The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 10, 1903, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE NORFOLK NEWS : VttlDAY , JULY 10 , 1003 , n
\Vheu yonr teeth decay you
lose no tiino iu going to n
reputable dentist , why ne
glect yonr eyes ? Yon can got
false teeth if yon loose your
own. Eyoa are different. If
you lese thokn n pair of glass
eyes won't help yon. Lot me
inako yonr byes good. Some
people will say : "My eyta
nro good , I can neo perfectly , "
at the same time they Imvo all
sorts of ailments and nro
using all kinds of medicines
without good results.
Everybody should have
their eyes examined by n com
petent ophthalmo'ogist.
Norfolk , " Nebraska.
There Are No Wings On It ,
The Elkhorn B. & ' S. association will
moke yon a loan to build or buy on fa
vorable terms.
T. E. ODIORNE , Secretary.
Per Cent
Discount on
WelKeep Open'Evenings'until IS
9:00 : o'clock.
STAPENHORSUL CO. , Proprietors. C
We give tickets onlOhickering Piano.
The Weather.
Conditions of the weather as recorded
for the 24 hears ending at 8 a. m. to
day :
Maximum temperature 05
Minimum temperature 70
Average 82
Precipitation 17
Total precipitation for month 3.59
Barometer 20.80
Forecast for Nebraska : Generally fair
tonight and Saturday , except possibly
local thunderstorms east portion. Slight
ly cooler tonight.
Now that the firemen's tournament
approaches , the weeds need cutting.
Mlllard Green , the piano mover and
drayman 1ms recently received from the
factory a now nnd up-to-date machine
lor moving pianos. Levers raise the
Instrument to bo moved from tin floor
and plnoo rollers under it BO that it maybe
bo safely nnd handily moved ,
The West Side Whist olnb was very
pleasantly entertained last night at the
homo of 0. S. Bridge , HOIl Norfolk
Another shower at an early hour this
morning laid the dust and gave growing
vegetation nil the moiBtnru that will bo
necessary to bring ont its best growing
The l-yor\r-old BOU of Mr. and Mrr.
George Scott ; died nt their homo in
South Seventh street last night from
diphtheria. The innornl WUB held this
afternoon at 2 o'clock nt Prospect Hill
cemetery , llov. J , F. Pouohor in charge.
Biggest stock of California goods iu
the city at the Boo Hive.
WANTBD Laborers at 0. & N. W.
lly. Oo.'s now engine house , Norfolk
Junction. G. A. JOIINBON.
WANTBD Girl for general housework
must bo a good cook. Call at 101) )
South Tenth street.
Prominent Attorney of Northeast Ne
braska Succumbs at Wayno.
Qny II , Wilbur , aged 40 years , one of
the prominent attorneys of northeastern
Nebraska , died at hia homo in Wayne
at G o'clock yesterday morning of dropsy ,
from which ho had been suffering for
several weeks. Ho loaves a wife and
one son , George. The latter returned
this week from Ann Arbor , whore ho
has just graduated from the law school
of the University of Michigan ,
Deceased , was n democrat and was well
known and influential in his party. lie
served for two years OH county judge of
Cedar county and in 1881 was district
attorney of the seventh judicial district.
II3 was a loading lodge man at Wayne ,
belonging to the Odd Fellows , Masons ,
A. 0. U. W. , Modern Woodmen of
America , Woodmen of the World and
Fraternal Brotharhood. He cnniod
$0,000 life insurance.
Mr. Wilbar was one of Nebraska's
earliest settlors. As a boy ho resided
at Ponca , until his father took a claim
near where Wuyno has since been es
tablished. He is well known through
out this section of the state and possessed
a bright legal mind and was a keen
Royal Blue brand of canned corn at
the Bee Hive , three for 25 cents.
Rock salt in any quantity.
Revenue Cutter Salls-for Alaska.
Seattle , Wash. , July 10 The United
States revenue cutter McCullach
Bailed for Alaska. At St. Michael the
vessel will take on the United States
senatorial committee headed by Sen
ator Dietrich , now touring Alaska.
It will return from the north with the
committee by way of Sltka ami south
eastern Alaska.
Ex-Chief of Police Ames Arrested.
Minneapolis , July 10. Sheriff Dro-
ger , in anticipation of an adverse de
cision by the state supreme court , ar
rested Fred Ames , ox-chief of police.
The prisoner was oonvlcted of accept
ing a bribe of $15 from a woman and
was sentenced to six and a half years
/n / the state penitentiary.
Bean Corner Is a Failure ,
San Francisco , July 10. After cor
nering the lima bean market and se
curing 6,000,000 pounds to find no
body who wanted the beans , Loyden
& Co. have assigned. The liabilities
will amount to $30,000 , and the as
sets are estimated at $25,000.
Burlington Hottest of All.
Burlington , Ia July 10. Fred Batt-
jcn succumbed to the heat , which has
been intense for two daya. One hun
dred degrees iu the shade is the rec-
Powder Works Are Blown 'Up.
Oakland , Cal. , Jury 10. The Herctv
tos Powder works , near Ptnoio , were
blown up and tewral persona badly
Itotr nntvnUnn Xativoa Oo After
Mnny Tribe.
"Lau mctoineto" is the name of a decoy -
coy used by the native fishermen of
Hawaii. It is rorwloaf _ tlte hnrdeat
wood to be found on the Islands and is
carved and rubbed till It assumes the
shape of a club with a little knob at
the smaller end , to which the line Is
The club is from one to three fort
long. A Tillage BoreercT performs cer
tain rites over it over a sacred flr\
After this is done tl e club is magic ,
and tlte fisherman must bo extremely
careful of It If a woman sliould stop
over it or enter n canoe in which it lies ,
the club would loao all Its power and
would be useless ever afterward.
After the clnb has been charmed th
fisherman mixes candlenut and cocoanut -
nut meat , bakes it ami ties Uve. mixture
In a wrapper of cocoamjt fiber.
At the fishing grounds the ctob Is
covered with the oily Juice of the
stuff and la then lowered carefully to
the bottom. The scent of tlio baked
nut meat attracts certain kinds of fish ,
which soon gather and begin to nibble
at the club. As soon as enough fish nro
around the decoy n small bag slmped
not la lowered very gently until its
mouth is Just over the club. The latter
Is then pulled up carefully and cun
ningly till it is within the bag. The fish
are so eager for the stuff with .which
the club is covered that they follow it
into the net without fear. As soon as
all the fish are in it a fisherman dives
nnd closes the mouth of the net , where
upon the rest haul it up quickly.
Washington Post.
Aged Couple NarroWly Escape
Death This Morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Wllllnm Schwartz ,
East of First Street , Wore Dazed by
the Electricity Started Flro In
Jnstau they wore getting ready fcr
breakfast at 4 : ! ! 0 o'clock this morning ,
n bolt of lightning struck the homo of
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Sohwam , an old
couple of early risers Who live in n little
cottage jnet cast of the Norfolk uvonuo
bridge over the ttorthforlc , The elec
tricity droppbd first upon a corner of the
chimney , ripped ont a bunoli of bricks
nnd then split , half of it passing oft" thereof
roof and the other portion shooting
down into the hbnso below. The ball of
fire passed directly between the ngod
couple , who live all nloue , and for an
instant Mrs. Schwartz was badly dazed.
A ball of string in one corner was set
afire but the blaze was iintmdlatoly
smothered ,
Fortunately th'o roof did not ignlto
hud the minimum of damage was done.
Chopped feed 85 cents per 100 at the
Boo Hive ,
Good milch cow for sale. James
Gildea , 101) ) Sonth Tenth street.
Howell Avoiy of Tildeu was visiting
hero Wednesday with relatives.
M. L. Thomson made a business trip
to Platte Center Monday.
I. G. Westorvolt of Norfolk transacted
business hero Monday.
Das. Pngh of Stauton visited hero the
first of the week with his father.
Joseph Dittrich visited over Sunday
with his brother William at Verdlgro.
Commissioner Finnegan spent the
glorious Fourth with friends at Battle
Owen Wade , a student of the Iowa
university , is homo for the summer va
Rov. T. R. White of Liberty , Mo. ,
preached at the Baptist church hero
r , Miss Pauline Wienok of Norfolk visi
ted here the first of the week with her
O. H. Mass , John Laas and Carl
Weiidt were in the county capital
Harry Reavis and Asa Marshall re
turned Wednesday from a week's visit
nt Hot Springs , S. D.
Miss Ella Curas1 of the Enterprise
staff , has been sick for a week with an
attack of typhoid fever.
The directors of the Battle Creek Val
ley bank elected George Breohler cashier
of that institution last week.
Peter Zimmerman , who is running a
hydraulic well outfit at Laurel now ,
was vibiting with his family Sunday.
The little Misses Reel and Josie Rob-
insou of Long Pine are visiting here
this week , at the home of T. S. Cook.
Your correspondent is informed that
Hall & Meineiko have sold their large
general store here to n party at Neligh
who will tnko possession in the near
Miss Mao Willis has been assisting in
the Battle Creek Volley bank during
the absence of Will Stafford , who has
been laid up a couple of days with a
sore foot ,
At the quarterly business meeting lust
Sunday the Lutherans admitted two
new members , F. Koester and F. Seikel.
On Sunday , the 20th , they will hold a
school picnio at Tomhageu's grove east
of town , nnd a missioufest will be held
some time in September. Some of the
members , about thirty , took shores at
$10 each in the Lutheran hospital at
Sioux City. A tract of land on the
south side of the church was sold to the
village for $05 , for street purposes.
Best butter in the city at the Bee
If yon have anything to sell , or if yon
want anything to buy , or if yon wont to
hire someone and can't find the right
person put a local in THE NEWS.
Best butter in the city at the Bee
Tea Dust 15 cents per pound at the
Bee Hive.
For An Ideal Vacation.
Near every settlement of importance
in the mountain regions of the West are
deep canons wherein the people at
homo , as well as those from abroad ,
seek , in the summer season , the cool
ness and pleasure of camp life. High
up the mountain side , on the shores of
mountain lakes , or on the banks of
mountain streams , summer , hotels are
conducted for the convenience of those
who prefer to have all of the recreation
and none of the labor incident to summering
mering- the mountains. It may be
said that wherever there is a mountain
in Colorado or Utah there is also on
interesting canon , and the searcher for
a spot in which to summer will find no
difficulty in suiting his taste , no matter
how critical it may be.
To enable persons to reach these fa
mous pleasure resorts , the Union Pacific
has put in effect summer excursion
rates lower then ever made before.
Full information cheerfully fnrni sheen
on application to J. B. ELSEFFEU ,
Help the Good Work Along.
It is requested that members of the
Norfolk fire department who have spore
time at their disposal might employ it
usefully and to advantage in helping
construct the ampltheatreh at the racing
track north of the city , The work nn-
doftaknn will be of lunoflt to the de
partment and all who can nhould help
punh it along , 0 , E IlAUTroiin ,
Chairman of Kvotulvo Committee.
The Boo liivo can compote in prices
with any house west of Omaha ,
Bargoants BlulY sidewalk brick the
kind that are right.
EDWARDS & BuAi > rom > LUMIIKU Co ,
Honest weight and right treatment at
the Boo ilivo.
Two hundred head range horum ,
$35.00 per head , on board ours at Til ford ,
B. D. All colts from 11KKI thrown in.
For sale by G. R. Seller Norfolk ,
Trncli I.niiHimKc < < > Fnrrnlit.
A < incur Imslui'sw which IH carried on
with coimldprablu fwm-Hi In curtain
parts of lyiiulon la thi < titochltu ; of lan
guage tft parrots. Thuro uro ncvural
pcrmmH uiiKHKi'd In this strnngo iHluca-
tioitnl work. The country into which
the Ikird is to ho HOI it U II rut anccr-
tulnod , and a mini of 10 Rhlltlnp * a
week IH then chargwl for a iwrlod va
rying from two to three montlin , no-
cordhu ? to thu cnpiiulty of thu i rrot.
With ii year's tuition the tenclwr guur-
nntet'H a bird with it ixilyglot vocabu
lary chosen haphazard from four dif
ferent lunmwHes. floUten 1'uuny.
For cunturlva cockllghting was c -
couniRwl in English BclKwla. VIUnto-
plum In tlku twelfth century iiKuitloim
it us an nmuwiiH.'nt of I > uulonurH uiul
that ywirly nt SluwctMo tlw Itoys of
ever } ' ncliool brought cocks to tliolr
schoolmasters , ami all the forenoon
was ppcnt In Hchool wltnctwing thetw
birds tight. As Into us 17UO the in
come of tltu Hcltoulmaster of Apple-
cross , In IlowMihtru , wan drawn partial
ly from cockfight dticn. Down to 1815
nt louttt thure was nit annual exhibition
of cockllglulng at the Manchester gram
mar Hchoul.
Not overylKxly wlw win dress a
of rral hair becomingly can comb u
wig with equal BIK-CCSH. Thcru Is u
special knack in wig dreading. In BOIIIO
shops whore wax figures alwnixl one
or two of the employee ) nro trulnwl In
the art of wig dressing aiul combine
that with their othor.duties at a slight
Increaw of salary , but In most places
the ontlre business is Intrusted to pro
fessional wig drcssera.
"Aren't the i erfoct trust ami confi
dence engaged people have in each
other perfectly beautiful ! "
"Perfectly idiotic , I should say. "
"Why ? "
"Because wlicn 1 was engaged I told
my future wife all about my Income
nnd prosiwcts , and now 1 can't spend
n dollar on myself without her know
ing about it. " Nc w York Times.
A OnpM Prmtcrlirtloiv.
"Well , then , Ikow must 1 multo tow ? " '
"First you must believe that there is
no one in tlw world but me. "
"I'vo got that far already. "
"Next you must make mo Ircllovo
that tliere 13 IK > otx1 In tlH3 world but
Alt Unkind H
"You low my daughter ? "
"She's oil tlie world to mo , sir "
"Then I don't suppcoo you'll want a
settlement. " BxchaiiH < .
Cleanest stock of groceries in the city
at the Bee Hive.
It's awfully hot. The coolest , richest ,
best ice cream is to bo had at Kanff-
Scrantoii hard coal all sizes.
A lecture-recital will bo given at the
First Congregational church by Mr.
Chas. E. Watt , director of the Chicago
Piano college , next Friday evening ,
July 17 , under the auspices of the Y.
P. S. O. E. society.JIMr. Watts is on en
tertaining talker and n warm and sym
pathetic interpreter of his selections ,
and his brief visit to Norfolk will bo n
rare treat to all music lovers.
Dr. F. G. Walters succeeds to the
practice of Dr. Kiesan. 'Phone , office
and residenoe 18.
Just arrived a complete
line of trunks , telescopes and
traveling bags , and we can
suit you in styles and prices.
We are giving special bar
gains on men's shirts and shirt
waists. We quote you a few
prices :
§ 1.25 Shirt Waist at S5c
$1.50 Shirt Waist at $1.00
$1.75 Shirt Waist at $1.25
$2.00 Shirt Waist at $1.50
And all other shirts accord
Bee Hive
H-H-l-H-5-H-M-H-I-H-M-l-M-H- }
; Didjever
Sec that
The Star
Sells for
50 Cents
Clothing Store ;
H-i-Ht iM-iM-r
Wo want to eloso
out our . . .
Lawn Mowers ,
R Ice Cream
D Freezers / ,
A and other Summer
Stock. What do
R you need ?
E G.E.Moore
C. U. DURLAND. Secretary.
Plumbing ,
Steam and Hot
Water Fitting.
. . . .AllCKinds of Pumps. . . .
'Phono No. 97.
Steam and
Hot Water
First Door South News Office.
Special Reduced
Excursion Bates
Will be in effect from all points on
the Chicago & NorthWestern railway
for the oacasions named below :
National Educational Association
Boston , July 0 to 10.
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine , Sara
toga Springs , N. Y. , July 7 to 10.
Baptist Young Peoples Union of
America , Atlanta , Go. , July 0 to 12.
United Christian Endeavor , Denver
July 0 to 18.
Epworth League , Detroit , Mich. , July
10 to 10.
B. P. O. E. , Baltimore , Md. , July 21
to 23.
G. A. R. meeting , San Francisco
August 17 to 22.
Interuati&nal Mining Congress , Deadwood -
wood , S. D , , September 7 to 11.
Sovereign Grand lodge , I. O. O. P. ,
Baltimore , Md. , September 21 to 20.
For information as to rates , dates of
sale , etc. , of these or other occasions ,
call npon thd ticket agent of the NorthWestern -
Western line.
Neglect and Failure
0 hand in hand. Do not neglect your
IH nrlcolrtw ,
12 Ulshop Block.
Notice to Property Owners.
Notice in hereby given that n special
nootltiK of the city council of Norfolk ,
Nob. , will IK ) held at 8 o'clock p. in. ,
TnlyllO , IDOil , for the pnrpOHO of umk-
ng upooinl uHHOPBinontB ngnliut the lot
it'low iloBsrriuod for the oonntruotlon oC
luw Rldownlkfl ( along aaid loin ) :
Block 7 , lotH 10 , 11 , 12 , 1 ! ! , M , 15 , 1(5 (
Block 2 , lotH It1 , 15 , ( I , 7 , 8 , ll , 10 , 1 1 ,
a , in , 1 1. , , . < /
Block ! l , lotH I , a , It1 , fi , (1 ( , 7 , lilt.- " '
Block , lotH 11 , la , 18 , 1(1 ( , 17 , 18 ' 10 ,
) ( ) 40
* * >
Block ? , lots 1 , a , 10.
Block a , lotH 2 , It , half of lot -1.
Block 1 , lotn 5 , ( ! , 7.
Blocks , lots 1,3 , , -lr .
Block , lots -I , 5 , 7 , 8 , U.
Block , lotH 8 , 0.
Block a , lots 7 , 8 , 0 , 10.
Block 0 , lotH 1 , 8 , II , ID , 14 , 1C , 10 , 1O ,
Block f > , lotH1 ! ! , 5 , 10.
Block , lotH it , 10.
Block 7 , lot 1.
Block 8 , lot .
Block 1,10(82 ( , a , 4.
Block 2 , lotH II , 10. Bnb lot 8 > ;
Block ! ! , north half of lot 1.
Block 1 , lotn : t , 4 , 0 , 7 , 8.
Block 1 , north half of lot 2 , south end
of lot 08.
Block it , lots ! J , 4 , 0.
Block a , lotH lt ! , 14 , 15 , 10.
Block U , lotH 1,2. it , 4 , fi.
Block 4 , lots 1 , a , . 1 , C , 0 , 7 , 8 , , 10.-
Block f ) , lots 1,8 , a , 6 , 7 , 0 , 17.
Block 0 , lota 1,2 , 4.
Block ? , Iot8.
Block 8 , lots 0 , 10.
Block a , lotH 1,8.
Block l.lotB Ifi , 10 , 17,18,1) ) .
Block l.lots 1,2 , U , 15 , 10 , 17 <
UAA8 fal'lJ LOTS.
Block 0 , lot 0.
Block ? , lota 2 , 8 , 4,6 , 0.
Block la , lots 8 , 8.
Block 1 , lot , Borland's 1st addi
tion. I
Block 10 , lots 1 and 14 , Borland's 1st
B'ock ' 0 , lots 0 and 1 , 0. 8. Hayoa *
Attest : M. 0. HAZKN ,
3. R. McFAWLAHD. Mayor.
Sheriff Sale.
By virtue of an order of eelo Issued end di-
roctiul to mo by the nlork of the diitrlot conrt
of Mmllton county. Nebraska , npon a dncrno of
foreclosure of certain tax liens rendered by the
district court of Madison connly , Nebraskn , ou
the 2ml day of March , 1803 In faTOr of N. A.
Halubolt for tlia mm of 181.83 with Interest
thereon from March 2nd , 1008 , at 10 per cent
per annum , together with J1S.61 , costs of unit ,
and acorniuK coats , in an action , wherein N. A.
Hainbolt Is plalntiil , and lot lof block 5 ; lot *
7.20 and 23 of block 7 ; lota 8 , 9 , to and 16 of
block U ; lot 3 of block-10 , oil In Blvornida Park
addition to Norfolk , Nebraska. C. B. Vrooland.
Minnie S. Drnkn , F. K. Abbott , 8. M. Wagers ,
It W. Saley , J. 0. Shoohty. 1. Kulokopeky ,
David Pnttcreon and William w. Campbell are
defendants ,
1 will offer the prcmtsoa desert bed In raid do-
cre * nnd taken as the property of Bald defend
ants , towit Lotonol ( ) of block fire (5) ) ; lot
( toven (7) ( ) , twenty (20) ( ) nnd twentr-throo (231 ( of
block seven (7) ( ) ; lota eight 18) ) , nine (0) ( ) . ton (10) ( )
and sixteen (16) ( ) of block ntn (9) ( ) ; lot three (8) ( )
of block ton (10) ( ) , nil in Ulversldi park ( I
to Norfolk , Medttoa county , Nebraska ,
at public unction to thn hlgbMt bidder for
catu io bnnd on the 16th day of July , 1603 , at
1 o'clock p. mnt the onettfroot doorof tbo conrt
home nt M Ml loon in enlil county nditato , that
beinc the bnlldine wherein too Init term of
enld court wns bold , \vhon and where ilno at-
tamlniica will \ > uiven by the undersigned ,
Dated this 13th day of Jnno. 1003.
Sharif ! of said county.
Sheriff Sale. ;
Dy virtue of an order of * ale Uiued and dl-
rectM to mo by the clerk of the district court
of MndUon county , Nebraska , upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered by the district court of
Madison county , Nebraskn. on the 14th day of
October. Ib91 , in favor of ( ; . U , Mapoe for tlio"
snm of SllS.lK ) with interest thereon from Octo
ber 14 , IsOl at 10 per cent per annum , together'
with $13.7.3 , costs of suit , and accruing coxts , in
nu action , whereinO. H. Mapoa is plnlntllT , and'
Timothy Murphy la defendant I will odor tho'
promises detcrllxMl in said decree and taken w
ilia property of said defendant , towit : iot
five (5) ( ) . six (6) ( ) . seven (7) ) . nnd ol ht (8) ( ) in bkwlc
nlno (9) ( ) of Snniirslde addition to Norfolk :
Junction in MHIUHOII oonnty , Nebraska , for
xnlo at public auction to thu hUthnst bidder for
cash in hand on the 18th day of July , 1003 , at
the honrqfono o'clock p.m. , at the east front
door of the court honso at MmlUnn in Haiti
county an i Mnto , that being the bnlldln ? wherein -
in the laftt term of enld conrt wns held , whnii
and \\horo due iittondatico will bo given by .tho
Dated this 13th day of Jane 1903.
Sheriff of sad : county ,