The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 29, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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The TnfortnnM * Frnlla Tlmt Cn netl
KM UntltaolDentil ,
A Gorman sclontlst ho could only
bate boon n German once conceived ,
tve are told , n plan to train n fish to
llvo out of water. Ho placed n thriv
ing little carp In n mnnll tank niul with
inllnlto patience niul great exnctnpfta
removed from tlio tnnk ono npooufttl
ef water every ilny , nt the name tlino
Increasing gradually the ntnoiint of
oxygen In the water. In tlmo the wa
ter Imroly covered the cnrp , and still It
thrived. The quantity of water con
tinued to illmlnlHh , and , hy slowly
adapting ltd method of breathing to
the now conditions , the Huh began to
fercatho nlr and Indeed Iwcnmo quite
terrestrial In Its hnblta bofora tht tnnk
wnB entirely dry. The nclcntlat had
Brown to love the carp. He fed It from
Ids own hnnd , nnd now that It was liv
ing In the same element with himself
bo took It from the tnnk nnd left It na
free to follow Its own dcvlcca as wna
the family cat. The llttlo nab nUo
loved ltd mnnter. It followed htm about
from place to place , flopping along aft
er htm , stopping only occanlonally to
leap for n pnsulng fly. Ono day the
dentist was crossing A bridge. Tbo
carp , as usual , wan nt bin heels , enjoy-
Sag the pleasant nlr of the countryside
and uttering from time to tlmo a llttlo
ound expressive of delight nnd con
tentment. About tbo middle of tbo
bridge a 1'at housefly was Running It-
elf on tbo rail. The carp opted tbo
Ay and Jumped for It , but mlacnlculnt-
lag tbo distance wont over the rail Into
the river nnd was drowned. Great
Bound World.
Language In the subtlest Inntmment
rcr ployed on by man. Its variations
re Illimitable that Is , they are limit
ed only by the powers of tbo human
Kind nnd nonl In all pooslblo situations ,
STho power of words or speech exceeds
that of music because langunge Is moro
than music and even includes music ,
Xtangunge In the hands of n master la
pregnant with every meaning.
A nation's language Is at once nn ex
pression and a mold of Its character ,
reflecting from century to century the
development of Its civilization and Its
dvanco In Intellectual nnd moral cul
ture , In learning nnd refinement Tbo
flexible Greek tongue was tbo product
Bd tbo Instrument of the subtle Greet ;
Intellect Tbo distinctive qualities of
' the classic speech of tbo Roman de
clare the dignity and the virile energy
which were Inseparable from the old
Roman. Portland Orcgonlan.
Scattered Too Much.
It always pays to bo conservative , "
aid tbo careful man. "Now , I recall
the cnso of the man from Dycrsvlllo ,
3)ycr county , Tenn.
"I can lick any man in Dyorevlllo , '
! fee announced ono day In tbo main
trcet of that village.
"There wns no response. 'I can lick
* ny man In Dyer county , ' bo then pro
"Still there wna no reply to the chal
lenge. Emboldened by tbo success of
lila bluff , tbo mnn shouted , 'I can lick
any man in Tennessee ! '
* 'At that n long , Innlc mountaineer
pooled off bis cent and wiped up the
street with the bonnier.
" 'Gentlemen , ' snld tbo braggart , as
'lie brushed olt his clothes , 'tho trouble
with mo is Unit I scatter too durn
muchl' "
E.xlmuntiMl Ilrnlii Oil * .
Nerve specialists say that n great
many suicides are the direct results of
exhausted brain colls. When you find
yourself becoming morose- and despond
ent , when you arc conscious that the
Ecst of life Is evaporating , that you are
losing the edge of your former keen In
terest In things generally and that
your life Is becoming n bore , you may
be pretty sure that you need moro
elcop ; that you need country or out
door exercise. If you got these , you
Trill find that all tbo old enthusiasm
will return. A few dnys of exercise In
the country rambling over the bills and
meadows will erase the dark pictures
twhlcb haunt you and will restore buoy
ancy to your animal spirits. Success.
Into n Life Hnoy.
The average porsob In danger of
drowning usually attempts to lift a llfo
buoy over bis bead , with the result
that lie Is Immediately plunged deeper
Into the water. A good swimmer can
do this with a sudden upward Jerk , but
with the nonswlmmer It Is almost an
impossible feat.
What ho should do when ho has
aclzcd tbo buoy is to place both bands ,
palms downward , on tbo buoy on the
-part nearest tbo body , pressing It
.downward nnd slightly away , when the
farther part of tbo buoy will rise out of
the water and actually fall over the
bead. Tbo arms can then bo put
through easily , "and there you are. "
UUtorr In Six AVordB.
"War. Wall Street Journal
In Demand.
' "I think gossip Is never entirely use
less. "
"You really think so ? "
"Yes ; It can always be used to satisfy
ether people's curiosity. " Brooklyn
Hordlr n She Meant It.
Monument Man What shall I put on
your husband's tombstone , madam ?
Distracted Widow Oh , Bay that ho
was my husband and that ho Is happy
mow. Life
Those who pursue happiness are for *
tunato to catch up with content '
Vardirm AVIiloh Jlio AVniurn t'nilnr-
K < > tlnrlnir tli ft I'rouom.
KnRllnli oxplororH and HclontlBtfl Imvo
lironiilit linck u Hi'rlcs of rt-mnrkalilc
upoolitioim of Maori tattooing from the
Interior of Now Eenliuul , Tliu mo t HH-
tonlslilni ; ( tonlKiiHvoro found on the
faces of tlio women.
The facoa nnd bodlcn of tlio woman
, nro BO covered with tlioflo blno marks
that they look IIH If they had on a tight
The Inotrumuiit umployod In tattooing
to obtain the di'op fnrrown lo uaiially
made of 101)0 ) , having a nliarp < xl o llko
a chine ! and shaped In tlio fashion of a
garden hoc. Another Btylo In mode of a
nhark'R tootlu
Tlio tattooing of the women 1 com
menced when about the ago of fifteen
or olghtcun and continued until they
reach middle ago. Most of the mantera
of the art are professionals , who go
from vlllago to village and are highly
paid for their nen-lcca. Tlio pattern
about to IK ) engraved IH first outlined
on the face with a mnall stick dlppod in
powdered charcoal , after which tiio
kin In ganhed , and the coloring or pig
ment U Introduced Into the cut flcah
With a fltlclc dipped Into the liquid.
The coloring material used la gener
ally the ronln of a certain tree , which
la burned , powdered and converted Into
a fluid.
The II ml Mennnre of Time ,
It was the moon and not the enn
which first nuggoBted to mankind the
circle of the year as a measure of
tlmo. The pun exhibits no changes of
appearance , and his light obliterates
all the landmarks of the oky. A lu
minary which IB the same yesterday ,
today and tomorrow might glvo rlso to
conceptions of perfection nnd eternity ,
but beyond the alteration * ) of day and
night It could suggest to men's minds
no abstract measure of tlmo. But with
our humble satellite It IH far otherwise.
The regularly recurring phenomena of
new moon and full moon are too
marked to cacapo the attention of the
moat obtuse and unreflecting of BUV-
The motion of tike sun may bo coin-
pared to that of the mtnuto liand of a
clock , sweeping on hour after hour with
out leaving much record of Ita compar
atively vast Journey. The progress of
the moon , on the contrary , may bo Ilk-
ciuvl to thut of tiic hour hand , which
rcgi"ton the movements of Its com
panion and resolves them Into twelve
Well defined periods.
Two Vletva of the Same Question.
A i.otal bishop In or cr to point a
Icssoa In humility sometimes tells n
etory o ? a young clergyman whoso first
appointment wns to bo an out of tbo
Way nnd poor parish ,
On hia first Sunday In tills now sta
tion the young man as ho looked over
his wretchedly clad and Ignorant con
gregation could not help saying to himself -
self , with a groan :
"Dear me , what n dreadful thing It
would bo If I should Imvo to stay hero
any great length of tlmel"
At the end of tlio sermon n deacon
niiulo a prayer. To the young man's
horror one part of the prayer was n
benevolent hope that "this ignorant , In
experienced , barren pastor Unit had
lately como to the parish might 1m-
provo and grow learned and fruitful In
good workH , KO that ho would como to
merit being kept on there for awhile. "
The IMIlow of the Italian I'cnimiit.
The Italian peasant girl na BOOH aa
Bho has learned to spin and sew begins
to make her wedding trousseau. Thcuco
pleco by piece it grows , and she has
put Into It all her finest stltchery and
Bweutcfit thoughts. As soon as she is a
brldo she makes a bag of line muslin.
Tills she begins to fill with rose leaves.
Each year adds Its share. When she
dies , perhaps an old woman full of
years , It is tills rose pillow that her
head rests on. In this calm acceptance
of nnd preparation for the great events
of life , such as marrlago and death ,
there nro tlmo and soil for the blos
soming of fancy which we , stumbling ,
hit and miss , through life , do not fur
"XVhy Damna LnnRhod.
Sir Richard Wallace ouco heard the
elder Dumas laughing boisterously In'
his study and was told by a servant
that Dumas was working and that ho
often laughed like that at his work. It
turned out that the great novelist was
"In company with ono of his own char
acters , at whoso sallies ho was simply
roaring. " But this was years ago , when
Imagination went baud In hand with
animal spirits. It would bo dtlllcult to
Imaglno ono of the modern Intense ,
realistic , analytical school so easily di
Tommy' * Quick Answer.
"Tommy , " said an uncle to his preco
cious nephew , "your mother tells mo
Bho has to glvo you pennies to bo good.
Do you think that Is as things should
be ? "
"Of course it Is , " replied Tommy.
"You certainly don't want mo to grow
up and be good for nothing , do you , un
cle ! " Chums.
Quite Fnbuloo * .
"That foreign gentleman is sold to
bare fabulous wealth , "
"That's what it is , " answered Mr.
Cumrox ; "fabulous wealth. I don't be-
UOTO $50 of it is genuine. " Washing
ton Star.
Mnn'i Adaptability
Jlmble There's something wonder
ful about man.
Jumble So well adapted , for in-
Btance , to carry an umbrella * Boston
Japanese girls are named not only
lor flowers , but after animals. One *
nwhllo one may meet a Miss Dog ,
x Cow or Miss Deer.
/ * " fT
The Northwestern Line Summer
Excursion Rates.
KxcttrMon tickets will bo Hold dally
from JIIIHI 1 , until September ! ! 0 , 11(011 ( ,
lo Hot SprlngH , S. D. ; Rapid Olty , 3.
I ) . ; Dundwood nnd Load , S , D. , and
( Jaipur , Wyo ; also to Denver , Colorado
Spring * , Pueblo , nnd Qlnnwood
HprnigH , Ool , , nnd Suit Lake Olty and
Ogden , Utah , nt grtmtoly reduced rutos
for the round trip , with final return
limit Ootobnr 01 , 1003. For further
particulars BOO
For An Ideal Vacation.
Near every unttloment of Importance
in the mountain regions of the West nro
deep canons whoroln tbo people nt
homo , no well ns thoRO from abroad ,
nook , in the summer Benson , the cool-
noH nnd plunsuro of camp llfo. High
up the mountain sldo , on the shores of
mountain lakes , or on the banks of
mountain streams , anrnmcr hotels are
conducted for the convenience of thoao
who'profcr ' to Imvo nil of the recreation
and none of the labor Incident to Bum-
morlhg in the mouutaiuH. It mny bo
said' that wherever there is a mountain
In Colorado or Utah there is also nn
interesting canon , nnd the searcher for1
n Hpot in which to summer will find no
dlllionlty in suiting Ills taste , no matter
how critical it may bo.
To enable persons to reach these fa
mous pleasure resorts , the Union Paolflo
has put in effect summer excnrtion
rates lower then ever made before.
Full information uheorfnlly furnished
on application to J. B. ELSEFFUR ,
Doctor Btanghoff , the noted German
Rolentlit , Rays : "Tho most bountiful
and well formed woman are Americans ,
whuro 00 percent , use Rocky Mountain
tea. The great bean tiller. " 1)5 ) cents.
A Serious Mistake ,
E. 0. Do Witt & Oo. is the narao of
the firm who innko the gcnnino Witch
Hazel Salvo. DoWUt's is the Witoh
Hazel Salvo that boals without leaving
n scar. It is a serious mistake to use
any other. DoWitt's Witch Hazel
Salvo euros blind , bleeding itching and
protruding pilon , burns , eczema and all
other skin diseases. Sold by Kiosan
Drug Oo.
Bald to Care Dr P l > l if Taken In
Snlllclont Qtmiititlo * .
A physician has called attention to
tbo use of water not only OB a remedial
and therapeutic agent , but also as n
mechanical agent , in the treatment of
certain forms of dyspepsia , especially
these forms characterized by a fullness
In the left epigastric region , with fre
quent eructations of sour or acrid mat
ter , accompanied by loss of appetite ,
Insomnia and a mental condition close
ly allied to melancholia.
Let the patient drink from one to
three pints of water one hour before
each meal and then comfortably scat
himself In an cany rocking chair and
rock backward and forward for half
an hour. The rocking will agitate the
water In the stomach , wash the walls
completely , detaching any mucus that
mny bo adhering and dilute and mix
the contents thoroughly. By this means
.absorption will bo moro rapid , and ns
a consequence the skin , kidneys nnd
bowels will act moro freely , eliminat
ing from the blood uric acid and all
efTeto and deleterious matter , while the
stimulus of the wato.r will cause the
stomach to contract and gastric julco
to bo secreted In such quantity ns to
cause digestion to go on uninterrupted
ly and painlessly. Farm and Fireside.
The Giillniit Leoalila * .
"Henrietta , " mild Mr. Mcclcton , "did
you hear that lecture In which It was
stated that the fact that Adam arrived
on earth before Eve Indicated that men
should nssumo a certain precedence
over women ? "
"I did , " was the somewhat Icy reply ,
"Isn't It absurd ? It simply shows
that Adam was expected to get the
garden in shape for Eve's comfort , just
as the modern man gets up In the
morning and lights the flro. " Wash
ington Star.
Mmo. Ratozzi , the noted beauty am
singer says : "My face Is much fail r
the rose deepens in my cheeks , u y
eyes grow brighter since taking Roc ) :
Mountain Tea. " 85 cents. ThoKiosiu
Drug Oo.
Ladies and Children Invited.
All ladies and children who can no
stand the strain of laxatives , cathartics
oto. , are invited to try the Famon
Llttlo Early Risers. They nro differeu
from all other pills. They do not purge
the system. Even n double dose wil
not gripe , weaken or sicken ; many
people call them the Easy Pill. W. H
Ho well , Houston , Tex. , says nothini
bettor can bo used for constipation , sic !
headache , oto. Bob Moore , LaFayette
Ind. , says nil others gripe and sicken
while Do Witt's Llttlo Early Risers do
their work well and easy. Sold by Kie
BRU Drug Oo.
If there is ono time moro thai
another that n woman looks like n rea
angel , it is after completing n conreo o
Rooky Mountain tea. Brings bacl
that girlish beauty. The Kiesnn Drug
Expctlcnco Convinces * .
Prove itsvnluo by investing 10 cents In
trird Bizo of lily's Crcain Unlm. Druggists
supply it nndo mall it. Full size CO cents
ELY DUOS. , CO Warren St. , New York
Clifton , Arizona , Jim. 20,1809.
Messrs. ELY BROS. : Plcaso Bond nio nC (
oont bottle of Cream liixlm. I find your
remedy the quickest and most perinanen
euro for cntnrrh and cold in the head.
DELL M. POTTER , Gon.Mgr.Ariz.GoIdM.Co
McEsrs. ELT BnoA. : I have beeuaflliotec
with catarrh for twenty years. It irmdo mo
BO weak I thought I hud consumption. . '
got ono bottle of Ely's Cream lialm and in
Uirco dnya tbo discharge stopped. It is the
best medicine I have used for cntnrrh.
Kodol Qlves Strength ,
by enabling the digestive organs to d !
gest , assimilate and transform all of th
wholesome food that may be eaten , int
the kind of blood that nourishes th
Will sell for the next 15 days , commencing
WEDNESDAY , MAY 27 , 1903 , f
their entire stock of merchandise at prices that
will sa e you money. Here are several
articles we will mention :
Granite and Crockery Ware at ONE-
HALF their market value.
Fancy Lawns , worth 15c to 25c
yard 10c yard
Fine Towelings 5c yard
Fancy Shirtings 6c yard
We have a few beautiful
Pictures left which sold at
$1.00 , now only 50c
Large line of Embroideries ,
3 Jo to 6c yard
Grocery Department.
Lion and Arbuckle's Coffee , package 9c ; >
Coffees worth 15c and 25c pound ,
only lOc
D. C. Soap , 8 bars 25c
Lenox Soap , 8 bars 25c
Santa Glaus Soap , 8 bars 25c
California Canned Fruits , can 15c
Tobaccos , two packages for 5c
3-lb. Can Tomatoes , can lOc
All other articles in proportion. Must make room for a new *
Peoples Store. I
nerves , fee Is tbo tissnos , hardens tin
muscles iii d recuperates the organs 01
tbo entire b idy. Kodol Dyspepsia Ouri
our H Indigo ttion , Dispopeiiv , Cnturah ol
; ho Stouiiu h and all stomach disorders
Sol' ' 'hy K es n Drug Go.
"One Is Quick to ±
: : Suspect Where
\ \ One Has Suffered : :
Harm Before' '
Perhaps there are some business - \ \
\ \ ness men in this town who have \ \
; ; tried advertising and found the ; ;
; | results unsatisfactory. ; ;
II If so , something was the
' trouble. Contracting for space 11
! ! in , a newspaper is not enough. ' . ' .
. ' ' . When secured the space must ' . '
11 be used to advantage. A convincing - ; |
; | vincing story should be told. ; ;
; A plant will not grow unless it
is tended. An impression cannot - '
not be made upon the purchasIng - ' . ' .
Ing public except by careful , l\ \
; ; persistent work.
. . Many merchants en grievously la be-
11 lieving that time spent upon their ads
! ' . b time wasted. No time can be mads
* more profitable.
i ; We believe the advertising
; columns of this paper can be
| ; used profitably by any one who
seeks to reach the buyers of
' tfiis community. We will gladly
! ! aid any one who desires to try
: ; it or who is trying it and is not
; ; satisfied.
M'M-I ' H-H-1-H-H M ! 11 H-t-H-1
Take the genuine , original
Made only by Madlton Medl
cine Co. , Madlion , WIs. I'
ketpi you well. Our tradt
mark cut on each packaz <
Price , 33 cents. Novzr u !
In bulk , Accrpt no jubiti
tuto Alkiour
No disease causes so much bodily discomfort , or itches , and burns like
Eczema. Beginning often with a slight redness of the skin it gradually
spreads , followed by pustules or blisters from which a gummy , sticky fluid
oozes which dries and scales off or forms bad looking sores and scabs. It appears - ,
pears on different parts of the body but oftenest upon the back , arms , hands ,
legs and face , and is a
In 1800 I experienced at times patches on the In-
veritable torment at
eldo of my hands that itched and burned , oausinff
times , especially at much discomfort. As time wont by it
prow worse , and I was convinced that
night or when over I was afflicted with Eczema. I con
heated. sulted several physicians and a num
ber of specialists , and used several external -
Tbe Eczema
cause tornal applications , receiving but
ma is a too ncid and slight temporary relief. In February
I decided to try 8. S. 8. , and in less than
general unhealthy condition
n month I experienced a change for the
dition of the blood. bettor , and by May all symptoms had
The terrifying itching disappeared , and I found myself entire-
ly cured , and have had no return of
and burning is pro the disease since. _ W. P. BRUSH ,
duced by the overflow Manager Stockman's Advertising Agency.
Station A , Kansas City , Mo.
through the glands and
pores of the skin of tbe fiery poisons with which the blood-current is over
loaded. While external applications , such as
washes , soaps , salves and powders aresoot liing and
cooling they do not enter into the blood itself or
touch the real cause of the disease , but S. S. S.
does , and purifies , enriches , and strengthens the
thin acid blood and cleanses and builds up the general system , when the
skin clears off and Eczema with all its terrifying symptoms disappears .
Send for our free book on toe Skin and its diseases. No charge for
axative Rromo Quinine
iJ , .
' > j i
res a Cold In One Day , Cripui 2 Days
on every
box. 25o
Stains and flntahea floors at
one operation.
Easily applied and dries over
night so it can be used
next morning.
Hakes Pine floors look like Hardwood
Whether Fainted or not.
Ask ns for Booklet on Treatment of Floors.
Manufactured by Detroit White Lead Works ,
i' end told by
Dealers & Jobbers Generally
Railroad between Jllssourl River
and Chicago.
Direct line to St. Paul-Min
Direct line to Black Hills.
Apply to nearest agent for rates ,
maps and time Cards.
Ely's ' Cream Balm
Give * Relief at once.
It cleansea , eoothes and
heals tbe diseased nivm-
brano. It cures Catarrh
and drives away a Cold
in the llead quickly. It
la absorbed , llcalg and Protects the Membrane.
Hectares the Seiieen of Taste and Smell. Full Bza [
Me , | Trial .Size lOc. : at Druggists or by mall.
ELY BUOTIIKItS. SC Warren Strcut. Ketr York.
arc the most fatal of all
& Guarantor Rut
or money refunded. Conta
remedies recognized by
gent physicians as the best
Kidney and Bladder troub
PRICK SOc. and $1.00.
ont alze emillcr after using Allen'a Foot-Rase , a
powder to be abakea tate the aboca. It makes tighter
or new shoes feel easy ; gives Instant relief to corns
and bunions. It's the Rrmtuat comfort dlicorery of
the age. Cures and prevents swollen feet , blisters ,
callous and sere spots. Allen's Foot-Ease is a cer
tain care for sweating , hot , aching feet. At all
drugglsUandihoostarei,2Sc. Trlarpackaee FRKI1
by mall. Addreei , Allen B.Olmsted.Le Hey , N.Y.