6 THE NORFOLK NEWS : F1UDAY , MAY 8 , 1903. Superintendent Williams Noti fied of Shipment. THE WORK WILL DE RUSHED , Finest Machinery Ever Broufcht lethe the State Will bo Put to Work Ex pects to Hnvo UulUllriB Oomplotod by Jnnunry l > [ From Sntunlny'B Dolly. ] Snporlntoiulont G. K. Williams , who will havn ohargo of the oniiHtruotion on Norfolk's government building , re ceived thin morning u notloo tlwt the entire lot of granlto which In to bo lined on the building had boon shipped. The supply COIUCH from North Jny , Maine , nnd Mr. WlllliuiiH expects It within ton days. This la Hnld to hn n beautiful Htononnd will bo used for the biinoof the building up to the first floor , Above the first Hour will bo limestone from Bedford , lint. Within u vvuok the honvy iiiuohlnos for the construction of the structure will bo rorolvod. "Wo will huvo hero , " mild Mr. WHHaum , "tho finest sot of ninohinury and derricks thivt hnvo ever been brought into the stnto of Nobrnhka. Thoymo iv sight worth going many miles to sec , In thomsolvos. " Thostriicturiil Hteol for the building will ivrrlvo within two weeks nntl with all of tin ; material on hand It IH esti mated that the now post olllco will'go up fast. "Unless something happens , " sold Mr. Williams , "wo will have the building - ing ready for WHO by the first day of January. Wo will make It a record breaker. " SATURDAY SIFTINGS. The Eagles hold a mooting and inltia- at their rooms last night. It Is nearly tlmo for the high school alumni to bo doing something. Q. 11. Seller & Co. , real estate dealers , have taken offices above the ollloo of Qo\v Bros. " on Main street. Oharllo Pilgor wont to Madison this morning to spend Sunday at the homo of his brother , A. P. Pllgor. Frank Johnson , who was clerk at the Oxnard several yearn ago but la now yith Oudahy at South Omaha , la In the city to spend Sunday. Wm. Pair and family loft today for their former homo in Dodgo. Mr. Parr has boon conducting the Turf Exchange for the past year. Mr. and Mrs. "Wm. Warrlngton of the Lindoll hotel at Ponder wore in the city this morning on their way homo from a trip to Oroighton. Editor 0. S. Evan's of the TlniPS- Tribune Is Norfolk's cole representative nt the dedicatory ceremonies of the St. Louis exposition. < Congressman E. J. Butkott has boon secured to deliver the address at the graduating exorcises of the Pierce high school to bo hold at the opera house on Juno 2. M. II. Alexander , an Armenian who hns been attending the state university , is in the city soiling resurrection plants , earning nionoy with which to continue his studies. Ed. Ilartor returned to Norfolk yes terday after his busiuoFS trip to Chicago. Ho will take up the management of the farm hift by the death of his father a few wot-ks ago. Rov. A. . Harper , jr. , in In town today the guest of Rev. J. 0. S. Weills. Ho is on his way from Cedar Rapids to Noligh , whore ho goes as rector of the Episcopal church. William Darlington arrived in the .city yesterday from Long Pine , whore ho has been rationing. He expects to take the civil service examination in Norfolk today for n position aa city carrier. At the seventh annual convention of the United Commercial Travelers of No- brevska held at Beatrice this week , Otto F. Tapport of this city was ohoson for the position of grand conductor. The next annual mooting will bo hold at Fre mont. * The Grolghton train was an hour and a half late this morning. In ono of the deep cuts north of Niobrara some of the .dirt had been loosened by the heavy rains aim slid down onto the track. It took some tlmo to clear the track so tlw jtho train could pass. Miss Carrie Roland was the victim 0 an accident on the night of the stern that resulted in the , crushiuc of three fingers. She entered n crowded hack aiid when the door was slammed to her fingers were in the way. Two of the fingers are healing np but the little Super is minus some flesh on the oud. Miss Grace Spear , who has boon sick with typhoid fever for some weeks , i reported very low at the homo of ho parents on South Tenth street. He condition has recently shown some improvement provemont but , she has not gained in strencth as could bo desired. He friends will sincerely hope that she maj recover her health in spite of advers reports. A carload of Russians who have boo making their homo in Norfolk durin the winter , loft on the 8 o'clock trni over the Union Pacific for Michigan where they expect to engage in th growing of boots for ouo of the factorie of that state. The car in which the will make the trip has been standing o the side track near the cold storage fo esvoral days. O. F. Haaso , August Lonz and 0. F Rohrko have it sued a call to the farmer of the vicinity for a mooting in Mar qnardt'shall , this city , Monday after noon at 1 o'clock , the purpose of whic will be the organization of a mntua tornado insurance company. The farm I1 * . or of Madlnon , Wayne and Stanton counties have been Invited to participate n the mooting. The Union Pacific brldgo gntigthat has loon erecting a Mool bridge ever the low channel of the Elkhorn wlioro it in crossed by the track of that company south of the olty has completed its work md returned to the south todav with the derrick , ongliuBaud other machin ery that has boon employed at the work , They lave l behind a handsome and nub- ntantlal Htruotnro that should answer all requirements of the company for years to como. The work has boon in irogro.13 for a month or moro. Again hat the water suspended In the air boon pno'pltatod , on nn already ovorsonked earth , and moro than n half neb of moUturo was measured in Dr. filter's rain gauge , The molsturo com- noticed to drip about dark last evening md onnclnuod to fall with brlof inter ruption ! ) during the groiitor part of the light. With the culmination of the term the wind again shifted to the lorlhwcHt and blow oold , but not with ho vigor generated during the blizzard mrllor In the week. Still it is strong enough to prrduco a chill and may Icavo i frost when the clearing np point is reached , KIDNAPED HIS OWN CHILD , Wllilnm Ostorllng and His Little Boy are Missing Today. [ From Tuomliiy'fl Daily. ] When William OoHtorllng quit work n a Main street harness shop hint night , t was llttlo thought by his fellow work- neil that his apron would hang Idly on ho wnll today and that William , a cldnnpor , would have loft the oity for ood. JiiHfc that , however , is the case nil MIH. William OoHtorling , with the id of the police , is looking anxiously to ur for her husband and the little boy vliom ho stele away. During the darkness of last night , Ocsterling took his boy from the rooms vhero the family has boon living , in ho Bools block , and dipappoarod. This lorning ho could not bo found in the Ity. His wife began a search and loft n a noon train for Omaha wlioro she lilnka ho has gone. All , it seems , has not boon poaoo and mpplnosH In the family's domesticity or some time and Oestorllng began to link that his wife had a plan to take ho boy some night and leave her homo ml his. The moro ho bocauio convinced uat this was so , the moro ho made up ils own mind upon n llttlo scheme and ist night ho'carried out his notion vhen ho carried out the boy. Ho aught the kid napping and at that uio- lent did the kidnaping. The boy's mother thinks her husband nd child went to Omaha on an early rain this morning and she Is determined o locate them both. REPAIRING THE LINES , Telephone and Telegraph Companies Slowly Correcting Damage. [ From Tuesday's Dally. ] The telephone and telegraph situation s gradually correcting Itself after the isastrons storm of last week. Maun- rSprechor of the telephone company nnouucod that connection had finally eon made with Omaha late yesterday ftornoon and the work of repairing thor lines is proceeding apaoo. The elephono line to the west was not oriously damaged and is now working o the end of the company's Hues ; outh the lines are in working order as ar as Albion , and northeast to Hoskins. iHvo men have boon employed between lore and Pilger for fonr days since the term and the fact that they have just miulo oouuoctlous with the east indi cates the condition in which the lines voro left by the storm. A gang work- ug west from Wisuer mot the men vorklug Oast at Pilger. Between hero and Wayne to the northeast and from hero to Wisuor southeast , seems to have boon the con- or of the worst damage by the storm. The telegraph lines are working with fairly satisfactory results in almost every direction. Danger of Colds and Grip. The greatest danger from colds and ; rip is their resulting in pneumonia , [ f reasonable care is used , however , and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken , all danger will bo avoided. Among the tens of Bhousnuds who have used this remedy for these diseases wo have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pneumonia , which shows conclus ively that it is n certain preventive of that dangerous disease. It will cure n cold or an attok of the grip in loss time than any other treatment. It is pleasant and safe to tako. For sale by the Kiesau Drug Co. SEVERE ATTACK OF GRIP. Cured by Ono Bottle of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. "When I had nu uttuck of the grip last winter ( the tecond ono ) I actually oured niyholf with one bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy , " says Frank W. Perry , editor of the Enterprise , Shortsville , N. Y. . "This is the honest truth. I at times kept from coughing myself to pieces by taking a tcaspoonful ot this remedy , and when the coughing spell would como on at night I would take a dpso and it seemed that in the briefest interval the cough would pass off and I would go to sleep perfectly free from cough and' ' its accompanying pains. To say that the remedy acted as a most agreeable surprise is putting it very mildly. I had no idea that it would or could knock out the grip , simply because I had never tried it for such n purpose , but it did , and it seemed with the Focond attack of coughing the remedy caused it to not only bo of less duration , but the pains were far less severe , and I had not used the contents of ono bottle before Mr. Grip had bid me adieu. " For sale by the Klocuu Drug Co. Locals in THE DAILY NEWS are a paying proposition. If you have tried then you know that ; if you haven't , do. Civil Service Examinations Were Taken Today. SIXTEEN TOOK A CHANCE AT IT , It Is for the Purpose of Naming Three City Carriers and Clerks Service Will Commence In Norfolk In Loss Than a Month. [ From Buturday'n Dally. ] Sixteen ambitious applicants appeared at the city hall before 0 o'clock this morning to take the civil sorvlco oxarn * inatlons for position * ) In the post ofllco sorvlco. Thrao cltv mall carriers are to bo appointed and positions of clerkships to bo tilled for the post olllco. 0 E Llewelyn , special agent , Is hero from Omaha to conduct the examina tions , Ho arrived in the city last night and took charge , , B. 0. Gentle , local secretary of thoboard ) had the prepara tions under his.caro. The examination in limited to four and ono-half hours and the test consequently quently olosud shortly after 1 o'clock this afternoon. The service in Norfolk will begin on Juno 1 , so that less than thirty days re main for the appointments mid prepara tions on the part of the carriers. The mail boxes are now in the post olllco , to gether with iron posts and sacks which are required by the work. Under the civil service Hystora , those receiving the highest grades on their work are the ones who got the places , regardless of political projndico. MONDAY MENTION. Charlie Stroobor wont to Sioux Oity today. S. L. Gardner is threatened with pneumonia. Max Lonzar was in the city yesterday from Tildon , Mrs. A. II. Vlolo wont to Lincoln this morning for n visit. Herbert Lough , on South Fourth street , ia sick again. O. W. Oruui was in Norfolk from Madison ever Sunday. 0. F. Tapport returned last night from the convention of drummers at Beatrice. Mrs. Clarence Hibncr wont to Fre mont to spend Sunday. II. L. Spanldiug returned Saturday from his visit with Iowa friends. Dr. J. H. Maokay was called to Col- nuibus this morning to BOO n pationt. Miss Frances Yiolo has finished her teaching near Wamorvillo and baa re turned homo. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Darland and Miss May Durlaud spent Sunday with Plain- view friends. Miss Elizabeth Sharpless is in O'rnahn , where she will remain several weeks studying art. J T. F. Mominger , 0. S. Smith and Emil Winter were in the oity yesterday from Madison. Editor F. D. Wright of the Madison Chronicle was in the city yesterday visiting with friends. Mrs. J. W. Homkoy and children started at noon for Kansas to visit for a mouth with her parents. Mrs. J. M. Beach wont to Long Pine Saturday to visit and will stop nt Meadow Grove , returning. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Erskino returned last night from the mooting of Union Commercial Travelers at Beatrice last week. The election of officers of the Pioneer Hook and Ladder company will take place at the regular meeting of the com pany nt the city hall Wednesday night. A mooting of farmers from the vicin ity of Norfolk is being hold this afternoon - noon in Marquardt hall for the purpose of organizing a mutual tornado iusur- auco company. Before Special Master E. P. Weather- by , testimony was taken this morning in the bankruptcy case of H. T. Son- nonscholuwho is awaiting his discharge by the court. His creditors are attempt ing to prove that ho is not entitled to a discharge. The civil service examinations for positions in the post ofllco as clerks and oity carriers were finished Saturday afternoon and the papers have now all been sent into the department at Wash ington for grading. It will bo several days before the successful applicants can bo known. Grand Island Independent : Fonr men have been arrested at Norfolk for fishing with nets. , One of them has already ' ready been fluea 'f leO and costs and the others are to have their trial. Go fishing but don't got gay. Fish in the approvec sportsman's manner but don't go "pot hunting" in the water. Little if any change is noted in the condition of Miss Grace Spear since Saturday and she contiunes very low Several doctors were in consultation over her case yesterday , and an Omaha physician , expert in the treatment of such cases , was expected here today to see what might bo done. Word has been received from the people who are about to put in an in dopoudout telephone exchange in Nor folk , that they will bo bore in about a week , ready to begin preliminary work on the system. Bad weather and de lay in getting material ordered are given as the reason the work was no sooner started. With no rain yesterday and the sun shining brightly during today the road and the gardens and fields are drying rapidly and some inducement for spriuj work is offered. The weather repor promises fair for tomorrow and if thi but continues for n few days the field nud gardens will Boon bo put in shape to produce crops , The government head stones ordered About n year a o through Mathuwsou [ Mgt G. A. II , are hero nud those inter- iBtod are requested to moot with Past Commander H. M. Roberts , committeeman - man , at 005 Park avenue , nt 8 o'clock tonight , to make arrangements for erect ing the atones in the cemetory. It is doalrod that thin bo done before Mem orial Day , and early attention to the matter is therefore requested , E. R. Hayes has telegraphed his father , 0 , S Hayes , stating that yester day ho hud been advanced to the po sition of district manager for the Chicago Portrait company , which moans that ho will have nu increased salary and opportnulty for working up business for the company. Ray has been with the company for some time and has steadily advanced in the work until his present position is ono of the jest in the gift of the company. The Hindquarters for his district will bo at Carroll , Iowa. Mrs. J. D. Larrnboo received n telegram - gram yesterday au'upuupitig the death of her father , Mr. ' Soy'mQur Fox , which occurred at bin houip in Coldwator , tfioh. , yesterday morning. Mr. Fox was 70 years old. and the can p of his loath was heart trouble. Besides Mrs. jarraboo , two ether children live in this vicinity , Charles Fox of Tildon and Mrs. I. F. Smith , living throe miles south of Norfolk. Ho loaves his wife and an other sou and daughter in Michigan. The date of the funeral was not stated n the telegram , but Mrs. Larrnboo will not bo able to attend , as her husband is away from homo and she could not ocato him this morning by wire. TUESDAY TOPICS. Charles Stoobor wont to Sioux Oity yesterday to accept n position. Mm. 0. E. Green wont to Lincoln yes- onlay to visit her mother for n few ays. ays.Max Max Asmus came home from Omaha ast night to visit relatives and friends or n few days. Knox Tipple of Stanton was in Nor- elk today looking * after business and meeting old friends. Miss Glouuio Shippoo left yesterday morning for a week's visit with Miss ) row Smith of Lincoln. John Johnson loft Sunday morning or Rookford , 111. , whore he has secured a good position in a drug store. M. J. Oostorllng returned yesterday rom Oregon and Washington where he ms been prospecting during the winter. A special meeting of the Wednesday club will bo hold tomorrow afternoon at i:30 : , at the homo of Mrs. A. Bear , This will bo the last meeting of the sea- on and a f nil attendance is desired. It is expected that L. P. Funkhanser , district deputy , will bo present nt the regular meeting of Norfolk lodge No. 053 , B. P. O. E. , on Saturday evening , May 0 , and it is desired that there shall > 0 a full ntteudauoo of members. The work on the government building s commencing in real earnest. Today Superintendent of Construction Fain ia getting lines and levels for the exact > ositlou of tbo structure and Superin- endent Williams , of the construction company , is getting sheds up for the storing of his materials. Miss Winnie Hartley , of this oity , hns boon reelected as teacher in the high school at Boise , Idaho , with an increase of $15 per mouth salary , which will bring her $100 a mouth during the next rear. The board of odncatiou at Boise spoke very highly of Miss Hartley's work and her Norfolk friends nre glad of her success. Tildeu baa recently organized n com mercial club and is looking for some of iho essentials to growth and per manency. The town has improved very much during the past few years and proposes to grow some more. A waterworks system is one of the im provements made possible for the near future by the notion of the citizens at a recent election. Dr. Condon has taken it upon him self to give the people of Humphrey n park. Ho has about completed plant ing for this year and of what he has done the Democrat says : "Besides the pork proper ho has planted trees fern n hnlf mile on each side of the section road , nud baa parked a strip 100 feet wide beginning nt the north end of the park and extending to the top of the hill GOO feet in length. The trees planted are mostly elm , linden and cherries with a few maples , locust nnd silver poplars. " FAMILY ARE SIX IN BED , Hadar House of a 'Half Dozen are Down WithSmall , Pox. [ From Tuesday's Dally. ] Up at Hadar in the homo of n wol ! known citizen , there is nu entire family of six sick in beds with the small pox. Within throe days the whole half dozen of thorn were taken ill with the disease and now every ono of thorn lies there nnable to move about , from morning until night. A Norfolk physician has the case and a case of it he has when ho goes into the midst of it. They are in a bad way. No one likes to go in to help them ont for it is so rash. Ono of the boys who didn't like the idea of being held in thought he would break out , bai tbo doctor thought there was enough breaking out in the family already to hold them for n while , and the younj man was silent. Estray Notice. Taken up at my place , ono and ono hnlf mile west of sugar factory , on April 18 , 1003 , one estray steer , one year old , black with white spots on under side , has horns. The owner wil please call , prove property , pay charge and take said estray away. CEO. EULENBEHT. Officers Elected at Last NIghfc'a Meeting. TEACHERS WERE CHOSEN. Only Change In Personnel of the Board is the Substitution of W. H. Johnson for S. G , Dean Bear President and Matrau Secretary. [ From Tuesday's Dally. ] The last mooting of the old board of ! education nud the first mooting of the . now board was hold last ovouiug. I Present of the old board : President Salter , Dr. Boar , W. 0. Roland and II. D. Matrau , Alter reading and allowing bills , re ceiving monthly report of Treasurer Wilde , and certificates of election of the members elect , W. H. Johnson and H. O. Matrnu , the old board adjourned. The now board thereupon mot with lie members present : Dr. P. II , Salter , Dr. Alex Boar , W. 0. Roland , W. H. Fohnsou and H < Oi Matran , and elootod tbo following officers for the ensuing year : * Dr. A. Boar , , president ; W. Q. Ro- and , vice president ; H. 0. Matrau , secretary. The following bills wore allowed : Carl Wilde , salary as treasurer , nnd postage , $25.02. Holdon Patent Book Cover company , > ook covers , $25.16. The Maomulleu company , books , $281. $281.W. W. N. Huso , supplies $85.05. Nebracka Telephone company , March ontal , $2. Nebraska Telephone company , May outal , $2. L. L. Rainbo , plumbing , $1.25. 0. W. Braasch , coal , $50.23. Norfolk Electric Light and Power ouipany , oloctrio lighting for March , 1. 1.Norfolk Norfolk Electric Light and Power oinpany , motor , etc. , $30.45. Dodd , Mead & 0o. , books , $4. A. K. Leonard , supplies , $33 10. A. Deguor , supplies , $ G 00. 'W. M. Raiubolt , premium on treas urer's bond , $28. M. Kane , truant officer , $5. Monthly pay roll , $1,352.50. Treasurer's rGDort fnr thn month of April showed balance cash in general fund of $2,050.49 , with unpaid , out standing warrants amounting to $15- 803.80. Teachers for the ensuing year were elected as follows : R. O. Powers , principal li\gh school ; lathryne Sisson , teacher literature and ilstoryhigh school ; P.E McOoy.science , ilgh school ; Pearl Reese , eighth grade. Chose uuassiguod are : Edith Morrow , late Stafford , Louise Mathewsou , Sertrnde Watson , Elizabeth Reese , Slloii Mullen , Annie McBride , Nina Walker , Lillian Luikart , Lena Mills , Harriet Allbery , Pearl Widainan , Jaura Darland , Edith McOlary , Mamie Matrau nnd Maud Dingtnan. Throe places remain yet to bo filled. The bond of Robert Utter , treasurer , with the American Surety company as surety , in the sum of $7,000 was ap proved. The board then adjourned to meet again on Monday evening , May 11. H. O. MATIIAU , Secretary. MUTUAL TORNADO INSURANCE. rarmers of Four Counties Organize Yesterday for Protection. [ From Tuesday's Dally. ] At the mooting of farmers held yester day afternoon at Marquardt's hall for lie purpose of forming a mutual tornado insurance company auxiliary to the pres ent mutual fire insurance company there was a fair attendance of farmers from Madison , Stautou , Pierce and Wayne counties. An organization was effected , and ; ho company will incorporate and begin ; o do business as soon as 150 farmers lave expressed their intention of join ing. The officers of the tornado com pany are the same as those of the fire company , with the exception that the positions of president and treasurer have been reversed. The directors are also the same , but the business of the tornado company will bo distinct from that of the fire company. The officers chosen are as follows : 0. F. Winter , president. August Lenz , secretary , Herman Buettow , treasurer. The above are also the directors for Madison county , with the following named from the other three .counties : Pierce 0. F. Rhorko , 0. H. Bucken- dahl , H. Stoinkraus. Stanton F , Grim , Ed. Pheil , H. Koch. Wayne Wm. Viergutz , August Dock. The mutual fire insurance company , of which this la an auxiliary , haa been organized and doing business for thir teen years and now has 550 members. To cover the losses and meet the expen ses of this year n two-mill levy was made and it is believed that this will be all that will be necessary , and there may be a balance left in the treasury , depending somewhat on what the losses amount to until the oloso of the year. Those who have entered the company , find it a safe and economical way of handling their insurance , and the tor nado company will be a success beyond n doubt. OTHER POSSIBLE VIOLATIONS. It is Intimated that Quail and Prairie Chickens are Being Sold Here. [ From Saturday's Dally. ] While the state game wardens have boon making a clean np among thejvio- lators of the fish laws in the vicinity of Norfolk , it has been intimated that an of Good Health is pure food. Lion Coffee ta all coffee no glazing of eggs or glue to conceal de ' # fects and cheapen its quality. ' / . ' < . ' > < ! ' Fresh and uniform , rich * . ' } in flavor , because always in sealed packages never in bulk. investigation would levenl violators of the laws protecting game birds. It is said that voryjreoontly quail and prairie chickens have boon brought to the olty and sold. ' Inasmuch as this is the brooding' sea son of the birds nnd they nro Very tame , the violation Is all the moro flagrant and deserving of punishment. Itispps- ' | * T i slblo that people in the vicinity are " maintaining traps for the taking of these birds and if such should prove to bo the case prosecution would be justifiable. It might bo expected that city people would violate these bird laws if they bad a favorable opportunity , but no law should bo necessary to prevent the farmers from killing either species and especially quail. Ho might possibly get a quarter for a dead quail , which if per mitted to live nnd produce a brood would save him dollars by the destruc tion of injurious insects. Certainly anyone who is guilty of ; rnppiug quail or prairie chickens in the midst of the brooding season is deserv- ug of punishment. . ft - - - i To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Brome Quinine tablets. All druggists refund the money if it lails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature a on each box. 25o. FIRST ARREST UNDER HAZEN , Negro was Looking for Some Place to Sleep off Jag. [ From Tuesday's Dally. ] Tno urst arrest to bo made oy Diner of Police Kane under the administration X. of Mayor Hazeii occured this afternoon when n little negro , who has been working in restaurants , was picked np in an alley , beastly drunk. He was looked np in a cell. He said bo didn't tiavo any name and further remarked that ho had been waiting two weeks fern n good round jag nnd that now he gnepsod he'd found it. NORFOLK GIRL GETS MEDAL Miss Nellie Handley Took State De clamatory Prize. [ From Monday's Dally. ] In the high school declamatory contest for the state , held at South Omaha , Miss Nellie Handley of this city was awarded second prize in the humorous class with the reading , "Her Cuban Tea. " Harley Ballamey of Cambridge took first place with "Gran'pap's Boy. " In the oratorical class , Herbert Cleve land of Lexington won first ; in the dramatic , Miss Hilda Oondron of South Omaha was given the medal. The winning of second place by Miss Haudloy adds another medal to her al ready large number and gives Norfolk one more honor in this line. FISH NET MEN COME TO TRIAL , George L. Carter , Warden , Passed Through Norfolk Today. [ From Wednesday's Dally. ] George L. Carter , state game and fish warden , passed through the city today on lu's way to Pierce , where he goes to attend the henring of the men who were recently cnught by Norfolk officers , violntir g the law in regard to nets. There are three among the Eevcn farmers caught , who live in Pierce county nnd their hearing was at first set for yesterday. BAD FIRE LAST NIGHT , Family of L. A. Clayton Crawled Through Windows. [ From Saturdayls Dally. ] In n fire mysteriously started , the family of L. A. Clayton were burned out of their house last night nt 11 o'clock , with nothing whatever saved from the blaze except the garments which they wore at the time. The house was located on Mr. Clayton's farm , seven miles southwest of the oity. The loss will roaoh probably $2,000 covered by $1,000 insurance. At 11 o'clock parsons sleeping in the house were awakened by n roaring noise , to find themselves half suffocated with smoke. They wore forced to crawl out through the windows in order to save their lives. Generosity Tested. Dr. J. M. Alden has n reputation of being generous to n fault when it comes to matters of professional service , but a request recently all but stumped him. A little mite of n girl called at the Pierce pharmacy the other day and waited around impatiently , refusing to tell her mission to the gentlemanly pro prietor of the store. Shortly Dr. Alden oamo in and the little mite tiptoed up to him and requested that ho bring a baby sister to their house right away I The doctor was nonplussed at first , but looked down into the eager eyes and eaid that they were hard to get at the present time , but that ho would look into the matter and do the best he could , and the little one went away happy. Pierce Call.