July 13. This Is to bo on
of the greatust convention weeks In
the history of Detroit , and It Is ex
pected that the city will be crowded
to Its capacity with strangers. Throe
large conventions will bo held during
the week , the aixth International con
vention of the Epworth league , tha re
union of tbo Society of Santiago de
Cuba and the Fifth Army corps , and
the annual convention of the Ameri
can Electrical association.
Leprosy In South Dakota.
Sioux Falls , S. D. , July 13. A cose
of genuine leprosy has developed in
Marshall county , tbo victim being a
veteran of the civil war. Doctors
whom ho has consulted refuse to re
veal bis name. Ho is sixty years of
ago. The spots have for some tlmo
been spreading over both his limbs
and his body , tbo flesh In spots being
entirely dead and devoid of feeling.
Burglars Operate Near Marshalltown.
Marahalltown , la. , July 14. Burg
lars blew up the safe in the general
store of M. J. McCabe at Quarry last
night and secured a small amount of
monoy. The safe was ruined and con-
Bldorablo merchandise damaged. No
cluo. The postofttco at Luray , this
county , was broken Into and robbed
of n small sum last night.
Drowned While Bathing.
Marahalltown , July 14. Solomon
HllBuhotkns drowned while bathing
in the Iowa river near Alblan. The
body has not been recovered.
A Nurse Says j ' ' Po-ru-na Is a
Tonic of Efficiency , "
Mr * . Kate Taylor , a graduated
nurse of prominence , given her ex
perience with lcrvna In an open
letter. Her position In society and
professional atandlrtff conihlna to
give special prominence to her ut
/-MIJOAOO , ILL. , < 27 Monrno St.
\ S "AH fur UH I hibvuotmomid I'ortinu
In tlio IlncHt. tonlo any iiuin nrwomnn
run UHO who IMvnatt from tlio aftui
uffuctH of any HurloiiH llhuwti.
" 1 Imvo Ki'un It utanl In a nuinlwr ot
ronvnloNuant onsen , and tjuvu wmi nuv *
onil olhor tonlcn uinrtl , tint I fotnul that
UIOHO whoiiHOfl 1'urnua had Uio qulckoHl
Pcrtinn seems th restore vitality.
Increase hodlly vigor end renew health
and strength In a wonderfully short
In vlow of tlio ffrooA iiiuHHuiJo of
\vomon miffurliif ; from some form of fu-
inutu dlHuaKo urnl yet nnahlo to find any
euro , Dr. Ilixrtinun , the ronowncd RJIO-
clalleiton fomnlo cutarrlial dlHOORos , haa
iinnonncod hl willlngnopfl U > direct tbo
truutmont of as many oua < > < i 0.1 inako
Application to him during tlio mimmor
nionthH , without charRO. Address Tbo
Vorunu Mudluluo Co. , Columbus , Ohio.
Moluture Cornea After Twenty-two
Days of Drouth.
London , July 14. Tbo boat wuvo
bus Buffered an InUirruiiUou , Thunder
and ImllHtornis have brought thu tom-
uuiatutu to below nunnal for the tlmo
of thu year. London's absolute drouth
uf twenty two duya was broken.
In Mullock and too neighborhood
a tbunduiHtorm wao fallowed by blind
ing uliowcrtt of largu hallatone.i. Tlio
ground was\Hoon covcrod ao though
with snow. The rainfall ruabcd trom
the hlllii Into the valley , literally inaK-
ing a river , Hooding the strnota and
hoiiHL'H. A largo part of Llneolnshiro
felt tbo effects of the storm to an uv
traordlnary extet. Hallalouos broke
the lumps and housu windows.
Tlio wreckage at Newark , where the
storm extended over an area of four
mllt'B , Included the emaGbluK through
of the slabs roof of tbo railway Bto ,
tlon and much damage was done to'
growing crops thmoghout the fitorm
urea. , ,
DeLite of Welcome to King Edward
Is the Cooita of It ,
Dublin , July 14. Wild scones
marked tbo necpud dabato by tup uiu
niclpul corporation < Jn tbo tfuWltol of.
prosentlng an addxur.3 of welcome to
King lidward on hi * arrival In Dublin.
Lord Mayor Harrtaston made a violent
lent speech agalnil tbo address ana
compared the nationalists wbo tavor 16
to tbo men who bad "sold tbo Irish ,
parliament. " MamJ Qonno ( Mrs. Mo
Brlde ) was among the demonstrators/
who continued ttib uproar until tbo
lord mayor finally called In the pollcO
who cleared tbo frill.
After a stormy tcuiian of four hours
tbo motion In fayor of tbo urtdrosa
was defeated by 40 to 37 votes.
To Shut Off Ore Supply.
Colorado Springs , July 13. Action
In relation to shuttftrg off the ore Bap-
ply of the Standard 0)111 of the United
States Reduction and Roflnlng com
pany will bo tatoBJ this week at a
meeting between President Meyer and
other officers of tbo Western Fodera
tlon of Labor and the Crtpplo Creeli
District union. This statement waa
authorized by President Meyer after
a meeting of tbo Colorado City Mill
Men's union , at vtilcb It was decided
that tbo only way to malro tbo strlko
against the Standard effective waa to
abut off Its ere supply.
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Digests what you eat.
This preparation contains all of the
dlgcstants and digests all kinds of
food. It gives instant relief and never
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thousands of dyspeptics have beeu
cured after everything else fulled. la 'I '
unequalled for th-1 - stomach. Chi'.d * ? l
ten wilh weak stomachs thrive on it. , * !
Cures all stomach
prepared only by F. 0. tri rr A. Po , Chicago
'Hio il. bottle conU'insB * , Units tin. We. t.lro . ,