THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , APttJL 3 , 1003 , T Former Enthusiasts Will be in The Game. RARE SPORT IS ASSURED , Mny bo Two Sots of Court * , at Lonut , Rivalry Dotwoon the Holpjlvts nnd The West Sltlo Local Tournaments Plnnnod. , Tuemlay'H Dully 1 With the opening of spring , the tennis season will noon 1m on in Nor folk , Alroiidy there nro plans luuong the outhmlnHlfl of the gumo for n lively tlmo of it thin summer , There will probably bo nt h > nst two Bets of courts laid out and resultant ilvalry will hoop the interest going. The playorn who have always main tained the court nt the corner of Nor folk aviinuo and Eleventh street nro planning for their best season yot. Tim oourt will likely bo raised a hit with Kovornl lo.\dn of olny so that a game may bo h d within nn hour after n fliimmor rain storm. The racquet wioldorflof thnt locality are piling the strings now and within n week or M > will bo out every evening to battle ever the not. They now consider thoniHclven quite the loaders nnd will work hard to defend tlnlr titles. On tlio Heights there may bo tennis Men in thnt section who have been out of the playing for several seasons huvo determined to renew the exorcise and ease they do BOIIIO good sport will bo soon in this section of the city. At ouo time the people on the Heights put up the best tennis in Norfolk. This year they will endeavor to re-establish their record. There worn ouoo n dozen tennis courts in Norfolk kept busy constantly through the sum nor. Thou for n time the interest lagged until it has been , ( luring the past two seasons , hard to getup up n sot of doubles. The tournament Inat full created no little old time spirit , liowovor , nud there will likely bo mnuy rubber shoos worn in town thin year. A north Nebraska tournament is not nt nil improbable nnd sovornl local moots will in nil likelihood bo hold. It is hardly tco early for the organization of a olub. SATURDAY SIFTINGS. Mins Grace Spear is slightly im proved. Mrs. J. K. Hutohiuson is hero from Oakdalo. R. F. . Kottomau of Stauton was nt the Oxnard yesterday. Dr. O. A , MuKlm leaves tonight for n visit to Atohisou , Kansas. Mies Bessie MoFarlnnd loft today for Lynch where she will visit her grand mother. Ira Hull bnq accepted n clerkship in the Bee Hive general merchandise store. fe * J. 0. Moroy of Ploroowns in the city today on bushier , returning on the noon tiain. Low Persons of Fromout nrrivod nt iioon for n visit with his brother's chil dren nud the Horiskoy fnmily ou West Mndisou avenue. II. II. Patterson , formerly of Norfolk but now of Omaha , is at the Oxuard to day. Mr Patterson is traveling out of OJinha for nn engineering house. The Lo Fobvro-Oarpoutor company made an attempt at entertaining n small audience at the Auditorium last ovouing. They nro ou for another per fornmnco tonight. I. M. Mtoy has completed somn very good pictures of scones during the tire that destroyed the Press building. The store building which has boon occupied by L. Boindorff , as a grocery , is today being vacated. Mr. Buiudorff may go to Stauton. The Woman's club has postponed its art mooting until Tuesday evening the 31st , when it will bo held Iu the parlors of the First Congregational church. Dan Knhuloy.has disposed of his inter est in the Hartford harbor shop and ex pects to remove to the state of Wash iugtou , leaving some time next week. Dr. W. H. H. Hngey this nftornoon presented the flro department with his chock for $20 as a gouorous reminder 'of liis appreciation of the department's services on the occasion of the recent Uro. Uro.Tho The firemen have ordered a largo number of button ? , advertising the tournament , which is to be hold iu this city July 21 , 22 and 23. Tbo buttous < will bo hero soon aud everyone will bo announcing the evout on their coa lapels. A doMghtfnl afternoon was given to about sixty ladles yesterday uftoruoor from 4 to 7 o'clock by Mrs. Mary G Uathowcou aud Mrs. J. S. Mnthowsou at the beautiful home of the former on Norfolk avenuo. The decorations were done in pink and red carnations and iavo n pretty effect. The scheme o little tables placed indiscriminately about the parlors was used iu the serving ing of delicious refreshments. MOM&AY MENTION , Norfolk's streets were neves muddier , Election will come just ouo week from tomorrow. It , M. Gaylord inado a baslness trip ' * o Plerco today. "WTM , Robertson is in Pierce todny on legal business. j Norris Hitchcock was iu th'o city from Pierce this morning. JEmll Winter , conuty clerk , ia in Nor ; folk today on business. 7. O. Stitt made a business trip t Battle Greek Saturday. .Mrs. Robert Craft of Missouri Valley Is visiting her sisters , Mrs. Grotty nnd Mrs lloland , Mrs 0 , TJ. Hydn lmn rnturnod from u vlnit with frlomlH in Wisconsin , Mlsn Kloronoo Oroamor of Columbus visited in Norfolk ever Sunday. Mrs. W. V. Oolden of Fremont spent Hiimlay with Miss Hattlo Albory. Mr. nnd MM. Frank Jlnsidl of South Norfolk wont to Omaha Saturday , Minn Hlldreth Slsson Hundayod in Staiiton , a guest at the homo of W , W. Young. Judge nnd Mrs , Powers returned last night from n visit to tholr daughter in Omaha , Mr. nnd Mrs. Sanford Pnrkor of Spoiicnr were guests nt the homo of A. " i-\i. J U , Barnes , jr. , principal of the Tolcamah city HohnoU , paid n visit to its parontH in this city yesterday. County Attorney Mnpos wont to Mad ison this morning to meet with the com- iilHsioners. Miss Loulso Mathowflon has gone to or homo nt Wlnnobngo agency to ipond the week's vacation. lsH MncMillnn , n tonahor iu the ilgh Hohool , wont to Lincoln Saturday o spend the week of vacation. W. 0. Ahlinnu loft nt noon for Pros- tor , Washington , whore ho intends to ingngo in the hardware business. Mrs. G. Hasloy has returned from larIon , la. , where nho was called by ; ho death of her mother. Oommlssionor II , W. Winter wont to iladlson thin morning to attend n moot ing of the county board. Mrs. 13. A. Bullock loft on nn onrly rain this morning for Avoca , In. , where iho WUB called by the serious illness of u ittlo ulooo. L. A. EwitiR passed through Norfolk Saturday on his wny from Sioux Oity o West Point , to spend Sunday. Dr. 0. A. MoKim has returned from tkinson , Neb. , where ho wns called ou itato veterinary business. I Q. Wostorvolt wont to Meadow Qrovo this morning , where ho proposes o do a little farming for n few days. U. Blatt returned yesterday from Hot prlngfl , where ho hns boon for throe or our weeks talcing treatment for rheu matism , Mrs. J. M. Oollnmor , who hns boon ( siting with Norfolk friends , returned o her homo iu Sioux Gity yesterday noon. The nnmo of Wnrron Hurlbort has boon plncod on the ticket by the ropub- Iraua of the Fourth ward ns n candi date for the city council. Owen Brothers , rnilroad contractors , will leave this week to build sixty miles of grade on the Rook Island route , east of Kansas Oity , Missouri. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. K. Dexter nrrivod in his city day from Lowell , Mass. Mr. Duxtor is looking nftor his co'd storage interests iu Norfolk. Mrs. M. A. DaOamp of Olenrwntor visited with her friend , Mrs. M. J. lomig today. She wns ou her way lomo from a visit with her daughter nt Bntto. Lolnnd Daan has returned from Hot Springs , Arkansas , where ho hns been the greater part of the winter iu the interest of his health. If appearances may speak for him , Mr. Denu is much .mprovod. . Mrs. J. W. Finnogau of Ohadrou uccompaniod her husband to Norfolk Saturday to see that ho did not got hurt nt the Elks lodgo. She found thnt her services were not needed , and she turned the trip into a pleasant visit. They re turned last ovouing. Verona , the little daughter of Mr. nud Mrs. Etnil Brumuiuud died this morn ing at their homo near this city nud the funeral will bo hold nt 1 o'clock tomor row aftornoou from the Ohrlst Lutheran church. This is the second child thnt Mr. nud Mrs. Brummnud have lost this spring , nnd Mrs. Brummnud is herself ou the sick list. Au exchange of homes hns boon made iu Norfolk which will canso some mov ing ou north Touth stroot. G. B. Sui ter , who hns lived iu a cottage ou that street between Nebraska nud Prospect avenues , hns completed n trndo with O , S. Hayes for his homo at the coruer of KoeuipBtoin avenue. The now occu pants will move this week. STREET COMMISSIONER WORKS , Walked Bravely Out into a Norfolk Avenue Crossing to Dig. * [ Prom Wednesday's Dolly. ] Midway betwoou early morning aud noon yesterday just when people wore busily about ou their daily shopping errands , Fred Lou , street commissioner , walked boldly out into the middle of Norfolk avenue crossing , with uothlug of fear lest ho might drown and only shovel for safety , stuck out his head nud looked calmly at the mud and wnto about him. People stopped in thoii tracks nnd carriages stood still to watch In upper story windows nloug the street pairs of eager eyes looked out to sea nud saw the street commissioner. With n deliberate swing of the shovel the official dipped down into the mire. A chunk of mud was transferred from ono side of the crossing to the other. Thou again. Ou , on , ho wont until seven consecutive shovolsfnl of the ave nue earth had been shifted from ouo resting place to another. Then the com missioner signnlled for a tug boat , was hauled out aud went to dinner. Like "ray police , " ho may now bo called "my street commissioner. " Card of Thanks. To the many kind friends in Norfolk nnd vicinity wHo have done what they could to assist me to win in the Press piano voting contest I assure you I highly appreciate your efforts and thank you. LIDA SQUTOB. C. W , Mihill Was Wrapped in a Sea of Flame. CLOTHING BURNED FROM HIM , Little Tablets of Potassium Chlornto In n Vest Pocket Started Things- Exploded nnd Sot the Cab Driver Ablaze , [ From Tueodny'B Dally. ] 0. W. Mlhlll , n cnb driver , pretty iipnrlv want un in mnokn vostordnv nftornoon nt C o'clock. As it wns his entire vest disappeared with n pull' ; Rovornl mammoth holes in his trousers mnko them unfit for further wear ; n rubber slicker In completely ruined and a blanket on the box dldn'tlnstn ininuta the bonfire that caught it. A couple of tiny tablets made .of 'Otassium ' chlorate aud nestling peace- ully in the Inft hand vest pocket , were 10 cause of it nil. Mihill had bought iiom for n cold hut when ho rounded lie oornor of First street into Norfolk Tonuo , they made things a bit hotter or him than ho oared to have them , Mihill was driving his cnb from South Norfolk to the business portion of the ity. At South Norfolk ho had bought few of those potassium ohlorato tab ets nnd laid thorn nwny to take every .our. . It wan n brand now vest ho says , nd had nothing in it. As his cnrringo wnng around the corner Mihill loaned. When ho straighsonod up again ho wns n the midst of n flaming flro. His lothing was n regular f nrnaco , nud ho vns buttoned into it. With n sharp , eclslvo puff the cold medicine had ex- lodod nnd in another instant the river's vest wns burned off. In the nix-up , nnd nil nt the same time , n libber coat nnd n fn/.zy blanket nnd the irousors were sot nbln'/o and Mihil rapped in n rolling son of ilaino , nmblod to the ground tosavo his bacou. With a strenuous pull the cab man ore his buruiug clothing from him. L'hou ho throw the blazing blanket to ho curb aud drove on to a tailor shop. Potassium ohlorato is an explosive , t it is considered by exports that it lonld " off" without hardly "go coming n contact with BOIUG other substance. VIr. Mlhlll insists , with regard to that don of the vest , that there was nothing n it. It is n phenomenon quite un- uown hitherto nud Mr. Mihill wns uot ujurod by the blaze. TUESDAY TOPICS. There will bo something doing in Nor- oik this summer. Mrs. J. K. Boas has gene to Sioux Oity for n few days visit. Miss Emma Parker is visiting with Miss RoHolla Golo this week. "Groons" will soon bo ripe and the people who like that sort of diet will bo iviug once more. F. L. Estabrook has rented n store oem at the corner of Norfolk nvouno : \ud Third street for the shipping of iggs , temporarily nt least. With tomorrow , April 1 , Assessor Bruoggenmuu will begin the work of ssossiug the real aud personal property if Norfolk precinct. The West Side Whist club will moot Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Buttorflold. The old riuk , now used as n cnrriago repository by John Krautz , is being re- shingled nud otherwise repaired. Mrs. L. M. Gaylord nud daughter , Florence , leave tonight for Noligh where they will visit relatives for several days. Francis Eisoloy went to Auoka , Boyd conuty , today , to assist his brother through a rash of hardware aud tinning business. Miss Allison Soarlos , of St. Paul , Minn , is expected to arrive in the city tonight. She will bo the guest of Mis Edith McOlary. It would bo n good year for base ball. The uniforms , diamond , grand stand and people are ready for some of the fans to orgauizo. The Knights of the Maccabees will meet at K. P. hall Wednesday evening , April 1. All members are invited. By order of trustees. Julius Hahno lias purchased the Lanv phero place , lota 8 nud 0 , block 5 , Beels addition and is to mnko some substan tial improvements to the property. There will bo a regular mooting of tha-Piouoer Hook nnd Ladder company at the city hall tomorrow night. A good attendance of members is re quested. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Burnett left this morning for the northeast where Mr , Burnett goes to look after contracts let to the Canton Bridge company. They expect to bo nbsout about two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Ahlman , Mr. and Mrs. Dan Knhnloy loft yesterday for Presser , Washington , where they expeci to make tholr home and establish themselves solves iu business. Miss Jessie How accompanied them. Dr. Kate W. Williams , oculist , lefi this morning for a professional trip into Iowa , where she has something o a practice. Dr. Williams will bo goni about ton days , and will visit he : brother in Omaha , enronte. At their meeting iu Madison yoster dny nfternoon , the county commission era decided that it would bo impractio able to call n bond election at the preseu timo. They will moot again on Apr ! ' 10th. Some of the moisture has been re moved from the mud by the combined efforts of the sun and wind , with tin result that the mud is ns deep ns eve : aud has far superior adhesive qnalitie ever the thinner material that has pro vailed. The weather is thickening up also to some extent with the prospects thnt there will ho additional moisture prooipltntod into the mud holes if the wonthor clerk ia given sudlclont time to accomplish Ills evident purpose , A cnb driver who had tnkon his pas senger up on North Eleventh street shortly nftor midnight Inst night , drove into n gutter ns ho came into Norfolk avenue on the return. Doing either drunk or very unreasonable , the follow blamed his horses nnd began to lay on the lash. The roads nro almost too heavy for tradio at nil , but regardless the driver punished the animals brutally for a stretch of two blocks until ouo of them nearly fell from exhaustion. Ho kept them running through the mire and the sharp crack of the whip rang out clearly ou the night nir ns it sank into the hide of the horses. The number of the cnb was taken nud may bo used. Tiio executive committee nnd printing and advertising committee having iu charge the preliminaries for the state dromon's touriiiunnnt to bn lieM in tkis city July 21,22 and 28 , will hoid another meeting at I lie city hall tonight to take further notion. The advertising committee has undertaken the printing on the backs of envelopes of the busi ness men announcements of the ovout and there will soon bo few envelopes sent out from the city but thnt will toll of the attraction to bo given on the above dates. Circulars nro being prepared to soud out to the different departments of the state requesting them to orgauizo a team and prepare to outer the tourna ment contests for ouo or more of the OVOUtfl. WEDNESDAY WRINKLES. Miss Hildroth Sisson has gene to Omaha for a few days' visit. Lyudom Gouuor of Fremont is visit ing with Jamie Larraboo. Goo. W. Box of Sioux Oity is in Norfolk - folk looking after business aud meeting old-time friouds. Mrs. Franklin Baker of Wisuer is visiting her parents , Mr. nud Mrs. Silas Ball. 0. E. Hartford nnd 0. O. Gow wont to Madisou today to attend n Woodmen mooting. ' Mrs. M. A. McMillan loft this morn ing for Omaha to visit friouds for a week or more. The family of Myron Gollamor has re turned from Noligh where they have boon spending the winter. Mrs. S. F. Shnrploss loft on the early train for Randolph to attend a Presby- iorial missionary society meeting for this district. E. R. Hayes arrived homo last night , suffering from an attack of sickness. Ho surprised his parents iu the act of moving to their now homo. The Ladies society of the Congre gational chuAch will meet with Mrs. S. L. Gardner tomorrow afternoon nt 3 o'clock. A full nttoudnuce of members s desired. The mud is drying rapidly and if the rain man will keep his mit out ; a few more days the people will be nblo to wnlk nnd drive over the btreets without going through lakelets of mud. The work of repairing the buildings ilamaged by the Press fire is proceed ing very satisfactorily and the marks of the flro except the ruins of the Press building , will soon bo eliminated from South Fourth street. sjfaSi Two boys named Parsons and Potei. , . who had ruu awny from their homes in * Rook , _ . , _ \ _ _ _ yesterday ou "thoir way to Ouiau % Shortly after they had left , the father1 of the Pnrsans boy nrrived in the city looking for them. The boys had been reading dime novels nud decided to stnrt out ou independent cnreers. A Norfolk lad with n good home was persuaded to go along with them. The annual election of officers of the Norfolk lire department will take place at the regular meeting of the depart ment a week from this evening. More than ordinary iuterest attaches to this election because of the fact that the of ficers will bo more than ordinarily prom inent through the state tournament of firemen which is to bo hold in Norfolk during July. Morgan Griswold , special postal ex- amiuer , arrived in this city at noon from his home in Iowa nnd is this after noon holding nu examination to fill the position of cnrrior on rnrnl route No. 1 , made vacant bv the resignation of Charles Mauweller. Leo Tipton and Al bert Sohlien are taking the examination. The one standing highest will bo ap pointed and the next will be put on register for appointment at the first vacancy. WOMAN'S ' CLUB ART MEETING , An Interesting Entertainment Was Given Last Evening. [ From Wednesday's Dally. ] An interesting art meetiug was given by the Woman's club at the parlors of the First Congregational church last night. About a hundred persons were present , including the Woman's club aud their husbands and the Wednesday olub and their husbands , who were guests of the evening. Holland was the subject. The program was opened with music by Clyde J. Bullock ; an introductory ! talk followed , by Mrs. M. A. McMillan Mrs. H. L. Snyder and Mrs. 0. E. Greene gave a musical number ; Mrs. P. T. Blrahard handled the subjects , 'Dutch Painting" nnd "Duteh Plo- tures , " with etereopticau vijBi' illus trating ; and Mi& SuyderjpR , Mies Sisson flnishedHhe program with1 an in strumental duet. , Tx < The programs were pretty . /little blue prints with Dutch scenes upon them , contributed by Mrs. Birchnrd. Follow- iug Eo program/tfrcfreshments were served in th6 > vSy'of sherbet , cake and mixed nuts. . Lodge Will be Installed in Nor folk Friday and Saturday. BIQ OUTSIDE DELEGATIONS. Are Planning on a Great Old Tlmo. More Than Hundred Members Will Go In From Norfolk Crowds From Other Cltlds , - [ From Wednemlay'B Daily. ] The Eagles , u fraternal society , wil orgauizo in Norfolk next Friday .and Saturday njghts. Something over * 100 members will go into the chapter from Norfolk , alone , nnd the territory of the Norfolk order goes as far west ns the Black Hills. A big delegation of Eagles will nrrlvo from Sioux City , Lincoln , Omaha , Fre mont and Council Bluffs to help start the local crowd out right. Preparations are being made to have a good time. The parnphonalia of the ledge nrrivod yesterday. The members hero were worked up by Fred Bolder of Omaha , three weeks ngo. A hall hns not been definitely selected. - The Eagles pride themselves pnutetag f good fellows. They any they wllllyuwe rip roaring good times in NorfolkJ nr' they ouco start. 1 r.V v , Letter lfrst. List of letters remaining uncalled for nt the postoffioo March 81 , 1003. If not called for in 15 days will bo sent to the dead letter office. W. J. Bennett , Mrs. W. W. Olar k , Mr. Ed. Clark , Oscar D. DynnEgyptinu Remedy Co. , Miss Bessie Flick , Mr. H. M. Gray , Mrs. G. J. Johnson , Mr. Pat rick Kennedy , Grace Lawton , Mr. Wm. Nelson , Miss Bessie Rodon , John Rain- shirt , W. M. Smith. Edward 0. Smith. Miss Rosa Smith. Parties calling for any of the above please say advertised. JOHN R , HATS , P. M. THOUGHT HE WAS DEAD , That Was Not All Wrong Abdel McHenry Was Dead Drunk. [ From Wednesday's Dally. ] The nolice thoucht thov had a dead man this morning when they were called into the Times-Tribune office aud found him sitting motionless at n table. His eyes were wide open , his head bout forward and his arms hanging limply by his side. In a way the police were right the follow was dead , but just dead drunk. Ho is sleeping it off on nn iron bunk in a steel cage this afteruoou. Abdel McHonry that was the name of the fellow wandered up the stairs of the Times-Tribune nnd asked for brenkfnst. It wns brought to him from the kitchen in the rear , and placed on the table. He ate it. Then he fell for ward aud refused to budge. He had n n five dollar bill iu his pocket , beside a half dollar. "Don't you touch those papers , " said the man when he had come to. "If yon do. you'll get into trouble with your Uncle Sam. " "Did you over work for your Uncle Sam ? " they asked. "No , " said Abdel , "I'va ' always worked for my living. " S ? Dr. Seymour will be iu Norfolk Sat- 'unlay , Miy 2 , at the Oxuard hotel. T County Commissioners. ? Madison , Nobv. , March 80 , 1903. At 1 o'clock p. m. board met persuant to adjournment. All members present. On motion the taxes on lot 9 aud west half of lot 10 , block G , Koonigstein's ad dition to Norfolk , were ordered stricken from the tax list for the year 1000 , said lots being church property. On motion the bill of Drs. Bear and Salter for treating Hagblad , was laid over for reconsideration. On motion Olaus Young , chairman of soldiers relief commission was allowed $100. J. B. Donovan , printing "School News , " $30. R. A. Stewart , printing bar docket , etc. , $40.23. Ed wards & Bradford lumber company , ยง 143.80. J. B. Donovan , printing , $51.50. Autelope company , one-half expense on connty line bridge $88.00. H. W. Winter , cash advanced for paupers , $6.50. Nebraska Telephone company , rent toll , $12 55. A proposition to raise revenue for the purpose of building bridges was talked ever but no definite conclusion arrived at. On motion board adjourned to April 1C , 1003. EMIL WINTER , Connty Clerk. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Brouio Quinine tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25o. Sale of Shorthorns. L. Mason & Sous , the well known Short Horn breeders of Pierce , Neb. , having sold their Elkhorn Valley farm , will hold a grand disposal sale of their entire fine Short Horn herd at Norfolk , April 10 , 1003 , at the Dudley barn and yards. Offering will islstof 55 head , 20 bulls nnd 85 females , latter to have calves or bred to Merry Lad 160921 by the great Merry Hampton. Heifers by Lavender Ohief 2nd and Baron Montrath. Write for catalogue at Pierce , Neb. Adrian Craig , living six miles west of N9rfolk , narrowly escaped death by ligntning during last week's storm. A bolt struck the roof of a barn in which Mr. Craig was milking a cow. Another cow , alongside , was instantly killed. This animal was thrown down nnd Mr. Craig was scorched on the ear. Follow ing the wall of the building , the eleo- It Doesn't Scare Folks to be told the truth about Lion Coffee The scare-crow coffees are those that hide under a glazing of factory CESS > glue and etich stuff. Lion Coffpo is pnro , wholesome , nnainzou , rlcu In flaror and uniform In strength. The alr-tlslit , eealed pnckflRo ininros cloanlluosa , frunu- jicta and uniformity. trioily passed out , killing n cow nnd two colts. The bnru wns sot nflro by the stroke , but the heavy rain that was pouring , extinguished the flumes before any real damage wns done. SENATOR ALDEN'S ' WORK , Got Hospital Bill Through Senate Without a Dissenting Vote. ' 'Tho following letter from the assistant secretary of the senate explains - , plains itself. Being on the ground ho has au opportunity to witness what is going on in the legislature , and his opinion of Senator Aldeu has boon formed from personal observation. Lincoln , April 1. Norfolk Daily News : House Roll No. 28 , appropriates the sum of $100,000 to rebuild the hos pital for the iusatio at Norfolk , which appropriation hns been agreed to by the senate , and having boeu passed with tbo emergency clause , will bo immedi ately available. The city of Norfolk and the people of the state at large are to be congratulated on the passage of this bill. It provides the way for the restoration of the burned buildiug , iu the end hotter than before the calamity occurred. No little credit for this result is duo to the nble senator from the Eleventh district , Dr. J. M. Alden of Pierce. Senator Aldeu never lost sight of the measure , and it is largely due to his good maunuement thnt the nnnrnnri- ation did not have a dissenting vote in the senate when the bill came up iu that body for passage. The senator from the Eleventh dis- i i trict has certainly earned the common- - r \ dntion of his constituents. 1 i Yours Truly , W. M. WIIEELER. FIREMEN MET LAST NIGHT , Executive Committee is Pushing Plans for Coming Tournament. [ From Wednesday's Dally.J The executive committee of the fire men's tournament met Inst night in the city hall. It was reported that 25,000 envelopes will be printed with the advertisement of the meet , and used by Norfolk merchants. A dance will bo held Monday evening- April 13 to raise funds. The subscription committee was in structed to go ahead with the soliciting and complete their work. MRS , VAIL WINS PIANO , Instrument Goes to Popular Landlady ofOxnard. [ From Tuesday's Dally. ] In the piano contest at > The Press office , which closed at'noon today , Mrs. 0. H. Vail won the instrument with a vote of 68,260 , Miss Lulu E rails was second with 53,403 votes and Miss Lyda Squires third with 18,176. The contest has been on for about throe months. RHEUMATISM CURED AT LAST Good News to All who Suffer With -X Rheumatism Free. To all who suffer with rheumatism I will gladly send free the wonderful story of how my mother was cured after years of suffering , together with the most elaborate treatise on rheuma tism ever published , No matter what your form , of rheu matism is , whether acute , chronic , mnscnlnr , inflammatory , doforinant , scintio , neuralgia , gout , lumbago , etc no matter how many so-called "sure cures" you have tried I want you to write to me and let me toll yon how mother was cured. I am neither a doctor nor a professor i simply a plain man of business but I have a euro for rheumatism , and I want to tell everyone who suffers with rheumatism all about it. I wish to bo clearly understood , and trust that all who are suffering with this terrible disease , however , apparently beyond the reach of euro , will write to mo this day aud I will send you by return mail this work of mine. I appeal especially j to the "chronically ill" who are wearied > and discouraged with "doctoring" aud to those who have boon cast aside as ! "incurable. " All yon have thought about rheumatism may bo wrong. Let ' j mo tell you our experience. Surely , if yon have a suffering friend , it will pay yon to investigate my offer , anyway , j aud prove for yourself these claims I make. Send me your address today a postal card will do and I will mail you this ' wouderfnl story. If yon have any i : friends suffering with rheumatism no ' matter where located , send mo their address , aud I will mail them a copy. My address is Victor Rainbolt , Bloomfield - field , Ind. < W