The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 24, 1903, Page 12, Image 12

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    A. H , BKALL , Mnnnger ,
J , O. JOHNSON , ReMdont Mnnngor ,
A Grand Scenic Production
UcallRllo Rural Ltfo.
The Young Character Oomodlan
CT. C.
and hlR Bl Comedy Company in , an ICn-
tire Now He-written Vorwion of the Up-
nnnni i
An p-to date Fnrco Comedy. A ulrong
anil ulllolont Cotmidy Co.
OUR win mmmwxxv ?
"Wo Carry Our Own Special Scenery.
SEE "klfo " tl'o ' Fnnu. ThoThrosh
ing Machine Scone. The Country Fair
Finest Solo Orchestra on the Road ,
LOOK OUT For "Si" and his Ooun
try Bund Parade. For the Funniest
Street Parade over soon.
Admission , Only 25o , 3fio and 50o.
Will quote you prices for this
week :
Lion ColTeo , per 11 > $ .10
Arbuokl' s Oolitic , per Hi 10
All other grades reduced in
Tomatoes , per can .10
Host corn , per can 7)ifo
K.irly Rose Potatoes , per bu. .20
Good onions , per poo.t .20
Sugar , SOlbs 1.00
Full cream cheese , per 11) 15
Good laundry soap , Slmra. . .25
Best oil , pur gal. 15
All other articles in the store
* JM cut in proportion. This is
honest advertising. Our absolute
aim is to get your trado. The
Norfolk people shall Iw careful
not to give their entire business to
< uiu concern , bceauso it means
that yon are forming a trust
against yourself.
Youra Truly.
The Intornntionnl Corrwpumlonco
Schools of Hamilton , PH. , linn Kent ouo
of their splendid inntrnctlim earn to
Norfolk Junction fortholnmollt of Uioir
rnnny nuwhnnlrnl students nt ( his point.
Tlilti car ip ono of ulRhtoon Hiippli > inent-
tnu thn romilar instruction work ot tlio
Schools. The our is ( > n.uippod with n
Vylo olcctriu hemlliKht , complete ivir-
lirnko outfit for tin cntiro train , an air
ei imllliitf svbtoin for n train of t i ears
nil in iictiinl working urdor. Thej'nlno
carry nthornpiiaratusincludlnKhcctlon.
nl mmlnlH of the lirako-vaho , ( ho plain
and quick action triiiUniiho , mid H OM
inch nlr-pnmp , this last worUnn in Inn-
tlom with Uvo npimrtiis , thus perfectly
ehowiiiR the actual operation of the
\vorkliiK parts. Storooptlcon lovturox
nro Klvi'U dully. The car will remain
nt the Junction tovcrnl iluyH.
Local Manager.
"W. H. Baircl ia ill nt bla room iu the
Herbert Daniels is in tlio city from
W. M. Raiubolt wna iu Madisou yes
terday ou business.
Col. S. W. Hayes is iu Otnnhii nt the
of Shriucrs.
Mrs. A. E. Scofleld of Tildou was a
city visitor yesterday.
Mrs. May Higloy of Meadow Grove
TWJLB ehoppiug iu the city yesterday.
"Miss Boll Temple has ROUO to mahn
for a visit with Mrs. Joseph Shoemaker ,
Miss Laura Law went to Randolph
this mornluR to visit her sister , Mrs
Bev. and Mrs. , T. O. S. Woills nrrivod
homo last night from their trip to Kan
BIS City.
VI i Misses Ninn nud Lulu YOUUK of Stan
ton are the guests of Mr. and Mro. Lud
wig Koonigstoln.
Hiss Anne Seymour wont to Sioux
City yesterday to visit Mr. and Mrs.
George Davenport.
Dr. Sohlesiugor , the spiritualistic
medium , returned to Norfolk this morn-
liiK from Mitdlnou ntul In nKiilu ut the
Pnolllo hotul.
Dr. H , ArMTuioBfaafrJlonTiHt , Htshop
block. Tolophnno ( K ) .
Two liuiiilrod honil rniiBO horBPB ,
tilfi.OO per lumtl , on board cars atTtlfonl ,
B. D. All coltn from UK ) ! ! thrown In ,
For wale by O. H. Hnllor , Norfolk.
uhlokoim at the P.iluco wont
Doy Narrowly Escnpod Doatli Under
Frolftht Trnln.
An n frolfjlit train ( hut onmn in from
Hoiioittonl last nlnlit was cramlng Nor
folk nvunno nt Hovontli Htroct , three
boyH of IOHH than a rtosion year aplooo
Htood wnllltiR to ollmb on. Near the
front end of the train ono of the young-
ntorn Hwnng up to the Hide of a oar nnd
ntuck. At the oontor , with the whueln
moving inuoh moro rapidly , the RCCOIK !
olutig to the iron croHH bars nnd IIH-
oomlod the ladder. Tlio third waited
until near this end. The cars wrro
whi//.lng ncroRH the ntroet nt n tromon-
ilottH rate and the llttlo follow miulo a
olutoh nt ono of them. Ho caught the
Iron round all right , llftod litmmilf into
the air nnd swung his foot Iu. OonftiH-
Ing n shadow that Htruck the our for n
part of the ladder , he not Ma shoo upon
It only to Hcrupo the ssvlftly turning
whuol. Ho was nlmoHt torn from hlH
poHltlon , but fortunately hold tight.
Luok , alone , naved his llfo.
It ban bucomo of late no uncommon
thing for the boys of Norfolk to make
n praotloo to jump on nnd off moving
trains. Hardly nuy pass Norfolk
ixvonuo without n bunoh of them Hpring-
lug from it. They invariably hnvo dlf.
lloulty in alighting oafoly and ouo day
there will bo n killing.
Dlsngrooablo Wind Mixes With the
Cold Air Today.
0 .t of door work , to a certain ex
tent has been stoppdd. Among others
retarded wan County Surveyor W. II.
Lowe who went to Dextur hill this morn
ing with his instruments but had to
give it up us n bad job on account of the
The weather prediction says fair niu
colder nud while there is nohnnoo for it to
got moro fair , it would hnrdly seem pos
sible to bo ooldor nt just this time of
the year ,
With the bright sun that opened this
morning , It seemed for a few minutes
thnt the iHh ) of April might bo n picas
nut day throughout , Not BO , however
A half hour's time developed the fact
that it would bo a period of rapid
ohangoH. No sooner had the great
warm , round snu begun to smllo dowt :
upon Norfolk than his iloklo face
changed to n frown nnd then ho hid
completely behind n silly cloud.
With the dnrk gloom that spread over
the olty n strong , cold wind shot into i
from the north and cleared the strooti
of pooplo. Hats have blown iu ovorj
direction with the same maddening in
dependence that would aharnotomi
them ordinarily on a March day. Barrels
rols from the roar ends of businos
houses have gone tumbling down the
| alleys and cabs have boun in great de
mand for UIOKO who had to get about.
Dressed chickens ut the Palace moat
Standings as Recorded up Till Noon
Changes nro made by balloting tolny ;
in the Tint Nuws contest.
Free ballots which wore printed in
series No. 1 , or until April 20 , must be
voted by tomorrow noon iu order to bo
counted. Ballots thnt have run this
week in series ! 3 will bo good until May
3 ; Boriosfl , which begins next Monday ,
will bo printed ouo week and bo good
until May 0 , and so on straight through
the contest.
The result is nt present :
Miss Lucy Shaffer , South Norfolk 2013
Mrs. Elsie Desmond , Norfolk I ( MM
Mrs. Joseph Swnrtsj.Sonth Norfolk 15i3 !
Miss Maurt Taiinehill , Wnrnorvillo 223
MlfB Jennie Avery , Buttle Creek , . 58
Miss Anna Zuolow , Norfolk 1
Miss Emma Mueller , Norfolk 1
MUs Mary Horisky .Norfolk 1
Miss Knthryun SiRSon , Norfolk. . . 1
Miss Nellie Sobwonk , Norfolk. . . . 1
Dressed ahickons. Iviiro
Notice For Bids For State Printing.
Bids will bo received by the state
printing board at the ofllco of the see
rotary of state nt Lincoln , Nebraska ,
on or before 3:30 : o'closk p. m. Monday ,
May , ll)0a. )
For furnishing printing blanks , blank
books and miscellaneous printing and
tationory supplies for the following
named departments nnd institutions
orporatod under the state government :
Beatrice institute for feeble minded ,
bureau of labor , board of irrigation ,
homo for friendless , supreme court ,
adjutant general , Lincoln asylum for in
sane , department of banking , governor ,
commissioner of public lands and buildings -
ings , secretary ot state , state library ,
Grand Island soldiers nnd sailors homo
auditor of pnblio accounts , attorney
general , state treasurer , superintendent
of public institution.
Also 5,000 copies of session laws
5,000 copies ngricnltnral reportsl
5,000 copies of horticultural society
report , 1,000 copies of state banking
board report and 1,000 copies each of
honso and sonata journal , with price ou
an additional 1,000.
Specifications for same can bo found
on Ale in the ofllco of secretary of state.
All bids must be accompanied by n
bond equal in amount to the probable
cost of the work bid upon. The board
reserves the right to reject any and
all bids.
Lincoln , Neb. , April 23,1903.
By Lou W. Frazier , Secretary.
. ,
County Commissioners Met
Yesterday and Decided.
DondflWIII Call for $40,000 Pro-
poao to Put In Stool Bridges Over
Elkhorn and to Construct Roads
In County.
Tlio county commifcsloncrfl mot in
Madiflon yoHlerd-iy nnd decided to call
ix linnil election for May 2(1. ( The amount
will bo $10,000 , half of it to go for Htool
bridges over tlio Klkhorn nnd half for
The commissioners drove around to
the various biidgos thnt wore out , in
the county , to investigate thorn. In
making tholr dotormiimtinn , they ro-
colvod u written opinion from Senator
A lion in regard to the legality of such
Spare rUwTlCuro.
WANTKD MHI to learn burbor trado.
, 'ow method , free work , export instrno-
ions , yearn fiiived , toolH prcHonted , when
ompotont. Grout demand. Catalogue
nailed froo. Molor Harbor college ,
malm , Nob. _
Spring lamb at the Palace moat mar-
: ot. _
Ono of 0. J. Lodge's children is flick
vith the diphtheria.
Miss Olllo MntiBou wont to Holdrogo
laHt wool : to visit her Bister.
Mr. and Mrs. .TohnL. Davis welcomed
boy to tholr homo last week.
Born , Saturday , April 18 , to Mr. and
, Ir . Isaac Johnson , a daughter.
The danoo Riven laat Friday by the
Vlodorn Woodmen was well attended.
The Omaha elevator company shipped
iv carload of hogs to South Omaha Mon-
II. , T. Morris , who has boon laid up
with the measles for some time past ,
lias recovered.
Mrs. M. A. Ouplln nnd her sons , Ezra
nnd Ralph , will remove to Ainsworth
ho latter part of the week.
The scholars of school district No. 10
ivlll hold a neoktio box social in the
ichool honso Friday evening , April 24
The Wnrnorvlllo postofilco was
moved this week from the railroad
Nation , which has boon its homo for
nine years , into the now bnllditig west
of the track
Finest veal. Karo.
The Boston Transcript of April 15
said , editorially : " 80 years of piano
building , during which the business
founded by Jonas Ohiokoriug in 1823 ,
lias grown from modest beginnings to
Its present reputation and vast pro
portions , wore celebrated by Ohic-koring
& Sous last evening in Ohiokoriug hall
Upon the platform stood two pianoi
spanning the history of the Ohlckor
ings. Ouo was the first piano built bj
Jonas Ohickoring in 18213 , the firs' '
built in America. Modest , square and
simple in design and construction it
typified its period as olosoly as did the
massive concert grand of the 100 ! !
model , whioh represents the latest
advance in piano making. Yet music
was the soul of each as was demon
strated when Mr. B. J. Lnug played
first the ouo and then the other. Dur
ing the past week the mnsio trade
papers of the country have from one to
four pages of Ohiokoriug history , ro-
forriug in glowing terms to the great
.nrlr tiinf. him boon nRcomnlishcd. the
existing harmony between the company
and its employees , many of whom have
boon iiv their employ for 20 to10 years ,
in this line ono paper states ; "there
hnvo boon various gatherings of Chick-
iring employes , but nouoi could have
Jurnished a stronger criterion of the
unanimity of interest , the feeling of
brotherhood , which exists among the
men employed in this great factory
; ha n their coming together in Quicker-
ng hall last evening to do honor to
ho memory of one who was in many
ienses n father to the corporation nnd
thorn. " Another " 80 of
: o . says yoara
[ > iauo making , there nro few firms in
the old world that have covered such n
span of time and none in America save
; ho house of Ohickering. "
In holding the agency for north Nebraska -
braska , our fellow townsman Ohas. H.
Johnson does BO with the knowledge
that ho is offering nn article that is en
dorsed by overy-thiug that is best in the
way of quality , and that stands highest
in the love and esteem of the great
artists and every reliable authority the
world over.
know how "hot under the collar" and
over the bosom it makes yon when , just
ready to dress for nn evening's enjoy
ment , yon find your best shirt unfit to
wear. Why run the risk of such n
mishap wh en wo always do your work
all right every way ?
Spring \ Summer Sale jl
I TflURSDflY , FHIDBY fijlD SflTDROflY ,
April 23 , 24 and 25.
Three Days Special Sale on a full line of Spring and
Summer Wash Goods , consisting of
I Foreign Tissues ,
: Egyptian Tissues ,
I Le Trianephe ,
! Point de Venise ,
Embroidered Pineapple , |
Reglia Stripes ,
Dimity ,
Lawn and Madras.
The finest Laces and Embroidery and the best price in the city.
A special discount of 10 per cent on all Laces and Embroidery. All
goods marked in plain figures.
A prize will be given each day to the closest guesser ; one guess
with every 25-cent purchase in the Dry Goods and Furnishing Depart
ment. The prize for the first day consists of $2.50 in merchandise ;
the second , a beautiful Banquet Lamp , and the third , a Ladies' Tailor
Made Skirt.
* + + + + +
Reports from New Thunder Mountain
Gold Fields grow steadily bettor. There
will undoubtedly bo a great rush into
the district this year. Last year the
news concerning the new discoveries of
free-milling ore had" only begun to leak
out nnd bot'oro October more than 20-
000 claims were llled.
From every quarter there vvill bo
people going to Thunder Mountain , nnd
all will want reliable information as to
the boat route and how soon the trail
will bo open. Many who cannot go will
want to invest in n good property there ,
and the time to do that is now when
money is needed for mine equipment.
The Thunder Mountain Gold Mining
and Milling Company has n splendid
property of 120 acres , across whioh
there is a tremendous vein of free-mill
iner ere 30 feet wide and running right
into Rainbow Peak. Mr. Charles J.
Perkins , general manager of the com
pany , spent all last summer in the dis
trict. He ia now at the company's
eastern olllces in Now York , where ho
will remain until some time in May
purchasing equipment nnd describing
the property to all who wish to buy
shares. lie also possesses full informs-
Ion regarding the district and makes it
i point to answer all questions about it ,
without charge , BO that all who are iu-
erestod may write and get this inform
ation free nnd at first hand.
The company whioh Mr. Perkins rep
resents made its first public offering of
itock in January , and so many sub-
jcriptions have been received that a
great deal of the equipment for the
mine has been purchased and prepared
'or shipment as soon as the way ia
opened for travel.
It ia estimated that fully three mil
ions of dollars worth of machinery and
jqnipmoat is now on the way to Thun
der Mountain for variona companies.
One of the companies sold stock n year
ago at CO cents a share and now it is not
to bo bought for $8.00 per share. Thirty
other mines are opened and are getting
into richer ere every day.
The property which this company
owns is second to none in the district ,
and the more one learns about it and its
officers the greater tlio desire becomes
to own some of its stock. For informa
tion regarding it , price of shares , etc. ,
write to
, Now York Life Building ,
New York City ,
I have a Now Ulso Sharpener. Tlio mnchlni
Is made o that the discs do not need to b
taken apsrt. I also hnvo R now 4-horeo powo.
Gasoline ensino to polish all kind * of plows and
cultivators. Work done promptly and well ,
North First Street , near mill dam.
Do not send away your old ingrain
and Brussels carpets. We are ready to
weave them into rags. We have a loom
fronvthe factory at Sioux City and will
wettve fiuch rugs aa they weave there.
Corner Fourth and Madison.
P R. I X
PARJ5 J " . '
Call and
fSee th em
A $400 Cabinet Grand A. Hospq Piano to be GIVEN
AWAY to the lodge , school , junion organization or
person having the most votes on
AUGUST I , 1903 , AT 1:00 : P. M.
Whenever you trade with any of the following
merchants to the extent of 25 cents in cash you are
entitled to one vote with which you can vote for any
organization or person you may desire , and the one
having the most votes on the above date gets the piano
free. Why not trade where you can get votes when
you need the goods anyway and help your lodge or
church win the piano.
The piano is on exhibition at The Star Clothing
Store where it may bo seen by all.
The ballot box is located at Kiosau's Drug
Store , where all votes must be deposited , the votes will
be counted each week and the result published in THE
I ; Clothing THE STAR.
Groceries OSCAR UHLE.
! ! Livery D. D. BRUNSON.
Flour and Feed WALLACE
I : Tailor-0. H. KRAHN , 0. R.
Foley , Cutter.
-H-H'MlIIIlIIIIM-'M'HII'i'H ' ' ' '
Shoes F. E. DAVENPORT. ' I
Restaurant and Confectionery
-E. N. VAIL.
Jewelry nnd Optician W. B.
Millinery INSKEEP.