THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL. PAET ONE. NORFOLK , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , MAY 8 , 11103 , PAGES 1 TO 8 Radical Change in the Passen ger Service For This City. TWO TRAINS DAILY GO WEST. iBoncstoel Passenger Train Will Run on Sundays Will Solve the Ques tion of Sunday Noon Mall Will Run 'Into Omaha Union Station. IFrom Monday's Dally. ] What id without doubt the most radical change over made in the passenger - ger service of the Northwestern rail road loading into Norfolk , will very b\ \ ' likely bo executed uoxc Sunday morn- i 'ing whou a now time curd that has boon drawn up in the office of Superin tendent Reynolds and is now awaiting the approval of Omaha officers of the company , Is planned to take effect. With the now service that is planned , Norfolk will got ouo moro train west to Ijong Pine and return , every day except - copt Sunday aud a Sunday train on the Bouesteol road , whioh has never been 'ran before and whioh will solve the Sunday noon mail proposition. For years there has boon a doslro among the traveling public aud business man of this city that a midday train to the west might bo run. The now 'schedule completely fills thi < long felt want. The train will louvo Nor folk Jauotioa every day except Sunday nt 12:20 : p. in. aud arrive at Long Pine at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Return ing , it will leave Long Pine at 1:45 : in the morning aud reach this city at 0:05 : , in time to connect with the Omaha passenger from Bouestoel. On this train passengers arriving from Sioux City on the C. St. P. M. & O. at 10:45 : may go on west within an hour aud a half. It will also make it possible for persons west to come into Norfolk early in the morning aud return either at noon t or night , as they choose. ; The Bonosteel Sunday train will bo irun on the same schedule as the week day time cafd. It will give persons on that line a chance to get to Norfolk Sun day mornings where before they have had to como Saturday afternoons or not at all. It will also bring in the Sunday nocn mail that has been missing for several weeks. Another alteration contemplated by the new card is the change of track which the Bonesteel passenger iuto Omaha will nse from Irvingtou on. Hereafter this train will rui iuto tht union station at Omaha , instealof tin Webster street depos. It will go in by way of South Omaha , in order to make close connections with the O. , &N. W. trains for Chicago. This is an experi ment and later it is possible that all train's will run in by this route. The figures for the now schedule have beou submitted to the Omalu offices and now awaits their approval or rejection. BABY GIRL'S ' FATHER IS HAPPY , / , " Began Work Today and Will Live for Little Child. . [ From Monday's Dally. ] f. , Charles Nordwig , who came to this jsjjk city last week with his child in order f' ' S * to got away from the unworthy mother , ) egau work this morning in the tailor- f ing shop of F P. Fueslor. From Sioux City reports , the woman has decided to I drop any radical measures to secure > the little girl and will try a process by law. It is also said that she will sue for divorce. Mr. Nordwig has a large number of friends in Norfolk and all of them sympathize with him in his trouble. He has always been a hard worker aud a man deserving the highest esteem of his fellows and in his misfortune they feel that he has boon given the worst end of a bad bargain. In being able to work and live for his baby girl he will be , ho said this morning , the happiest man in the world. IMPROVE THE CITY , ' Committee Offers Suggestions for Continuance of the Work. [ From Saturday's Dally. ] Norfolk , May 2. Last summer there was a strong effort made to improve the appearance of our little city. The movement was headed by a joint com mittee from the Commercial club and Women's club , very ably assisted by the merchants and citizens. The result was most gratifying to all concerned. Our lawns were never so well kept ; our alleys were as a rule free from the unsightly tin can and rubbish heap ; the flower beds aud gardens showed great care and good taste , and a half dozen of our vegetable gardens were works of art. This year our mayor commenced this good work by his Arbor Day proclama tion requesting merchants and all citi zens to clean up about their premises. The school board gave a half holiday on the same day in order that the children might do some work of this nature. There is much to be done if our city looks even as well as it did last summer. There are too many papers blowing through the streets ; too many alleys unrelieved of the rubbish which accu mulated through the winter ; the vacant lots are very unsightly if weeds are al lowed to grow upon them , and the neigh bors throw all of their lubbish over there instead of having it drawn away * * to the dumping ground. In some cases the effect of a well kept lawn was spoiled last year by the park outside of the walks being neglected. It is hoped that all of these sugges- tions will bo received in the kindly spirit In which they are glron and acted upon now ns it is * tiuio of year ; obogin such work. Lost year represent v < > . , * committee - mittoo called upon the f0 * 'd requested the prizes which * ifgf erously given , and so much i\\ \ > t O c jy the recipients. The commlttu not fool like asking this favor again o. : ho inorahantR , but if any foul inclined ; o offer prizes again they will gladly take charge of thorn , aud the awarding of them. There is no doubt that the arizes wore an incentive to the boys last year and would bo again thin. If the uierohanto wish to offur any prizes they may communicate with any member of the Civic commlttoo from the Woman's club : Mrs. A. J. Durland , Mrs. O. H. [ loynolds , Mrs. Robt. Utter , or with Mayor Koonigstoln , Mr. Turner or O. 0. Gow of the Commercial club. AMATEUR THEATRICAL. Our Boys" Will be Presented Satur day Night With Added Features. [ From Monday's Dally. ] "Our Boys" is the title of th > comedy- drama to be given by the pupils of the dgh school Saturday night for the bone- It of the manual training department This is a refiuod ontortaiumout and 1ms the reputation of being played 1,500 nights in the Strand theatre , London. The cast is headed by Miss Nellie Hand- oy and Clyde Bullock , is of the best material that the school affords and those who are in a position to know art ) confident that the people who attend will bo thorougly entertained. In ad dition to the play there will bo other features that , alone , will be worth the price of admission. The glee club , com posed of forty voices will sing , and there will bo vocal and instrumental solos of rare merit. The object of the play is a worthy ouo and patrons of the school will encourage the young folks in their efforts , beyond a doubt , if for no other reason than to bo well ontertaiued by them. THE CAUSE OF IT ALL , Little Daughter is Blissfully Ignorant of Her Worth. [ From Saturday's Dally. ] Up on north Tenth street , a block from Norfolk avenue , a little 8 year-old girl is playing and laughing aud run ning about , happily unconscious of the trouble and worry and bitterness that centers about her little self and her father aud mother. Charles Nordwig , who brought the baby from Sioux City to Norfolk that she might be safely out of roach of the woman whom ho had tried in vain to live happily with , aud placed the child under the kindly care of his parental roof , will not return to Sioux City but remain in Norfolk , that he may be near his little daughter. He is expecting on every train that the woman from whom ho was forced to flee , will arrive with an attorney and try by some means to secure the child. He thinks there is now in the city a detective who will try to steal the little ono away. Paul Nordwig , a brother in this city , wont to Sioux City early in the week aud was wretchedly treated. An at tempt to arrest him was made , though ho was simply in Sioux City because ho was anxious to help his brother. The grandfather of the baby girl declares clares that she shall not leave his homo aud is determined to resist efforts to got her. her.The The father will begin work Monday in a Norfolk tailoring house. THREE BAB BOYS IN COURT , They Said Things That Ought Not to Have Been Said. [ From Saturday's Dally.- Three bad boys wore brought up be fore Judge Hayes in police court yesterday day on the charge of disorderly conduct and assault. Their names are Gustau Nitz , William Craig and Christian. Einil Speiriug was the complaining witness aud the trouble all happened last Sunday night. The trio taken , together with a gang of other lads about fifteen years young , followed Speiring and his sister aud a young lady accompanying , for a long way on South Fourth street and made things unpleasant. They called Speir ing nupretty names and said things they ought not to have said and even wont so far as to take hold of Speiring's coat , which is assault. In police court yesterday the boys admitted that they had done all of this but said they wore urged to do it by an older individual who was looking for a fistic encounter with Speiring and thought this might bo a good way to work it up. One of the little fellows said yes , he had sworn at Speiriug once , without a doubt. The case was continued nntil the older one , who is claimed to have caused the trouble , may be arrested. The boys are considered by the court as good sub jects for the reform school on genera ! principles. OXNARB WILL BE REFURNISHED. Force of Men Begin This Week Owner Arrives Today. [ From Monday's Dally. ] J. L. Bartholmow , proprietor of the Oxuard , is expected to arrive in the city tonight from Moorehead , la. , to inspect his house. This week a force o men will begin to refurnish and repapo a number of rooms throughout the hotel The tile floor in the oillco will also b raised. The bnilding was well flllod over Sunday. Commissioners Issue Call on Bond Election. AT FROM POOR FARM. How the Matter of Voting Bonds for Bridges and Roads Was Handled by County Commissioners Superin tendent Reports on County Farm. Madison , Nubr. , April 23,1003. At 1 o'clock p. m. , board mot piusnant to adjournment. All members printout , Minutes of the meeting of April 10 were on motion approved. The report of Tims. J. Taylor superintendent , poor farm for the year ending Fubrumy 28 , 11)0 ) ! ) was received , and on motion up- provnd , the tame being as follows : Buttle Crook , Nnbr. . April 21 , 11)03. ) To the Honorable Board of County Commissionem Madison , Neb. ; Gentle men I herewith enclose a report for the year commencing March 1,1002 , aud ending Fobtuary 28 , 11)011 ) Farm machinery and binding twine $ (18 ( CO Whitewashing 2 IK ) Incubator 25 00 lUackhinlthiug 13 f > 0 Repairs on pump 4 dO 'UopiiUH on f iiruaoo 2 20 Corn 177 03 Hay 138 00 Horse blankets , 1mltors , etc. . . . 11 05 Throe matrcsses 8 CO Bran 8 40 One hog 15 00 Chickens 00 Doctoring cattle and ca.f . medi cine 14 40 Threshing grain 17 25 umber and coal 245 52 lerohaudiso 280 4,3 lurdware 40 Oii 'asturiug ' cattle 103 50 Drugs and doctors fees 75 85 Jeat 25.10 Oats 25 00 T. J. Taylor , help in threshing , washing machine , telephon ing 321 50 Total expense $1,782 75 INCOME. Hay ยง 80 00 thickens , butter aud eggs 08 01 logs 701 81 Oattlo 1030 00 Total income $1,803 42 Balance 110 07 Wo have now the following live stock : 55 head of oattlo , 4 head of iorsaB , 45 head of hogs and 200 ; hickens , 5 hogs and 1 calf were jutchenul. Raised on poor farm this year about 1200 bu. of corn , 050 bn. of oats , 100 bu. of wheat , 200 ba. of potatoes and 120 ous of hay. The above report is trao and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Respectfully submitted , THOS J. TAYLOK. The following resolution was pre sented by Commissioners. J. Fiunogan : Resolved , that the county comissioners of Madison county Nebraska , call a special bond election to vote on the ssuauco of forty thousand dollars of jouds due in twenty years to be issued n denominations of $1000.00 each , num bered from one to forty inclusive , draw- ng interest at 4 } < C per cent par annum first interest payment to bo January 1 , 1004 , and than on the first day of July and January each year thereafter. And that said county commissioners lave the right at their option to pay one or more of the bondd out of the sinking fund , bonds to bo taken up in the order of their numbering , the money to be derived to bo expended under the direction of the county com missioners as follows : $20,000.00 to bo expended for the erection of four steel span bridges across Elkhoru River , one lorth of Tildou , one north of Battle Droek , ouo in Valley precinct at what is cuowu as Flanuegau's Ford , ono at the Coot of First street south of the city of Norfolk $20,000.00 to bo expended in .mproving the public highways 'in Madison county Nebraska , as follows : $130,00.00 on road rnuuiug duo west from Madison to east line of sections 32 aud 5 in Emerio and Shell Creek pre cincts and on line running south bo- twoeu sections U and 4 Shell Creek pre cinct to corporate limits of village of Newman Grove , $2,500.00 on public highways running into said public highway running west from city of Madison , $2,000.00 to bo expended on public high way running north and south between Sohoolcraft and Fairview pre cincts to Pierce county line , $1OOO.CO on public highways in Union Gr"ok pro- cinot , $1,000 00 on public highways in Grove product , $500.00 on public high ways in Highland precinct , said election to be held Juno 2 , 1003 , aud that the county attorney bo instructed to prepare pare an election notice in accordance with this resolution. It was moved and seconded that the resolution bo adopted. On roll call the vote resulted , S. J. Finncgan , yes ; Christ Schmidt , yes ; H. W. Winter , yes ; and the resolution was declared adopted. Proclamation for special county elec tion on June 2nd , 1003 : Proclamation For Special County Election on Juno 2 , 1003. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of Madison county , Nebraska , that in accordance with a resolution paFBed by the county commissioners ol Madihon county , Nebraska , on the 23rd day of April. 1003 , a special election will bo held in naid Madison county on the 2nd day of June , 1003 , at whioh election there will bo submitted to the vote of the legal voters of the salr Mudlson county , Nebraska , the follow I ing questions and propositions , to-wit \ Shall the county commissions. of Madison county , and State of Nubrunlm , have the power and authority to IHMIO the negotiable coupon bonds of natd Madison county , Nebraska , to the amount of forty tliousund dollars for the purpose following , to wit : Twenty thousand dollars of mild mini to bo expended - ponded and appropriated in the con struction and erection of four Htool span bridges across the Klldioru river in Madison county. Nebraska , an followHi Ono across the Klkhorn river , north of the village of Tildun , one across the Klkhorn river north of the village of Battle Crook , ono across the Klkhorn river in Valley township in Hociion twenty-Novell , ono across the Klkhorn river at the foot of Frist Htreot south of the city of Norfolk ; the re maining twenty thousand dollar * ) to ho expended and appropriated under the direction and supervision of the county oommliMioHiirH for the improvement of the , public highwayH in Madison county , Nebraska , as follows : Thirteen thous and dollars to ho expended on the pub- lie highway running west from the city of Madison between Fairview and Urenn Garden townships , Schoolcraft aud Kalamazoo townships , to line run ning north and south east of section thirty-two and flvo in Kmoriok aud Shell Crook townnhips also , and on public highway running south between suctions thruo and four , nine and ten , sixteen and fifteen , twonty-ono and twenty-two , twenty-woven and twenty- eight , thirty-four and thirty-five to the corporate limits of the village of Newman - man Grove , all in Shell Crook township , all in MrtJiKon county , Nebraska. Twenty-five hundred dollars on public highways connecting from the north and south with mild public highway running west from the said city of Mad ison ; two thousand dollars to bo ox- ponduU on public highway running north and south beginning north of the main public highway , running west from the city of Madison and running north between Sohooloraft and Fair view townships , Highland and Buttle Crook townnhips , Duor Creek aud Valley townships to the county line between Plorco and Madison counties , and on the public highways connecting from the oaot aud west with naid public high way running north and south ; five hun dred dollars to bo expended on the public highways in Highland township , Madison county , Nebraska , and ouo thousand dollars to bo expended on the public highways in Union Creek town ship , Madison county , Nebraska ; ono thousand dollars to bo expended on the public highways in Grove township , Madison county , Nebraska. Suld bonds shall bo forty in number , numbered from ono to forty inclusive and of the denomination of ono thousand dollars each. They shall boar the date of July 1 , 1003 , aud become duo aud payable twenty years from date , the said county of Madison reserves the right after ton years to pay ono or moro of said bonds > nt of the sinking fund , when accumn- atod , the bonds to bo paid off in the order of their numbering. They shall jear interest at the rate of four and ono- lalf percent (4 ( } $ % ) per annum , payable iomi-anunally , the first installment of utorcst to bo pay able on January 1,1004 , and somi-anuually thereafter on July 1 aud January 1 of each year , which in- erest payments shall bo evidenced by > roper coupons attached to each bond and both principal and interest shall bo payable at the fiscal agency of the state > f Nebraska in the city and state of Now York. And shall the cpuuty commissioners of the said county of Madison cause to be levind upon the taxable > ropnrty of said MiuHson county , No- ira ka , an annual tax sufficient for the > ayment of the interest on Raid coupon > ouds as it becomes duo aud after ten years from the date of said bonds Hlmll said county commissioners of said Madi ion county , Nebraska , cause to bo levied u addition to all other taxes , on the axablo property of said Madison county , Nebraska , an amount of taxes sufficioul o create a sinking fund for the pay ment at maturity of the principal of said bonds. And shall the tax bo con- , iuued froui year to year until the said bonds are fully paid. The ballots at such special election snail bo in the following form , to-wit ; Bridge and public highway I bonds aud tax Yes. Bridge and public highway bonds aud tax No D Those desiring to vote in favor of the above proposition shall place a cross ( X in the tquaro opposite the word "Yes,1 and those desiring to vote against sale proposition shall place across ( Xiu ) the iquaro opposite the word "No. " In order to carry said proposition two thirds of the voters voting at such clec tiou must vote in favor of same. The voting places of said special election tion shall bo as follows , towit : City of Norfolk , Norfolk precinct First ward , city hall. City of Norfolk , Norfolk precinct Second ward , Ahlmau's residence 01 south Fifth street. City of Norfolk , Norfolk precinct Third ward , West Side hose house. City of Norfolk , Norfolk precinct Fourth ward , hose house at Norfoll Junction. Norfolk precinct outside of city o Norfolk , Kisloy building corner of 2nd Btri'Ot and Norfolk avenue. Va'loy precinct , Ray school house. Door Creek proolnct , Hughes school house. Burnett precinct , Kioretoad hall in Tildou , Nebraska. Grove precinct. Mufiloy school houso. Highland precinct , county poor farm. Battle Crook precinct , Bates old store building in Battle Creek. Warnervillo precinct , Warner hall in Warnervillo. Union precinct , Snyder blacksmith shop in Madison , Nebraska. Fairview precinct , Rod school honeo. Schoolcraft precinct , Throctmortou Rchool house. Kmorick precinct , West Emerick school house. Shell Creek precinct , engine house in Newman Grovo. Kalauiazoo precinct , Jenkins school house Green Garden precinct , Schmidt FOllOOl llOUfiO. Madison precinct outside of city of Madison , G. A. R. hall in city of Modi- sou. Madison city in Mudtfion precinct , city hall. The polls at ( ho election hnroby called will bo opened at eight o'clock in the forenoon and continue until six o'clock In the evening of Haiti 2nd day of Juno , By order of the board of county coin- missioncm this 2Hrd day of April , 1003. H. W. WINTRII , H. J. FlNNIHIAN , CititihT HuiiMiivr , Board of county oomnilssiommi. On motion board adjourned to May 27 , 11)03 ) nt 1 : ( H ) p. in. KMII , WINTIM , County Olbrlc , [ 8KAI , , ] SOCIALLY , [ From Hiitunlay'H Dally. ] Elks to Entertain. The party to bo given by the Kilts hus been urrungwl for Friday evening , May 8 , In the club roonm. There will bo dancing and cards. It iri given by the local inomberH , complimentary to out- Hide Elks. May Party. Otollu Pllgor onturtainnd about a O7.on of her liuly frlnnds at a May > : irty last nvonlng at her homo on South 'Mfth ' street. The event was heartily njoyod in Hpito of the attempt of the voathor to make it appear unseasonable. Recaption Last Night. Arthur J. Koonigstoln and his brlilo irrivod last night from Springfield , llluols. A number of Mr. KoonlgHtein'fl rionds became aware of their arrival ast evening and gave thorn an informal oooption tliat proved very enjoyable to all concerned. Wedding Anniversary. Yostorduy wan the wedding unnlvor- ary of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Maylard. ilr. Maylard is in England at present nit Mrs. Maylard was given a pleasant lay , regardless In the afternoon a lumber of HolghtH ladins surprised her at homo by walking in aud later the gentlemen followed for suppnr. It was May day anniversary that will bo re- uiomborud. Newly Married. A charivari party celebrated the woddlngof Mr. and Mrs. Mlllard Green ast night with tin pttiin , whistles and other uoiso making contrivances. They were married at Stantou on Sunday by Rev. 0. M. Griffith of the M. K. church. The maiden name of the bride wan Maud ilussoll , she having formerly hold the losition of operator at the telephone central ofllco. Mr. Green is in the dray justness hero aud they will make this city their homo , NEW ADMINISTRATION City Council and Other Officials Will go in Tomorrow. [ From Monday's Dally. ] Tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock Nor folk will pass from its present adminis tration into control of the olIlcorH who were cho/.on at the recent municipal election. Promptly at that hour the old city council aud the now , together with other officials , will got together the city hall and formally change the government of the city. Mayor Koonigsteiu , who has hold that office for two years past , will turn his books over to the now mayor , M. O. Hazon. S. R. McFarland will retain the records of city clerk , Robert Utter will receive the treasurer's accounts from Carl Wilde aud W. H. Lowe will keep the city engineer's instruments. On the council Dr. G. W. Wilkinson will succeed Oscar Uhlo , H. A. Pase- walk will succoodl. G. Westorvolt , A. H. Kiesan takes the place of 0. O. Gow and B. W. Walker retires in favor of himself. The now school board will take charge of affairs tonight at a mooting in the high school building. II. O. Matrau succeeds himself and W. II. Johnson will take the place of S. C. Dean. PIANO CONTEST. Interest Growing In Votes on the Hospe Instrument. Some change is shown in the contest for the Hospo piano , offered by a num ber of the" merchants of Norfolk aud to be given away on August 1. The en trance of several now candidates and the increasing interest by the friends of other candidates is arousing much in terest in the contest. The result shown by the latest count is as follows : Gertrude Austin 5,080 MayJohusou 1,200 Qaoon City Hotel 1,180 Constance Raiuhardt -101 RiUlwayHall 324 Bessie Widamau 210 A O U. W 03 Minnie Purr 91 Eastern Star 22 Second Congregational church. . 11 Knights of Pythias lodge 8 PanlRudat 4 Ramond Hoaglaud 2 George Rhode , jr 1 Cordelia Luikart 1 HAS BEEN THREATENED. Fish Not Man Is Preparing for Pre dicted Trouble. [ From Saturday'a Dally. ] Jake Rainoy , deputy fish and game warden , has received several threats from persons who are displeased because ho has boon enforcing the law regarding nets and has prepared for any attempts that may bo made against his safety , Last night ho secured a well shooting revolver and cartridges to fill it , which may speak better in seine cases than words. As an officer ho is allowed to carry weapons for self dofeuso. Mayor Hazcn and Other Offi cials Took Their Places. CHANGED AT 0 O'CLOCK TODAY. Appointments of the Incoming Mayor. Took Chalr'o Deciding Vote in Nearly Every Case Liquor Ll- censes Granted. ( irrom Tiiomlny'n ' Dally. ] Norfolk passed from the old adintnln- trntlon to the now at 8 o'clock thin morning , when Mayor HUKOII and the council that will have control of thinga for the next year , tonic their seats and the former mayor , D. J. Koonlgstnin , together with the retiring coniicllmcn , stopped down and out. At promptly 8 o'clock the old council WIIH called to ordnr. Thou Mayor Koenigstoin thanked thorn for their loyalty and norvioo throughout the year , Introduced the Incoming mayor and retired - tired , The now momborH of the council took their places. Mayor 1 lazuli aii- nounoml that what ho wanted to my ro- gurdlnghiH policy would como Thursday night. The flrat buHinosH to como up was the approval of liquor licences. The applications and bomln of the following were found to bo correct nnd licenses were granted : 0. F. A. Manjuardt , W. Q. Bernor , S. J , Dlxon , Kmll Mooller , George. Hohdo , P. Barrett , Chas. Rico , Harry Indor.tHonry llasonpflug and Iluflou- pllug ife Miuifiho. Druggists' permits were granted aa followH ; G. B. OhriHtoph , J. L. Her.-hol- Her , A. II. Kiooau , A. K. Leonard and John Koonigstcin. Bond of Robert Utter , city treasurer , was accepted. The mayor appointed Martin Knuo chief of police. Appointment was con- llrmcd by unanimous vote : Motion carried that confirmation on : ) thcr officers bo made by secret ballot. On appointment of Carl II. Pilgor for night policeman , there were four for and four against. Tko mayor voted for and iippolntmont WIIH confirmed. On appointment of W. II. Livingston us Junction policeman , four votes were for confirmation , four against. The mayor cast the deciding ballot. On the appointment of Jack Koonig- stoln for city attorney , four were for and four against confirmation. The mayor cast the deciding ballot. On the appointment of Win. Bcswlck for street commissioner , six votes stood for , two against confirmation. On ( ho appointment of J. E. Simpson for water commissioner , four votes were for , four against confirmation. The mayor cast the deciding ballot. On appointment of Dr. A. Boar as city physician , the ballot remitted throe for and five against confirmation. The ap pointment was not confirmed. On motion , August Graul was reappointed - pointed engineer at the pumping sta tion. tion.The The following standing committees were appointed : WayH aud means , O. B. Walker , M D. Tyler and G. W. Wilkinson. Auditing accounts , M. D. Tyler , IL A. Pasowalk , August Brummund. Fire md police , J. O. Spollmau , A. H. Kiofiun , II. A. Pasowalk. Nuisances , A. II Kicsau , G. W. Wilkinson , O. G. Zuelow. August Brummnnd and M. D. Tyler were nominated for president of the council. The vote tied , four to foux and the mayor cast the deciding vote for Tyler. Bonds of Martin Kane and W. H. Livingston were accepted. Request of Wilkinson that Johnson Dry Goods Co. bo permitted to erect iron covered shed in rear of stbro build ing was referred to committee on fire and police. On request , W. L. Kern was con firmed as chief of the fire department. The city printing was given to the following five papers , each to receive one-fifth of legal rate : DAILY NEWS , WEEKLY NEWS-JOUHNAL , Timcs-Trib- uno , Press , Anzeigor. Bond of O. H. Pilgor was approved. Council adjourned. PICNIC ON FOURTH OF JULY , Christ Lutheran Church Plans for an Event Extraordinary. [ From Monday's Dally. ] In case there is no Fourth of July celebration in Norfolk this year , the people of Christ Lutheran church intend o hold a largo picnic and to make it an event extraordinary. A committee ban been appointed to look after the details of the affair , consisting of A. Buchholz , Richard Peter and Fred Lea. The annual Orphan's Homo picuio which was to have been held at Fre mont has been suspended for this year and will not be hold at all. RENOVATING THE PACIFIC , New Carpets , New Curtains and New Decorations Throughout. [ From Saturday's Dally. ] The Pacific hotel is just now under going a thorough renovating that will make it a decidedly different house. Now Brussels carpets are being placed in every room aud throughout the halls aud stairways , now shades are replacing the old oues aud luce curtains uro being hung at all of the windows. The din ing room has just been newly decorated with an attractive design in n red effect. M. B. Watts , the new proprietor , takes pride in the Pacific's improvement.