THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL. PAET ONE. NORFOLK , NHMUSKA , 1'IUDAY , MAY I , 1003. PAGES 1 TO 8 .State Commissioners Work ing in Norfplk , TWO HOOP NETS THIS MORNING Wore Found With Forty.SIx Fish nt Five Dollars Per Henry Raasch Had Sot Them Officers are Down . .Northfork Today. [ From Saturday's Dally. ] In the two hoop nets thnt ho had rstrung in the Northfork river , Henry Haasoh , who lives north of the city , caught more than the mere bunch of forty-six IMi thnt hud gotten entangled in the meshes Inst night. Besides these , which might not have been a bad haul in themselves , ho found , when ho came to examine the netp , that he had throe officers of the state wnil ing for him to liolp look nftor the loud. State Fish Commissioners George B. Simpkius nnd George L. Carter of Lin coln , nrrived in the city yostordny nnd , accompanied by Deputy Commishionor Jlniuoy , of this city , miido n sonrch Along the banks of the Btrenm. At the farm of Herman Ransch they found two hoop nets strung. When Henry canio along to take them in , ho wns taken in hlmgolf by the surprise party. The nets were brought to the city aud now Ho in the yard nt the homo of Mr. Raiuey on Second street. \ There are other nets along the river , it is snid , nnd the trio of commissioners loft this morning in n boat to find those that are between here and the mouth of the river. The fine is five dollars for each fish caught , which will make Rnnsch's price about $230. The commissioners came from Ewing yesterday where they had found n net and n man who had been exporting the fish by trunk loads. It - cost him $845. "SI PLUNKARD. " Auditorium Season Closed With Last Night's Performance. [ From Saturday's Dally. ] It was a good house that greeted the 4ISI Plnnkard" company on the closing night of the season at the Auditorium and the audience indicated quite a keen appreciation of the performance. From a critical point of view the play and the actors do not attain the highest stand ard , but it is of a class that wears well with a largo number of theatre-goers and the fact that the company was greeted by a full house while Herman's "Othello" received scant patronage would indicate that it is of a character that appeals to a largo number of Nor folk people , aud it has been hero so often that they know just what to expect. It might be submitted to a toning down prosess , without diminish ing its popularity. The elimination of a few characters and the shading off of others should be accomplished with ad vantage from n dramatic standpoint and not prove disastrous to the pro duction in point of popnlnrity. Mr. Xiewis in the title role gave evidence of some merit , but he permits the comedy nnd brusqueness of his part to outweigh the finer sentiments that might receive emphasis and the character is some what overdrawn. Joe A. Weaver as "Ezra Page" was one of the best characters. The orchestra music was one of the best and most highly appre ciated treats of the entertainment- number of high grade selections being given , those from King Dodo and The Prince of Pilsen being especially popu lar. ) The Auditorium will be dark until the opening of the season next fall , un less leased for special entertainments. A FINE RAIN. Soil in the Vicinity ot Norfolk Soaked Last Night. [ From Tuesday's Dally. ] The weather clerk is readily forgiven for the disagreeable wind that pre vailed yesterday if the sploudid rain of of last night was the re-ult of the blow. , The moisture commenced to fall in In showers about supper time and after dark it settled down to quite a steady pour which was continued throughout the night and followed by drizzling showero during today. Up to 8 o'clock this morning almost ; an inch of rain had been precipitated , thoroughly moisten ing the ground to a considerable depth. That such a rain was needed for the starting of seeds nnd helping along the growths that have started as shown by thftfaot that the ground absorbed most of the water that fell , and vegetation has grown proceptibly since the storm set in. If some warm , sunny weather could but follow an untold auiouut of r good would result. ' The forecast of today is not encourag ing , however , to the greatest benefit possible , Rain or snow and colder is on I' ' ' the program' and the fact that the tem perature has been fulling since last night is nn indication that it will bo carried out. , TEMPERANCE SUNDAY. Sunday School Rally in Afternoon and Address at Night. [ Prom Tuesday's Dally. ] Yesterday was temperance Sunday in Norfolk na observed by several of the churches , under the auspices of the W. * O. T. U. A rally of Sunday school children at the M. E. church was.a feature of the afternoon , nt which tlmo a program of music , recitations nnd slunt nddrcBses WIIM given that proved utertatulng and instructive to these at- tending. In the evening there wns n union sor- vloo at the M. K. church , the address being by Rov. Qnnlcy Leo Morrow who spoke from u general tomuurnnco stand point , InjriuK particular strops on the dutioH of Christian oltlUuniOilpvlum it comes to voting. Mr. Moi'fOW has n voice of pleasing quality and npoko em tortniningly on n inibject that has boon much discussed in recent years , mid of- furnd many now thoughts. A 1-irgo number of people nttended the fervlco and the ntldresH WIIH woj' received. TEAMS NORFOLK * "LAY , Base Ball Clubs That Wh. ° 4f "I. " able. ° % [ From Saturday's Dully. ] < If Norfolk IHIHII buHi-b.i 1 team tliJRK son , it is prolmbln thrtt u dUlVrunt Mi inn of clubs will bo pliiyud than htivo horetu- foio been met. The townciu northeast ern NobrnNkn nro Inigoly out of th game this year nnd It will bo up to Norfolk to play with new aggregations. Spencer will have u tenin , Butte nn. other , and Banestoel a third. These will bo available and want to play. Then there is a chance that n lengtin will bo formed of Omahn , South Omaha nnd Council Bluffs teams , in which case Norfolk may go in with them. Lojuherby , who inndo such n , tear on the university tenm Inst year , wants to como ; "Rpddio" Johnson would like to come back nnd others have written. Agan is already hero nnd there may bo more1 BETTER STYLE IN DRIVERS. Norfolk's Horses are Harnessed to Good Looking Rigs. [ From Monday's Dally. ] Never before have the driving horses and carriages been so attractive and pretty in Norfolk as they nro this season. Any number of good looking animals have nppenred in the harness for city driving aud the new buggies , runabouts , aud the like are good to see. There is everything from a two- wheeled sulky .to the automobile , and the streets are lively with them all. From early in the morning until late in the night there are rubber tired wheels turning on the avenues and the tendency seems to increase with the warming weather. Sundays find strings of ve hicles of all sorts going here and there and everywhere , carrying people who enjoy pretty drives and who know that Norfolk is a good place to find them. FIRST CARLOAD OF MATERIAL , Arrived in Shape of Cement hear Gravel Pit Caved in. [ From Tuesday's Dally. ] The first shipment of material for the new government building has now ar rived , in the shape of a carload of ce ment , which stands at present on the Norfolk tracks. Around the site there was nothing doing this morning. Something of ex citement prevailed , however , among the men who have been hauling gravel for the building , on account of the condition of the gravel pit. When they left it the banks ran straight up aud down and it was feared that the heavy rain of lost night might have cut into it and caved off the sides. The hole is bono miles from the city on the farm of Fred Wegner. PIANO CONTEST. Interest Growing in Votes on the Hospe Instrument. The Hospe piano contest is growing some in interest and a large number of votes are being cast. The count up to yesterday was as follows : Gertrude Austin 4,090 Queen City Hotel 1,180 Mny Johnson G97 Bessie Widamau 210 Railway Hull 124 A O U. W 1)3 ) Minnie Purr 91 Constance Reiuhard 08 Second Congregational church. . 11 Kuights of Py thins lodge 8 PaulRudnt 4 Rnmond Hoaglnud 2 George Rhode , jr 1 DOING OF ELKS. Will Establish Reading Room To Give May Party. [ From Tuesday's Dally. ] At their last meeting , the Benovolon ; and Protective Order of Elks held their first initiation under the now adminis tration , taking in flvo new members. It was decided to establish a reading room in the club , with current litera ture aud magazines at the disposal of members. The Elks will in all probability give a May party on the Cth of the month. A committee of five was appointed at the last mooting , on arrangements. PROSPECT A LITTLE DARK. Base Ball Park is the Trouble Just at Present. [ From Tuesday's Dally. ] The outlook for base ball is a little dark just at present. There has been no difficulty in securing support from the business men of the city but some trouble has como up in regard to the grounds that may put the team out of the playing. Unprecedented Storm for This Season Raging. WIRES INTO CITY ARE ; ALL CUT , Vegetation Will Surfer1 Very Much , Fruit Trees DnmnRod to Some Ex < tout Just How Badly is Not KnoWn , Latest Snow In Many Yours. [ From Wednesday's Dally. ] In literal ncoorihmuu with tlio llngf that were run up on Tun NKWS olllcc yehtorilny morning , when th piotllo- lions Hiihl rain ormiow , nnd colder , tin , wunther man slapped Norfolk in tlu fiiuo with a bunch of Hli > ot. and lee uiul 'vv which bus rivalled the famous ice : V0 of fioveral Thanksgivings ago * h has not been equaled in the 8j. jf the year for ninny , ninny HIISIV ! rf , As n result of the storm telephone nnd telegraph wiroH nro down indisuiimin- ntoly , vegetation is enveloped in u layer of ice a quiirtor of nn inch thick and the few buds th.vt huvo ventured out too HOOU were punishud for their boldness. The touiporuturo began to full rnpidly yesterday and along tovMiul evening it Hixvorod of winter frigidity. At 0 o'clock water was freezing and Inter in the evening sidowalko becuuid dnngorously bhppery. With the dawning of toduy a whitened earth loomed up , clad in a clonk of crystallized dampness. Norfolk was out off almost entirely from communication with tll'b world by wny of the wires. Of the dozen lines that run into the Norfolk tele phone oxchntige from other points , only a single solitary piece of copper stood the storm. The line from Norfolk to Ewing remained together and every other one was snapped oil by the weight of the ico. Not a wire running out of the West ern Union Telegraph olllco was up this morning , aud there was no possible communication. Every piece of uiotul that C'ltuointo the Union Pacific station , nil that go out along the O. St. P. M. &O. , and the circuits on the North western railroad were out completely. Out in the open country the storm seems to have done more damage to the wires than the city , for a few lines on the local exchange wore loft in talking order. Linemen were put out very early on all the railroads and on the tolophouo service so that the broken wires have been getting mended through the day nud the city counectod up once more. Trees in some instances along the avenues have been sadly bent to the ground but will in all probability re sume their normal positions whou their burdens leave. Lawns are covered with a glassy , grassy crust aud the tender blades are easily broken off by the batting of the icicles that hold thorn. Underneath the upper layers , the streets are in wretchedly muddy condition. Farmers aud fruit growers in the vi cinity of Norfolk report that all of the fruit that was out in any way will bo ruined , but that there may bo some slight hope for that ; which was retarded. This will give a possible chance for cherries and apples , but conditions must bo favorable for this. The melting must be slow and a sharp sun will not bo good. A snow so late has not been known in this section for over a score of years. Twenty-one : years ago , with corn start ing out of the ground , snow came on May 15. The temperature fell to 20 nud the rainfall until 0 o'clock last night nmouuted to nearly an inch and one- half. After that it froze and could not bo measured. At 10 o'clock this morning the snow began falling agniu nnd is now prnctic- ally'a raging blizzard. Business is sus pended so far as trade is concerned aud the streets are nearly deserted. It is not considered that the storm did so serious a damage as would n sharp , cold frost nud if the sky should clear by tonight a more severe attack upon budding vegetation may bo ex pected. The snow was the result of a great area of cold dropped from Canada , over the two Dakotas. It was snowing ut Helena yesterday morning and the wave was accurately forecasted by the weather bureau. bureau.SOCIALLY. SOCIALLY. [ From Saturday's Dally. ] Cards Tonight. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. P. Weatherby will entertain at cards this evening , in their homo on the corner of Koenigstoin nvo- uuo and Thirteenth street. Theatre Party. Mr. nud Mrs. Ludwig Koenigsteiu entertained at a theatre party last evening - ing for their guests , the Misses Young of Stanton aud Mr. Dorr of JBoston. This Afternoon. Miss Edith Morrow entortnlned n smnll company of Indies this nf toruoon at her home in the Heights. They took their work with them aud are chatting merrily through it all. At the eud of the afternoon it is planned to terve supper. [ From Wednesday's Dally. ] Ladies' Afternoon Today , l l Mrs. E. T. Mittelntadc is entertain , ing n company of ladles this afternoon at her home on the corner of Koen- lltstoln nvonun niut Twelfth ntroot They were Invited for -I o'olook. Reception Postponed , The reception thut WIIN to Imva linen given at the homo of ( Jol. nnd Mm Unyos this ovoiilug for Rov. nurt Mrs , Wollls , luiH boon poHtpouod until toiuor- row ovoiilug on nooount of the uufuvor- nblovcutbor , Whist Club Lnst Night. The West Hulo Whist club wim very plonsanlly ontortnlnod last night by Mr , Louis 0 , MitttO.ttndt nt hla homo on the corner ofTomiigNtein ( nvouuu nnd Twelfth Htnot. A Inrgo number of thu braved tins Htonu for the ovou- Suppurvns Horvoil , fol owing thu piny. Surprise Party. 1 Mis * Hi'ssiu Molnrlnud WIIH surprised ! tj u number of her friends lunt night ut UT home on Philip IIVOMUO in uolobra < ( ion of her birthday , When the party called thi ) liostOHS WIIH abHont attending Out entorlninmont nt the M. K. elmrcli , Hut WHS mirprlsodvhun nlu > returned to Il'iil ' her friends nwattlug her. The time wan oiijoynbly pnsHod until a Into hour. WILL WORK IN THE DEbi rIELDS. Russians and Hungarians Have Gene to Norf [ From Monday v ully. ] Lincoln , April 27. Special to The News : The Norfolk nnd Grand Islnnd bout sugar fnctorles nro limiting prepa rations for nil extra heavy "run" this Benson , nnd ns a result there is n strong demand for labor for the beet fields. The sngnr compnuies will pluut n third more bantu than over before , aud nro searching the country for men nud women who doslro work In the fields. Russinn nud Hnngnrinn ponsnnts imikn the bobt laborers for the boot fields nnd are eagerly Bought after. The boot workers live in cottages erected in the fields aud seldom leave them from the opening of the season until the harvest is over. Whole fntnilios nro engaged in the work nnd receive $20 per ucro for the season. Representative Forrnr of the Grand Island factory was in Lincoln Monday to contract for the labor of three hundred Russians consisting of men , women nnd children , who will betaken to the fields next week. A force of tliroo hundred has boon contracted for nt Omaha and are already at work. The companies are still in Hourch of laborers nnd will spend more thnu f 10- 000 this summer for boot field workers alone. . r RESULT OF A FALL , Earl Bland Died Last Night at Homo of His Parents. " [ From Wedncsday'B Dnlly. ] Enrl , son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bland , died last night at 10:15 : ut the fnniily homo corner of Sixth street and Park avenue , aged 7 years aud 8 months. The funeral will bo hold from the house nt 13 o'clock , nud will bo con ducted by Rov. J. V , Pouohor of the M. E. church. The donth of the llttlo boy wns quite sudden nnd proved a severe shock to his parents. Ho had been plnying up- stnirs Suudny , und in coming down ho slipped and fell on the fourth or fifth stop from the bottom , rolling to the floor. Ho apparently folf no ill effects from the experience until Monday noon , when he complained of a pain in the side. Ho grow worse rapidly and suf fered excruciatingly until death otrno to his relief Inst night. The physicinn in nttoudnuco decided that n blood vessel in the stomach had been ruptured by the fall and although ovoiytbiug possible wns done for the little follow ho passed away at the hour stated. TELEPHONE STRIKE OFF. Harry Wright Receives a Message Making Such a Statement. [ From Wednesday's Dally. ] Harry Wright , one of the linemen employed by the Nebrnska telephone company , received n dispatch this morning from Lincoln stnting that the strike had been declared off. It was signed by n member of the committee appointed by the union to present the matter to the officials of the company. The linemen will probably return to work at once. Mr. Wright , who has boon visiting his parents in this city dince the beginning of the strike , owing to the fact that his gang walked out and left him , will probably return to his duties after n few days. EVADING QUARANTINE LAWS. People Will Hereafter bo Prosecuted to the Limit. [ From Wednesday's Dally. ] There is a great deal of complaint in the city regarding persons who are evading the quarantine laws. A great many cuies have not obeyed the rules and it is said that hereafter any case of such disregard will be prosecuted to the limit. " Letter List. List of letters remaining uncalled for nt the postoffico April 28 , 1003. W. P. Anderson , P. P. Browne , Mr. Lute Early , Mrs. Mattie Klledge (2) ( ) , Mrs Estolln Evans , Mr. P. S. Griffith , Ernst Hnrlow , Mrs , Gnsslo Helchor , Mr. Win S. Malone , Mr. McGrow , Mrs. Manervn Read , Mr. Geo. E Smopor , Mr John Tnggert , Prank Anigloy. If not called for in fifteen days will be sent to the dcnd letter office , Parties calling for any of the above please say advertised. JOHN R , HAYS , P. M. Fish Commissioners Have De stroyed That Many. TWO HAVE BEEN PROSECUTED. Found Tliroo Saturday , Ono Yester day nnd Four More Today All but Ono Had Expensive Mont In Them. Hearing Sot Mny 5. v [ Krnm Mnndny'fl Pally , ] A buggyful of gnnpliig hlivok mtolcorn gntheied n big crowd of men In Norfolk nvcnuo thin morulug , nud oponwl their ugly nioulliH toHixtlHfy the uurlnnlly of the oiiloolctu-H. H will not , the fnut that there were Huh In n buggy which brought thn pnoplo , but the iden that them were mimploH from thti IIOIH whloh Spo.iinl Deputy J. W. Riiluoy had found in the Northfork river nnd the fnut thut each beastly Hticker would cost Homeono live dollars beuiuiKu it happened to get Into n Huln instead of on n hook. Early this morning llniuoy went out. to Honrch thoviitorn for nets , nud ho hud no trouble in finding them. Four nets made hln hnul. Throe of them were north of the city , In Piorou county. TliuHO belonged to Ii'iud Oostrloh , John Krueger and August OcHtrloh. One about u half nillo Houth of Norfolk belonged to n farmer niuueil Mima. In tlnn net there were no Ilsh , HO the not wns merely destroyed. Another belonging - longing to Willinm Dogner , north in Plorco county , WIXH tnkon yestordny. The four in the neighboring county linvo tholr trial set for May fi. All llvo of them ) nets were destroyed , this morning which nmkoH eight in three days thnt have gene to the good. For years there have houn nets in the Northfork nnd nothing IIIIH been dono. The commisHlonerH hnvo now pretty thoroughly olmmod them out , nnd fish ing will bo more open. Before JuHtlao Eisoioy Saturday after noon two men were tried nud found ifullty of Holniug for Unh , and were fined accordingly. Henry RniiHoh was ohnlkod up for just n score of the scnly creatures , nt llvo dollars per scaly , nud costs , Frnuk Loumnn had drawn a pair in the meshes of his not nnd WIIH taxed ton nnd costs by the court. The complaint wns filed by the stnto game and fish commissioner , George Carter and County Attorney Mnpcs pros ecuted. W. M. Robertson was attor ney for the defense. The mou paid their flues nnd wpro rolcugod , ; In finding the nets the commissioners , G. B. Slmpkius of Lincoln , George Carter of North Plntto nud Spooinl Deputy J. A , Rntuoy of this city spent the entire dny. The nets thnt they found were brought to the city and cut up. The fish were distributed. JO TROUBLE ABOUT GROUNDS , They are in Good Hands and all Will bo Fairly Treated. [ From WcdiiP.Hdny'H Dally ] W. II. Johnson Bays it looks as" though some one is trying to give an erroneous impression in regard to the use of the grounds for base ball this year. Ho and a number of others who ore inter ested in driving horses , some time ago made arrangements to lease the grounds during the season , and although the lease has not yet actually boon executed they are in virtual control of the grounds at this time , but in the absence of organization un one is in authority to make a price on the use of the grounds , nor has a price been miulo to anyone. When the horsemen effect an organiza tion they will bo in position to moot the base bnllists on a footing that will bo satisfactory all around. Base ballists , firemen and any others who mny want to use the grounds for public good will bo fairly treated and there need bo no fear that any legitimate amusement will bo forced out on account of rout. It is the plan of those persons who have taken the grounds to foster such enterprises as will bring people to Norfolk during the season rather than to drive them away. BAD WIND BLOWING. That , and Chapping People's Faces , Is All It Docs. [ From Tuesday's Dally. ] A terrific wind has been rolling into Norfolk all day long from the direction of the Gulf of Mexico , aud has whistled around the corners in a way that is bad to hear. Tbo tremendous breeze has blown very little dust , comparatively. The reason for this is that it blow all of the dust there was , yesterday. People who are forced to be out in the open air show the effects of the weather in their firy red faces aud nearly blistered lips. One chap was unable to go to school today because he rode a pony all of yesterday , and he thinks it is rough. It Was Singular. [ From Monday's Dally. ] A Norfolk lad insisted in school this morning that the word flvo was plural because it meant inoro than one. His teacher tried every way to persuade him that there might be one five aud there might bo more. Finally she held up one hand. "See my fingers , " she said. "They make one five. How do you spell it ? " F-i-v-o , " he said. "Well , " she wont on , confident of winning her point. "Hero are two hands. That makes two fives. How do you spell that ? " "T.e-u , " he answered , and that was singular , too. THIRTEEN HURT IN WRECK. Pamcntjer Train Derailed at a Cro - Injj Near Toledo. Toledo , 0. , April l ! ! ) . A KOtitlilioiind pftHBoiiRiif train on the Cincinnati , Hamilton and Dayton road wnti do- tulluil ut lIuloH Ultlliu ; , four in I Urn Houth of thin dty. Thlrlccm people- worn Injured , novcn Horloimly , but iiotfo fatally. The moHt iiorloimly In jured wore brought back to thin city and tnkun to the Toledo hoxpltnl , The Injured : JJ. A. Wolffo , Klmllny , lurnil btully cut ; M. llrown , flummn. Lima , iiculp anil fnco wotuitln ; I < \ W. Fniu ; r , lnilliuiiiollH | ) , traveling miloa- man , fueo bmlly cut and lilp bruised ; Wlllliini Cliiimioln , AvlH , O. , ni'iiln wounilH ; Hhorwlu .lohiinon , Tonlogauy , 0. , back injuroil ; Ilort Duwuoat , Wen- ton , O. , ImilHOd about fnco rind nod : ; Minn Ida Wuild , I'umncrvlllo , O. , cut about head ; Mru. J. W. Uifkln , Ilnyn , O. , hip hrulm.'il ; Minn Lu y CHUB , OU tttv.-a , O. , lumd cut ; CliurloH Scott/ Howling Oioi-ii , O. , face cut ; 11. KorBko , Toledo , hip hriilHOd. When the aec'ldoiil occurred the train wnn running about twcnty-llvo mlloB nn hour and the ncclilont wan duo to the turning of a iiwlloh nt a crossing. The onglno mid all of the earn loft the track and were thrown upon their nldoa. VICTIM GETS NO WARNING. Wealthy Dry Geode Merchant of New York Shot Down. Now York , April 28. Leopold Wortliolmor , a wealthy dry gooila mer chant , wan Bhot tliroo thrco times In his homo In Wcut Ono Hundred aud Fifteenth HtrooL Ho wau wounded In the chest , arm and right Hldu , ami IB In a serious condition. Charged with the shooting , the police have ar- routed Joseph Simpson. The Injured man lu a monibor of the firm of Mnrou & Wortholmcr , dry goods morchanlB , who recently were burned out at their place of business In Third avonuo. Simpson , the pollco nay , was employed there an a watch man prior to the llro. At the tlmo of the llro two persona were burned to death. The motive of the shooting Is a mys tery both to the pollco and to the Wortholinor family , and Simpson , who woa very cool when arrested , refused - fused to make any statement. All Simpson would nay was that Worth olmcr owed him money for Bomcthlne ho had done and had refused to 'i\v him. COLLISION AT NEW HAMVr.v' * Couthbound Freight nnd Accommoda- , tlon Trains Meet on Same Track. Albany , Mo. , April 29. In a collision between a southbound freight nnd nn accommodation trnln on the Burling ton nt Now Hampton flvo men were seriously Injured. They nre : W. C. Elder , station agent nt Albany , cut about the head nnd badly bruised ; M. 1) . Slmtnblln , station agent at Bethany , severely bruised and cut ; Dr. Cava- naiiKh of New Hampton , leg broken and bruised ; Albert Rodcckcr of Dar lington , Mo. , leg broken and bruised. The four rear cars of the accommo dation train loft the track , the coach nnd one other car rolling down a twen ty-foot embankment and turning over twice. Investigating Boodle Schemes , St. Louis , April' ' 29. The report ot the commission on criminal Juris prudence of the Missouri sonnto two years ngo was prepared by attorneys for the baking powder trust In New York. It was delivered to Daniel J. Kelley , who sent it to Lieutenant Governor Leo , and it was then given to the chairman of the commission. Senator James T. Orchard. This fact was developed by Attorney Folk In his Investigation of state legislative bood- llns schemes. It Is believed the In formation came from John A. Leo , who was -again a witness before the grand Jury. Steagald Says He Is Not Guilty. Sioux Falls , S. D. , April 29. Henry A. Steagald appeared before Judge- Jones nnd pleaded not guilty to the charge of shooting and killing Frank Bowen , a grain buyer at Bonclare. a llttlo town east of Sioux Falls. The crime was committed on Feb. 27 last while Steagald was agent of the Illi nois Central Railroad company at Bcnclaro. The defendant appears on the verge of mental and physical col lapse. He will bo tried during the present term of court. Three Suicides at Washington. Washington , April 29. Three per sons committed suicide In this city this morning. All used carbolic acid as a means of ending llfo. The three suicides were Leonard H. Mangum , a former clerk In the census bureau ; Guy B. Padgett , a real estate and In surance agent , nnd Mrs. Sadlo Plum- mer , a young woman , whose husband keeps a lunch room on Pennsylvania avenue. Convention for Des Moines. DCS Moines , April 29. The Repub lican Btato central committee at Its meeting hero decided to hold the next state convention on July l in Des Moines. Hon. George D. Perkins was chosen as .temporary chairman. Philippine Judge Resigns. Santa Fe , N , M. , April 29. W. H. Pope , Judge of the court ot the first Instance of the Philippine Islands , has resigned and , owing to shattered health , will return to Santa Fo to take up his residence here again.