The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 01, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE NORFOLK NEWS : JttUDAY , MAY 1,100 : } .
By Nnncy
V. McClolltvnd
o CopyrlRht , lPOJ , by the
PH. McOhiro Company
"Walt Just a inlimto , please , " begged
Polly. "I'll Imvo these two ready to
mail. "
She sat down at lior tiny desk and
began dropping a llttlo moro Ink on a
knlf written page wlillo HIO ) talked tome
mo over her shoulder. No wonder
Tolly's letters are hard to rendl
"It's a very hot day , " I observed ,
"M-in-m-meltlngl" she agreed. ( She
lool.ed an cool aa a ( lower. )
"And two letters as heavy an yours. "
I added , "menu a great deal or a
( weight to carry back Into town. "
Tolly nibbled the end of her pen
that's the reason I gave her a ullvcr
ono hist Christmas and looked at me
a moment retloetlvely.
Bho mnv clean through mo , I know.
Foll.v'n mind IUIH a weet way of UH
own ; nobody but Polly known what
gulden It , but It goes rncltiK straight
to the point like a llttlo wild pony.
"When 1 have come pulling across a big
thought and get to the gate that'H going
to lend me out , 1 umially Hud Pollj
there ahead of mo waiting : nho'H over
the baiN and off again before I'vo had
time to draw breath.
"Well , " she said dually , turning away
with n demure llttlo curl to the corner
of bur mouth , "don't stop for them
den. I can send them later when
Bin : IILUW MI : A IUBS vnpu TUB uoon-
WAY AS Bill : DlBAlTKAlllU ) .
James goes to the station. I'd I'd
hnto to uuKdGirt 0u , especially on such
a hot day. "
"Oh ! " 1 hastened to explain , "it's not
that I mind being burdened by you
but 1 feel that I ought to get some
thing for it. "
Tolly scribbled furiously. I couldn't
sco her face.
"ifow would a 'rlcky' do before you
stqrlY" she asked temptingly. "I'll
' Vou'll do nothing of the sort , " I said
iwltji dignity ; "I'vo sworn off. "
JA olgar , then , " she suggested nnd
Trent toward the smoking table. Her
father's cigars are good.
But I stopped her again. "No , " snld
X ; "I've got to be paid In the coin of
the realm. "
"Dollars or dimes ? " asked Polly
briskly , hunting out her little nurse.
"Neither , " said I , waving my hand
magnificently. "I'm living In a bigger ,
sweeter , better country than the Unit
ed States. "
"Oh ! " said Polly , * uilllng Innocently ,
but blushing a little. "Why didn't you
eay so before ? "
She tossed the letters at me. "One
for each , " she laughed.
I looked at the addresses.
"This , " said I , "Is to Harold Brown ,
and you know perfectly well that I
hall nsk at least ten for It. "
"Two , " she bargained.
" "Jen , " 1 repeated firmly.
She shook her head. "It's positively"
when Polly says "positively" that
way there's an end of It "It's positive
ly not worth more than live. "
"Very well , " said I hastily , "we'll call
It off at five. I suppose It's all right
for you to be writing to Harold Brown
like thls"-
"Slllyl" she cried. "Of course It Is.
I'm thanking him for some ( lowers. "
I felt unhappy , and I'm sure I looked
tt , for Polly laughed.
"Now , you , " she said thoughtfully ,
haven't sent me any flowers for at
least a week. "
I took up the other letter.
"Tolly ! " said I. "He was the man ,
iwnsu't he ? "
"Yes , " she nodded "before you
came "
"Really , " I protested.
"He Is sailing for Europe tomorrow , "
aid Polly , "and this is goodhy. "
She was looking out of the window
with a farawayncss In her eyes. Pol
ly's eyes were like deep , deep lakes , *
fringed round with wonderful things.
When you were saying something and
she looked up at you unexpectedly , you
promptly forgot what It was all about
and fell in. Then you tried to clumber
out , holding on to the fringe on the
edge , and the more you tried the uiore
hopeless It grew. But somehow you
didn't at all mind drowning this way.
'Twenty-five for this one , " I de
manded suddenly.
She laughed. Wo came to terms on
ten. Then I held out my arms to her.
Polly's eyes Instantly hegan to bub
ble'with mischief. She slipped out of
the room niul only blew mo n klun from
the doorway an she disappeared.
"t didn't nay when , " Hho cried. "I
didn't say when I'd pay. "
1 confess 1 was In a temper It mny
Imvo been the day. Deliberately I took
the two letters out of my pocket , In Id
them back on Polly's desk , went out
under the trees where my homo was
Ntandlug and drove on * In the little red
wheeled runabout not PO much as a
glance behind me at the crisp white
curtains where I knew Polly munt bo
Thick hedges of wild rotes and hon
eysuckle , brimming with sweetness ,
ran on both Hides of the In no. The
warm air was noisy with humming
1 drove quietly along the dusty road ,
( licking the trees with my whip and
wondering- Suddenly my horse slop
ped uhort.
"Good morning , " said Polly's voice
calmly , "It Is a hot day , Isn't It ? "
She was leaning over the honey-
Hticklo hedge , hatlcHH , her hair shining
In the mill. Her face was a llttlo
Hushed-I think mnybo she had been
running. Goodness knows how Hho got
there even then. Hut It Is the angels'
secret how they use their wings.
I looked at her sternly without speak
"Do you know , " she went on , "you
drove away and forgot my letters ? "
Hho broke off and looked at mo crit
ically , with her head on ono side.
"Why , I do believe , " Hho cried to the
bees , "I do bellovo the man's angry
with me ! He didn't forget my letters
at nil. Ho left them on purpofiel"
"Did you forget anything ? " said I
"No , " Hho answered cheerfully ; "that
Is the reason I'm here. It was fifteen. "
I nmlled , but 1 don't think she saw it.
"You'll have to como through the
hedge , " I said dlncouraglngly.
"There's a gate , " she answered. And
she was In the road.
"And climb into the runabout , " I
"Thero's a step , " she laughed.
"Homebody may see us , " I objected.
"And what If they do ? " said Polly as
she put her arms around my neck , and
her big blue eyes were close to mine.
I saw tears trembling In them.
"Polly , " said I , when I had forgiven
her , "I shall have to drive you home. "
"Yes , " said Polly comfortably , "and
stay to luncheon. "
"And then take the letters Into town , " .
I added.
"Bother the letters ! " said Polly.
Most housekeepers quail before that
part of the family marketing which re
lates to the purchase of checso and
wish the man of the house , who is
usually the chief consumer as well ns
the connoisseur , would always buy it
Such may find the words of an author
ity of value :
"A cheese with an Indication of good
ness will stand square on the shelf and
will Imvo an oven colored not mottled
rind. The moment you press your fin
ger tips on the rind you can begin to
Judge of the inferior makeup of a
cheese. If it yields readily to the pras-
"sure of the lingers and the rind breaks
or docs not spring back readily whan
the pressure is withdrawn , you have
struck a soft article , caused by the
slack cooling of the curd , n want of
ncld or both. At best It will have an
insipid llavor and will ' '
'go off' as It
ages. Cheese which feels so hard that
you cannot press it on the rind is ei
ther sour , salted too heavily , cooked
too much , skimmed or suffering from
a touch of nil these complaints.
"A good cheese will bo mellow to the
touch , yet firm. Its rind will bo of an
oven tint , clastic and free from puffs ,
and the sample will reveal firm , close
grained , buttery cheese of a nutty
tlavor. "
Gcoarnphloal Knovrleilffo In 1402.
But very little was known in regard
to the extent of the world in Aris
totle's day , in the foruth century before
Christ , and but very llttlo moro was
known about It 1,800 years later , In the
time of Columbus. In 2,000 years the
world had in reality retrograded rather
than advanced.
It was the popular belief in the time
of Columbus that the world was flat ,
though many contemporary scholars
thought differently. The great civili
zations of the world at that time were
grouped around the Mediterranean sea ,
although England was a considerable
power and the Scandinavians were a
great maritime people. But Europeans
at that time knew but llttlo of Asia
and but little of Africa , and America
of course was undreamed of.
Even after Columbus had discovered
the latter continent ho was perfectly
oblivious of the fact. Ho thought
Haiti was Clpango or Japan , and for
a long time regarded Cuba ns a part of
the mainland of Asia.
The Other Wouldn't Cure.
Maurice Barrymore , the actor , once
Journeyed from n hunting camp where
he was a guest to a small Maine town
for the purpose of seeing "Hamlet"
acted by a company of barnstormers.
The performance was so had as to bo
fascinating , and Bnrrymoro and his ,
friends remained until the very end.
As they made their way to the village 1
hotel ono of the party asked the actor
how companies of the kind managed' '
to exist
"Don't know , " said Barrymore , "buti
they servo an educational purpose. "
"They do ? How ? "
"Well , if I had the time and money ,
I am sure I could decide the Shako-
npcnrc-Bacon controversy after seeing
tonight's performance. "
"Why , Barry , what was there tonight
to make you think so ? "
"My dear fellow , if the bodies of
Shakespeare and Bacon were disinter
red , you'd find that the real author of
Hamlet' had turned In his grave. "
Philadelphia Times.
lit , .HIiiMviMt thn Widow Wlir It Wa
Ton liitto toMourn. .
After the ship which had como from
Now Zealand was tied tip at thn wharf
Larry O'llrlcn was told off by his shipmates -
mates to call upon Mrs. McCarthy and
break the no\vs of the death of her HUH-
hand , which had occurred on Hhlphoard
the preceding summer. The Brooklyn
naglo tells how ho did It :
"Good morning , Mrs. McCarthy ! "
said he. "Is Denny In ? "
"Denny ? " mild the surprlKod woman.
"My Denny ? No , he's not in. Is the
nhlp hereV"
"Huro It Is. And Denny's not got
homo yet ? That's ciuarc unless some
thing has happened him. "
"What would happen him ? " Mrs. Mc
Carthy asked nnxloiiKly.
"There's plenty of things can happen
a man , " mild Larry delicately. "Ho
might have got hurted or he might
have took sick with the fevor. But
there's ono comfort , as Father MeOlu-
nls Hiild once , and that Is that tlmo
heals iv'ry grief. "
"What do you mane , Mr. O'Brien ? "
" 1 mane that If anything happened
to Denny you wouldn't feel ns bad
about It a few months after It hap
pened as you would right at the time ,
would you1'
"I suppose not , " said Airs. McCarthy.
"I mind whin 1 lost mo llrst husband I
thought I'd never get over It. But , as
you Hay , In n few months It was alslcr
to bear. "
"Then , Mrs. McCarthy , you'll bo glad
to know that It's now four months
nearly live since Denny died. Sure , It
can't grieve you now as much as It
would if you'd known it at the tlmo. "
Hlialii'n Mlfrrntorr Hhrep.
There are about 10,000,000 migratory
sheep In Spain , which each year travel
as much as UOO miles fium the plains to
the mountains. They arc known as
' transhumantcs , and their march , restIng -
Ing places and behavior nro governed
by special regulations , dating from the
fourteenth , century. At certain times
no one may travel the same route as
the sheep , which have the right to
graze on all open and common land on
I the way. For this purpose n road ninety -
! ! ty yards wide must bo left on all In-
| I closed and private property. The shep
herds lead their ( locks , which follow
I after and around. The flocks are nc-
' companled by provision mules and by
largo dogs to guard against wolves.
The merino sheep travel -100 miles to
the mountains , and the total time spent
on the migration thcro and back la
fourteen weeks.
llrlberr In Election * .
Bribery In elections Is an ancient if
not an honorable custom. This is shown
In the case of Shrewsbury , England.
An extract from Parry's "Parliaments
and Councils of England" of a case of
bribery , with its punishment , in 1571
shows how long the pernicious custom
has been In practice : "Thomas Long , 'a
very simple man and unfit' to servo , is
questioned how ho came to bo elected.
IIo confesses that he gave the mayor
of Westbury and another 4 for his
place. They are ordered to repay this
sum , and a line of 20 is to be assessed
on the corporation and inhabitants of
Wcstbury for their scandalous at
tempt. " One can imagine the Indigna
tion of those Inhabitants of Shrews
bury who received no bribe having to
pay a fine for those who did.
Queer Looking Wornm.
New Zealand , Australia , the Samoan
and the Solomon Islands , as well as
portions of the Hawaiian group , are
the homes of various species of worms
with thick , heavy bodies and with n
well defined neck connecting the body
with a head that is n startling remind
er of that of the monkey. In the Sand
wich Islands they arc called "me-ta-lu-
kl , " which means "creeper with n
child's head. " An old New Zealand leg
end says that at one time they were
of immense proportions and threatened
the extinction of nil human life on the
Prudence find Prevention.
The following quaintly worded notice
Is posted outside the oillccs of one of
the street car companies of Paris : "Wo
beg to Inform burglars that we do not
leave money or valuables In any of our
depots during the night You nVo re
quested to make known this fnc
among the confraternity , so as to avok
unnecessary trouble and loss of time. '
The newspaper which publishes the
above , adds. "Prudence and prevention
are the two mothers of safety. "
A Natural MUtaUc.
He had recited to his class the story
of Abraham entertaining angels una
ware. Feeling that the children mlgh
not know the meaning of the word "un
aware , " ho asked them if they did. Ono
little hand went -promptly , and the
smallest girl In the class said :
"Tho thing you wear next your skin.1
Harper's Magazine.
A Prejudiced Deduction.
Waggsby So Do Wruytcr says h
wrote ninety-nine poems last year , does
he ?
Nnggsby I understood him to say
"better than a hundred. "
Woggsby That's what I meant by
ninety-nine. I've read his poems. Bal
timore American.
Husband ( Irritably ) It isn't a year
since you said you believed our mar
riage was made in heaven , and yet you
order mo around ns if I wasn't any
Wife ( calmly ) Order is heaven's first
law. New York Weekly.
Y u will find that the mcio resolve
to be useless and the honest desire to
help other people will. In the quickest
and most * delicate ways , also improve
Fl h IB IlolIliiR Witter.
Ono of the most remarkable discover-
rn In the shape of n peculiar species of
Inh ever made on tills continent was
hat muilo at Carson City , Nor. , In
870. At that tlmo both the Halo and
Not-cross and the Savage mines were
lown to what Is known as the " 2,200
oot level , " When at that depth , a sub-
crraiiean lake of boiling water was
nppcd , ' This accident Hooded both
nines to a depth of 400 feet. After this
vntor had all been pumped out except
hat which had gathered In basins and
n the Inaccessible portions of the
vorks , and when the water still had
i temperature of 128 degrees nearly
cnldlng hot many queer looking little
> lood red ( Ish wcro taken out. In np-
icnrance they somewhat resembled the
They seemed lively and sportive
nough when they were In their native
element boiling water notwlthstaml-
ng the fact that they did not oven have
udlmentary eyes. When the fish wcro
aken out of the hot water and put In-
0 buckets of cold wnter for the pur-
> esc of being transported to the stir-
'ace , they died as quickly as a perch or
1 bass would If plunged Into a kettle
if water that was scalding hot ; not
only this , but the skin peeled off exact-
y as If It had been boiled.
Eyeless fish are common enough In
all subterranean lakes and rivers , but
his Is the only case on rocoid of living
Ish being found In boiling water.
n 1'lntc In it Church.
There was a very largo congregation ,
and the rector seeing that there was
only one alms dish made signs to n rus-
Ic from the chancel entrance to como
o him and bade him go Into the1 roc-
ory garden through a glass door Into
ho dining room , where there had been
a slight refection before the service ,
> rlng a dish from the table , take It
lown one side of the north aisle and
ip the other and then bring It to the
clergyman at the place from which lie
started. The rustic disappeared , reap-
icarcd with the dish , took It as he was
ordered and presented it to the people
on cither Hide of the aisle , and then ap-
iroaching the rector whispered in his
ear : "I've done as yer told me , sir. I'vo
aken It down yon side of the nlslc and
up t'other they'll none of 'em 'nvo
any. " No order had been given to
empty the dish , and It was full of bis
cuits ! Dean Hole's "Memories. "
Shellno In Chinese AVorka of Art.
By softening shellac with heat it
may bo drawn out and twisted Into al
most white sticks and of a fine silky
uster. Extreme beauty is given to
Chinese works of art by the use of
shellac. Some of them nro very ancient
and of great value. They arc chiefly
chowchow boxes , tea basins or other
small objects made of wood or metal.
They are covered with n coat of shel-
ac , colored with vermilion , nnd while
Iho Inycr of shellac Is soft and pllnblo
It Is molded and shaped Into beautiful
patterns. Some of these works thus
ornamented arc so rare and beautiful
that even in China they cost fabulous
lie ForRiiTc the Illahop.
A certain bishop , an ardent advocate
of tcetotallsm , found ono of his flock , to
whom ho had preached for years , leanIng -
Ing in helpless drunkenness against a
"Wllklns ! " cried the bishop , inex
pressibly shocked. "Oh , Wllklns ! You
In this state ! I am sorry ; I am sorry ;
I am sorry ! "
As the bishop was passing by on the
other side Wllklns pulled himself to
gether nnd hiccoughed after him :
"Bishop , bishop ! "
The bishop hastened back in the hope
of hearing a resolution of repentance.
"Bishop , if you are really sorry I for
give you ! "
A nird Much Like n Flih.
The "birds of a feather" that "flock
together" do not belong to the penguin
family , as they are entirely destitute of
feathers , having for a covering a kind
of stiff down. Another penguin pecul
iarity is that it swims not on , but un
der , water , never keeping more than its
head out and when fishing coming to
the surface at such brief and rare in
tervals that an ordinary observer
would almost certainly mistake it for a
"My dear sir , " wrote the editor to the
persistent young author , "in order to
simplify matters somewhat we are in
closing a bunch of our 'declined with
thanks' notices. If you will put one
of these In an envelope with your man
uscript and mall It to yourself , it will
make It'easier for all of us , and you
will be saving something In postage
as well. " Chicago Post
There are some goldfish in Washing
ton which belonged to the same family
for the last fifty years , and they seem
no bigger nnd no less vivacious today
than they did when they first came In
to the owner's possession. A few of
the fish in the Royal aquarium in St.
Petersburg are known to be 150 years
Depre lns >
"Wero there laughter and cheers dur
ing your speech ? "
"Well , " answered the youthful states
man , "there weren't many cheers , but
now and then people In the audlenco
looked at ono another and laughed. "
Washington Star.
A Cnie of Neceonltr.
Mrs. Smith Wo missed you so much
nt our party !
Mrs. Jones And I was so vexed when
i couldn't cornel You see , our cook had
company unexpectedly , nnd she needed
us to fill out the card tables. Detroit
The eyes of other people arc the eyes
that ruin us. Franklin.
Is the unique trade mark design of the
National Biscuit Company. Always printed
in ted and white on each end of the package
that preserves the freshness , crispness and original
oven flavor of biscuit , crackers and wafers.
For example try Zu Zu Ginger Snaps , Graham
Crackers , Butter Thin and Social
Tea Biscuit.
Tilths lu Africa.
it may be a surprise to the unen
lightened to learn that probably no ex
plorer. In forcing his passage through
Africa , has ever for more than a few
days nt a time been off some beaten
track. Every village Is connected with
aomo other village , every tribe with the
next tribe , every state with its neigh
bor and therefore with nil the rest.
The explorer's bushiest * Is simply to
select from this network of tracks ,
keep a general direction and hold on
his way. They are veritable foot
paths , never over a foot In breadth ,
beaten hard and netted beneath the
level of the forest bed of centuries of
native trnfllc.
Like the roads of the old Romans ,
these footpaths run straight on through
everything , ridge nnd mountain nud
valley , never shying at obstacles , nor
anywhere tinning aside to breathe.
Yet within this general straightfor
wardness are a singular 'eccentricity
and an indirectness of detail. And
the reason is not far to seek. If a stone
is encountered , no native will ever
think of removing It ; ho simply walts
around It. It would never occur to hint
that that stone was n displaceable ob
ject and that for the general weal h *
might displace it.
The Whale's Appetite.
A whale's appetite Is phenomenal.
His chief diet consists of Jellyfish. IIo
has simply to open his mouth and pad
dle along leisurely in order to take In
Jellyfish by the wagon load. Such la
the method adopted by the whalebone
whale. The sperm whale , on the con
trary , captures huge squids weighing
often several tons. Like his brother
the whalebone whale , he must bo con
stantly on the lookout for food ; other
wise he would starve. As many ns
fourteen seals have been taken from a
thirty foot "killer. " Other flshcs of
enormous appetites are not uncommon.
The blueflsh , for example , thrives on
sardines and other small fish. Assum
ing that one bluefish eats ten small fish
a day , it has been figured that it re
quires 10,000,000,000 sardines to feed
the 1,000,000,000 blueflsh on our coasts
every summer. Most curious of all
caters is the hydra a strange creature
that can be turned Inside out without
Impairing its appetite or its power to
eat Scientific American.
A Mliitnke That Paid.
Mistakes made on purpose are some
times profitable , and a New York mer
chant illustrates it thus :
"A concern owed me $50 , and repeat
ed duns did no good. The debt was
perfectly square , but I had no docu
mentary evidence on which to base a
suit , so I decided to be foxy and secure
such proof.
"t sent a bill for $100 , with a caustic
letlcr , figuring that the concern would
answer , repudiating the claim of $100
nnd saying that the amount was $50.
Once I got this admission I would be
In n position to sue.
"Imagine my surprise and pleasure
when I received a letter from the man
ager of the concern apologizing for the
Selay nnd inclosing a check for $100. "
Her aMIU-liiff Stool.
He Then , if you are willing , we
will bo married at once , but wo will
not llvo in the close , crowded city. I
will purchase a little farm , nnd we will
llvo on It nud bo as happy as turtle
She And I shall be a farmer's wife.
"Yes , my darling. "
"And what do you think , John ? You
won't have to buy a milking stool for
me , for I'vo got ono already. "
"You have ? "
"Oh , yes , the prettiest you over saw
decorated with handsome plush and
cherry colored ribbons. "
Carljrle on Novel * .
A letter of Carlyle's gives us the
opinion of novels entertained by him
In the year 1800. To a budding story
teller ho wrote to suggest that she
should "shove her own novel well
aside for a good while or forever and
bo shy even of reading novels. If she
do read , let It bo good and wise books ,
which not ono in 10,000 of the kind now
called 'novels' is. " And yet Carlyle
was himself guilty of at least begin
ning to write a novel.
Mind is that which perceives , feels ,
remembers , acts and la conscious of
continued existence.
Some Interesting Ohnrrvatlonn on
One of Ntittirv'H WoiidofN.
The very fact that tl.e waters of
oceans are salty is n wonder within it
self. That such Is the case everybody1
knows , but why ? Hlvcrs are not salt ,
neither are some of the very largest
of Inland seas , yet one school of scien
tists will tell you that these same seas
( lakes ) arc the remains of what was
once a universal ocean , that there was
once an upheaval of the land nnd that
all the waters settled in basins except
that which drained off. If this is n
fact , why are these lakes or seas now
fresh ? Don't tell me , says an Investi
gator , that it is because they have been
evaporating through the long centuries
and that the vacancy has been sup
plied by fresh waters from rivers.
Great Salt lake is no less salty now
than It was 3,000 years ago and prob
ably n great deal more so.
The water of the Caribbean sea Is
dense compared with that of the At
lantic in the vicinity of the Cape Verde
Islands , the proportion being eleven to
twenty-one. Why Is this ? It is cer
tainly n fact that they are both of one
body of water. The variety of saline
matter found in all sea water is univer
sally the same. There Is another fact
which should be mentioned while wo
are classifying sea water that is this :
When the saltness of oceans is refer
red to , it must not bo understood ns be
ing the table salt of commerce ( chlo
ride of sodium ) , for there are many
other salts in the solution. Expert hy-
drographers tell us that there nro
enough of these various salts held in
suspension in the waters of the oceans
to cover the whole landed surface of
the globe to n depth of 1,500 feet in
other words , that there is 00,000,000-
000,000,000 tons so held in suspension !
The sen is salt by reason of the earth
washings which arc poured into It
"We cannot consider jour story se
riously , " wrote an editor to an author ,
"because you have killed your hero in
the middle of It. "
And the author replied , "I killed him
early because he rnnde me tired. " At
lanta Constitution. ,
Mr. Byrnne Coyne Ah , sweetest one ,
mny I be your captain and guide your
bark down the nen of life ?
Mrs. Berrymoro ( a widow ) No , but
you can be my second mate. Detroit !
Free Press.
to most women is n term of
anxiety , serious thought' '
and sweet anticipation.
With the cessation of pain
necessary to childbirth ,
there comes calm nerves ,
sleep and recuperation.
does diminish the pain accompanying
maternity. With its aid mothers can and
do bring healthy , sweet dispositioned
and ideal babies into the world.
I Morning sickness , sore breasts nnd ex
cruciating pains caused by the gradually
expanding organs , are relieved by this
penetrating nnd relaxing liniment.
Among the manifold aids to childbirth
Mother's Friend has grown in popularity
nud gained a prestige among rich women
as well ns poor ; it la found nnd welcomed
in the mansion ns well aa in the cabin.
1 By lessening the mother's agony of mind
nnd diminishing pain a beautiful influence
i is wrought upon the child , nnd instead of
j peevish , ill-tempered nud sickly forms you
J have healthy , laughing humanity , remainIng -
Ing n blessing ever to you and its country.
Alt Dni&glitv sell Mother' * Friend at $1.00.
I Write forourlree Hoolc"MotlerHood"