The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 24, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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\V , N , 11U8U , Publlnlmr.
IKMntilUliwI , IM7.1
KTorr ilixy oxrnpt Hnnitny. lljr rnrrlor jmr
eok , in route. lly mnll t nrycnr _ , W.W.
Tlio Now * , cstMilUJiwUMI.
Tlio Uouriml , p lnlill licil , 1877.
K ory l-'rlilixy. lly nmll > nr yonr , f I.M.
Brrcui. NoilCK. Adtnnco iil > orl | > lloiii to
llio NKWH JOURNAL will bo tnkou until OeloUnr
16. tlio ruto of 11.00 l-er jmjr. Ol. ul. .
erllri mi v linvo Urn but oIH of IliU rMo ly
| M lln ntrei rnKO n ilnto id Uio rwilnr nli.
MriplTon ntlcii r will ml linttltfiirnyn onnr ) In < Yl"Yl.0lnTllIi ! .
nt tlio iHwlolHco nt Norfolk , Nob.ns
sooiul olnts nmllor.
Talet < liotieM KdltorIM PctmBtit , No. 21.
llunlucti ntllco nnd Job Koonit , No. X2.
Itnmybo spring , but ft brcnth of
air lingers behind Unit nmiumoH decid
edly wlutorinh ohnrnotorlBtics i\t thuofl.
South Aiuorion IB generally reputed to
bo the worst Bootlou o ( the world for
warn nnd rumora of wnra , but Europe
and Asia appear to bo recently determined -
mined to wrest from the American con
tinent nil the reputation' attainable In
that direction.
It is bollovod thnt President llooso
Toll will note more nud butter improve
monta in Nebraska tlmn any Htnto ho
has yet visited. Having visited the
teto during the oampnign of 1000 ho
will bo nblo to judge accurately of the
quality of republican prosperity with
which this atato has boon favored
Norfolk is not on the market for n
boom , bnt for the healthy nnd gradual
development that her location nnd on-
TirouuiontH would nnqnoatlonably war-
rnut , nnd the proper start toward BUG !
renlisuulou has becu made thin spring
nud will continue for several jfenrs
Every condition favors the city's growth
nnd it is certain to grow.
Nebraska hns money , that Is evident
nud it IB the people who remain In the
Bt to nnd put forth their best ouorgio
toward developing the resources u
their command who are reaping thoi
full ehtiro of the accumulation. Th
-number of bunk depositors are con
Bluntly increasing and the money con
tiYilliul hv imnh IH urowlnir Inraer. whio
la n very healthy and onournglug sign
David B. Hill of Now York think
ikfttn plau looking to thn luiiuodlut
xovisioa of the tariff will provo a pat a
mount Issue for the d6uioorats dnrin
the coming national campaign. The
people , however , will bo extremely
cautions about entrusting them with
another suoh contract. It won ouco ,
but oven the bent of issues will not
stand bcforo the exemplification given
during the Cleveland administration ,
and the tariff issue will novorbo as good
again as it was before that experiment.
Norfolk has many handsome homos
nud the owners nro adding to the beauty
of the promises each year. Lawus ,
shade trees and ( lower gardens rccoivo
careful attention dnriug the season and
the number of property owners who
take pride in those evidences of thrift
and enterprise are constantly increasing ,
until a poorly kept yard and ouo per
mitted to go to weeds is dlflloult to find.
Moro of this class of work is being at
tempted this spring than over before
and tko summer will show Norfolk n
prattler city.
" " *
"Tho papers that have boon urging
the proteotion of the birds as a great
aid tojfarinors and gardeners in the de
struction of noxious insects are now de
voting EOIUO epaoo to speaking for the
ungainly toad. This reptile has stood
ranch malicious and superstitions perse
cution in the past but has gouo right
ahead to the extent of his ability In
benefiting his persecutors. One agri
culturist who has studied the habits of
the beast considers that each toad is
worth $50 to him in the number of in
sects destroyed during a season that is
that the insects destroyed would have
accomplished damage to the amount of
$50 if they had not mot their fate in the
capacious maw of the warty batraohian.
It boys and oHer people who are
prompted to kill toads because of their
general ugliness and helplessness will
but cousider that they are worth money
alive and utterly of no consequence
dead , they may be inclined to lengthen
the existence of ouo of nature's most
helpful creatures.
School children study their lessons
The chambermaids nt hotels nro all
chamber men.
The best grades of coffee arc sold at
tobacco stores.
Tbo Mexican meal consists of moro
kinds of meat than vegetables.
j , Railways , street cars and cabs all
provide three classes of conveyance.
In the cities real estate is sold by the
square meter Instead of the front foot
Fruit and vegetables nro not sold by
measure , but by the dozen or by
weight. .
Many tailors take the clothes of their
customers to the patron's homo to try
them on.
Mexican men of the lower classes
wear the biggest hats In the world , the
women nouoat all.
Sunday is the great amusement day.
AH big entertainments are reserved for
this general holiday.
Theater managers are fined If they
do not produce the cast and features
advertised. Modern Mexico.
I" .
' : w * tlftliaitrlt
Star OH Plant at Minneapolis
Wrecked by Explosion.
Flames Dreak Out Amid DebrU of
Dcmollihed Building and Not a
Person In the Office Escapes Alive.
Flvo Workmen Injured.
Minneapolis , April 24. Ten persons ,
Rht men and two women , were
killed by an explosion at the plant of
the Northwestern Star Oil company ,
nt the foot of Sixth avenue.
The dead : W. H. Dn.Mn , president ;
C. II , Durrln , Kcneinl manager ; Stan
islaus W. Mitchell , canhlor ; Jacob
Domm , bookkeeper ; Minn Caroline A.
Record , bookkeeper ; Harold C. Col-
born , clerk ; Miss Kiln M. Roumly , Htc-
nogrnphur ; Davis Dncoy , foreman ;
John SpontanHko , laborer ; Joseph La
Fond , laborer.
The Injured : Will Larson , Charles
AnroMHon , Joe McOlnly , Walter 13.
Scott , Joseph Dronlck , 15. J. Link , Jo
uoph Link , Joseph Livingston.
The explosion cnmu without an In
slant's warning and a second after the
concussion the walls had been thrown
down and the entire structure was a
mass of names. Not a person In the
ofllco escaped alive. Flvo workmen
engaged on the Bocond floor were
thrown twenty foot Into the air anil
those were the only persona who
escaped , They climbed through the
debris nnd nro now at the city hospital.
Although the cause of the explosion
ban not been determined , It Is Bald
that no mo of the employes of the com
pany were emptying BOIUO oil tank
cars Into the tanks In the basement of
the building and It Is possible that
Bparks from a switch nnglno Ignited
the Inflammable fluids. Several expia
tions followed In quick succession anil
made the work of the llromcn both
dtfllcult and dangerous. The men could
not approach the rulna and the water
thrown on the flames was without of-
foct. All the dopaitmont could do waste
to permit the flames to burn themselves -
solves out and then search for the bodies
ies of the dead.
The stock was valued at 140,000 anil
the butlilliiK at $15,000. The Insurance
was $ i3,000 ! nml the IOEB Is total. All
that remains of the building Is n fire
wall , which stood between the ofllco
and the tank room. All the other walls
are leveled. Since the great mill ex
plosion of 1878 this Is the greatest dis
aster that baa been experienced here.
A Ilttlo boy while 'playing near the
Serpentine foil Into the water. An
Irish laborer who was passing nt the
time courageously Jumped Into the wa
ter , clothes nnd all , and rescued the
boy , says Spare Momenta.
A lady who had observed the bravo
deed went up to Tat and , shaking his
bund , mild :
"I feel It an honor , my bravo man ,
to shako bauds with you * Many n
worse man than you hns been present
ed at court. "
"Faith , you're rolght , mum , " replied
Tat as ho proceeded to wring the wa
ter out of his coat. "Th * lust tolme OI
was pro&lntrd nt court Ol only got ono
month , wholle mo mate got two , begor-
Danfuoim Ctiiuiot Ho Cured
by local application as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only ouo way to cure deafness
nnd that is by constitutional ' remedies.
Deafnaos is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the ousta
ohinn tube. When this tube is inflamed
yon have a rumbling sound or imper
feat hearing , and when It Is entirely
closed , deafness is the result , and unless
the inflammation con bo taken out nud
this tube restored to its uormnl condi
tion , hearing will bo destroyed forever ;
ntno cases out of ton nro caused by
catarrh , which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous services.
Wo will give ouo hundred dollars for
any cnso of deafness ( caused by catarrh )
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Soud for circulars , free.
F. J. CHENEY & Co. , Toledo , 0.
Sold by druggists , 75o.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Application Tor Saloon I.hiuor l.lofnse.
Matter of application of Harry Lodor ,
for n liquor license.
Notice is hereby given thnt Harry
Lodor did , on the Cth day of April , 1903 ,
hlo his application to the mayor nnd
city council of the city of Norfolk , Ne
braska , for lioouso to sell malt , spiritu
ous and vinous liquors nt Norfolk , Ne
braska , from the 5th day of May , 1003 ,
to the 2nd day of May , 1004 , at east 22
feet of lot 4 , block 1 , of Koenigsteiu's
addition in First ward of paid city.
If there is no objection , remonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from
the Gth day of April , 1003 , the said li
cense will bo granted.
S. 11. McFAKLAND ,
Application for Saloon Liquor License ,
Matter of application of Hasenpflng &
Mausko for n liquor license.
Notice is hereby Riven that Henry
HasonpiluR aud V. H. Mausko , under
the firm name of Hasenpflug & Mautke ,
did , on the 20th day of April , 1003 , file
their application to the mayor and city
council of the olty of Norfolk , Nebraska ,
for license to sell malt , spirituous and
vinous liquors at Norfolk , Nebraska ,
from the 6th day of May , 1003 , to the
2nd day of May , 1004 , nt lot 4 , Pilprer's
addition to Norfolk , Nebraska , in First
wnrd of said oity.
If there is no objection , remonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from
thoSOthday of April , 1003 , the said
license will bo granted.
City Clerk.
Application for Saloon Liquor Llceote.
Matter of application of M. E. Koehn
for a liquor license.
Notice is hereby given that M. E ,
Koehn , did , on the 8th day of April ,
l)0 ! ) ; ) , lllu hid application to thn mayor
mil city council of the city of Norfolk ,
for UceiiHo to Roll limit , plr
tuomi nnd > lnoiiH HqnoiH at Norfolk
.Sehmnku , from the fith day of May ,
1)011 ) , to the 2nd iluy of May , 11)01 ) , nt lot
1'llgcr'H nddlton in First wnrd of said
thorn In no objection , remonstrance
or protest Illod within two weeks from
, ho 8th day of April , 100 ! ) , the said
IOODBU will bo granted ,
S. It. MoFAHLANn ,
_ _ _ _ _ Olty Clerk.
Application for DriiKgUt' * I.liin < irl.lroiin ) .
Matter of application of J , L
lurshJBor for n liquor liceimo.
Notice In hereby given that J. L.
lershlser did , on the Oth day of April ,
11)011 ) , file his application to the mnyor
nnd olty council of the city of Norfolk ,
NobriiHKii , for license to neil malt ,
nplrUnouR and vinous liquors for medi
cal , mechanical nnd ohemlonl pnrposoH ,
nt Norfolk , Nobrnskn , from the 6th dny
of May , 1DO.'I , to the 2nd day of May ,
11)01 ) , at Norfolk Junction , in Fourth
ward of Raid city ,
If ( hero IB no objection , tcmonstranco
or protest filed within two weeks from
thuOthdny of April , 1003 , the said
license will bo granted.
S. It. MoFAHI-AVI ) ,
Oity Olork.
Applluntton for Hitloon Liquor Llcnnno ,
Mutter of application of George
Suhmld for u liquor HCOIIHO.
Notice Is hereby given thnt Qeorgo
Schmld did , on the 8th dny of April ,
11)01) ) ) , fllo his nppllontion to the mayor
nnd city council of the city of Norfolk ,
Nebraska , for license to sell malt ,
ppiritnouB and vinous liquors nt Nor
folk , Nobrntkn , from the fith dny of
Mny , 1003 , to the 2nd day of May , 1001 ,
at east J of lot 0 , block 2 , Matthew-
ROU'B addition in First ward of Bind
If there is no objection , romou-
i-1runco or protest filed within two
wotktt from the 8th day of April , 1003 ,
the said HCOIIHO will bo granted.
City Olork.
Application fur Hnlnun Liquor License.
Matter of application of P. Barrett for.
n liquor lloouso
Notice is hereby given that P. Barrett
did , on the Oth day April , 1003 , fllo his
application to the mayor and oity
council of the oity of Norfolk , Nebraska ,
for license to soil malt , spirituous nnd
vinous liquors at Norfolk , Nebraska ,
from the Cth dny of Mny , 1003 , to the
2nd day of May , 1001 , at the west room
of the Oximrd hotel situated on Norfolk
nvenne , in First ward of snid olty.
If there is no objection , remonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from
the Oth day of April , 1003 , the Enid
license will bo granted.
City Clerk.
Application for Saloon Liquor Llcrnxe.
Matter of application of Henry
HnROiipilug for n liquor license.
Notice Is hereby given thnt Henry
Hnsonpflng did , on the Oth day of April ,
1003filo his application to the mnyoraud
ity council of the olty 'of Norfolk , No-
iraska , for license to sell malt , spirit-
, ous nud vinous liquors at Norfolk , No-
raska , from the 5th day of Mny , 1003 ,
o the 2il dny of Mny , 1001 , at west
nlf of lot 14 , block 4 , original town in
'irst ward of said oity.
If there is no objection , remonstrance
r protest filed within two weeks from
ho Oth day of April , 1003. the said
icouso will be granted.
City Clerk.
Sheriff Snlo.
Hy vlrtnonf nn order ot enlo'ssnod nnd direct
ed to mo by the clerk of the district < ourt of Mud-
"no" cou ty. Nebraska , upon n decree of fore-
: losuro of tax 1'on ' rendered by the district
onrt of Jlndlson county , Neb nskn , on tlio
ud dny of Mnrch 1POJ , In favor of N. A. Rnln-
tmlt for the earn of $53 S3 with interest
hurcou from March "nd 1WJ3 , nt 10 per cor t
> or annum , together with $13.00 , costs of
nit , nud accruing costsin an action 1 ,
wherein N , A. ItoinboU IS plniu'iff , and
Klmor M. Hrooka , at al are defendant , I will
llor the promises described In nid ( . 'ocrfo nnd
.akon as thoprone-tyof said defendants. to-\vit :
Lot two (2) ( ) of block slit eon (10) ( ) In Western
Town Lot Company'e addition to Norfolk
Junction , Hnd'eon ' comity. Nebraska , for sale nt
public auction to the highest bidder for cash
n hand on the 18th day of May 1003. nt the hour
if 1 o'clock p. m. , nt tbo east front door of
he court house at Madison in said county nnd
Into , that being the building wherein tbo last
orraofenld court was bold , wbon and whro
ilno attendance will be given by the under-
lated this 17th day of April 1903.
Sheriff of said county.
Sheriff Sale.
Br virtue of nn order of en ! < t f stood and di
rected to ma by the clerk of the district court
of Madison C"unty , Nebraska , upon a decree of
foreclosure of certain tax liens rendered by the
ilistilct court of Madison county , Nebraska , on
the 2nd day of March 1903 in favor of N. A.
Ratnbolt for the snm of $81 83 with interest
thereon from March 2nd 1903 , at 10 per rent ,
per nuutim , together with $25.51 , costs of
Biilt , aud accruing costs , in an action ,
wherein N. A. Rainbolt is plaintiff :
nnd lot 1 of block 5 ; lots 7 , 20 and 23
of block 7 ; lots 8,9.10 ntid 18 of block 0 ; lot 23S
of blonk 10 , all in Riverside f ark addition to
Noif IV , Nebraska. U. S. Vreolnnd. Minnie toH.
Drake , F. B. Abbott , S. M. Wngo's , R. W.
Saloy , J. C , Sheehoy , 1. Kulokopeky , David
Patterson aud Wlllinm W , Cnmpbill are do-
I w 11 oft > r the premises dcscrlbo-l in said de
cree and tnkoD a. the propoity of said defend
ants , toIt : Lot ono (1) ( ) of bl"ck five (5) ( ) : dot
seven (7) ( ) . twenty ( SO ) and twenty-three ( S3) ) of
bl ck roveu (7) ( ) ; lots eight ( M ) , nlns (9) ( ) , ten UO )
andtlxteeo (16) ( ) of block olno (0) ( ) ; lot throe (3) ( )
of block ten (10 ( > , all lu Riverside park addi
tion to Norfolk , Madison county , No-
bra kn , for tale at public auction teed
the highest bidder for cash in hand
on the 18th day of May 1903 , at the hour of t 1
o'clock p. m..nt tbo east trout door of the court
homo at Madison in snid county nnd state , thai
being the building \vhorolu the la > t term ol
said court was held , wlon and where dne nt
tendance will bo given by the undersigned.
Daicd this 17th dny ot April 1903.
Bherlft of said county.
Closing Prices of Produce In Chicago
Chicago , April 2.1 Special to The
NOWH : Following nro tlio closing prices
on Chicago market today :
Whont-OnHb , ' 77 ? { ; July , 72 ; Sep
tember , fllfj. ) ?
Corn Oiwh ! ? . , ' ; Mny11 % ; July
I5 < u ; September % .
Oiitu Ciwh IU1 < { ; Miiy , ! ) ! ? ; July ,
! ! ! ! < ; September , 28j. {
Yesterday's Quotations.
ChlciiKo , April 2.1. Wheat ruled firm to
day , Mur ndvnnuliis to 78c , but toned
off Inter , cloning % c lilRhrr. There wno
null trdo In corn , Mny cloning VilWic
hlglirr. Tliere ux no feature In the onti
trading. I'roTlilons were quiet. Closing
prlcc :
Whrnt Mar. 78tfc ; J | Jr c ; 8t > Pt- . ° ° W-
Corn-Mar , "We ; July , Kc ! flcpt. , 4t\ < , .
0 ti-Mnjr , 34o ; July , 31c ; Hept. , 20c.
Pork-May , $18 07 ; July , 17.42 ; Srpt. , 17.07
Ltrd-Muy , 10.70 ; July , (0.03 ; Sept. , $0.03
Jllbs-May , $0.82 ; July , $0.07 ; 8pt. , $0.00.
Chicago Cunh 1'rlcei No. 2 rrd wheat ,
70c ; No. 0 rod wheat , 70ftff7& : ; No. 2
jirlnic wJient , 70y/jaiWc ; No. 3 upt\ng \
wheat , 71-WlUc ; No. 'I bard wheat , 71 < < 0
76c ; No. 3 hard wheat , 08 < n73c ; No. 2 cash
corn , 44tfc ; No. 3 c nh corn , 42K4ic : ; No. 2
yellow corn , 44V4c ; No. 3 yellow corn , 43 ®
43Vie ; No. 2 cn U onts. 33c ; No. 2 white
outs , i)0387Hc ) ; No. 3 white oats , 34V6&30C.
Chicago Live Stock.
Chlcneo. April 23-CnttIt Iti-celpts , 0-
000 ; utiMidy to lOc hlghur ; good to prime
atcerx , W.-'OItfl.OO ; ntocki'rs nud feeders ,
$ .OOUUX > ; cows , $ l.rXXi4.7n ; heifers , $2.rx >
( SO.OO ; dinners , tl.GOabullv. ; . $2.004 (
4.80 ; cnlrcn , $2.rXffl < } .40 ; Texnu fed Htoon ) ,
J4.01WVOO. Ilnga Itccvlptfl , today , 25,000 ;
tomorrow , 18,000 ; left over , 8,000 ; opened
C lOu lower , closed llriner ; mixed nnd
butcher * , JO.DOfflT.L'O ; good to choice heavy ,
| 7.Ty7.42V4 ) ( : rough heavy , $7.00@7.25 ;
light , ; U.7fi7.0.bulk ; of sales , $7.05@7.2S.
Sheep lUcclpti , 8,000 ; Hheep and lamb * lOc
lo\vr ; good to choice wethers , $4.fXX36.00 ;
fair to cliolcu mixed , $3.7frft-l.2r ; woutern
ihtep , J4.&OS3.00 ; native lambs , $4.
0.00 ; wenterii latnbs , $4.GO&7.00 , woolud.
Kansas City Live Stock.
Kanvui City , Apill la-Cnttle-Ilecelpts ,
3,000 ; ( IfftlOc higher ; choice beef steers ,
$4.003fi.iO ; ; fair to icood , $4.U5l4.UO ; utock-
era nnd feeders , $ . ' 1.10(14.1)5 ; western fed
steers , $8 OOfttTi 03 ; Texas und Indian steers ,
$8.7r H.0 ; TOXUB OOWB , $ J.7Cia4.00 ; native
cows , $ l.oOf4.- ( t ; nntl > e holfei * . $ : i.OOS6.00 ;
bullB , $ 'J. ! > 0474.M ) ; calvcn , jL'.oojiT.OO. Hoca
IteiclptH , 7,500 ; opened weak to 8c lower ,
cloned titrone at openlni ; prlees ; top , $7.15 ;
bulk of mil s. $7.00fi7.15 ; heavy , $7.05 < S7.iri ;
mixed pucliers , $0.0rj ( ( | > 7.07 ; IlKht , $0.7R
7.W ; plfiH , $ UOO.7ii. Shevp Itvcclpts , 5 ,
MX ) ; Htuiuly ; liunb , $4.00v7.UO ; fed ewes
| 4.00i ( ? | > .40 ; native wet hem , $ I.UOQ0.40 ;
ttooUvru nud feeders , $3.7D4i l.'J5.
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omnha , April ' . ' 3. Cattle Receipts ,
3COO , nctlve , Htrouger ; nnthe steeru , $4.tS !
QO.'JS , fonnd helfeis , $ .1.30(8.4.50 ( ; con
nets , $ . ' .00(3:100 ( : ; HtueXers nnd feeders ,
$3.00(30.00 ( ; calves , $3..riOSiO r.0 . ; bulls , stags ,
etc. , J'.TO .CK ) . Hoes Itccclpts , 0'JOO ;
lower ; heavy , $7.00417.10 ; mlied , $7.00 ®
7.03 ; Hsiit. $ uw > ii7.oo : pisi , fo.oogc-
bulk of miles , $ l.7r7.05. ! . Sheep Kccelpts ,
12,000 ; Mtcudy , lower ; ycurlliiRS , clipped ,
$5 OOf ( < i.X ( > ; wethers , $4.7Cfrs.lO ( ; UWOB ,
$4.oCKfcl.0 ; common and Btockers , $ 'J.MK
4.00 ; lumbs , JO.OO'QT.OO.
St. Joseph Live Stock.
St. Joseph , April 23. Cattle Receipts , 1 ,
74U ; steady to lOc lower ; nntlvca , $4.-5 ®
0.40 ; eown and heifers , $2.35(0.10 ; stackers
nnd feeders , ? 3.CWK.10. Hues Receipts ,
6.80' ' ; H''y&Oc lower ; lltlit and Debt mixed
$ U.S0 7.10 ; uiudluui auil UBUVJ , $7.0037.15
bulk , $7.0XS7.10. (
If anything of importnnco happens in
the world today yon rend it in tonight'i
NEWS. Tomorrow morning the big
dailies have it.
Mrs. Sadie Hart Mille
Graduate of American School ofOsteo
under founder of the science ,
Residence nud ofllco , 307 Madison Ave ,
Hours iroin 9 a.m. to 4 p. m.
Plumbing ,
Steam and Hot I
Water Fitting.
| . . . .All Kinds of Pumps. . . .
I 'Phone No. 97.
Stains and flnwhcs floors at
l nJTn l ono oporotion.
Easily applied and dries over
night so it cau bo used
next morning.
Hakes Pine Floors M like Uooi
Whether Fainted or not.
Ask us for Booklet on Treatment of Floors.
Manufactured by Detroit White Lead Works ,
nd sold by
Dealers & Jobbers Generally
The Citizens National Bank.
CAPITAL , $50,000. SUHPLUS , $10,000.
Uujr and Sell Exchange on this Country nnd all Parts of Europe.I Farm Loans.
COAL ! o
Swootwater Rock
Scranton Hard'6oal. r
Married or Single , in Northeast Nebraska.
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The Norfolk News :
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noon , May 2 , 1003.
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