The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 17, 1903, Page 1, Image 1

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Squall Carries Everything
Above Deck Overboard.
Sir Thomas Llpton Badly Bruised.
Knocked Down Violently and His
Head Hurt Friends Wore on the
Weymouth , England , April 17. Spoa-
inl to The News : When Shamrock III
utaHod today for the race with Sham
rock I , Bho was completely dismantled
by a bid squall that came np a short
fFjiy out , and the results were serious.
I The main mast and everything above
the dock were carried overboard. Sev
eral of tbo crew were swept into the
son and one of them wiv * drowned.
Sir Thomas ' Liptou , himself , wns
knocked down in the hatchway with
Bach force as to break the floor below
him. The famous sportsman was nu oh
bruised aud his hand was badly Injured.
The docks were crowded with the
guests of Sir Thomas.
Counsel In Chase Case at Lafayette
Comii to Blows.
Lafayette , Ind. , April 17. There
vras a flat flght In the circuit court
room between Attorneys Dan Sirnrns ,
representing Fred Chase , father of
the young millionaire , Moses Fowler
Chase , and A. L. Kumler , representing
Mr. and Mm. Charles Duhme of Cin
cinnati , who are fighting for the pos
session of young Chase. The attor
neys had met for a conference with
the Judge as to what should be done
with Moses Fowler Chase pending
the hearing of the guardianship case.
Kumler denounced the attorneys on
the other side , and also Chase's
father , and declared that Moses Fow-
j Jer Chase had been brought to Indiana
" "
"from Franco by force and fraud.
Ho had further asserted that the un
fortunate young man was put on ex
hibition at the law offices of Chafe's
attorneys , when ex-Judge B. P. Hammond
mend shouted : "That's an absolute
falsehood. "
Attorney Slmms Jumped up from
his seat and approached Kumler , who
tried to ward him off. Slmms then
landed a fierce right hand swing on
Kumler's Jaw and followed It with a
smash with his left. Both blows
landed , Kumler , protecting himself as
best ho could.
The court room was crowded and !
lawyers , court officials and spectators
B prang toward the combatants and 1
dragged them apart. The Judge fined 1
Slmms $25 for striking the first blow
and this quieted matters.
Linemen Out on a Strike.
Omaha , April 17. Linemen and Inspectors
specters for the Nebraska Telephone ,
"Western Union and Postal Telegraph
companies in this state struck on de
mand for a full recognition of their
Kansas City Man Went to His Death
Kansas City , April 17. Special to ,
The News : "Bad" Taylor was hanged
here today for the murder of Ruth Noll-
ard , his sweetheart who had jilted him
Going to the scaffold he handed his
brother a package of strychnine which
he had had for months. He said he inV -
V tended to commit suicide last night but I
after con version to the Oatholio faith
yesterday ho decided to submit to the
Serious Strikes Expected May 1 and
Employers Orr.3ni.-t to Fight Unions.
Omaha , April 17. The coming of
May 1 is expected to bring on one of
the greatest labor wars in the history
of the city , and thd merchants are se
cretly orga'zing to fight the unions.
Already building upciatlons ave at a
standstill owing to the walkouts of
the employes in this line , and it Is
Bald part of the plan of defense by the
employers will be to reaisc to use any
goods made by union men.
Eight hundred workmen are out of
employment now as a result of the
strike of the hodcarriers and the re
fusal of dealers in building material to
eupply contractors who employ union
labor. Employes In the mills are at
work only on goods to be shipped
out of town. Building is at a stand-
Skulls of Mr. and Mrs. Fair to be
Used in Court.
San Francisco , April 17. Special to
The NOWB : It is learned here this j
morning that the heads of Mr. and Mrs '
Charles Q. Fair were removed before
burial to bo used as evidence in the fight
over their estate.
It is said the skull of Mrs. Fair will
contradict the testimony that she sur
vived her husband.
Yanger Defeats English.
Kansas City , April 17. Benay Yan-
Bcr of Chicago got the decision over
Clarence English of Nebraska City ,
Neb. , in a ten-round go. Yangor out
classed his opponent at all stages of
the contest , except in the second and
ninth rounds , when English made a
fair showing.
Chief Executive Enthu $ {
Good Time He Has } r\Jo j
Cinnabar , Mont. , April 17. J
dent Roosevelt came into Fort
lowstono looking to hu In splendid con
dition and enthusiastic over the good
tlrno ho has had. Secretary Loob
mot him at Major Pitcher's headquar
ters and the two transacted some rou
tine business , the first the president
has done with his secretary slnco ho
wont into the park. After Ills return
from his visit to the president , Secre
tary Loob Issued the following state
ment : .
"Major Pitcher reports that the
president and hit ) party have just re
turned from their eight days' horse
back trip In the north of the park and
alpng the Yellowstone. The parly con
sisted of the president , Major Pitcher ,
John Burroughs , together with an or
derly , the scouts and the packers with
: ho rnulo train. All of the party arc
in excellent health and not an accident
of any kind occurred. On entering the
; > nrk the president informed Major
Pitcher that ho would not under any
circumstances fire a shot at anything
while in the park and ho took neither
rlflo nor shotgun with him. The
party had some good fishing and the
president and Mr. Burroughs spent a
largo part of their time In following
and watching at close quarters the
great herds of game , chiefly elk , but
also mountain sheep , deer and an-
: olopo. The party starts today for the
Interior of the park , to visit the gey
sers and , perhaps , the falls of the Yel
lowstone. They will go in sleighs , on
liorscback , or on skis , according to
the condition of the snow. "
New Affidavits Found by Her for Re
sumption of Case ,
David City , April 17. Special to The
News : A sensation was created here
today in the resumption of a motion for
renewal of the Lillie murder hearing ,
when Mrs. Lillie filed an affidavit to the
ecr. that a revolver found in the well
was 82-calibro , rim fire and used the
same kind of a ballet as was fired by
the murderer , that two cartridges were
empty and three chambers loaded. An
affidavit of the same fact was made by
.Tames Clark , the finder and the owner
of the property. There was also an of
fidavit by Mrs. Curda in regard to the
ball which she found the morning after
the murder in the same yard as the well
is. There was also a man's shirt with
the sleeve blood stained above the wrist
band aud marked with three initials.
The first letter is " 0" the second is in-
distinguishable and the third "S.1
These correspond to the initials of a
man living at that house at the time ol
the murder.
This is all expected to have weight on
the decision for a new trial aud the
motion will be heard tomorrow.
New York Customs Officers Make a
Haul on Steamer Palatla.
New York , April 17. Antonio and
Lulgi Porglo , brothers , first class pas
sengers on the steamer Palatia , which
arrived from Naples , were avested as
they were leaving the steamer and
Jewelry valued at $4,000 was discov
ered In their possession. The customs
officers said each man had around his
waist a canvas belt In which were
ninety-six watches. In their pockets
was other Jewelry , including a diamond
mend ring valued at $1,000 , other
watches , ear rings and silverware.
The brothers were taken before Unit-
ed States Commissioner Huff and held
In $1,000 ball each for appearance on
Violated Child Labor Law.
St. Louis , April 17. Edgar T. Davies -
vies , chief state Inspector of factories
and workshops of Illinois , spent the
day investigating the gloss factories
of East St. Louis to ascertain If there
are violations of the child labor law ,
and stated that proceedings will be in
stituted to bind over to the grand Jury
the officers of one glass firm for the
employment of mere children. \
Charles Dally Died in Fender This
Fender , April 17. Special to The
News : Sheriff Charles Daily , of Thnr
ston county , died here this morning.
Baden Powell In Washington.
Washington , April 17. Major Gen
eral R. Baden Powell , the "hero of
Mafoking , " recently appointed chief
of cavalry of the English army , Is on
a visit to the United States to study
American cavalry tactics and methods
In order that ho may accomplish his
purpose with as llttlo publicity and
ceremony as possible ho is traveling
incognito. Ho arrived hero unan
nounced and registered at the Arling
ton hotel under an assumed name. Ho
visited the war department and paid
his respects to Secretary Root , Lieu
tenant General Miles and Adjutant
General Corbln.
Elevator Bin Collapses.
Duluth , Minn. , April 17. The south
west bin of the Peavey concrete fire
proof elevators collapsed from an un
known cause and loosened 50,000
bushels of flaxseed. The loss Is estl
mated at $10,000. The elevators nro
the largest storage houses in tbo
world and the only concrete ones , in
the United States. This la the second
collapse of a bin within thre years
lectcd President of Manu
facturers' Association.
Resolution Favoring Tariff Revision IB
Tabled After Lengthy Debate Con.
vcntlon Completes Its Work at New
Orleano and Adjourns.
New Orleans , April 17. The eighth
.initial convention of thu National AH.
soclation of Manufacturers ended with
ho unanimous re-election of President
Davlil M. Parry of Indianapolis , There
md been much talk of a movement to
defeat him owing to his position on
ho labor question , hut there were no
surface Indications of dissensions
when the election occurred , the con
vention , with cheers , ordering the
secretary to cast the ballot of the dele-
; ates. An effort was iniulo to secure
tha adoption of a resolution favoring
tariff revision , but It was tabled after
a somewhat lengthy debate. Plttsburg
was chosen ns the place of the next
meeting after a spirited contest , in
which Toledo , Buffalo and Milwaukee
took part. Vice presidents for the
various states represented were chos
en and the remainder of the session
was devoted largely to resolutions of
thanks to the national officers and
others , the splendid hospitality of
New Orleans being recognized in nu
merous resolutions. The speech d
llvered by Carroll D. Wright dealing
with the labor Question wns ordered
printed and distributed as association
Bartender Shoots a Mun.
New York , April 17. Obed Paddock ,
a driver , was shot and killed In a Bow
cry resort and the bartender in the
place , James Carter , was locked up.
The police say he confessed that he
did the shooting.
Wife of Notorious Pugilist Died This
Brooklyn , April 17. Speclil to The
News : The wife of Robert Fitzsimmons
the famous pugilist , died here this morn
ing from an attack of typhoid pnou
Tnis is the woman who , when Fitz
simmous was fighting Oorbett for the
championship , got down against the
ropes at the ringside and called en
conragingly , "Hit him in the wind
Bob 1 Bat him in the slats I"
Low Lake Freights on Wheat Cause
Minneapolis Concerns to Close.
Minneapolis , April 17. Tha North
western Miller says : "Every
flour mill In Minneapolis and practical
ly all of the merchant spring wheat
mills in Minnesota and the northwest
have shut down entirely and will cease
turning out flour for an indefinite pe
riod. This act has been forced upon
the millers by the line boats operating
between Duluth and Buffalo in moving
wheat on a basis of 2 cents per bushe
while the present proportionate rate
on flour from Duluth to Buffalo is
equivalent to 5 cents a bushel. "
Farmers' Co-Operative Exchange.
Chicago , April 17. Stockholders of
the Farmers' National Co-Operative
Exchange company , at a meeting here
voted to change the by-laws of the or
ganlzatlon so as to provide that the
proceeds of one-fourth of the tola
amount of stock should be used in the
erection of grain elcvatora and coh
storage plants and in establishing
branch offices in the different states
The corporation is capitalized at $12 ,
Death of Mining Promoter.
New York , April 17. DoWit
Stearns , a mining promoter who has
been living for the last six months a
the Astor house , died there suddenly
from heart disease. Mr. Stearns came
here from Iowa , and was on his way
to South America.
New York Brokers Assign.
New York , April 17. J. Overton
Payne and Arthur B. Payne , formerly
carrying on business under the name
of J. Overton Payne & Co. , bankers
and brokers , assigned for the bcacfl
of creditors.
Cole County Grand Jury Returns True
Bills Charging Bribery.
Jefferson City , Mo. , April 17.Tlio
Cole county grand Jury Reunion wan
occupied with the examination of Hop-
CBontatlvo O'Fallon , former Senator
lames Orchard and Jessie John , a St.
xntlfl county politician , O'Fallonvun
ho loader of the Republican minority
n the house and It In reported that ho
old the grand Jury of an attempt to
> rlbo him In connection with the slot *
nuchlno bill. Senator Frank Karris
vns called for , hut ho did not appear ,
although he Is In the city. Senator
Stone was not at thu court IIOUHO
when the grand jury called for him
and a subpoena wan Issued for him.
Senator Stona later expressed a will-
ngnesH to testify.
Indictments for bribery are reported
o have been found against four mem
bers of the Missouri semite , thrco
rom the country and one from St.
.oulH. It Is further state on good
authority that two more Ind let men tii
may bo voted tomorrow , when a par-
lal report will probably bo made.
Lee Tries to Evade Service.
KaiwiH City , April 17. Lieutenant
Governor Leo was served with a sub
poena by a Jackson county deputy
marshal just UH ho was leaving the
city on a Chicago and Alton train. Mr.
o la buhl to appear In perfect health ,
rlo loft on the Alton train for Chicago
nstead of the St. Louis train. The
subpoeua served upon Mr. Leo was In
local case. It was used to prevent
a getting beyond the jurisdiction of
the Missouri courts before a St. Louis
summons could be served upon him.
When Leo learned that a deputy was
ooldni ; for him with a subpoena , lie
went across the line to Kansas City ,
Kan. , where ho remained until ho
cumo to tlio Union depot to catch the
Chicago train.
Dr. Gartcll of Missouri Was Executed
Butler , Mo. , April 17. Special to The
News : Dr. Qartoil , tlio oldest man
over hangnd in Mifsourt , wns cxoontcd
for the murder of D. Donegal ) , whom
10 killed two years ago for money. He
was sixty-eight years old.
An explosion has occurred at the
military powder factory near Lisbon.
Several persons were killed.
FJr * which destroyed their homo
burned to death Misses Phoebe and
Llbblo Hcoley at Bear Creek , WIs.
A gas explosion in mine. No. 7 at
Buck , I. T. , resulted In the death of
Dave Fyfe and the injury of five oth
The erecting shop and machine shop
of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad at
Glenwood , Pa. , were damaged $50,000
by lire.
The Hodcarrlers' and Laborers
Union of America adopted a rosolu
tlon endorsing arbitration for adjust
ment of all labor disputes.
H. C. Dougherty , former president
of the National Educational assocla
tion , was thrown from his riding horse
at Peorla and seriously injured.
Governor Peabody vetoed Speaker
Sanford's bill regulatjng the practice
of medicine , over winch there was a
bitter fight In the Colorado legislature
A political malcontent named Stado
Pevetzev has been arrested at Mos
cow , where the czar is staying. The
prisoner was known to have a re
volver on his person.
Consul Ayers , at Rosario , reports
this year's harvest in the Argentina
republic as unprecedented , the bos
estimates placing the corn crop at
approximately 3,500,000 tons.
The Grand Duke Alexis , head of the
Russian' army , Is suffering from
nephritis and has been ordoret
abroad. It Is expected that his sue
cessor will bo the Grand Duke Alex
Under MIchaclovich.
The new furnace of the Cleveland
Cliffs Iron company at Marquette
Mich. , said to bo the largest In the
world , went Into commission Thurs
day. It baa been moro than two years
In building and has cost $1,000,000
Also Adopt Motion to Counsel O'Bie
to be Moderate.
Dnblin , April 17. Special to Th
NOWB : The Irifh convention adopte
strong homo resolutions. They als
adopted moderate counsel regarding th
Wyndham land bill.
DR. 0. A. McKIM , veterinarian
'Phones , office 185 , residence , 14.
SHORT ORDER restaurant , Hnmmel
BEEF and pork today. The Palaoo.
WITH THE present telegraphic ser
vice , THE DAILY NEWS is far moro val
uable than it has ever been before as nn
advertising medium. This is true because -
cause the news of the world reaches its
nubscribers from twenty to twenty-seven
hours earlier than It can by Omaha or
Lincoln papers. On that account
people read it moro thoroughly and
more of them do it. A display ad in
Tint NEWS pays returns , and the locals
are n good proposition ,
Dicfcnderfcr of Wood River
Captures Grand Handicap.
Battle Creek Boy Takes Preliminary
Event and Only Mlosen Big Prize
By One Point Two Tie for Third
Place In Target Contest.
Kantian City , April 17. M. nlofen-
derfer of Wood River , Neb. , flhoutliiK
from the Hlxteen-yard line , won tha
fourth Grand American handicap at
Inanimate targulu with a ncoro of 1)4 )
out of a poiwlblo 100. In winning Out
event , ho defeated practically all of
thu expert mailtBiiien of the country ,
an all of the ftliooteni of note were
entered. Dlofundurfcr , being a low
handicap man , shot during ttio latter
part of the contest and , contrary to
the rule , made bin bunt score at the
last not of traps , when ho brolio
twonty-fivo targota without n mlHn.
Dlefondorfor IHIH been Hhootlng at
targets for about four yearn , but ho
has never been entered In a national
tournament , having been always an
Max 13. Ilenslor of Hattlo Crook ,
Mich. , a nlnutecn-year-old boy , idioot-
ing from the noventeen-yard line , was
second to Dlefendorfer , making a Hcoro
of ninety-three. HciiBlor'H record foi
the tournament turn been excellent.
lleHlden being second In the Grand
American handicap , ho won the trophy
In the preliminary handicap. HeiiBler
and I ) . T. Tlmberlako of Seneca , ICan. ,
eacli broke nlnety-ono targotn In the-
preliminary handicap , but in the Hhoot-
off , Hensler won by breaking twenty-
three tnrgelH out of twcnty-flvo , while
TImborlako broke only twenty-one.
L. J. Squlur of Wilmington , Del. , nine
teen yards , and C. B. Adams of Hock-
well City , la. , eighteen yaidH , tied
for third place In the Grand American ,
each making a score of ninety-two.
Eight men tied for fourth place , with
scores of ninety-one. Among IhoBc ,
J , M. Hughes of Palmyra , WIs. , shot
from the twcnly-two-yard mark ,
thus making the best score made by
the heavily handicapped BhooterH.
Forty-three men will divide the purse-
In the Grand American handicap , all
of whom made a score of eighty-five
or better At the conclusion of the
event , Iroy Dennett , president of the
Interstate association , on behalf of
the association , presented Dlefendcr-
for with a handsome gold watch , the
trophy of victory. Hcnslor was given
a diamond watcli charm for winning
the preliminary handicap.
W. R. Crosby nnd Fred Gilbert , the
two twenty-three-yard men , made
scores of eighty-one and eighty-eight
respectively. H. C. Hlrschy , twenty-
two yards , the winner of last year'H
live bird Grand American handicap ,
inado a score of eighty-six. 13. D , Ful
ford and C. G. Spencer , both twenty-
yard men , made scores of eighty-two
and eighty-four respectively.
Will Meet in Sioux Falls on July 20
for Association.
Sionx Falls , April 17. Special to The
News : A convention has boon called to
meet in this city on July 20 for the pur
pose of organizing an association of the
hotel men of northwestern Iowa , south
western Minnesota and Sonth Dakota.
Presbytery Balks at Club.
Clinton , Mo. , April 17. The Kansas
City presbytery , composed of minis
ters and laymen from Jefferson City
to Kansas City , In session at Osccola ,
unanimously adopted un overture to
the general assembly of the Presby
terian church insisting on its disap
proval of ministers occupying an
equivocal position on temperance. It
came out In the debate that the reso
lution was aimed at Rev. Dr. William
Henry Roberts of Philadelphia , stated
clerk of the general assembly , one of
the most prominent Presbyterian min
isters in America , and a member of
the Union League club of Philadelphia ,
which has a restaurant with a bar at
Cnnal Commission at colon.
Colon , Colombia , April 17. The sub
committee of the United States Pan
ama canal commission , consisting of
Rear Admiral Walker , Brigadier Gen
eral Peter C. Halnes and Professor
Burr , arrived here from New York ,
accompanied by Major William M.
Black of the engineer corps , and a
number of secretaries and engineers ,
to make an inspection of the entire
route of the canal. Admiral Walker
said his stay here would bo short , bul
the other members of the commission
would remain longer nnd investigate
the quality and nature of the work
done on the canal slnco the last re
port. The commission will begin its
work without delay.
Trouble Over Switching Charges.
Chicago , April 17. The cxecutlvo of
ficials of Chicago railroads are great
ly perplexed over cartage and switchIng -
Ing charges. An effort was made to
reach an agreement not to absorb any
such charges , but some of the lines re
fused to enter the pact. The situation
is apparently the most troublesome
ono that has arisen slnco the passage
of the Elklns law. It was agreed to
cease giving transportation to people
desiring to seek locations for indus
Bays Ho Made Confession After He
Gave Up Hope of a Pardon.
Frankfort , Ky , , April 17. Henry
YuulHuy , the iitar wltneim In tlio How
ard trial , loHllfiiiil. llu named Jameii
Howard i , the defendant , ILH the man
who fired the idiot. Hu mild that after
the HhnotltiK ho patmcd through the
ntato tininio immmienl and a few inlu-
titcH later came buck Into the execu
tive building fiom the emit entrance.
"I iitnyi'il ' In ( ho ofllco of Atmltitant
Secretary ol' Htato Matthews , " said
tie , "for a few inoinoiilii and imw Mat-
thowH break open Caleb 1'oworn' of-
llco and find the K nti that had been
left thoro. "
YoulHcy Had that at thu tlnio of the
Rliootlnit ho wan prlvato uucrotary to
Auditor Sweeney , but that whlln bin
political Htatim wan not definitely fixed
it ( watt underiitood ho wiui to have a
good plan ) under Taylor , " ( lovornor
Taylor , " Hald Yuuteuy , "directed every
thing wo did. Wo regarded him UH our
loader , ami wo were morally ru-
HpoiiHlblo for all wo did. Wo knew
wo had the governor and the pardon
ing board behind UH , and wo were not
afraid of punlHhtnunt for killing Goo-
bol. "
Youtnoy on rruHR-oxatnlnntlon mild
that after ho wan urretited and ticnt to
the penitentiary he Htlll hud hope of
gaining hit ) liberty. Ho thought Yor-
ken | watt defeated , howuvor , and about
a year ago ho decided to toll bin Htory
to PrlHon PhyHlclau Tobln. YoutHoy
mild , further , that ho had an additional
Incentive to toll the ntory , an Taylor ,
PoworH and othora bad used him an a
cal'H paw and ticapegoat and then deserted -
sorted him when lie got into troublu.
Was Retired From Survlco for Dis
St. LoniH , April 17. Special to Tl 0
NOWH : Ltontoiiiint Thomas F. Howard
of the United Htiitea army , retired for
dimihility , committed miicido by cutting
his throat with a nr/or , in the BnptiHt
Hiuiltarluin horo.
Rebels "Capture Sultan'o Uncle.
Madrid , April 17. People who luivo
arrived at Tangier , Morocco , report
Unit , the rebelH have captured Muloy
Arufa , the miltan'H uncle They add
that A nil a , afterward , on the promlso
of being appointed to an Important
post , gave lilu adhesion to thp pre
tender. / /
Tangier , April 17. The ' Tan oC
Morocco , linn decided tot onajy ] /
lead nn expedition a'galnst tKcT'formi" '
of the pretender , Bu llnmnra , In the
Taza dlHtrlcf. All Europeans must
leave Fo/ for the cdimt and there
await the termination of the opera
Lou bet Sees Grand Display. '
Algiers , April 17. President Loubob
wltnCHHcd tlio grand military maneu
vers , In which 10,000 troops took part ,
In Mimtapha field. This force- had
been drawn from all parts of the col
ony and wnH reinforced by sallora
and marlncH from the visiting fleet
and by natlvo organizations. The Al
gerian HharpHhootcrs and the zouaves
made an Imposing display and the
whole furnlHhod a brilliant spectacle.
Sierra Reaches San Salvador.
San Salvador , Salvador , April 17.
General Sierra , the retiring president
of Honduras , who has been decidedly
beaten by the forces of General Bo-
nilla , the president-elect , has arrived
here , a fugitive. He was received by
the Salvadoran government , which
courteously offered him guarantees for
his safety. It Is reported that Gen
eral Sierra will soon leave for Nica
Grande Chartreuoo Distillery Closed.
Grenoblo , France , April 17. The po
lice closed and sealed the doors of the
distillery of the Grande Chartreuse at
Fourvolrlo , a few miles from horo.
Father Rcy , on behalf of the establish
ment , protested against the action of.
the police and some hostile cries were
i"nrt. There was no further Incident ,
Son of Ex-Governor of Iowa Dies of
Waterloo , la. , rApril 17 Special to
The News : Louis Boies , son of ex-Gov
ernor BoU'B and himself talked of in
connection with the democratic nomina
tion for governor , died this morning of
typhoid fever.
Vote to Sustain Executive Committee.
New York April 17. The elevated
railroad employes votel unanimously
to sustain their executive committee
in standing out for a nine hour work
day. President Popper says this does
not necessarily mean a strike , as
President Mahon of the International
association had succeeded in reopen
ing negotiations with General Manager
Bryan of the company.
Laundrymen Elect Officers.
DCS Molnes , April 17. The Middle
West Lnundrymon's association ad
journed after electing the following
officers : President , F. J. Klmball of
Omaha , Neb. ; first vice president , H.
H. Shlbley of Sioux Falls , S. D. ; sec-
retary-treasurer , II. O. Benbrock of
Waterloo , la.
Iowa Good Roads Men ,
Des Molues , April 17. The Good
Roads association of Iowa was formed
nt a state convention here. Morrltt
Green of Marshall county vras chosen
president , '