n- * ' * a"4 10 THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , MAY 29 , Funeral of Ex-Congressman T , Held This Afternoon. SPECIAL TRAIN CARRIED 200. Four Conclios Were Filled With Paoplo From This City Who Wont to Madison ns n Tribute to Doncl Statesman's Memory. [ From Thursday's Dully. ] Mttdliou , Mny 28 , 4 p. m. Special to ThoNowHt The remains of the Into Uou. Jolm S. UobliiRon , ox-connrons- innn from the Thtnl district nnd nt ono tlmo Jnilgo of the district court , worn lixitl to rest iu this city shortly before 4. o'clock this afternoon. The funornl Boivico wns condtictod at the benutifnl homo Just completed by the honored oitlcon n fo\v months ngo. Ruv. Theo- doru Mornlnir , pnntor of the Prtwby- torirm church of Madison , hnd ohnrgo. The profusion of Howl offotingH wno ninguiflcout , coming from friondB in every part of the Btnto. The cnclcot Wftfl "beautiful in its slnipHolty and was covort-d with blnck cloth. An inimoiiHo crowd of people thronged about the homo mid n long line of nduiirora fol lowed the ruiiiiilnfl to the oomotory. There wcro no civic societies in bodies , , the fnncrnl bolug eminently ono of the elmplo oltlzou. The pnll benrnrfl were Judge Sullivan , of Oolnmbns ; Win. V. Allnn mid Dr. Condon of Madison ; G. A. Luikiirt , of .Norfolk ; cx-ConfrcRsmivn Btnrk , of Aurora nnd George Imyha of Nollgh. At the grnvo n brief but impressive tribute wns pnld to the memory of the tnnuby his friend , the lion , "Willliim Jcnniugs Bryuu , nnd then the oiiKkot boiiriug the rouiHiiis of the ono-tlmo , esteemed Robinson , nttornoy , Judge , representative of the pcoplo in the hnllH ofRcourgoBB nnd cltlsr.ou for forty-six short years , was lowered into the grnvo. Flags over the outiro town of Miull- eon nro nt hnlf nmst mid practically nil tonsiness houses wcro closed during the funeral service. Among thosa in attoudauco nt the fnuornl were the following prominent jiion : W. H. Thompson , of Grand Isl and ; Edgar Howard , of Columbus ; Chief Jastico Sullivan , of Oolnmbns ; Commissioner J. 13 , Uaruos , of Norfolk ; 31. L. Motoalf , editor of the World-Hor rid : ox-OougreBsuian Stark , of Aurora ; Congressman J. J. McCarthy , of Ponoa < iud Stnto HoproBontntivo Mlkoaoll of Pouon. A special train , loaded with citizens ol Norfolk niid tributary towus , loft the union station nt 1 : itO this afternoon for Madison , where they nttondod the funeral of the Into Hon. John S. llobiu- son , ox-congressman nnd stntesmnu , tMs nfteruoon. Nenrly 200 citizens vcro on the cars of the special train tvhon it moved nwny , to represent this city in doing honor to the memory of Mr. Hobiusou. They wore from nil classes of people , the poor nnd uupro tentions citizen inking Eoat beside the prominent men in business nnd politic ! ) , mid there were leaders of ovcry faith in pcliticnl economy , paying tribute to the name of Jolm S. Robinson , the citizen. Floral designs Bent from this city vroro muny nnd beautiful. Among the rmost prominent were the anchor nnd wronth ns n token from the attorneys of Norfolk nnd the American shield , from G. A. Luiknrt. A card expressing the ejucoro sympathy of his brothers of the "bar bore the following jmmos : I. Powers , D. J. Koeuigstein , J , 11. Hays , M D. Tyler. N. A. Hntnbolt , E. P AVeathorby , G. N. Beols , A. R. Oleson , "W. M. Robertson , Hurt Mapos , A. J. Durland , J. B. Barnes , S. D. Robertson , "W. M. Raiubolt , M. 0. Hnzou and Jack Hoouigstoin. Among outside passengers who nr- lived in Norfolk this morning nnd went to Madison for the funeral , returning tli's ' evening , wore : Hon. W. J. Bryan of Lincoln , ox-Senator Muflloy of Meadow Grove , A. Oloson of Wisuor , A. Pilgor , clerk of Stantou county ; Gus iPnchs , tr en surer of Stnuton county ; II. 3J. Miller , Stantou , G. Bayha , Niobrarn , y J. Hnlo , E. Hans , and T. L. White , Batilo Creek. The train , returning , loft Madison shortly nfter the funeral nnd the Nor folk people are on their way homo an Tms NEWS goes to press. They will arrive before six. UPTON SAILS FOR AMERICA. Brings Two Shamrocks and Erin to Sandy Hook. Gourock , Scotland , May 28. Special to The News : Sir Thomns Lipton's two Shamrocks , pulled by n tug and no- couipnniod by his private yacht Erin , etnrted for Saudy Hook , N. Y. , today to take part in the international race for the American cup later in the season. A largo crowd of enthusiastic nd mirers were present to wish Sir Thomas God speed , nud as tha little fleet left the port , cheers upon cheers , mingled with th > tooting of whistles and the waving of flags in n grand farewell to the intrepid - trepid challenger , whom they hope to see return with the long sought trophy. NOT TO BE IN AUDITORIUM. Memorial Day and Graduation Exer cises In M. E. Church. IFrom Thursday's Dally. ] On account of not being able to make eatisfactory arrangements with Mr. Beall , proprietor of the Auditorium , Memorial day exercises will bo hold oil M vy 30 at the M , E ohnrch , where the pn gruin will bo carried out as adver- tisud. The graduating exercises will also bo hoi I at the M. E. church , instead of at the Auditorium as announced previously. MOB LYNCHES A MURDERER. Drop of Forty Feet Severs the Head From the Dody. Nowcnntlu , Wyo. , May aft. W. C. Clifton , numluror of Mr. iiml Mrn. John W. Church , was lynched by a mob from aillotto. The mob Imtlored down the jitll door , hohlliiR up the shorlff and deputy while they ! mnn Clifton to a hrldRe weal of town. Cllf- ton'n head was out off by the fall of forty foot. John W , Church nnd htfl wlfo , who lived on a homestead claim novonty- five mllua Bouthwost of Nowcautlo , were never noon nllvo Wtor March 14 lant , Clifton , whoBO ranch adjoined Church'n , wan arrontod April 7 on HUP- plclon and on April 17 ho confessed that ho had killed Mr. and Mm. Church. Their bodloa were found at the place Indicated by him. Clifton claimed that h hnd killed the couple In sulf-dofcnso. Ho hnd given Church a hill of sale covering pomonal prop- fcfly to pocuro payment of $600 ad vanced him by Church. Church wns formerly n ntonographar In the Union Pacific offices In Omaha. Ills family and Clifton roaldod In Council niufffl. About a yonr ago Church nnd Clifton made an agree ment to go Into the cattle buBlnoRs In Wyoming together anrt Church then took up n homoBtoad adjoining Cllf- ton'fl. Quna Are to Da ln p ctod. Now York , May 38. All the cuns oa the bnttloshtpB lu the uavy yard wo boluK examined by an export from Wellington. Rumor him It that the examination la the result ot the n- cent explosion on boud the Iowa and that the Washington authorities are not satluflod with the condition of the orduanco. Among other vessels which the export will exauilno Is tha Iowa. Ho will innlto au exhaubtlvo aoarch for the causa of the recent fatal acci dent. It has boon decided that the re pairs to the Iowa will cost $100.000. The now gun that IB to replace the ono shattered has arrived at the navy yard. Stlckney Buyo Dea Molnea Southern. DCS Motues , May 28. President W. F. Cherry announced the sale of the Dos Molncs and Southern { allroad property to A. B. Btlcknoy. The Bi lo was to Mr. Stlcknoy personally and uot to the Chicago Great Western com pany , of which he IB president. The future of the line is not known , but In railroad circles it is generally bo- llovod that it will be acquired by tha Chicago , Burlington and Qulncy. Illqht-of-way has been secured for the Dea Molnes and Southern from Dos Mollies southwest to Qroonfleld , la. Seine construction work has boon douo. No Idle Men In Kansas , fopoka Kan. , May 28. State Em ployment Agent .Qorow says Kansas will need at least 25,000 men and 4,000 teams for the wheat * harvest. His es timates nro made from reports ro- colvnd fro _ . every township lu the state. There nro no hllo men lu Kan- ens , BO it will bo necessary to Import harvest hands from the neighboring states. There Is a great scarcity of horses nnd mules In the stato. This la cnused by the fnc.1 thnt during the Boor wnr thouannds of Kansas nnlmnls were purchased by the British and taken to Africa. The Mean Height of Liuul. The menu height of huul nbovo son level , according to the most scientific geographers , Is il.230 foot. The mean depth of the oconn Is 12-lSO foot. Only 2 per cent of the son ( ocetins In gen eral ) Is jnclmlod Insldo n depth of 500 fathoms , while 77 per cunt lies be tween COO a ml H.OOO fathoms. If the land wore tilled Into the hollows of the sens , ' water would roll over the earth's crust to a uniform depth of two miles. n Pact. There nro peculiarities , idiosyncrasies of expression , which emphasize and accentuate facts. It is not enough to say , 'ho is deaf. " Wo Invariably add , "as a post. " It would appear sutllclent to say , "ho Is blind , " but we prefer In nearly all cases to admit of uo contra diction by announcing that ho is "atono blind. " To bo "dead" should sutllco ; "dead as n doornail" clinches the fact. Tornado In Indiana. Fort Wayne. Ind. , May 28. The storm hero assumed proportions of a tornado and was accompanied by n fall of hall thnt damaged crops. Fnrm buildings , wind mills nnd trees were blown down. Ira Dlxon , n Wabnsh pectlon hand , took refuge under a tree iiohr Hamilton , north of hero , and when the trco was blown dowu ho was crushed to death. Kokomo Hard Hit , Kokomo , Ind. , May 28. The worst storm In the history of eastern In dlana struck Koyomo , doing damage estimated at $100,000. Half a dozen factories were badly demolished. Scores of dwellings were blown from foundations or damaged by falling trees. The damage In the country near hero will roach $100,000. T i Two Drowned Near Dubuque. Dubuque , May 28. J. B. Hall of Oel- weln , la. , traveling representative of the J. I. Case Manufacturing com pany , was drowned during a storm. While driving in the country his buggy was overturned and s\\-pt away by flood water near Village Creek. M. W. Williams was drowned while attemptIng - Ing to ford a stream. Lipton's Squadron" Starts , Greenock , May 28. Sir Thomas Lipton's squadron loft Groenock for Gourock , preparatory to sailing for America , today. Largo crowds of people - plo gathered to bid the crows farewell and good wishes wore signaled from the ships lu the harbor. Hundrcds'of Families Have to Flee for Their Lives , WATER HIGHER THAN YEAR AGO Bridgejs Swept Away Hundreds of People nro Moving Out of the Dot- torn Lands for Fonr of the Floods , Also Wet In Kansas. DOB Moluod , Mny 28. Spoolnl to ThoNowu : Hundreds of families are moving from the bottom landn in this city. This morning the Mnurlco street levee broke and ICO families were forced to run In order to mivo their lives , leav ing all of their effects behind. The Dos Motnos aud Ilucooon rivers nro booming and the crest of the flood rpuBHOH thnt of last Juno. The wall is very rapidly coming down. The now river bridge ban boou swept nwny by the water. Dos MoinoB , May 28. High water In tha DCS Molncs river IB causing ap prehension hero and reports received from the upper rlvor Indicate a repe tition of the disastrous flood of last Juno. Basements in the wholesale eoctlon are Hooded , but the tops of the lovcos In the Boutheru part of town are Btlll thrco foot nbovo the Water. The levees are being pa- trolcd for the purpose of repairing breaks , If any occur. North of here the DCS Molnos river is rising vapidly. At Boone the river Is the highest ever known and the same report comes from Lohlgh. At Webster City the Boone rlvor , a tributary to the Dos Molnos , ID two foot , eight Inches nbovo Inst year's high water mark. The Raccoon river Is rising rapidly. From all parts of the state como reports ports of rising rivers and farmers are generally discouraged , as it has been Impossible to plow n largo part of the corn land of the Btato. At Atlantic , the Nlshnabotna rlvor Is the highest In twenty years. From Harlan como roportn of stock killed by the floods and fields under water. In Audubon county wind devastated a strip ten mjles wldo , wrecking houaas aud lev eling orchards. WORST IN TOLEDO'S HISTORY. Three People Are Seriously Injured and Property Lose la $100,000. Toledo , Mr.y 28. The storm In north western Ohio was ono of the worst In its history. The damage In Toledo is estimated at $100.000 , while reports from all portions of northwestern Ohio indicate that great damage was done throughout the country , and especial ly In the oil Holds of Wood , Hancock and Sandusky couutios , south of To ledo. Three men were seriously Injured : R. G , Manning , superintendent draft ing department , American Bridge company , struck In back by plank blown from a bridge ; Lyn Mullen and Newton Twenty , injured Internally. They were caught under the tower of the Lake Erlo Asphalt company , which wns blown over. The most scvero damage was done at the nlant of the Ohio Brick com pany , which had Just boon completed nt nn oxn nso of SI 8.000. The plant was totallv demolished. Among the other plants damaged were those of thn Lal * * > Erlo Asphalt company , the Llbliv Glass company , the Standard Stool Tube company , the Toledo Sal- vnpo comnnnv nml the Ford Plato Glass company. Hundreds of derricks were wrecked In the oil country. MOB TRIES TO BREAK IN JAIL Wanted to Lynch a Man Behind the Bars. Jnoksnn , Ky. , May 28. Specinl to The News : The excitement hero is intense during the trial of Onrtis Jott and Tom Whito. A mob of citizens endeavored to break iu the 'jail and so- euro the prisoners and wreak summary vengeance for the murder of Mnromu. The sentries offered battle to the mob nnd after n sharp nud vigorous conflict the seutries proved victorious nud drove the people away. NEW LIGHTS OVER FIRE CARTS , Will be no Moro Delays at Night on Account of Darkness. Four now oleotrio lights now cover the tire apparatus iu the engine house uuder the city hall. Those have been placed BO that not an instant need bo lost iu responding to nn alarm , nud the hooking of horses iuto the harness will be very much more rapidly done than heretofore. The lights were put in by the city , nud among them is a glebe to replace the old gasoliuo light iu frout of the city hall. LIGHTNING STRIKES SCHOOL ROOM Seventh Grade Receives Severe Shock Today Graphophone Gono. miitniug struck the high sohoo building this afternoon while exorcises were being held , nud caused disturbance iu the seventh grade room , Miss Edith Morrow tencher. A graphophone uum- her wns just doing its part of the pro gram whou n bolt shot into the machine with n crash , broke the spring nud literally tore the instrument to pieces. Miss Morrow suffered nsovero shook and a uuniber of the pupils were also af fected by the oleotrioUy. IS MUCH WATE IN KANSAS , Sallna Has Floods and Floons and Floods. Snlinn , Kau. , May 28. Special to The News : The flood situation is very hnio nnd many families nrn' ' being driven nwny from homo to higher ground nnd plitces of nafoty. Many of them have been compelled to k-nvo vahmblo property to the meroy of the olt'inontfl , aud there in much suffering - foring from exposure to the olomontH nnd Inok of food null clothing. WILL TELL TROUBLES TO TEDDY Illinois Man Will Talk to Him About Russian Massacre. Poorin , III. , May 28.-Speoial to The Senator Otillotu will present the mutter of the Jewish outrages in Iluscln to President Roosevelt iu the hop ? that there may bo some interven tion. GHADRON MAN .IS CALLED , Dr. J , K. Gillette , Now of Springfield , III. , Goes Up. Springfield , Ills. , Mny 28. Speolnl to The News : Dr. J. K. Gillette , formerly principal of the Ohndron , Nob. , ncndotny , but now of this city , has boou called to the presidency of the Sindou- wood college nt St. Olmrles , Mo. Floods In Wisconsin. LaCrossc , WIs. , May 28. The dan ger to LnCrosso nnd the surrounding country from floods is the greatest Blnco 1880. Tributaries of the Mis sissippi nro rising rapidly. The weather observer has received advices from points on the Chlppewn rlvor of thirty inches rlso In that rlvor. Along the LaCrosse river , houses , barns and nil property In the lowlands are under water. Occupants of houses near the rlvor are packing tholr furnlturo and preparing for a hasty flight. The Burlington track Is washed out south of LaCrosse and washouts on the Mil waukee road are reported. Murdock Elected to Congress. Wichita , Kan. , May 27. All political records wcro broken in Kansas by Vic tor Murdock , Republican nominee for congress to fill a vacancy iu the Sev enth district , carrying every ono of the thirty-six counties and probably every one of the 200 precincts In the district. In some places ho beat his Democratic opponent , Charles F. Clyno. 30 to 1. His plurality will be about 1,200. The vote was very light on account of the weather. The Populist nominee. Judge Babb , showed very little strength. Dr. Thompson Denounces Mormonlsm. Los Angeles , May 27. The subjects of homo missions and aid for colleges occupied the two sessions of the Presbyterian general assembly. Both reports were productive of long and In teresting debate. The notable speech of the day was made by Rev. Charles L. Thompson , D. D. , of New York. His denunciation of Mormonlsm was especially strong and every sentence was greeted with applause from the assembly and gallery Loughs as He Shoots to Kill. St. Louis , May 28. Laughing , ns If murder and sulpldo were Jokes , Charles E. Wolz , a contractor , while talking to Mrs. Louis P. Nelson nt the corner of Grand and Chouteau ave nues , suddenly drew a revolver and Bhot her twlco in the head and then Bent n bullet Into his own brain. Passersby - orsby heard Wolz pleading with the woman nnd then ho suddenly laughed loudly nnd flrod the shots. At the hospital It Is believed both will dlo. It Is stntod that the tragedy was the result of domestic troubles. Wholesale Liquor Stock Seized. St. Louis , May 28. United States Collector of Internal Revenue Westhus ordered the stock of the Gold Springs Distilling company , a wholesale firm , seized on the charge of "doctoring" whisky after the government mark had been placed on the package. Rev enue agents were sent to the store to take account of the stock and It will bo turned over to the United States marshal. No Concessions Will Be Made. Chicago , Mny 28. No concession ! will bo made by the 3.2,000 cooks , waiters , waitresses and kitchen help ers , according to a statement Issued : > y the union. If the wage scale Is not accepted by Monday , it is declared , a strike will be called. The workers are asking for a ton-hour day and about the same wages that nro paid for twelve and fourteen hours now In the better class of establishments. The Restaurant Keepers' association of Chicago announce that a strlko , In ono restaurant will be 'the signal for a general lockout. Baseball Results. National League Boston , 7 ; Pitts- burg , 1 Brooklyn , 1 ; St. Louis , 3. New York , 5 ; Chicago , 4. Philadel phia. 2 ; Cincinnati , 2. American League Cleveland , 0 ; Chicago , 1. American Association St. Paul , 3 ; Toledo. 4. Western League Omaha , 0 ; Kansas City , 1. DCS Moines , 2 ; St. Joseph , 4. Denver , 8 ; Milwaukee , 7. Colorado Springs , 2 ; Pcorla , 0. Renault Dies of Injuries. Poiters , France , May 28. Marcel Renault , the well known racer and maker of automobiles , who was In jured by the overturning of his ma chine during the first stage of the Paris-Madrid race , died suddenly after midnight at Couvo Verac. Renault never recovered full consciousness from the tlmo ho was found bosldo the roadway. Making Splendid Progress. San Francisco , May 27. Chief Engi neer George L. Dlllman , In an Inter view , says the Western Pacific Rail way company is making splendid prog- r s ยง with its Bockwith Pass division. Another Arrest is Made in Post al Scandal at Washington. OTHEHS WILL ALSO BE TAKEN Superintendent of Free Delivery Ser vice Is Accused of Accepting "Rake- Ofts" From Contractors Men. Who Paid the Money Arrested. Washington , May 28. By far the most sensational development of the posiolllcu Investigation up to this tlmo wns the arrest of August W. Machon , the general superintendent of the free delivery service , on a war rant , issued upon the information of pOBtolllco inspectors , charging him with having received "rako-offs" from contracts made with the local firm of Groff Brothers for a patent postal box fastener. The warrant specifically charges him with receiving $18,981.78 Blnco Aug. 8 , 1900. It IB alleged , how ever , at the department that this cnlount does not represent all that Machen obtained from his contracts , it being charged that ho profited by them for several years prior to the date of the first contract mentioned in the warrant. Other arrests are to follow. Immediately after Mr. Machon was taken into custody the postmaster general Issued an order removing him from office. He had boon practically under suspension for a fortnight , pend ing investigation into his bureau. The discovery of Machon's alleged delin quency was made accidentally by the Inspectors some three weeks ngo , and Blnco then tholr energies had boon di rected toward making out n case. After the authorities had become con vinced that they were in possession of the necessary evidence , Mr. Machen was notified to appear at the depart ment. He did so and was subjected tea a "sweating process" by the Inspect ors and General Brlstow for three hours , but no admissions that ho had profited by the contracts were secured from him. He declined to answer many questions on the ground that they related to his private business. The hearing was set for June 5. Mr. Machen gave $20,000 bond for his ap pearance. The department officials declare that their evidence Is conclu sive. It IB understood that civil suit will bo entered to recover from Machen the amount ho is alleged to have received on the contracts. Miller B. Groff. one of the partners of Groff Brothers , from whom Machen is alleged to have received money in connection with the purchase of letter box fasteners , went to police head quarters and gave himself up , saying ho had heard that a warrant bad been Issued for him , and that ho had como to headquarters to present himself. Ho is held in $10,000 ball. Samuel A. Groff , the other partner , was also ar rested. Ho was released on $5,000 ball for his appearance before United States Commissioner Taylor when re quired. Wrecked by Washout. Sioux City. May 27. A Chicago and Northwestern passenger train was wrecked near Hawarden by a washout. The engineer and fireman Jumped. The injured fireman , Thomas Fisher of Eagle Grove , la. , was placed In the rear coach. A relief train from Hawarden got beyond control of the engineer nnd crashed Into the train killing Fireman Fisher. The engineer was not seriously hurt. The passen gers escaped with n shaking up We Pay Half Your Fare TO CANADA On JUNE 2 and JUNE 16 812 to the boundary line and Jc a mile In Canada II you buy land from us. Go with someone who knows the country.Yo have person ally Inspected our lands and have as goid a list ol bargains as can be found m Canada. $6,00 TO $10,00 AN ACRE Is surely cheap but this will buy first-class level land. Don t wait Big crowds on every ex cursion. Write for Juno Bar gain bhoet and Free Atlus. Wo have state agency ( or all the Canada Land Companies HEFEHENCES. Any bank or business man In Omaha , HASTINGS & HAYDEN , 510 N , Y , LIFE BLOG. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen's Foot-case , a powder. It cures palatal , smarting , nervous feet and Ingrowing nails , and In- Btantlytakcstheatlngoutot corns and bunions It's the crcate t comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Fool-Ease makes tluhtorncwehoeafeeleasy. Hlaa certain cure ( or eweatlnsT , callous and hot , tired , ach- Ingfeet. Tiyiito-day. Sold bjr all drucgltta and shoe stores. DrmallforVSc. In ttnmps. Trial packaeo PRKB. Address , Alltn 8. Clouted , Lo Hey , N. Y. < PES A GOLD IN ONE CURES GRIP IN TWO DAYS MUST AI'I'KAU ON EVERY BOX OF THE .GENUINE She Hasjcured Thousands Given np to Dio. DR. CALDWELL OF CHICAGO Practicing Aleopathy , IHome- opathy , Electric and Gen eral Medicine. Will , by roqnott , vlelt profoEBlonnlly NORFOLK , NEBRASKA , PACIFIC HOTEL , THURSDAY , JUNE 4 , ONE DAY ONLY returning every four weolce. Commit her whil the opportunity is at baud , DR. CALDWELL llmtte bor prscfco to tLo Bpoctnl treatment of diseases of tbe eye , ear. nose. throat. IHIIBS , female dleobEos , rileeaBoa of childroa and all chronic. uorvoui aud snrglcnl dleoaEos of a curable nature Early consump tion , bronchitis , bronrblal catarrh , cbronlo catarrh , hoadnclio , couttipntloi , stomach nnd bowel troubles , rheumatism neaiaUla , sci atica , Rrieht's < lispnsoklinoy diseases , dUoaeoa of the liver and blndder , dizziness , uonouBaoBB , indlKe tl"n , obofity. interrupted t n'ritlon , blow growth in children , and nil wasting dia- oatod in adults , deformities clnb-feot cnrva- inro of the nplno , ( lit onsoa of the brain , purely- sis , heart clieeRK ) , dropsy , snolllnir o' the limbs , strli turo , open sores , piiin in the bones , granu lar onlurfiemonts aud all longstanding dig- eaeea properly treated. lilooil mid Sit In Pimplas. Notches , eruptions , liver spots , fallIng - Ing ( if the luiir , bnd complexion eczema , thront ulcers , hoi e inins , hlaitdor tioubles , weak back , burning iirino pn sing urine too. ofto- . The onocts of constitutional slckrors or the taking of too much injurious medicine rocohca pontrh'ng troutmont , pron i > t relief and a euro for life. Dieeaeos of women , irrcgnlar menstruation , falling of the womb , bearing dowu pains , fo" n'o ' 'it placements , leek of sexual tone. I one rrhoii. sterility or biirrenuofs , consult Dr CaltUoll an ' slm vill t-how them the canoe of their trouble Rtid the way to become cured , ft CuncoiH , floltur , KIstulH , 1'llcs 9 nnl oulargorl gmnds treated with the Ruben. tanoous inject , on mothnrl , absolutely without pain and \\itlinut the loss "f a drop of blood , is ono of her own discoveries and ie really the most scientific method ot this advanced age Dr. Caldnell ban practiced her profession in some ot the largest hoepi'nle throughout tbo country , Shn ban uo superior li tl'o treating and diagnosing ditnasoB.de'ormities , oc. * Hho has lately opened au ofllco in Omaha Nebraska. where she will ppend a portion of each week treatlg her many patiwts. No incurable cases accepted for trentinont. Consultation examination and advice , ono dollar to those in torested. Im. OKA CALDWKLL & Co Chicago , III. Address all mall to Boo Building , Omaha , Nob. Between St. Louis and Kansas City and OKLAHOMA CITY , WflCHITA , DENISON , SHERMAN , DALLAS , FORT WORTH And principal points in Toxaa and tbo South west. This train is now throughout and la made np of tno flneat equipment , provided with olootrio lights and all other modern traveling conveniences. It runa via our non completed Red River Division. . .Every appllanoo known to modern cat bnlldlng and railroading has boon employed In the make-up ot thla Horvioo , Including Cafe Observation Cars , nndor the management ot Frod. Harvey , Full information us to rates and all details oj , n trip via this now route will Lo cheerfully , furnished , upon application , by any ropni . sontaUvo of the