The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 19, 1903, Page 9, Image 9

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PART TWO. K011FOLK , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , , ) UNK JJ ) , 15)03. ) PAGES 9 TO 12 ;
.So Says New York News
Agency This Afternoon.
Rumor Can Not flo Confirmed Re
port Comes Also Frdrn Belgrade.
.Ruler Is Said to Have Boon Afraid of
'His Life.
Now York , Juno 10. Special to The
.TSTows : It is given out hero this after
noon by a news agency of this city , that
there has been a revolution in Constau-
, - > iinoplo and that the sultan has abdictod
X 'tho throne. He is sold to have been
.fearful for his life.
The rumor can not bo confirmed.
Belgrade , June 19. Special to The
"News : It is said hero that the sultan
.has abdicted the throne at Constant- !
noplo. There nro no further details.
' "
'Wen of Finance Meet at Sioux City
and Talk Shop.
Sioux City , June 19. Bankers from
lour states assembled here at the con
vening of the Northwestern Bankers'
The following papers and addresses
' . were given : Invocation , Rev. Ralph
'P. Smith , rector of St. Thomas
' church ; welcome , Hon. K. W. Caldwell ,
1 mayor of Sioux City ; response , Ii. A.
. Dalton , cashier First National bank ,
LeMars , la. ; "Havo Wo a Banking
System ? " S. R. Gurney , president
Merchants State bank , Winside , Neb. ;
" "Bank Advertising , " F. E. Pearson ,
cashier Pipestone County bank , Pipe-
stone , Minn. ; "Country Bankers' In
terest in Currency Reform , " W. S.
Bucholz , president Norfolk National
bank , Norfolk , Neb. ; address , E. L.
.Abel , Stale bank of Brldgcwaler ,
A OBrldgewater , S , D. ; "Tho Banker's
"Burden. " A. C. Gill , Sioux City ; "The
man From the Country Behind the
Desk of the City Bank , " Henry Meyer ,
cashier Hamilton National bank , Chi
j Bedalla Shops Shut Down.
Sedalla , Mo. , Juno 19. The Mis-
L sourl , Kansas and Texas railway shops
' in this city closed down at noon ,
throwing 300 men out of employment.
! A few days ago , the blacksmiths' help
ers demanded an Increase of 2 cents
an hour. Later the blacksmiths made
demands , which were granted , and all
the men-reported for work. The help
ers were promised nothing and re
fused to go to work. The blacksmiths
refused to work with green hands , and
William O'Herln , superintendent ot
the machinery and equipment , ordered
-a general shut down.
J Fail to Settle Rate Trouble.
Chicago , June 19. After a stormy
session , representatives of the passen
ger deparlmenls of the Chicago-St.
Paul roads adjourned after admitting
that they are powerless to effect a set
tlement of the rate troubles In their
territory. The execulive officers in
\ ' the lines interested will take the matA -
A ter up. The trouble began when the
passenger agent of the Wisconsin Cen
tral , June 8 , gave nollce that ho would
put in the rate of $8 from St. Paul lo
Chicago , and now it is believed that
the rate will sland for all lime.
State Troops Not Needed at Dubuque.
'Washington , June 19. Major Gen
eral Frank Wheaton , U. S. A. , retired ,
died here , aged seventy years. A wid
ow and two daughters survive him.
Death resulted from a general breakIng -
Ing down in health. General Wheaton
had an active military career and in
the civil war participated in many
battles , notably those in the various
( Virginia , Maryland , Pennsylvania and
Washington campaigns. He was promoted
meted to the rank of major general
April 2 , 1897 , and retired a month
| Shooting Tournament at Denver.
Denver , Juno 19. The last event ot
the shooting tournament , the Grand
Western handicap , was won by J. W.
Oarrett of Colorado Springs , who
made a score of 94 out of a possible
I 100. Tolman was second , with 95 ;
Miller third , with 90 , and Hirschy ,
Flank and Plummer tied for fourth ,
. with 88. Besides the handicap there
wore flvo events of twenty birds each.
P. Miller of Berwln , Neb. , made the
highest score , 95 ; Dan Timberlake of
Sallna , Kan. , second , 93 ; Hirschy of
Minneapolis third , 92.
\l \ Textile Strike Nears End.
Lowell , Mass. , Juno 19. After &
struggle of nearly three months , it ap
pears that the textile operatives of
Lowell have tired in tholr fight for an
Increase of 10 per cent in wages In the
cotton mills and are willing to declare
off the general strike , which was Inau
gurated March 30. At one of the reg
ular meetings , the agents discussed a
communication from Iho textile coun
ell , which is regarded as an overture
lor peace.
) Missouri Valley Man Dead.
"Sioux City , Juno 19. Despondent
because ho could not obtain work ,
Ellis T. Mullenlx committed sulcldo
by taking carbolic acid. Thrco ounces
of the burning stuff was poured down
Ills throat. The victim lived for about
an hour. Mullenlx came hero from
Missouri Valley. His wife's sister ,
Mrs. Phil Roden , committed sulcido In
' the same manner near Missouri Val
' * ' . . . _
Dozen Race Horses So Badly Maimed
They Will Have to Be Killed *
St. Louis , Juno 19. Shortly nflor
an eastbound Big Four pas
senger train ran Into the rear end of
an Illinois Central train , which was
standing in the approach of the Illi
nois ldo of the Uada bridge , J. L.
Dodge of Dallas * , Tex , , who was in
charge of an express car loaded with
racehorses , was Instantly killed. The
express car was attached to the rear
of ( he Illinois Ccntial train ami the
car was splintered. Thirteen of the
trolteis weru so badly maimed that
they will have to bu killed , lleblim ,
with n record of 2ul : > , was killed put-
right. The names of the other trotters
arc not known. The Illinois Central
train was standing In the approach ,
waiting for signals to go ahead anil
enter the terminal station , when the
Big Four tiain , running rapidly ,
crashed Into the rear. The baggage
car on the rear of the Illinois Central
train was demolished and the Big
Four engine badly damaged.
Two Killed Ono Fatally Injured and
Another Lynched.
Glapgow , Mont. , Juno 19. Spoolol to
The News : The outlaws who broke
jail here n week ago fought with a
posse of ofllcers on the "bad lands" last
The killed were :
Outlaw Hardoo.
Deputy Hill.
Another outlaw was fatally wounded
and captured.
When the report of the battle reached
hero enraged citizens organized a mob ,
took a companion of the outlaws from
the jail and lynched him.
Business Block Burns , One Life Lost
and Five Persons Injured.
Aurora , 111. , June 19. Fire in a busi
ness block belonging to S. Sensen-
baugh & Co. , caused a loss of $150,000
here. Of this loss , $100,000 ialls on
Seusenbaugh & Co. , who owned the
block , and the general store that occu
pied its three floors and basement.
The insurance was $75,000. The other
losses fall on the National Biscuit
company , $10.000 ; Smith & 'Terry ,
shoe dealers , $5,000 ; Bevier & Hartz ,
druggists , $4,000 ; Holllster & Heiss ,
shoe dealers , $5,000 , all fully insured.
Ono life was lost and five persons
were injured. Clyde Allen died of
internal Injuries received from falling
down an elevator shaft at the National
Biscuit company's factory.
The injured : Theodore Miller , pipe-
man , back hurt and cut by falling steel
columns ; Mrs. John Bell , clerk , back
and shoulder burned ; Frank Woolson ,
plpemnn , cut by falling glass ; Lars
Anderson , clerk , severely burned.
Floods In New Mexico.
El Paso , Tex. , June 19. A dispatch
from San Marclal , N. M. , says that at
5 a. m. the Rio Grande reached its
highest stage , causing a break in the
protection levee. The water is now
several feet deep in the lower portion
of the town. Several small houses
have been badly damaged by the flood
and most of the Inhabitants ot that
section have abandoned their homes.
The loss to the farmers thereabouts Is
great. At Earlham the break in the
levee has not been repaired. The In
dlcations arc that It will continue to
glvo way until the river has got be
yond control. Reports from Rincon
say that place is partly under water.
Letter Carrier Killed by Highwaymen.
Louisville , June 19. Joseph Hicks ,
n letter carrier , was killed by high
waymen and his body thrown on the
railroad tracks after the pockets had
been robbed of $80 in money and a
gold watch. Many trains passed over
the body , cutting It up , but when found
the head was unscathed save from the
wound inflicted by the robbers. No
arrests have been made.
U. S. Grant , Jr. , a Candidate.
San Diego , Cal. , Juno 19. The Union
announces that U. S. Grant , Jr. , Is a
candidate for the Republican nomina
tion for vice president next year.
Stutl Case in Hands of Jury.
Sheridan , Wyo. , Juno 19. The Slull-
Barton murder case is in the hands of
the jury.
The Namqult cotton mill at Bristol ,
R. I. , employing 200 hands , shut down
Indefinitely owing to the price ot cot
It was voted by the executive com
mltteo of the Western Passenger as
sociation to recommend the adoption
ot a 2,000-mile ticket.
The president will leave Washington
Saturday , the 27th lust. , on a special
train over the Pennsylvania railroad ,
for his summer home at Oyster Bay.
The first union to accept the plan of
arbitration proposed by the New York
Building Employers' association Is the
Inside Architectural and Bridge Work
ers' union of Brooklyn.
The Logan county (111. ( ) grand jury
returned sixty Indictments against
citizens of Lincoln and Logan counties
on charges of buying and selling
votes at recent elections.
Will Zimmerman tried to loop the
loop at Indianapolis in place ot Ray
Stevens , who Is laid up with broken
ribs from the feat , but fell from the
top and fractured his skull. He will
Panel in Marcum Case Un
able to Agree on Verdict.
Ton nro Said to Have Favored Ac , Feared that Bloodshed
Wculd Have Followed n Vordlct.
„ Jury Discharged This Morning ,
Jnokson. Ky , Juno 10. Spootnl to
ThoNowa : The Jutt Jury after being ;
out twenty two hourn , failed to ngruo
on n vordiot uud were this morning dis
charged. The fear of trouble botwoou
the two factions in oveitt nf n vordiot
was thereby averted , and Jackson has !
nssutuod n more peaceful state than dur
ing n number of days past.
Jacksou , Ky. , June 19. A expected
lioie , HID jury in the case of CurtU
Jell and Thomas White , charged with
murdering J , B , Marcutn , 1m * been
unable lo agree upon n verdict. It Is
Btatcd that at least two jurors are
holding out t ° r conviction , whllo the
others nro divided , moat of them fnvur--
Ing acquittal.
During this suspense there has been
intense anxiety about the court ho user
and throughout the town in discussing ;
what might lollow cither u verdict ot
guilty or of acquittal or of a compro
mise on Imprisonment , but the Indica
tions arc that thu Jury will finally re
port that ll had disagreed and ask to
bo discharged.
It Is claimed In that event that
there Is no such probability of blood-
Ehud and iurther acts of arson aa there
would bo in the o\eiil ol conviction ,
that theto would bo a general exodus
nf tiipmliorn iif tlio f'm'itwi > llf1nrKTlll
faction , the widows and orphans ot
victims and othcis and that thu. domi
nant faction would be Ictt without
formidable opposition in holding , the
town , ns well as the county office
hereafter. U is not expected that the
prosecution ior the murder of Mnr-
cum and others will stop with this
jury. Although the court has been
in session BOIUO weeks at great ex
pense to the county and also lo the
commonwealth , it is believed that
Stale Inspector Hlnes will make sucK
n report to the governor as to securer
other trials under different condKlonsJ
It Is icnmrked that the general exo *
dus that Is expected will take away
many of these who might otherwise
bo depended on as witnesses and Jur
ors. It is not llkoly' that the couiuy
will find soon another such witness as
B. J. Ewen , who has removed to Lex
ington , or another such prosecutor as
Commonwealth's Attorney Byrd , who
expects to locate at Winchester , Ky.
Business is practically suspended.
The reign of terror still continues ,
with all sorts of apprehension as to
the iuturo and no hope of any convic
tions under the present official condi
Tlio members of the Hargls faction
were almost Jubilant over the unoffi
cial reports fiom the Jury room. It
was claimed confidentially that ten of
the Jurors were firmly for acquittal
and that the other two were being In
duced to join them today In a vcrdlcc
of acquittal. It Is mentioned that all
of the men brought In for the panel ,
from which the jurors were selected ,
were brought In by deputies or elisors ,
* vho are connected with the dominant
faction , and that they can bo depended
upon for the result that is now antic
Lexington , Ky. , Juno 19. Captain
Ewen announced that on the advice of
friends he would go to Frankfort as
soon as the Jackson jury returned a
verdict and lay all facts before Gov
crnor Beckham. Ewen would not give
out what he would toll the governor.
Men close to him soy It will reflect on
men high In official life in Brcathltt
county and may form the basis of war
rants for bribery.
Militia Will See That the Deweye
Reach Strong Jail Safely.
St. Francis , Kan. , June 19. Captain
Cunningham and his company of ml-
lltia from Osbornc , Kan. , left this
morning with Dewey , McBrldo and
Wilson , who have been bound over to
the district court without bail , charged
with the murder of Bruce Berry.
Captain Cunningham said : "I am
going to Goodland and examine the
jail and if it should seem unwise to
put the prisoners there they will betaken
taken elsewhere. The feeling In Sher
man county is strong against the Dew
ey outfit and I do not intend to leave
thorn where there will bo the slightest
danger from mob violence. "
Death of General Frank Wheaton.
Dubuque , Juno 19. Governor Cum
mins , while holding the Waterloo , In
dependence and Maquokcta military
companies in readiness to proceed to
Dubuque , concluded that the town be
ing quiet , he would not bo justified in
ordering the militia forward until
Sheriff Stelner shall report that an
other outbreak has occurred and that
ho is unable to handle It without mili
tary aid. The Union Electric com
pany says It will make no further at
tempt to operate its cars until further
military protection Is offered.
Falls to Form Cabinet.
Budapest , Juno 19. Count Stefan
Tisza , who was asked by the emperor
to form a cabinet , has failed in his
task , and the ministerial crisis con
AcU ns Go-Between for Machon and
Grofl Brother * ,
Washington , Jnno 11 . The federal
grand Jury which ha lieon Invonllgai-
Ing postal nffalrK' prnlmbly will lit Ing
In llvo ImllctiiumlB aguluut uurnoiu in
Although every effort bus been made
to keep the public In Ignorance of the
action to bo taken until the paporu
weto ready for proHentutlon by the
grand jury , It la l-su'tiud on iimitum-
Honed authority that the jury has
voted to return Imllrtmonla ng lnnt
August W. Machon , Dlllur 11. ( Iruff ,
Samuel A , Oroff , ( ieoigo 10. I.urenv.
and Mrs. Lorunz , the two latter being
lesldenta of Toli'do. Tlio specific
charge , II Is undoi Blood , will bo con-
splracy to defraud the government.
The Bonmulotial feutniu of the proli-
alilo proceeding IK thu conned Ion of
Mrs. Lorunz's name with the tranmic-
( tons which led to the arrest of Mr.
Muchon and the Orofta. At the time
of the nrriiHt storlon were In circula
tion that thort ? wast n Koliutween , but
the Information at bund Chun wan not
conclusive enough to UHtnhlltUi the
UlonU'ty' of thia particular party.
Whether Or not Mrs. l.ortim acted In
this capacity IB not known ; Brat It ban
been suKKoatod v'mt thin } p > butweon
was n woman1.
The poatofflco department ban re-
Finned the' t'slabllBhiuonl of rural free
delivery routes whlclr were hel'd" up on
account of'thd dbtlclt tit tlio1 upproprla.
tlon for that service and' a1 hrr c' num
ber of routes' will' ' bo put' Into' ' opera
tion July l
Crops RulnodJln a Strip Ton Miles
Long and' ' Two Wido.
Colon , Neb , .Juno 11) ) . Special to * The
Now * : A bad hail storm wanted a strip
of country two miloH wide mid ton milteH
long iu this vicinity li\st > night. Thn
storm swept down from the north nml
rugod with grout fury for some minutes.
Reports indicate that it did no damage
before reaching this county.
The growing crops * were driven intn
the ground and it is * believed thud they
wore completely ruined as there doon-
not romalu Huilloiout time for them to
recover nud mature this season ,
At Least Fourteen Are Killed In art.
English Arsenal.
London , Juno 19. Fourteen , men.
were killed and thirteen injured by
an explosion , in the lyddite factory at
the Woolwich arsenal. Several of the
victims were literally blown to pieces ,
The building- was completely wrecked.
The roof was blown off and the Inte
rior collapsed.
The explosion is attributed to the
bursting of a shell. There were many
pathetic scuncs about the gate of tho-
great arsenal , where- thousands of rel
atives of tlio employes besieged the
officials for information. Six addi
tional men are missing and it Is be
lieved they were blown lo pieces.
May Withdraw Irish Land Bill.
London , Juno 19. Further consider-
allen of the Irish land bill has been
poslponed until Juno 29. There Is.
some talk of convening another Irish
convention to consider the future at
titude of the nationalist party toward
the bill. The Dally Mall understands
that the government has threatened to
withdraw the measure unless some
agreement Is arrived at with the Irish
party on the vital points. The free
trade versus protection fight Is threat
ening to bccoino active , both insldo
and oulsldo of parliament. Both ,
sides are organizing their forces.
Nova Scotlan Attacks United States.
Otlnwa , Ont. , Juno 19. When tli
proposition lo aid 700 miles of Cana
dian Norlhcrn railway in the north
west by guaranteeing Us bonds was
up in the house , S. Gourley , M. P. of
Colchester , Nova Scotia , made another
attack on the Untied States and Us
Institutions. Ho characterized Iho
constitution of the United Stales as
being more tyrannical than that of Al
giers. In his opinion , the Grand Trunk
should got no subsidy or assistance
unlil it abandoned Us terminals at
Portland , Mo.
Modern Woodmen Discuss Rates.
Indianapolis , Juno 19. A readjust
ment commltleo of twcnty-flvo was np-
poinled by Iho Modern Woodmen con-
venllon , lo consider nil quosllons con
cerning rates. A chest of silver , val
ued at $1,000 , was presented lo W. A.
Northcott , the retiring head consul.
The Junior and pony classes of For-
cslors were awarded tholr prizes. The
winners' percentages were : Junior
class , Jollol , 111. , 94.4 ; DCS Molnes , la. ,
93.2 ; Kansas City , Kan. , 91 ; Lincoln ,
Neb , , 90,8. Pony class , Mudlson , Neb. ,
' '
Lieutenant Murtaugh to Be Tried.
Washington , Juno 19. General
Bates has notified the war department
that ho has found and arrested in Chicago
cage Lieutenant Thomas T. Murtaugh ,
Untied States coast artillery , who deserted -
sorted his troops at Clenfuegos , Cuba ,
about Ihreo weeks ago , leaving the ex
change accounts mixed up. Ho will be
sent to Governor's Island for trial by
Rev , Conaty Installed at Bishop.
Los Angeles , Juno 19. RL Rev.
Thomas J. Conaty was Installed as
bishop of the dlocoso of Monlerey and
Los Angeles , Ponlifical high mass was
celebrated , In which many noted Cath
olic clergymen assisted ,
Worlc on Cruiser Galvcston Tied
Up by Process of Court.
Administration Decides to Go Ahead
and Will Brook No Delay Contract
or's Failure Causes Trouble Cred
itors Want Their Money.
Richmond , Vu. , Jinn * 19.
( Irlnnan of the Richmond clinucery
couit granted am Injunction icttUalii-
Lieutenants ThlesH ami Urmuluck ,
VI. S. N. . lioin pi ( weeding fuillie.v to-
tvaid tliu launching ol the mulHur Uul-
vuston , under contUiuctlon In tuo
lKK ship yards hern. The tajuncllmi
wa : < granted on pot II Ion oC S , M-
nwcH & Co. of thin idly , tuipoly crea
tors of Trims & Co. , now In tliu hamlK'
of u receiver , and res1 * ruins tlio gov
ernment officials and nit other pursuits
rorn lu. any way Interfacing wUJi < any
ot thu ppopnity at th - TrlgR yards
and especially Uio crnlnor Ualvtmloti ,
under construction for the govern
ment. I.loutunaulH Thelwv and firon.
ituck were Hem , lie re by Uio navy do.
pitrtniont lo mipnrlntcnd the launch.
UK of thu GnlvoHlun Mointay next.
Washington , Juuu 19. It- IB tmld
icro that proper roupcrt will bo
shown Iho inandaUiu of the- courts tvo
long , us they keep within tlielr Juris
diction , but thu nawy department , can
not Euihmll lo. any Uitorforeneu wltlt
Is rlghtH. 'J.'he crulaur ( iah'A < tttoii at ,
Richmond , it. wan nt-ated , vwjuld biv
launch ed wlutn. ready. The r.ovoin.
menl 1 1:1 a no uhjoctlim to the uupply
contractors of the Trlijt ; compii/ty pro.
ccedlng in the ( lonrta to prolent their
rights , lull It takes tire portion ( hat
wotk on a warnhlp In Uio vital to the
nation at lurge lo bo delayed while
private eoncernn are luljiiHtlng. their
dlfllcultlen. The action 'lotennliuJd on
Is practically tinhino In Uio history of
tlio navy department. It. was decided
on only after thu president , the attor
ney general and the searcUiry ot. tlio
navy had given tlio mihjcul their care-
tut cunuldonillon. It In not expected
that the people of. Virginia will re
gard the action of. Iho navy duitarl-
incut ns in tlio slightest degree reHeating -
Heating on the sovereign rJhtH of t'imt
Attorney General ! ICnox regards an
eminently wull taken the contention
advanced by Read Admiral Bowles ,
chief of Iho bureau of coiiHUticllon luml
repairs , that no cotnt has , the right
to Interfere with work on n wtir vesiiol
and that the government would be
warranted In calling ; federal troops to
protect Its agents engaged In Bimh
work. Instructions hnvo been sent
Iho HeulenanlH In charge of the work
on the Galvcston to- proceed with all
pnsblblo dispatch In tlio effoit to get
the ship. ' ready for launching Monday.
Takes Classic Rac
Three-Year-Old *
for First Time in Its. History.
New York. Juno 19. For the first.
tlmo In Iho scoto of years of its hla-
lory Iho Suburban handicap , gteaU'SL
of American turf events , waa won by
a three-year-old. Africander , tlio
swift and game son of Star Ruby-Afric
Queen , finished first in a splendid
Mold of fifteen , to thirteen of which
ho was giving weight. Ills victory
was marred by a claim of. foul , made
by George Odopt , rider of Herbert , the
second horse , but the judges decided
that the winner had earned his prize ,
and lei Iho race stand as run. Charles
Dwyer and Simeon Dclmol , proprlolora
of Iho Hampton stable. In whoso col
ors Africander ran , won $16C90 in the
stake and made a generous present to
llltlo Fuller , the Now Orleans grad
uated jockey , who piloted tholr horse
to a stirring victory.
Inert Star Grows Bright.
Unlversily of California , Juno 19.
Through a series of Investigations
Dr. Joel Stobblns , fellow of Iho Lick
observatory , has made Iho remarkable
discovery that the variable star Omlc-
ron Cotlax , which has been known
to vary at uncertain intervals since
159G , is at present undergoing ex
traordinary * flucluallons and a varia
tion in brightness of at least 2,000
times its ordinary Intensity. The dis
covery is of unusual value lo Iho as
tronomical world from the fact that
the scientists had believed the star to
bo Inert.
Walters' Strike Not Ended.
Chicago , Juno 19. Striking waiters
refused to arbitrate last night and do *
cidod to ask Ibat the walkout be made
moro general and the engineers and
elevator men bo asked lo join them.
This morning they began to send out
committees lo call moro strikes. Wllh
the battle praclically won , as the hotel
owners Ihoughl , a committee of theirs
mot a committee of Iho strikers , but
practically nothing came of It , and the
waiters In a general meeting Ihen do-
elded that they would not arbitrate ,
but would undertake to spread the
Fltzslmmons to Wed.
Washington , June 19. Robert Fits-
simmons , the well known prize fighter ,
announced that ho is engaged to
marry Miss Julia Gifford , a singer en
gaged with a theatrical company now
playing at a local theater. Miss Git-
ford admitted the engagement , but
said there would be no wedding "for
a year or HO. "
Czar Calln on King Peter to Avenue
Murdered Monarcha ,
Belgrade. , Juno 19. The telegram of
inpetor Francis Joseph to Klnic
I'oter haa not been published here ,
bucaiiBo of the onipetor'H Hlrlctnrea oti
he niurdereru of King Alexander ana
Queen Drnga. The czar of Ruttslu iiluo
alum a linn ntaiid In bin note fj ICIng
I'etor thai the murderers must Im pun *
lor Iho erlino.
IIIIH liiHtructeil HH rcproncntn-
Ive to leMiiniu diplomatic rulullonn
with the Horvlitn Kovurninont. King
Peter ban already amiumud the rolna
of government by dlruelliitf that till ini-
portant iimltum ulmuld bo referred to
tilin at Geneva. An tmfoiindml rumor
: lmt King 1'oter had been aHHimnlimtc < I
'iiused coiiHt.eniallon horo.
Geneva , Juno li > . IChiK 1'oior'n do
imrturo for Holiriulu ; IUIH boon definite *
y fixed for next Monday evening. Ho
will triivnl direct without
at Vienna , and will arrive la
FnjJ Trains on Illinois CentraB
Moot Head > on.
Wi.torlco , Iowa , Juno I ! ) ' . Special to
t ) Nowic- : The Elllnoln Central eont
boaiid flyer thin morning collided' ' , hend
: ) ii.with the- through froiftRt.
Ifoth trala * were rniuzinK * nt a hrKk.
ftto-of Hpeoiil nwl'wliwn ' t/boy name to-
gotl-wr were * piled up iin a frightful
Nltio porminir were killed and a nnin-
bor w no soriormly injured.
'looomsUirfOK- ' coraplotoly do-
nolisUod and trim oars badly wrecked.
aiiKitiomttu of the f roiprlttr iniHun-
ilorntood tlio onion * and failed to wnit
'or ' tlio flyor.
National Hijyr Association : Elects.
Chli' o , June I9.r At thuicsHloiii ot
the National liny aHRodatlon , . the fol
lowing were eHntcd : I'nmtilent , J. . L. . .
Wcxtor , Michigan ; vlco' prouiilenlB , If.
Morgan , Pennsylvania ; and T. A
liullcrd , Missouri ; , itoarotnr.y anil trena-
unor , P. K. ODdnrtcli , Indiana ; direct
ors , ClmrlcR ISngl'and , Maryland ; C. S.
Illicit. Indiana ; IF. S. GromOBr Ohio ; T.
1j. Wood , Massachusetts ; J. A. Bru-
hnRer. KanmiH. The nexl convcnllon
will take plaeo at St. Louis.
l-armer Held for Asoaultlna Prlncev
Ddawaif , O. , Juno 1' ) . Charles
Noedlmm , allornc ? for tha Korean Ic-
Ball-on at Washing ! " " , wnsUoro and
Investigated Iho rvcunl assault by Joseph -
soph Stoul. a young farmer , upon
1'rluc'o Eulwba , son of the emperor
of Korea , who IB a student at Dela
ware. Stout has been arrested and
bound over unlll the next term of
courl , In September. I'rlncu Eulwha
will remain here until after the trial
of Stout.
Lightning Strikes Engine.
Peru , Ind. , Juno 19. Engineer Kir *
by of Toledo Is an Inmnlo of the Wabash
bash em ploy en' hospital hero. Whtlo
ho was seated In his engine nt Toledo ,
with Ills left hand on the reverse
lever , n holt of lightning struck the en-
glno and entered his body. Ho was
taken ftoni his sent In an unconscious
condition nnd wns brought hero. ' Ho la
in a dazed condition.
_ _
Another Levee Breaks.
Vlcksburg , Miss. , Juno 1C. Follow
ing up the break of the Hollybrook
protection levee came a break on lha
Mississippi sldo , this being an old
levee between Duvali and Albomarle.
In Isaquena. The now break will
cause damage lo a largo number ot
planlallonsj _
According to a dispatch from A grata
serious rioting has occurred at Vurus.
Major James II. Pond , manager ot
lecturers and singers , has had to have
his right leg amputated to save hls-
Louis J. Kaufman , vice president ot
the American Federation of Roman.
Catholic societies , died in New York ;
A woman trainer was attacked by &
leopard in a cage at the exposition at
Baltimore. Her neck , shoulders , and
arms were badly lorn.
Captain Ammundscn's magnetic/
North polo expedition sailed from ,
Chrlstlanla , Norway. Ho will go to
Boring strait and seek to crass tha
Drs. R. R. Tutlo and R. J. Morgan ot
Van Wert , O. , ran into a ravine wltlx
tholr automobile , which waa demol *
Ished. Dolh of Iho doctors , aro. la a
serious condition.
Eli Julian has been arrested at Ben *
nlnglon , I. T. , charged with the mur
der ot his father , Solomon Julian , a
well known citizen living in the Choc *
taw nation. Ho was remanded without
It is reported from Sofia that Bog-
danoff , ono of the Bulgarians , who
were condemned for participation in
the recent dynamite outrages at Salon *
lea , has died in prison after undergo
ing cruel torlurcs.
A court-martial has been ordered
for the trial at Manila of First Lieutenant -
tenant Hamilton Foley of the Fifth
tavalry , on the charge of embezzling
soldiers' pay , Improperly contracting ;
debts and deceiving his superiors.
Two men , said to bo Bud Fair and
Frank Ellis , robbed the Adams Ex
press company at Webb City , Mo. , ot
$2,000. Both men were captured la
the woods three miles from Joplln ,
nftor a chase , and the money recov