TJIE NORFOLK NEWS : Fill DAY , APRIL 3,1003 , 3 lt si into the skin VT" absorbed by the muscles like rnin falling upon the thirsty earth. T" It goes right clown to the most intense pain and stops it. ' ' . j Mustang id . It will cure anything that any good liniment is designed to cure. b M 1T" % M W ' I ' Keep it handy in case you or your dumb animals get hurt. ' CURES Rheumatism , Lumbago , Sprains , Bunis9 Bruises and all hurts * Miss Nellie Handley Took High est Honors at Columbus. NORTH NEBRASKA ORATORY. Representative of Local High School Captured The House With Humor ous Selection "Her Cuban Tea. " Norfolk's Custom Uphold. [ From Thursday's Dally. ] In the oratorical contest of ( ho North Nebraska Teachers' association hold at Oolaiubus last night , Miss Nellie Hand- ley of this city won first honors on a humorous reading entitled "Her Oubau Tea. " An immense crowd of auditors was present at the contest , and Miss Haudloy was cheered to the echo. Miss Handley has wou honors in olo- cation for Norfolk before. Two years ago she took first place in the local contest and second in the district con test , in which she wou last night. She is a senior in the high school of this city. Norfolk has alwaj s been proud of her impersonators , and has any number of times carried away the colors at dis trict and state contests. Herbert Daniels won first place in this same contest ; Miss Maud Tannohill has won the same medal ; Miss Winnie Owen took second in the district con test ; and Clyde Hayes was first an- Otlior year. More than this , Miss Tannohill went to the state contest in 1000 , took first place on her "Susie Smith , " while . ' V Olydo Hayes did the same thing in 181)0 ) N .1" with "The Yankee in Love. " Miss Handloy , as a representative . ' \ from north Nebraska , is now entitled to enter the state contest. She intends to specialize in olooution. FATAL EXPLOSION IN MINE. Six Men Are Killed and Six Othen Seriously Injured. Centralla , 111. , April 1. An explosion of gas and coal dust In the coal shaft at Sandoval , six miles north of this city , resulted In the instant death ol four men , the death of ono other be fore the top of the shaft was reached , and the death of another who died eoon after reaching his home. Those who were killed In the mine were : Lafo Leaney , Frank Deroe , Joe The basco , John Glaclno and Joe Blanco. Six others were terribly burned about the head and chest. Those seriously burned were : Allen and Henry New- house , Henry Wheeler , Frank Day , Charles T. Lewis and "William McFad- den. Henry Newhouso died soon after being taken home. The accident was due to an accu mulation of gases In the mine from Imperfect ventilation and coal dust , which had been allowed to gather to a depth of two feet In many places. The force of the explosion wrecked the Interior of the mines , destroying trapdoors and knocking down props The mine recently suffered from a fire Jn which all the frame work was burned to the ground , with a loss of about $10,000. RIVER CONDITION IS IMPROVED. Hymelia Crevasse Is Kept In Check. State Convict Farm Flooded. Now Orleans , April 1. With a net fall of two-tenths of a foot In the past twenty-four hours and encouraging news from the scene of the struggle at Hymelia , river conditions are considerably Improved. The only dis quieting news of the day was the crevasse at Angola , but the Importance of this break was mlnlmlzled to some extent by the news that the damage T" resulting would bo largely confined to the state convict farm located there. The loss to the state will be heavy. Flood Is Subsiding at Greenville. Greenvlllfy Miss. , Apdl 1. The flood situation , both In Greenville and sur rounding territory , shows improve tnent , and there is little apprehension of further complications. The water is falling in the city. The Buffering and distress have been greatly re lieved and the work towards prevent ing widening of the two crevasses to the south of the city Is meeting with better success. Armstrong aentenced To Hang , Baker City , Ore. , April 1. Pleasant Armotrong , who was convicted of mur der in the first degree Saturday last for the murder of Minnie Knsmlnger last Christmas , was sentenced to be banged May 8. Fall of Volcanic Ashes. \Veiser 1 , Ida. , April 1. During a fcatvy shower there was a fall of some white alkali substance. Windows were white with It and It had a salty taste. Many persons were of the opinion V. Xraa volcanic ashes. ACCUSED OF CORRUPTION. Alderman Novak of Chicago 'Charged With Drlbe-Taklna. Chicago , April 1. Edward J. No vak , nlilermun from the Tenth ward , Is accused of corruption In the mlsusu of his power as state legislator and city councilman. The accusation came In the hearing of a llbol suit brought by Alderman Novak against August Gerrlngor , editor of a Bohe mian newspaper. John G. Panoch , former partner of the alderman In the real estate business , made the charges against Novak from the wit ness stand. "Alderman Novak told mo that he cleared $7,000 In the legis lature , " Bald Panoch. "Ho said that he got $0,000 on ono bill , $700 for voting ing for another and also received com pensation In connection with a third measure. Ho told me that ho received $2,500 for a certain ordinance passed by the city council. " Fears for Safety of Train. . Truckeo , Cal. , April 2. Grave fears are entertained for the safety of a train which left hero for Lake Tahoe , on the Truckeo and Tahoe narrow gauge. It carried a dozen people , In cluding two ladles from San Francisco and some officers of the road. The Truckeo river is much swollen and may have washed away ono of the seven bridges which cross It , or the banks may have caved , precipitat ing the train Into the river. Men on snowshoes have started from bplu ends of the road and a largo partyMa organizing to leave hero soon. ' Stockton Streets Under VVater./ Stockton , Cal. , April 2. Several streets In Stockton are under water , owing to overflow of the San Joaquln river. Cellars and basements are flooded all over town , and water Is also backing up In the rainwater sow ers. Sidewalks arc floating away In several places. A river Is sweeping through the lower end of town , and many houses are cut off from commu nlcatlon. Schools have closed , the pu plls being sent home as soon as It was evident that a flood was Immi nent. Reach an Agreement. New Haven , Conn. , April 2. The differences between the trainmen of the New York , New Haven and Hart ford company and their employers have been amicably settled. After conferences between a committee rep resenting the trainmen on one side and a committee representing the dl rectors on the other , It was an nounced that nn agreement bad been reached. There was nothing , however , to Indicate what concessions have been made to the men. Wreck on the Big Four. North Manchester , Ind. , April 2. A Big Four passenger train , running at full speed , crashed head-on Into a southbound freight three miles north of here. Engineer Havy of Wabash , Ind. , was Instantly killed and Brakeman - man Will Hageu Is missing and Is thought to be under the engine. Bag gageman Soavy sustained probably fatal Injuries. Both engines were al most demolished. Several passengers are reported Injured. Tacoma Strike Declared Off. Tacoma , Wash. , April 2. The strike of street car men against the Tacoma Railway and Power company has been officially declared off by the street railway employes' union. The strik ers are to bo taken back at the same wages as they received before the strike and as rapidly as places maybe bo found for them In the service oJ the company. Fat Man's Race Is Fatal. Sioux City , April 2. J. H. Ball died In the Samaritan hospital hero from the effects of having Indulged In a fat- man's foot race. With two other com panions he participated In a sprint In which 200 pounds was the minimum limit. Ball received Injuries which In two days caused his death. Two Men Shot by a Woman. Concordla , Kan. , April 2. Mrs , Strums shot and fatally wounded Al bert Tatro , an ex-convict , and shot Charles Forkner through the thigh. The men wore trying to enter the wom an's house when she fired at them. Turks Repulse Albanians. St. Petersburg , April 1. It Is stated on good authority that after two hours' flchtlnr , the Turkish troops repulsed the Albanian attack on Mltroyltza. The Albanians lost heatHy. Turkey ban sent troops from the vilayet ol Aidln , Asia Minor , to Albania. Catalans Issue Manifesto. Madrid , April 1. The Catalan party at Barcelona .has Issued a menacing manifesto against the government , which has produced an extraordinary sensation. The disorders continue In Valencia , where the chief of police has been dismissed. Mrs. L. G. Peters Arrived From California Last Night. BOY HAD JUST LEFT FOR OMAHA She Did Not Know Ho Had Loft Homo Hears of It in Norfolk This Morning Boy Was Stopped A Good Natured Mother. [ From Thursrttiy'H Dully. ] Little did Mrs. L. G. Peters of Rock Ilnplds , la. , roali/,0 , when she arrived in Norfolk lust night over the Union Puoillo from California , that scarcely twenty hours earlier her sixtoeu-yoara- old sou , Raymond , had passed through the city headed in exactly the opposite direction and running away froth the homo in which she bad loft him last fall. That was the case , .but not-until this morning did \i\o \ mother learn any thing about it. Ytt f Tuesday two bbylgrom Rook 'jBa'p.idH ' passed through Narvik running , away from homo. One Was Parsons , thu other Peters. They1" loft for Omaha. Last night , singularly ouongh , Mrs. Peters , onroute homo from California whore she has boon spending the winter , came to Norfolk. Today she learned about her boy and also learned tlmtho- had boon stopped in his llight by the father of the Parsons boy at South Nor folk yesterday. Ho tried to rnn , but on a switch engine the pursuer overtook him. The Parsons boy had gone on to Omaha , so the captor and captive fol lowed to make the ether catch. When seen at her hotel parlors this morning , Mrs. Peters laughed good uaturodly about the incident. It was hard to realize that a boy would over have loft her homo , unless he grow melancholy at her absence. She had a handsome little follow four years old with her today. "I have to laugh at Raymond , " she said "I don't like that sort of thing , but boys will bo boys , I guess. " Mrs. Peters has a son , E. J. Peters , in Norfolk , who has a position at the Fair store. KING TO VISIT POPE , Edward of England Will Soon Call on Pope Leo. Rome , April 2. Special to The News : It is officially stated that King Edward of England will soon pay a visit to Pope Loo. AC.CIDENT AT ARTILLERY DRILL. Corporal Killed and Three Soldiers Seriously Injured. Washington , April 1. The overturnIng - Ing of a heavy pleco of artillery in tk * drill hall at Fort Myer , Virginia , during the regular drill of the Fourth battery of field artillery , caused the death of Corporal Charles J. Slavln and the Injury of three ether soldiers. When the accident occurred the bat tery detachment , consisting of four pieces , was tearing at a gallop around the drill hall In column. As the heavy guns took the turn at a corner the wheels of the leading piece struck a nit under the tanbark and the entire piece was turned upside down. Slavln was the gunner of this piece and was seated on the limber chest. Ho was hurled to the ground , the heavy ord nance falling squarely across his body On the limber case with him were Frank W. Rellley and Marcus Shores. The former % vas severely , though not fatally , Injured , while Shores escaped any harm. On the axle seats of the overturned pleco were Elmer Wehn and Jesse Woods.- The latter escaped Injury , but Wehn was thrown be * neath the axle of the overturned gun , receiving Injuries to his neck. Diaz Opens Congress. Mexico City , April 2. President Diaz opened congress In the presence of a brilliant audience , Including many visiting Americans of distinction , In vited for the occasion. In his mes sage , speaking of the decision against Mexico by The Hague tribunal In the matter of the Plus fund , President Diaz said that although the decision was adverse to Mexico it served to demonstrate before the world that there are peaceful means of settling international questions. Space Is given In the message to educational matters , In which a steady Improv- ment has been made. The mining In dustry continues making solid prog- ress. Drank Poisoned Whisky. Greeley , Colo. , April 1. As the re- nult of drinking poisoned whisky , L T. Brlscoe , an old resident of Greeloy. is dead ; John Yates is lying at death's door and Al Grossnlckel Is in a serious condition. Magnus Oleson , who fur nished the whisky , is missing. DEATH IN AUTOMOBILE RACE. Count Eliot Zborowskl nnd Dnron do Pnllanae Killed Near Nice. Nice , April U. Count Eliot Hborow- nld ol' Is'I en was klllutl In an automo- bllo hlll-cllmblng rum botwuon here and I.a Turlilu. The count'n car tunu.'il a sharp anglo too ( illicitly , turned over and wan wrecked. The count was hurled ngi\lnnt a rock , his bond was unlit open and ho died In- Btantly. Ilia chauffeur was fatally Injured. Thu race was then stopped. Haron do Pallungo , who acted an Count Hborowfikl'fl chauffeur , died of the InjurloH ho received when ho wan thrown from the car. The wltnoanen of the start of the race say that ZbnroWHkl wore white kid gloves , which prevented him from having a firm grasp of the brake. At the sig nal to go ho started nt half npood , which was soon Increased to full npoud. The accident occurred at the flrnt turning of the road. The shock wan torrlflc nnd Xborowakl was shot from his car and struck the wall beside the road with bis head about six feet from the ground. Ho fell to the ground dead , with his arms outstretched. Baron do Pallango wan thrown to the left. At the same instant that Count Khorowflkl and Baron do Pal lange met their death another acci dent occurred at another point on the road. The chain of Baron Gustoaux'H automobile broke and the car was overturned against the rocks. The baron , nnd his chauffeur were thrown out , but both escaped with severe bruises. Relief Committee Makes Report. Now York , April 1 , The Now York committee appointed ' by President Ilooscvelt for the relief of the West Indies Eufforors at St. 'Pierre , on ac count of the volcanic eruptions , made a report to the president. The flnan- clal statement shown 'that subscrip tions amounting to $157i > 2i were re ceived and { .hat only $70 , 73 was ex pended for i' ' < JJef { worjc. - Whcn that amount 1aj ( tce ( . 'piald It'was found that np&nOTe "Wimjios' worp needed. The cbmfnlttce 'Bayfc ' that 50 per cent of the amount can now bo returned , but President Roosevelt having sug gested that some donors might wish to send their balances to Governor Taft In response to his appeal for aid for sufferers In the Philippines , the committee has decided to ask sub scribers what they wish to do with the money duo them. Decides in Favor of Salt Trust. Detroit , April 2. In the Wayne cir cuit court Judge Donovan directed n verdict for the defendant In the suit brought by the Walton Salt company of Algonac , Mich. , against the National Salt company , the so-called trust , to enforce a contract made with the Wal ton company by the National Salt company , by which $1,000 per month was to bo paid to the Algonac com pany for remaining Idle. The contract was made In 1899. Judge Donovan holds that the contract Is In violation of the Sherman anti-trust act , and therefore void. This ruling Is of great Importance to the National Salt com pany , which Is now In the hands of a receiver , as It will servo to annul a number of contracts of similar nature. MOODY IS AT SAN JUAN. Harbor There May Be Selected aa Site for a Naval Coaling Station. San Juan , P. R. , April 2. The Unit ed States dispatch boat Dolphin , which arrived from St. Thomas , visited Culobra Island before coming hero. Governor Hunt went on board the dispatch boat and explained to Secre tary Moody that the dredging of San Juan harbor , which has a soft mud and coral bottom , does not present any engineering difficulties. Mr. Moody , when Interviewed re garding the chances of San Juan be ing selected as a slto for a coaling station , and being Informed that the legislature was disposed to grant any necessary lands free of cost , said : "If It can bo easily dredged there Is a possibility that the harbor may do. " To Move Burlington Offices. Lincoln , April 2. Orders from Chicago - cage announce the transfer in May from Lincoln to Chicago of the car ac countant's office of the Burlington sys tem In Nebraska. The local force comprises seventy men and Chief Ac countant Frank M. Lucoro will be come assistant car accountant for the "Q" system. The transfer of the Mis souri office from St. Joseph to Chicago cage will be made at the same time. The change Is regarded here as a move on the part of James J. Hill to consolidate departments. To Investigate Alton Reorganization. Springfield , 111. , April 2. A legis lative Investigation of the Chicago and Alton railroad reorganization was proposed In the state senate. Senator II. N. Evans of Aurora , 111. , Introduced the resolution providing for the In vestigation. H D W A R E Wourol'UHAHKl ) to Moot Your WantH for Poultry Netting , Garden TOOS" ! = In fiuit , iiliiiost ovory- tliliiK tlmt'fi iimiihul to BTAHT YOU OUT for \irinliiK < or Ourd- cuing ever found in a lumlwaro ntoru , Q. E. MOORE. I YOU MUST NOT FORGET Thai wo iiro conslanily growing in iho art of making Fine Photos , and our products will al ways bo fouud to oin brace the and Newest Styles in Cards and Fiuiaff. Wo also carry a ( ino line of Moldings suitable for all kinds of framing. framing.I. I. 3MC- DYSPEPTIC WORM CAKES Arc n Positive Cure for Indigestion , Constipation , Fcuvcrw , Paul and weak Slomnclis. A noted doctor of Chicago Btntcd tluit liu believed n HOc. box of Slocuin's Worm Coke would give more relief tliun $ 50 worth of ordinary doctor's fees. I'rlco SOcts. l > y mall ony- | R. v. SLOCUM 720 W. North Avenue , Chicago , - Your Tongue If it's coated , your stomach is bad , your liver is out of order. Ayer's Pills will clean your tongue , cure your dys pepsia , make your liver right. Easy to take , easy to operate. 25c. All druggists. Want your inmutnclm or henrd a beautiful brown or rich Muck 7 Tliuu uia BUCKINGHAM'S DYE CO Clt. OF Dmxw T , on B P. HIL A CO , N Mi A , N H. GO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone tending n nkotrn nnd doncrtntlon mar quickly ascertain our opinion frco whether an Invention In probnbl/pntontiihlo. Comniunlca- tlona trtcUrconUdontlnl. HANDBOOK on Patent * lontfroo. Oldest uponc ? lor iccunuR patent * . 1'ntcnU taken Uiroutih Jlunn & Co. receive tptctal notice , without chnrKo , In the Scientific A handsomely Illnntrntod weekly. J-nrKCut cir culation of any BCleiitliln journal. Term , 13 o year : four months , { L Bold brail nenadcalom. MUNN & Co New York Ursnco Offlco. CSS BU Wasbluicton. U. C. have been grown by thousands of sat- Jisficd customers for over fifty years. I f They are aa gooj ai can be procured any. ' where In the world. At the pricei llitcil In our catalogue c deliver goods to you PREB of expreaa or mall charges. VicK's Garden ( SL Floral Guide for 1903 Valuable to everyone who plants seeds , whether it's only a flower bed or nn immense farm. It is not a mere cata logue , but a work ol reference , full , of profitable information. A book of over lee illustrated pages. Free , if you mention this paper. Write for it. Farmer's XiandbooK A valuable reference book that tcllt all about the culture and care of crops , preparation of land , fertllltlng , spraying , etc. Sent FKKE If desired. JAMES VICIC'S SONS RocHaator , N w YorlC HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS. On November nth , and 19th , and , December iird , and 17th , the MifiHoufi Pacific Hallway will Bell tickets to cer tain points in the South , Southeast , and Southwest , at thojrato of ono faro for the round trip , plns S.OO. Final re turn limit 21 days from date of sale. Fast Time and Superior Through Ser vice. Reclining Ohair Oars ( seats free ) . Pullman Buffet Sleeping Oars. For further information or land pam phlets , address , V W. O. BARNES T. P. A. . Omaha , Neb H. C. TOWNSEND , C. E. STYLES , a. P. & T. A. A. a. p. & T A. . St. Louis , Mo. Kansas City , Mo. CURES A GOLD IN ONE DA CURES GRIP IN TWO DAYS LAX/VriVE / BROMO QUININE L THIS BIQNATUBB MUST Al'I'KAll ON EVERY BOX OF THE GENUINE . . . .TRY. . . . \ THE . NEWS UP-TO-DATE PRINTING.