The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 17, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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No Material Change is Noted In
Pontiff's Condition.
Physicians Consider 'Extreme Weakness -
ness Chief Danger to Bo Met Doc *
'tor In Attendance Describes Pen
tiff's Appearance.
Rome , July 1C. Dr. Mnzzcral , la
reply to tbo unostlon : "Can the popu
recover ? " gnvo the Associated Press
correspondent thu following signed
vtntcmont :
"At the prcscut moment the dlscaso
cf his hollnesa hat } lost Its character
cr absolutb gravity , which It hud at
Ita ucuto period. It might bu consid
ered to huvo entered the period of a
possible solution. This might occur
in a man of strong liber and young ,
but It Is Impossible to entertain such
a hope In the case of a man In his
ninety-fourth year. With him the
physical energy absolutely India pen-
lblo for recovery Is lacking. Pope
Leo's organism IB perfect , and as such
maintains Itself after ninety-three
years of never Interrupted work , but
Ills motor force Is uo longer sufficient
lor tto complex functions essential to
life. In other words , the ninety-three
yoara of Pope Leo's life bring him
Into that category of extraordinary
longevity when life Is destined to
flicker out independent of the action
of any pathological complications. The
only service , that affection can render
Is struggling to have this precious ex
istence preserved to us as long aa
possible. "
Word Picture of Pope.
Ono of the doctors In attendance on
the pontiff gave the Associated Press
correspondent a graphic , but horrible ,
; word picture of Pope Leo as he ap
pears today. That smllo which lighted
up the pontiffs face , even in extreme
uge , has disappeared , probably for
ever. The sldn Is drawn tightly over
the bony framework of his face , leav
ing the once bright eyes staring dimly
from the deeply sunken sockets. A
grayish pallor overspreads hla coun
tenance , but the most noticeable rav
- age wrought by his present disease Is
the dropping of the lower Jaw , which
has made the pope's features take on
the fixed rigidity of death.
Last evening his holiness com
plained of a slight uneasiness in the
chest , But that ho has not yet given
up hope was indicated by his remark
that he expected the oppression of
his chest to pass off in a few days.
During the day he drank a few drops
of the healing waters from the shrlno
at Lourdes , several bottles of which
were Bent to the Vatican by the
French bishop In whoso see Lourdes
is situated. A local paper gravely an
nounces that from the moment Pope
Leo swallowed the water an improve-
ent in his condition became apparent.
Pope Sees Confessor.
Throughout the day the precincts
of the Vatican were completely quiet.
In marked contrast to previous daya ,
the patient was kept in almost abso
lute Eccluslon , only one person be-
Hides the physicians In Immediate at
tendance gaining admission. This
ono was Mgr. Pifferi , the pope's con-
During the day the pope took a
alight amount of nourishment.
Through the morning he was quite
rootless , shifting uneasily on his bed
and complaining of being unable to
eecure an easy position.
Paris , Ju'v ' 10. A dispatch from
Rome is published here giving an in
terview with a monslgnor who Is a
friend of the United States. He said
that if a number of cardinals friendly
to Cardinal Gibbons had not died
lately the American cardinal would
have had a good chance of being
elected. Ho will have a great influ
ence at the conclave and the author
ity which Cardinal Gibbons will exer
cise will probably pave the way to amore
moro Just representation of the United
States In the sacred college , which
wll , ! bear fruit at the next conclave.
It is even asserted that the Catholics
of the Uplted States will not permit
a monarchical nation to Intervene
with her veto. American Ideas will
play a leading part from the very be
ginning of the coming conclave , and
It is sure that these Ideas will have a
most powerful Influence on the future
'destinies of the Church of Rome.
Pope Is Worse.
London , July 1C. A dispatch from
Home says the pope passed a very
restless night and his condition this
morning Is considerably wflrso.
i '
Negro Kills Postmaster.
Columbia , B 0. , July 16. George
Edwards , a negro , today- shot and
killed William Hall , postmaster at
Chinquapin , S. 0. , and attempted to
Bhoot a younger brother of his victim ,
but was prevented by other negroes.
Edwards escaped and is Using hunted
by citizens with hounds.
Vessel May Become a Wreck.
Mlquolon , St. Plerro-Mlquolon , July
10. The British steamer Monterey ,
which sailed from Montreal July 1C
for Bristol , Is ashore west of Point
Plan. It will probably became a
wreclt. Speedy assistance may save
a portion of the cargo.
Utah CutOff Completed.
Ogden , Utah , July 1C. The east efl
of the Ogden-Luclon cut-oft from
Promontory Point to tbo east sldo IB
flnUaed and President Burl of the
Union Pacific , President Howltt and
iVlco President McCullough of the
Northwestern ado a trip over tbo line.
Darracko for Twenty Thousand Troopa
Ordered at Port Arthur.
Port Arthur , Manchuria , July 10.
The conference of prominent Russian
officials has ended. Exultation over
IlUBBla'H Increasing power In Man-
churla was the dominant note In the
gathering. The possibility of tailing
any backward steps Is scoffed at if
mentioned by outsiders. It was ad
mitted that the war possibility was
discussed , but It was donlcd that wno
the object of the conference The
evidence of the Increase of warlike
preparations- since the arrival of Gen
eral Kuropatlcln , the minister of war ,
and of the intention of bringing moro
troops to Manchuria are abundant.
Orders wore given the Port Arthur
contractors for an immediate supply
of building materials for barrackB , to
accommodate 20,000 soldiers , to bo
shipped to Harbin.
Former Member of St. Louis House
of Delegates Gets Seven Years.
St. Louis , July IG. The jury In the
case of Jullua Lchmunn , former
member of the house of delegates ,
charged with bribery In conectlon
with the passage of the city lighting
bill , returned a verdict finding the de
fendant guilty. His punishment was
flxed at soren years in the peniten
tiary , the longest term yet Inflicted
in any of the boodle cases. The sen
tence Is also the maximum punish
ment under the law for the crlmo of
which ho was convicted.
Floods Raise Law Point.
St. Louis , July 1C. The courts are
to decide whether the recent flood
was an act of God , the St. Louis busi
ness men having started actions
against the various railroads for loss
suffered. An exacutlvo meeting of the
Business Men's league was held and
attorneys Instructed to prosecute and
defend all suits growing out of losses
to Its members during the recent
Thieves Rob a Street Car.
Portland , Ore. , July 16. Just after
crossing Madison street bridge the
Oregon City car was hold up Just be
fore midnight by seven highwaymen ,
who relieved the forty passengers of
their valuables. Immediately on
boarding the car they shot in cold
blood and dangerously wounded Fred
Day of Sellwood , a passenger , after
ho had complied with their demand
of "hands up" and rifled his pockets.
Oppose Fifteen-Mile Limit.
Meeteeeee , Wyo. , July 16. A meetIng -
Ing of ranchmen and stockmen of the
Big Horn country was held here , at
which resolutions were adopted ap
proving the general administration of
the Yellowstone park. It was also
decided to ask the department of the
Interior to abolish the flfteeen-mile
limit and give all resident citizens
equal rights.
Freight Engine Lets Go.
Cheyenne , \yyo. , July 1C. A freight
engine on the Union Pacific railroad
blew up at Otto , scalding Fireman
Ed Carlson so badly that ho died , and
slightly Injuring Engineer D. J. Swon-
ney. The Injured men arrived In Chey
enne Just as the funeral of Engineer
Michael Lyons , who was killed In a
similar accident at Colores , was being
Gets Five Years In Prison.
Pittsburg , July 1C. Dr. Walter P.
Kountze , convicted recently of kill
ing John F. Walsh , a wealthy con
tractor of this cjty , while the latter
was walking on the street with Mrs.
Kountze , was sentenced to five years
In the penitentiary. Mrs , Kountze ,
who was seriously wounded at the
same time , has entirely recovered.
Baseball Results.
National League St. Louis , 7 ; Phil
adelphia , 6. Chicago , 9 ; Boston , 4.
Pittsburg , 3 ; New York , C.
American League New York , 4 ;
Detroit , 7. Boston , 4-2 ; Cleveland , 8-4.
Philadelphia , 5-11 ; Chicago , 2-7. Wash
ington , 2 ; St. Louis , 1.
American Association Milwaukee ,
8 ; LoiiBvlllc , 6. Kansas City , 18 ; In
dianapolis , 5. St. Paul , 4 ; Toledo , 6.
Minneapolis , 5 ; Columbus , 4.
Western League Omaha , 3 ; Kan
sas City , 5. Colorado Springs , 9 ; Po-
orla. 10. Dee Molnes , 4 ; St. Joseph ,
10. Dduver , 11 ; Milwaukee , 5.
Both Opium Blllo Tabled.
Manila , July 10. The Philippine
commission has tabled both the opium
bills. The first bill provides for the
proposed opium monopoly , the second
is a substitute , making the importa
tion of opium unlawful except by
pharmacists and permitting its sale
on a physician's certificate ) . A com-
msslon was appointed to visit orental
countries and Investigate the regula-
latlons in force there. *
United States to Notify Russia that
One Has Been Received.
Washington , July le.- The Jewlah
petition laid before * the president by
the B nal B'rith committee has been
received huro and Secretary Hay has
communicated by cable with Mr. Rid *
dlo , the American cnorgo d'atfairs at
St Petersburg , reepoctlDg the moons
to be employed la bringing It to the
attention of the c&ar.
It IB believed that Mr. Rlddle'e In
structions are to notify the Russian
government of toe petition and ascer
tain whether it IB willing to receive
It. The Jewlah committee , it IB stated ,
IB entirely satisfied with tno plans
formed by Uio president and Secretary
Hay for Its transmission to the flue-
alao government.
No further action will bo taken uu
ffl Mr. Riddle IB heard from.
Strikers and Police Clash and
Lively Fights Ensue.
Clubs and Fists Are Solo Weapons
Used In Second Battle , but Street
Is Quickly Littered with Prostrate
Chicago , July 1C. Dcsporato fightIng -
Ing between thu poltcu ami strikers
of tbo Kellogg Switchboard company
took place when the company at
tempted to send freight to uomo of
the railroad depots. In onu Instanca
the police oponud fire with revolvers
and , although the fusillade was con
tinued for several minutes , nobody
was Injured. Later there wuu a light
In which no revolvers wuro used and
the police laid out a number of mun ,
Homo of whom were left In the street
until their friends cuuiu back and
picked them up.
The first fight occurred when a
truck loaded with freight oscortcd by
police , bound for the Burlington
depot , was passing an unfinished
building at the corner of Harrison and
Poorla streets. A howling mob of n
thousand men and boyu was follow
ing close upon the police and pelting
them with stonca and sticks. Team-
Dtcrs who sympathized with the strik
ers managed to get their wagons In
the way of the Kellogg company's
wagon as it reached Pcorla street and
occasioned n blockade. The police
were endea-vorlng to clour the street
when the workmen on the unfinished
building showered them with bricks.
The officers at once drew their re
volvers and fired at the workmen ,
who hastily fled to the Interior'of the
building. Tbo police kept up their
fire through the windows and drove
nearly all the workmen from the
placo. The route to the depot was
then tnkun up and although there
were several blockades the wagon
reached the depot and the goods were
The second fight occurred when the
police were escorting a wagonload of
freight to the warehouse of the Term
inal company. A mob fully 3,000
strong followed this wagon , and , al
though the police were outnumbered
100 to 1 , they took the wagon safely
to the depot. The mob had greatly
Increased by the time the wagon was
ready to make the return trip and
for half a mile It pursued the police ,
applying to them all sorts of epithets
and pelting them with nUclts and
stones. The climax came at Con-
groiis street and Ogden avenue , when
a private watchman , who had no par
ticular occasion to mix in the affair ,
fired at one of the mob. The shot went
wild , but greatly Inflamed the crowd.
The officers went at the mob with
flats and clubs. They were greatly
outnumbered , but they fought well to
gether and in less than throe minutes
every member of the mob who could
use his foot was doing so to the best
of his ability. Fully a dozen men
with broken heads wore left lying In
the street , where they had been
k'nocked by the clubs of the officers.
Some of them were loaded Into the
wagon and taken to the police Btatlon ,
as were a number who were not
quick enough In commencing their ro-
treat. About twenty arrests were
Big Fight In Progress for Nomination
for Governor * .
Louisville. July 1C , Spectacular In
the extreme was the opening session
of the Kentucky Republican state con
vention at the auditorium , and the sit
uation Is full of possibilities for moro
pyrotechnics before final adjournment
is taken. The salient features of the
first session were an endorsement of
President Roosevelt's candidacy in
1904 , which upset the calculations of
several shrewd loaders , who , it is
charged , were figuring on Ignoring
that point In the platform , and what
amounted almost to a stampede to
former Governor William O. Bradley ,
who is not an announced candidate ,
after Colpnol Morris B. Belknap had ,
on a test vote for temporary chair
man , apparently shown that he could
win hands down on the first ballot.
Dr. Andrews Makes Denial.
Lincoln , Neb. , July 10. Chancellor
EX Benjamin Andrews denied any con
nection with the reform party move
ment at Denver. Dr. Andrews said :
"I have had DO Invitation to attend
any meeting of the eort and I am not
in sympathy with any endeavor to
start a now political party. My name
was put on the list without my sanc
tion and I bad hoard nothing of the
matter until I read tbo account in a
paper today. I have hatf no com
munication with any at thj ) promoters
of the movement and my name was
probably put on through some mis
take. I could not attend under any
circumstances. "
Storm Damage at Flandreau. '
Flandreau , 8. D. , July 1C. A heavy
windstorm hero blew down the city
water tank and tower , the Presby
terian church belfry and several small
buildings. Grain for several miles
north of town was badly damaged by
ball. Tbo damage reaches many
thousand dollars.
Women Drown , Men Save Themselves
Davenport , la. , July 1C. Clara Llcht
and ZUtaa Moray were drowned by
the capsizing of a launch In the Mis
sissippi river. Four young men who
were thrown Into the river from the
overturned boat saved themselves.
{ ontucklnna , Incensed at Delay In
Courts , Hang Prisoner.
Mayuvllk > , Ky. , July 10. linniywl
at thu court a , a mob liroko Into thu
'lomliiKBlmrK Jail ami ImiiKwl William
I'huukur , a whlto man , who had huun
Elvim a Ufa uuntuncu for thu murder
of John Gordon two years ago.
Tlmckur , In a qtmrrul with Gordon
it Koxport , atiot and Ulllud him mid
then sat on the body , rlllu In hand ,
whllu hu smoked his plpu and durod
any onu to attempt to iirruut him. At
ho tlmo Thackor cmmpcd , but was
uter nrrcflteil. After two trials he
was ucnluucod to life ImprUummunt.
Gordon wait n goud uiul an
noffonalvo man. After being sen
tenced Thackor appealed to the court
of appeals and was waiting for another
trial. Thackor had uouiu inonny and
\viis able to command the support of
Ronio Influential men , und It wan
'cared that hu might escnpo punish
ment altogether.
Thu mob collected at Mount Curinul ,
whcro Gordon once lived , and cumo
nto FlemlngHbiirg by twos und threes
n order not to uruuso uunptclon. They
idvanccd upon the Jail uhortly after
midnight. The Jailor refused to sur
render the keys. Ho wan overpow
ered and the keys taken from him.
Thacker was hurried to a tree near
the Jail and was glvon tlmo In which
; o say his prayers , which ho refused
: o do , but bogged for his life. To
hush his cries ho was hit on the head
with n rock and his unconscious
body strung up until life had become
Rumor Current hi London of Raid on
British Islr/a of Borneo.
London , July 1C. A curious rumor
was current In the lobby of the liouso
of commons to the effect that aotno
United States warships had eulzoU
about twenty small Islands off the
coast of Borneo , which it Is under *
stood , belong to Great Britain , and liad
planted the American Hag tin them.
It Is probable that a question on the
subject will bo asked In the house.
Several morning papers print the
rumor , but the report attract * llttlo
attention and no comment. If It linn
any foundation nt all It probably re
fers to the difficulty at determining
the line of division between the ItilaLdB
of the Philippine archipelago and the
Islands off the north coast of North
British Borneo.
Langley's Airship Ready for Trlnl.
Washington , July 16. Prof. Lnng-
ley's new airship wan towed down the
Potomac on a hoase boat to a secluded
point on the lower Potoma whore It
will bo given Us preliminary trlnl aa
soon as Homo few details can be ar
ranged. Prof. Langley , who IB head
of the Smithsonian Institution , In
planing his airship , It IB stated , stud-
led the movements of ilio buzzard and
tried to develop a machine that would
have strong pinions and would bo
capable not only of soaring , but with
beating the air with ono or both
Detroit Ready for Epwortli League ,
Detroit , July 10. Everything is in
readiness for the sixth International
convention of the Epworth league ,
which will begin tills afternoon , and
thousands of delegates are arriving
on every train from ull partH of the
United States und Canada. Five cities
uro already in the fluid for the next
convention Denver , Baltimore , Ocean
Grove , Philadelphia and Minneapolis.
Civic Improvement LeaQua Elects.
Chautauqua , N. Y. , July 16. The
American League for Civic Improve
ment elected officers ae follows : Pres
ident , J. Horace McFarland , Harrisburg -
burg , Pa. ; vice president , Mrs. Louisa
McCall , St. Louis ; treasurer , Morton
D. Hull , Chicago ; recording secretary ,
T. 13. Van Norman , Chicago. Haad
quarters will continue to bo in CM-
Mrs. James G. Blalno died at th
Blalne homestead , Augusta , Mo. , Wed >
nesday , aged seventy-six.
Coroner Burke of Cleveland will
make an attempt to suppress details
in the cases of all suicides.
During a thunder shower lightning
killed Mrs. Stcphonson and her two-
year-old granddaughter in a beet field
near Weldon , Colo.
To avoid arrest on the charge of
eloping with a fifteen-year-old girl , A.
A. Farl of Caldwell , Idaho , shot and
killed tbo girl and himself.
Forty-one deaths from lockjaw , as a
result of Independence day celebra
tions , have been reported in Pennsyl *
vanla since the Fourth of July.
Charles W. Carlo-ton , a coal dealer ,
shot and fatally wounded Mrs. Ida
Draeger and killed himself at her
homo In Milwaukee. The shooting
was the result of a quarrel.
J. E. Sullivan , secretory of the
American Athlatlc union , has bocn ap
pointed chief of physical culture for
tbo World's fair. The main feature of
athletic sports will ho the Interna
tional Olympic games.
Hovey H. Tlslow , member of the
Petersburg , Ind- , school board , is uiv
dor arrest , charged with bunco
steering In a foot race at Colorado
Springs last September , ID which
Frank C. Lory of Petersburg lost JtS-
President Droppers Exonerated.
Huron , 8. D July 1C. The South
Dakota state board of rogonte has
passed upon tbo charges praferrec
against President Garrett Droppora
of the State university at Vermlllton
and bas wholly exonerated him from
all accusations mado. Among tue
charges against Drqppora were that
be drank beer and smoked cigars.
Our Bvnioiinhlo Uoodn Inohido
Lawn Mowers ,
R Garden Hose ,
Garden Tools ,
W Gasoline Stoves ,
Refrigerators ,
A Ice Cream Freezers.
Thulvo ! ire constantly rowinp in the art of
making Kino Photos , and our products will al
ways bo found to om brace the
and Newest Styles in Cards and Finish We also
carry a fine line of Moldings suitable for all
kinds of framing.
Are n Positive Cure for Indigestion.
Constipation , PeiivcrH , Foul and weak
Stomaclii. A notcddoclor of Chicago
stated that lie believed a fiOc. box < > l
Slocum's Worm Cake would give
more relief than 50 worth of ordinary *
doctor's fccH. Price SOcts. by mull-
ony- | R. v. SLOCUM
725 W. North Avenue , Chicago , 111.
Why not use ( \\Q \ \ Burling
ton to St. Louis ? A thro'
train leaves Omaha at 5:10 :
Smooth p. m. and lands you without
a single change in the
Magnificent Union Station
in St. Louis.
The sleeping cars are the
modern kind - the berths
just a little wider and the
toilet rooms a little roomier
than the old kind.
The train runs over Bur
lington track all the way ,
and the track is smooth all
the way.
You can't do better.
General Pnsscnper Agent.
Omaha , Neb.
P S. Our KmiBflB City triuiiB len\o ( it 0 I.I
in. nuil In 'in p m , fully iqui/i.c.l [ . uitli
o\orjtliin Hint Kucb In innli > ( i jouriiijy
A powder to bo elmkcii Into the shoes Your fi-el
Vfln nlleiiiirrvou unil ilntup , and ict tlnd mallr.
Ifyoii hmc ncliltiK fort , try Allen' * rout-Kate. It
rents the feet anil nmlu'i new or tiiht ; fhom caey.
CiircaCliillilnliif-.KwolIrn , nuentliicfrct.hllrU'ri1 and
calloii * | iot . lUllevi'B corn * und liiinioriB of nil liuln
an < li > rvra rent and comfort Try II to-itny , Hold by
all OrtiuKlntH and Shoo denlerc.i.v Hon't nrcopt
any Niil > tltiii5. Trlsf pfirkRKO 1'KKK. Addreti
Allen S. Olmyted , U lt < > ) , N. Y
Between St. Louis and Kansas City and
And principal points In Texas and tbo Sooth-
west. TbU train Is now throughout and la
made np of the finest equip man t , provided
with oloctrlo lights and all other modern
traveling conveniences. It rana via oar now
Red River Division.
Every appliance known to modern cat
building and railroading baa been employed
In the mnko-up ot this service , Including
Cafe Observation Cars ,
under the management of Krod. Harvey.
Full Information us to rates and all details ol
a trip via thli now ronta will bo cheerfully
furnished , upon application , by any repre
sentative of the
You cannot drive purchasers
to any particular store. You
can win them by convincing
A convincing argument at
tractively displayed in the ad
vertising columns of this paper
will reach the eyes of hundreds
of buyers in this community.
Anyone netiillna a sketch and description ronr
quickly ueurtaln oar opinion free whether an
UiTuutlou Is probably luucnlnblo. Coruinanlnt-
tlorueUlctlTwmndenUal. HANDBOOK onl'nUsnta
sent froo. Oldent opener fur socunnir patuutA.
Vittmtn taken throozb iloiin & Ou. rvoulva
ipMiai notice , without enanre , tn the
A hantoomelr Utaitntad weekly. I-aivoM cir
culation of any nclontlflo toarnu. Terras , W a
BOW by all Bewidoalon.
New York
Unmet OBco , fl F BUW ihtixrtonD. t