The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 24, 1903, Page 9, Image 9

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Daring Man Operates On Train
Used Pistols to Keep Thorn Away.
, Tobbetl ? Passengers Stooping at
Burlington Station Escaped enTrain
Train Jumped Off It.
Liuoolu , April 84. Special to the
"News : A very bold nud during robber
did work iu this city lust night , got out
ou n morning train , hold up the pas
sengers aboard , at the point of n re
volver , and escaped.
Nonr morning the ptxssougors sleeping
at the Burlington depot were robbed by
the nmn. He was discovered in the net
and pursued. On an outgoing triilu that
had just started , ho oscnpod.
Once on the train , ho compelled the
conductor , porter and passengers to stay
dn ouo end of the car with their hands
up at the point of his pistols. Thou ho
'deliberately robbed the entire oar , wont
out on the platform and jumped off
near Milford.
. RefuBcs to Evacuate Province Unless
Given Virtual Sovereignty by China.
Poking , April 24. Russia has do-
mamlcd that China sign au agreement
practically ceding to her the sovereignty
eignty of Manchuria and excluding
other nations from that country. The
Russian charge d'affaires , M. Plancon ,
-Las informed Prince Chlng , president
of the foreign office , that no further
. steps iu the evacuation of Manchuria
will bo taken until this agreement la
signed. Ching refused the Russian
terms , but his refusal probably
pleases Russia as well as his accept
ance would have done , because either
alternative means the rellnqulshment
- of Chinese sovereignty in Manchuria.
The Russian demands arc as fol
lows : No moro Manchurian ports or
towns are to be opened ; no moro for
eign consuls are to be admitted Into
Manchuria * no foreigners , except Rus-
elans , arc to be employed in Uio public
service of Manchuria ; the present
status of the administration of Man
churia Is to remain unchanged ; no
territory In Manchuria is to be alien
ated to any other power.
While the foregoing demands were
before the Chinese for consideration
M. Plancon assured his colleagues ex
plicitly that the only reason for the
delay In restoring the government of
Now Chwang to the Chinese was the
organization of the sanitary commis
sion. There has been considerable
feeling in British circles over the ap
pointment of a Russian commissioner
in Now Chwanc. but this revelation of
Russia's determination to retain con
trol of Manchuria and close the door
there robs it of all its importance.
Intercollegiate Contest.
St. Louis , April 24. The results of
the intercollegiate contest In English
composition , which takes place annual
ly between seven Catholic colleges of
the west , has just been made known
at the St. Louis university. The com
peting colleges are Creighton univer
sity of Omaha , Detroit college , Mar
quette of Milwaukee , St. Xavler of
Cincinnati , St. Ignatius of Chicago , St.
Mary's of Kansas and the St. Louis
university. A paper from St. Mary's
was pronounced winner of the first
i prize and St. Xavier of Cincinnati se
cured second prize. Third place as
well as the sixth and seventh were
won by St. Louis men. St. Mary's
also won fourth and eighth. Omaha
was fifth.
- Abandon Because Strike Breakers
Were Egged.
Bntte , April 24. Special to the News :
The Western Union Telegraph com
pany has abandoned its Bntte office be
cause the strike-breaking messengers
were egged by the strikers.
Conference at Plttsburg Ends In Dis
agreement on Merger Plan.
Plttsburg , April 24. The two days *
conference behind closed doors ended
in the disagreement of representatives
of the Congregational , Mothodlst Protestant -
estant , United Brethren and Christian
Union denominations on the plans
submitted for their union in one
church. The conference terminated
abruptly , having accomplished little
more than a postponement of the dls
cusslon. It was decided that commit
tees from each denomination confer
during the coming summer at places
.to be announced later and endeavor to
harmonize the different doctrines so
, that a practicable plan of union may
be presented to another conference of
representatives from the four churches
to moot in Washington as soon there
after as possible.
Baseball Results.
National League Plttsburg , S ; St.
Loula , 4. Chicago , 6 ; Cincinnati , 8
.New York , 0 ; Boston , 2. Brooklyn , 4
Philadelphia , 2.
American League Philadelphia , 7 ,
Boston , 4. Washington , 2 ; Now York ,
7. Detroit , 11 ; Cleveland , 1. St
Louis , 3 ; Chicago , 4.
American Association Toledo , 5 ,
Columbui , 4. Milwaukee , 9 ; St. Paul ,
7. Louisville , 4 ; Indianapolis , - 2.
Expedition Is Cut Down by the Na
tives In Somaliland.
London , April 24. The war olllco
received from Brigadier General Man
ning , in command of the British forces
in Somalllnnd , a dispatch continuing
the report of a British defeat. Ten
officers and ISO men out of a total
British force oi liiij men wuro KIUIM !
recently In au engagement with thu
Bomalllcsc. The dispatch is as follows :
"I have to report the total loss of
Colonel Plunkett'B party , with the ex-
coptlon of thlrty-Boven Yaos , who have
arrived hero. The latest information
extracted from the fugitives Is to the
effect that Colonel Plunkctt pushed on
after the enemy's force to the open
country , seven miles westward of Gum-
burru , whcro ho was attacked by a
very strong force of mounted troops
and the enemy's Infantry , who attack
ed at close quarters. He kept hack
the enemy until he had no moro am
munition , when ho formed a Bqnuro
and charged with bayonets in the di
rection of Colonel Cobbc's camp. Ho
moved some distance In this manner ,
but a great many men , Including Col
onel Pluukelt himself , were killed or
wounded by the pursuing enemy. At
last the enemy's infantry overwhelmed
the square and annihilated them all ,
with the exception of the thirty-seven
fugitives above mentioned. "
The dispatch closes with a list of
the "officers and ni < m missing and no
doubt killed in action , " namely : Col
onel A. W. V. Plunkctt , Captains
Johnston , Stewart , Ollvey , Norrls and
McKinnon and Lieutenants Gaynor
and Bell , all of the King's African
rliles ; Captain Vlzoy of the Second
Sikhs ; Captain Sims of the India Med
ical staff , two white privates , forty-
eight men of the Second Sikhs , and
124 men of the African rlflea. The two
Maxim guns were also lost.
Revenge the Death of Their Leader
Sofia , April 24. Spooial to The News :
The Macedonians captuied and killed
sixty of the Bashi Dozouk. The Gen
darmes wanted revenge for the death of
their loader.
Two Trainmen and Several Passengera
Injured in Accident Near Evanston.
Evanston , Wyo. , April 24. A run
away car , loaded with coal , crashed
into eastbound fast mail train No. 102 ,
on the Union Pacific , at a point twenty
miles west of Evanaton. Two train
men and several passongcrs were moro
or less hurt , but it Is thought none
of them will die as a result of their
The most seriously injured are :
George Baker , engineer ; W. H. Chap
man , engineer ; Clara Maggaria , Santa
Clara , Gal. ; Andrew Fisher and wife ,
Santa Clara ; Mrs. J. M. Baker , Fog-
torla , O. , scalp wound ; Edris Rush ,
Watson , Mo. , cut and bruised ; Gladdls
Monweller , Utica , Neb. , cut about the
face ; Mrs. George Hartlss , Utica ,
Neb. , cut and bruised.
All the injured were taken to Evans-
ton. The collision occurred on a
sharp curve , the shock being terrific.
The two engines on the passenger
train were completely wrecked , while
the steel coal car was twisted into an
unrecognizable mass. Traffic was de
layed for seven hours.
One-Fourth of the Business Section of
the Town Destroyed.
Falrbury , Neb. , April 24. The worst
fire In the history of Falrbury raged
for three hours and destroyed fully a
quarter of the best business part of
the town , comprising an entire block
on the south of the public square , lum
ber yards near by , the Methodist
church , and parsonage a block away
and minor damage to residences. The
total loss is estimated at from $240 ,
000 to ? 300,000 , fairly well insured.
The local fire department was power
less and Beatrice sent assistance. By
consent of Governor Mickey the local
militia company last night patroled
the burned district.
The principal business houses
burnedt comprise two drug , two
lumber yards , two clothing houses ,
postoffico , harness store , bakery ,
Times newspaper , hardware and im
plement house , Harblne bank , boot
and shoe store , general merchandise *
store and several medical and law
Municipal Convention.
Detroit , April 24. Last evening's
csslon of the National Municipal
league , which is holding Its annual
meeting in Detroit , was held at Phil 1-
harmonic hall and was attended by
about 150 people. The principal paper
of the evening was the report of Horace
ace E. Doming , chairman of the
league's committee on nomination re
form. The discussion which followed
was led 'by Professor E. S. Sparling of
the University of Wisconsin and Pro
fessor Shafer of Minnesota university.
Sealed Verdict In Boodle Case.
St. Louis , April 24. The case of
former Delegate Louis Decker ,
charged with perjury in connection
with the boodle fund used to influence
franchise legislation In behalf of the | '
Suburban Street Railway company ,
was given to the Jury last evening
and n sealed verdict returned fifteen '
minutes later. The decision of the
Jury will be made. . Jtnow.ii , . tods *
Postmaster General Takes Sum
mary Action With Attorney.
Mrs. Tyner Abstracts Papers and In-
opectoro Fall to Recover Docu-
mento Lawyer Accused of Aiding
Turf Flrmo.
Washington , April 24. A most Hen-
Batlonal development in the Investiga
tion of postotllco affulra occurred JUHI
before the department closed , when
Postmaster General 1'ayno announced
the summary dismissal of Jamoa IN.
Tynor , assistant attorney general for
the postotllco department , coupling
the announcement with the startling
charge that all the papers and rocoijilw
in the nafo of the lattor'H otllco had
been abstracted by Mrs. Tyner , wife
of the discharged official , with the as
sistance of others. The postmaster
general states that Mrs. Tyner has re
fused the demr d of the government
for the papers tuuon , and said that the
circumstances In the case would bo
submitted by him to the dopartni6nt
of justice today. Other sensational
developments are expected. The
question of arrests will bo passed on
immediately by Attorney General
Knox. The facts are told tersely in
the following letter of dismissal ,
signed by Postmaster General Payne :
"Hon. James N. Tyner : Sir You are
beroby removed from the ofilco of as
sistant attorney general for the post-
office department. I deem It proper to
give you the reasons for this summary
action on the part of the department.
Early in the month of March I com
municated to you through a mutual
friend a request for your resignation.
After a painful interview with you
and a moro painful ono with Mrs.
Tynor , I consented to modify the de
mand for your resignation so that it
might take effect May 1 , 1903 , with
the proviso , however , that you were
given leave of absence from the time
of the acceptance of the resignation
to the date of Its taking effect , with
the understanding that you wore not
in any way to undertake to discharge
the duties of the office. Late Wednes
day afternoon Mrs. Tyner came to the
office of the assistant attorney general
for the postofllco department , and
wont through the main office to the
private office , closing the door behind
her. She then unlocked the door en
tering from the public hall into the
private room and admitted her sister ,
Mrs. Barrett , whose son was formerly
assistant in your office , and whoso con
duct Is now under investigation by the
department. She also admitted , In
the same manner , G. G. Hamner , an
expert In the employ of the Mosler
Safe company , with whom she had
tnado an arrangement to meet her at
the department. At her direction Mr.
Hamner opened the safe in the room
and she took therefrom all papers ,
records and articles of every kind and
carried them away with her. Immedi
ately upon learning what had been
done I directed the fourth assistant
postmaster general to send two inspectors
specters to your house to demand , In
the name of the postoffico department ,
the delivery to them of any papers ,
documents or other materials which
had been abstracted from the safe.
This demand was refused by Mrs.
Tynor , and she likewise refused to
. permit the Inspectors to see you or to
see and examine the papers in her
presence. Mrs. Tyner further stated
. to the postofflce Inspectors that she
' committed this act with your knowl-
edge and by your direction. Further
comment on this transaction , on my
part , Is not necessary. The facts In
the case will bo submitted to the at
torney general of the United States
for such action in the premises as
ho may deem proper. "
It is suspected at the department
that the papers have some connection
with the recent conduct of the office.
Some weeks ago a turf Investment
concern , whose affairs were aired In
court , alleged that its operations and
working methods had been sanctioned
by the assistant attorney general for
the postoffico department. The
charges Involving the office of the as
sistant attorney general and a lawyer
formerly connected with that office ,
were ventilated very generally at that
time and an Investigation was ordered
by the postmaster general. This was
really the inception of the investiga
tion that has spread into every part
of the department.
Mr. Tyner had been In exceedingly
bad health for a long time and had
visited the office at only rare Intervals 3i i
leaving the office entirely In charge of
his assistant for months at a time. fo fo
is suffering from an unusually severe
case of paralysis and in consideration
of this fact the request for his resig
nation was based on his ill health.
Went to Ann Arbor Today and Were
Ann Arbor , April 24. Special to The
News : The convention of the National
Municipal league , which has been in
Hossion in Detroit , today changed the
tbfiatro of its discussions to Ann ArboV-
the delegates arriving by special train
this morning.
Many Olnnltarlca of Catholic Church
In Wnohlnoton Lny Corncratone.
\VntililiiKtoii , April a I. The annual
meeting of the archbishops , thu numt
dlHtliiBiilHhod 'celoHliiHtlenl body In thu
Ciitholle uhurch of thlu country , wun
held In McMahon hall of the Catholic
university , The deliberation ) ) of the
body , which wuro held behind cloned
doors , were presided over by Cardinal
Gibbons , ArchblHhop Kciino acting an
uucretary. While no formal statement
of the work of the nrclibluliopn wan
made , H IH expected that much tlmo
was devoted to the consideration of
the l policy of the Catholic church In
the Philippine iHlnndH. Other ques
tions affecting the church In the United -
od Stated were considered , hut no an-
noiinconient of the conclusion readied
was inndo.
Alter the mooting of the nrchhlnh-
ops , MoiittUnor O'Connell , thu newly
Installed rector of the Catholic mil-
vornlly , tendered a dinner to the an-
Bumbled prdiUoa In the refectory of
Caldwell hall.
The first public ceremony of the
day consisted of breaking ground for
the proposed Dominican house of Hind-
Ion , which has boon located Immedi
ately across Bunker Hill road from
the university campus. The ceremony
wan simple , but Improsslvo. Cardinal
Gibbons , surrounded by ncores of
church dignitaries nnd laymen , turned
the first earth which marked the be
ginning of the proposed Btrucluro.
At the conclusion of thu ceremony
on the nlto of the Dominican house ,
the procession of prelates proceeded
to the site of the proposed apostolic
mission house , where Cardinal Gibbons
conducted the beautiful and Inipruw
Hlvo ceremonial of blessing the ground
and laying the cornerstone of the pro
posed cdlfico.
Meeting of Travelers in Omaha is on
On\'n , April ai to th
News : Delegates from Lincoln , Fro-
niont , Norfolk and other cities are in
Omnliii for the annual convention of the
Nebraska Travelers Protective associa
tion. Now ofllcorH will bo uluc.tod to
morrow , besides delegates to Indian-
Refuse to Show Contracts Called for
In Hearst Investigation.
New York , April 24. The Interstate
commerce commission continued the
Investigation into the complaint
against the anthracite coal carrying
railroads filed by William R. Hearst ,
Just after the recent coal strike.
When the hearing opened counso
for Mr. Hearst called for the contracta
between the Temple Iron company ,
the Lehlgh Valley , the Lackawanna
and the Reading railroads. The con
tract had been brought Into the room
by the secretary of a trust company
which held thorn , and counsel for the
railroad objected that the Temple lion 1
company Is not named In the complaint.
Counsel for complainant called first" ;
for ono dated April 10 , 1809 , between 1
the Erie railroad and the Temple Iron L
company by which the railroad com
pany guarantees the stock and bonds
of the iron company. Judge Campbell
of the Reading objected and at hla
suggestion Mr. Shcarn called individ
ually for all the papers ho wanted ,
that the ono objection might cover
them all. Mr. Shcarn said the con
tracts will show a combination of the
freight agents in violation of the law.
Japanese Warships Ordered to China.
Yokohama , April 24. Three Japa
nese warships have been ordered to
New Chwang. Marqvls Ito has held a
secret conference with the leading
Japanese statesmen. The Russian
demands fnr privileges in Manchuria
have excited the Japanese press ,
which Insists on vieorous action , con
fident that the United States , as well
as Great Britain , will support Japan.
An arrangement Ins been reached by
which the political crisis has been
averted , but the Kovernment's naval
increment proposals remain un
Slap at United States.
London , April 24. The Peking cor
respondent of the Times describes the
first article of the Russian t'.cmanda
on China , namely , that no more Man
churian ports or towns bo opened , as &
elap in the face for the United States ,
i this country having proposed the open-
ing of Mukden and Taku Shan as
treaty ports.
I DR. 0. A. MoKIM , veterinarian
'Phones , office 185 , residence , 14.
SHORT ORDER rciTtwarant , Hummel
BEEP and pork today. The Pulaoo.
WITH THE present telegraphic ser
vice , TUB DAILY NBWS is far moro val-
uable than it has over been before as an
advertising medium. This is true be
cause the IIOWH of the world reaohos tsi
subscribers from twenty to twenty-seven
hours earlier than it nan by Oinnlm ) ri
Lincoln papers. On that account
people read it moro thoroughly and
* nore of them do it. A display ad in
NEWS pays returns , and the locals
arp a good proposition
Lieutenant Governor Will Ap
pear Before Grand Jury.
Says He Gave Evidence on Which
Senators Were Indicted nnd lo Ready
to Toll All He Knows Hln Health
IB Shattered.
Bt. Louis , April 1M. Suffering phyiv
ically and weary and worn I'lotu fa-
UKUO Lloutumint Governor John A.
Leo , who lol't KanmiH City hull Thnrn-
day night and arrived In Chicago Fri
day morning , returned to St. Louis
l nlcht , accompanied by hln wife ,
who , a few dayn aio ; , wont to Chicago
to HCO her hnubitnd.
"I am done with polities forever , "
assorted Governor Leo. "I am a ulek
man and 1 need rest. Any one who
IIUJ-H that I am not a ulck man never
passed through my experience of the
paat few days. "
Mr. Lee'ii utatemont that ho had kiHt
fifteen poitmlH In weight during the
punt two weoltB WHH borne out by hlu
appearance. Ills face IH colorleHH and
hlu eyes have the lack-luslru of a ulck
man. At klu homo In West St. Louhi ,
ho mild :
" 1 have been reading the newspapers
and . have been misrepresented. I
have not been a fugitive from justice
and have had no Idea of being one. I
am not afraid to come back and toll
all I know. I needed rest and thought
a trip to Chicago would bo the host
way to get It. I am done with polities
forever. I nwear that I have not
made a cent out of legislation this
session. While HOIUO of the ticnator
are being proved to have big accounts ,
I have only $10 to my credit in the
bank. It Is uulllclent for mo to tmy
that the ovldenco against Senators
Farrls , Matthews and Smith was fur
nished by me. I know nothing of Bill
llvan getting any money. I notice
that none of the senators In the bus !
IICBS has told of receiving money lor
votes. They can curse mo all they
please , but I notice that not one of
them has the courage lo nhow up the
real crookedness of the proceeding. I
gave the Kelley check to Atlornoy
General Crow as soon as I received 11 ,
I do not know whether I shall resign ,
I have not given the matter a bit of
thought. Word has been brought to
me Umt some of ray enemies have
threatened mo with physical harm. I
am prepared for them. See this cane
feel It. Moreover , It IB not all. "
When Circuit Attorney Folk was in
formed of the arrival of Lieutenant
Governor Lee , ho stated that Mr. Leo
would bo given opportunity to appear
before the grand Jury immediately.
Fore and Aft Wins Derby.
Nashville , Tonn. . April 21. Eight
thousand people saw William Gcrst'n
Pore and Aft , the favorite , win the
[ I " Cumberland Derby at Cumberland
park from I. Stevens' Barca. John J
Greener's Postmaster Wright , , after
, ! loading to the head of the stretch , fin
lulled third. The race was worth ? 3-
360 to the winner.
Decides Lawson Committed Suicide ,
Mount Vcrnon , Ky. , April 24 , In
the examining trial of Charles Dur
ham , who killed John Lawfcon last
Sunday , County Judge Lewis rendered
the following decision : "Tho prisoner
is dismissed. Lawson committed Bill
clde In going with his gun to Durham * !
home on the hunt for trouble. "
Decreedby4 ] Governmeut That The
Must Leave.
Berlin , April 21. Special to the News
It has boon decreed that all the Merino
missionaries in the empire shall bo ex
polled. The reason for this action o :
the part of the government is that thoi
religion is incompatible with the law
of the country.
Illinois Capitol In a Turmoil Over Mu
nicipal Ownership Question.
Springfield , 111. , April 24. Sluggln
and rolling over each other across th.
speaker's platform in u frenzied general
oral fist fight at the feet of a score o
women guests , the members of th
Illinois legislature surpassed the wild
est scenes of the Austrian relchsrath
Charges by the speaker of the hous
John H. Miller , that attempts had bee
made to bribe him , were formal !
made as an explanation for the ex
| traordinary actions on his part tha it
. precipitated the riot The Interior o
the chamber resembled In a measur
the track of a tornado , so general wai
the wreckage of chalra and desks.
Chicago street railway franchise
more valuable than gold mines , wen
directly at stake , the federal court re
I celvershlp proceedings against th
Union Traction company of Chicago
having brought the mailer to a sud
den issue.
The stormiest time ever experienced
in the Illinois legislature began almost
without warning in a whirlwind of
wild disorder , which arose in the
house of representatives over rival
traction measures , or so-called munlcl-
pal ownership bills. Adherents of the
Mueller bill , Indignant at Speaker
Miller's ruling in favor of the Lind-
ly bill , called the speaker a liar and
attempted to pull him from his chair.
Chief Executive Rcndy to Reoumo Hla
Cinnabar. Mont. , April 21. Presi
dent K'lOMi'vcH'ii vacation lit at an end.
Ho giooted thu imminent ol | IH ! party
and a large number of people at lh
Mammoth Hot HiHngn | hotel In Vollovr-
Mtonu pin It aid : will rcmiinu hln tour
ted M y. The pruHldcnl Is the plcturo
of health and It can be Keen at a
Klance that the time he linn Hpont In
the park linn henu lienullclul to hit/ ,
lllrt eye ! H' bright and bin face
bron/.ed. Ho HpeiiltH In oiiUniiilantlo
lorniH of the pnrli and the good Unto
ho hud while touring It. Word had
gone forth neveral days n o thai h
would meet the people In the park ,
und when ho arrived at thu Mammoth
Hot HpilngH hold , where Uio recep
tion wan held , ho found a couple oC
hundred men nnd women I hero to
creel him. Thu president nddtuHRod
them In lolly , upoaldiiK of the good
time ho had had during the punt two
wcelfti , and then nhook handii with
each one.
The president and all those who ac
companied him on hl.'i tour of the park
are delighted with the trip. No acci
dent occurred and the weather , moat
of the time , delightful. John Bur
roughs , who accompanied the presi
dent inoitt of the lime , was alHo great
ly benefited by liltt outdoor life and
hlu face Is nlno bronzed. The prcHl-
dent Hpont most of his time In study
ing the hahltii of the different speclea
of gamo. He would Ho for bourn near
ft herd of oik or mountain goats nnd
frequently walk for eight or ten mllen
to observe them. Ho also studied bird
life with Mr. Burroughs and iihowcd
hlmnelf particularly well posted on
this Bubjocl. Mr. Burroughs was able
to show him but ono bird with which
ho was not acquainted , namely the
Are Being Brought to Take Care of
St. LouiH , April 2-1. Spooial to the
NOWH : DotootivoH are being brought to
St. LonlH from many of the important
oitioH on account of the visit of the
president next week. They will arresi ( .
all profoshional criminals whom they
find Chicago men will look for Chicago
cage crookn , elo.
Gives Institute $600,000 on Condition
that Booker Washngton Is Cared For.
Now York , April 24. The trustees
of the Tuskegce Normal and Industrial
Institute in Alabama have received
$000,000 toward the endowment fund
from Andrew Carnegie , who aliened
the recent meeting in behalf of the
TuHketco Institute , where ox-I'rcsldent
Grover Cleveland presided. The trus
tees will meet soon to take formal ac
tion In accepting the gift and at the
same time to take measures td still
furlher Increase the endowment. Mr.
Cnrnegle , In his letter convoying the
gift , says : "I give this without reser
vation , except that I require that snlt-
able provision be nuulo from the gift
for the wants of Booker Washington
and his family during his own or his
wife's life I wish that great and good
man to bo entirely free from pecuniary
cares that he may bo free to dcvoto
himself to his great mission. To mo
ho scorns ono of the greatest of living-
men , because his work Is unique , the
modern Moses who leads his race and
lifts It through education to evn
better and higher things than a land
overflowing with milk and honey. His
tory Is to tell of Iwo Washlngtons , ono
white , the other black , both fathers
of their people. "
Woman's Missionary Society of tha
West Names Officers .
Milwaukee , April 24. Mrs. J. E.
Scott of Evanston , 111. , was unanimous
ly elected president of the Woman's
Foreign Missionary Society of the
West at the annual convention of that
organization in Baptist Tabernacle
church. The other officers elected
wore : Vice president , Mrs. L. E.
Stlllman , Daylon , O. ; foreign secre
tary , Mrs. Frederick Clatworthy ,
Evanston , 111. ; home secretary , Mrs.
Julia L. Austin , Chicago ; recording
secretary , Mrs. J. W. Carpenter , Chicago
cage ; treasurer , Mrs. Matilda E. Kline ,
Chicago. The state vice presidents
elected Included : Iowa , Mrs. A. E.
Atkinson ; Missouri , Mrs. A. F. Brak-
er ; Nebraska , Mrs. J. W. Merrill.
Funston Asks fop Court of Inquiry.
Washington , April 24. Brigadier
General Frederick Funston has asked
for a court of Inquiry on allegations
that he was guilty of cruelty towards
the Filipinos while in command of a
brigade In the Philippines. It is prob
able that his request will be refused
by Secretary Root , who has had the
charges Investigated and thinks they
do not warrant a court of inquiry.
They were made by Herbert Welsh
and sent to the president. The war
department sent them to General
Funston wjth a request that ho reply.
His response was the demand for a
court of inquiry to investigate the
Colorado Speakershlp Case.
Dnuvi-r , April 24. In 1891 James
Hanna , speaker of the Colorado house ,
was renroved by a vote of the members
and another member named Whyle
was elected to the speakershlp and
served In that capacity during the
rest of the session. This action was
sustained by the state supreme court.