THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , APRIL 2 < 1 , 1003 , No Reason Why Norfolk Should Not as Well. EVERYTHING READYFOR RACES , Thlu Oily Could no Well ns not Erect Barns and Shoda for tlio Horses. Ought to Bo on the Circuit Good Trnck Now Here , Norfolk conlil profitably oniulnto the oxnuiplo of the ontorprliluK oltizons of Bottle Orook in their ambition to glvo n race mooting this Riiiunior. The Unttln Orook nmoolntion is Improving Its trunk and building n twulvo fitnll burn nnd will give Its Hooond annual nxoo moot on September 8 , 8 nuilI with purses of f 1,000 in the aggregate. The mooting year wiw n Btiooos1) flnanulnlly mid othorwlho , ami thin your it in propoflod to ecllpso hut year's effort. It n rnoliiK association can ho successful in Battle Crook there in no rotuton oxuopt lethargy to prevent the horsemen of Norfolk to make this town n monibor of the olronlt und glvo ft mooting that will iulvorlino the town and provo profitable to horse tuou nud merchants. List your Dr , Mnokay took hold of the trunk nnd fron : contributions of business muu got r rcsnlntion ono-lmlf inllo trnok graded Vfhlch is todny ouo of the host in ro Bpoot to footing , In the oounlry , bul the weather wns bad nnd no meeting could 'in hold uud the npnthy of horse men put the doctor to considerable expense in routing fttul keeping up the trnok whloh ho has not boon repaid for. He hni nn option on the trftok for the oomitig summer but unions horsemen take Rorao inturrat In the umttor it is not of sufficient moment to him to ispoud the tlmo nnd money uooossary to kaepn truck open nud in shape for tminlng. Thnro is nn opportunity hero for hormmou nnd the business intorostn of the town that should not bo nllowod to paaH. It l probable that the trnok will Iw nsod for n cow pasture unions horse * tnon show greater Interest nw it will bring better rout it devoted to anoh n purpose thuu kept ns n driving park. SATURDAY SIFTINQS. Louis Keen of Fremont ia n guest of J. S. McOlnry. W. O. Glnzor was In the city from Si'inton yiisiorday. Mrs. Krnmm of Tildon was ( mopping in the city yesterday. Herman Frioko of Madison transacted business in Norfolk today. A. E , Romondor of Plalnviow wns in the city on business todny. Mrs. W. Rtloy nud little son of Plorco were in the oity today. Mi a. Ohnso nnd Mrs. Do Witt of Stanton - ton were in the city yesterday. Mitfl Hildroth Slssou returned nt noon yesterday from n visit to Omalm. W. Fraser nnd 0. S. Smith nro visi tors in the city from the county Heat. Mrs. Bumhaui nud Miss Priestly of Oakdalo were visiting in Norfolk yes terday. Juies Lombard , the well known vocalist of Omaha , wns in the oity yesterday , F. II. Graaf of Esthorvillo , lown , was in ttu ) city ever night , guest of his old thna friend E. B. KnufTumu. Dr. Louis Sobloslugor , the noted medium , is nt the Pacific. IIo cures the alcohol , tobacco and morphine habits in a single treatment. The work on J. F. Rodman's now house on South Eighth street is under way and thi foundation will belaid next week if the weather is favorable. Guy Barnes wont to Lincoln yoster- tlay noon to attend the senior prom , in thv > university and to bo present to night at the annual banquet of the Delta Tnu Delta fraternity. 2Jr. and Mrs. George Thorubnrg , parents of Mrs. B. W. Oaldwoll , arrived from Onkdnlo yestordny , nud accom panied their daughter back to thnt town with the body of her child today. The Norfolk publio schools hnvo en gaged Cyrus Brownlee Newton , the noted humorist nud comedian , for nn entertainment at the M. E. church on Tuesday evening , April 28. Admission 25 nnd 33 cents. The Ladles guild of Trinity church met yesterday nftoruoou nud elected of ficers for the following year ns follows : Mrs. W. J. MeNamoo , president ; Mrs. O. H. Reynolds , vioo president ; Mrs. Asa K. Leonard secretary aud Mrs. W. N. Huso , treasurer. At the last molting of the Commercial Men's club n resolution waa adopted to thank Postmaster John R. Hays for his endeavors to please the travelers by opening the post office 011 Sunday nights. In replying , Mr. Hays stated that ho heartily appreciated } the expression of approval. MONDAY MENTION. O."H.Tnll wont to Sioux Oity this morning. W. M. Condon was here yesterday from Madison. T. W. Maun was in the city from "Wayne yesterday. < 3hris Schavlandwasin the city yes ter day from Madisou. JBev. J. P. Mueller goes to Battle Greek tomorrow to attend a conference. The balance of the Eagles will bo initiated at the K. P. hall next Thurs day night. Harry Lamb of Madison has taken the position of baggage man nt the Oreightondepot. A. J , Koenigstein left this noon for Springfield , 111. , where he is to be mar- rled on April 28. Weills and Mlsa Louise " \Vollls \ \ loft thin morning for HOHO ! Oity , Idaho , where they will upend the summer with their Muter , Mrs , Douol. M 0. Howe , general mnnagor of the American Beet Sugar company , In ex pected in the city this evening. Ho will arrive ever the Northwestern , A largo number of buttono hnvo boon received by the firotnon ndvertlslng the coming tournament thnt Is to 1m hold In Norfolk. They mny bo obtained for the nuking. The executive commit toe for the flromon'n tournament will moot nt the oity hall tonight to advance the prelimi nary work of the tournament. The Sohnylor Sun of Init wool : wns out in n special Eostor edition of rod nnd blue , illustrated , nnd con taining nn excellent write-up of the city nnd vicinity. It is nnnounood In thontrioal circles thnt Paul Gllmcrj , who appeared here this Benson in "Tho Tyranny of Tears , " will star in the "Mummy nnd the Hum ming Hlrd" another of John Drow's plnys , next yonr , nnd mny go abroad. There in supposed to bo deposits of onulo potrollum nlong the Loup valley in the near vicinity of Columbus nnd some of the men of thnt city propose to invoNtlgato and If there is anything to develop will put in the required inn ohtnory. Herman Steffin hns boon slok with pneumonia , but his condition is very much bettor today. IIo is n member of the Pioneer Hook nnd Ladder company whloh lias boon furnishing nurses , but ho hns so fnr recovered thnt snob nssist- nnoo is no longer required. Nollgh Yeoman : TUB Nourouc DAILY NKWS published a Inrgo lO-pngo Kastor edition Saturday containing the now Inwfl of the stnto , much matter showing improvements , enterprise nud advantages of Norfolk uud n largo amount of advertising. It id au interest Ing paper and is highly creditable to its enterprising publisher. R. R. Smith hns returned from Okln houin. where ho wont to look for n bust uoss opening. IIo found Inrgo stocks of goods in small towns nnd decided to remain main in Nebraska. IIo hns ncooptod n position with n Sioux City ronl estate firm nud hns gone to that plnco todny ou business. Ho reports having made sev eral largo and successful deals. Superintendent Ornui will conduct the regular annual eighth grade exam ination at Norfolk on Wednesday , April 20. In the last Issue of the School News the following regarding the ex aminations is given : "In the last four years COS pupils have taken this exami nation ; 129 of them being pupils from country dlstriots ; 40 ot thorn nro iu the high schools of the county nnd several in ether schools of higher education. Several of thorn nro now teaching school. Four years ngo the present senior class of the Norfolk schools , US in uumbor , took the examination. I am told that 15 of this class still remains to bo graduated at the oloso of the year. " Foil SALK. Barred Plymouth Rook , $1 per sotting.II. II. J. OAULPIKLD , 818 North Oth. "OUR BOYS" Play to bo Given by the High School Soon. The p'ny to bo given in n short time by the high school students for the ben efit of the manual training department is a refined comedy with just enough of the dramatic to glvo it spice. "Our Boys , " when first performed in the Vaudeville Theatre Strand htvd n continuous run of ever 1500 nights The people of Norfolk may bo assured thnt ( his excellent piny will bo well In terpreted ns some of the best tnlontiu , the school will take hold of it. * Whore Six of Them Came From. Section Foreman Wiuklor wns some what on the war path Sunday afternoon when ho discovered that the handcar had been stolen from the car houso. Sunday uoon when the passenger pulled in from the north it had on board ou the blind baggngo six of the toughest looking specimens of humanity Madison hns BOOH for some time timo. When the train pulled out they were forbidden to rldo nny further. While the most of us were helping ourselves to nu Easter dinner the hobos broke into the car IIOUHO nud helped themselves to the handcar nud wont bnck to Norfolk whore the car was located. Madison Chronicle. SEVERE ATTACK OF GRIP. Cured by Ono Bottle of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. "When I had nn attack of the grip last winter ( the second one ) I actually cured myself with one bottle of Ohnui- borlaiu's Cough Remedy , " says Frnuk W. Perry , editor of the Enterprise , Shortsville , N. Y. . "This is the honest truth. I at times kept from coughing myself to pieces by taking a tenspooufnl of this remedy , nud when the coughing spell would come on nt night I would take a dose nud it seemed that iu the briefest interval the cough would pass off and I would go to sleep perfectly free from cough and its accompanying pains. To say that the remedy acted ns a most agreeable surprise is putting it very mildly. I had no idea that it would or could knock out the grip , simply because I had never tried it for such n purpose , but it did , nud it seemed with the Eocond attack of coughing the remedy caused it to not only bo of less duration , but the pains were far less severe , aud I had not used the contents of ouo bottle before Mr. Grip had bid mo adieu , " For sale by the Kioeau Drug Co. To Cure a Cold In Ono Day Take Laxative Brome Quinine tablets All drugdists refund the money if it falls to euro. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25o. Fiuo light work a specialty at Paul Nordwig's harness shop. Dr. W.I. Seymour coming. \ ; Business Portion of Town Nearly Wiped Out. IT STARTED AT MIDNIGHT. Loss Amounts to Fifty Thousand Dollars lars Origin Is Unknown Opera House , Newspaper Plant , Post Office nnd Two Gonornl Stores go. Brownvillo , Nob. , April 18. Special to The News : Fire broke out soon after midnight nnd burned nearly the the entire bnslnoNi portion of the town. The flames destroyed totnlly the Mnrsh oporn house ; the Marsh blook ; the Kaufman block nnd the old Nomnhn county court houso. The loss will bo ever 150,000 covered by Insurance for $25,000. The main individual losers are : J W. Rlohoy , general store , $10,000. William Knnfman , general store , $8- 000. 000.Mrs. Mrs. M. K. Perkins , millinery , | COO. Brownvlllo Blogrnph , H.fiOO. The loss to the building makes up the mlnnco of the loss. The furniture in the post ollloo wns iestroyod but the mail was raved. The origin of the bla/.o is n complete nystory. Brownvillo is n little town of 800 poo- do , in Nomnhn county , nud is on the 'river. BANK ROBBED. Thieves Made a Haul at Rogers Last Night. Rogers , Nob. , April 18. Speolnl to ThoNows : A bank was robbed hero list night nnd n considerable sum ol uonoy Boourod. There Is uo clue to the robbers , "Floating Off" Dead. Omaha , April 21. Spooinl to The News : Floating Off , n member of the council of the Omalm trlbo of Indians , died here under nu operation for cancer of the stomach , nud was buried this f tornoon in Doontlor comntory. Primi tive ceremonies wore hold by the tribe. RICH MAN SUICIDES. Long John In Omaha Shot Himself This Morning. Omaha , April 18. Special to The News : JohnBohncalled "Long John , " n retired Omaha saloon keeper , suicided lioro this morning by shooting. Forty throe thousand , nine hundred dollars in money nnd negotiable securities were found in his room nt the Klondike hotel where ho had bonrdod four years Ho had uo relatives here but two sons In Texas. Ho cauio from Germany to this country. Attempt Life ot Superintendent. Kearney , April 21. Spocinl t > The News : A plot nmoug the boys in the Nebraska stnto reform school nt this place to kill the superintendent wns nn- onrthod this morning. Great excitement resulted nt the school. The scheme was to get him nunwnrus nud end his life. Several 01 the boys nro now suffering punishment for being mixed up in the plot. Some thing else mny bo done. Negroes Not Wanted. Salem , Neb. , April 21. Special to The News : George Brown , n negro from Falls City , rented a house here preparatory to moving his fnmlly in The citizens of the town hold n public meeting nud served a warning on bin to stay nway. No negro has ever lived in the place and it is nu nuwritten law that uouo over shall. TUESDAY TOPICS. J. A. Smith is here from Humphrey M. J. Mayer is in the city from Madi son. son.W. W. R. Locke is in the city from Stan ton. Woods Ooues is in Norfolk from Pierce todny. George Y. Hnskoll is nt the Oxnnrd from Wnkoflold. Mr. Zutz of Iloskius wns in the city todny on business. Street Commissioner Leu is grndln several avenues in South Norfolk todny Lee Bailey is nu the street again with the bullet in his back getting nlou , nicely. Fred Wright of the Madison Ohron iclo is in the city in the interest of th county fair. G. 0. Stevenson of Madison , stat deputy for the Royal Highlanders , is in the city in the interests of that order. F. F. Miller , deputy grand master fo the A. O. U. W. , loft todny for Stnntou to work in the interests of that order. W. H. Baird , consulting superintend ent of the Norfolk nnd Grand Islan sugar factories , arrived in the city Ins night for n business trip. One of their special instruction cnr has been set on the Norfolk tracks b , the Scrautou Correspondence schools These make visits every year. O Fuller is the local agont. Ben Barshingor , formerly cashier n the union depot in this oity , now re presenting B. B. Davis , renl estate nn merchandise exchange , of Lincoln , \va calling on his Norfolk friends yesterday Judge Boyd was nt Tildon yesterda. taking testimony in the case o Albertlne Driffkorn vs. Charles Sonno defendant , and Angust Sonno , inter vontor. Olerk of the Court Sohavlan was preoent to care for the records The case will be continued at the nc jonrnod term of district court to b held at Madison Thursday. The conr held this session nt Tilden for th reason that all the witnesses live in tha olghhorhood nnd n trip to Madison leant n heavy oxpmiFO nnd Ions of time. Wo nro In receipt of some recent pho- oginphsofDr. Seymour nnd family , vhloli were made ( 'specially for his mtlonts , nlso n booklet containing nome cry strong commendations. IIo ro- nests that his patients wiito nt once , ' they have not received either , nud ho ' rlll bo ple'nsod to forwnrd same. Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore existing lotwoon 8. L. Gardner nnd G. R. Seller or the purpose of conducting n general oal oHtato business has this day been isdolved by mutual consent. S. L. GAIIUNKK. G. R. Siuu'.u. Dated nt Norfolk April I , 1003. i . . | g WEDNESDAY WRINKLES. G. A. Luiknrt is in Tildon todny on msintss. Mrs. 15. A. Bullock has returned from A.vocn , Iowa. E. P. Wenthorby returned this inorn- ng from n business trip to Spencer , fob. fob.L. L. 0. Mittelstndt wont to Oinnha to ny to nttoud n mooting of the Mystio Slirinors. Editor O. F. Montreal of the Bnttlo 3rook Republican wns in the city yes * ordny on business. Charles Mndson is having n flno now cement sidewalk placed nt the homo of its mother in Madison avenue. W. J. Freeman hns purchased the Covert property on South Eleventh treet nud will move into it soon. Mr. nud Mrs. Ourtico Ellonwood of jlttlo Rook , Arkansas , nro gnostu at the lomo of Mr. nud Mrs. E. H. Qoreoko. Mrs. F. L. Hamilton nnd son came down from Oroightou this morning to visit nt the homo of her father , County Surveyor W. II. Lowe , in Phillip ave uuo. uuo.W. W. H. Bucholz , president of the Nor folk National bank , is in Ponder today where ho will road a paper before the Northeast Nebraska bankers' assooi ntiou , Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack Bnrklo nro the proud parents of a little baby boy who came to their homo nbont noon yostor tiny. Jack , junior , is already having n good time with bis father. Mrs. John R. Hays who has boon in a Hot Springs hospital for some time with rheumatism , is now comparatively free from pain but is improving only very slowly. She is yet unable to move about , at nil. Mr. nud Mrs. Joe Dnuiols of Mndisou were m the city today visiting with friends. The county clerk's office , in common with other county offices , is closed on aooount of Arbor day and Mr. Daniels was given a short vacation. W. F. Ahltnan and family are moving their household goods today from their former homo at the corner of Philip avouuo nnd Fifth street into th'ir new house north of it. O. J. Reed will move with his family into the house tomor row. row.Tho The Daxtor cold storage yesterday received from half a hundred different buyers , some of them in Norfolk nnc others locntod ns fnr west ns Lynch and O'Neill nud from the cast as far n Winner , with shipments from inter mediate points north and south of Nor folk. folk.James James R. Fain , superintendent of con struction on the new post office build ing thnt is to go up in Norfolk , has taken rooms at the homo of Mrs. Elsie Desmond , nt the corner of Nebrnskn nvenue nud Tenth street. Mr. Fain will make Norfolk his home for some thing over n year. Thus far in his work there has been little to do but enjoy life which is not nt all hard , ho said this morning , among Norfolk people. Superintendent Kern of the Columbus schools is planning to arrange with the business men of that city to devote half hoar each week to giving' the scholars of the school practical instruc tions along business lines or in the ac quiring of the rudiments of trade. Mer chants , millers , bankers , plumbers cigflr makers , publishers nnd others nro to bo asked to do this toward giving th boys practical instructions and take some part in the actual work incidon to the making of n cignr , setting typo running n bank , selling merchandise laying brick , mixing mortnr , shoeing a horse or other similar lines of work The plan is meeting with favor and wil probably bo put into execution. Dr. Seymour will be in Norfolk Sat nrdoy , Mty 2 , at the Oxunrd hotel. Tlmre'a alnuy u Slip on the toy or wet ground nt this time o year , and many a sore spot in cense quouce. No amount of caution wil guarantee you against accident. Tha is why we keep Perry Davis' Painkille on hand to relieve the ache of bruisec flesh , and sore , throbbing muscle. I has given relief to two generations There is but one Painkiller , Perry Davis' . Danger of Colds and Grip. The greatest danger from colds and grip is their resulting in pneumonia If reasonable care is used , however , an Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken nil danger will bo avoided. Among the tens of shousnnds who have used thi remedy for these diseases we have ye to learn of a single case having rosnltec in pneumonia , which shows conclus ively thnt it is a certain preventive o that dangerous disease. It will cure cold or an ntt ok of the grip in loss tlm than nny ether treatment. It i pleasant and safe to take. For sale b ; the Kiesau Drug Co. "If I Could Get Itld of this abominable cold , " exclaimed tb sufferer , when the end of n spasm o coughing gave him n chance to talk The way out of the trouble is plain Take AlIon'M Lung Balsam before th merciless grip of the cold has fostene npon throat and lungs. After a few doseo the cough is easier and less frequent quent , and n complete cure is but th question of a little time. Bright Prospects For a Team in Norfolk. PAPER IS BEING CIRCULATED. Enthusiasts are Meeting Everywhere With Good Encouragement All Business Houses Ought to Support ThoCauso. [ From Thursday's Dnlly. ) Prospects 'ire looking up n bit for n ball team in Norfolk this summer. A paper is now being circulated for the lignaturos of the people of the city and t is mooting with good success. W. W. loborts hns written to several good non in order thnt n good tcntn may bo ricked. With support from the business firms equal to thnt of hist year nud patronage rom the Inrgo number of extra men vho will bo in the city , together with nn increased interest among the ladles , t is considered that the city mny yet mvo n rattling good club this season. BURIED IN THE STRAW. Thought ho Was Shot and Dead Ho Was In a Way. [ Prom AVednesdny'fl Dally. ] Buried underneath n pile of straw md damp from the dow of the night , ihe form of a man wns early this moru- ng discovered on n farm north of the city. The body of the follow wns limp nud motionless , his face was nestled calmly down upon his chest nnd a red mudkorohief was wrapped nbont his neck , with n double kuot in it at the end. It was nt first thought that the lollow must have been shot nud thnt ho was dead. Complete investigations showed thnt ho had boon nil shot and that ho wns dend drunk. Hereford Sale at Wayne. Among the good Hereford bulls to bo sold at Wayne , Neb. , sale on May 5 , a Jury of Shndelaud 4th , nn excellent bull bread by W. N. Rogers , of McOook , Neb. Jury Shadlnud 4th is 18 months old. Ho is a bull of splendid character all through. He is sired by Jury 68980 , a sire whose three daughters won a good bunch of the prize money at the Nebraska State Fair last fall. Jury was sired by Kodak of Rockland , n noted eastern prize winner. Jury's dam was Lady Wilton 28d by Sir Bar- tel Frorejay Lord Wilton. The latter ' bull was'once sold for $20,000. The dam of Jury of Shadoland 4th , the bull be sold at Wayne , was sired by W. N' . Rogers' fatuous bull Anxiety Mon arch , the 2,800-ponnd prize winner at ; ho Nebraska State Fair in 1000 , and liis maternal grand dam was a cow by the noted World's Fair prize winner Vincent 2d. He is right in breeding and his individual merit is all that oould be desired. Write W. N. Rogers , of McOook , Nob. , and see the breeding of other good ones ; of cows , heifers and bulls. Hon. T. F. Meiuiugor of Madison is in the oity. F. L. Hamilton is in the oity from Oroighton. Ed Hummel went to Sioux Oity today on business. Ueorgo D. Butterfield wont to Sioux City yesterday. Sheriff J. J. Olemonte is in the city from Madison today. Mrs. Frank Russell will go to Scrib- uor for n visit tomorrow. Will Stnfford wns down from Battle Orook yesterday visiting his parents. Fred Sonnonscheiu of West Point , was in the oity this morning on busi ness. ness.The The friends of Henry King are plan ning to enjoy a party tonight at his homo in Edgewater Park addition. The rattle of a painting that was given away by the Trinity social guild was held this afternoon. No. G5 drew the painting. Benlah chapter , No. 40 , O. E. S. , will meet in regular session tonight. A full attendance is desired as it is election of olficers. A special meeting of the Wednesday club will bo held tomorrow evening at 7:80 : o'clock , nt the home of Mrs. A. Benr. A fnll attendance is desired. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Siooko of Wisner returned to their homo yesterday after a visit of a few days nt the homo of their daughter , Mrs. Oharles Werhrer. Dr. F. A. Bryant , who recently placed on the market his'novel , entitled "A Romance of Two Lives , " is meeting with much encouragement in his ven ture. ture.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. George Davenport ar rived in the oity this morning from Sioux City to spend their wedding an uivorsary with friends and relatives in Norfolk. * The wind today is testing how firmly the trees were placed in the ground yes terday , and it is only a firmly planted tree that would be able to stand the test without showing some effect. During the absence of H. L. Spauld ing , the financier , his A. O. U. W. books are at Moore's hardware store , in charge of Fred Spauldlug , to whom assessments should bo paid before the 28th of the mouth. A change has been made in hotel clerks in Norfolk. T. N. Cooper is now at the Pacific desk during the day time , and Robert Allen who formerly hold the position will take the position of night clerk at the Oxnard. Harry Brown , the young man who was so seriously ill with appendicitis last winter and who was for weeks given up by physicians , was out of doors one came up town from South Norfolk yes terday for the first time. The Chicago Fire Extinguisher com HOW MANY do you suppose dip into that bulk coffee before you buy it ? comes in scaled , air * tight packages ; fno chance for handling , or dirt or things to get in. Clean , Fresh and Fraflrnnt. pnny has presented the firemen with a mndsomo lantern , valued nt$12 , which will bo given away ns ono of the prizes during the state tournament to bo hold u this oity this summer. Word from Omaha states that Miss Sliznboth Stewnrt nud William Stow- nrt , children of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Stownrt , hnve both boon very seriously ill with typhoid fever for several weeks past nud nre only slowly recovering. In attempting to climb upon the roar end of a wagon yesterday afternoon , a a small boy named Willo was throwu to ; hotroet in Noriolk avouuo and slight ly bruised. A crowd of inon gathered about but nothing resulted seriously. Angust Brnmmuud , who works in Deguor's hardware , hns bought the small house that was moved to the cor ner of Mndisou avenue nnd Sixth street nud Inter sold to Levi Eddy. Mr. Brum- inund will move it onto n lot nud fix it up for a residence. There is ono man in Norfolk who wont the limit of his mind to cause a real cute sensation in THE NEWS popu lar prize contest thnt is uow on. From the envelope sent in , the distinctive color of the typewriter ribbon used nnd n toll-tnlo defective letter , it is not at nil hard to know just who the individual is by comparing this with other copy and if the woman whose name he has written is really his choice among those of Northeast Nebraska , his friends might bo glad to hear of it. It is announced that the "Si Plunk * nrd" show to be given tomorrow nt the Auditorium will positively be the last entertainment of the season and that the play house will be closed for the summer after the show. "SI Plnnkard" and his country baud are so well known in Norfolk that they will probably not find it difficult to fill the house , and the fact that it will be the closing entertain < R ment of the season will add to their advantage beyond a doubt as it will be desirable for the coming season that the Auditorium should have n full house tomorrow night. The street parade and free concert are features that should be seen aud heard. The company has visited Norfolk regularly during several seasons and always gives n sntisfnctory entertainment. OFTEN THINK OF SUICIDE , Surprising to Note the Ones Who Want to Buy Poison. [ From Wednesday's Dally. ] The suicide , B. W. Johnson of Madi son , tried to buy poison in Norfolk the day before his death last week and it is uot at all improbable that he finally did secure tht- fatal dose in this city. "You would bo surprised" said n druggist in speaking of it , "to know how many people every month come into n store nnd try to buy just such stuff with the one purpose in the world of ending their lives. "Only the other day , " he went on , "a young Jady of , say twenty two , came in and wanted poison. She was beautifully dressed nud had au extremly aristocratic air about her. When I accused her of suicidal intent she ad mitted it and only consented to live after a long talk. Wo have to do it to keep people on earth. "Yon see , " continued the pharmacist , "people get blue and everything looks wrong. It is merely a step from heaven to hell ou earth , anyway , and it doesn't take but a word sometimes to send a cheerful person into the deepest de spondency. Then they get pessimistic aud wonder what life's all for , at best , and decide that if they should shake off this mortal coil they might be happy because then they never would have to worry any longer with this humdrum existence. It's funny , but do yon know ' some of the best minds in the world seem to get just such spells and I don't know but that , after all , the ones with the most nerves nud finest sensibilities nre the ones who come In the oftenest. "Ever get that way ? " asked the drug gist , as ho took n long puff nt his cigar. "Well , if you do , just come around and we'll cheer you up , for it's all a ques tion of your point of view , anyway , and we have to persuade people to live so that they'll buy soda water this sum mer. " SUES FOR FIFTY THOUSAND. - Wants That Much From Doctor for Breach of Promise. Omaha , April 23. Special to The News : Miss Miriam Babcock has entered - ' tered suit against Dr. Jess Burdick for $50,000 for breach of promise. TONS OF OPIUM. Largest Shipment Ever , dust Received at San Francisco. San Francisco , April 23. Special Jto * The News : The largest shipment of opium ever received in the country has just arrived from the Orient. liRcon- slats of sixteen tons , nud its value gooa into the thousands of dollars.