G THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , AWUL17 , W03. TIM DONNAN'S LUCK By D. If. TALMADGE A & .UrOum Tliorc nro people ) who HoolT n ( UIP theory of luck , titil Tim Doiniuii In not DUO of tlu'in. Tim \VIIH a lirnkiMiinii on thu I' , niul tT. railway nix montliH ao , and a freight liraUoinan at ( lint , with a prol- ty Blliu prospect ahead of him. lie elo- ppalred wlu-novor ho tlioiiKbt of a TIT- tnln ( ili'l who WUH HO prnctlntl ( hat Him rofUHPtl to marry him until IIH ! tmlury vns aeh'quntt ) for an e'HtnbllHhiiionl. The fnct that nho culled It an "cHtnb- llHhnicnt" nlinwuel plainly that her ctnotloiiN wore1 unelor control of her In- tollcot. A HiMitlmcntal , ImimlHlvo crea ture who loml a man IIH thin li'l loved 3Mm would ha\e called It a little home. Tim Imi't a hrnkonum on the 1' . anil T. now , lie In a conductor on the I'1 ' , ami U , and he and the Klrl have their "ofltnbllHliiiiont" and are dellrloiiHly happy. l.uok did It , Tim HiiyH , ami he provea It by telling the story. "Melihy jou know and nielihy you don't , " he lupins In a wibllu hroKiie , "that the wlndowM of heaven were opened over a small npot In Hie north ern pail of Mlmumrl one nl ht liiHt June. Melihy , a alii , you know and mubby you elou't that the 1' . and T. road rmm parallel with the I'\ ' and Ij. for about six miles after leavlu1 St. JntnrH. They cross thu lUuo river each on Its own nice little bridge within two tnllcH of each other , the P. and T. bridge iioln' up Htrcam from the bridge of the l'\ and U " 'TWIIH lucky for mo they Hxed It BO. I was Hltllu' on the back platform of the caboose thu night when the cloud busted. My work was finished for the minute , and 1 was restln' and nursln' n bad lit of melancholy. My hoped wore blacker than thu night Just then , nml the night was blacker than the inside of a brunette eat. 1 saw nothln' to look forward to , and tlmt'H a worse state to be In than Arkansaw , I was eayln' to myself that I believed I'd commit milcldu and end thu agony When all of a quick sudden the train stopped. "Mebtty you never experlunccd the sensation of belli' on n freight train UltUHlIKl ) MU OFF WITH 1TH 1IKAN011UH. when It stops suddenly. 'Tla like a ton of coal droppln' Into a man'tj throat. " 1'or a minute 1 forgot my troubles. I grabbed my lantern and went up ahead > to see what was \\iong. 'Twns easy to see. By the gleamln" of ( the headlight on the engine I saw a roarln' , bowlln' tlood of water. Illue river was full and nnmlii' over way over. The track on the bridge was all but cov ered. 'Shallve try It or uotV says the engineer to the conductor. 'Walt till we look at the bridge , ' says the con ductor. 'Come , Uoiman , we'll go and see if 'tis safe. ' And we went. " 'Twas a fool thing to do what 1 did then , but I was In a dcbpcratc mood , and the rushln * of the llood af fected my brain , I'm thlnkln' . I told the conductor I'd go across and take a peep at the anchorage on the other side. And 1 started , the conductor of fering no objections visible to the naked ear , and got half way across mebby when biff ! a tree that made ordinary sawlogt ) look like matches struck the bridge and brushed me oft with its branches as easy as a whiskbroom - broom disposes of a crumb. "Ar-r-rab , the swim that followed ! "I don't know the words that de scribe it. Hut luck was with me. I got my hands on to a regular Pullman of a railroad tie , and 1 clung to It as the ivy clings to the molderln' wall. 'Twas nothln' reseniblln' suicide the way 1 stuck to that tie. And every once or twice in awhile n chicken coop or a woodshed or a cord of wood bumped Into me , knockln' out prayers like sparks from un anvil. " 'Tis my bumble opinion that the current was runnln' at a rate of"410 miles to the hour. Mebby 'twas more , and mebby 'twas less. I didn't Btop to measure It. Anyway , 'twas but n short time till I brought up against the F , and L. bridge with such force that sis of my teeth took refuge in my etoiU' acb and a constellation of stars danced before my eyes , furnlshlu' suUiclcut light to enable me to crawl on to the bridge. "The bridge was about ready tc break loose. 1 crawled ofif of it rapid ly. I'd. had till the trip by water thai I wanted. I crawled off at tli drnt rnil 1 CDIIIO to , and that wan luck ng ln. "Thoro wan a ntntlem n ways up the trnok , and after I'd found my land logH UKalli I hiinth'd nliuig till 1 got to It. "Tho night oiioratorIIH surprised to nee mo , lioln' a young ctuip , liu reached - ed norveiiiHly Tor Ills gun , " 'I'nt It nwny , ' says I to him , 'put It nwiiy , Willy , nml got a wringer.1 " 'Heavens ! ' Hays lie. 'In It taliiln' agnln ? Yem'io se > ppln' wot.1 " 'Am IV snys I. 'Hiiro 'Us thu line nemo for IIOWH you've get ) . You Hhoulil bu In turn simper woik. Hut toll me , ' HM.VH I , 'how KOOII the trnln'H elnu. ' I know a train wax about duo , else hu'el boon snetozln' , " 'Tho Illor goln * Hoiitli,1 HnyH ho , look- In * nt hlH watoh , 'will bu nlong In throu mlnuloH. ' ' "DooH Hlio ntop at this station ? ' Hiiyn I. " 'No,1 Bays he. " Then , ' HIIJ-H I , 'you'd bolter got out your rod lamp , for the bridge ) In all but gono. ' And In.1 did It. " \Vllli the ) Illur ciiinu more luck for me > . The gouoral muniigor'H car was em nnd the general manager himself , nrtlHtlcally nnayod In n milt of pink paJiimaH , WUH up and riibborln' around almoHt before I'd told the conductor about the brlelge ) . "J'la thu way of general - oral mannge'iH. Tli y'ro mostly built HO. "Ho lemkoel mo over with his sharp oyon , nil the time nplttln' out eiiiostloiw as a rapid lire gun Hplttt load , and I an- Nworod him IIH Intelligently IIH wan pern- Hlblu without my teeth , lie scorned Impressed. 'You'd bettor go ami get dry.-1 I'll look you up and remember you , ' HiiyH he. Thank you , sir , ' says I. " Twas about a wock after that I got an Invitation to the general ofllcoa of the 1 < \ and I ; , at St. Jim. The doc tor Hiild I might go If I'd be careful. Another touch of pneumonia , he said , might prove disastrous. So 1 wont , and they didn't do a thing after I got there but put mo through nn ex amination and give mo one of the host ritiiH on their system , though why they did It I'll bo blcHScd If I can under stand. 'Luck ? Well , say ! " A Mtittor of fllovm. "Did you never notice how much bet ter men's gloves look than women's ? " said the man. "Go Into any public conveyance and look at the glovca of the passengers and you will be im pressed by the superior condition of those worn by men. Two-thirds of the women you meet cover their hands with suedes and dogskins that are shockingly soiled and worn. It Is not only women of generally shabby ap pearance who are guilty of wornout linger tips and ragged scams ; many who are otherwise well groomed and who could all'ord to put on a fresh pair of gloves every day are equally culpa ble. Men would bo ashamed to go ou the street wearing such dlsreputablo things , but women Haunt them tin- blushlngly. " "That sweeping condemnation Is un fair , " protested the woman. "Tho con dition Is easily explained. Women wear their gloves much more than men , and besides It Is awfully destructive to lin ger tips to dig around In purses for change and samples and to handle candy , to turn over books and to exam ine dry goods. " "Now you huve Jumped the subject , " said the man. "I am not talking about cause. I am talking about effect. The majority of men certainly do wear bet ter gloves than the majority of wom en. You cannot deny that. " "That is true , " the woman admitted. "I cannot deny It ; they can better af ford it also. " I'hlladelphla Times. I'rlUo IIiul a Kail. "Yes , It Is a pretty good cigar , " said tltM ftu lut lutlil It lit ) inil tnnlrnil 11 f It critically. "Jones bought It , but If he thinks he bought my sllcnco with it he Is mistaken , as the story Is too good to keep. Jones , as you know , considers himself a great ladles' man , although ho Is old enough to know better. I was walking with him this afternoon , and he could talk of nothing but his 'latest. ' Suddenly ho exclaimed ; " ' Jovel There she is 'Hy now , across the street. Isn't she u peach ? ' "Oft came his hat with n nourish , ex posing his bald pate , and an Idiotic grin pread over his features. "Much to my surprise , for she did not look like a girl who would indulge n a street flirtation , she waved her hand , hesitated a moment and then started to cross the street where wo " ' They can't resist me , ' said the beaming Jones. 'Excuse me , old man ; see you later ; ta , ta ! ' Hat In band nnd grinning like a monkey , Jones approached the young lady , who suddenly stopped , looked startled fqr a moment and then gasped : " 'Goodness ! I mistook you for my grandfather ! ' " Detroit Free Press. The Cue Could Walt. An American traveler in China , mak ing his way out of the province of Shensl over the mountains , after five days of rough riding overtook his serv ant , who had been sent on ahead with the baggage. lie reports the conversa tion which followed : As n soldier half lifted mo from the saddle Wnug , the servant , handed me my razors. "For five days , " he said "tho beard of my master Is growing. 1 think maybe be like to cut It off. " I thanked him for his thoughtfulness but I added , "You are In n great deal worse shape than I am. You ncedn'l trouble about me. Have your cut braided , and then Ilo down on youi pooka and take n nap. " He smiled with the faraway , rathci sad smile of his race. "It would not bi right for me to sleep , sir , " he said , "bo fore I see that you are resting. The cue Is Chinese. It can wait patl'-ntly But the beard Is European. It JUUDO wait. It must go quickly. " THE SALT IN THE SEA , IntrrrnHiiK e > lmrrvii lnnn nn Oiin of Nature' * Wonder * . The very fact that the waters of oceann are sally Is a wonder within It * self. That such Is the case everybody knows , but why ? Itlvers are not salt , neither are mime of the very largest of Inland RCIIH , yet one school of scien tists will tell you that these same seas ( lakes ) are the remains of what was once a universal ocean , that there was once an upheaval of the land and that all the waters settled In basins except that which drained off. If this Is a fact , why are these lakes e > r seas now fresh ? Don't tell me , says an Investi gator , that It IH becatiHO they have been evaporating through the long centuries and that the vacancy has been sup plied by fresh waters from rivers. Great Salt lake Is no less salty now than It was JI.OOO years ago and prob ably a great elcal more so. The water of the Caribbean sea is dense compared with that of the At lantic In the vicinity of the Capo' Verde Islands , the proportion beln& eleven to twenty-one. Why Is this ? It Is cer tainly a fact Hint they are both of one body of water. The variety of saline matter found In all sea water Is univer sally the Hume. There Is another fact which should be mentioned while wo are classifying sea water that is this : When the silliness of oceans Is refer red to , It must not bo understood as be ing the table salt of commerce ( chlo ride of sodium ) , for there are many other salts In the solution. Expert by- drographers tell us that there nro enough of these various salts held in suspension In the waters of the oceans to cover the whole landed surface of the globe to a depth of 1,000 feet In other words , that there is 00,000,000- 000,000,000 tons so held In suspension ! Tim sea Is salt by reason of the earth washings which arc poured Into it flood for Children. The pleasant to take and harmless One Minute Oongh Ouro gives immediate re lief in all oases of cough , croup and la- grippe because it does not pass iinmculi- atoly into the stomach , but takes effect right at the seat of the trouble. It draws ont the inflammation , heals and soothes and onros permanently by enabling the lungs to contribute pure life-giving aud life sustaining oxygen to the blood aud tissues. The Kiosau Drng Oo. - it r Foloy's Kidney Onro makes kidneys nud bladder right. Don't delay taking. A. II. Kiosau. For liver troubles nud constipation there's nothing bettor in creation than Little Early Risers , the famous little pills they always effect n cure and save doctor bills. Little E rly Risers pro different from nil other pills. They do not weaken the system , but act as n toulo to the tissues by arousing the Hocrotioutt aud restoring the liver to the full performance of its functions natu rally. The Ittoaau Drng Oo. The surest aud safest remedy for kidney nnd bladder diseases is Foloy's Kidney Ouro. A. II. Kiosau. Foley's Kidney Ouro if taken in time atWeln eoourity from all kidney nud bladder diseases. A. H Kiosan. To Cure u Colil In Olio n y Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tab- lots. All druggists refund the money If it fails to cure. B. W. Grove's signa uro is on each box. 25 cents. A Sweet llreitth is n never failing sign of n healthy stomach. When the breath is bad the stomaoh is out of order. There is no lomedy In the world equal to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for curing indigestion , dyspepsia nud all stomaoh disorders. Mrs. Mary S. Crick , of White Plains , Ky. , writes : "I have boon a dyspoptio for years tried all kinds of remedies but continued to grow worse. By the use of Kodol I began to improve at once 'and after taking a few bottles am fully restored in weight , health and strength igosts what yon ont nnd makes the tomixoh sweet. The Kiesan Drug Oo. Raves Two From Death. "Our little daughter had an almost utal attack of whooping cough and jrouohltis , " writes Mrs. W. K. Havl- nud , of Armoiik , N. Y. , "but when all other remedies failed , we saved her life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our tiioco , who had consumption in an ad- anccd stage , also used this wonderful medicine and today she is perfectly ivoll. " Desperate throat and IUUR dis eases yield to Dr. King's New Discov ery as to no other medioluo on earth. Infallablo for coughs and colds ; COo and SI 00 bottles are guaranteed by Asa K. Leonard. Trial bottles freo. Chronic Uroiiuliltl * Cured. "For ten years I had ohrouio bron chitis so bad that nt times I could not speak above a whisper , " writes Mr Joseph Coif in nn , of Montmorenoi , Ind. I tried all remedies available , but with no success Fortunately my employer suggested that I try Foloy's Honey and Tar. Its effect was almost miraculous , and I am now cored of the disease. On my recotnondation many people have used Foley's Honey and Tar , nnd alway's with satisfaction. " A. II. Kiesan , , A Chattanoor * Dr ncRltt'i Statement. Robt J. Miller , Proprietor of the Read House Drug Store of Ohnttauonga , Teun. , writes : "There is more merit in Foley's Honey and Tar than in anv other cough nyrup. The calls for it multiply wonderfully aud wo sell more of it than all other cough syrup com bined. " Foley's Honey nnd Tar contains no opiates , aud will not constipate like nearly all other cough medicines. Re fuse substitutes. A. H Kiesan. Dreadful Attack of Mliorp'rc Cough. Mrs. Ellen Hnrlisou , of LeO Park Ave. , Kansas City , Mo , ' "f es as follows" "Onr two ohllJr iT had a severe attack of whonpln.T'Couph , one of them in the paroxysir of coughing would often faint and blPjd at the nose. Wo tried every thing we heard of without getting re lief. We then called in our family doctor who pre-cribed Foloy's Honey nnd Tar With the verr first dose they began to improve and we feel that it has saved , their livea. " Rofnro substitutes. A. H. Kiesau. llrokn Into HI * Home. 8. Lo Qulnn of Oaveudlsh , Vt. , was robbed ot his customary health by In. vafdon of ohronio constipation , when Dr. King's New Life Pills broke Into his lionise his trouble was arrested and now he's entirely onred. They are guaran teed to cure , Sfio nt Ana K. Leonard's drug store. I'neuiiionla I * Itolilird ol II * Terror * , By Foleiy'H Honey and Tar. It stops the racking cough and heals and stronathoiiH the lungs. If taken in time It will prevent nn attack of pneumonia. Refuse substitutes. A. II. Kioaau. Application forHiiloon I.lijiior Llrenie , Matter of application of Qeorgo Soli mid for n liquor license , Notice it ) hereby given that George Sahmld did , on the 8th day of April , lOO.'l , file his application to the mayor and city council of the olty of Norfolk , Nebraska , for HCOIIHO to sell mnlt , spirituous and vinous liquors at Nor folk , Nolmukn , from the 5th day of May , IDO.'I , to the 2nd day of May , 1001 , at runt > { , ' of lot ( I , block i ! , Matthew- HOII'S addition in First ward of said city. If there is no objection , remon strance or protest filed within two wotks from the 8th day of April , 1003 , the said license will ho granted. S. R. MoFAKt.ANi > , Olty Olork. Application for Saloon Liquor Matter of application of William Q. Boruor for a liquor license. Notice is hereby given that William G , Bonier did on the 25th dny of March , 11)0 ) ! ) , ( Ho his application to the mayor Mid city council of the city of Norfolk , Nebraska , for license to sell malt , spirit uous nud vinous liquors nt Norfolk , Ne braska , from the 5th elnr of Mar , 1001) ) , to the 2nd d T of Mny , 1004 , nt east half of lot 0 , block C , original town in First ; ward of said city. If there is no objection , remonstrance or protest died within two weeks from the 25th day of March , 1003 , the said license will bo granted S. R. MoFAULAND , _ Olty Olork. Application for Drupel * ! ' * Liquor License , Matter of application of Asa K. Leon ard for a liquor license. Notice is hereby given that Asa K. Leonard did , ou the Oth day of April , 1008 , file his application to the mayor nud city council of the city of Norfolk , Nebraska , for license to sell malt , spirit uous and vinous liquors for modioiunl , mechanical aud chemical purposes , at Norfolk , Nebraska , from the Gth day of May , 1003 , to the 2nd day of May , 1004 , nt lot 1 Pilger's addition in First ward of Enid city. If there is no objection , remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the Gth day of April , 1003 , the said li couso will be granted. S. R. MoFAULAND. Olty Olerk. Application fur UrugRiat' * Liquor License Matter of application of Uoorgo B. Ohristoph for a liquor license. Notioo is hereby given that George B. Ohristoph did , on the 2nd day of April , 1003 , file his application to the mayor and city council of the city of Norfolk , Nebraska , for license to sell malt , spirituous aud vinous liquors foi medicinal , mechanical and chemical purposes , at Norfolk , Nebraska , from the 5th day of May , 1003. to the 2nd day of May , 1004 , at No 810 Norfolk avenue , in First ward of said city. If there is no objection , remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the 2nd day of April , 1003 , the said license will be granted. S. R. MCFAKLAND. _ Olty Olerk. Application for Saloon Liquor Llcet.no. Matter of application of M. E. Koohn for n liquor license. Notice is hereby given that M. E. Koohn , did , on the 8th day of April , 1003 , file his application to the mayor aud city council of the city of Norfolk , Nebraska , for license to sell malt , spir ituous nud vinous liquors at Norfolk , Nebraska , from the 6th day of May , 1008 , to the 2iil day of May , 1004 , at lot 4 , Pilger's additon in First ward of saM city. If there is no objection , remoustrnuce or protest filed within two weeks from the 8th day of April , 1003 , the said license will be granted. S. R. MoFAULANn , _ City Clerk. . - . Matter of application of Henry Hasoupflug for n liquor license. Notice is hereby given that Henry Hnsenpflug did , on the Oth day of April , lp03flle his application to the inayorand city council of the city of Norfolk , Ne braska , for license to sell malt , spirit- nous aud vinous liquors at Norfolk , Ne braska , from the Gth day of May , 1008 , to the 2d day of May , 1004 , nt west half of lot 14 , block 4 , original town in First ward of said city. If there is no objection , remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the Oth day of April , 1003 , the said ' .iceuso will bo granted. S. R. MCFAKLAND , City Clerk. Application for Saloon Liquor License- . Matter of application of P. Barrett for a liquor license Nqtice is hereby given that P. Barrett did , on the Oth day April , 1003 , file his application to the mayor and oity council of the oity of Norfolk , Nebraska , for license to sell mnlt , spirituous and vinous liquors at Norfolk , Nebraska , from the Gth day of May , 1003 , to the 2nd day of May , 1004 , at the west room of the Oxnnrd hotel situated on Norfolk ayenne , in First ward of said oity. If there is no objection , remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the Oth day of April , 1003 , the raid license will bo granted. S. R. MoFARLAND , Oity Olerk. Application for Drngglit' * Llcjuor License Matter of application of J. L. Hershlser for a liquor license. Notice is hereby given that J. L , Hnrshlser did , on the Oth day of April , , 1003 , file his application to the mayor and city council of the city of Norfolk Nebraska , for license to sell malt spirituous nnd vinous liquors for modi' ' cal , mechanical and chemical purposes , at Norfolk , Nebraska , from the Gth day of May , 1903 , to the 2nd day of May. 1004 , at Norfolk Junction , in Fourth ward of said city. If there is no objection , remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from thu Oth day of April , 1003 , the said license will bo granted. 8. R. MdFAKLAVD , Oity Olerk , ULCERS ROOTED IN THE BLOOD. I After the ape of 45 or 50 , when the vital powers arc naturally ; -weaker , It la noticed that n. hurt of nny kind heals slowly and often a very insignifi- .r 1 * small ptmplo came on my Jaw , tout Kavo mo no . , Wrcr il Ulcer or pnjn Or Inconvenience. and I should liavo forgot * Borc. At this time of 'on about It had it not boBun to Inflame and Itch ; it - , , .r l , would bleed a little. then scab ever , but would not warty growths , heal. This continued for sotno time then the Cancer moles and pimples that bonjin to oat and npread , until it was as larRO ao Have timlu lltt dollar , when I hoard of 8. B. 8. and determined been oil the body to Blvo u ft falr trlll nnd tt ls remarkable what a almost from birth begin wonderful effect it had from the boRinnlnir ; the sere to inflnmn nml fi.c nr boffan to heel and after taking a few bottles dlaap- aster , poarod entirely. This was two yearn niro ; there are atld before Very loilP Btlll no aiirns of the Onncor , and my general health are large eating ulcers. ° ° "t'nuoi ' * ° ° & - Mrs. n. SIIIBER , Wyaconda , Mo. Whenever a sore or ulcer is slow in healing then you may be sure something is radically wrong with your blood. Some old taint or poison that has been slumbering there for years , is beginning to assert itself , and breaks out and becomes n bad ulcer and perhaps the beginning of Cancer. These old sores are rooted in the blood , and while washes , soaps , salves , etc. , keep the surface clean , they are not healing. A blood medicine to purify and strengthen the polluted blood and n tonic to build up the general system is what is needed , and S. S. S. is just such a remedy. No poison is so powerful and no germ so deadly that this great vegetable blood remedy cannot reach it , and ulcers of every kind quickly yield to its wonderful curative prop erties. If you have an old sore or ulcer , write us all about it , and medi cal advice or any information you may desire will be given by our physicians - cians without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , ATLANTA , GA. Due Notion I * Nerved. Duo notice is hereby served on the public Kenorally that DoWitt's Witch Iluzttl Salvo is ttie only halve on the market that is imulo from pnro , uu- adulterated witoh huzol. DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo has cured thousands of cases of piles that would not yield to any other treatment , and this fact has brought ont many worthless counter- felts ThoHO persons who get the genu ine DoWitt's Hnzol Salvo are never dis appointed , because it cures. The Kiosnu Drug Go. Application for tjuluon Llqnor Llcmme. Matter of application of S. J. Dixou for n liquor lioonso. Notice is ll&roby Riven that S. J. Dixou did , on the 25th day of March , 1003 , file his application to the mayor and city council of the city of Norfolk , Nebraska , for license to soil malt , spirit uous aud vinous liquors at Norfolk. Ne braska , from the fith day of May , 1903 , to the 2nd day of May , 1004 , at No. 410 , lot 0 , Bear's school lots in First ward of eiiid city. If there is no objection , remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the 25th day of March , 1008 , the said license will bo granted. S. B. McFAULAND , Pity Clerk. Builds up muscular flesh , healthy Us- sue , rich , red blood ; clears the stomach , kidneys and liver. That's what Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 cents. The Kiosnu Drug Go. Mary Jennings , N. Yamhill , Oregon Conld not got along without Rocky Mountain Tea. Makes women strong and beautiful. Keeps them well. 35 cents. The Kiesau Drug Go. Application for Saloon Liquor License. Matter of application of Harry Lodor , for oTliquor license. Notice is hereby given that Harry Lodor did , on the Oth day of April , 1903 , hlo his application to the mayor aud city council of the city of Norfolk , Ne braska , for license to sell malt , spiritu ous and vinous liquors at Norfolk , Ne braska , from the Gth day of May , 1903 , to the 2nd day of May , 1901 , at east 22 feet of lot 4 , block 1 , of Koonipstein's addition in First ward of said city. If there is no objection remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the Oth clwy of April , 1903 , the said li cense will be granted. S. R. MCFAKLAND , City Clerk. Application Tor Saloon Llquor Llcense. Matter of application of Charles Rico for a liquor license. Notice is hereby given that Charles Rice did , on the 2Gth day of March , 1903 , file his application to the mayor and city council of the city of Norfolk , Nebraska , for lie" ' so to sell malt , spirituous aud vinous liquors at Norfolk , Nebraska , from the 5th day of Mny , 1903 , to the 2nd day of May , 1904 , at the northwest corner of Fifth street and Norfolk avenue , Bear's addition , in First ward of said city. Tf r.riftrA ia nn nhinn.Hnn- 3r protest filed within two weeks from the 20th day of March , 1903 , the said license will be grauti d. S. R. McFaRLAND , City Clerk. Application for Saloon Liquor Llcoime. Mutter of application of Emil Moellor for a liquor license. Notice is hereby given that Emil Moeller did , on the 25th day of March , 1903 , file his application to the mayor and city council of the city of Norfolk , Nebraska , for license to sell malt , spirit uous and vinous 1 qnora at Norfolk , Ne braska , f'om the 5th day of May , 1903 , to the 2nd day of May , 1904 , at east half of lot 10 , block ! , original town in First ward of eaid city. If there in no objection , remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the 25th day of March , 1903 , the said license will be granted. S. R MoFAULAND , City Clerk. Notice of Chattel Mortgage Sale. Notice is hereby Riven I hat br virtue of n chattel mortgage , datofi on the llth ( ley ol August , 1902 , and duly filed in the offlco of the county cleric of Madliou county , Nebraek , on tlio SSth day of Uarcli , 1803 , nnd executed by Mrs. II. ( > . Woolvertori to Qaidntr & Heller tc tacnre the payment of the cum of { 0000. and upon wlii'li there It DO\T dne the BUTof 195.50. default having been made In the paymrnt ol satd turn , and i o salt or other proceeding at law baring boon inr itnted to recover taid debt or any pait thereof , therefore wo will § ell the follcwlutr property tho-oln described , viz ; One gray rrare weight H > 20 iound , e'sht ' jonrJ old , at public auction , at corner Fonith etreol and Norfolk avenno. in iho citr of Norfolk , Madison cuuntv , NabraiVa , nn the 18th day ol April 1903 , at 2 o'clock p. m. rf euld dny. Dated March 26 , 1903. 1903.GABDNKB & SRILKB , Mortgagees [ Per Gardner ] The happiest couple in the worlc should be a deaf husband and a blinc wife , both taking Rocky Mountain Tea Keeps peace in the family. 35 cents The Kiesan Drug Co. A Loye Letter. Would not interest you if you're look ing for a guaranteed salve for sores burns or piles. Otto Dodd of Ponder , Mo , writes : "I suff. red with nn uglj sore for a year , but a box of Bncklen'i Arnica Salve cured mo. Its the bes salvo on earth and it's 2 o at Asa K Leonard's drng store , Application for Drucgtut'ti Liquor Llcenia Matter of application of A. II. Kiesau for a liquor license. Notice is hereby given that A. II. Kiosau did , on the 81st day of March , 1903 , file his application to the mayor aud city conucil of the city of Norfolk , Nebraska , for license to sell malt , spiri tuous and vinous liquors for medicinal , mechanical nud chemical purposes , at Norfolk , Nebraska , from the 5th day of Mny , 19C3 , to the 2nd day of May , 1904 , at east half , lot 0block 3 , MathewBon'a addition in First ward of said city. If there is no objection , remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the 31st day of March , 1903 , the said licouso will bo granted. S. R. MoFAKLAND , City Clerk. Application for Saloon Liquor License. Matter of application of George Rolulo for a liquor license. Notice is hereby given that Qeorgo Rohdo did , on the 3rd day of April , 1903 , file his application to the mayor and city council of the citr of Norfolk , Ne braska , for license to sell malt , spirtuons and vinous liquors at Norfolk , No- jraska , from the 5th day of May , 1903 , to the 2nd day of May , 1904 , at east > of lot 2 , block 1 , Koonigstoiu addition u First ward of said city. If there is no objection , remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from , ho 3rd clay of April , 1903 , the said iceiiso will bo granted. S. R. McFAULAKD , i City Clerk. Confeaaloni of a Priest , Rev. Jno. S. Cox of Wake , Ark. , writes , ' -For twelve years I suffered 'rom ' yellow jaundice. I consulted a number of physicians aud tried all sorts of medicines , but got no relief. Then ! began the use of Electric Bitters and I 'eel that I am now cured of a disease that had me in its grnsp for twelve vears. If yon want a reliable medicine for liver and kidney trouble , stomaoh disorder or general debility , get Electrio Bitters. It's guaranteed by Asa K. Leonard. Only 50c. LADIES CAN V/EAR / SHOES one elzo smaller after using Allen's Foot-Ease , a lowdcr to bo shaken into the shoes. It makes tighter or new shoes feel easy ; gives instant relief to corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of tlioa c. Cures and prevents swollen feet , blisters , ; allous and sere spots. Alien's Foot-Ease is a ccr- : alu cure for en eating , hot , aching feet. At all druRglstsandahoo stores , 25c. Trial package FREE by mall. Address , Alien S. Olmstcd , Lo Hey , N. Y. ASK. Druggist for 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE , , Ely's ' Cream Balm Gives Relief at once. It clcan es , soother nnd hcnla the dis < n-u 1 inim- brnnc. It curia C'Mnrrli D and drives nuavix Cold CC U F D in the Ileud quickly. It 1861 3 l W lull Is nusorbvd. lUnls anil Protects the Membrane. lifotoiegtliaSciit-cHof 'laote nnd Smell. Full Blza We. ; Trial l7oli'c.j nt Drnjjsista or by mall. ELV BH01 HiUS. : 00 Warren Strcut. Neir York. KIDNEY ore the most fatal of all eases. Cm CY'9 ' KIDNEY CURE lULtl d GuaranteedRII or money refunded. Conta remedies recognized by e nent physicians as the best Kidney and Bladder troub PRICE 60c. and $1.00. SOLD BY A. H. KIESAU. DON'T BE FOOLEDJ Tak th genuine , original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Mnde only by Madlion Medi cine Co. , Madison , \Vls. It keeps you \\tll. Our trade mark cut on each package. Price , 35 cents. Nevnr in bull ; . Accept no tutr Ark tour Expcvlcnco Convinces. rrovo its -value by investing 10 cents In trial nlzo of Lly's Cream Bnbn. Druggists supply it nndo moil it. Full elzo DO cents. KLY HHOS. , CG Warren St. , New York. Clifton , Arizona , Jan. 20,181)9. ) Messrs. ELY JJnos. : Plenso Bond mo aCO cent bottle of Cream Italm. I find your remedy the quickest and most permanent -nro for cntnrrh and cold in the head. DELI * M. I'oTrnn , Gon.Mgr.Ariz.GoldM.Co. Messrs. I'rvr linos. : I have bocuafllictcd with catarrh for twenty years. It niiulo mo HO tvenk I thouplit I had consumption. I pot erne bott'o of Ely's ( JreamBalia and in throe days the discharge ntoppod. It ia the best nn'ilicino I have used for catarrh. Probarta , Cal. ITiuNE E. KINPLZSFIIUC.