The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 24, 1903, Page 11, Image 11
THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , AIMUL 21. 1H03 , Mo Age is Free From Eye Troubles. If yon deslro to prevent , avoid tronblo nnd expense , you should have your oyoH examined , learn tholr condition nud follow ndvico. I uui nt your Borvico. Consultation freo. DR , MARQUARDT , OPHTHALMOLOGIST , \ AFTER A HOUSE ! The Elkhorn B. & S. nssocia'ion ' will make you a loan to build or buy on fa vorable terms. T. E. ODIORNE , Secretary. PARISH THE RELIABLE GROCER PARISH SPRING SHOES FOR MEN AND BOYS occupied our thoughts mouths ago. Our Windows and shelves show the results of our thinking , nud appeal to thinking men. Not to take up too much of your time we will consider it a favor if yon will let us know that yon cannot find in this store a shoe to suit you as to style , leather , make , fit , finish and price. We Keep Open Evenings until ' 9:00 : o'clock The Palace Shoe Store. The Weather. Conditions of the weather as recorded for the 21 hours ending at 8 a. m. to duy : Maximum temperature 80 Minimum temperature 40 Average 03 Precipitation 00 Total precipitation for month 1,00 Barometer 29,78 Forecast for Nebraska : Fair to night and Saturday , except threatening in south portion. Ooldor tonight , and southeast portion Saturday. FRIDAY FACTS. Mlllord Green is suffering the incon venience of a crushed finger. T. W. Duncan , of the San Francisco Examiner , who came to Norfolk some days ago , is very 'sick at the boarding house of Mrs. H. E. Austin on South Fourth street. Qalnoy Leo Morrow , who has been announced to npuak in the Muthoillst church Sunday evening , will occupy the pulpit in the l 'intt GoiiKregatiounl church at the morning service. The birthday of William King was celebrated lust night at his homo in Edgowater , by n largo number of friends. The members of two choirs wore present and enlivened the occasion with singing. Those who have tried It report that fishing in the small lubes surrounding the city is very poor this year. The high water that should have stocked them with fish ordinarily , appears to have re moved more than it brought In. The rush of travelers Into Norfolk is becoming something of u proposition. Hardly n night goes by that the hotels are not forced to turn away people lookIng - Ing for lodging. Any number have ap plied at various hotels and foand every room taken. It is for this reason that additions are contemplated. Mr. Herman Workmelster tuid Miss Annie Bergman wore united In marriage this morning at 11 o'clock at the homo of Ilov. Wiu. Hoolzol north of the city , in the presence of a few relatives nnd friends. Mr. Workmoistor owns a farm about eight miles out of Madison nud there the newly married couple will make their homo. In a letter from A. B. Boail of Sioux Oity , he emphasizes the statement that the Si Pluukard show tonight is to bo positively the last ono of the season. The company arrived in the city this noun and gave ono of their character istic street parades wnioh attracted the usual attention , with promise that the Auditorium will bo well filled this even ing. Norfolk friends have received Invita tions to the marriage of Ohorloy Sohnlz and Mies Emma D. Bauer which Is to take place In the German Lutheran church at Woyanwega , Wis. , next Wed nesday afternoon. They will make their homo in this city , the groom being in charge of the branch harness shop of Winter & Schulz in the Ahlmanu building. Miss Bauer has clerked in the store of Johnson Dry Goods com pany for some time past. Spring lamb at the Palace moat mar ket. ket.A A nice house for rent on corner Eighth and Park avenue. L. O. MlTTELSTADT. NO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY , Not Yet in Sight and They Will Have to Hurry. The Congress Construction company , with their materials for putting up Norfolk's new building , have not yet arrived but are expected to be on the ground early next week. Meanwhile W. A. King , excavator , is busy having the digging done and the gravel and sand hauled in ready for the builders. The Baptist church , which was moved from the site , is now down Fifth street in its new home at the corner of Philip avenue. FOUND Half faro ticket issued by the B. & M. in favor of John Scott. Mr. Scott will please call or send written order for the ticket to THE NEWS office. Choice veal at the Palace meat mar ket. Dressed chickens. Kuro. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. Dr. F. M. Sisson has been selected by the senior class to deliver the annual sermon on Sunday , May 24. The county eighth grade examina tions are announced to take place next Wednesday , April 29. Commencement exercises will be held at the opera house Saturday evening , May 80. An unusually interesting pro gram is being prepared. The state oratorical contest will beheld held at South Omaha Friday evening , May 1. Miss Nellie Handley of the senior class will represent Norfolk. The first prize is already her'e. Cyrus Brownlee Newton , the famous humorous entertainer , will address a very large and appreciative audience nt the M. E. church next Tuesday evening. Be sure that you will be ono of the num ber. ber.The The national educational association will be held at Boston July 0 to 10. The railroads offer round trip rates at one fare , plus $2. Tickets will bo sold July 1 , good returning to September 1. This will afford a splendid opportunity for everyone desiring to visit in the east this summer to do so. The county eighth grade examina tions , coming as they do , h month be fore the close of school , makes the year's work consist of eight months in stead of nine , but the advantages far outweigh this difference. Besides the month following the examination af fords excellent opportunity for review. Choice mutton at the Palace meat market. FOR SALE. Six-room house nt 001 South Fifth street. Call next door. H. W. STEFFEN. Choice mutton at the Palace meat market. Dr. F. G. Walters succeeds to the practice of Dr. Kiesau. 'Phone , office and residence 18. Laces and Dress Trimmings. We are showing a large and hand some line of the now styles in laces and dress trimmings. Antiques , Torchons nnd other now styles in different widths very popular this spring for dross trimmings. Ap pliques , braids , pendants and a great variety of now things in dress trim mings. Colored velvet ribbons will bo used a great deal widths No. 1 to 10 , Mns. J. BENSON , South Sixteenth street , Omaha , Neb. Choicest spring mutton. Kara. Are Meeting With Encourage ment Everywhere. PROSPECTS NEVER BETTER. Better Piny Than Not Preparations For Good Tennis This Season. Best Court Ever Heights Nlny Not Piny For Fonr. "Yes , there will bo bane ball without a doubt , " said W. W. Roberta , nn old time enthusiast in the game , this morn ing. "Prospects for n good club nro getting moro favorable every minute nnd yon may rest assured that there will bo something doing. " This , together with the hearty en couragement the base ball people are mooting on all sides , makes it HOOIU moro than likely that there will bo some thing of the sport in Norfolk this Hum- mor. Another enthusiastic fan is 1C , B. Knuffmnnn , who was enough in terested last season to stake a large amount just in order to maintain the grand stand at the park. The suits are on hand now and the grounds are in shape to start with , BO that base bnllHOomn pretty well assured. Some of the last year's players are hero how nnd others have been written. ' The Tennis Situation. The tennis court at the corner of Nor folk avenue nud Tenth street Is now in the finest shnpo that hns over been known in n Norfolk court. A thick layer of clay has boon added to that of last year and rolled until it is perfectly smooth. With a good rain nud a hot day following to bake It , the court will bo in magnificent form for playing. Around the sides of the oblong hah boon placed n fence of wire netting five foot high , so that the ground is now completely enclosed. It is expected that tennis this year in Norfolk will start within n very few days and roach n limit never before nt turned. A number of former enthusiasts are getting ready to use their racquets and there lias boon some thought of a tournament. People on the Heights have said something about the game but it would take n great deal of cour age for them to try against players in the West side. Choice veal at the Palace meat mar ket. For fruit and ornamental trees nud strawberry plants , 'phone Alfred Osborne. BATTLE CREEK. Jerry Warner went to Omaha Mon day. day.A. A. M. Lovelace went west"on 'a busi ness trip Sunday. Frank Huddle shipped three carloads of cattle and ono of hogs Monday. Mi. and Mrs. John Ambroof Madi son wore visiting friends hero Saturday. Philip Bock arrived from Norfolk Monday , for an extended visit with relatives. Oriu Williams nnd Wm. Nedrobt of Meadow Grove were hero on business Tuesday. S. R. Gnrdols is laying n brick walk in front of the feed store uud barber shop this week. John Praounor shipped n carload of cattle Monday and John Zohuer a car load Wednesday. Messrs. Funk , Lauver and O. Cun ningham of Maple Giovo , were here on business Monday. George Richardson of Madison visited relatives hero the first of | ho week and enjoyed some fishing. A new brick walk was laid in front of the residence of Mrs. Lizzio Oarrabino on Depot street this week. Wm. Stafford , clerk in the Battle Valley bank , has added his name to the big NORFOLK NEWS family. Mrs. Sam Schneider is visiting with her aged father , Mr. Kaufman at Laurel , who is very sick at the present time. time.H. H. Barnes , cashier of the Citizens State bank , and F. E. Martin of the Enterprise , were in Norfolk Monday on business , Mr. and Mrs. August Eaoher of Lindsay were visiting here the first of the week nt the home of their son , Herman Eucher. Emil Metz , the new miller in the Bat tle Creek roller mills , is building n new residence , 24x28 , in Highland park , north of W. F. Reavis' property. 0. A. Hodman is building a brick walk from the street to his dwelling and all around it , which adds considerably to the appearance of the property. August Stoffon and little son , Simon , went to Sioux City Friday , where Mrs. Stoffon has been taking treatment in the Lutheran hospital for about six weeks. She returned with them Tues day. day.Tho The Young Ladies Good Time club gave a social dance at the opera house Friday. The Italian orchestra of Omaha furnished the inusio , and all at tending report a good time , but the at tendance was not large. Little Charlie Zimmerman , who has twice been operated upon fornu abscess in the head in an Omaha hospital , is reported to bo getting along nicely nud will soon return with his parents , Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Zimmerman. Wm. Ludwig whoso home is on the Pacific coast , has sold through the ngonoy of Maos & Brochler 320 acrea four miles west of town to Herman Rodekohrof Coucordia , Mo. , for $13,000. Mr. Rodekohr is a brother-in-law of Fred Tegolor. The German ' Lutheran ministers' conference - ferenco of north * Nebraska was in see- sion hero the fore part of the week and closed Wednesday afternoon with a Bormon and holy communion , Ilov. Mr. llolfilcln of MnrtliiHhurg , nnd Hov , Mr. Giuiuolit of Wakflk'ld were the utllulnt. ing ministers. At tholr mm ting Sunday afternoon the German Lutherans admitted to mom * rnhlp Fred Klelderer and Prank 'IVguler. After thn reports of the com * mlttooH on finance a committee wax ap pointed to confer with the officers of the village regarding a Htruet to be laid out on the south Bide of the church prop erty. Thin oommltto IH couponed of Otto II. Mans , Herman Clnus and Chad. Priieunur. New barrel Dill piolilefl. Kara. LOUT , A Binall nlMgator grlp.bntwoon Junction nnd Tenth nnd Park. Finder telephone 210 or HOC W. II. Clark. M'KINLEY ' SOUVENIRS HERE , Received Yesterday by Postmaster John R. Hays. Postmaster Hays hns rooloved from the McKlnloy National Memorial IIHHO- elation u limited mtpply of the certifi cates which have boon prepared for dis tribution to contributors to the 11101111- mont fund as souvenirs of their appre ciation in that great enterprise. The certificate Is n beautiful work of art on which is given nn excellent reproduc tion of Mrs. McKinloy'H favorite likeness - ness of her husband , together with n picture of the McKlnloy homo in Canton and of the White house. The wording below the ilhiHtrntloiiH in an follows : "This certifies that has contributed - tributed to the fund for the erection of the national memorial at Canton , Ohio , in honor of William MoKinley. " The woikmniiHhip and artistic t ffucts nro of the very highest order , the great IIOUHO of Tiffany & Co. , Now York , being the designers nnd iimnufnoturorH. The sup ply in the hands of Postmaster Hays in a portion of the first edition of the cer tificates nnd is sent hero to enable those who have not as yet contributed to do so. Parties who have already identi fied theniHelvcH with the movement will receive souvenirs dirnot from the office of the Association or through local com mittees. Money Saved Is Money Earned By purchasing our three dollar Hat you are two dollars in packet. That is bnsiuoss. DON'T YOU THINK SO ? Full Line of CAPS , too , f J. W. HUMPHREY , Tailor and Furnisher. The Very Prettiest Patterns in 4 4 Fashionable < 4 Hats < ! For this < < Season. . . < < Miss E. J. < Bender. Lo - ow CnPVDICMT A FLOWERY TALE ABOUT FLOUR. wouldn't bo half as convincing as a practical teat "tho proof of the pudding - ding , etc. " sort. Bon Ton flonr will surely Htand the eating test any roa > Bonnule test nud conio out victorious every time. Wo are interested to have yon fairly try it nnd you will bo inter ested in keeping a good supply on hand ( hereafter. Sugar City Cereal Iffills. may be leased by private parties at any time for reasonable prices. Ladies wel come at any time. N. E. WILKINSON & SON. SESSIONS & BELL , Undertakers and Embalmers , & * toni Illk. , Norfolk Avenue , NORFOLK. . . . NEHIUSKA. E. D. WILDS , PRACTICAL VETERINARY SURGEON Doutal Work a Specialty. 25 Year * ' Experience. c M Dmllejr'i B rn , NOBFOLK , NEB. -M-1-M-M-M-M-M-l-M-l-M-M-M-M HIRTS ! Arc Like Eggs ! Homo like thorn hivrd , othorn nitiHt liavo thorn Holt , Wo hnvo ( ivory popular Htylc , ox- tru loiiKi oxiriv Htout ; r nn- litrn ; long uml short IKIHOIIIH ; open front , npntt Itiuikfi. Hut the onus wo want to CHiicolivl- ly uall your attention to are the OllL'HVU Hll ) lit $1.00. They are made of the li ) > Ht PuronloH and Madras clotliH mid nro of the newest put- toniH mid oolurfl , every ono perfectly iniulo , full nlzoH , uui right , lluvu ono. ESTAR Clothing Store -H-I-H-H-H-H-H-l-H-H-I-H-H-M HOFFMAN & VIELE , Two Carloads of New Furniture Just Received From Eastern MnrketH. InnludoH all thi ) latest doHlgiiH in DinliiK Tables , Dining ( JliairH , Fancy Rockers. A largo line of Iron BwlH in nil oolorH , Hi/.uw and prices. Herrick Refrigerator. i HOFFMAN & VIELE , HAnd tho. . . . HA KING HR of R SPADES D Waxed eloquent and said : ' , W "Plant a tree. Do it with me. " A R E MILLARD GREEN , DRAY AND TRANSFER LINE PIANO MOVING A SPEOIATY. Phone 58 , Calls Promptly Answered. SATISFACTION That'H the H'ory ' In a initHlioll. You go it in u pair of properly llttod glasses , K.W.WILLIAMS 12 Bishop Block. ' irmmiri Pny for wind , yon Clot wind yeti pity for. Open nielli and ( hiy. llogular JJfio Menl , 1 moat ordnr , Hervod from (1:00 ( : to 0:00 : a. m. , 11 : ! ) ( ) to ! i:00p. : m.r > : ! 10to :00p. : m. E. P. HUHpb , Proppietop. L. L. REMBE , Steam and Hot Water Heating. First Door South News Office. 41 Tlie Association WILL IIUILD YOU A ON EASY PAYMENTS. COME AND SEE US. LC. B. DURLAND. Secretary. CLE/W / BARNHILL , PAINTER AND DECORATOR. Firsl'Class Work at Reasonable Prices. Shop first iloor West of SciiorogRo'a Bakery. DR. N. J. HOAGLAND Ostcopathlc Physician. n both ncuto nnd chronic treated without ueo of drugs or kuifo. Ofllco nt residence , 100 North 10th Street. 'Phrtno No. F54. NORFOLK. DR. BERTHA Physician Phone 107. for Ladies and Children. 1NSKEEFS MILLINERY