The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 19, 1903, Page 11, Image 11

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    HE NOUKOLK IS'EWS : Kill DAY , .H'NK 111. 1IUS. ! J ]
A Science for the Analysis
of the Causes of Human
Ills nnd How to Abolish
Should know tlmt this IB not. n
Soionco tlmt practiced by guess.
It dlilerontiatoR between func
tional derangements nml diFewo
liy its assistance imtnro cures
Cross-eyes , without operation ;
Headaches , without drucs ; Dyw-
pepsin , without fool "Foods ; "
Hysteria , withont a straightjack-
otj Female Disorder * , without n
trip to the hospital : Epilepsy ,
withont poisons ; and n hundred
nervous troubles. Simply remov
ing onuses IB thn secret. A true
opthaltuologist explains vonr CIIBO
to you.
Norfolk , - Nebraska.
The Elkhoru B. & S. associa ion will
make you n loan to build or buy on favorable -
vorablo terms.
T. E. ODIORNE , Secretary.
that there is no better shoes in town
for. the money than those sold by Stapen-
horst & Co. few anywhere nearly as
good. Strong assertion , we admit ; but
the shoes will prove it better than any
words of ours and wo are perfectly
willing to let the sboes do the talking
all we ask is that you see the shoes.
Shoes here for men , women , misses and
the little ones nt little prices.
We Keep Open Evenings until
9:00 : o'clock
We give Tickets on Ohiokering Piano.
The Weather.
Conditions of the weather as recorded
for the 24 hours ending at 8 a. m. to
day :
Maximum temperature 05
Mininiam temperature. 50
Average 75
Precipitation 00
Total precipitation for mouth 58
Barometer 29.70
Forecast for Nebraska : Generally
fair tonight and Saturday. Cooler west
portion tonight.
G. W. Lambert has invented a new
twine holder , for which there is a pat
ent ponding.
Street Commissioner Beswick has the
street fjmcler out leveling op some of
the MrcetB that weie left in bad con
dition by the recent heavy rains.
Among the grand lodge olllces tilled
in yesterday's ceremony by local Mixsoim
were those of grand pursovant , by S
W , Hayes and grand tyler by J. S.
? At Indiiuiapolli yesterday a team from
Madison in thu pony class of Foresters
was awarded the llrst priv.o in compet
itive drill In their class. The percent
age given the team wna f 08.2.
A typographical error in the notice of
City Treasurer Utter yesterday made it
read that he had money on hand to pay
up to and including 11)01 , when thu
number should have boon (0,004.
V. Cruo , of Madison , was overcome
by the heat while watching the corner
mono ceremonies yestordny afternoon.
In the shade of u neighboring tree , ho
soon was revived. Mr. Cruu is about
eighty years old.
After an absence of throe montliB ,
K J. Denny has returned and resumed
bin former position in the Norfolk ollko
of the Nebraska Telephone company.
T. II. Namur , who has hold the position
during Mr. Denny's absence will bo as
sistnnt line foreman under O. Dugau.
The Ladles guild of Trinity church
h is arranged to entertain the children
ou the lawn at the homo of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Otto Tappert Thursday afternoon
of next week from 4 to (5. ( llfrosh-
ments of ice croiun and cake will bo
s rvod nnd amusements will bo pro-
vtilucl. The IndinR of the tmild will bo
there to BOO that the children have a
good time.
The Northwestern Bankers associa
tion is holding n meeting in Sioux City
today. W. H. BacholH , president of
the Norfolk National bank , is to road a
paper ou currency Iloform before the
association this afternoon. This is the
same paper that ho read before the
Northeast Nebraska association at n
recent meeting , which was attended by
a number of financial gentlemen from
Sionx City , and to well pleased were
they with the manner in which the sub
ject was handled that they requested
him to give it before the meeting today.
This address is spoken of by exports
who have tnude this dltllcult problem n
matter of study , as one of marked
Wanted A girl for general house
work. Call nt a03 North Ninth street.
H. Knxsno.
Attention , Sir Knights.
The regular conclave of Damascus
oommnndery No. 20 , K. T. , will bo held
this evening at 8 p. m. A f nil attend
ance is desired as business of particular
importance is to bo transacted. By
order of the eminent commander.
E H. TKAGY , Recorder.
Selections Were Heartily Appreciated
by Norfolk Yesterday.
The two visiting bail do , one from
Madison and the other from Wisuer ,
were important features of the pro
gram in Norfolk yesterday. The op n
air concert by the Wisnor K. P. band ,
which was tendered the citizens of Nor
folk at 4:30 : , was especially delightful
and a large crowd listened to the music
during the entire hour. A special plat
form had been built at the corner of
Fourth street nnd Norfolk avenue for
the organization. Iho players , under
I he leadership of H. Compton , formerly
band director in Norfolk , make music
that is worth while and their selections
were appreciated by Norfo'k '
Republican Caucus , Outside P.recinct.
The republican voters of Norfolk pro-
o'nct , outside the city , ore hereby called
to meet at the city hall on Saturday ,
June 20 , at 4 o'clock in the afternoon ,
for the purpose of electing six delegates
to attend the county convention at Bat
tle Creek ou the 27th , and for the pur
pose of transacting such other business
as may come before the meeting.
First Ward Caucus.
The republican electors of the First
ward , city of Norfolk , are hereby called
to meet at the city hall on Wednesday
evening , Juno 24 , nt 8 p. m. , for the
purpose of selecting six delegatJS"to at
tend the republican county convention
at Battle Creek on the 27th , and to
transact such other business as may
come before the meeting.
Second Ward Caucus.
The republican electors of the Third
ward , city of Norfolk , are hereby called
to meet in caucus at the city hall , on
Wednesday evening , Juno 24 , nt 8
o'clock p. m. , for the purpose of select
ing eight delegates to attend the county
convention at Battle Creek on the 27th ,
and to transact such other business as
may come before the mooting.
Third Ward Caucus.
The republican electors of the Third
ward , city of Norfolk , are hereby called
to meet in caucus at the city hall on
Wednesday evening , June 24 , at 8
o'clock p. m. , for tho'purpose of naming
fourteen delegates to attend the repub
lican county convention ac Battle
Creek on the 27th , and to transact such
other business as may come before the
meeting. J. E. SIMPSON ,
Fourth Ward Caucus.
The republican electors of the Fourth
ward , city of Norfolk , are hereby called
to meet at the drug store of J. L.
Ilershiser , la said ward , on Wednesday
evening , June 21 , at 8 o'clock p. , m. , for ,
the purpose of selecting four delegates
to attend the county convention at Bat
tle Creole on the 27th , and to transact
each ether business as may be presented.
President Marvin Hughitt
Passed Through Norfolk.
Going Over Northwestern Line In
This Section Looks Like Tltoro
Might bo Something Doing Prob
ably Extend Into Dakota.
President Marvin Hughitt , of the
Norihwi'Bttrn railroad system , was in
Norfolk twlco yohtorday. Ho paused
through ou u ttpecial train , at noon ,
bound for BoueBttul and returned in the
ulgtit. With him were Third Vice
Pioaideiit J. C. Hunter ami J. 0 Kuhn ,
asslHtaut general height and paauengor
Just what is the Bigniilcauco of the
special truluri carrying Northwestern
olllcorn over this btiution during the past
week , is unknown. There is ono opin
ion prevalent that it is the intention of
the Northwestern to extend into
South Dakota soon and to thufc bring
the great wheat supply into their juris
diction. It is uudurutood , too , that an
extension woat from Casper is not at all
"Tho Big Show Is All Done and
Over , " and Work Goes on.
"All's well at the government build
ing , " Bald the two superintendents nt
the structure this morning , Mr. Fain
and Mr. WllHauiP. "Tho corner stone
is Bet HO solidly that nil the king's horses
nnd all the king's men could never pry
it loose from its setting again. "
Immediately after the ceremonies yes
terday , men on the building were eot at
work tearing down the special platform
that had been erected by the construc
tion company , and in two hours' time ,
the big show was all done and over , the
stakes piled up and the animals gene ,
like a great big circus.
Hardly hud BO many people been ex
pected by the oOlctrs at the building ,
but nevertheless preparations were made
for all that would come , nnd they were
well treated by the builders.
Miss Wilkinson Entertains.
Miss Lisle Wilkinson entertained a
large party of young people at her
home , 100 Madison avenue , last night.
The company was complimentary to
Miss Mao Oluey and Miss Josie Hagey.
An unique idea in the way of n
"Proposal" party , was used in the
evening's pleasure. Each guest waa
presented with several cards , upon
which were tied various articles that
ought to recommend n party proposing.
Moving about from table to table , then ,
the men wrote proposals in poetry to
the young ladies they met , and as
promptly the ladles sent back poetic re
fusals. The prize for the cleverest re
fusal went to Miss Christy nnd a pri/.o
for the most effective proposal went to
Mr. Gentle.
Dinner Party Last Evening.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Q. Baker enter
tained n small company ; of friends nt
dinner last evening in honor of their
guest , Hon. Burton L. French , of Boise ,
Idaho. Covers were laid for ten per
sons , who sat down at 0:30 : o'clock.
The dinner was delightfully served in
five courses. Mr. French is a congressman -
man from Idaho , who arrived in the
ci y weanesaay evening.
Lawn Party For Little Set.
About forty little folks spent yester
day afternoon playing upon the lawns
of O. S. Hayes and G. E. Moore , in
North Tenth street. The party was
given by Beulah Hayes and Mildred
Moore to their little friends on the west
sile. At C they were seated at two long
tables out of doors , which were pro
fusely decorated with flowers , and
finished their fun with a toothsome
For Sale Good sound driving or
work mare ; also the delivery wagon.
0. E. Stitt , 1100Prospect , avenue.
P. H. Carberry wont to Iowa Wednes
day 10 visit relatives. From there ho
will go to Ireland whore he expects to
spend several weeks.
The crowd that gathered at Justice
Sleeper's oillce Monday afternoon to
listen to the trial of Herman Boche ,
charged with having too many fish in
his possession , were disappointed , as the
case was transferred to Madison for
Arthur Cunningham , a , young farmer
living nt Maple Grove , died Friday of
last week , after a few days' sickness of
appendicitis. The funeral was held at
his late residence Snnday morning and
was largely attended , interment being
nt Madison. Ho leaves a widow nnd
one child to mourn his loss.
A young lady of Warnerville was
married Wednesday. The marriage
ceremony was performed in Madison
and the bride's baggngo waa brought to
this station and loaded onto the baggage
train. The young friends of the bride
attached some two dozen old shoes to
the fpur pieces of baggage , and there
were chalk inscriptions enough to reach
the whole length of Mala street if the y
had been in a single lino.
Th o Northwestern Line Summer
Excursion Rates.
Excursion tickets will be sold daily
from , Jane 1 , until September 80 , 1003 ,
o Hot Springs , S. D. ; Rapid City , S.
ijD. ; Dead wood and Lead , S. D. , and
Oaaper , Wyo ; also to Denver , Colorado
Springs , Pueblo , and Glenwood
Springs , Col. , and Salt Lake City and
OKduii | Utah , nt grentoly reduced rales
'for the round trip , with final rot urn
limit October 111 , 11IOM , For further
particulars BOO
II. 0. MATIlAt' ,
The Kpworth lengtio will give a
lawn Booial nt the homo of C. 10.
Doughty this ovenlng.
H. li Bpauldlng IIIIH taken u portion
with W. W. UobertH , Insurance ) . Hero-
nfturhUA O. U. W. books will ho
found at Mr. Itoborlu' ofllco , upntalrs
over the Norfolk National hank.
Thermometers Registered OG De
grees , In the Shade.
Yesterday win tin awfully , awfully
warm day. It wax tilmont hot. The
mercury in the thermometer ran up to
the 115 mark , and the sweltering sun did
its level bent to mnko the people toll
their troubloN to the ice man. It WIIH
the hotteHt yet this FOIXHOII , and people
sought out the cooloat HpotB ( hero were ,
with palm leaf fiiiin and every other old
kind of faun to keep things o roulatlng.
Ono man wan overcome by the heat in
the afternoon.
Estimate of Expenses
Of the city of Norfolk , Nebraska , for
the UHCU ! year ending May 2 , 11)01 ) :
( IKNKIlAlj rUNl ) .
SalarioH of officers $ U,0)0 ( ) 00
Olllco supplies 100 00
Printing 1100 00
Fire department J.HX ) 00
Streets and alloys 1'JOO 00
MiHcollanoouH expenses 1,00000
InteruHt fund , intercut on bonds UI70 ( 00
Street llirht fund l.MH . ) 00
S'nking ' fund , bonds duo 1007
and lilll 2,000 00
Total $11,1)70.00 )
Receipts for the year ending May I ,
From saloon occupation tax.$2,7f > 0 00
From iiiHurnnco , companies oc
cupation tax 170 00
From miscellaneous licenses. . . ! M ( ) 07
From dog tax 1(8 ! ( 00
From Hidowalk repairs , 00. . . . fi7 "ifi
From county treasurer , road
taxcH ! ! ( iO 00
From comity treasurer , general
taxes < . ) ,200 00
From water rentals ' 1,801 10
Total $17,8 , 0 fib
Violin VnrnlNli.
The violin denier was talking nbout
the myKtery of the old violin varnishes.
" 1 he wonderful tone of the old vlo-
Him , " he said , "depended on the var-
nlHh a great deal. The secret hns been
lost. We don't know today how the
old varnlnhL'H were made. Charles
Iteade , who went Into this mibjcct
deeply , claimed .that oil with gum In
solution and color evaporated In nplrlt
were the IIUKCH of the bcBt varnish , lint
whether IIP was right or wrong no ono
knows. A violin consists of from thir
ty to seventy pieces.Vo make violins
today just IIH they were made In the
past , but wo don't varnish them the
same. Some varnished contained
ground amber. Hecently , to the ruin of
a priceless ( Jmmierius , Its varnish wua
scraped off and analyzed and an abun
dance of amber powder wus found , 'i
Philadelphia Hecord.
Kept Him AVnItlnjr.
Hnydon. the niigllsh artist. In bin
djary , relates how IIP once went late tea
a sitting given him by the IJuke of
Wellington and the old dnko toro bis
white hair nnd cried that he had "sat
to100 confounded painters nnd sculp
tors , and none of them wus over punc
tual. "
f Have You Seen
! Them
| We Have
{ .0 + 0o + o o + o.-- + o o + o--o4o o4o.o + o f
Bee Hive
Fancy Dimity and Lawns
in all most popular colors
and Low Prices at the
Now is the Time
for White Goods , such as
Persian Lawns , India Linen -
on , Mercerized Pique and
Silk Tissues , and prices
that can't bo beat in the
Yours for Bargains ,
Rosenthal & Krasne
From now on the wt nthcr
will IMIviirin anil Meady.
The dampings , wo have
Tieon Informed by Mr , Wels-
nlohtwohm ( the oldest Bol-
tlor ) , IIIIH been Nquw/.wl out
of the atmosphere and it
will make
You Think of
Straw Hats
nnd wo want to toll you
that wo liavo all IdndH from
10o Ilarvofltorn to line Pium
man but wo will say that
will buy u hat of IIB good
enough for an ] one a look
COB tH nothing.
Clothing Store
H-1-H-H-H H-H-M-I H-H-H-H-
G. R. SE1LER ,
AND Tlllltll ST.
Telephone , No. 44.
TO. B. DUHLAND. Secretary
Good Eyes
and a , oool bond aio ( lift main-slays of
HIICOOHH , If yo\ir oyH ( are not good lot
mo miilto thorn good with a pair of cor-
routly lilted glares ,
12 Bishop Block. I
Special Reduced
Excursion Rates
Will bo in ell'oot from all pnlntH on
tbo Uhioiigo & NorthWestern rallwny
for tlio onumiloiiH iiiunod holow :
"Uniformed ForoBtorH , Modern Wood-
moil of Amoriua , IndlanapullB , Ind , ,
Juno 17 to 131.
National Kduoatloiml Association ,
BoHlon , July (1 to 10.
NobloB of tlm Mystic SUrino , Sara
toga Springs , N. Y. , July 7 to 10.
Baptist Young 1'ooph-H Union of
Amerloa , Atlanta , Gn , July 1) ) to 12.
United OhriHtian Endeavor , Dunvor ,
July I ) to lit.
Kpworth League , Detroit , Mioh. , July
1(1 ( to II ) .
B. P. 0. 15. , Baltimore , Md. , July 21
to an.
O. A. H. meeting , San Francisco ,
AuiMiHt 17 to 22.
International Mining OongrosH , Deadwood -
wood , S D , September 7 to 1 1.
Sovuroign Uritnd lodge , I. O. O. V. ,
Baltimore , Md. , September 21 to 2(5. (
Mummer schools , [ Chicago , 111 , Juno
M , 15 , lit ) and July 1.
For information as to rntos , dntos of
snlo , etc. , of these or ether ocoaHioiiB ,
call upon thu ticket agent of the NorthWestern -
Western lino.
Tlio Many Advonturcs of
Jncliiilliur nil tlio merry jilctnrpi con-
tnlmul In the two volnninR , nntitlnil
"Ailvimturnii ( if Koxy ( lriiiiiliii" | nnil
"I''nrlliorAdmturi' ' of 1'oxy drawl-
Mr. Hclmlt/n jHnlel to inn uiio < lny nt
lunch : "What do von think nf Biirina
of nimlc ilrawlni.'H cloallnK with u Krnnd-
futhflrnnil hl two KronilaotiH ? "
' Lot thu KMimlf iitunr | M > thu rlovor ono
o ( tin ) trio , In nioHt of thu ether CIIKBB
the YIWMK folk liino hi'im Miinrtnr tlmn
thuohl imiijilo iitxin whom tlioy | > ln > uU
tlinlrjofcoH. Lot'h rovnruu It.
kl The next inoriiliw ho ciimo to my of-
lien with nkiilchuH for lin f n dmrn
BerleH , nnd with the immo"l'ox } Qrana-
iin" In | IH hund.
The HIICCCKD of the BcrloH In the Now
York Hnrnld WHH limtniitnunoiiM , for
hoard of " 1'oxy arumlpn"
who I'Mnot
nnil'MliinnyT" , , , ,
dear toTe
The Jolly old Kmitlorrmn ,
To ( Irnndfnthors Who ATO Aud
To11ioK ) Who AroTo He , .
I Muirlly DoUicnto This Hook.
flout poetRRO jmld on receipt of ONE
DOLLAR In cnrioncy or i ostul ordur ;
iioohootB rnct'Ivod ,
49 Wall Street , New York.
Undertakers and Embalmers ,
Bouslotifl HIV. , Norfolk Avenue ,
NOHFOLK , - - -
The bad , unfavorable weather we
have been having , has resulted in
the good of our customers. It
has enabled us to catch up with
our orders and place in stock a
good assortment of late. Spring
and Summer Hats that are well
worth your inspection.