TIIE NORFOLK NEWS : KLUDAY.DMAY 15 , ACROSS the DIVIDE Dy MARION DENTLLV Oopyrlulit , 1801 , by tlio H. B , McClure Company They reached llio edge of Fort Simp- pou ono broathlofls July afternoon , seeing - ing Ha crude but promlBlng outlines IIH through u iniito of alkali ( hint , darkly. ffhelr well provlwlonod | irnlrlu schooii- cr linnlu'reil heavily on the heels of two fagged and panting hornt > . It had boon n torrlllc trip on iniin and boast. The nmn Iny , bright eyed , dry lipped and Kllont , on the Hhnltflown In tlio wagon lied As tlio homoH stopped Instinctively ninld tlio willows ho.sldo tliu stream the girl turned to lior father with an encouraging mullc. Hut af night of Mill the Hiiillo changed to ( OIIHO lines of horror. On the IIHUI'H chin trickled n vivid crlniHon Htaln , An hour later Antta Murdook walked nwny from th % liuutlly Improvised camp with yoniiK Dr. Byrne. llo glanced down at her pityingly. She wau no delicate , PO quiet and HO prot- ty. What WJIB her father thinking of ? Bho was no nun o lit to take up a claim nnd manage u ranch on llttlu or no capital than She looked at him In unite Imiulry. "I thought boHt not to nay this be fore your father , hut you must not think of resuming your journoy. lie > votild never Burvlvo the rough rotulH , niul the rnru air on top of the Divide nvould certainly bring on another liein- orrhago. " "Thon you monn that wo can never go Into La Junta valley ? " There waB angulHh In the question , nnd the doctor ho.sltatod. "I bollovo the disappointment would Iclll lilm , " Hhe continued. " 13vor nlnco wo got that first railroad circular ho has boon counting on going there , get ting well and ntrong and working ngaln. Wo'vo taken the La Junta Banner - nor for six months , and wo know Just [ where we want to live and how to Hie our claim. Oh , wo must go onl" "Woll , for the present you had better otop hero and lot your father recuper ate. Perhaps when It Is cooler At nny rate , there Is a tidy two room Bhack right back of my olllco. The rent Is cheap , and I can keep an eye on him until ho Is in shape to travel. It won't do for him to sloop hero on the river edge even one night. Wo must pull him together , you know. " And the doctor nodded encouragingly to the girl , who stood watching him with wide open , frightened eyes. So , all unwillingly , did the Murdochs tnUo up their residence In Fort Simp- eon. The hot blasts of July merged into the Billion humidity of August , nnd .one . day In the freshening breath of September Henry Murdoch tottered to the postotllco for the La Junta Banner. They read It together , ho and Anita , read of the mountain locked valley whore the sun never shone too fiercely nor yet the blasts blew cruel ly ; where crops rose like air castles In the night ; where the sick were made well ; where nnd this was the best of nil starved , weak lungs were fed and strengthened. The Mnrdocks knew all the prominent La Junta citizens by name , rejoicing with them in success , eympathlzlng with them in adversity. They lived in Fort Simpson , but their hearts were in IM Junta. And now only the Divide , with its pitiless alti tude , stood between them and this promised land , to reach which they bad sold their little Iowa home. That night nftcr her father had fallen Into a troubled sleep she footed up their account book. They had lived BO simply , yet little remained. If they cold the horses , they might reach the valley by rail , but mountain railroad fares are high , and without horses how could they farm ? She rose impulsively and hurried to Dr. Byrne's olllce. Ho received her , wlth undisguised pleasure. , Of late ho had felt that his calls had been un welcome. Very delicately they had hinted that professionally he was not needed , and ho feared that they might view his obvious attempts to "drop in" socially an professional calls char itably paid. "Father BCCUIS stronger today. Don't you think ho can stand the Journey very BOOU ? " Dr. Byrne shook his head. "Tho nights are cold. Thcro is al ways frost In the mountains ? " "But you said when It was cooler , " eho persisted. lie led her to the window and point ed silently to the distant mountain , where even iu the moonlight she could catch the glint of snow patches. She clasped her hands In despair. "Why why did you tell me he could go later ? You knew all the time that he could not take the trip , and yet" Sue turned upon him fiercely and read that in his eyes which made her wrath burst Into a ilainc. In her un reasoning , love for her father she read In this other man's love for herself only selfishness. Ho had thought that if she stayed she might learn to love him. And now she hated him. "Oh , if I had never listened to you ! Now ho will stay here to die. " Dr. Byrne tried to take her hot hands in his , but she drew away from him. "My dear girl , you are well and strong. For you the overland Journey has no horrors ; for your father It means death. " "Then , " exclaimed Anita bitterly , "I must get something to do , BO that we can go by rail. I thought it my duty to care for him , and now our money is nearly gone. " lie gained possession of her hands thlrt time , "Anita , it is your duty to care for him until the end. Won't you let me help youT Marry mo tomorrow , nnd I will care for you lioth , " "No , nol" nlin exclaimed pnnalonnto- ly. "It haft been his dream to go there , Dr. Byrne , if you love mo as you any you do help me to get work anything that ID honest. " The man nlghed nnd turned away , Ho realized that ho had no place In her heart or thoughta. When he faced her again , hl voice wnn calm and even , "I think It can ho arranged , Mrs. Gallagher needn nome ono to help her with the girls. You know her hUHband holds an Intercut In the Ten Strike , and nho wants to take the girls cant , then abroad , They are irIM as In dians , and bhe has the sense to know they need training dowu , Do you " ' think" .llin Gallagher owned the largest na- loon and dance hall In Fort Simpson , Anlta'H face Hushed , then paled. "Thank you. 1 will try It. " Two days later she was Installed an governo.sH In the nolHy Gallagher house hold , with the privilege of going homo at night , She was to teach the girls how to walk and talk and dross. Mrs. Gallagher considered the hiHt accom plishment most Important. She HOOD became extravagantly fond of Anita and would have loaded her with pros- cntH , but the girl proudly declined ev erything except her Hillary. Ho the winter crept Into the tender outstretched arniH of spring , and Ani ta's bank account grow. She had leased the hornos to a wood hauler , and she had sowed nights. She was too busy even to note the gradual change in her father. Ho seemed con tent and quiet each evening when HIO ! came home , and she little guessed whose hand ministered to him during the day. The Gallaghers were departing for the east. Anita was at the depot to BtMS them oil' . The girls no longer shuf- lied when they walked , and they un derstood the use of knives and forks. Mrs. Gallagher surveyed their neat traveling frocks with pardonable pride. Then she sllppod an envelope Into Anl ta's hand. "Sure , you've done wonders by me gyurls , an' It's that I've been tryln1 to toll you In the letther. " When the nraln pulled out , Anita opened the envelope. It contained no word of writing , Just a crisp banknote that fairly took her breath. And her salary had been paid In full. Anita walked homo on air. They would start for La Junta on the morrow. In the doorway stood Dr. Byrne , shading his eyes with his hand and looking up at the everlasting hills. In her happiness she would have brushed by him , but he barred her passage. "Is ho sleeping ? " she Inquired. Then something In the doctor's face caught and hold her attention. "What Is It ? No-no , not that ! " she cried. "Oh , God , nnd I have worked so hard ! " She swayed In the doorway , nnd Dr. Byrne , taking her in his arms , led her gently Into the darkened room. Ills voice was low and comforting. "It came so suddenly , though I have seen Its shadow for weeks , dear. There was no time to send for you , and he left this word : 'Tell 'Nlta I have crossed the Great Divide , but I will wait for her on the other side. Be good to her. ' Darling , will you let me bo good to you ? In your great sorrow don't try to stand alone. " Without replying she crossed the room , raised the shoot and looked long nnd steadily into her father's face. On It rested a smile of ineffable peace. The money fell noiselessly to the fioor. It had been earned In vain. Then she turned and looked Into the brown eyes bout pityingly upon hor. "Harry , " she murmured , "ho does not need it or mo , nnd I am so tired. " Her head drooped wearily up on his shoulder , and his arms folded lovingly around her. Ilellnemeiit. Refinement looks over with disap proval upon heedless waste and need less extravagance. She carefully counts the cost and makes the most of all material brought to her hand. Consideration for others lias made her watchful , and nothing In her charge Is squandered or wantonly consumed. To vulgar ostentation she firmly re fuses the radiant light of her counte nance , but seeks Instead tlio quiet nooks , the retired haunts where dwell those who know her true worth. The spirit of refinement lives even with those whose tastes are simple and pure , who make no pretenses , whoso faith in humanity is strong and peal. To those endowed with kindly tact and genial wit , who employ all means of good within their command , whoso hearts are touched by the grief and misery around them nnd who are quick to sco and respond to others' wants with these , too , the spirit lives. They who entertain this guest are clean In mind and person , and the motto hung upon the spiritual walls of home Is "Cleanli ness Is Next to Godliness. " IiiU aa nu I2urache Cure. An amusing story is told of a man who was suddenly attacked In the night by a violent fit of earache. His wife told him that there was on the window sill by the bed a bottle of chloroform and recommended him to rub some on his face. Without striking a light ho reached out for the bottle , pulled out the stop per and , pouring some of the contents Into his hand , anointed his face from mouth to car. Very soon ho announced that the pain was better , lay down again and went to sleep. Ho was awakened In the morning by a cry of horror from his wife. "What U the matter ? " he inquired. "Look at your face ! " was the reply. A glance In the glass showed him that his face on ono side was black as a negro's. The bottle which ho had grasped in the dark had contained not chloroform , but ink. Milwaukee Wis consin. LIZARDS IN SAMOA. Tli tVny They Hlicd Thnlr TnlU nnd Fool the Kitten * , A writer of Samoa writes In an Inter- out I UK way of the lizard * , little fellows about two Inchon long , pretty colored In n light nnd dark Nhade of brown. They can run up a window pane quite an easily as can the files on uhlc.li they feed. "When alarmed , the lizards are off like a Hash of light and will take the moot reckless leaps. I have seen them land Hafo at the end of n twenty foot Jump. Yet when cornered they ha u no hesitation In snapping off the most of their tails. "That wan a maddening puzzle to my small cat. The sight of n mo'o anywhere - where was nn Immediate challenge to thn kitten. She would immediately Btart on the hunt , for the most part n fruitless chase , for the little lizard could Hkulk off faster than two cats could pursue. Yet when the kitten did Hiiccecd In landing on the lizard there followed a NCOIIO of bewilderment. The mo'o Invariably snapped off Its tall , which was left wriggling In ono part of the veranda , while the lizard ran off a short distance and awaited de velopments. "Tho kitten never knew whether to catch the lizard or the tall. If the mo'o moved , the kitten wont for It , but she always stopped short to keep an eye on the wrlggle.s of the tall. As soon as she turned back to take care of the tall the mo'o got In motion and had to ho looked after. Hundreds of times I have watched the dilemma , and the ending was always the same the liz ard got away and the kitten had to bo content with the bony tall. But there were lots of lizards about my house sprouting now tails. " Youth's Com panion. Inntliict of Anliuiiln. An English periodical says : The In stinct whereby wild creatures detect those of the human species who are likely to bo hostile to them and those who may bo regarded as harmless Is of so subtle a quality that It almost appears to partake of the nature of metaphysics. In tlio nesting season plovers will actually buffet the angler who Is fishing too close to their broods , but by the date of the shooting season they would not allow him to get with in two fields of them. The wood pi geon seems to know exactly the range of the modern fowling ploco and will flash boldly past at an Interval of 100 yards and upward , but IB careful quick ly to put a tree between himself and n sportsman If disturbed nt any range within gunshot. The fox knows that ho la sacred from guns nnd will auda ciously seize a fallen pheasant and de camp with It within twenty paces of a retriever. He Is quite aware that the latter Is no foxhound. The Ilnblt of Acanlwltlon. "It beats me. " said the philosopher , "that people will keep piling up money long after they have several times aa much as they'll ever bo able to use. " Then ho wont out for a walk. PassIng - Ing a bookstore , ho saw half a dozen very cheap books , which , however , he knew ho hadn't time to read and doubt ed very much If ho ever would have time to read. But they were cheap , and lie bought them and sent them homo to bo added to his library i which already contained several times as many books as ho would ever have time to read. Nevertheless he continued to wonder nt the senseless accumulation of mon ey. New York Times. Too Much For Pntrlclc. The other day a llttlo red faced Irish man approached n postolllco which had three letter boxes outside. One was labeled "City , " another "Domestic" and the third "Foreign. " Ho looked nt the three in turn and then , as a puzzled expression crossed his face , scratched hla head. "Faith , " ho was heard to mutter , "I don't know In which wan to put th" letter ! Sure , Katie's n domcstlck , an' she lives In th' city , all right , an' she's a furrlner , too ; but , begobs , I dunne how th' thing can go In both of th' three holes at wance ! " Columbus Jest er. The Ilciil Condition. The teacher of grammar and rhetoric wrote a sentence on the blackboard and then called upon William. "John can ride the horse If ho wants to , " read the teacher. "Rewrite the sentence in an&thcr form. " William surveyed It dubiously for a moment ; then n Hash of Inspiration showed him his path. "John can ride the horse if the horse wants him to , " he wrote. Not Forgotten. Dr. Man Sailers And so you still re member that lecture I delivered in your town fifteen years ago. Well , I'm very glad indeed to meet you. Hi Titcfist-Yep. I paid a dollar for two tickets to that show and didn't git to use 'cm. I didn't know but as how you mout take 'em off my hands. Here they be. Kansas City Journal. A Uargnln Counter HuBbnnd. "I don't think it's a nice thing to say of Mrs. Odsent that she got her hus band at n bargain counter. "Oh , but it's true. Ho was the young man that saved her life In a crush at a glove sale at Spotcash's one day. " Chicago Tribune. ImnRliintloit. "Don't you find literary work a great tax on your Imagination ? " "Yes , " answered the author. "I keep on Imagining that every book I write Is going to be a hit and make a for tune. " Washington Star. It is the opinion of the cynical bach elor that the original bone of conten tion was a rib. Plttsburg Dispatch. Foundation Food AboVe AIL j Food that forms the greatest fund of I vitality is the food that contains the greatest amount of strength-giving properties. The grain which makes the flour which makes Unooda Biscuit must possess to a high degree the elements of nutrition. "i- This is necessary , notonly to reach the highest standard of food value , but to maintain the same degrde of excellence without any devia tion in each and every baking. For goodness that does good Uneeda Biscuit belongs to the family of bread and meat. Sold in the In-er-seal Package , identified by the famous red and white trade mark design. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY * Btoir'n Celebrated Miuilcflrih. One of the nightmares of John Ash- ton's "Curious Creatures of Zoology" Is the monkllsh , or sea monk , he being indebted to both Aldrovnndus nnd Stow for his account If the old writers are reliable , these monsters were quite common in the North sen , the British channel and along the Irish coast up to the year 1414 , when they are said to have become extinct through tlio rav ages of a plague similar to that which was affecting men at about the same time. The superstitious of those days believed that they were priests or monks who had been cursed for some crime and condemned by God to nn endless life beneath the waves. Stow's account of ono caught In 1187 Is as follows : "Ho had the shape of n man In all poynts nnd was kept In the castle at Oxford by the keeper thereof. All manner of raw meats he did gladly catc , but more groedlllo of rawo fishe , after tlmt he had crushed out nil mois ture. Often he wns brought to the church , but showed no signs of rever ence , nnd at length , when not well looked to , he stole away to the sea and was never seen again nftcr. " Acrobatic Soldier * . Clever nnd skillful Is n font which I frequently performed by Italian sol- dlors. Foreigners generally suppose that It forms part of their drill , ns they never perform It except when they are In uniform , but It Is really one of n series of gymnastic exercises which Italian soldiers have for many years been accustomed to practice nfter their regular drill Is over. The feat consists In piercing nn object with the point of n sword while the swordsman Is In a most nbnormnl position. That it Is not easy to do this can readily be imag ined. Indeed a soldier must practice steadily for months before ho can feel sure of reaching the mark. Whether the skill which ho thus acquires will ever be of any practical use to him Is doubtful ; but , ns it Is rather n pastime than n mllltnry exercise , the soldiers never think of nsking themselves this question. Stone Thnt Dentil. "Firm ns n rock , " "unbending ns flint , " are phrases often used ; but , ns n mntter of fact , there Is n sort of stone that Is as flexible as wooden fiber. It la of course very rare , and the few specimens known are now In museums. Ono of the finest Is In the Hartley In stitution , in Southampton , England , having been found near 'Delhi , India. It is lathllkc In shape , about an Inch thick and two feet long. It Is n partic ularly flexible specimen nnd cnn with the hands bo curved several inches from the horizontal ; otherwise It Is hard and mineral-like , having the grain of ordinary gray sandstone. Powerful Effect of Pure Sncchnrln. Saccharin should never be taken in a pure state. Some Idea of Its power will bo conveyed when It la understood that ono part of It will give a very Bweot taste to 10,000 parts of water. Tasted In too largo a quantity It acts upon the nerves In such a way ns to pnralyzo the sense of taste , Just as powerful music stuns or deadens the auditory nerves or a bright light nets upon the optic nerves. Heart Failure. "Turrlble thing happened to Bill hi the poker game las' night. " "What was It ? " "Heart " failure. "You don't mean It. " "Yes ; ho held four hearts and drew one card ; got a spade. " Brooklyn Ea gle. One troablo with the pursuit of hap piness Is that other people get hi the wn ? . AN ODD SUPERSTITION. The Devil Hunting Cure For n Bind Dour Illtc 111 Tuiiln. A woman , having been bitten by a mad dog , was subjected to a native cure In the market place nt Tunis. She was placed In the center of a cir cle of her husband's male relatives , who , led by a native wlt < .4 doctor , danced around her , yelling and scream- Ing. Ing.When When the womnn begnn to show signs of fear , the devil hunters com menced to yelp like dogs , and the noise was so grotesque that the Avornnn speedily lost her sense and rnn nt her tormentors , echoing their dogllko cries nnd trying to bite them. They scat tered in all directions , nnd when some time Inter the husband sought tlio aid of the gendnrmes to trnce the womnn her body wns found at the bottom of n well. Subsequently , says the Westminster Gnzette , the husband also disappeared , nnd his body was found In the same well. It Is said that the devil hunters , having induced the woman to drown herself In the well , throw the man In when they found he had called In the aid of the gendarmes. Had they not done so they would , they believed , have become possessed of the devil they drove out of the woman ! N Sen. Two or three miles back of Plym outh , Mass. , Is a modest llttlo pond called Bllllngton's sea. Bllllngton , an adventurous pilgrim , had climbed a tree nnd , looking westwnrd , had caught sight of the shimmering water. He looked at It with a wise surmise , and then the conviction flashed upon him that he had discovered the goal of hardy mariners the great south sen. That was a great moment for Bllllng ton. ton.Of Of course the Spaniards were more fortunate in their geographical posi tion. It turned out that it was the Pacific that they saw from their peak of Darlen , while Bllllngton's sea does not grow on acquaintance. But my heart goes out to Bllllngton. He also was a discoverer , according to his lights. lie belonged to a hardy breed and could stare on new scenes with the best of them. It was not his fault that the Pacific was not there. If It had been , Bllllngton would have discovered It. Wo know perfectly well that the Pacific ocean does not lave the shores of Plymouth county , nnd so wo should not go out Into the woods on n fine morning to look for It. There is where Bllllngton had the advantage of us. S. M. Crothers In Atlantic. SqnnrliiB the Circle. The origin of the problem squaring the circle Is almost lost In the mists of antiquity , but there Is n record of nn attempted quadrature In Egypt COO years before the exodus of the Jews. There Is also n claim , nccordlng to Hone , tlmt the problem wns solved by n discovery of Hippocrates , the geometrician metrician of Chios not the physician BOO U. u. JNOW , the efforts ot Llippo'c- ratca were devoted toward converting a circle Into a crescent , because ho had found that the area of n figure pro duced by drawing two perpendicular radii In a circle Is exactly equal to the triangle formed by the line of Junction. This Is the famous theorem of the "Junes of Hippocrates" nnd Is , like glnubcr's salts out of the philosopher's stone , an example of the useful results which sometimes follow n search for the unattainable. Echoes of 4.rflrninent. Dick Do you ever get the last word with your wlfo ? Charles Oh , yes , but I have to say It to myself when I get out on the street Detroit Free Press. IIlHtorlo Conflanrrntluua. A list of great cities burned would bo a list of nearly nil the great capitals of the world. Pcrsepolls , the splendid res idence of a long scries of rulers whoso tributary provinces extended from the Indus to the Hellespont , wns burned , with all Its palaces and temples ; Bnby- X. . Ion nnd Carthage were so utterly do- V ? Btroyed that their very location hns be- ml come n matter of doubt. Rome wns & M. } * Irarne-1 eight times , Jerusalem four ' . times , and , though they rose from their ashes. The second temple la not like the first. Athens. Syracuse , Bagdad , Alexan dria and Antioch now exhibit only n shadow of their former grandeur. The Phoenicians , like the Spartans and As syrians , dlsaopcnred with the ruin of their capltnls , but the most fateful con flagration recorded In the history of the world Is perhaps that of Moscow. "They talk ns if the fate of Europe had been decided nt Waterloo , " says Do Bourionne In his memoirs of the flrst empire. "If Napoleon had beaten Wellington nnd Blucher n dozen times , it could not hnvo retrieved the reverses of the three preceding years. The truth Is that the French Cicanr nnd bis fortune - ' tune wore mined by the burning of Moscow. Thnt city wns the funeral pile of the great nation. " JIan More Liquid Than Solid. Every flber and every cell that enters Into the formation of a living body is bathed In moisture , by which means alone these ultimate elements are kept \ nllve nnd nre enabled to carry out their ' ' 0 duties. Even the bones , which appear to be the most solid of nil , owe more than half their weight to the presence of fluid. That our bodies contain a largo amount of fluid is proved in a striking manner by the blisters which rise after the infliction of a burn. Wntor , in fnct , plnys n very Impor- . tnnt part in the human anatomy , for It " - Is through its agency that the vital processes of digestion , absorption nnd the excretion of waste products are carried out. To reduce the whole matter to figures and taking 154 pounds to bo the total weight of an average full grown man , It is said that wnter nlono accounts for 100 pounds of the whole. \Vnntod a ChliieHe Sonar. Most of the policemen In Australia are Irishmen , whose genius for humor ous blundering loses nothing of Its qual ity under the Southern Cross. Hero Is an Instance : Many Chlneso names are reminiscent of a burlesque and are probably merely barbarian caricatures of the originals. Of these Fong Fat Ah Su nnd Ah Fee are the most com mon. A newly appointed crier In a county court was ordered by the Judge In n , case In which n Chinese wns witness to call for Ah Song. The son of Erin looked puzzled nnd darted a look nt the bench to try to discover If this wns n colonial Joke ; but , seeing the Judge as grave as an undertaker , ho turned to the audience nnd blandly In quired , "Gintlcmon , will any of-you fa vor his honor with n song ? " _ _ . _ * SucceNKftil Experiment. "Mabel married that awfully dlssl- ' pntcd young Flutterby to reform hlm."i "And Is she satisfied with her , choice. " "I should sny she Is ! His uncle died , last week nnd left him half n million. " ! Cleveland Plain Dealer. nininonilN. When Lord Randolph Churchill visit ed the diamond fields of South Africa , while looking at a huge parcel of dia- ; dnonds he remarked , "All for the vnnl- , ty of woman. " A lady who heard thO ) remark added , "And the dcpcavlty of' ' man. "