12 THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , MAY 1,1003. 1 P : POTATOES The Peoples Store wnnts another oar of potatoes , nnd this tlmo wovtvnt them on commission , Will got you the host prlco pos sible nnd will do nil our work free of olmrgo. All wo are aflur is your trado. Potatoes must he of n fair nl/o. Come to the storu for details. Yours Truly , B. mm YOU know how "hot under the collar" nnd over the bosom It mnkos yon when , just ready to dress for an ovonlng's enjoy luent , yon ilud your best nhlrt unlit to wear. Why run the risk of such a mishap when wo always do your work nil right every way ? W.H.RISH . . , Plumbing , Steam and Hot Water Fitting. | . . . .All Kinds of Pumps. . , , f YOUR WORK SOLICITED. 'Phono No. 97. SESSIONS & BELL , Undertakers and Embalmcrs , Soslons lllk. , Norfolk Avenue , NORFOLK , . - - NKHKASKA. S juay ho leased by private parties nt any time for reasonable prices. Ladies wel come nt any time. N.E. WILKINSON & SON. RUG WEAVING. Do not send away your old ingrain and Brussels carpets. Wo rxro ready to weave them into ruRH. We have a loom from the factory nt Sioux Oity and \vil weave such rugs ns they weave there. W. J. WHITE , Corner Fourth and Madison. C. FULLER , MANAOKK Madison County Abstract Office. Public Accontant and Expert Typewriter. Special attention given to tracing difllnult titles and addresses of non-resident land owners. OFFICE : 104 South 4th St. , Norfolk , Neb. PERSONAL. K. A. Stewart is in the city from Omaha. A. H. Corhet Is In the city today from Madison. F. J. Halo of Battle Creek was a Norfolk - folk visitor yesterday. Rev. S. F. Sharpless paid a visit to the county seat yesterday. S. H. Rudolph , an attorney of At * lantio , Iowa , is in the city today on business. Emil Kostomalatsky of Sioux Oity visited at the home of J. W. Humphrey last night. Ed. Madeou is here from Eureka , . . ) fH ! * * * * ! " * ' California , to vlult his mother for n oouplo of weolcn. W , A King loft last night for Hot Springs , 8. IX , whore ho goes for relief 'roui rheumatism , K , II. Mmumko returned from Plorco tOilny , whorw ho attended the funeral of hlH nephew , Fml Mnnusko , yesterday. Dr. II. T. Holdon will leave tomorrow for Ohliwgo where ho will take a post graduate course in the diseases of ladles nnd children. Dr. II. A , MlttloHtadt , dentist , Bishop block. Telephone 00. ' TOOK HIS OWN CHILD , Chnrlos Nordwtp ; Places His Llttlo Girl In His Mother's Care. Oharles Nordwig was In town yester day from Sioux Olty. Ho hrought with him his little H-yoars-old daughter , mid when ho returned to Sioux Olty the Httlo girl was loft in the oaro of her fnthor'H mother , who HVOH hero. It seems that the child waH kidnapped by the father from her mother in Sioux Olty nnd brought to this city Wednes day. Nordwig nnd his wlfo hnd agreed to pait and by agreement the wife nud child wore staying nt the homo of a brother of Nordwig living in Sioux Olty. Tuesday evening Charles called at the house nnd nskod to sen the child. Tak ing the little girl in his arms he made n dash for the street where n hack was in waiting , In which ho was hurriedly driven away. The next hoard of him was when ho brought the little girl to his mother in this city. Oharlos mnlntnlns thnt his wife is not n ( It person to have charge of the little girl , that she Is not kind to It , and that there are other reasons why she should not have the custody of the child. At the instance of the mother , the police force of Sioux Oity have boon searching for the father and daughter since they dlsnpponrod Tuesday even ing. Nordwig wont back to Sioux Olty this morning with the determina tion to ilud the chief of police and ex plain the situation to him , claiming that ho can prove the truth of his as- sortloiiH by the neighbors who are some what familiar with their family affairs. Ho hns no fonr of trouble from a legal source at this tlmo , because ho can setup up an good a right to the child ns can the mother. Ho is a tnllor who formerly worked in the shops of this city but now holds n pKoe with Fngloy & Oo. , Ifl Sioux Olty. For Sale Oanopy top buggy and sin gle harness. Inquire of 0. J. Hlbbou. Resolutions of Condolence. Headquarters , Mathowson post , G. A. R. , Department of Nebraska , at Nor folk Resolutions of condolence passed at n mooting of said post on April 14 , 10CW : Whereas , It has pleased the Great Commander to remove from our ranks our comrade , Thomas J. Hartor , nn old nud faithful member of this post to the eternal blvouao of our comrades gone before ; therefore bo it Resolved , That by the death of Com rade Hartor this post has lost n faithful friend nnd comrade , whoso absence will bo keenly felt by each one of the sur viving members , his comrades. For many years , on each annually recurring Memorial Day Comrndo Hartor has placed marks nt the graves of our deceased comrades and lias been the guide of our decorating committee in their patriotic task of strowlug ilowors on the lowly mounds that sheltered the mortal remains of our country's de fenders. Wo will sadly miss his as sistance and direction , always cheer fully given on each Memorial day. Resolved , That the usual emblems of mourning bo displayed in our post hall for the period of thirty days , nud that n copy of those resolutions bo presented to the family of our late deceased comrade. onioial : W. H. WIUAMAN , Adjutant. Post Oommaudor. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. Miss Nellie Haudley loft this morning for South Omaha to win new honors for herself and the school. The time of the senior class for the next fonr weeks will bo devoted chiefly to reviews of the common branches. The high school glee club is making excellent progress under the skillful management of Mlas Kathryu Slssou. Thirty out of n olnss of seventy pupils of the class in English of the Omaha high school failed to make n passing grade. May 8 is fixed for the state high school athletic moot. Several high schools of the stnto will send their high jumpers , fast runners , hammer throwers , shot putters and low hurdlers. Mr. McCoy has been nppoiuted teacher of science in the junior normal , ton weeks session , to bo hold at Alliance beginning Juno 8. Mr. MoCoy will up hold the reputation of the Norfolk high school la the science work. Oyrus Brownloo Newton's entertain ment was among the brightest nud cleverest rendered in Norfolk. The un favorable weather , cards and dauces combined to diminish the attendance. Receipts , $24,90 ; expenses , $45. There is a tendency on the part of many pupils to withdraw from school n few weeks before its close and expect credit equal to that earned by those who remain in regular attendance. Such will bo disappointed in their expecta tions. The eighth grade county examina tions of this section of the county was held in the high school building Wednesday , Superintendent ] Orum cou ducting the examination. Including those from rural schools , sixty pupils were examined. The Norfolk olass hoe suffered many disadvantages the past year , due to changes in teachers and quarantine. It is hoped , however , that the class will not fall below the average of Its predecessors. County Commissioners Aslc for Forty Thousand. TO DUILD BRIDGES AND ROADS Voters nro to Express Their Approval or Disapproval of the Proposition on Tuesday , Juno 2 Half of Amount for Drldgos and Half for Roads. Below is n call for n special election to bo hold on Tuesday , Juno 2 , issued by the commissioners of ' Madison county , to vote bonds in the sum of $10- 000 , half of which is to go for replacing with steel bridges the structures over the Elkhorn washed out by the flood this spring , and the other $20,000 is to ) o used in building road1) in various jnrtH of the county. Voters should road nnd study the proposition and bo prepared to net on it when the tlmo oomcs with a full knowledge of v , lint it means , The proposition is before them n detail and it is loft for thorn to do- oldo as to whether or not the bonds shall bo iusued. It requires n two-thirds vote to carry the propoHition : Proclamation For Special County Election on Juno 2 , 1003. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of Madltum county , Nebraska , that in accordance with n resolution imnscd by the county commissioners of MadiBon county , Nebraska , on the 23rd day of April , 11)08 ) , a special election will be held in said Madison county on the 2nd day of Juno , 100. ! , nt. which election there will be submitted to the vote of the legal votois of the said Madison county , Nebraska , the follow ing questions and propositions , to-wit : Shall the county nouimlsHlnnors of Madison county , and State of Nebraska , have the power and authority to issue the negotiable coupon bonds of said Madison county , Nebraska , to the amount of forty thousand dollars for the purpose following , to-wit : Twenty thousand dollars of said sum to bo ex pended and appropriated in the con struction nnd erection of fonr stool span bridges ncross the Elkhoru river in Madison county , Nebraska , ns follows : One ncross the Elkhorn river , north of the village of Tildoii , one across the Elkhorn river north of the village of Battle Oreok , ouo across the Elkhorn river In Valley township in section twenty-seven , one across the Elkhoru river at the foot of Frist street south of the city of Norfolk ; the re maining twenty thousand dollars to bo expended and appropriated under the direction nud supervision of the county commisslouorH for the improvement of the nubile hlirhwavs in Mndirion couutv. Nebraska , as follows : Thirteen thous and dollars to be expended on the pnb- lie highway running west from the oity of Madison between Fairview nud Green Garden townships , Sohoolcraft and Kalnmnzoo townships , to line run ning north nud'south east of section thirty-two nnd flvo in Emerick nnd Shell Oreek townships also , nnd on public highway running south between sections three and four , uino and ten , sixteen and fifteen , twenty-one and twouty-two , twenty-seven and twenty- eight , thirty-four nnd thirty-five to the corporate limits of the village of New man Grove , nil in Shell Creek township , nil in Madison county , Nebraska. Twenty-five hundred dollars on public highways connecting from the north and south with said pnblio highway running west from the said city of Mad- isou ; two thousand dollars to bo ex pended on pnblio highway running north and south beginning north of the main public highway , running west from the oity of Madison nud ruuuiug north between Sohooloraft and Fairview - view townships , Highland and Battle Greek townships , Deer Greek nndVnlloy townships to the county line between Pierce nud Madison counties , nud on the public highways connecting from the east nnd west with said public high way running north and south ; five hun dred dollars to bo expended on the public highways in Highland township , Madison county , Nebraska , nud one thousand dollars to be expended on the public highways in Union Oreek town ship , Madison county , Nebraska ; one thousand dollars to bo expended on the pnblio highways in Grove township , Madison county , Nebraska. Said bonds shall bo forty In number , numbered from one to forty inclusive and of the denomination of one thousand dollars each. They shall bear the dnto of July 1,1803. nud become duo nnd payable twenty years from date , the said county of Madison reserves the right after ten years to pay one or more of said bonds out of the sinking fund , when accumu lated , the bonds to bo paid off in the order of their numbering. They shall bear interest nt the rnto of four and one- half percent (4 ( } * % ) per annum , payable semi-anunally , the first installment of interest to bo payable on January , 1904 , and semi-auuually thereafter on July 1 and January 1 of each year , which in terest payments shall bo advanced by proper coupons attached to each bond and both principal and interest shall bo payable at the fiscal agency of the state of Nebraska in the city and stnto of Now York. And shall the county commissioners of the said county of Madison cause to be levied upon the taxable property of said Madison county , Ne braska , an annual tax sufficient for the payment of the interest ou said coupon bonds ns it becomes due nud after ten years from the date of said bonds shall said county commissioners of said Madi son county , Nebraska , cause to be levied In addition to all other taxes , on the taxable property of said Madison county , Nebraska , an amount of taxes sufficient to create a sinking fund for the pay ment nt mntnrity of the principal of said bonds. And shall the tax bo con- tinned from year to year until the said bonds are fully paid. The ballots at such special election shall be in the following form , to-wit ; Bridge and pnblio highway I I bonds and tax Yes I I Bridge and pnblio highway I I bonds and tax No 1 . . . I Those desiring to vote in favor of the above proposition shall plao * a cross ( X ) in the Fqnare opposite the word "Yes , " and those deairing to vote againot said proposition shall place a crops ( Xin ) the square opposite the word "No. " * l In older to carry Bald proposition two. hlnls of the voters voting nt such elec tion must vote in favor of same. The voting places of fluid special oleo- ion shall bo as follows , towlt : Olty of Norfolk , Norfolk prcoinot , First ward , city hall. Olty of Norfolk , Norfolk precinct , Second ward , Ahluiau'o residence ou Bouth Fifth street. Olty of Norfolk , Norfolk precinct , Third ward , West Side hose house. Olty of Norfolk , Norfolk prooiuot , [ fourth ward , hose house at Norfolk Junction. Norfolk precinct outside of oity of Norfolk , Elsloy building corner of 2nd Btnot nnd Norfolk avonuo. Va'loy ' prcoinot , Ruy school house. Door Oroolc proalnot , Hughes school liouso. Burnett precinct , Klorstoad hall in Tildon , Nebraska , Grove precinct , Muflloy school honpo. Highland proolnot , county poor farm. Battle Oreek precinct , Bates old store building in Buttle Creek. Warnervillo prooiuot , Warner hall in Warnorvillo. Union precinct , Snyder blacksmith shop in MiidiRon , Nebraska. Fuirviow precinct , Red school houso. Schnolcrnft precinct , Throotmortou fohool IIOUHO. Emorlck procino , West Emerick school house. Shell Creek precinct , ongiuo house in Newman Grovo. Knliiiiin/.oo precinct , Jenkins school , Green G union precinct , Sohiuidt school honso. Mndison procinot outside of city of Madison , G. A. H. hull in city of Mndi son. Madison city in Madison precinct , city hall. The polls nt the election hereby called will ho opened nt eight o'clock in the forenoon nnd continue until six o'clock in the evening of snid 2nd day of Juno , lOOil. lOOil.By order of the board of county com missioners this 23rd dny of April , 1003. II. W. WINTER , S. J. FlNNKOAN , CimisT SCHMIDT , Board of county commissioners. Card of Thanks. To the neighbors nnd friends nnd to the members of the D. of. H. and A. O. U. W. who were so kind and expressed their sympathy during the sickness and death of our little sou , wo express our heartfelt thanks. Mu. nnd Mus. WM. BLAND. NEWS VOTING CONTEST , Standings as Recorded up Till Noon Today. Several hundred votes hnva been added to the standings of various candi dates today. The ballot now is : Miss Lucy Shaffer , South Norfolk 2054 Mrs. Elsie Desmond , Norfolk 2409 Mrs. Joseph Swartz.Sonth Norfolk 2089 Miss Maud Tannehill , Warnervillo 224 Miss Jennie Avery , Battle Creek. . 63 Miss Annn Zuelow , Norfolk 1 Miss Mary Horlsky .Norfolk 1 Miss Kathryue Sisson , Norfolk. . . 1 Miss Nellie Sohweuk , Norfolk. . . . 1 To Whom it May Concern. Dr. A. S. Beers , one of the most well known opticians in Nebraska will visit Norfolk every mouth. The following letter shows his ability to treat the eyes : Dr. A. S. Beers Dear Sir : Your's received. Yes , I am still using the glasses yon fitted for me three years ago and they are the best I have ever had , nud I take pleasure in recommending yon. Respectfully Yours , Mus. HENRY NYE , Emerick , Neb. Dr. Boers will bo at the Pacific hotel May 7 and 8. Application for Saloon Liquor License. Matter of application of Hasonpfiug & Mnnsko for n liquor license. Notice is hereby given thnt Henry Hnsoupfing and F. H. Mauske , under the firm name of Hasenpflug & Mnuske , did , ou the 20th day of April , 1003 , file their application to the mayor and city council of the oity of Norfolk , Nebraska , for license to sell malt , spirituous nnd vinous liquors at Norfolk , Nebraska , from the 6th day of May , 1003 , to the 2nd day of May , 1004 , at lot 4 , Filler's addition to Norfolk , Nebraska , in First ward of said city. If there is no objection , remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the 20th day of April , 1903 , the Bald license will bo granted. S. R. MCFAULAND , Oity Clerk. Sheriff Sale. Br virtue of an order of sal * famed nnd dl- rncted to me by the clerk of the district court of MadlBon o uuty , Nebraska , npon dnrrne of foreclosure of certain tax liens rendered by the ills' let court of Madison county , Nebraska , on ttie2ndday of March 190) In favor of N A. Rnioboltfor the earn of $3183 with Interest thereon from March 2nd 1903 , at 10 per rent , per auburn , together with $23.51 , o sts of suit , and accruing costs , in an action , wherein N. A. Bainbolt is plait tiff , and lot 1 of block S ; lots 7 , 20 nnrt 23 of block 7 ; lots 8,9.10 nrd 16 of block 0 ; lot 3 ofblonkio , all in Riverside fork addition to Norf Ik , Nebraska. U. S. Vreolnnd , Minnie 8. Drake , F. K. Abbott , S. M. Waiters , R. W. Salejr. J > C. Sheehoy , 1. Kulokopsky , David Patterson and William W. Campbell are de- feidants. I will odor the premises describe \ in said do- cre nncl U Von n tlio property of Bald defend ants , to-wit : Lot one ( ll nrbbck five (5) ( ) : lot seven (7) ( ) . twenty (20) ( ) and twenty-throe (23) ( ) of 1)1 ck eovo.i . (7) ( ) ; lots olnht (8) ( ) , nine (9) ( ) . ten (10) ( ) and rlxtoen (16) ( ) of Mock nine (9) ( ) ; lot throe (3) ( ) of block ten (10) ( , nil In lihorsido park addi tion to Norfolk , Madison county , No- bratka. for sale at pnblio anction to the blithest bidder for cash In hand ithelblhdayof May 1903 , at the hour of 1 o'clock p. Tn.at , the east front rtoor nf the court homo at Madison In snid county and state , that hfllna the bnlldinir wherein tha Init tnrm nf said court wns held , when and whore dno at tendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated thl * 17th day of April 1903. J J , CLEUKNTB. Sheriff of said county. ROGERS STAIHFLOOR FINISH Stains and flnfohea floors at one operation. Easily applied and dries over night so it can be used next morning. Hakes Pine floors look like Barted , Whether Fainted or not. EQUALLY GOOD FOR HARDWOOD FLOORSI Ak ns for Booklet on Treatment of Floors. Manufactured by Dttrolt Whlto Lead Works , nd told by Doalera & Jobbers Generally IV T U fll W. H. BU01IOL55. President. \OfTOl k" ALEX. BEAR , Vice President. JL 1VJ1 J.VrJI\ E W. ZUTZ , " Cashier. National Bank The Oldest Established Bank In Northeast Nebraska , _ ; : capital , $100,000.00 , - surplus , $20,000.00 , ; : ' DOCS ft General Bn'8 "nd ° s ExounnK0- Interest Paid * on T'mo ' D ° IOS't ' Drafts and Money . ' ' . D I o . Banking BUSineSS orders Soldou any Point In Europe. A J ; General Steamship and Foreign P.i9sagoBaslnos3 , Transacted. DIRECTORS A. BEA.R , IF. P. HANLON , F. J. HALE , W. H. BUCHOLZ , WM. ZUTZ , N. A. RAINBOLT , S. S. COTTON. Get What You Ask for at. . . ' 8 GROCERY ALL ORDERS nro Filled Promptly nud with Care. Our goods nro FIRST-GLASS In every particular. Wo know pro- what is wanted by our customers. We Aim to Give You the Best Value for Your Money , South Side Haiti St. , between 2d and 3d. Telephone No. 41. G. A. LTJIKAKT , PnissiDENT. W. H. JOHNSON , CASIIIEB. CIIAS. 8. BRIDGE , VICE PRESIDENT. LEO PASEWALK , ASS'T CABHIEB The Citizens National Bank. CAPITAL , 850,000. SUKPLCS , $10,000. Buy nnd Soil Exchange on this Country nnd nil Parts of Europo.l Farm Loans. DIRECTORS : CARL ABMDS , W. H. JOHNSON , CHAS. S. BRIDOE , F. McQivEnN , C. M. G. A. LCIHART , T. F. MEMMINQER , L. SESSIONS. C. W. BRAASCH , O COAL ! O O Sweetwater Eock Spring. Scranton Hard Coal. 'PHONE 61. r . .IN- WE HAVE THEM STOCK l * GPLAND P R. I X PAR.I5 T 9OO M-I-H-M-H-H-I-H-I . I-M M ! M H..M..I..M..I..M . . . . A VOTING CONTEST. A $400 Cabinet Grand A. Hospe Piano to be GIVEN" AWAY to the lodge , school , tunion organization or person having the most votes on AUGUST 1 , 1903. AT 1:00 P. M. Whenever you trade with any of the following merchants to the extent of 25 cents in cash you are entitled to one vote with which you can vote for any organization or person you may desire , and the one having the most votes on the above date gets the piano free. Why not trade whore you can get votes when you need the goods anyway and help your lodge or church win the piano. The piano is on exhibition at The Star Clothing Store where it may bo seen by all. The ballot box is located at Kiesau's Drug Store , where all votes must be deposited , the votes will be counted each week and the result published in THE DAILY NEWS. LIST OF MERCHANTS ISSUING TICKETS. Clothing THE STAR. Qrocerlos-OSOAR UHLE. Livery D. D. BRUNSON. Flour and Food WALLACE DIXON. Tailor O. H. KRAHN , 0. R. Foley , Gutter. Drugs KIESAU DRUG CO. 'I-M-H"H"H-H-I-H-H-l-H-I-H-H-l-H ' Shoos F. E. DAVENPORT. 1 Restaurant and Confectionery -E. N. VAIL. T Meats FRED KARO. 1 Jewelry and Optician W. B. VAIL. Millinery INSKEEP. I-M H 'M-H-I-H-M' ' ' I 'I ' M-M-I-M-M-l'