6 THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , MAY 1 , 1903. Large Number of Houses Being Constructed. A NEW STANDARD IN NORFOLK , Period of Building Activity Never Do- fore Approached Olty l J t Entering Era of Improvement. List of Residences. [ From Saturday's A rtrlvo about thu city Just now Indi cates moro strongly than anything oleo , the fact that Norfolk In entering a per iod of building aotlvlty never before equaled. Not only nro the numbers of now homes impressive , but the general standard is nlnvo what has hordofuro boon known. Among the houses going up mny ho xnontlonml that of J. H H-dnuui , on Smth EUhth Htroit ; Mlko ISndorn , which him junt been complutotl on South Eighth hi root ; two that are planned by A J. Durlniid for thu Heights , on South Kl lithj a now outing" "f MM. MimH { m Phillip avunno ! u now homo oil South Fifth just omipled by Win. Ahlnmnn ; ix largo mining hous'i at South Not folk being built by MM. Ferguson ; thn now nuldoncoof A. Teal on South Fourth mid the beautiful now honm of G. D. Buttoi field on Norfolk nvunun. BrMdcH I hi no , a now Presbyterian church will soon ho built at the corner of Phillip nvumin and Ninth street and n grea' ninny additions are being put to roidoiircn throughout the city. "It in not meioly an era of building honHon"jKnid an architect this morning , "hut it is u period of finer houses than Norfolk linn seen boforo. " Among these who are llkolv to build this Reason are mentioned II. E. Hardy , D. J Kotmlgstoln , Venue Nonow , Arthur Huzon , 0. W. Braaeoh , and S. L. Gardner. _ _ SATURDAY SITTINGS. S , J. Arnott of Madbon is in the city today on business. Verne llalnoy of Pierce is iu the city eurouto to Ainsworth. Mrs. II. II. Mohr of Pioroo was shop ping in Norfolk today. B. II. Traoy wont to Bwing last ulght on a short business trip O. It. Oleson of Wisner was In the city yesterday on business. Mrs. D. ' Wilkinson of Fremont is the guest of Mrs. T , S. Shooau. Fred Stafford wont to Omaha today to spend Sundny with friends Mrs. F. W. lllohnrdson of Battle Greek visited in Norfolk yohtorday. G. A. Bestn and Sam Wilder nro guests at the Oxnard ouer Sunday. Miss LUlio Parker of Plnlaviow is n puest at the homo of her brother , Dr. O. S. Parker. Vitrified brick nro on the ground for n new wnlk in front of the Turf Exchange and restaurant. W L. Kern nnd son O oar and daugh ter Leila wont to Bloomflold this morn ing for a few days' visit. The Eagles hold a meeting and initi ation Thursday night and will hold /mother next Friday night. Ed Erwiu will ship n carload of hories to Omaha tonight. This is the second car within two weeks. The new wagons for the rural dollv < cry servl-o have arrived nnd are now covering the territory around Norfolk. The postofilco will bo open tomorrow from 13 to 1 , instead of 'from I to 2 , ns has heretofore been th Sunday custom. W. II Olark has found the grip for which he has been ndvortislug. It con tained his painter's tools nud eomo papers. Mrs J. L. Orotty , who has been spending the winter in this cUy with Mrs T. S. Shoonn , returned to her homo in Denver today. Mrs F M. Slsson is attending a moot inir of the "Woman's Home missionary society at Fender She is ou the pro gram for a paper before the society to day. "W. J. Rupert , who has been firing on the 0. Pt. P. M. & . O between hero and Sinus Oity for some tirno , has been given nn engine on the sanio road be tween Sioux Oity nnd Omaha , and will move his family to Sioux Oity. The weather opened cold and cheerless - less this morning , but thn bright PUU ef fected something of n chnngo until the afternoon becnmo quite pleasant nud ncreenblo. If the wind bahnvffl itself the prospects nro that tomorrow will furnish n delightful quality of spring \voath r. Joe Horisky , who was so badly Inc- ornted by the horn of n maddened oow several davs ace , is quite forgetting his trouble nnd thinks now that there will bo no scar at all. Ho thinks ho will never be bothered ngnin but may re move the horns jast because , after all , discretion is the better part of valor. Minx Alice Barrett entertained thirty of her young friends nt the homo of her parents , corner of First street nud Nor folk avenue , yesterday afternoon from 4 to G , the occasion being Miss Alice's twelfth birthday. The young folks had a merry time and when leaving time arrived were all tired but very happy. The proprietor of the Oxnard , Mr , Bartholomew , is expected to arrive in the. olty today to look over his house. It is thought that he may plan to build an addition to the building ns it is not large ououghnow to accommodate thn patronage. A dozen were turned away Thursday night and five again last evening. Rov. F. M. Sisson received a message this morning stating that Her. A. L Bray hnd died nt Hot Springs , Ark. , yesterday morning. The funeral will bo hold nt Ornlg nt 11 o'clock Monday morning nnd the servioo will bo con ducted by Dr. Slmion , Mr , Brny hnn been sluk for HOIIIO tlmo , Ho was pinter of the Methodist church nt Uloomflold , out intornumt will ho nt Ornlg , boonuso thnt is the homo of his wife's people. MONDAY MENTION. John U. Ilnys won in Hot Springn over Sunday , S. 0. Oiunpboll is In the olty from Miidlton today. Mr * . 0 L. Kinsom of Omaha is the guest of Mm , J , Biium. 0 , D Jenkins has gene to Onmhn nnd will bo absent several dnys , Mr * . O. 0. Ball went to Long Pine ant evening to visit with her mother , Dr. 0. A. MoKttn was called to Ulonmllold today on state votorlnnry work , Mrs. J. F. Pouohor will lonvo tomor row for a visit with her pnronts nt Toknnmh , Mr. and Mrs , George II Bishop loft Saturdny noon for their homo in Now ll.ivun , Conn. QMrfl F. M. Slssonreturned today from 'ondt-r , where she attended a mooting of mlHHlonnrlos. W. II. Bradley and family of Larch wood , Iowa , nro visiting at the homo of Mr and Mrs. 0. F. Shaw. Rev J F. Pouoher wont to Craig to- lay to attend thu funeral of the Into Rev. A L. Bray , who died at Hot Springe , Arkansas. Daily Nobranknn : Roy Pierce , who IHH been confined BO long with purpura , H now convalescing but will not bo in school any mure this year. Dr. Louis Sohloslngor , the spiritual' ntlo medium , leaven tonight for Noligh. Ho will be gene to various towns for several dnys liuforo returning to Nor folk. folk.Frank Frank Twin * , olork nt the Oxnnrd , lenves this evening for a few days' visit in Ohndron with Ed Stevens. W. II. Piloldor will fill thu position during his nbbonco. Frank Ambrose , n hnrpist who has mitdo Norfolk his headquarters for a number of years , left at noon today for Omaha and will go from there to Don- vor. Ho may tnko a trip down to Mexico ice nnd from there to his old homo in Italy before returning. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Woathorby enter- alnod n largo company of friends at their homo ou the corner of Koeulgstoiu avenue and Thirteenth street , Saturday night. Slx-hnndcd ouohro wns the fou- turo of the evening. Prizes were won by Mrs. 0. E. Greene nnd Mrs. G. B. Suitor , nnd the shouting prize by Mr. Bulloak. W. W. Roberts is already receiving a largo amount of correspondence relut ing to base ball , among which nro not n few letters asking for games ou certain dates. The Wayne college team has kfd for n game hero on the first of J no. Mr. Roberts thinks that the chnl longors are quite likely to bo aocommo dated The proper spirit is awakening iu Norfolk and nothing will sufllco to HivtiHfy the cravings of the fans like a good team nud plenty of games. Bittlo Greek Republican : ' July21 , 23 and 23 are dates that Norfolk people write in rod ink. On these dates the eleventh annual tournament of the State V luntoer Firemen's association will bo hold In that city , and it is nu ttvont extraordinary. Norfolk never does anything on the half-way plan , and wo judge from their liberal adver tising that this nffnir will bo on the way nnd n half plan. Some neat but ton budges have been put out for ad vertising purposes. A crowd of children of South Norfolk havn for Homo time past boon disturb ing the people by ringing door bells , throwing corn ou the windows , nud otherwise playing annoying pranks. List night this sort of "fun" bccauu rather too tame and they turned their attention to the church , where they al most succeeded iu breaking up the meeting. This action is n serious of fense ngainst the laws of the state and these who have been guilty of it should have u oaro that they are not prosecuted. Some of them are known , nnd prose cutions are very likely to toke place if there is not an immediate cessation of this sort of disturbance. Foil SALK. Barred Plymouth Rock eggs , $1 per setting.H. H. J. OAULFIKLD , 313 North 9th. SEVERE ATTACK OF GRIP. Cured by One Bottle of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. "When I had nu attack ot the grip last winter ( the tccoud oue ) I actually cured myholf with one bottle of Ohuui- borluiu's Cough Remedy , " says Frank W. Pony , editor of the Enterprise , Shortsville , N. Y. . "This is the honest tiuth. I ut times kept from cougliiug myself to pieces by taking a tiuspoouful ot this roxnody , nud whtu the roughing spt-11 would come on at night I would tnku a dpso and it seemed that iu the briefest interval the cough would pass off and I would go to sleep perfectly free from cough ana its accompanying pains. To sny that the remedy acted as n most ngreeablo surprise Is putting it very mildly. I hart no idea that it would or could knock out the grip , simply because I had never tried it for such n purpose , but it did , nud it seemed with the second attack of coughing the remedy caused it to not only bo of less duration , but the pains were far less severe , nnd I had not used the contents of one bottle before Mr. Grip had bid me adieu. " For sale by the Kiocuu Drug Co , To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Brome Quinine tablets. All druguists refund the money if it fnils to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25o. Fine light work a specialty at Paul Nordwlg'fl Dr , W.I. Seymour coming. Will Have Morning Service After May i. ACCORDING TO INSTRUCTIONS. Farmers Petitioned for It They Must Patronize the Service Inspectors Will Sco That the Rural Routes are Treated [ from Tuoflday'd Dally. ] Under instruction of the pustofllco de partment at Washington , the tlmo sahodulo on thu rural free delivery routes from this city , has been changed rein nftornpon to morning , nnd begin- ling with May 1 the carriers will lonvo the olllco nt 7 : ! IO o'clock n. in. This ohnngo IH iniulo at petition of the patrons on all of the routed. Route 1 icli was slated to bo carried after loon , beginning with yesterday , will 3ontlnun with the morning Eorvlco straight through. A latoniiiiounoemunt from the post olllcu department at Washington , thnt hero \VIVH to bo instituted a rigid in spection of rural mall delivery routes , mil that all routes not up to the ro- lutromonts would bo abandoned , has caused bomothlng of a ( lurry. A route of ordinary proportions should handle each month between > ,000 and 0,000 pieces of mail. Some roaoh as high an 10,000 in more thickly sottlud communltlox , but many otlioro all down to an nvorngo of about 2,000. It is this chum that the government will invuHtlgato and it is up to the farmers on such routes to show why the service should not bo discontinued. If the business is found to bo loss than t should Do , in the minds of the spuc- nl agents , recommendations will bo undo Ilrst ns to what should bo douo to oinedy the difficulty. Then if the routes do not pick up , the routes will bo oidorod discontinued. In connection with the investigation , ho good roads question will bo carefully considered. If the routes are found to bo in poor shape , and not maintained with the idea of assisting the carriers iu iivery possible way , thnt fact will out considerable figure in the recommenda tions of the ngeuts. TUESDAY TOPICS. Dr A. Dlsboou is in the oity from Creightou. BurtMnpos returned homo thin 'morn ing from Oroightou. A. T. MoOonuoll is in the olty from Fuller ton. Mrs. Myron Twiss wns a visitor to Madtson yesterday. William Stewart and family nro in the oity from Randolph. Mrs. J. T. Stownrd of Tildon was shopping in Norfolk yesterday. The Grand Island Independent ifsued n oplondid likeness of President Roosevelt - volt on Saturdny. J. O. Moroy was down from Pierce this morning transacting business and greeting old-time friends. An addition is being bni't ' to the north end of the residence of N. A. Raiubolt iu Koonigstoin avenue. Miss Alice Cole has completed the term of school she has been teaching at Bloomfield MI * is now at homo. Miss Emma Myor is hero from Ran dolph today bhoppiug preparatory to her marriage next week. Mrs. E M. Koirth and little boy from the Pine Ridge agency were in the city today for shopping. The walk iu front of the postofflco needs a drain tile attachment or the filling up the hollows in which the water stands on the occasion of each rain storm. Mr. Duncan of San Francisco , who has been so seriously ill for the past week at Mrs. Austin's , has shown a marked itiiprovomt lit Grand Island entertained President Roosevelt over Suudny and Campbell Bros. ' circus on Monday , giving that town excitement in variety. The Norfolk Eighth grndo exami nations will bo hold tomorrow , nt which time Superintendent Crnin is expected over from Mndlsou to conduct them. J. B Mnylard who is now visiting in England , has remembered n number of Norfolk friends with illustrated pobt cards bearing cuts of worth while features iu the old country. Herman Sohroeder has recently brought into the city from Wisconsin a great ninny flue cedar trees of the red , white and Norwegian variety. He is distributing them among his friends. Billie Ferguson is now traveling with Oampoll Bros , circus They reached Denver today for their opening per formance of the season. Billie writes to his mother that he has a good place nnd will like the work. The little dnughtor of W. A. Tawnoy of Osmond was fatally burned last Sat urday nud died Sundny. She will bo buried from the Presbyterian church nt Osmond , and Rov. S. F. Shnrpless of this city will conduct the service. At Springfield , Illinois , Arthur J. Koeulgsteln of this city was married to n young lady of that place today. After n short trip the couple will return to Norfolk nnd bo nt homo ou the corner of Nebrnekn avenue nnd Eighth street. The post office is now more thnu n post office. It has become a thing of beauty and a joy forever by the placing in the windows of a number of pretty pluuts. Mit-s Gnrlingej , who presides nt the money order window , is respon sible for it. The Ladles guild of Trinity church will giv i nn informal reception to Rev. and Mrs J 0 S. Weills tomorrow even ing from 8 to 10 at the home of Ool. and Mrs , S. W. Hayes on Norfolk avouno. Ml people of the parinh nnd other "rlondH of Mr nnd Mrs. Weills nro most cordially invited to call , Mrs , Fred Sidlur nnd children re- nrnod yoRtordny from Chicago , whoio hey linvo mndo their homo during the winter , while Mr. Sldler has been cm- > loyod in the shops of the Piano Man ufacturing company. Ho will follow in n thort time nnd they expect to mnko heir homo in Norfolk iu the future. Cyrus Brownloo Newton , the noted itunorlst and comedian , in in the oity and will entertain at the M. E. church ; onight , under the auspices of the Nor- 'oik ' schools. Ho visited the schools ; lils morning aud gave n few readings .hat showed him a romarknblo dolino- itor of diameter , and quite capable of irnlBhing endless nniUHomont. The town of Lynch , in Boyd county , s the Intest to bo stirred up over nilii- ng exoltomunt. It has mndo n radical lupin turo , however , iu that neither gold , nilvorooiil nor oil are claimed. An nvoHtigation of the hills south of the own is said to dlsoloso ere thnt nssnys ) G per cent lend and some copper nud xports irtlimnto thnt it will run about SO to the ton. Mr. Bowdish , a Cripple Creole miner is investigating the find ind if it will warrant a company of coal capitalists will bo fo mod to de velop the property. People in this pait of the country will wish Lynch no ivorso fortune than that the find may ndoed prove vnlunblo. WEDNESDAY WRINKLES. E. P. Woathorby is iu Spencer on nislncss. W. H Buttorfiold is transacting bnsi- less in Lincoln. Dr. P. H. Snltor was in Lincoln yes- onlay on business. Dr. A. Dosbrow of Croighton was a oily visitor yesterday. Mrs. Edward Tanner was iu the city yesterday from Battle Crook. E. R. Garnoy nud II. E. Somisou were here yesterday from Wlnsido. F. L. E tabrook shipped n oar of eggs Saturday aud expects to ship a couple nero this week. J. N. Buudiok returned homo last night from Omaha where ho went ou business and incidentally saw the prosi- [ lent. The tender young loaves of the trees were beautifully crystallized and were Irokon iu pieces and strewn over the ground by thu strong wind. It is believed that the wheat nnd oats will bo rather benefited than injured ns this , will cause them to "stool out" and form thick upon the ground. Mrs. P. T. Birohnrd , Mrs. A. J. Dur- laud nnd Mrs. Burt Mnpes went to Omnhn today to see Richnrd Mnnsflold In "Julius Coasar , " nt the Boyd to night. The coal men have had an extra force at work today replenishing the coal bins that have been permitted to dwindle with the belief that there would be no further use for coal fires iu the heaters this season. It was surprising the way the rush orders rolled in. As a result of the storm water has in vaded some of the collars of Norfolk. The collar under the Odd Follows buildiug contains about three inches and about the same depth of water has appeared iu the press pit in THE NEWS olllco. The precipitation during the storm was very abundant aud has materially ndded to the precipitation for the season nud stands a ohauoe of being hold until the ground is receptive. The wet may be of benefit during the season aud this will bo about the only benefit accruing from the storm. There ire some boys in the neighbor hood of Ninth street who have a largo calibre revolver in their possession which thev shoot around indiscrim inately , Inking espocinl delight in frightening girls and young children The boys are known nud residents of thnt vicinity assert thnt they will be prosecuted unless the practice is stopped. A oarlond of Austrian laborers passed through Norfolk Monday. They were enrouto to Niobrara and Bonostool , half of them to bo employed out of each place in completing the work on the ex tension that was built last summer. The work of repairing nnd completing the roadbed ou the extension will bo undertaken as soon as the weather will permit and the track will soon bo put in the excellent condition that oharac- terizes the Northwestern system. Cyrus Brownleo Newton , the uoted ( humorist and comedian , entertained a rather small but thoroughly apprecia tive audience at the M. E. church last night , the entertainment being under the auspices of the Norfolk schools. Those who attended were unanimous iu decltiriug that Mr Newton wns one of the best entertainers it has been their privilege of hearing. He is most clever ns a character delineator nnd is thor oughly the character he represents , showing remarkable versatility. His manner is easy , graceful and refined , and he can bring a laugh or a tear with out apparent effort on his part. His voice is remarkably melodious and bis readings furnished an evening of un wonted pleasure to those who braved the storm of the night. Dr. Seymour will be in Norfolk Sat urday , May 3. at the Oxnard hotel. Danger of Colds and Grip. The greatest danger from colds and grip is their resulting in pneumonia. If reasouablo care is used , however , and Ohauiberlniu's Cough Remedy taken , all danger will be avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for these diseases we have yet to learn of a sluglo case having resulted iu pneumonia , which shows conclus ively thit it is a certain preventive of that dangerous disease. It will cure cold or an uttok of the grip in less time than any other treatment. It is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by the Kiesan Drug Co. Carl Korth Suffers a Broken Shoulder. HE RECEIVED OTHER INJURIES. Messrs Korth and W. L. Kern Were Run Down While Returning from the Country Last Night by Fred Schilling. [ From Tuesday'u Dally. ] Returning from the country at 10 o'clock last night , W. L. Kern and Carl Korth were run over by a team driven by Fred Shilling. The accident hap pened botsvoon the two bridges at Hille's two miles north , on First street. The road there is narrow , with deep ditches canned by the recent overflow of the river and Schilling had a lumber wagon and was letting his horses go fast while Kern nnd his companion were iu n single buggy. The latter got out of their buggy nud led their horse into the ditch when they hi nrd Schilling coming , but were uuablo to prevent the collision that followed. The horse was stripped of his harness , knocked down and the buggy smashed. Kern and Korth were under thojhorso's feet aud how they escaped being killed s a miraclo. Kern is only slightly bruited but Korth was not so fortunate , ns ho had a shoulder broken and two ribs separated from the breast bone , besides - sides being horribly bruised and scratched on various parts of the body. Mr. Korth is a man about 00 years of ago and will suffer from his injuries for a long timo. Schilling lives about ton miles south aud had started homo with a load of flour aud groceries , when he became on fused by the electric lights and drove north instead of south. THURSDAY TIDINGS. G. B. G.ittru is here from Sorlbnor. F. O. Holbort is iu the city today from Plalnviow. 0. D. Gearhart is hero on business , from Aiusworth. Mrs. T. J. Thompson of Fairfax , S. D. , is shopping in Norfolk today. E. W. Hayes arrived in the oity last night from the west and is a guest nt the homo of his parents , Mr. nud Mrs. S. W. Hnyes , for a short time before leaving for his home in Indianapolis. Otto Fuorst , n prominent citizen of Battle Creek , is in Norfolk today. The Ladies Guild of Trinity church will meet with Mrs. J. N. Bnndick to morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. It will bo a business meeting and a full attend ance is desired. Among these who lost at the recent fire at Fairfield was Wm. Nenman , sou in-lnw of W. F. Moldenhanor of this city. Mr. Neuman was in the lumber business with a partner and the lire started in the alley near their yard , cleaning it out among the first of the properties destroyed. Mr. Moldeulmner wont down and found Mr. Neuman considerably discouraged. They carried small insurnnce , and do not know whether they will re-engage iu the business or not. There are other oir- cninstnncos than the flro to discourage , ouo of which is that the yard was iu the fire-limits of the town and cannot be re built except at a grout expense , as they will not permit frame buildings , even when covered with sheet iron. "SOCIALLY. [ From Thursday's Dally. ] Will Dine Tonight. Miss Huttie Allbery will entertain the teachers of the Lincoln building at 6 o'clock dinner this evening. Reception This Evening. A reception will be held this evening for Rev. and Mrs. J. O. S. Weills , at at the home of Ool. and Mrs. S. W. Hayes , on Norfolk avenue. A Delightful Afternoon. Despite the blizzard , a score of ladies enjoyed a delightful afternoon yester day , with Mrs. E. T. Mittelfitadt at her home on the corner of Koenigfitein avenue and Twelfth street Decora tions were in pink nud white , with roses nnd carnations for flowers. Each lady was presented with an American Beauty. A toothsome supper closed the afternoon. Announcement Cards. Cards hnvo been received in the oity from Mrs. R. M. Baker of Springfield , 111. , announcing the marriage of her daughter , Ethel , to Arthur J. Koenig- steln of this city on Tuesday , April 28 The groom is in the drug business herewith with his father and is one of the sub stnutial and progressive young men of the oity. Mr. and Mrs. Koonigstein will make their homo on North Eighth street. FINE STOCK SALE. C. S. Barclay & Son of Iowa , Wll Hold Silver Anniversary Sale. Mossers. O. S. Barulay & Son of Wesi Liberty , Iowa , are advertising their twenty-fifth annual sale of Short Horn cattle which is to take place on May 20 nt their farm home. The senior member bor of the firm is the father of Mrs. R. H. Reynolds of this city and the younger man is a brother. For thirty five years Mr. Barclay , sr. , has been en gaged in the business of raising ant selling fine Short Horn cattle nud thi is termed the "Silver Anniversary" sal of the firm. Sixty-one head of cattl nro to be disposed of. The West Lib erty Enterprise has this to say of the firm and its reputation : "The fame o Barclay as a Short Horn breeder is known nil over the United States , and has reached the English shores. Hi cattle are universally of rare merit and he transacts all his business strictly upon honor. This not only applies t iOdl 'he Strength of the coffee you buy adds to it * value in the cup. Lion Coffee comes to you fresh and of full strength , always in sealed , air-tight packages. Bulk coffees lose their strength , deteriorate in flavor , ind also gather dirt. Dnlformltr , frmhncti end fall tr nrth r ln > ar a to uurt at Lion Coffoo. lie father but the BOH ns well , who is n hip from tlio old block. " It is as- uri-d tlnit lovers of flue Short Horn train will bo nttrnotcd from nil parts of ho United States by tilts snlo. BOUGHT FOR ELEVEN SONS , Dozen Men Together Walked in Early For Supplies. , [ Kioin Thursday's Dully , ] A tntm with oluvon big , strapping ous , formed a party that arrived iu Norfolk a few mornings ago on the arly train from Bouosteol. They were n tlnir wny to the mining district of Vyoming and stopped off from 0 o'clock u the morning until the Union Pacific mssengor loft at 11 While in the city , > eforo the 7 o'clock whistle hud blown , lie dozen of them walked into a big tore that had opened early by chance nd bonght a half hundred dollars' worth of goods. They wanted shoes for ve and garments for wear , besides , so hat when they left they were cotn- ) letely changed in appearance , and by liis time the Norfo k articles are far out west. ' COURT IN KNOX COUNTY. Ex-Judge Jackson Came Down From There Last Night. [ From Wednesday's Dally. ] Judge N. J. Jackson was in the city over night on his wny homo from Knox : ounty to NeliKh. The judge came nto Norfolk just twenty minutes too ate last night to get home on the pas- enger and was forced to remain over until this morning. The case of most importance in this esslon of court , he said , was that igainst the Verdigre banker who is now u jail on the charge of converting funds o his ovn use. The case was contin ued. The suit of the Norfolk National bank against Rothwoll was continued. PRANK OFJHEJJGHTNING , Smashed Top of Piano at Home of W. W. Quivey in Pierce. [ From Thursday's Dally. ] During tne electric storm at Pierce Tuesday afternoon lightning played a queer freak at the ho0 of W. W. Quivey , ex county attorney. No signs of the stroke are visible on the outside of the house but on the interior the wall paper is badly scorched , and the next effect the bolt had was on the piano , where it pplit the top almost into kindl- ng wood and loft the cover unharmed. A small plaster statue on the piano was decapitated and left standing. No one was in the hotJse at tha time and the damage to the furniture was all that was done and this wus not large. Real Estate Record. [ From Tuesday's Dally. ] The following transfers are reported by Chester A. Puller , manager Madison county Abstract office , for week ending April 20 , 1003 : Joseph G. Gardner and wife to A. B. Boall Theatre company , wd. s 04 ft , u 54 ft , lots 7 and 8 , block 4 , Norfolk , $9COO. Ohas. Knap and wife , to Mary L. Braasoh , wd. lots 0 and 7 , block 4 , Koeuigstein's second addition to Nor folk , $3,000. 0. Ottzenbnns and wife to Oarl Schilling.wd. ni < < , se , 21-22.2 , $2,160. Juo. R. Anderson and wife to August BubS , wd , block 17 , The Heights , Nor folk , $1GOO Emma Kaul and husband to James Johnson , wd. lots 1 and 2. block 7 Madison , $1,100. Sam'l 0. Bennett tr to Albertine Driffcorn et al , wd. se } , 15-24-4 , $1,000. F. W. Barnes and wife to Jos. J. Adams , wd , pt nej , nej , 5 21-1 , $1,200. Goo. H. Bishop and wife to Caroline -lf.t ' E. Farley , wd. no ) , 23-24-2 , $2,000. , : I Transfers for less than $1,000 are this ' / week omitted for lack of space. ' l I CHESTER A. FULLER. J A Fine Colt. John Krnntz has recently acquired n handsome colt which is a valuable addi tion to the fine stock of Norfolk. The a nimnl will be two years old on Mny 8 , is Peroheron stock and at present weighs 1310 pounds. He was purchased from a horse owner near Winside , and has the possibilities of a fine animal in him. Big boned , strong muscled nud wel formed , with a colt muzzle , horse own ers have expressed keen ndmiration of the animal and great faith in his future. Bids will be received by the undersigned - V signed , until noon , Monday , May 11 , * , 1903 , for the construction of n two-story ' J brick building , on lots on couth Fourth * street. Flnus nnd specifications mny / be scon nt my studio. It is the iu- I teutiou to award the contract to the | lowest responsible bidder , but the right JU is reserved to reject any or all bids. I. M. MAOT. Locals in THE DAILY NEWS are a paying proposition. If you have tried then you know that ; if you haven't , do.