The Only Liniment That Has Held The Farmers' Faith For Two Generations , > \ II/L. / r * > JVl C ? VI C9 A M H is the pioneer ofliniments , TfHy 9 clTlJGyVlW//\l 1 it has stood thci test of time. " . \ . * Tlio morcpcopIcJusoit the morcfaltli T / - * > FH A < r - - ' BECAUSE IT HAS CURED JVi I T Q | A l\ff thc.V Jiave Irt ! t * Ifl.VJx 1 r l 1 ( VI BVERY HURT OF HAN OR BEAST - It is just as good to relieve your pains THAT CAN BE CURFD RV A noon , I 1 Ifc. T 1 mT m. Y HP to-day as it was to relieve the aches //1 / p | Vf and pains of your grandfathers over -HONEST , PENETRATING LINIMENT. A-WA 1 1 11" IJL l 1 1 sixty years ago. -"Disagreeable Day Keeps Norfolk - folk People Within Doors. "ALMOST A BLIZZARD OF ICE. Traffic Has Been Difficult All Day Nearly Impossible to Walk Thick isr Coating Covers tlio Earth In This Corner of It. tFrom Thursday's Dally. ] What appeared ourly this morning to 'lio notbiiig moro than n driz/.llug , 'fllushy rulu , 1ms developed , hour by hoar through the day , iuto ouo of the most disagreeable , though not Bovoro , of the winter's storms. With n chilly wind coming down from the north , "tho falling wuter was soon turned to an icy sleet nnd this afternoon finds Nor folk and the country about it wrapped tightly in a thick , slippery coating of slimy , slushy crust which tangles you np when you try to walk and slides you back when yon try to advance. The weather department hung out the threatening sign yesterday and to day have gone it one better And prom ised rain or snow tonight. and Friday , with the threatening conditions continu ing. The low barometer has its nerve. The calendar seems to say that spring has arrived , but the storm stares the gentle season in the face and throws snow balls at it. With half a tendency toward a real light snow , the heavens have thrown a dimness over the city and with half a tendency moro there might be a blizzard in all earnestness. WARSHIPS RESTORE ORDER. Rebels Are In Possession of the City of San Domingo. San Domingo , March 25. Quiet has "been restored in this city by the war ships in port. The minister of war , Plclmrdo , has surrendered to the revo- unionists and the minister of posts and telegraphs , Senor Castillo , has joined the foreign minister , Senor Sanchez , in taking refuge at the Unit ed States consulate. The inhabitants -of the villages around this city arc Joining in the revolutionary move ment. No news is obtainable from the southern and northern parts of the island. There was severe lighting at Lavega , but the result is not Known. If the north and south refuse to join in the revolutionary movement the sit uatlon may become more serious. Commerce Is at a standstill and there is considerable anxiety as to the fut ure. A warship is going to San Pedro -de Maroris , to the eastward of tna city , in order to complete the sur render. The warship Presldente , which is off the northern coast of the Island , is in the possession of Presi dent Vasquez. Washington , March 25. United ill States Consul General Maxwell at San Domingo telegraphed the secretary ol state that the city of San Domingo la in the control of the revolutionists , the government forces having been de feated , and that President Vasquez 'is in Mocha. DOZEN KILLED IN RIOT. Further Trouble Is Feared at Port ol Spain , Trinidad. Port of Spain , Trinidad , March 25. 'Twelve natives were killed and sixty wounded , many of them noncombatants - -ants and women , during Monday's riot , ing. The government building was destroyed by the rioters and the police barracks was damaged by flro and water. All the government records in ' j the colonial secretary's office , the court house , the crown lands and other departments were destroyed. More speeches are being made against the water ordinance , and there is a probability of further serious trouble. The court house , which cost 1350,000 , is completely gutted and the contents of the vault destroyed. The chamber of commerce is holding a mooting , with a view to cabling the home government requesting the re call of the high officials here. POLITICS CUTS A FIGURE. , 'Man Who IB Not a Good Republican Is Turned Down for an Office. Washington , March 25. In connection - tion with the appointment of Mr. Per son as postmaster at Wilson , N. 0. , the postofflco department Issued the following statement : "After a careful investigation the department came to the conclusion that Senator Prltchard was right in the statement that Mr. Vick had not supported the Republican ticket , and , consequently , had forfeited his claim to party recognition. Therefore , Mr. Person , who was recommended by Senator Prltchard , has been appoint ed. " Panic at Chinese Sham Battle. Victoria , B. C. , March 25. According - ing to advices received from the Ori ent , the grand review of Chang Chih Tung's modern drilled soldiers in the Yangtse provinces , together with the naval squadrons , was a great naval and military display , vr trous to the populace and n largo num ber of lives wcro lost. When the sham battle started a panic seized the whole populace , a report having been spread that an Invasion was to take placo. So great was the panic that milclilo was resorted to , and It Is roportett also { hat many children wore drowned in order to got rid of them to allow their parents to run faster. TILLMAN STIRS HEARERS. South Carolina Senator Gets Mixed Reception at Detroit. Detroit , March 25. Senator Tlllman was greeted by alternate storms of ap plause and hisses when ho delivered an impassioned address on the race problem at Light Guard armory , the audience being evidently divided be tween upholders of his Ideas nnd strenuous opponents of them. Ho said that the north demanded majority rule and , with a sneer , added that there were 235,000 more negroes than whlto people in South Carolina. "It will mean that moro blood will How than was shed in the civil war If you persist in trying to subject us to the domination of the blacks. " Upon tne Henator's reference to some of Sher man's army as bummers , chicken thieves and carpetbaggers , his north ern audlenco broke out Into such violent lent hisses that the speech was inter rupted and some of the moro timid ones in the audlonro fcnrod trouble. TEA IMPORTERS UNITE. Object Said to Be to Prevent Imports- tatlon of Impure Teas. New York , March 25. One hundred and sixty Importers , wholesalers and retailers of tea throughout the coun try have united to form the National Tea association of the United States. The objects of the association are de clared to be the support of the law of 1897 , forbidding the Importation of Im pure teas , and the promotion of the consumption of tea in the United States by disseminating information In regard to its quality and the proper methods of its preparation. Smalloox Patient Given 25 Lashes. Columbus , O. , March 25. The whip ping post , was resorted to at the small pox hospital to maintain discipline. Hugh Murphy , a negro suffering from smallpox , attacked and badly wounded T. V. Flowers , another patient , with a fork. Dr. Belbel , superintendent of the hospital , decreed that Murphy should receive twcnty-fivo lashes on his bare back , and the punishment was inflicted by the superintendent himself after the offender had been tied to a post by attendants. Kalcer Invites American Warships. Washington , March 25. The Post says : "Emperor William of Germany has given further striking proof of his desire to maintain friendly relations with the United States. In a personal cablegram to President Roosevelt , ho has Invited the battle fleet of the United States In North American waters to visit Kiel , Germany , during regatta week , In May. The emperor'a message will not be made public until the president has sent his reply. " Preaching Orders Expelled From Fran Paris , March 25. The chamber of deputies , by a vote of 304 to 246 , re jected all the applications for author ization made by the religious preach ing orders. The entire session was devoted to a discussion of the govern ment's bill , which opposes the applica tion of the preaching orders for au thorization. Among the orders who are thus expelled from Franco is the English Passlonlst order , which con ducts a church in the Avenue Ilercho for American and English Catholics , and in whose behalf British Ambassa dor Monson and United States Am bassador Porter recently Interested themselves. \ Flood Situation Unchanged. New Orleans , March 25. The Mis sissippi river guago here registers 20.1 feet , a rise of 0.1 , but the condi tions are unchanged and the engineers still -expect the crest of the flood to pass without mishap , oven in the La Fourcho and Pontchartraln districts , where the hardest fight is being made. A report received from Donaldsonvllle , La. , states that' the break in La Fourche's levee , although causing a fall in the bayou at Napoleonville , has caused no fall on cither side of the river or the bayou at Donaldsonville and that , on the contrary , the river there rose 0.3 in the past twenty-four hours. Bank Robbera Use Dynamite. Owlngsville , Ky. , March 25. An at tempt was made to rob the Salt Lick Deposit bank. There were two explo sions of dynamite. The flrst explosion failed to open the vaults , but it aroused t'.e citizens , who assembled before the robbers secured the con tents of the vaults. The robbers 03- caped , but had previously robbed sa cral storea. Ho Would Not. "Would you die for me ? " she asked sentimentally. "Now look here ! " ho , returned , in his matter of fact way. "Aro wo supposed to bo planning a cheap novel or a wed- dlugr Main Portion of Business Sec tion Wiped Out. LOSS TO CITIZENS IS GREAT. The Firemen Do Best Possible Work to Save Town Bucket Brigade Plays a Part Loss Least $20,000. Holbrook , Nob. , March 2(1. ( Spouiul to The News : The greater nurt of the businofis portion of thin little village hns boon utturly wiped out by flro which started about midnight mid burnud for tiovoral hours. The local volunteer department did everything possible to save the store buildings oai the main street but iigaiiiHl the raging 11 IUIOH they were absolutely helploNH. A bucket brigade was formml early in the progress of the blaze but the destruction wont on regardless. It was fortanato that no residence property was sot by the flying sparks. The loss after n few hours burning was reported to bo something like $20- 000 , partly covered by insurance. The cause is unknown. MRS. BURDICK DENIES WRONG. Widow of Murdered Man Continues Her Story Before Buffalo Court. Buffalo , March 25. "llavo you ro- celvod any information as to who killed your husband ? " "No , sir. " "You swear you have no knowledge or information as to who killed him ? " "I do. " These questions were addressed to Mrs. Alice Hull Burdlck by District Attorney Coatsworth at the Inquest into the death of her husband. The questions came abruptly , whllo the dis trict attorney was drawing from Mrs. Burdlck information about her rela tions with Arthur R. Ponnell. She de nied that Pennell took her key to the front door of the Burdlck home while they were in Now York together and had duplicates inatlo of it. Before leaving the stand , Mrs. Bur- dick took occasion to say in reply to questions from her counsel that noth ing improper or immoral had oc curred between her and Pennell. At the same time she said her husband was fond of the society of other wom en , and , for some reason not quite clear , she said that Mrs. Ponnoll was quite familiar with the dining room and "den" In the Burdlck home. To complete the examination of every one known to have been in the Burdlck home on the night of Feb. 26 , when Edwin L. Burdlck was murdered , the district attorney called to the stand the two youngest Burdlck children , Carol and Alice , aged re spectively thirteen and ten years. The district attorney questioned the chil dren closely about the events that occurred at their homo on the night before and the morning after the mur der of their father. The children dis played no moro sign of emotion than did their grandmother , or mother , or older sister , whllo talking about the terrible death of their father. Their recollection of the happenings at the time of the tragedy was rather hazy , and "I don't remember , " was usu ally the answer they gave when the district attorney pressed them closely on any point. Thirty Thousand Acres Flooded. Vlcksburg , Miss. , March 25. Thirty thousand acres are flooded by the breaking of a protection levee around Lacona Circle. Ark. , twenty.-fly.e mlle north of Rosedale , Mlss . 'Tho crevassio ( is several hundred yards wide. So suddenly did the water rush through that the people living In the Inundated territory were forced to take rerugo on the government levee In the rear. Considerable live stock , it is feared , will bo lost and the negroes there are said to bo without provisions. This levee protects something over 30,000 acres of the finest land In Dessa county. The conditions are growing moro critical all along the line every hour and weak places are developing which requlro Immediate attention. The entire levee is being guarded closely and every citizen Is at work assisting the government authorities and the levee board. The crest of the wave is now passing and if the levees can be held for a few days longer , the condition will begin to improve. Fatal Fight at a Dance. Dallas , Tex. , March 25. A special from Tucumcary , N. M. , gives details of a pistol duel in a dance hall , which resulted In the death of Hoffman , Cur ley and Kenneth Woodard and the ar rest of John Young , Verrl Garni and a man named Kelffer of Clayton , N. M. , charged with the shooting. The trou ble is said to have boon caused by a woman. Methodists Criticise Bishop Potter Philadelphia , March 25. The report of the com mitt eo on temperance , reai ! at the Philadelphia Methodist Eplsco pal conference , makes the following criticism of Bishop Potter of . York : "Wlmtovor may ho Tito unwar ranted deductions made by friomln of the liquor tralllc In favor of Intlulgoncn In Intoxicating llqunrn from the pub lished results of the InvoBtlgntlonn condnctod by Profomior Atwater ante to the vuliio of alcohol as a food , or the cont'hmlonH drawn from the minor- nblo apology for the machnulc who KOtn drunk , made by Uluhnp 1'ottor In the words , 'how ' ran I blaiuo him If now and then ho ovens up , ' an ho Rnyn. wo profoundly bollovo thorn IH no valid dofoiiHo for the use of , alcoholic liquor , as a bovorngo. " FIRE IN FURNITURE STORE. Eight-Story Structure In Plttsburfl Dnmage-d by Flames , PlttHburK , March 115. Fire broke out in the largo olRht-utory brluk build ing at PoiuiHylvanla avenue and Cecil ulloy , occupied by the McIClvIn l irnl- turo company , ami bot'oro the flumoa were controlled the thrco upper floora were gutu-d and thu stock on tha lower floors was badly damaged by water. The lire started In the packing room on the fifth floor and spread so rapidly that for n time It was foarotl the on- Urn structure would bo destroyed , iia well as the adjoining building , occu pied by the Surprise Clothing com pany. Upon the upper floors of the lafc tor building many girls and women were employed In the manufacture of clothing , nnd a panic ensued , but all reached the street In safety. Two flroimm were overcome by the nmolta nnd wcro carried out of the McIClvIn building uncotiRcloiiB , but It IH thought they will recover. The loss Is estimated at ? 1GO,000 , fully covered by Insurance. fipaln Will Sign Protocol. Washington , March 25. The Span ish government will sign with Minis ter nowon n protocol providing for the appointment of a mix oil commis sion , to sit at Caracas , to adjust the claims of the citizens of Spain against Venezuela. The president of the re public of Mexico will bo asked to name the umpire. With the completion of the Spanish protocol nil the nations except Denmark having claims against Venezuela will hnvo provided the ma chlncry for Bottling the claims of tholr citizens against Venezuela. To Prohibit Mixed Marrlagea. Madison , Wls. , March 25. The a * sombly committee on state affairs de cided by n vote of five to two to recom mend tie ] Williams anti-negro mar riage bill for passage. The action came after a long and spirited hcarliifi on the bill. The measure , If adopted , will prohibit marriages between whites nnd negroes within the stato. Downpour at Los Angeles. Los Angeles , Gal. , March 25. Com ing down in sheets at times , the rain fall has exceeded the records of the season. The downtown streets ara flooded and many of the outlying dis tricts are Impassable. The railway service was crippled by the water that flowed down from the high ground of the city. Stage Robber Foiled. Uklah , Cal. , March 25. A lone highwayman - wayman hold up the stage traveling between this point and Mendoclno City and shot and Instantly killed the armed messenger , Q. A. Ovormoyer. The driver , Harry Owaly , whipped up his horses and amid n rain of bullets , escaped uninjured. Children Burn to Death. Kansas City , March 25. At Kansas City , Kan. , two children , Asa and Charles Blgelow , aged four and three years , sons of O. W. Blgclow , wore burned to death In a flro that destroyed stroyed their home , the mother hav Ing locked them in whllo she wont to the store. Take Two Trays of Diamonds. Omaha , March 25. Two trays of diamond rings , containing twelve gold bands set with stones , valued at $1,000 , were stolen from the Jewelry store of A. B. Huberman at noon by two well dressed young men , who made tholr escape. SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. Admiral Dewey is to review and in spect the North Atlantic squadron , which is off the Virginia capes , on its return north from southern waters. After a personal inspection of the proposed site , Secretary Moody has se lected Guantanarno as the principal United States naval station in the West Indies. Jack Pierce shot and killed Mrs Barney Hedlgar nnd a man namec Patten and then lulled himself at Gil ! Edge , Mont. The men bad quarrelot over the woman. Edward Vandoventer , member of a prominent , family at Mound City , Mo. was killed near there Tuesday by the explosion of several sticks of dyna mite , used In killing flsh in the Mis sourl river. The boiler at John McCauloy's saw mill , near Wlckllffe , Ky. , exploded Tuesday. J. S. Bird , engineer , who was on top of the boiler ; Arthur Starks and Warren May , employes wcro killed , and John McCauley am flcoreo Marshall were badly hurt. H WoiiroPHUAHKI ) to Moot Your Spring WiintH for R Poultry Netting , Garden Tools" * D in fnct , nhnoHt everything - W thing thul'H miwlwl to STAIIT YOU OUT for Farming or fJnrd- I A oiling uvor found in a hardware Hi ore. AE ore.Q. E Q. E. MOORE , p > - > > > - * > > > YOU MUST NOT FORGET Thai , wo uro constantly growing in the art of making Kino 1'hotoH , and our products will al ways bo found to om brace the and Newest Styles in Cards and Finish. Wo also carry a ( ino line of Moldings suitable for all kinds of framing. SlOCUm'S DYSPEP'TIC Arc n Positive Cure for Indigestion , Constipation , Fcavcrs , Paul and weak Stomachs. A noted doctor of Chicago staled that he believed a f > 0c. box of Slocum's Worm Cnko would give more relief thnn $50 worth of ordinary doctor's fees. I'rlcc SOcts. by mall ony- | R. v. SLOCUM 725 W. North Avenue , Chicago , III. Men of Swift Packing Company Out a Short Time. REACH AN EARLY AGREEMENT. Butchers Object to Non-Union Man But Agree to Return to Work and Will Adjust Later Plan Made a Hit With Butchers. Omaha , March 20. Special to The News : The strike among the employes of the Swift Packing company has boon settled and the men are now at work. The plan on which the strike was Rottlod was that the men should re turn to work nnd that the company would take congni/aiico of the differ ences existing and adjust thorn later. The proposition was received with favor by the mem and the business is now being carried on with full and accus tomed vigor. Omaha , March 20. Special to The News : Because a uon-unioa man had been employed by the Swift Packing company , at their plant hero , 1/50 / butchers who had been working regu larly , absolutely refused to register in this morning , and their , places are vacant. For a time it seemed that violent trouble might resulc from the break , but nothing has so far been done la viola tion of the law and no arrests have yet had to bo mado. The Venezuelans have no sooner re covered the remains of their navy from the Germans than the English seize their vessels on the charge that they are piratical in their actions. It may bo moro difficult to release them from the latter soiznro than the flrst. If the Britlefc case is well founded there will be no criticism to make. CURES A GOLD IN ONE Dft CURES GRIP IN TWO DAYS LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE ' TIII8 BIQNATUBB MUST APPEAIl ON EVERY BOX OF THE GENUINE HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS. On November fitli , and lth ! ) , and December ! Jrd , and 17th , the Missouri Pacific Hallway will soil tickets to cer tain points in the South , Southeast , and Southwest , at the 'rato ' of one faro for the round trip , plns' 2 00. Final re turn limit 21 days from data of sale. Fast Time nnd Superior Through Ser vice. Reclining Ohair Oars ( seats free ) . Pullman Buffet Sleeping Oars. For further information or land pam phlets , address , r W. O. BARNES T. P. A.,0nmha , Neb H. C. TOWNSEND , C. E. STYLES , a. p. & T. A. A. a. p. A T 4. St. Louis , Mo. Kansas Oity , Mo. . . . .TRY. . . . THE . NEWS UP-TO-DATE PRINTING. Iwen grown by thousands of sat isfied customers for over fifty years. 1 They are as good as can be procured any where in the world. At the prices fitted In our catalogue we deliver goods to you FREE of express or mall charges. VicK's Garden ( L Floral Guide for iooa Valuable to everyone who plants seeds , whether it's only a flower bed or an Immense farm. It is not a mere cata logue , but a work of reference , full of profitable information. A book of over ice illustrated pages. Free , if you mention this paper. Write for it. ' Farmer's HandbooH A valuable reference book that tells all about the culture and care of crops , preparation of land , fcrtlllilns , spraying , etc. Sent FREE If desired. JAMES VICK'S SONS Rochester , Now YorK