8 THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , APRIL 17,1903. A little better and a little $ jj | cheaper than .you . will find * B them elsewhere , - IT. Will quote you prices for this weak : Lion Coffee , per Ib . . . $ .10 Arbnoklrs OolTee , per Ib. . . ' . . .10 All other grades reduced In proportion. Tomatoes , per can . : . 10 Best corn , per can . 7)i o Early Rose Potatoes , per bu. .20 Good onions , per pock . 20 Sugar , 20 Ibs . 1.00 Full cream cheese , per Ib . 15 Good laundry soap , 8 bare. . .35" Best oil , per gal . 15 All other articles in the store are cut in proportion. This Is honest advertising. Our absolute aim is to get your trade. The Norfolk people shall bo careful not to give their entire business to ono concern , because it means that yon nro forming n trust against yourself. Yours Truly , PERSONAL. O. E. Prnden of Randolph was a city visitor yesterday. The Mlenea Hule of Battle Oroek were city visitors yesterday. Mrs. W. H. Field and Mrs. O. M. Wnrzoacker of Tilden are In the city to day. day.Mrs. Mrs. Jack Berkle Is enjoying a visit BAUM BROS. ' New Spring Stock is complete in all the different departments. No better assortment can be found in this section of Nebraska in MEN'S , BOYS' and CHILDREN'S CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS. OUR NEW STYL-ES But they'll speak for themselves see them and be your own judge. Examine and compare , carefully and critically , and be assured that our policy holds good now as ever , THE BEST VALUE FOR YOUR HONEY ALWAYS. ' i " MMM BNMMMMMM MOTW HM MMMNMMlHHMMMaMMM MMM MMMI HIM M MMMMMMMMMiMMi M H H MM H H M M H * from her mother , whoso homo is in OroHton , Iowa. Walter Pilgor has completed his year's course In the Omaha medical college and is expected homo tonight to spend his vacation. Iluport Ilobort , a student at Spring field college , who has boon visiting Nor folk friends a couple of dnys , has re turned to his school work. Mrs Ray Evans of Meadow Grove is visiting Norfolk relatives and friends1 Mr. and Mrs. Evans intend making their homo hereafter at Stautoii , Miss Keller leaves tomorrow for Omaha wlioro she will spend six months in the Olark Institute for trained nurses. Returning in the fall she will enter upon her profession In Norfolk. NEWS VOTING CONTEST. Slight Changes are Made by the Bal loting for Today. Changes In the voting contest give the following table : Miss Lucy Shaffer , South Norfolk 1080 Mrs. Elsie Desmond , Norfolk 550 Mrs. Joseph Swartz.South Norfolk 241 Miss Opal Madseu , Norfolk 02 Miss Maud Tauuehill.Waruervlllo ' 1 Miss Anna Zuelow , Norfolk 1 Miss Emma Mueller , Norfolk. . . . 1 Miss Mary Horlsky .Norfolk 1 Miss Kathryuo Sisson , Norfolk. . . 1 Mlsa Nellie Sohwouk , Norfolk. . . . 1 Dr. R. A. Mittlostiuit , dentist , Bishop block. Tnlnnhnnn RO. TAILOR WANTED. I will sell interest in shop ( good business ) for $25 down , balance easy payments , L. D. CONE. Oreightou , Neb. Just opened barrel of dill pickles at Karo's. 'Musical hestival , 'Sioux City , Iowa , April 23 and 23 , 1003. On dates and for occasion named above the O. St. P. M. & O , will sell excursion to Sioux City and return at $3.80 each. Good returning April 24. J. B. ELSEFFEU , Agent. One-Way Rates. Every day from February 15 ' to April 30 , 1003 , the Union Pacific will'sell one way colonist tickets at the following rates from Missouri river : $20.00 to Ogdeu and Salt Lake City , $20.00 to Bntte , Anaconda aud.Holona $22.50 to Spokann and Waiiatohne Washington. $25.00 to Everett , Fairhavon and Now Whatcom , via Hnntlngtou and Spokane $25.00 to Portland , Tacouia and Se attle. $25.00 Ashland , Rosebnrg , Eugene , Albany and Salem , via Portland. $25.00 to San Francisco , Los Angeles and many other California points. For full information cell on or address J. P. ELSEFFKU , Agent. u fly ( IV A fine assortment of Silk ( i\ * \ \ Jackets , Monte Carlos , Cof- ft\ fee Coats , Capes and Waists , fly fly fly fl > fly THE FINEST SELECTION OF 1ft 1 cm High-Class Novelties and exclusive designs and effects in the new styles out this season. Garments that will give you satisfaction , both as to style , fit and material. WE SOLICIT YOUR TRADE , FEELING CONFIDENT THAT OUR GOODS AND PRICES ARE ALL RIGHT. We give tickets on the contest Norfolk , BAUM BROS.Norfolk for Piano. the Chickening . Nebraska. The Suggestion .of The News - Came None too Soon. AN ATTEMPT TO BURGLARIZE. Would-be Midnight Man Was Utterly Unsuccessful In an Effort to Open Windows in o > West Side Home. Many are Hero. Strictly iii accordance with tlio wiord nnd wizardly suggestion thrown out by the police reporter on THE NEWS yesterday , the suspicions looking strangers who have been dropping into the city during the past few days and lurking around the dark corners , have begun in a small way to carry on their profession and the idea of bolting the doors , if carried into faithful execution , may save many dollars , a few precious stones and n string of bad scareo. Last night close to 12 o'clock an at tempt at burglary was made at 'the homo of George Marshall on South' Ninth between Madison and Phillip avenues. Mrs. Marshall was sitting ii\ the room waiting for her husband's homo coming. Mr. Marshall works until midnight at the electric light station. The scare came in a knocking on the door and a threatening demand' i/t UMiAttuuu. XJUUJVIJjr auiH. iad read THE NEWS a few minutes jefore and , becoming nervous , had locked the door , The fellow ntterdd saths in frigutfnl tones , pounded ? igoronsls against the panel and tried the lock but failing to open , Mt the premises. The little woman was alone with two biuull ohildinu und they were plveu a bad shock. Mr. Marshall went out with a gun after he came home , but failed to locate the man. Another place that the burglar has appeared and tried to "work" was already tightly looked and the would be house breaker , failing utterly to gain admittance , soon tired and turned away. This was at the residence of N. A. Lockwood on the corner of Tenth street and Koenigstein avenue. Along in the night an attempt was made to open nearly every window on the first floor of the house , and the people within were quite alarmed. For some time the rattling was continued but finally the midnight man went away without having even seen the inside ol the homo. A suspicious disappearance of a dresf pkirt from a clothes line at the home ol P. A. Davenport on Norfolk avenu < caused some little commotion yesterday Some time afterward , however , it wai discovered that a neighbor had seen tin garment blowing away and taken it ii for safe keeping. No serious violations of the law havi been reported to the police today and i is hoped , by incessant vigilance on the part of the oillcers , to keep down any attempts at disturbing the peace. A large amount of household furni ture for sale cheap. Leave city next week. Over Ahlmanu bioyclo shop. Mns. W. P. Mr. Charles D. Herman , supported by the famous Warde company , will pre sent Shakespeare's sublime tragedy Othello on next Friday at tne Audi torium with a complete scenlo pro duction. The Warde company support ing Mr. Herman is the same that sup ported the great tragedian Fredrick Wardo last season which numbers twenty people and includes Mr. Francis McGinn , Mr. John Tyrrel , Mr. Harry Barton , Mr. John E. Hynes , Mr. Grant Ohnrohill , Mr. Frederick Harrington , Mr. Paul Pilkington , Mr. Daniel Oranse , Mr. Oarl Sohluud , Miss Anna Roberts , Miss Aileen Borelle , Miss Alice Sannders , Miss Mary Holmes , Miss Elizabeth Bertkel and others. The Baptist church will have a dime social Saturday evening at the homo of D. D. Hall , 413 South Ninth street. Everybody come and have a good time. SUNDAY NOON AT POST OFFICE , Undecided Wnether it Will Remain Open or Closo. It has not yet been definitely deter mined at the post office whether or not the doors will be opened on Sun day noons , now that there is no Sunday mail service at midday. Formerly , when the morning trains brought in mail that the patrons wanted , it was necessary to have an hour at noon when ho post office might be entered. Now , lowever , since there is nothing at nil until in the evening , there seems to bo no pressing need for the service. POHI- inaster Hays is anxious to do in the matter exactly what would please the ) nblioas it makes no very material dif ference in the work. Silk and Wash Petticoats. Handsome silk petticoats , wide skirts and full tlounoo and best wearing silk tor the money price $4.76 to $17.50. Black silk same styles and qualities $5.25 to 13.50. New styles in mohair skirts , hand some grays and plaids $3,50 fo $5.00. Black mohair with silk ruffie $0.50 and $7.50. Extra handsome. Wash skirts in madras , gingham , seersucker and linen 50o to $1,85. Black mercerized petticoats , prettiest styles 11.00 up to $1.50. Walking skirts In summer weight camel's , hair , cadet blue and gray- price $0.50. Mus. J. BENSON , South Sixteenth street , Omaha , Neb. THE NEWS koopa its job department up-to-date with the latest faces of type and does its work in approved style. Places of Merit Have Been Given in Senior Class. VALEDICTORY AND SALUTATORY Miss Gertrude Nielsen Gets Highest Place , Miss Loretta Masters Next. Positions are Given on Records of the Four Years Course. The honor places in the class of 1003 , Norfolk high school , have been awarded for the commencement exercises at the close of this year's session. Miss Ger trude Nielsou has first place as valedic torian on the record of her work throughout the course , and Miss Lor etta Masters has second place of honor In the salutatory. These places are given as rewards for the best work In the class during its entire four years in the high school , and are much sought after. There are in this year's class thirteen students , five of whom are young men. The date of the commencement ; exer cises is to bo announced later. The present class have just dropped Latin and taken up a review of the common branches. The class is said to he a good one. If anything of importance happens in he world today yon road it in tonight's tfEWB. Tomorrow morning the big tallies have It. Locals in THE DAILY NEWS are a mylng proposition. It yon have tried hen you know that ; if you haven't , do YOU know how "hot under the collar" and over the bosom it makes yon when , just ready to dress for an evening's enjoy ment , yon find year best shirt nniit to wear. Why run the risk of such a mishap when wo always do your work all right every way ? 1 es RAILROAD TIME TABLES , Chicago and Northwestern. EAST. DEPART. Omaha Passenger 8:03am Chicago Express 12:40pm : _ . , KA8TU ABB1VE. ChicBKo Express 7 : SO p m > Omnlin Passenger 12:40pm : > WEST. DKPAKT. Black mils rvxproos 7:50pm : , Botiostoel Passenger 12:40p m BoQoateel Vccommodatton 8:30am : WEST. ABBIVE. Black Hills Express 12:20p m Bonostoel Passenger 8:03am : BoDosteel Accommodation 7:10pm : The Chicago and Black Hills Express arrivee. and departs from Junction depot. The Omaha and Verdlgre trains arrive and depart from city depot. U. U. MATBAU , Agent. Union Pacific. SOUTH. DEPABT. Commons Accommodation 3lOOpm. ; Omaha , Denver and Pacific Coast 11:00 a m NOBTH. ABBIVB > Colnmbns Accommodation 11:45 : a m. Omaha , benverand Pacltdcconst 9-OOpm. Connect * at Norfolk with F. , E A M. V. going- west and north , and with the 0. St. P. M. < k O. for points north and east. J. B. BLBEFFEB , Agent. Chicago , St. PanI , Minneapolis anil Omaha. KABT. DBPABT. * 81onx City and Omaha Passenger. . . . 8:30am : Blonz CltjrPassonger l:00pm : WKST. ABBIVB. Slonx City Passenger 10BOam : Biocx City and Oman * Passenger 7:25 : p m , Connects at Norfolk with F. , E. & M. V. going- west and north , and with the U. P. for point * south. J. B. ELSEFKEE , Agent. Daily except Bandar. BUSINESS DIRECTORY , J. B. HERMANN , CONTRACTOR and BUILDER No. 117 Fourth Street. [ NSKEEP'S MILLINERY , Cheapest nnd Best. Norfolk Avenue. J , W , EDWARDS- THE K Corner of Hraaech Avo. and Fourth. Mrs , Sadie Hart Miller OSTEOPATHIG PHYSICIAN. Sraduate of American School of Osteo pathy , under founder of the science Residence and office , 807 Madison Ave Hours Irom 0 a.m. to 4 p. m. BOQERS STAIHFLOOR FINISH Stains and flnfohos floors at ono operation , Ho Mad Ml ! Ho M Easily applied and dries over night eo it can be used next morning. Hakes Pine floors look like Hardwood , Whether Painted or not. EQUALLY GOOD FOR HARDWOOD FLOORS ! Aek us for Booklet on Treatment of Floors. . Manufactured by Detroit White Lead Works , end told by Dealers & Jobbers Generally