l-l 10 THE 1SWFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , JULY 10,1003. Our July Clearance Sale BEELER Of all Spring and Summer merchandise and broken lots of goods. Let price coupled with merit and price only direct you where to buy goods. BEELER BROS. 27 in. silk chambrys , good assortment of patterns , value I9c and 25c now , per yard - 16c 27 in. figured lawns , just the thing for hot weather wrappers , would be good value at lOc , now , per yard , = - 5c We offer a lot of about 15 doz. ladies' seersucker underskirts at less than cost of material , only - = = 43c An assorted lot of ladies'bows , ties and stock collars , your choice only = = = = = = = = gc We have a good assortment of white goods , India linens , Persian lawns , nansooks , mulls , French lawns , wash or = gandies and mercerized Persian lawns , all marked down for this sale and exceptional prices in short lengths , prices will be one-half to three-fourths less than former price. An assorted lot of men's suspenders , good value at 2Sc , now = = = = = = = = = \QC \ THE NORFOLK NEWS W. N. HOSE , Publisher. DA 1 1Y. Evorv ilny except Sumlny , lly carrier nor week , i5 coutn. Hynmll per ycnr , $0.10. WKKKl.Y NHW.S-.IOUKNAL. , EstiifolUJitMl. 1881. . . . . . . , , Thti Journal , ontnliiisiioil , 1877. Every Frlilny. lly mult ) > or your , JI.M1. SPECIAL XoTH'E.-Atlvmice subscriptions to Uio NKws-JoruNAL will bo tnlon until October 16 nt the rnto of * ! . ( lior yenr. Old tib- crlborr limy Imvo Ibo bonoflt of Uil * rivto by iiu nrrenniKO * tmlntoiit the rcKiimr snb- crlptum jirlco nml 0110 ycnr In ndvmico. TliU il > oclnl ollor will \sUbtlri\\vn October 1 . Entered nt tbo ixiitolllco nt Norfolk , Nob. , ni tecond olns mnttor. _ _ Toleiilionot Kdltorlnl Poimrtmotit , No. 22. llnilnotB Olllcoftiid Job Itooitm , No. 322. Republican Judicial District Conven tion. To tbo republican r lectori of the Ninth Judl- eUldlitrictor NtbrnsUn ! Notice li beroby ulven that p republican Judi cial convention will bo bold at Norfolk , No- brntkn , on tbo 17th dnr of AtiRnit , 1908. nt 11 o'clock a. ra , for tbo pnrpoeo of uqmlimtlnK , a canilltlnto for jiuUo of tbo Ninth Judicial din- trlct , nndtbo trnnnnctltm of such other mm- neai ni may re nlnrly coino before It. The sev eral connUei of milildlMrlctnro entitled to the following ropro < mtntlon , bated on the vote of J. H. MtckoT ( governor ) In November. 1002 : Antelope. T3Wnyno [ . .It ) Knot , . Pierce. . . Totnl 05 Mndiiinn. It IB recommended by the coinmtttru that no rroxlea bo allowed In snld cotnention , but tlmt Uio dolpRntcs present bo allowed to cnst the foil vote of the county represented by thorn. Hy order o' the committee. OEO. F. Houi , J. H. IIABNKB , Seoretnry. Clmlrmnn. This is unlucky Friday nnd It has l > 3on an especially uufortunnto day for "Win. Ilhon , condoumed to hang today nt the penitentiary. Ooolor vrenther uiny bo appreciated by the people , but it is not of the sort that produces that corn-growing uoiso that keeps persons from sleep at night. It appears that the dust IB to bo given absolutely no ohaiico in this section this summer. Ik no sooner feels thixt rising feeling coming on than nature's sprinkling con is turned loose and it is .0.inverted into mud. The building of that Yanktou and Gulf railroad through Norfolk will add materially to the importance of this city , and it is to bo hoped that it is not one ofjtho kind constructed . of those fragile and uncertain substances wind and paper. Those who have criticised the Iowa republicans for a straddle should now tarn their attention to the national edi torial association which neither Ap proves of the "yellow" journals nor of Governor Pehnypacker's attempt to muzzle them in his state. The latest report from Kansas is that ,000 men are needed by the farmers to help harvest the wheat crop. Up to date it has not been shown that this section of Nebraska has any men , whom they would want , to spare to help oat their neighbors on the south. So far as recorded the Fourth of July casualties are fifty-two killed , 3CCS injured and a fire IMS of 100,635. This looks like n big showing , bat this is a big country and has lots of people in it , and if statistics were made for any ordinary day in the year , these .Fourth of Jnly figures might be ap proximated. The Nebraska Oity News says it does not believe In a partisan court , which may be taken to mean that it will join with the rest of the people in wiping out that fusion majority in the supreme court this fall. Certainly if it does not believe in a partisan court it may be de pended on to see that a court's parti sanship shall not be one way all the time. JUr. Bryan and his daughter , Miss Ruth , are arranging for n tour of Europe which is to bo continued until about holiday tiiiio the coming winter another evidence of republican pros perity. The representative of the common people could certainly not af ford to take the trip unless ho had money , and everyone has moro money since democracy was emphatically sat down on by the people. Governor Miclroy takes the strong stand in the Ilhon matter that , inas much as twelve impartial men have said that the man must hang and the court of last resort has approved the de cision of the lower court , ho has no business to interfere and commute Rhea's soutanco to imprisonment for life , no matter how much ho might wish to do so as far as ho is personally concerned. Such n position does not leave much room for criticism , The lord mayor of London , in-wel coming the American Hook , toasted King Edward and President Roosevelt , pay ing the following neat tribute to this country's executive : "Ho is hold hero in the highest-esteem and regard. The president labors most assiduously to promote the welfare of the United States and further , is actuated by n sincere desire to strengthen the bonds of friendship and concord uniting the two countries. Wo , on this side of the Atlantic , sharing with yon , representa tives of the great nation across the seas , in a common heritage and speaking the same language , honor your president for the grand work in whioh ho is en gaged , and whioh we are pursuaded , is not only conducive to the best interests of the United States and Great Britain , but must advance the cuusu of civiliza tion , freedom and justice the world over. " Th o Northwestern Line Summer Excursion Rates. Excursion tickets will tro sold dally from Juno 1 , until September 80 , 1003 , to Hot Springs , S. D. ; Rapid Oity , S. D. ; Deadwood and Lead , S. D. , and Casper , Wyo ; also to Denver , Colorado Springs , Pueblo , and Glenwood Springs , Col. , and Salt Lake City nnd Ogdcn , Utah , at greately reduced rates for the round trip , with final return limit October 31 , 1003. For further particulars see H. 0. MATRAU , Agent. Help Wanted Female. Wanted , intelligent persons to copy letters at home ; $12.50 paid weekly. Send stamped envelope for sample let ter and instructions. Eureka Company , 23 Daano Street , Now York. Round-Trip Rates Via Union Pacific to many points in the states of Cali fornia , Colorado , Oregon , Washington , Utah , and Montana. From Missouri river terminals : Den ver , Colorado Springs nnd Pueblo and return , Jnly 1 to 10 , inclusive , $15. Denver , Colorado Springs and Paeblo and return , June 1 to September 80 , in clusive , $17.50. ( Glenwood Springs , $20.50. ) Ogden and Salt Lake City and retarn , June 1 to September 80 , inclusive , $30.50. Butte and Helena and return , July and 21 , Aag. 4 and IS , September 1 and 15 , $34150. San Francisco and Los Angeles and return , August 1 to 14 , inclusive , $45. Sou Francisco , Los Angeles and San Diego nnd return , Jnly 1 to 10 , inoln Bivo. J. B. ELSEFFEK , Agent. Special Summer Tourist Rates To points iulWiscousin and on Lake Superior on the O. , St. P. , M. & O. railway one faro plus $3. Tickets on solo Jane 1 to Sept. 80 , good to return October 81. For-full particulars apply to J. B. ELSEFFKK , Agent. Opening Session of Twenty-first Annual Convention. CLARK PLEADS FOR EXPANSION. Aska Each Stat * to Multiply by Ten Per Cent and Offers Reward Sec retary Says that 64,020 Societies Now Exist. Denver , July 0. TVio twenty-first annual meeting of the United Society of Christian Endeavor opened here. The attendance at the opening session , though taxing the capacity of the Im mense tent which had been provided for the occasion , did not Include as many delegates as hod been expected , on account uf delayed trains. It is impossible to oven give a reasonable estimate of the number now in the city , but it will run into the thous ands. The opening of the convention was preceded by the annual business meeting of the Christian Endeavor corporation , at which the officers for the ensuing ycnr wore elected and re ports of officers submitted. William Shaw , treasurer of the so ciety , and acting secretary since the resignation of General * Secretary John Willis Baor , read the general secre tary's report. Describing the growth of the move ment ho said : "from one society , In 1SS1 , to C4.020 In 1003 , from ono de nomination to moro than eighty from ono city to every country , and from fifty members to 3.822.300 , and 1.800- 000 moro In societies bearing strictly sectarian names , but patterned after Christian Endeavor and gaining n- splratlon from It , A net gain In num ber of aoclUea In ono year of over 2,000. " Rev. Francis E. Clark , president of the society , then delivered his annual address. Dr. Clark proposed that every state strive to gain at least 10 per cent annually for the next ten years , thus entering Into a ten years' ertenelan campaignAs each state secures its 10 per cent Increase , a beautiful foreign banner from some distant land , representing the fellow ship of the movement , will bo pre sented to the atato. Cyclone In Wisconsin. Darlington , Wls. , July 10. Heavy storms did considerable damage In this vicinity to the trees and stand ing Brain. The storm at Argyle was almost a cyclone and ono building was wrecked and a Mrs. Hamsteai waa killed , Marshfleld , Gratiot and other polnta report a terifflc wind and rain storm , causing thousands of dollars lars of damage to crops , trees and bulldlncs. SIOO Reward , SIOO , The readers of this paper ] will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stapes am that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Care is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease , requires a eon Btitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally , acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces o' the system , thereby destroying the f oun dation of the disease , and giving the pa .tient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doini its work. The proprietors have so rnuol faith iu its curative powers , that they offer one hundred dollars for any o&s that it fails to euro. Send for list o testimonials. Address , F. J. CHENEY & Co. , Toledo , 0. Sold by draught , 75o. Hall's Family Pills are the best. What people most want in n news paper is news. They get it in TH News. Wanted Ono hundred ladles wit pimplea , blackheads , nasty complexions to toke Rocky Mountain Ten , nnd have a beautiful fnco , bright eyes , sweet breath. The Kiesau Drug Co. Hardy Plagg , Wanpaoa , Wls. , says : My wifo. would as soon think of ranking bread without Hour , as keeping honso without Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents. The Ktosau Drug Co. If You Were Scared easily you might suppose that the pain in the lower pat t of your buck meant kidney trouble. But being a person of sense you know it is only muscular stiff ness , from cold , and that prompt treat ment with Perry Davis * Painkiller will prevent it from going into lumbago. Act accordingly and you will be glad yon saw this. There is but ono Pain killer , Perry Davis' . Be up-to-date on things that aio hap pening. Read THE NEWS. Evidence is ample to prove that the moat beautiful women in the world are Americans ; 00 per cent , owe their beauty to the use of Rocky Mountain Tea. The Kiesan Drug Co. THE MARKETS. Prices of Produce Prevailing in Chicago cage Today. Chicago , Jnly 10 Special to The News : Following are the closing prices on Chicago market today : "Wheat Cash , 70 % ; September , 79 ; December. 77 % ; May , 79 % Corn Cash , 61 } ; September , 61 % ; December , 51 ; May , 51. Oats Cash , 40 % ; September , 85i < f ; December , 86 % ; May Yesterday's Quotations. ChJcapn , July 0. Tbo wtieat roarEet was aguln active and strong , Sept&tnbcr clo - injt IHo blgiier , September corn was Vic higher and oats wro also up KC , but pro- rlaloni wer wwik , the September products eloeluu l2JJ45c * lower. Closing prices : Wbco 8 pt. . 7& < 5ic ; DKJ. . 77 % ; May , VOU. Core Sept. , 61o : Dec. , BIHc ! May , Oat * Sept. , R43io < Dvc. , 85H ; May , Pafh-Julj , | 14.16 ; Sapt ( ULOO. Lard July , fijM : Sept. , $7.ocx Blbt-Joly , $5.00 ; Sept. . $3.67 ; Oct. , W.23. ChlaAgo Coftb Prlcoa Ko. 2 rod wboat , 80Hc ; NO. 3 eprtng wbcnt. 76o ; No. 3 ban ] wtieat. tBc : No. 3 Uard wheat , TVdTTc ; No. 3 cash corn , &l ( { 92 c ; No. 3 cttab corn. 01H819l < K No. i yellow corn , &l % p32t4e ! Ro 8 r Uow com. B19i@G2ff ; No. 2 cash oat * . BS&r Ko.2 _ wUUe oats , -de ; No. 8 whlU oata. Chicago Live Stock. Jnly 0. Cttttlo receipts. (5.000 ( , tneladlQg 000 T ian ; itroog to UXt blgner ; food to prime rte rs. $ & , OUr2 < UX > ; poor to medium , $3.0O2-COO ; etocli r and feodera , JlKKa-i-SO : cowa , Sl.OOJM.Qj belforft , $2,23 34.4O ; canatra. fl-KXffi.TS ; baits , | 2.2S ® 10 ; ulv , $2.KX3ftOO : Tciai fal steer * . J3.KHI4.65. tlpsaec ! pU , today 20.000 ; estimated tomorrow , U,00 ( left ovci , 4.000 ; 6 < tlO UljUfr ; clone weak : tnlxod and batotrai' . KJntt&O.TS : rood to choice beary , J5.G 3aTO ; roacb bear ? , 53.23 5.60i llebt &tt@O.PO. balk of sale * $5.CO GB.tn. 8n cp-R ? elpt8 , P.OOO ; ibo p and Itmbt ftcady ; good to cjiolpt wetber ? , J3.00 © 8.43 ; fair to f.holoo mtxod. t3.00tJ3JX ( > ; wwtarn Rbecn , 62.50il4.25 ; native lambs , Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City , July 0. Cattle R > cclpts J.SOO : StnOe blghtr ehWee In-ef steers , f4.53 < Sfi.SO : fulr to peed , V4 00 4 05 * stork- trt nnd fto > r * . JJ.OOJH.'D. western fed iteera , $3.60U4 63 Texai anil Indian men. (2,23 f400 native cows. $3,002 .00 : B tir h lfw . S2.00g4 35bnllt. . $7.00 Q3.6A ffalTf I fi 00 < ijS.2 Hofe Receipts 7WO , lvo ICfJJJo bljUer top tl 70 bulk ot le . iJ CrS-W bo8TT , $5.403 5.C3H tulxed pathf > n" . VJ 8l-j'3C ' 52V5 light 3.43V"itf P'J ' * I5J03S TO Sbwp R c lpts2.0CO , irfaltj Lativc- lamb * $3.20C < J.SO. < v trrn kiaba , ( 0030.15 , to4 in * * , fSOO'j'l.PO tiocLeri ted teed w * . $3.034. 00 South Omaha Live Stock. Bontb Oninbo , July 9-Cnttl * Recrfpts , 2TOO ; market nlfady to rtronE ; Dative iUers , t4,2&'Qn.25 ' tovet ami uvl/ers. 13.00 Q4.40 ; western rtfkT . 13,30 4.29 ; canncrs , I1.TOSI2.7&4 itockvr * and UuJsrs , S3.G03 4.30 ; Halves , $2 M > fl 50 ; bulls , itags , etc. , | J.CX > S-1.00. Hogs-Recelpti , 6,500 ; be lower * , heaty. W,4Oil5i3 ; mlxod , t5.42VV2C.i5- : light. $5.4iMcl5.r > 0 ; pigs , $5.e5 < 3&40 ; balk ( sales , $5.4''H436.4Q. Sheep Racolptv , 3COOi lowati western yearling , $4.C < X3 1.60 ; wotb rs. W.SOU-I.OOi twos. $30003.10 * ; common and itocbcn , J2.CO30.25 ; lamb ) . | 3T3 < Sa.OO. St. Joseph Llvt Stock. St. Joseph , July 0 , Cattle Receipts , 2,000 ; itendy to stronp ; natives , $3 85(34,60 ( ; rows und Bel few. $1.50JJ3 75 ; stocKers and feeders. J3.0033.S5. Hogs-Receipts , 7,000 Me&dyi llelita , $3458060 , medium and leary. 5.37MrS3-50. bulk. 15.40 3.50. The best of barley , hops and yeast , selected by one of our partners. Pure water , from six wells driven down to rock. Pure air , which has first passed through an airfilter. Every drop of Schlitz Beer filtered by machin ery through masses of white wood pulp. Every bottle sterilized , so that it contains no germs. Thus we double the necessary cost of our brew ing to make purity certain to make Schlitz Beer healthful. Will you drink common beer , and pay just as much for it , when Schlitz Beer can be had for the asking. Ask for the Brewery Bottling. For sale by Wm. G. Berner , Norfolk GIVEN AWAY Married or Single , iu Northeast Nebraska. The Norfolk News wishes to increase the circulation of both The Daily News and The Weekly News-Journal. In order-to do this and do it effectively , this paper will on OCTOBER 15 , 1903 , Give Away , FREE , a Handsome Driv- inp ; Horse , a Fine , Rubber-Tired Runabout , and a Complete- Set of Harness to the Lady Receiving the Largest Number of Votes in this contest up until 12 O'CLOCK NOON on that day. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING to vote in this contest. How will you go about it to secure this magnificent prize ? : Here you are : SUBSCRIBER'S BALLOT. | Q | Q > & & & &Q I The Norfolk News : Enclosed find $ for subscription to The Norfolk Dally News , The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal , ( Erase One Not Wanted. ) With it I cast votes for of , Nebraska , as my choice In The News Horse and Buggy Contest. Received above amount FREE VOTE. The Norfolk' News Prize Contest Popular , fQ | , 12 , I hereby vote for. . of . Nebraska , as my choice in The Norfolk NewsPree Horse and Buggy Contest. ( This Coupon , when clipped from The News and properly filled out counts for ONE VOTE , if deposited before Saturday noon , July ; 18 , 1003.