The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 01, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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10 THE NORFOLK. NEWS : FKIOAY , MAY 1 l)03. ! )
Carpets ! Rugs ! Shades !
Our House Furnishing Department is
very complete. It is stocked full of the
best grades of Carpeting , Shade Cloths ,
Linoleums , etc. , direct from the mills.
Our price on all Floor Coverings is AS
LOW as in any eity'in ' the land. Wo
will cheerfully give you the names of established brands
and our prices. Wo solicit comparison with ANY and
Ingrains Not a yard of non-standard Ingrain Carpet
in the store. Our Victoria , wo think , is the heaviest and
best 2-ply Ingrain made.
Axminstors , Saxony , Extra and Savouorio.
9x12 "Kashmir" Rugs , Oriental patterns , reversible ,
the greatest wearing rug over produced at the price of
9x12 Stinson's Tapestry Brussels , $10.00.
9x12 Axminstors , largo variety , 1908 patterns.
9x12 Beautiful Wilton Itugs , 1908 patterns.
A complete assortment
from $1.00 to $10.00 per
pair. Nottinghams , Espirit ,
Brussels , Romissanco , Irish
Point , etc.
in Tapestry to the fine
Cecil Silk , $2.50 to $15.00.
We can please you.
MATTINGSDirectfrom "Im
port. " Got our PRICES.
L1NOLEUMS-8 and 1C feet
wide. Wo want you to see the
thickness and quality of our's
at the price.
Wo invite special notice to our Shade Furnishing
Department. Wo carry in all colors the very best
hand-made Oil Oiaque Cloths. We use nothing but
the latest approved Hartshorn rollers , and make up
shades to order to lit your windows. Nobody can fur
nish you bettor cloths and better rollers , and why
anybody should pay freight and for hanging shades
from an outside town , is more than we can understand.
Got your prices from the outside town and then OURS
and see where your SAVING comes in.
BISSEL'S CARPET SWEEPERS , $1.98 , $2.50 , $2.75
and $3.00.
\V. N. IIUSB , Publisher.
[ Katiibllthotl , 18ST > 1
Evorv Any oxr > nit | Humliiy , Ily ourrlor per
week , IS coats. Ily mull jior yonr , W.UO.
Tlio News , ostnbllnhcil , 1SS1.
The Journnl , oatnlilltilicd , 1877 ,
Kvory Friday. Ily mail \ > or yonr , $1.50.
Bl'KciAl. NOTIOK. Advance BubBarlpttoiiB In
the NuwH-JotniNAl , will ba tnkon until Ootobor
10 at the rnto of $1,00 | > r yonr. Old sub-
ncrlbotB mnv bnvo the benefit of Ibis rnto l > y
vnyluit nrronrnKas to ditto Ht the ro nlnr nb-
orlpttonprlcn ttndonnyonr In ndvnuco. This
ipoolnl offer will \vUhiln\\vu Ootobor 18.
Kntoroil nt the | > ostolllo8 nt Norfolk , Nob. , ni
econd clnti nmltor.
Telephones ; Kdltorlnl Ponnrtmont , No. 22.
liuslnoBB olllco and Job Rooms , No. 323.
It seems almost UVo having twoSome
springs in but a alnglo eonsou.
Some people ere congratulating thorn-
solves that they waited for spring , before -
fore planting their gardens.
Tbo nnmo of the lee and snow loft by
the April blizzard is now mud , ana pref
erable to the people under that name.
Fifty million foot of lumber is used
annually in the manufacture of matches
in the United States. One match does
xiot consume much wood , but the
grand total of burned matches would
start several largo and well stocked
lumber yards.
In Now York on Wednesday the mer
cury went to 83 in the shade and the
first case of heat prostration for the
uoaabu was reported. A few Nebraskans
would have run the chances of heat
prostration on that day with fairly bo-
coming grace , but wore favored with a
blizzard , instead.
A company has been organized at
Denver with a capital stock of $25,000-
000 the object of which will bo to op
pose the machinations of the beef trust
if it attempts any moro mergers. Lot
the fight go on , providing It means fair
prices to the farmers for their stock
product and a reasonable oost of
the consumer.
Ghnrlcs A. Towno , who formed one
of the tails of Mr. Bryan's kite in 1000 ,
is out with a statement deploring the
fact that his late running mate should
desire to make the new democracy ex
clusive and somehow seems to feel that
there are men of the Cleveland democ
racy who would servo better as friends
than enemies. Oharloy should be careful
that he docs not got a blow from Mr.
Bryan's club.
President Baer announced in court
the other day that he should endeavor
to raise the price of cool ten cents n
ton and contlnuo to luoroaao it until $5
was the price , at which he hoped to
maintain it. If is possible that the
position of the administration in regard
to trusts may operate to prevent the
dream of Mr , .Baer from being realized.
Mr. .Roosevelt is quite capable of turn-
-iug some sort of a trick If the price of
fuel becomes extortionate.
There is submitted to the voters of
Madison county a proposition to bond
the county for $40,000 for the erection
of four steel bridges and for the build
ing of roads in various parts of the
county , the proposition being published
in another column of THE NEWS today.
The idea of the bond issue is to devote
$30,000 to the construction of four nec
essary bridges across the Elkhoru that
were washed out or damaged by the
recent high water , while the other $20 ,
000 are to go toward the betterment of
the roads. Of this amount $18,000 are
to be expended on a road leading from
Madison to Nowmau Grove. Twenty-
llvo hundred dolliirs are to bo expended
on laterals to this road , n thousand goes
into Union prcoinot , while Grove gets
$1,000 and Highland $500. Then the
eighteen miles of road running north
from the Madison-Newman Grovohigh *
way to the Fierce county Hue is to bo
allowed $2,000 , which must also pay
for all the work done on laterals to this
Among the excellent bulls to bo sold
at the Wayne Hereford sale on May
5th is the second prize bull calf at the
Unrt county fair lust fall. Ho was
bred by Goo. F. Smith , who lives about
six miles east of Oakland. Ho Is re
corded as Hopeful 1112250. Ho was
sired by Mercury 588111. This latter
slro is one of the greatest bulls of the
brood. Among the good cows to go in
is Morolla Hrd U8J180 , bred by W. N.
Rogers. Shu is sired by Anxiety Mon
arch , the 2800-pound state fair ohum-
plan of 1000. Morolla ! ) rd has a flue
heifer calf at side by Mr. Geo. F
Smith's bull , Mercury. Another most
excellent cow to go in the sale is Twi
light 80001. i She is sired by ono of the
best sous of Earl of Shadolaud 12th ,
and ho was by the noted Gar Hold 7015.
She has an excellent heifer calf at foot ,
sired by Raynltys Tom , a bull now at
the head of the herd of Wni. Ernst &
Son. W. N. Rogers of McCook , Nob. ,
will mall free a catalogue to any one
writing for it.
The Hereford cattle sale to bo hold at
Wayne , Nebr. , Tuesday , May 5 , will
begin promptly nt noon. Parties on the
line to Omaha or Sioux Oity can return
homo the sumo afternoon on the train
connecting at Emerson which will be
hold at Wayne until 4 p. in.
Deafness Cannot Bo Cured
by local application as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only oua way to euro deafness
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafnoos is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of thoonsta-
chlan tube. When this tube Is Inflamed
you have n rumbling sound or imper
fect hearing , and when it Is entirely
closed , deafness is ( ho result , and unless
the inflammation can bo taken out and
this tube restored to its normal condi
tion , hearing will bo destroyed forever ;
iiino cases out ot ton nro caused by
catarrh , which is nothing bnt an In
flamed couditlou of the mucous services.
Wo will give one hundred dollars for
any case of deafness ( caused by catarrh )
that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars , free.
F. J , CHENEY & Co. , Toledo , O.
Sold by druggists. 75o.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
To Cure a Cold In One Dny.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tab
lets. This BlgNaturo
overybox , 25 cents.
Good for Children.
The pleasant to tnko and harmless Ono
Minute Cough Oar a gives immediate re
lief in all cases of cough , croup and la-
grippe because it does not pass immedi
ately into the stomach , bnt takes effect
right at the seat of the trouble. It draws
out the inflammation , heals and soothes
and cures permanently by enabling the
lungs to contribute pure lifo-glvlng
and life sustaining oxygen to the blood
and tissues. The Kiosan Drug Co.
Norfolk , Nebraska , April 80 , 1003.
This Is to certify that the indebted ,
ness of the Norfolk Eloctrio Light and
Power Co. is $12850 18.
W. H. BUCHOLZ , Vice President.
E. A. BULLOCK , Secretary.
N. A. RAINHOLT , Director.
Chroulo llronchltls Cured.
"For ten years I had chronlo bron
chitis so bad that at times I could not
speak above a whisper , " writes Mr.
Josoph'Cofftnan , of Moutmoreucl , Ind.
"I tried all remedies available , but
with no success Fortunately my
employer suggested that I try Foley's
Honey and Tar. Its effect was almost
miraculous , and I am now cured of the
disease. On my recomendation many
people have used Folov's Honey and
Tar , and alway's with satisfaction. "
A. H. Kiesau.
Nothing so Wonderful in the
Days of Specialism.
Dr. Caldwell.
The success of Dr. Ouldwell IB attrib
uted to bur special sttUy of specialism.
Dr. Ouldwoll , student , philanthropist
uiul physician of wide reputation , hav
ing given her entire time and practice tea
a line of special diseases , which enables
ablos her from long experience in handl
ing those troubles to certainly come
lorward as a master specialist. Her
faculty for mustering disease , her
ability to diagnose , and her plan of
treatment Is not excelled by few other
physicians. Dr. Oaldwoll , although a
young woman in life , a plain woman ,
and one who is used to the ups and
downs in lifo , puts herself on a level
with her patients and does not pretend
to practice the old plan of fashion ,
which is to look wise and say nothing.
She knows disease ; she knows whore to
look for diseiiso , and the spot where
located , and most of all eho knows from
experience , from what she has done in
the past , she can certainly do for others
in the future. It is said by Dr. Oald-
well's friends that she onn , diagnose a
disease of any patient without asking
them n single question , that being the
case , she is not likely to doctor them
for the wrong ailment ; she will not
take an incurable disease and lead the
patient to oelievo that she can cure
them when there is really no hope for
them. HorbusiiuB'i is large and she
has plenty to do , oven , at times , more
than she can do , without taking incur
able diseases and deceiving her patients.
Dr. Ouldwoll is a graduate from one of
the best schools in America. She has
practiced her profession in some of the
principal hospitals in this country.
Her specialty comprises that class of
diseases which the ordinary home doc
tor fails to cure , such as female diseases ,
heart diseases , diseases of children and
the many special diseases of hidden
nature. Her practice is mostly among
the plain , hard working people who nre
uuablo to come to her city ofllce for
treatment ; she Is reasonable in her
charges and very lenient with those
who are not able to pay. She Is charit
able , and It is said has never been
known to refuse to treat a patient who
is worthy and in need. A number of
the important cases that wo hereby
take the liberty to publish , which
might bo of interest to some who wish
to know moro of Dr. Caldwell's great
work :
Sophia Kran , Albion , Neb. , cured of
a bad skin disease.
Mrs. Lulu Towsley , David Oity , Neb. ,
cured of female trouble and female
Mrs. 0. W. Killlau , Wokefleld , Neb. ,
cured of a tumor and liver and stomach
Mrs. E A. Studer , Wayne , Neb. ,
cured of female and nervous troubles.
Mrs. O. T. Muftloy. Meadow Grove.
Neb. , cured of heart trouble and bron
chial and nervous troubles.
Mrs. 0. Linn , Hofkins , Neb. , cured
of ovarian trouble and bladder trouble.
F. J. Roh , Albia , Neb. , cured of bron
chial trouble , enlarged liver and dropsy.
Mrs. Minnie Rndat , Oolumbns. Neb. ,
cured of skin disease and kidney
Mrs. W. D. Burr , David City , Neb. ,
cured of skin disease , nervousness and
losi of appetite.
Mrs. Ohas. Miller , Wayne , Neb. ,
cured of dropsy , kidney and liver
troubles and nervousness. She had
been troubled for years.
Mrs. 0. W. Anderson. Norfolk , Neb. .
cured of general debility , enlarged
liver and pain In chest.
Mrs. John Bauman , Benton , Neb. ,
cured of bladder tronblo and constipa
Mrs. S. P. Amlok , Tokamah , Neb. ,
cured of tumor , womb trouble , loss of
appetite and constipation.
For liver troubles and constipation
there's nothing better in creation than
Little Early Risers , the famous little
pills they always effect a euro and save
doctor bills. Little E > rly Risers ore
different from all other pills. They do
not weaken the system , but act us a
tonlo to the tisanes by arousing the
secretions and restoring the liver to the
full performance of its functions natu
rally. The Kiesau Drug Go.
Closing Prices of Produce in Chicago
Chicago , May 1. Special to The
Nosvs : Following are the closing
prici'8 on Chicago market today :
Wheat-Cash , 78 ! July , 72' ; Sep
tember , 70J4.
Corn Cash 41 % ; July , 45 ; Septem
ber 44 > < f.
Oatb Cash 88 % ; July , 81 % ; Septem
ber , 29M >
Yesterday's Quotations.
Culwpo , April ! H ) . The wheat market
rtiled tiiuady todny mid the close was ilrin ,
with May up % ff/Vic and July % c higher.
July corn wnu up Ho. while onto showed a
inlii of VWtUL'- Provisions were linn ,
closing at practically yesterday's figures.
CloHlni ; prleea :
Wheat-May , 77Uc ; July , 72 . ; Sept. , 70 % .
Corn-May , 41c ; July , 4ic ! ; Sept. , 44Vac.
Oats-May , 33y&c ; July , aic ; Sept. , 20 % .
I'ork-May , ? 17.85 ; July , 17.15 ; Sept. , 10.77
Lard-May , | 9.S7 ! ; July , $0.40 ; Sept. , 0.42.
Ulbs-May , $0.5 : ! ; July , $ O.CO ; Sept. , $0.45.
Chicago Cash 1'rlccn No. 2 red wheat ,
77c ; No. 3 red wheat , OOS"4c ; No. 2 spring
wheat , 78Q70o ; No. 3 spring wheat , 71 < 370c ;
No. 2 hard wheat , 74c ; No. 3 hard wheat ,
C074c ; No. 2 cash corn , 44V ® 14c ; No.
3 cimh corn , 4i'//i434c : [ ; No. 2 yellow corn ,
45Q4r > Vic ; No. 3 yellow com , 41Vj4oc ; No.
2 cashoats , , 304 ! < 331c ; No. 2 white oats ,
3t > ! ; No. 3 white oats , 3
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago , April 30. Cattle Hecelpts , 0-
000. Including COO Texaus ; heavy steers 10
C(10c lower , others Btendy ; good to prime
steers , $ . " ) .OOSfi.50 ; poor to medium , $4.2Txa
8.00 ; stockcrs and feeders , $ nOOrJ4,00 ( ;
cows , $1.50@4.00 ; heifers , $2.5000.25 ; can-
ners. $ l.M)4f.SO ) ; bulls , $2.50 4.50 ; calves ,
JiMXSO.OO ; Texas fed steers , $1.00(34.75. (
Hogs llecelpts today , 18,000 ; estimated to
morrow , 15,000 ; lft l over , 5,600 ; steady to
Oc higher , closed easier ; medium and butch
ers , ? 0.607.00 ; good to choice heavy , $7.00
517.15 ; rough heavy , $0.80rtT < 1.05 : light , $0.00
6X1.00 ; bulk of Bales , $0.807.00. Sheep
Hecelpts , 0,000 ; sheep and lambs 10@15c
higher ; good to choice wethers , $4.75(80.50 ( ;
fair to choice mixed , $3.75 < K'1.CO ; western
sheep , $4.fiO5.23 ; native lambs , | 4.COQ
6.75 ; western lambs , $4.50(00.75. (
Kansas City Live Stock.
Kansas City , April 30. Cattlc-Uecelpts ,
2.COO ; strong to lOu higher ; choice beef
steers , $4.03 < < ? 5.25 : fair to goo'd , $3.80Q4.C5 ;
Btockcrs mid feeders , $2.755.00 ; western
fed steers , $3.50 < 3o.OO ; Texas and Indian
steeri , $3.50 < 0 > 1.75 ; Texas cows , $2.50g4.00 ( ;
native cows , $1.50(84.30 ( ; native heifers ,
$3.25tfJ4.00 ; bulls. $2.60(30.00 ( ; calves , $3.00
67.00. Hogs-Uecelpts , 7,500 ; opened
higher , cloned weak ; top , $7.00 ; bulk of
sales , $0.80(30.05 ( ; heavy. $0.87 % < S7.00 ;
mixed packers. $0.72yyfi .05 ; light , $0.05 ®
C.OO ; pigs. $5.70 < Sti.OO. Sbcep-Kecelpts , 1-
700 ; lOc higher ; lambs , $4.007.00 ; fed
ewes , $3.005.2S ; native wethers , $4.00(3 (
0.83 ; stockera and feeders , $3.70(34.20. (
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha , April SO. Cattle llecelpts ,
2,000 ; strong to 510c higher ; native steers ,
$4.253.25 ; cows and heifers , $3.25 .40 ;
canncrs , $2.00(33.00 ( ; stockera and feeders ,
$3.00di(5.00 ( ; calves , $3.500.60 ; bulls , stags ,
etc. , $3.75(34.50. ( Hogs Uecolpts , 0,000 ; Oc
higher ; heavy , $ C.80ftO.OO ; mixed. $0.75 ®
0.80 ; light , $0.05(30.60 ( ; pigs , $3.500.60 ;
bulk ot sales , $0.75g0.85. ( Sheep Ilccelpts ,
8,000 ; stronger ; fed muttons , $4.rxfiO.OO ;
tvnthnru S4.2.W5M.7.V ntvon . ' ( 7fMM ox.
common and stackers , $2,50 14.25 ; lambs , '
$4.75(50.75. (
St. Joseph Live Stock.
St. Joseph , April 80. Cattle Hecclpts. 1-
230 ; . active , steady to lOc higher ; natives ,
$4.15 < S5.40 : cows and heifers , $2.2.V7f-i.lO ;
stacker * and feeders , $3.05415.10. Hogs
llecelpts , 4.033 ; 5c higher , light and light
mixed , $0.70H0.82V& ; medium and heavy ,
$ (1.7,1Ti7.00 ( ; bulk , $0.80(20.00 ( ; pigs , $5.50
C0.50. ,
Sheriff Salo.
Iy vtrtne of an order of sale Isined and direct
ed to mo by the clerk of the district court of Mad.
Inoi county , Nebraska , upon a decree of fore
closure of tax Ken rendered by the district
court of Madlion county , Nob-aeka , on tlio
2nd day of March 1903. in favor of N , A. K ln-
bolt for the imm of $33 S2 with interest
thereon from March Sud 1003 , at 10 per cmt
po- annum , together with $13.06 , costs of
> alt , and accruing coats , in an action ,
wherein N. A. Halnbolt is clalnilH. ami
KlmorM. flrooks , et al are defendant , I will
offer the premises described in laid decree and
taken as the propa'ty of said defendant ! , to-wlt ;
Lot two (2) ( ) of block sixteen (16) ( ) In Western
Town Lot Company's addition to Norfolk
Junction , Madison county. Nebraskafor taleat
pnbllo anctlon to the highest bidder for cash
in hand on the 18th day of May 1903. at the hoar
ot 1 o'clock p. m. , at the eiut front door of
the court honso at Madison In laid connty and
state , that being the building wherein the last
term of tald court was held , when and where
doe attendance will bo given by tha nndor-
Dated this 17th day of April 1901.
Sheriff of i&id connty ,
Foley'a Kidney Oure If token in tlm
affords security from all kidney and
bladder diseases. A. H. Eiesau.
Married or Single , in Northeast Nebraska.
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The Norfolk News :
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subscription to
The Norfolk Daily Hews , The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal.
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I hereby vote for
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The Norfolk News Free Horse and Buggy Contest.
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< noon , May 0 , 1003.