THE OXNARD UAH imr.K Remodelled Throughout > Under tlio new ownership n ComploUi Now Service lnw bwn in- stalled. Kvory modern convoiiiotico. New Cnrpct , New Decorations , New Furniture. L.A , BiRIHOLOMEW , Onner , C , II. Hll , Manager , WILLIAM GODKIN Flour , Feed , SILLS ! Gasoline , Baled Hay , Poultry Supplies Phone 33. 411 Norfolk Are , DR. N. J. HOAGLAND * Oiitcopatlilc Physician. nioi Inilli nonln nn < ! rliroiilo inrrniifullj irontml without uta of drum or knlfo. Ontcn nt roildonco , 109 Nortli lOtli Htrnot. . No. 2M NoairciMi COPVRICMT "HERE IT IS , MA'AMl" Tluit bug of dour you ordered in ut your door whim promised next time you'll probably order double thoqmmtity for Bon Ton ( lour him u little way of pleasing people , which umkcH it u welcome - como visitor. Kvorybodv and his wife known tlio Hiiporlor quality of lion Ton flour. ' Mrs , Sadie Hart Miller OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Graduate of Amorinm School of Osteo pathy , under founder of the hoionco. ItCHldonco , uud olllco , i)07 ) MiullHOii Avo. Hourn irom I ) toI p. in. INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION , United Society of ChrlHtlan En- tlunvor , Denver , Colo. , July P. M Hl'lXMAI , THA1N. J Ijunvu Oimiha.VixlmtNiluy , July 8,3U ; ) l , in. via U. I' . \ \ . H. Arrive Deuvnr , Tlmniilay , July V , 7 : lit in. Hmu'lal tritln will oniiHUt of Slnmliinl I'ulliijiiu Hlooplnw car * , I'lillniiui Tourlnl nirn , fruit ItiHilluliiK ( 'Imlr CIII-M iitul HlmirtHrd Dny i nil throiiKh to Denver \\ltliD\it IMl'OUTANT. I'tiri'litiHO your UoKotH from your homi ) nmnit , Via U. \ NV. . Hy. to I'ru- moiit , tliunon vln thu U , I * . H. It , to Demur. Auk your local U iml fur further p r- tlciiliirH , Armory Hall Second floor of the Olnoy building , corner First Street nnd Norfolk avenue. This Hall with its splendid floor , good light aud easy approach preach , IH now nvnilnblo for Dances , Socials , Fairs etc. , etc , For terms nud dates iuquiro of CHESTER A , FULLER , 10-1 South Fourth Street , NORFOLK , INEBRASKA. . PERSONAL , llutli Olnoy IB in the city from Minneapolis for n vlslt'wlth friends. Mitts Anna Parker of Plainviow is n KuoBt nt the homo of her brother , Dr. 0. fl. I'nrkor. JtfifM Frances Dnvonport has gouo to JVIadlson to spend Suudny with her sis ter , Mrs. A. P. Pilgor. Mrs. H , F. Hrnoo wont to Sioux Oity thin uoon nnd will visit until Monday , when she returns with her grand daughter , W nrion Smith. TjV. H. Hoffman returned yesterday from the eastern market where ho has icon buying furniture for the fall aud lollday trade. Mm. Frank Hollonbock of Columbus K vbltlng Mrs , Hlilo Desmond. Dr , U , A. Mlttolitndt will bo absent until July 18 , Full stock of cntincd meats at the Boo Hive. Follow the crowd to the Bee Hive. , Uronndn Blond collco two for 23 cents it the Dee Hivo. il LIFTED" SOME RAZORS , Thief Visited Friday's Hardware Store but Mnkcs His Escape. John Friday , the hardware ninn , ii short several razors nnd a couple of imll cllpR nud nome straugor is ahead n few drlnkn an the result of n visit from n shop lifter recently. Mr. Friday misiud the rn/.ors Sunday morning from n display cano that had boon open on the conntor. Ho did not Inform the police of bin IOHH until yos- lordiiy , thinking thut there WIIB nbso- lutcly no olow to the thief * In n burbcr shop yesterday ho HAW ono of the rnzors from bin fitoro nnd on Inquiry the fnots dovolopud tlmt n customer of the shop Imd bought it of u "bum" for a quarter , nnd the thief wan Idontlllod us n fellow \vbo had been hanging around town for several dnyH. A wurruut wan Hworu out for tlio man , bat whou the ollleers wont to nerve it last evening they found tlmt lie had made his way to the Junction nnd it in supposed that ho got oat oil ono of the trains leaving the city nbout thut time. The follow who did the job claimed to bo n printer and wati in TIIK Nnws of fice before the Fourth whore ho pat up n pitiful Htory nbout being hungry , and liavlng no money nud uo work. A quar ter was contributed toward relieving Ills alleged distress nnd ho must have Inter conceived the scheme of having Mr. Friday mnlto tin luvolnutory con tribution townrd hifl maintenance. A number of Htioh charactcrH have buon hanging around town n week or more , ono of whom Hold n valuable re volver for n moro song , tlmt wan un doubtedly "lifted" from some other Imrdwnro Htoro , niid ono mny have boon the follow who robbed the cash register of the Oximrd. Notice. OuHtomorH of TIIK NKWS who hold re ceipts signed by W. N. Huuo , per O. O. Whlppn or 0. 0. W. , are requested to present thorn nt Tin ? NKWB ofllco. Uo- celpti of that ohnrnotor issued since Juno I ) cannot bo recogni/.od. W. N. HUSH. GIosH starch ft cents par pound at the Hoe Hive , Quickest delivery in the the olty. The Doe Hive. WANTII : > Man to learn the barber trndo. Our free catnloguo explains how wo tench It quickly , Write , Molor Barber - bor Oollogo , Omaha , Nobr. Full line of bananas and ornngoB at the lice Hivo. If nnything of Importance happens in the world today you road It In tonight's NKWH. Tomorrow morning tho- big dailies have It. NEWS VOTING CONTEST. Standings as Recorded up Till Noon Today. Following Is the vote nt nooutodny : Mrs Kioto Desmond , Norfolk 1282 ! ) Miss Lucy Shaffer , So. Norfolk. . . 121181 MlfH Maud Tnnuohlll.Wnrnorvillo 12117 Miss May Durlnnd 101 Miss Jennie A very , Battle Creek CIJ FACTS ABOUT FOLKS. IJoyn grow more regularly than girls. The memory which ncti ) quickest acts boat. boat.Urban Urban llfo decreases statute from flvo yearn of age on. Firstborn children exceed later born In stnturu and weight. Children born In Hummer are tnllcv than those l > orn lu winter. Hod and yoJIow uru vlnlblu at greater distances than gnxm mid blue. Truant boj'H tiru Inferior In weight , height and chest girth to boys In gen eral. eral.Dull Dull diildrcn nro lighter and preco cious children heavier tlinu the average child. Great moiv , thougli often abscntmlnd- od , have Htroiig nuunorlnt on tlio lima of Uudriiftere ts. HoalUiy nwn ought to weigh an adtli- tlotuil live poujid.s for oery inch In hoigtit hoj-ond Hlxtono Inchon , nt which hvujht the } ' wight to weigh 12& poumls. Bovoral carefully obsun'ed cases of falling hair from emotion Imvo been rcconleil , hut the following la probably jono of the most curloua : A normally healthy fjirms. thrt--el } ht-virs gf nge , saw his clilld thrown ouTofa"5ucl and tmmplediwi \ \ by n mule Ho BUJ > - poswl It lllleil and exix > rleuced In hla fright nnd tciiHlon a sensation of chill iness and tension in the heud and face. The child escaped wltli a fcnv brulset ) , but the father's lialr , bentxl nnd eyebrows connucnced to drop out the next day , ami by the cud of the \veol : ho wnu wiUrely bald. A new growth of hair appeared In time , but uiucli lluer. , Ixuidon Answers. A Wealthy CltlKeu-lUit I said distinctly - ly In my advertisement tlmt I wanted "a reliable colored coachman , " and you are a red faced Irishman. Applicant Hut sure , ser , Isn't red as reliable a color as black ? Baltimore American. Ex-Circus Tumbler Tumbled to His Death. HIS NECK WAS BROKEN BY DROP Dramatic Ending of n Llfo That Has Been Filled With. Wealth , War nnd Wlno Ho Died in Dissi pation. I'oor old Lovl Eddy lion had his loot drunk. Hid la t hours spout In the ha- > ltnal Intoxication that 1ms been ono prolonged eprco for yearn , the character HO well known nil over Norfolk becanBo of hln career , the man of ono-tluio wealth who lived in plenty and In happiness on ils farmland Just Bouth of this city ilnetooii yean ago , the veteran eoldlor of the olvil war and ox clronH performer , who han been In police court BO many , nany tlmcH < m the ohargo of drnnlc and dioordorly , NtagKoring nnd Htumbling In its dual dlHHipatlon , fell through n liny oft at the Seller livery fltnbloa , corner JrnoHoh avenue nnd Third Btroot , early thiii morning nnd hroko hlfl neck. Lovl Eddy Hi > ont the last penny ho md In the world yesterday afternoon 'or a gliiHB of whlBkoy. Ho had taken Hoveral before nud ho realized that he wan drnuk. With uo homo to go to nnd with n denlro to keep away from ; ho police , he staggered over to the Ivery stable where ho haH so of ton boon allowed to "sleep it oil , " climbed un- Btoadily up into thu hay loft and fell over for rest uutil morning. When the mon nt the barn nrooo nt daylight the worn out human frame lay upon the leer down Blairs , just beneath the hole ; hrough which ho had fallen. His head was brulBod and his whole form was writhing and twisting in the lost thralls of his drunken doath. Ho WOH not con- Holous and very shortly after ho Bank ute a quiet , painless sleep. Upou n oot lu the ofllco of the stables , with the comforters and blankets of the stable boy thrown over his rotten bouoH , ; lie body of the old man was laid. About : iis face , covering the marks of the jrokon neck , a handkerchief was tied. tliH wi'o , who has not lived with Eddy for many months , was told of the death of the man with whom she had one time resided , nnd came to the burn to look at his lifclesH remains. "lie used to bo KOOC ! to mo , " she said , "but of late ho has boon vicious. I have lived with him twouty-on years until finally he got so bad I couldn't stand it any longer and loft. Many a time has lie come at mo with an axe or hatchet , cursing mo fearfully and threatening to kill mo. Time after time ho has poured kuroHcuio oil on the house nud started to burn it up. , Often , Oh so often , ho ban rolled in the muddy streets in his drunk enness and then como homo nnd crawled , with his dirty clothing , into bod. Tor years I have done for him. Not one woman in a thousand would put up with what I Imvo. The harder 1 have tried to keep things olonn , the harder ho tried , it"scorned , to keep them filthy. At ono time ho wan kind to mo nnd gen erous but ho grow very , very ugly nnd I couldn't stand it any longer. Ho is dead , and ho did it himself. " Mrs. Kddy lives with her Hon-iti-Iaw , Herman Fuyerhorm , nt101 South Second street. She Is n second wlfo , nnd therefore will not draw the pen sion , which amounted to fol per quarter. Kddy has six sons , four of them living nt Independence , In , , nnd ono daughter , who lives at Albany , 111. His first wlfo is also buried at Independence and ; hero , beside her grave , ho will likely ho taken for burial. Upon the cold white arm of the old man stand thu letters , tatoood eternally in blue , "E. H. Eddy , Co. H , 22nd Iowa. " This shows where ho enlisted during the war of the rebellion. Ho was a member of Mathowson Post , O. A. R. Eddy was seventy-two years old last September. Story of his Life. The story of the llfo of Levi Eddy is pitiful and dramatic. So often during the past few weeks ho would tell it all to n NKWS reporter. Ho would toll It time after time , with tears in his eyes and with a sense of what ho had at ono time boon , which was touching to a degree. "Used to bo a circus tumbler , " ho would nay , uud then shako his head , snowy with ago , for emphasis. "Yop , traveled with a circus for twenty-two years. My bones nro sere yet from It. My knees nro BtilV and I.'cnn't move my shoulders ouly so fnr BOO ? Yep , that's right. Lost my first wlfo in the ring. Great big horse fell on her. She's burled nt Independence , lown , That's where my boys aro. Oh , this a great world , hoy. You're young. Never marry. Don't yon do it , now will you , boy ? Bettor oft' not to. Sho'H got all my property. I'd like to got my goods. She's got 'em stored. I'll have 'urn before fore touight though. I had money ouco , lnd. It's gone uow. I've drank it up and given it all away. I used to have friends , but I haven't any more. Except Bill , ho owned the show. Ho's my friend. Oh ho was a Quo follow. Square 1 Straight as a string. That's right. Now they've all put mo out. 1 don't want to see her. I was good to her. My neighbors still food mo though. My little girl would like to come back and take care of her old dad She loves mo yet. But I wouldn't lol that little girl see mo. Sho's n pretty little girl aud has just as fine a homo as any one. Money ? All she wants. She's " aud the old mau's eyes wonk well with tears. "She's Oh , hell I cry Wish I had n heart of stone. But'I can't help it that little well , I'll see yon touight , boy " and the old man would cover his face with his old black kerchief. When Eddy came to Norfolk ho hat honsands. He owned a big farm loath of town and would como to Norfolk reg ularly for a spree. Many times A year 10 would bo taken up by the police nnd edged in Jail over night Gradually Lrink took everything ho owned. It nado him ugly aud his wife became afraid of him. Her son-in law moved nto the house merely to prevent his nnrdcring her. Now ncd again Mr. feyerhorni has gone into the city late at night to find the old fellow and cony ilui homo. This spring L/evi grow worse than over and he had to bo put out. His wife stored hi * goods for safe cecping. One day he came up town with his Ion ? , white whl&kers missing. 1 Where are they ? " was asked. A smile ilaycd acrosi his face and he grew oon- Idoutfal for a minute. "She got every- hlug else I had thought I'd send her iiy whiskers , too , " ho said. With his mind wrecked from drink 10 little seemed to realize that ho had quandored a fortune himself , and had jocn taken onro of for years by his wlfo , until he became simply unendur able. Instead of appreciating the true itnation he labored under the constant uipression that his family was robbing and abusing him. Ho grow to believe his own stories. One day this week be was met with a saw under his arm * "They're stealin' everything from me"ho sald"I have to carry this around. " "Are they robbing you really , " was asked. ' 'Oh yes , Oh 'OB , Oh yes , " he said , and went on. And now , as ho lived in his drunken- loss , so has' Lovl Eddy died. The life hat bo has so often declared he "would- I't change a bit" If ho had it to do over , s flulihed. Kamo Tea , 40 cents per pound at the Boo Hive. Best cream cheese In the oity at the 3oo Hive , 15 cents. FOR PAN-HELLENIC ASSOCIATION , _ _ _ _ _ it Talk of Union Among Greek Letter Fraternity People. There Is some gossip among the col- ego folk of Norfolk who have belonged to Greek letter societies , of starting a mn-holleuic association for the purpose of bringing together these with a com mon Interest so that they may revive their memories of by-gone days. There are many fraternity people in the city , jolouging to many different organiza tions of the scholastic world nud still retaining much of their Greek or pan- liollouio spirit. Among the number , with the frater nity of each , are : Rev. J. 0. S. Wellls , Sigma Ohl ; Rev. S. Sharpless , Delta Upsllou ; N. A. Ralnbolt , Sigma Chi ; S. D. Robertson , Alpha Tau Omega ; B. W. SlBson , Beta Thetn PI ; A. N. Strootor , Alpha Thotn Ohl , Thetn Nu Epsllou ; Ohnrles R. Hnys , Sigma Nu ; John H. Hays , Phi Kappi Psi ; J. B. Barnes , jr. , Delta Tnu Delta , Theta Nu Epsilon ; G. W. Barnes , Delta Tan Delta - ta ; A. K. Barues , Delta Tan Delta ; E. L. Bridge , Delta Tau Delta ; J. Bridge , Doltn Tau Delta ; N. A. Huso , Delta Tan Delta ; Rev. J. F. Poucher , pledged to Delta Tan Delta ; W. M. Ralnbolt , PI Eta ( Harvard local. ) Among borority women are Mrs. Fletcher M. Slsson , Kappa Alpha Thetn ; Mrs. L. O. Haggard , Kappa Kappa 3ammn ; Mrs. .T , B. Mnylnrd , Pi Botn Phi ; others who belonged to locul clubs ire : Mrs. George D. Buttorflold , Wei- esly ; Miss Weills , Vnssar ; Misses Lil ian Luikart , Stella Lniknrt , Elizabeth ShnrplcsB , The Western , nt Oxford , Oiiio ; Miss Josephine Buttorfleld , Dana Hall , Wcllesley ; Miss Helen Bridge , [ Jnko Forest , 111. ; Mrs. A. J. Dnrlnnd , Nebraska ; Mrs. W. H. Bucholz , Brown- ell Hall ; Rev. W. J. Turner , Ynlo ; A. T. Durland , Cornell ; Dr. P. II. Salter , Edinburgh , Scotland. There nro many others , besides , who mvo not yet been seen. Pride of Ozark tomatoes , 10 cents per can nt the Bee Hive. All ice cronrn orders for socinls , pic nics and private parties are promptly attended to by Knuifman. WARNERVILLE. M. Gnrbory returned Tuesday from a justness trip to Oinahn. II. E. Wood of Lincoln wns hero Tues day looking after his farm , Mr. nnd Mrs J. F. Webster of Elba woru the guests of 0. J. Lodge nud fnm- ly Monday. MlHH Mnudo Tnnnohlll has contracted with the school board of district No. 25 ; o touch the fall term. Gallon of syrup ! ti ! cents at the Boo Hivo. Oypross stock tanks ullsi/cs. & BiiAuroim LCMIIKU Co. G. R. SEILER , LIVERY AND OOUNKK BUAASOII A\'B. AND Tinno ST. Telephone , No. 44. SESSIONS ' & BELL Undertakers and Embalmers , Seiiloui Illk , , Norfolk Avenue , . NEBRASKA. NORFOLK , - - IN THE CHASE FOR THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR don't forget that the best place to buy lumber and building material is of us. Our stock is the largest and assortment the most complete in Northeastern Nebraska. Let Us Make an Estimate on Your Next Bill , THE CHICAGO LUMBER CO. N. B. DOLSEN , Manager. NORFOLK , NEBR. frM-H-H-M1 1'H ' \ \ M'-M-M-M ' ! 11 + I"H-H-H"1"H-I"I"H-I"I"I"I"I"I"H"I-H * , W. H. BUOHOLZ , President. : | Norfolk ALEX. BEAR , Vice President. E. W. ZUTZ , Ooahier. National Bank The Oldest Established Bank in Northeast Nebraska. i ! capital , $100,000,00 , Surplus , $20,000.00 , ' . : ' J Does 3 General nj"8 amSells Exchange. Interest Paid * | . .on Time Deposits. Drafts and Money ; Banking Business -Orders Soldon any Point in Europe. A | General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted. DIRECTORS ? A. BEAR , ' F. P. HANLON , F. J. HALE , W. H. BUOHOLZ , * WM. ZUTZ , N. A. RAINBOLT , S. S. COTTON. I"I"I-I-M-H-I-H-I-I-H-1"I"I"I-I 'I-M-H-H-M ' r I' ' M"M-M I'M ' l-H i IM-H-I- G. A. LUIKAHT , PBEBIDENT. W. H. JOHNSON , CASIIIEB CIIA3. S. imiDQE , VICE PBESIDENT LEO PASEWALK , ASS'T The Citizens National Bank. CAPITAL , $50,000. SURPLUS , ยง 10,000. liuy nnd Soil Exchange on this Country nnd nil parts of Europe. Farm Loans. DIRECTORS CAUL ABUUB W. IT. JOIINBOH CIIAB. S. Damon F. MCQIVEBN C. M. SWANH Q. A. LCIKAUT T. F. MiisiMiNQEE L. SESSIONS C. W. BRAASCH , O COAL ! O O Sweetwater Rock Spring. u Scranton Hard Coal. r 'PHONE 01. Get What You Ask for at , . . ALL ORDERS are Filled Promptly aud with Care. Our goods are FIRST-CLASS in every particular. We know pre- [ .clsoly what is wanted by our customers. 4 U We Aim to Give You the Best Value for Your Money , la Aide /lain St. , between 2d and 3d. Telephone No. 41. > < ! > 3Kj > < 8 > $ x Kj > $ * 8s > S > 3 > < S > < 3K S > < liNlON Colorado pos- PACIFIC sesses some of the finest Ash ing and hunt- ing grounds on earth , the douse forests * - bolng the nat' ural covert for elk , deer , and other game. Its myriads of streams teem with mountain trout ; its lakes , while also full of attractions for the angler. are also the haunt of millions of gesse , ducks'and other wild fowls. Splendid Train Service'jo Colorado via UNION PACIFIC Accommodations provided for all classes of passengers. VERY LOW RATES During the summer. Full Information may be obtained by nddroselng J. B. ELSEFPER , Agent . .TRY THE. . Daily News Job Department